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[3/4] TS-2630: Add lib/ts/apidefs.h to place common types
diff --git a/proxy/api/ts/ts.h b/proxy/api/ts/ts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b864624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/api/ts/ts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2278 @@
+/** @file
+  Traffic Server SDK API header file
+  @section license License
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+  distributed with this work for additional information
+  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+  @section developers Developers
+  Developers, when adding a new element to an enum, append it. DO NOT
+  insert it.  Otherwise, binary compatibility of plugins will be broken!
+ */
+#ifndef __TS_API_H__
+#define __TS_API_H__
+#include "apidefs.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Memory */
+#define TSmalloc(s)      _TSmalloc ((s), TS_RES_MEM_PATH)
+#define TSrealloc(p,s)   _TSrealloc ((p), (s), TS_RES_MEM_PATH)
+#define TSstrdup(p)      _TSstrdup ((p), -1, TS_RES_MEM_PATH)
+#define TSstrndup(p,n)   _TSstrdup ((p), (n), TS_RES_MEM_PATH)
+#define TSstrlcpy(d,s,l) _TSstrlcpy ((d), (s), (l))
+#define TSstrlcat(d,s,l) _TSstrlcat ((d), (s), (l))
+#define TSfree(p)        _TSfree (p)
+  tsapi void* _TSmalloc(size_t size, const char* path);
+  tsapi void* _TSrealloc(void* ptr, size_t size, const char* path);
+  tsapi char* _TSstrdup(const char* str, int64_t length, const char* path);
+  tsapi size_t _TSstrlcpy(char *dst, const char *str, size_t siz);
+  tsapi size_t _TSstrlcat(char *dst, const char *str, size_t siz);
+  tsapi void _TSfree(void* ptr);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Component object handles */
+  /**
+      Releases the TSMLoc mloc created from the TSMLoc parent.
+      If there is no parent TSMLoc, use TS_NULL_MLOC.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the TSMLoc handle to be
+        released.
+      @param parent location of the parent object from which the handle
+        was created.
+      @param mloc location of the handle to be released.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHandleMLocRelease(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc parent, TSMLoc mloc);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Install and plugin locations */
+  /**
+      Gets the path of the directory in which Traffic Server is installed.
+      Use this function to specify the location of files that the
+      plugin uses.
+      @return pointer to Traffic Server install directory.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSInstallDirGet(void);
+  /**
+      Gets the path of the directory of Traffic Server configuration.
+      @return pointer to Traffic Server configuration directory.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSConfigDirGet(void);
+  /**
+      Gets the path of the plugin directory relative to the Traffic Server
+      install directory. For example, to open the file "config_ui.txt" in
+      the plugin directory:
+      @code
+      TSfopen("TSPluginInstallDirGet()/TSPluginDirGet()/config_ui.txt");
+      @endcode
+      @return pointer to plugin directory relative to Traffic Server install
+      directory.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSPluginDirGet(void);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Traffic Server Version */
+  /**
+      Gets the version of Traffic Server currently running. Use this
+      function to make sure that the plugin version and Traffic Server
+      version are compatible. See the SDK sample code for usage.
+      @return pointer to version of Traffic Server running the plugin.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSTrafficServerVersionGet(void);
+  /**  Get the major version of Traffic Server currently running.
+       This is the same as the first element of the string
+       returned by @c TSTrafficServerVersionGet
+       @return The major version as an integer.
+   */
+  int TSTrafficServerVersionGetMajor(void);
+  /**  Get the minor version of Traffic Server currently running.
+       This is the same as the second element of the string
+       returned by @c TSTrafficServerVersionGet
+       @return The minor version as an integer.
+   */
+  int TSTrafficServerVersionGetMinor(void);
+  /**  Get the patch version of Traffic Server currently running.
+       This is the same as the third element of the string
+       returned by @c TSTrafficServerVersionGet
+       @return The patch version as an integer.
+   */
+  int TSTrafficServerVersionGetPatch(void);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Plugin registration */
+  /**
+      This function registers your plugin with a particular version
+      of Traffic Server SDK. Use this function to make sure that the
+      Traffic Server version currently running also supports your plugin.
+      See the SDK sample code for usage.
+      @param sdk_version earliest version of the Traffic Server SDK that
+        supports your plugin.
+      @param plugin_info contains registration information about your
+        plugin. See TSPluginRegistrationInfo.
+      @return TS_ERROR if the plugin registration failed.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSPluginRegister(TSSDKVersion sdk_version, TSPluginRegistrationInfo* plugin_info);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Files */
+  /**
+      Opens a file for reading or writing and returns a descriptor for
+      accessing the file. The current implementation cannot open a file
+      for both reading or writing. See the SDK Programmer's Guide for
+      sample code.
+      @param filename file to be opened.
+      @param mode specifies whether to open the file for reading or
+        writing. If mode is "r" then the file is opened for reading.
+        If mode is "w" then the file is opened for writing. Currently
+        "r" and "w" are the only two valid modes for opening a file.
+      @return descriptor for the file that TSfopen opens. Descriptors of
+        type TSFile can be greater than 256.
+   */
+  tsapi TSFile TSfopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);
+  /**
+      Closes the file to which filep points and frees the data structures
+      and buffers associated with it. If the file was opened for writing,
+      any pending data is flushed.
+      @param filep file to be closed.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSfclose(TSFile filep);
+  /**
+      Attempts to read length bytes of data from the file pointed to by
+      filep into the buffer buf.
+      @param filep name of the file to read from.
+      @param buf buffer to read into.
+      @param length amount of data to read, in bytes.
+      @return number of bytes read. If end of the file, it returns 0.
+        If the file was not opened for reading or if an error occurs
+        while reading the file, it returns -1.
+   */
+  tsapi size_t TSfread(TSFile filep, void* buf, size_t length);
+  /**
+      Attempts to write length bytes of data from the buffer buf
+      to the file filep. Make sure that filep is open for writing.
+      You might want to check the number of bytes written (TSfwrite()
+      returns this value) against the value of length. If it is less,
+      there might be insufficient space on disk, for example.
+      @param filep file to write into.
+      @param buf buffer containing the data to be written.
+      @param length amount of data to write to filep, in bytes.
+      @return number of bytes written to filep. If the file was not
+        opened for writing, it returns -1. If an error occurs while
+        writing, it returns the number of bytes successfully written.
+   */
+  tsapi size_t TSfwrite(TSFile filep, const void* buf, size_t length);
+  /**
+      Flushes pending data that has been buffered up in memory from
+      previous calls to TSfwrite().
+      @param filep file to flush.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSfflush(TSFile filep);
+  /**
+      Reads a line from the file pointed to by filep into the buffer buf.
+      Lines are terminated by a line feed character, '\n'. The line
+      placed in the buffer includes the line feed character and is
+      terminated with a NULL. If the line is longer than length bytes
+      then only the first length-minus-1 bytes are placed in buf.
+      @param filep file to read from.
+      @param buf buffer to read into.
+      @param length size of the buffer to read into.
+      @return pointer to the string read into the buffer buf.
+   */
+  tsapi char* TSfgets(TSFile filep, char* buf, size_t length);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Error logging */
+  /**
+      Writes printf-style error messages to the Traffic Server error
+      log. One advantage of TSError over printf is that each call is
+      atomically placed into the error log and is not garbled with other
+      error entries. This is not an issue in single-threaded programs
+      but is a definite nuisance in multi-threaded programs.
+      @param fmt printf format description.
+      @param ... argument for the printf format description.
+  */
+  tsapi void TSError(const char* fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Assertions */
+  tsapi void _TSReleaseAssert(const char* txt, const char* f, int l) TS_NORETURN;
+  tsapi int _TSAssert(const char* txt, const char* f, int l);
+#define TSReleaseAssert(EX) \
+            ( (void)((EX) ? (void)0 : _TSReleaseAssert(#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__)) )
+#define TSAssert(EX) \
+            (void)((EX) || (_TSAssert(#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__)))
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Marshal buffers */
+  /**
+      Creates a new marshal buffer and initializes the reference count
+      to 1.
