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cvs commit: jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip

donaldp     02/02/01 23:39:53

  Added:       proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip
  Move across Stefans zip unit tests
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
   * JUnit 3 testcases for
   * @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
  public class ZipShortTest
      extends TestCase
      public ZipShortTest( String name )
          super( name );
       * Test conversion to bytes.
      public void testToBytes()
          final ZipShort zipShort = new ZipShort( 0x1234 );
          byte[] result = zipShort.getBytes();
          assertEquals( "length getBytes", 2, result.length );
          assertEquals( "first byte getBytes", 0x34, result[ 0 ] );
          assertEquals( "second byte getBytes", 0x12, result[ 1 ] );
       * Test conversion from bytes.
      public void testFromBytes()
          byte[] val = new byte[]{0x34, 0x12};
          final ZipShort zipShort = new ZipShort( val );
          assertEquals( "value from bytes", 0x1234, zipShort.getValue() );
       * Test the contract of the equals method.
      public void testEquals()
          final ZipShort zipShort = new ZipShort( 0x1234 );
          final ZipShort zipShort2 = new ZipShort( 0x1234 );
          final ZipShort zipShort3 = new ZipShort( 0x5678 );
          assertTrue( "reflexive", zipShort.equals( zipShort ) );
          assertTrue( "works", zipShort.equals( zipShort2 ) );
          assertTrue( "works, part two", !zipShort.equals( zipShort3 ) );
          assertTrue( "symmetric", zipShort2.equals( zipShort ) );
          assertTrue( "null handling", !zipShort.equals( null ) );
          assertTrue( "non ZipShort handling", !zipShort.equals( new Integer( 0x1234 ) ) );
       * Test sign handling.
      public void testSign()
          final ZipShort zipShort = new ZipShort( new byte[]{(byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFF} );
          assertEquals( 0x0000FFFF, zipShort.getValue() );
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
   * JUnit 3 testcases for
   * @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
  public class ZipLongTest
      extends TestCase
      public ZipLongTest( final String name )
          super( name );
       * Test conversion to bytes.
      public void testToBytes()
          final ZipLong zipLong = new ZipLong( 0x12345678 );
          final byte[] result = zipLong.getBytes();
          assertEquals( "length getBytes", 4, result.length );
          assertEquals( "first byte getBytes", 0x78, result[ 0 ] );
          assertEquals( "second byte getBytes", 0x56, result[ 1 ] );
          assertEquals( "third byte getBytes", 0x34, result[ 2 ] );
          assertEquals( "fourth byte getBytes", 0x12, result[ 3 ] );
       * Test conversion from bytes.
      public void testFromBytes()
          final byte[] value = new byte[]{0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12};
          final ZipLong zipLong = new ZipLong( value );
          assertEquals( "value from bytes", 0x12345678, zipLong.getValue() );
       * Test the contract of the equals method.
      public void testEquals()
          final ZipLong zipLong1 = new ZipLong( 0x12345678 );
          final ZipLong zipLong2 = new ZipLong( 0x12345678 );
          final ZipLong zipLong3 = new ZipLong( 0x87654321 );
          assertTrue( "reflexive", zipLong1.equals( zipLong1 ) );
          assertTrue( "works", zipLong1.equals( zipLong2 ) );
          assertTrue( "works, part two", !zipLong1.equals( zipLong3 ) );
          assertTrue( "symmetric", zipLong2.equals( zipLong1 ) );
          assertTrue( "null handling", !zipLong1.equals( null ) );
          assertTrue( "non ZipLong handling", !zipLong1.equals( new Integer( 0x1234 ) ) );
       * Test sign handling.
      public void testSign()
          final ZipLong zipLong =
              new ZipLong( new byte[]{(byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFF} );
          assertEquals( 0x00000000FFFFFFFFl, zipLong.getValue() );
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
  import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
   * JUnit testcases ZipEntry.
   * @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
  public class ZipEntryTest
      extends TestCase
      public ZipEntryTest( final String name )
          super( name );
       * test handling of extra fields
      public void testExtraFields()
          final AsiExtraField field = createField();
          final UnrecognizedExtraField extraField = createExtraField();
          final ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry( "test/" );
          entry.setExtraFields( new ZipExtraField[]{field, extraField} );
          final byte[] data1 = entry.getExtra();
          ZipExtraField[] result = entry.getExtraFields();
          assertEquals( "first pass", 2, result.length );
          assertSame( field, result[ 0 ] );
          assertSame( extraField, result[ 1 ] );
          UnrecognizedExtraField u2 = new UnrecognizedExtraField();
          u2.setHeaderId( new ZipShort( 1 ) );
          u2.setLocalFileDataData( new byte[]{1} );
          entry.addExtraField( u2 );
          byte[] data2 = entry.getExtra();
          result = entry.getExtraFields();
          assertEquals( "second pass", 2, result.length );
          assertSame( field, result[ 0 ] );
          assertSame( u2, result[ 1 ] );
          assertEquals( "length second pass", data1.length + 1, data2.length );
          UnrecognizedExtraField u3 = new UnrecognizedExtraField();
          u3.setHeaderId( new ZipShort( 2 ) );
          u3.setLocalFileDataData( new byte[]{1} );
          entry.addExtraField( u3 );
          result = entry.getExtraFields();
          assertEquals( "third pass", 3, result.length );
          entry.removeExtraField( new ZipShort( 1 ) );
          byte[] data3 = entry.getExtra();
          result = entry.getExtraFields();
          assertEquals( "fourth pass", 2, result.length );
          assertSame( field, result[ 0 ] );
          assertSame( u3, result[ 1 ] );
          assertEquals( "length fourth pass", data2.length, data3.length );
              entry.removeExtraField( new ZipShort( 1 ) );
              fail( "should be no such element" );
          catch( final NoSuchElementException nse )
      private UnrecognizedExtraField createExtraField()
          UnrecognizedExtraField extraField = new UnrecognizedExtraField();
          extraField.setHeaderId( new ZipShort( 1 ) );
          extraField.setLocalFileDataData( new byte[ 0 ] );
          return extraField;
      private AsiExtraField createField()
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
          field.setDirectory( true );
          field.setMode( 0755 );
          return field;
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
   * JUnit testcases ExtraFieldUtils.
   * @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
  public class ExtraFieldUtilsTest
      extends TestCase
      implements UnixStat
      private AsiExtraField m_field;
      private UnrecognizedExtraField m_dummy;
      private byte[] m_data;
      private byte[] m_local;
      public ExtraFieldUtilsTest( final String name )
          super( name );
      public void setUp()
          m_field = new AsiExtraField();
          m_field.setMode( 0755 );
          m_field.setDirectory( true );
          m_dummy = new UnrecognizedExtraField();