+   */
+  tsapi TSMBuffer TSMBufferCreate(void);
+  /**
+      Ignores the reference count and destroys the marshal buffer bufp.
+      The internal data buffer associated with the marshal buffer is
+      also destroyed if the marshal buffer allocated it.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer to be destroyed.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMBufferDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     URLs */
+  /**
+      Creates a new URL within the marshal buffer bufp. Returns a
+      location for the URL within the marshal buffer.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the new URL.
+      @param locp pointer to a TSMLoc to store the MLoc into.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlCreate(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /**
+      Destroys the URL located at url_loc within the marshal buffer
+      bufp. Do not forget to release the TSMLoc url_loc with a call
+      to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to be destroyed.
+      @param offset location of the URL to be destroyed.
+   */
+  /** @deprecated There is no reason to destroy the URL, just release
+      the marshal buffers. */
+  tsapi TS_DEPRECATED TSReturnCode TSUrlDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Copies the URL located at src_url within src_bufp to a URL
+      location within the marshal buffer dest_bufp, and returns the
+      TSMLoc location of the copied URL. Unlike TSUrlCopy(), you do
+      not have to create the destination URL before cloning. Release
+      the returned TSMLoc handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param dest_bufp marshal buffer containing the cloned URL.
+      @param src_bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to be cloned.
+      @param src_url location of the URL to be cloned, within the marshal
+        buffer src_bufp.
+      @param locp pointer to a TSMLoc to store the MLoc into.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_url, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /**
+      Copies the contents of the URL at location src_loc within the
+      marshal buffer src_bufp to the location dest_loc within the marshal
+      buffer dest_bufp. TSUrlCopy() works correctly even if src_bufp
+      and dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers. Important: create
+      the destination URL before copying into it. Use TSUrlCreate().
+      @param dest_bufp marshal buffer to contain the copied URL.
+      @param dest_offset location of the URL to be copied.
+      @param src_bufp marshal buffer containing the source URL.
+      @param src_offset location of the source URL within src_bufp.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_offset, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_offset);
+  /**
+      Formats a URL stored in an TSMBuffer into an TSIOBuffer.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer contain the URL to be printed.
+      @param offset location of the URL within bufp.
+      @param iobufp destination TSIOBuffer for the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSUrlPrint(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSIOBuffer iobufp);
+  /**
+      Parses a URL. The start pointer is both an input and an output
+      parameter and marks the start of the URL to be parsed. After
+      a successful parse, the start pointer equals the end pointer.
+      The end pointer must be one byte after the last character you
+      want to parse. The URL parsing routine assumes that everything
+      between start and end is part of the URL. It is up to higher level
+      parsing routines, such as TSHttpHdrParseReq(), to determine the
+      actual end of the URL. Returns TS_PARSE_ERROR if an error occurs,
+      otherwise TS_PARSE_DONE is returned to indicate success.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to be parsed.
+      @param offset location of the URL to be parsed.
+      @param start points to the start of the URL to be parsed AND at
+        the end of a successful parse it will equal the end pointer.
+      @param end must be one byte after the last character.
+      @return TS_PARSE_ERROR or TS_PARSE_DONE.
+   */
+  tsapi TSParseResult TSUrlParse(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char** start, const char* end);
+  /**
+      Calculates the length of the URL located at url_loc within the
+      marshal buffer bufp if it were returned as a string. This length
+      is the same as the length returned by TSUrlStringGet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL whose length you want.
+      @param offset location of the URL within the marshal buffer bufp.
+      @return string length of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi int TSUrlLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Constructs a string representation of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. TSUrlStringGet() stores the length of the allocated
+      string in the parameter length. This is the same length that
+      TSUrlLengthGet() returns. The returned string is allocated by a
+      call to TSmalloc(). It should be freed by a call to TSfree().
+      The length parameter must present, providing storage for the URL
+      string length value.
+      Note: To get the effective URL from a request, use the alternative
+            TSHttpTxnEffectiveUrlStringGet API.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL you want to get.
+      @param offset location of the URL within bufp.
+      @param length string length of the URL.
+      @return The URL as a string.
+   */
+  tsapi char* TSUrlStringGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the scheme portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      the marshal buffer bufp. TSUrlSchemeGet() places the length of
+      the string in the length argument. If the length is NULL then no
+      attempt is made to dereference it.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer storing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL within bufp.
+      @param length length of the returned string.
+      @return The scheme portion of the URL, as a string.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlSchemeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
+  /**
+      Sets the scheme portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      the marshal buffer bufp to the string value. If length is -1
+      then TSUrlSchemeSet() assumes that value is null-terminated.
+      Otherwise, the length of the string value is taken to be length.
+      TSUrlSchemeSet() copies the string to within bufp, so it is OK
+      to modify or delete value after calling TSUrlSchemeSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param value value to set the URL's scheme to.
+      @param length string stored in value.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlSchemeSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Internet specific URLs */
+  /**
+      Retrieves the user portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to
+      be null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param length length of the returned string.
+      @return user portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlUserGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the user portion of the URL located at url_loc within bufp
+      to the string value. If length is -1 then TSUrlUserSet() assumes
+      that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string
+      value is taken to be length. TSUrlUserSet() copies the string to
+      within bufp, so it is OK to modify or delete value after calling
+      TSUrlUserSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL whose user is to be set.
+      @param value holds the new user name.
+      @param length string length of value.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlUserSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the password portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. TSUrlPasswordGet() places the length of the returned
+      string in the length argument. Note: the returned string is
+      not guaranteed to be null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset
+      @param length of the returned password string.
+      @return password portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlPasswordGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the password portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      bufp to the string value. If length is -1 then TSUrlPasswordSet()
+      assumes that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length
+      of value is taken to be length. TSUrlPasswordSet() copies the
+      string to within bufp, so it is okay to modify or delete value
+      after calling TSUrlPasswordSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset
+      @param value new password.
+      @param length of the new password.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlPasswordSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the host portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
+      null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param length of the returned string.
+      @return Host portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlHostGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the host portion of the URL at url_loc to the string value.
+      If length is -1 then TSUrlHostSet() assumes that value is
+      null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string value is
+      taken to be length. The string is copied to within bufp, so you
+      can modify or delete value after calling TSUrlHostSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to modify.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param value new host name for the URL.
+      @param length string length of the new host name of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlHostSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the port portion of the URL located at url_loc.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @return port portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi int TSUrlPortGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Sets the port portion of the URL located at url_loc.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param port new port setting for the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlPortSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int port);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP specific URLs */
+  /**
+      Retrieves the path portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      bufp. TSUrlPathGet() places the length of the returned string in
+      the length argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to
+      be null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param length of the returned string.
+      @return path portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlPathGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the path portion of the URL located at url_loc within bufp
+      to the string value. If length is -1 then TSUrlPathSet() assumes
+      that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the value
+      is taken to be length. TSUrlPathSet() copies the string into bufp,
+      so you can modify or delete value after calling TSUrlPathSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param value new path string for the URL.
+      @param length of the new path string.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlPathSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     FTP specific URLs */
+  /**
+      Retrieves the FTP type of the URL located at url_loc within bufp.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @return FTP type of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi int TSUrlFtpTypeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Sets the FTP type portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      bufp to the value type.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL to modify.
+      @param type new FTP type for the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlFtpTypeSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int type);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP specific URLs */
+  /**
+      Retrieves the HTTP params portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. The length of the returned string is in the length
+      argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
+      null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param length of the returned string.
+      @return HTTP params portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlHttpParamsGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the HTTP params portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      bufp to the string value. If length is -1 that TSUrlHttpParamsSet()
+      assumes that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of
+      the string value is taken to be length. TSUrlHttpParamsSet()
+      copies the string to within bufp, so you can modify or delete
+      value after calling TSUrlHttpParamsSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param value HTTP params string to set in the URL.
+      @param length string length of the new HTTP params value.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlHttpParamsSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the HTTP query portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. The length of the returned string is in the length
+      argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
+      null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param length of the returned string.
+      @return HTTP query portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlHttpQueryGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the HTTP query portion of the URL located at url_loc within
+      bufp to value. If length is -1, the string value is assumed to
+      be null-terminated; otherwise, the length of value is taken to be
+      length. TSUrlHttpQuerySet() copies the string to within bufp, so
+      you can modify or delete value after calling TSUrlHttpQuerySet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL within bufp.
+      @param value new HTTP query string for the URL.
+      @param length of the new HTTP query string.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlHttpQuerySet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the HTTP fragment portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp. The length of the returned string is in the length
+      argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
+      null-terminated.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL.
+      @param length of the returned string.
+      @return HTTP fragment portion of the URL.
+   */
+  tsapi const char* TSUrlHttpFragmentGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  /**
+      Sets the HTTP fragment portion of the URL located at url_loc
+      within bufp to value. If length is -1, the string value is
+      assumed to be null-terminated; otherwise, the length of value
+      is taken to be length. TSUrlHttpFragmentSet() copies the string
+      to within bufp, so you can modify or delete value after calling
+      TSUrlHttpFragmentSet().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+      @param offset location of the URL within bufp.
+      @param value new HTTP fragment string for the URL.
+      @param length of the new HTTP query string.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlHttpFragmentSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  /**
+     Perform percent-encoding of the string in the buffer, storing the
+     new string in the destination buffer. The length parameter will be
+     set to the new (encoded) string length, or 0 if the encoding failed.
+     @param str the string buffer to encode.
+     @param str_len length of the string buffer.
+     @param dst destination buffer.
+     @param dst_size size of the destination buffer.
+     @param length amount of data written to the destination buffer.
+     @param map optional (can be NULL) map of characters to encode.
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSStringPercentEncode(const char *str, int str_len, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length, const unsigned char *map);
+  /**
+     Similar to TSStringPercentEncode(), but works on a URL object.
+     @param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
+     @param offset location of the URL within bufp.
+     @param dst destination buffer.
+     @param dst_size size of the destination buffer.
+     @param length amount of data written to the destination buffer.
+     @param map optional (can be NULL) map of characters to encode.
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSUrlPercentEncode(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length, const unsigned char *map);
+  /**
+     Perform percent-decoding of the string in the buffer, writing
+     to the output buffer. The source and destination can be the same,
+     in which case they overwrite. The decoded string is always
+     guaranteed to be no longer than the source string.
+     @param str the string to decode (and possibly write to).
+     @param str_len length of the input string (or 0).
+     @param dst output buffer (can be the same as src).
+     @param dst_len size of the output buffer.
+     @param length amount of data written to the destination buffer.
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSStringPercentDecode(const char *str, size_t str_len, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     MIME headers */
+  /**
+      Creates a MIME parser. The parser's data structure contains
+      information about the header being parsed. A single MIME
+      parser can be used multiple times, though not simultaneously.
+      Before being used again, the parser must be cleared by calling
+      TSMimeParserClear().
+   */
+  tsapi TSMimeParser TSMimeParserCreate(void);
+  /**
+      Clears the specified MIME parser so that it can be used again.
+      @param parser to be cleared.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSMimeParserClear(TSMimeParser parser);
+  /**
+      Destroys the specified MIME parser and frees the associated memory.
+      @param parser to destroy.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSMimeParserDestroy(TSMimeParser parser);
+  /**
+      Creates a new MIME header within bufp. Release with a call to
+      TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer to contain the new MIME header.
+      @param locp buffer pointer to contain the MLoc
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrCreate(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /**
+      Destroys the MIME header located at hdr_loc within bufp.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header to destroy.
+      @param offset location of the MIME header.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Copies a specified MIME header to a specified marshal buffer,
+      and returns the location of the copied MIME header within the
+      destination marshal buffer. Unlike TSMimeHdrCopy(), you do not
+      have to create the destination MIME header before cloning. Release
+      the returned TSMLoc handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param dest_bufp destination marshal buffer.
+      @param src_bufp source marshal buffer.
+      @param src_hdr location of the source MIME header.
+      @param locp where to store the location of the copied MIME header.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /**
+      Copies the contents of the MIME header located at src_loc
+      within src_bufp to the MIME header located at dest_loc within
+      dest_bufp. TSMimeHdrCopy() works correctly even if src_bufp and
+      dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers. Important: you must
+      create the destination MIME header before copying into it--use
+      TSMimeHdrCreate().
+      @param dest_bufp is the destination marshal buffer.
+      @param dest_offset
+      @param src_bufp is the source marshal buffer.
+      @param src_offset
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_offset, TSMBuffer src_bufp,
+                                      TSMLoc src_offset);
+  /**
+      Formats the MIME header located at hdr_loc within bufp into the
+      TSIOBuffer iobufp.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the header to be copied to
+        an TSIOBuffer.
+      @param offset
+      @param iobufp target TSIOBuffer.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSMimeHdrPrint(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSIOBuffer iobufp);
+  /**
+      Parses a MIME header. The MIME header must have already been
+      allocated and both bufp and hdr_loc must point within that header.
+      It is possible to parse a MIME header a single byte at a time
+      using repeated calls to TSMimeHdrParse(). As long as an error
+      does not occur, TSMimeHdrParse() consumes each single byte and
+      asks for more.
+      @param parser parses the specified MIME header.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header to be parsed.
+      @param offset
+      @param start both an input and output. On input, the start
+        argument points to the current position of the buffer being
+        parsed. On return, start is modified to point past the last
+        character parsed.
+      @param end points to one byte after the end of the buffer.
+      @return One of 3 possible int values:
+        - TS_PARSE_ERROR if there is a parsing error.
+        - TS_PARSE_DONE is returned when a "\r\n\r\n" pattern is
+          encountered, indicating the end of the header.
+        - TS_PARSE_CONT is returned if parsing of the header stopped
+          because the end of the buffer was reached.
+   */
+  tsapi TSParseResult TSMimeHdrParse(TSMimeParser parser, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char** start,
+                                     const char* end);
+  /**
+      Calculates the length of the MIME header located at hdr_loc if it
+      were returned as a string. This the length of the MIME header in
+      its unparsed form.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
+      @param offset location of the MIME header.
+      @return string length of the MIME header located at hdr_loc.
+   */
+  tsapi int TSMimeHdrLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Removes and destroys all the MIME fields within the MIME header
+      located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
+      @param offset location of the MIME header.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldsClear(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Returns a count of the number of MIME fields within the MIME header
+      located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
+      @param offset location of the MIME header within bufp.
+      @return number of MIME fields within the MIME header located
+        at hdr_loc.
+   */
+  tsapi int TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the location of a specified MIME field within the
+      MIME header located at hdr_loc within bufp. The idx parameter
+      specifies which field to retrieve. The fields are numbered from 0
+      to TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(bufp, hdr_loc) - 1. If idx does not lie
+      within that range then TSMimeHdrFieldGet returns 0. Release the
+      returned handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
+      @param hdr location of the MIME header.
+      @param idx index of the field to get with base at 0.
+      @return location of the specified MIME field.
+   */
+  tsapi TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, int idx);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the TSMLoc location of a specified MIME field from within
+      the MIME header located at hdr. The name and length parameters
+      specify which field to retrieve. For each MIME field in the MIME
+      header, a case insensitive string comparison is done between
+      the field name and name. If TSMimeHdrFieldFind() cannot find the
+      requested field, it returns TS_NULL_MLOC. Release the returned
+      TSMLoc handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header field to find.
+      @param hdr location of the MIME header containing the field.
+      @param name of the field to retrieve.
+      @param length string length of the string name. If length is -1,
+        then name is assumed to be null-terminated.
+      @return location of the requested MIME field. If the field could
+        not be found, returns TS_NULL_MLOC.
+   */
+  tsapi TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldFind(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, const char* name, int length);
+  /**
+      Returns the TSMLoc location of a specified MIME field from within
+      the MIME header located at hdr. The retrieved_str parameter
+      specifies which field to retrieve. For each MIME field in the
+      MIME header, a pointer comparison is done between the field name
+      and retrieved_str. This is a much quicker retrieval function
+      than TSMimeHdrFieldFind() since it obviates the need for a
+      string comparison. However, retrieved_str must be one of the
+      predefined field names of the form TS_MIME_FIELD_XXX for the
+      call to succeed. Release the returned TSMLoc handle with a call
+      to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME field.
+      @param hdr location of the MIME header containing the field.
+      @param retrieved_str specifies the field to retrieve. Must be
+        one of the predefined field names of the form TS_MIME_FIELD_XXX.
+      @return location of the requested MIME field. If the requested
+        field cannot be found, returns 0.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldAppend(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  /**
+      Removes the MIME field located at field within bufp from the
+      header located at hdr within bufp. If the specified field cannot
+      be found in the list of fields associated with the header then
+      nothing is done.
+      Note: removing the field does not destroy the field, it only
+      detaches the field, hiding it from the printed output. The field
+      can be reattached with a call to TSMimeHdrFieldAppend(). If you
+      do not use the detached field you should destroy it with a call to
+      TSMimeHdrFieldDestroy() and release the handle field with a call
+      to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param bufp contains the MIME field to remove.
+      @param hdr location of the header containing the MIME field to
+        be removed. This header could be an HTTP header or MIME header.
+      @param field is the location of the field to remove.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldRemove(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCreate(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /****************************************************************************
+   *  Create a new field and assign it a name all in one call
+   ****************************************************************************/
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCreateNamed(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc mh_mloc, const char* name, int name_len, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /**
+      Destroys the MIME field located at field within bufp. You must
+      release the TSMLoc field with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+      @param bufp contains the MIME field to be destroyed.
+      @param hdr location of the parent header containing the field
+        to be destroyed. This could be the location of a MIME header or
+        HTTP header.
+      @param field location of the field to be destroyed.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_hdr, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr,
+                                         TSMLoc src_field, TSMLoc* locp);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_hdr, TSMLoc dest_field,
+                                        TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc src_field);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCopyValues(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_hdr, TSMLoc dest_field,
+                                              TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc src_field);
+  tsapi TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldNext(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldNextDup(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi int TSMimeHdrFieldLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi const char* TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int* length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldNameSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, const char* name, int length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValuesClear(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi int TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi const char* TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int* value_len_ptr);
+  tsapi int TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
+  tsapi int64_t TSMimeHdrFieldValueInt64Get(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
+  tsapi unsigned int TSMimeHdrFieldValueUintGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
+  tsapi time_t TSMimeHdrFieldValueDateGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx,
+                                                     const char* value, int length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueInt64Set(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int64_t value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueUintSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx,
+                                                   unsigned int value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueDateSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, time_t value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueAppend(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx,
+                                                  const char* value, int length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx,
+                                                        const char* value, int length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueUintInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx,
+                                                      unsigned int value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueDateInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, time_t value);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueDelete(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP headers */
+  tsapi TSHttpParser TSHttpParserCreate(void);
+  tsapi void TSHttpParserClear(TSHttpParser parser);
+  tsapi void TSHttpParserDestroy(TSHttpParser parser);
+  /**
+      Parses an HTTP request header. The HTTP header must have already
+      been created, and must reside inside the marshal buffer bufp.
+      The start argument points to the current position of the string
+      buffer being parsed. The end argument points to one byte after the
+      end of the buffer to be parsed. On return, TSHttpHdrParseReq()
+      modifies start to point past the last character parsed.
+      It is possible to parse an HTTP request header a single byte at
+      a time using repeated calls to TSHttpHdrParseReq(). As long as
+      an error does not occur, the TSHttpHdrParseReq() function will
+      consume that single byte and ask for more.
+      @param parser parses the HTTP header.
+      @param bufp marshal buffer containing the HTTP header to be parsed.
+      @param offset location of the HTTP header within bufp.
+      @param start both an input and output. On input, it points to the
+        current position of the string buffer being parsed. On return,
+        start is modified to point past the last character parsed.
+      @param end points to one byte after the end of the buffer to be parsed.
+      @return status of the parse:
+        - TS_PARSE_ERROR means there was a parsing error.
+        - TS_PARSE_DONE means that the end of the header was reached
+          (the parser encountered a "\r\n\r\n" pattern).
+        - TS_PARSE_CONT means that parsing of the header stopped because
+          the parser reached the end of the buffer (large headers can
+          span multiple buffers).
+   */
+  tsapi TSParseResult TSHttpHdrParseReq(TSHttpParser parser, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char** start, const char* end);
+  tsapi TSParseResult TSHttpHdrParseResp(TSHttpParser parser, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char** start, const char* end);
+  tsapi TSMLoc TSHttpHdrCreate(TSMBuffer bufp);
+  /**
+      Destroys the HTTP header located at hdr_loc within the marshal
+      buffer bufp. Do not forget to release the handle hdr_loc with a
+      call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
+   */
+  tsapi void TSHttpHdrDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc* locp);
+  /**
+      Copies the contents of the HTTP header located at src_loc within
+      src_bufp to the HTTP header located at dest_loc within dest_bufp.
+      TSHttpHdrCopy() works correctly even if src_bufp and dest_bufp
+      point to different marshal buffers. Make sure that you create the
+      destination HTTP header before copying into it.
+      Note: TSHttpHdrCopy() appends the port number to the domain
+      of the URL portion of the header. For example, a copy of
+ appears as in
+      the destination buffer.
+      @param dest_bufp marshal buffer to contain the copied header.
+      @param dest_offset location of the copied header.
+      @param src_bufp marshal buffer containing the source header.
+      @param src_offset location of the source header.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_offset, TSMBuffer src_bufp,
+                                   TSMLoc src_offset);
+  tsapi void TSHttpHdrPrint(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSIOBuffer iobufp);
+  tsapi int TSHttpHdrLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  tsapi TSHttpType TSHttpHdrTypeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrTypeSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSHttpType type);
+  tsapi int TSHttpHdrVersionGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrVersionSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int ver);
+  tsapi const char* TSHttpHdrMethodGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrMethodSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrUrlGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSMLoc* locp);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrUrlSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSMLoc url);
+  tsapi TSHttpStatus TSHttpHdrStatusGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrStatusSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSHttpStatus status);
+  tsapi const char* TSHttpHdrReasonGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int* length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrReasonSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char* value, int length);
+  tsapi const char* TSHttpHdrReasonLookup(TSHttpStatus status);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Threads */
+  tsapi TSThread TSThreadCreate(TSThreadFunc func, void* data);
+  tsapi TSThread TSThreadInit(void);
+  tsapi void TSThreadDestroy(TSThread thread);
+  tsapi TSThread TSThreadSelf(void);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Mutexes */
+  tsapi TSMutex TSMutexCreate(void);
+  tsapi void TSMutexLock(TSMutex mutexp);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMutexLockTry(TSMutex mutexp);
+  tsapi void TSMutexUnlock(TSMutex mutexp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     cachekey */
+  /**
+      Creates (allocates memory for) a new cache key.
+   */
+  tsapi TSCacheKey TSCacheKeyCreate(void);
+  /**
+      Generates a key for an object to be cached (written to the cache).
+      @param key to be associated with the cached object. Before
+        calling TSCacheKeySetDigest() you must create the key with
+        TSCacheKeyCreate().
+      @param input string that uniquely identifies the object. In most
+        cases, it is the URL of the object.
+      @param length of the string input.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDigestSet(TSCacheKey key, const char* input, int length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDigestFromUrlSet(TSCacheKey key, TSMLoc url);
+  /**
+      Associates a host name to the cache key. Use this function if the
+      cache has been partitioned by hostname. The hostname tells the
+      cache which volume to use for the object.
+      @param key of the cached object.
+      @param hostname to associate with the cache key.
+      @param host_len length of the string hostname.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyHostNameSet(TSCacheKey key, const char* hostname, int host_len);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyPinnedSet(TSCacheKey key, time_t pin_in_cache);
+  /**
+      Destroys a cache key. You must destroy cache keys when you are
+      finished with them, i.e. after all reads and writes are completed.
+      @param key to be destroyed.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDestroy(TSCacheKey key);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     cache url */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheUrlSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char* url, int length);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Configuration */
+  tsapi unsigned int TSConfigSet(unsigned int id, void* data, TSConfigDestroyFunc funcp);
+  tsapi TSConfig TSConfigGet(unsigned int id);
+  tsapi void TSConfigRelease(unsigned int id, TSConfig configp);
+  tsapi void* TSConfigDataGet(TSConfig configp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Management */
+  tsapi void TSMgmtUpdateRegister(TSCont contp, const char *plugin_name);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMgmtIntGet(const char* var_name, TSMgmtInt* result);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMgmtCounterGet(const char* var_name, TSMgmtCounter* result);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMgmtFloatGet(const char* var_name, TSMgmtFloat* result);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMgmtStringGet(const char* var_name, TSMgmtString* result);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Continuations */
+  tsapi TSCont TSContCreate(TSEventFunc funcp, TSMutex mutexp);
+  tsapi void TSContDestroy(TSCont contp);
+  tsapi void TSContDataSet(TSCont contp, void* data);
+  tsapi void* TSContDataGet(TSCont contp);
+  tsapi TSAction TSContSchedule(TSCont contp, TSHRTime timeout, TSThreadPool tp);
+  tsapi TSAction TSContScheduleEvery(TSCont contp, TSHRTime every /* millisecs */, TSThreadPool tp);
+  tsapi TSAction TSHttpSchedule(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHRTime timeout);
+  tsapi int TSContCall(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void* edata);
+  tsapi TSMutex TSContMutexGet(TSCont contp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Plugin lifecycle  hooks */
+  tsapi void TSLifecycleHookAdd(TSLifecycleHookID id, TSCont contp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP hooks */
+  tsapi void TSHttpHookAdd(TSHttpHookID id, TSCont contp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP sessions */
+  tsapi void TSHttpSsnHookAdd(TSHttpSsn ssnp, TSHttpHookID id, TSCont contp);
+  tsapi void TSHttpSsnReenable(TSHttpSsn ssnp, TSEvent event);
+  tsapi int TSHttpSsnTransactionCount(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP transactions */
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnHookAdd(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpHookID id, TSCont contp);
+  tsapi TSHttpSsn TSHttpTxnSsnGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /* Gets the client request header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  /* Gets the client response header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  /* Gets the server request header from a specified HTTP transaction. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerReqGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  /* Gets the server response header from a specified HTTP transaction. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  /* Gets the cached request header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCachedReqGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  /* Gets the cached response header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCachedRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnPristineUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* url_loc);
+  /** Get the effective URL for the transaction.
+      The effective URL is the URL taking in to account both the explicit
+      URL in the request and the HOST field.
+      A possibly non-null terminated string is returned.
+      @note The returned string is allocated and must be freed by the caller
+      after use with @c TSfree.
+  */
+  tsapi char* TSHttpTxnEffectiveUrlStringGet(TSHttpTxn txnp,
+                                             int* length /**< String length return, may be @c NULL. */
+                                             );
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnRespCacheableSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnReqCacheableSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
+  /** Set flag indicating whether or not to cache the server response for
+      given TSHttpTxn
+      @note This should be done in the HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK or earlier.
+      @note If TSHttpTxnRespCacheableSet() is not working the way you expect,
+      this may be the function you should use instead.
+      @param txnp The transaction whose server response you do not want to store.
+      @param flag Set 0 to allow storing and 1 to disable storing.
+      @return TS_SUCCESS.
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerRespNoStoreSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSFetchPageRespGet (TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  tsapi char* TSFetchRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int* length);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCacheLookupStatusGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int* lookup_status);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnTransformRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnClientIncomingPortSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int port);
+  /** Get SSL object of this session.
+      Retrieves the SSL object of the SSL connection.
+      @return SSL object of this session
+   */
+  tsapi void* TSHttpSsnSSLConnectionGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp); //returns SSL *
+  /** Get client address for transaction @a txnp.
+      Retrieves the socket address of the remote client that has
+      connected to Traffic Server for transaction @a txnp. The
+      return structure is the generic socket address storage in
+      order to be address-family agnostic. The user of this function
+      can then go on to do the appropriate thing with the type
+      specified in the ss_family field of the structure whether
+      that be for IPv4, IPv6, or any other address family.
+      @return Client address for connection to client in transaction @a txnp.
+   */
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHttpTxnClientAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /** Get the incoming address.
+      @note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
+      that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
+      own storage.
+      @return Local address of the client connection for transaction @a txnp.
+  */
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHttpTxnIncomingAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /** Get the origin server address.
+   *
+      @note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
+      that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
+      own storage.
+      @return The address of the origin server for transaction @a txnp.
+  */
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHttpTxnServerAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /** Set the origin server address.
+      This must be invoked before the origin server address is looked up.
+      If called no lookup is done, the address @a addr is used instead.
+      @return @c TS_SUCCESS if the origin server address is set, @c TS_ERROR otherwise.
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerAddrSet(TSHttpTxn txnp,
+                                            struct sockaddr const* addr /**< Address for origin server. */
+                                            );
+  /** Get the next hop address.
+   *
+      @note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
+      that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
+      own storage.
+      @return The address of the next hop for transaction @a txnp.
+  */
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHttpTxnNextHopAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientFdGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int* fdp);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnOutgoingAddrSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, struct sockaddr const* addr);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnOutgoingTransparencySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
+  /* TS-1008: the above TXN calls for the Client conn should work with SSN */
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHttpSsnClientAddrGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHttpSsnIncomingAddrGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpSsnClientFdGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int* fdp);
+  /* TS-1008 END */
+  /** Change packet firewall mark for the client side connection
+   *
+      @note The change takes effect immediately
+      @return TS_SUCCESS if the client connection was modified
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientPacketMarkSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int mark);
+  /** Change packet firewall mark for the server side connection
+   *
+      @note The change takes effect immediately, if no OS connection has been
+      made, then this sets the mark that will be used IF an OS connection
+      is established
+      @return TS_SUCCESS if the (future?) server connection was modified
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerPacketMarkSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int mark);
+  /** Change packet TOS for the client side connection
+   *
+      @note The change takes effect immediately
+      @note TOS is deprecated and replaced by DSCP, this is still used to
+      set DSCP however the first 2 bits of this value will be ignored as
+      they now belong to the ECN field.
+      @return TS_SUCCESS if the client connection was modified
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientPacketTosSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int tos);
+  /** Change packet TOS for the server side connection
+   *
+      @note The change takes effect immediately, if no OS connection has been
+      made, then this sets the mark that will be used IF an OS connection
+      is established
+      @note TOS is deprecated and replaced by DSCP, this is still used to
+      set DSCP however the first 2 bits of this value will be ignored as
+      they now belong to the ECN field.
+      @return TS_SUCCESS if the (future?) server connection was modified
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerPacketTosSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int tos);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnErrorBodySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, char* buf, int buflength, char* mimetype);
+  /**
+      Retrieves the parent proxy hostname and port, if parent
+      proxying is enabled. If parent proxying is not enabled,
+      TSHttpTxnParentProxyGet() sets hostname to NULL and port to -1.
+      @param txnp HTTP transaction whose parent proxy to get.
+      @param hostname of the parent proxy.
+      @param port parent proxy's port.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnParentProxyGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, char** hostname, int* port);
+  /**
+      Sets the parent proxy name and port. The string hostname is copied
+      into the TSHttpTxn; you can modify or delete the string after
+      calling TSHttpTxnParentProxySet().
+      @param txnp HTTP transaction whose parent proxy to set.
+      @param hostname parent proxy host name string.
+      @param port parent proxy port to set.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnParentProxySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, char* hostname, int port);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnUntransformedRespCache(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnTransformedRespCache(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
+  /**
+      Notifies the HTTP transaction txnp that the plugin is
+      finished processing the current hook. The plugin tells the
+      transaction to either continue (TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE) or stop
+      You must always reenable the HTTP transaction after the processing
+      of each transaction event. However, never reenable twice.
+      Reenabling twice is a serious error.
+      @param txnp transaction to be reenabled.
+      @param event tells the transaction how to continue:
+        - TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE, which means that the transaction
+          should continue.
+        - TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR which terminates the transaction
+          and sends an error to the client if no response has already
+          been sent.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnReenable(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSEvent event);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpCacheReenable(TSCacheTxn txnp, const TSEvent event, const void* data, const uint64_t size);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnFollowRedirect(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnArgSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int arg_idx, void* arg);
+  tsapi void* TSHttpTxnArgGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int arg_idx);
+  tsapi void TSHttpSsnArgSet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int arg_idx, void* arg);
+  tsapi void* TSHttpSsnArgGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int arg_idx);
+  /* The reserve API should only be use in TSAPI plugins, during plugin initialization! */
+  /* The lookup methods can be used anytime, but are best used during initialization as well,
+     or at least "cache" the results for best performance. */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpArgIndexReserve(const char* name, const char* description, int* arg_idx);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpArgIndexNameLookup(const char* name, int* arg_idx, const char** description);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpArgIndexLookup(int arg_idx, const char** name, const char** description);
+  tsapi int TSHttpTxnGetMaxHttpRetBodySize(void);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnSetHttpRetBody(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char* body_msg, int plain_msg);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnSetHttpRetStatus(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpStatus http_retstatus);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnActiveTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnConnectTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnDNSTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnNoActivityTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
+  tsapi TSServerState TSHttpTxnServerStateGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Transaction specific debugging control  */
+  /**
+         Set the transaction specific debugging flag for this transaction.
+         When turned on, internal debug messages related to this transaction
+         will be written even if the debug tag isn't on.
+      @param txnp transaction to change.
+      @param on set to 1 to turn on, 0 to turn off.
+  */
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnDebugSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
+  /**
+         Returns the transaction specific debugging flag for this transaction.
+      @param txnp transaction to check.
+      @return 1 if enabled, 0 otherwise.
+  */
+  tsapi int TSHttpTxnDebugGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /**
+         Set the session specific debugging flag for this client session.
+         When turned on, internal debug messages related to this session and all transactions
+         in the session will be written even if the debug tag isn't on.
+      @param ssnp Client session to change.
+      @param on set to 1 to turn on, 0 to turn off.
+  */
+  tsapi void TSHttpSsnDebugSet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int on);
+  /**
+         Returns the transaction specific debugging flag for this client session.
+      @param txnp Client session to check.
+      @return 1 if enabled, 0 otherwise.
+  */
+  tsapi int TSHttpSsnDebugGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int *on);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Intercepting Http Transactions */
+  /**
+      Allows a plugin take over the servicing of the request as though
+      it was the origin server. contp will be sent TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT.
+      The edata passed with TS_NET_EVENT_ACCEPT is an TSVConn just as
+      it would be for a normal accept. The plugin must act as if it is
+      an http server and read the http request and body off the TSVConn
+      and send an http response header and body.
+      TSHttpTxnIntercept() must be called be called from only
+      TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HOOK. Using TSHttpTxnIntercept will
+      bypass the Traffic Server cache. If response sent by the plugin
+      should be cached, use TSHttpTxnServerIntercept() instead.
+      TSHttpTxnIntercept() primary use is allow plugins to serve data
+      about their functioning directly.
+      TSHttpTxnIntercept() must only be called once per transaction.
+      @param contp continuation called to handle the interception.
+      @param txnp transaction to be intercepted.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnIntercept(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /**
+      Allows a plugin take over the servicing of the request as though
+      it was the origin server. In the event a request needs to be
+      made to the server for transaction txnp, contp will be sent
+      TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT. The edata passed with TS_NET_EVENT_ACCEPT
+      is an TSVConn just as it would be for a normal accept. The plugin
+      must act as if it is an http server and read the http request and
+      body off the TSVConn and send an http response header and body.
+      TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() must be not be called after
+      the connection to the server has taken place. The last hook
+      last hook in that TSHttpTxnIntercept() can be called from is
+      TS_HTTP_READ_CACHE_HDR_HOOK. If a connection to the server is
+      not necessary, contp is not called.
+      The response from the plugin is cached subject to standard
+      and configured http caching rules. Should the plugin wish the
+      response not be cached, the plugin must use appropriate http
+      response headers to prevent caching. The primary purpose of
+      TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() is allow plugins to provide gateways
+      to other protocols or to allow to plugin to it's own transport for
+      the next hop to the server. TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() overrides
+      parent cache configuration.
+      TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() must only be called once per
+      transaction.
+      @param contp continuation called to handle the interception
+      @param txnp transaction to be intercepted.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSHttpTxnServerIntercept(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Initiate Http Connection */
+  /**
+      Allows the plugin to initiate an http connection. The TSVConn the
+      plugin receives as the result of successful operates identically to
+      one created through TSNetConnect. Aside from allowing the plugin
+      to set the client ip and port for logging, the functionality of
+      TSHttpConnect() is identical to connecting to localhost on the
+      proxy port with TSNetConnect(). TSHttpConnect() is more efficient
+      than TSNetConnect() to localhost since it avoids the overhead of
+      passing the data through the operating system.
+      @param log_ip ip address (in network byte order) that connection
+        will be logged as coming from.
+      @param log_port port (in network byte order) that connection will
+        be logged as coming from.
+      @param vc will be set to point to the new TSVConn on success.
+   */
+  tsapi TSVConn TSHttpConnect(struct sockaddr const* addr);
+  tsapi TSVConn TSHttpConnectWithProtoStack(struct sockaddr const* addr,
+                                            TSClientProtoStack proto_stack);
+    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Initiate Transparent Http Connection */
+  /**
+      Allows the plugin to initiate a transparent http connection. This operates
+      identically to TSHttpConnect except that it is treated as an intercepted
+      transparent connection by the session and transaction state machines.
+      @param client_addr the address that the resulting connection will be seen as
+      	coming from
+      @param server_addr the address that the resulting connection will be seen as
+      	attempting to connect to when intercepted
+      @param vc will be set to point to the new TSVConn on success.
+   */
+  tsapi TSVConn TSHttpConnectTransparent(struct sockaddr const* client_addr, struct sockaddr const * server_addr);
+  tsapi void TSFetchUrl(const char* request,int request_len, struct sockaddr const* addr, TSCont contp, TSFetchWakeUpOptions callback_options,TSFetchEvent event);
+  tsapi void TSFetchPages(TSFetchUrlParams_t* params);
+  /* Check if HTTP State machine is internal or not */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpIsInternalRequest(TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     HTTP alternate selection */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpAltInfoClientReqGet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpAltInfoCachedReqGet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSHttpAltInfoCachedRespGet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, TSMBuffer* bufp, TSMLoc* offset);
+  tsapi void TSHttpAltInfoQualitySet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, float quality);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Actions */
+  tsapi void TSActionCancel(TSAction actionp);
+  tsapi int TSActionDone(TSAction actionp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     VConnections */
+  tsapi TSVIO TSVConnReadVIOGet(TSVConn connp);
+  tsapi TSVIO TSVConnWriteVIOGet(TSVConn connp);
+  tsapi int TSVConnClosedGet(TSVConn connp);
+  tsapi TSVIO TSVConnRead(TSVConn connp, TSCont contp, TSIOBuffer bufp, int64_t nbytes);
+  tsapi TSVIO TSVConnWrite(TSVConn connp, TSCont contp, TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t nbytes);
+  tsapi void TSVConnClose(TSVConn connp);
+  tsapi void TSVConnAbort(TSVConn connp, int error);
+  tsapi void TSVConnShutdown(TSVConn connp, int read, int write);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Cache VConnections */
+  tsapi int64_t TSVConnCacheObjectSizeGet(TSVConn connp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Transformations */
+  tsapi TSVConn TSTransformCreate(TSEventFunc event_funcp, TSHttpTxn txnp);
+  tsapi TSVConn TSTransformOutputVConnGet(TSVConn connp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Net VConnections */
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSNetVConnRemoteAddrGet(TSVConn vc);
+  /**
+      Opens a network connection to the host specified by ip on the port
+      specified by port. If the connection is successfully opened, contp
+      is called back with the event TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT and the new
+      network vconnection will be passed in the event data parameter.
+      If the connection is not successful, contp is called back with
+      Note: on Solaris, it is possible to receive TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT
+      even if the connection failed, because of the implementation of
+      network sockets in the underlying operating system. There is an
+      exception: if a plugin tries to open a connection to a port on
+      its own host machine, then TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT is sent only
+      if the connection is successfully opened. In general, however,
+      your plugin needs to look for an TS_EVENT_VCONN_WRITE_READY to
+      be sure that the connection is successfully opened.
+      @return something allows you to check if the connection is complete,
+        or cancel the attempt to connect.
+   */
+  tsapi TSAction TSNetConnect(TSCont contp, /**< continuation that is called back when the attempted net connection either succeeds or fails. */
+                              struct sockaddr const* to /**< Address to which to connect. */
+  );
+  tsapi TSAction TSNetAccept(TSCont contp, int port, int domain, int accept_threads);
+  /**
+    Listen on all SSL ports for connections for the specified protocol name.
+    TSNetAcceptNamedProtocol registers the specified protocol for all
+    statically configured TLS ports. When a client using the TLS Next Protocol
+    Negotiation extension negotiates the requested protocol, TrafficServer will
+    route the request to the given handler. Note that the protocol is not
+    registered on ports opened by other plugins.
+    The event and data provided to the handler are the same as for
+    TSNetAccept(). If a connection is successfully accepted, the event code
+    will be TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT and the event data will be a valid TSVConn
+    bound to the accepted connection.
+    Neither contp nor protocol are copied. They must remain valid for the
+    lifetime of the plugin.
+    TSNetAcceptNamedProtocol fails if the requested protocol cannot be
+    registered on all of the configured TLS ports. If it fails, the protocol
+    will not be registered on any ports (ie.. no partial failure).
+  */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSNetAcceptNamedProtocol(TSCont contp, const char * protocol);
+  /**
+    Create a new port from the string specification used by the
+    proxy.config.http.server_ports configuration value.
+   */
+  tsapi TSPortDescriptor TSPortDescriptorParse(const char * descriptor);
+  /**
+     Start listening on the given port descriptor. If a connection is
+     successfully accepted, the TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT is delivered to the
+     continuation. The event data will be a valid TSVConn bound to the accepted
+     connection.
+   */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSPortDescriptorAccept(TSPortDescriptor, TSCont);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     DNS Lookups */
+  tsapi TSAction TSHostLookup(TSCont contp, const char* hostname, size_t namelen);
+  tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSHostLookupResultAddrGet(TSHostLookupResult lookup_result);
+  /* TODO: Eventually, we might want something like this as well, but it requires
+     support for building the HostDBInfo struct:
+     tsapi void TSHostLookupResultSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHostLookupResult result);
+  */
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Cache VConnections */
+  /**
+      Asks the Traffic Server cache if the object corresponding to key
+      exists in the cache and can be read. If the object can be read,
+      the Traffic Server cache calls the continuation contp back with
+      the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_READ. In this case, the cache also
+      passes contp a cache vconnection and contp can then initiate a
+      read operation on that vconnection using TSVConnRead.
+      If the object cannot be read, the cache calls contp back with
+      the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_READ_FAILED. The user (contp)
+      has the option to cancel the action returned by TSCacheRead.
+      Note that reentrant calls are possible, i.e. the cache can call
+      back the user (contp) in the same call.
+      @param contp continuation to be called back if a read operation
+        is permissible.
+      @param key cache key corresponding to the object to be read.
+      @return something allowing the user to cancel or schedule the
+        cache read.
+   */
+  tsapi TSAction TSCacheRead(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key);
+  /**
+      Asks the Traffic Server cache if contp can start writing the
+      object (corresponding to key) to the cache. If the object
+      can be written, the cache calls contp back with the event
+      TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_WRITE. In this case, the cache also passes
+      contp a cache vconnection and contp can then initiate a write
+      operation on that vconnection using TSVConnWrite. The object
+      is not committed to the cache until the vconnection is closed.
+      When all data has been transferred, the user (contp) must do
+      an TSVConnClose. In case of any errors, the user MUST do an
+      TSVConnAbort(contp, 0).
+      If the object cannot be written, the cache calls contp back with
+      the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_WRITE_FAILED. This can happen,
+      for example, if there is another object with the same key being
+      written to the cache. The user (contp) has the option to cancel
+      the action returned by TSCacheWrite.
+      Note that reentrant calls are possible, i.e. the cache can call
+      back the user (contp) in the same call.
+      @param contp continuation that the cache calls back (telling it
+        whether the write operation can proceed or not).
+      @param key cache key corresponding to the object to be cached.
+      @return something allowing the user to cancel or schedule the
+        cache write.
+   */
+  tsapi TSAction TSCacheWrite(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key);
+  /**
+      Removes the object corresponding to key from the cache. If the
+      object was removed successfully, the cache calls contp back
+      with the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_REMOVE. If the object was not
+      found in the cache, the cache calls contp back with the event
+      In both of these callbacks, the user (contp) does not have to do
+      anything. The user does not get any vconnection from the cache,
+      since no data needs to be transferred. When the cache calls
+      contp back with TS_EVENT_CACHE_REMOVE, the remove has already
+      been commited.
+      @param contp continuation that the cache calls back reporting the
+        success or failure of the remove.
+      @param key cache key corresponding to the object to be removed.
+      @return something allowing the user to cancel or schedule the
+        remove.
+   */
+  tsapi TSAction TSCacheRemove(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSCacheReady(int* is_ready);
+  tsapi TSAction TSCacheScan(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key, int KB_per_second);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     VIOs */
+  tsapi void TSVIOReenable(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi TSIOBuffer TSVIOBufferGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi TSIOBufferReader TSVIOReaderGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi int64_t TSVIONBytesGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi void TSVIONBytesSet(TSVIO viop, int64_t nbytes);
+  tsapi int64_t TSVIONDoneGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi void TSVIONDoneSet(TSVIO viop, int64_t ndone);
+  tsapi int64_t TSVIONTodoGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi TSMutex TSVIOMutexGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi TSCont TSVIOContGet(TSVIO viop);
+  tsapi TSVConn TSVIOVConnGet(TSVIO viop);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Buffers */
+  tsapi TSIOBuffer TSIOBufferCreate(void);
+  /**
+      Creates a new TSIOBuffer of the specified size. With this function,
+      you can create smaller buffers than the 32K buffer created by
+      TSIOBufferCreate(). In some situations using smaller buffers can
+      improve performance.
+      @param index size of the new TSIOBuffer to be created.
+      @param new TSIOBuffer of the specified size.
+   */
+  tsapi TSIOBuffer TSIOBufferSizedCreate(TSIOBufferSizeIndex index);
+  /**
+      The watermark of an TSIOBuffer is the minimum number of bytes
+      of data that have to be in the buffer before calling back any
+      continuation that has initiated a read operation on this buffer.
+      TSIOBufferWaterMarkGet() will provide the size of the watermark,
+      in bytes, for a specified TSIOBuffer.
+      @param bufp buffer whose watermark the function gets.
+   */
+  tsapi int64_t TSIOBufferWaterMarkGet(TSIOBuffer bufp);
+  /**
+      The watermark of an TSIOBuffer is the minimum number of bytes
+      of data that have to be in the buffer before calling back any
+      continuation that has initiated a read operation on this buffer.
+      As a writer feeds data into the TSIOBuffer, no readers are called
+      back until the amount of data reaches the watermark. Setting
+      a watermark can improve performance because it avoids frequent
+      callbacks to read small amounts of data. TSIOBufferWaterMarkSet()
+      assigns a watermark to a particular TSIOBuffer.
+      @param bufp buffer whose water mark the function sets.
+      @param water_mark watermark setting, as a number of bytes.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSIOBufferWaterMarkSet(TSIOBuffer bufp, int64_t water_mark);
+  tsapi void TSIOBufferDestroy(TSIOBuffer bufp);
+  tsapi TSIOBufferBlock TSIOBufferStart(TSIOBuffer bufp);
+  tsapi int64_t TSIOBufferCopy(TSIOBuffer bufp, TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t length, int64_t offset);
+  /**
+      Writes length bytes of data contained in the string buf to the
+      TSIOBuffer bufp. Returns the number of bytes of data successfully
+      written to the TSIOBuffer.
+      @param bufp is the TSIOBuffer to write into.
+      @param buf string to write into the TSIOBuffer.
+      @param length of the string buf.
+      @return length of data successfully copied into the buffer,
+        in bytes.
+   */
+  tsapi int64_t TSIOBufferWrite(TSIOBuffer bufp, const void* buf, int64_t length);
+  tsapi void TSIOBufferProduce(TSIOBuffer bufp, int64_t nbytes);
+  tsapi TSIOBufferBlock TSIOBufferBlockNext(TSIOBufferBlock blockp);
+  tsapi const char* TSIOBufferBlockReadStart(TSIOBufferBlock blockp, TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t* avail);
+  tsapi int64_t TSIOBufferBlockReadAvail(TSIOBufferBlock blockp, TSIOBufferReader readerp);
+  tsapi char* TSIOBufferBlockWriteStart(TSIOBufferBlock blockp, int64_t* avail);
+  tsapi int64_t TSIOBufferBlockWriteAvail(TSIOBufferBlock blockp);
+  tsapi TSIOBufferReader TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(TSIOBuffer bufp);
+  tsapi TSIOBufferReader TSIOBufferReaderClone(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
+  tsapi void TSIOBufferReaderFree(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
+  tsapi TSIOBufferBlock TSIOBufferReaderStart(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
+  tsapi void TSIOBufferReaderConsume(TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t nbytes);
+  tsapi int64_t TSIOBufferReaderAvail(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
+   tsapi struct sockaddr const* TSNetVConnLocalAddrGet(TSVConn vc);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Stats and configs based on librecords raw stats (this is preferred API until we
+     rewrite stats). This system has a limitation of up to 1,500 stats max, controlled
+     via proxy.config.stat_api.max_stats_allowed (default is 512).
+     This is available as of Apache TS v2.2.*/
+  typedef enum
+  {
+  } TSStatPersistence;
+  typedef enum
+  {
+    TS_STAT_SYNC_SUM = 0,
+  } TSStatSync;
+  /* APIs to create new records.config configurations */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMgmtStringCreate(TSRecordType rec_type, const char *name, const TSMgmtString data_default,
+                                        TSRecordUpdateType update_type, TSRecordCheckType check_type,
+                                        const char *check_regex, TSRecordAccessType access_type);
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSMgmtIntCreate(TSRecordType rec_type, const char *name, TSMgmtInt data_default,
+                                     TSRecordUpdateType update_type, TSRecordCheckType check_type,
+                                     const char *check_regex, TSRecordAccessType access_type);
+  /*  Note that only TS_RECORDDATATYPE_INT is supported at this point. */
+  tsapi int TSStatCreate(const char* the_name, TSRecordDataType the_type, TSStatPersistence persist, TSStatSync sync);
+  tsapi void TSStatIntIncrement(int the_stat, TSMgmtInt amount);
+  tsapi void TSStatIntDecrement(int the_stat, TSMgmtInt amount);
+  /* Currently not supported. */
+  /* tsapi void TSStatFloatIncrement(int the_stat, float amount); */
+  /* tsapi void TSStatFloatDecrement(int the_stat, float amount); */
+  tsapi TSMgmtInt TSStatIntGet(int the_stat);
+  tsapi void TSStatIntSet(int the_stat, TSMgmtInt value);
+  /* Currently not supported. */
+  /* tsapi TSeturnCode TSStatFloatGet(int the_stat, float* value); */
+  /* tsapi TSReturnCode TSStatFloatSet(int the_stat, float value); */
+  tsapi TSReturnCode TSStatFindName(const char* name, int* idp);
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     tracing api */
+  tsapi int TSIsDebugTagSet(const char* t);
+  tsapi void TSDebug(const char* tag, const char* format_str, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(2, 3);
+  /**
+      Output a debug line even if the debug tag is turned off, as long as
+      debugging is enabled. Could be used as follows:
+      @code
+      TSDebugSpecifc(TSHttpTxnDebugGet(txn), "plugin_tag" , "Hello World from transaction %p", txn);
+      @endcode
+      will be printed if the plugin_tag is enabled or the transaction specific
+      debugging is turned on for txn.
+      @param debug_flag boolean flag.
+      @param tag Debug tag for the line.
+      @param format Format string.
+      @param ... Format arguments.
+   */
+  tsapi void TSDebugSpecific(int debug_flag, const char* tag, const char* format_str, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(3, 4);
+  extern int diags_on_for_plugins;
+#define TSDEBUG if (diags_on_for_plugins) TSDebug
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     logging api */
+  /**
+      The following enum values are flags, so they should be powers
+      of two. With the exception of TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG, they
+      are all used to configure the creation of an TSTextLogObject
+      through the mode argument to TSTextLogObjectCreate().
+      TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG is used internally to check the validity
+      of this argument. Insert new flags before TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG,
+      and set TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG to the largest power of two of
+      the enum.
+   */
+  enum
+  {
+  };
+  /**
+      This type represents a custom log file that you create with
+      TSTextLogObjectCreate(). Your plugin writes entries into this
+      log file using TSTextLogObjectWrite().
+   */
+  typedef struct tsapi_textlogobject* TSTextLogObject;
+  typedef void (*TSRecordDumpCb) (TSRecordType rec_type, void* edata, int registered, const char* name, TSRecordDataType data_type, TSRecordData* datum);
+  tsapi void TSRecordDump(TSRecordType rec_type, TSRecordDumpCb callback, void* edata);
+  /**
+      Creates a new custom log file that your plugin can write to. You
+      can design the fields and inputs to the log file using the
+      TSTextLogObjectWrite() function. The logs you create are treated
+      like ordinary logs; they are rolled if log rolling is enabled. (Log
+      collation is not supported though).
+      @param filename new log file being created. The new log file
+        is created in the logs directory. You can specify a path to a
+        subdirectory within the log directory, e.g. subdir/filename,
+        but make sure you create the subdirectory first. If you do
+        not specify a file name extension, the extension ".log" is
+        automatically added.
+      @param mode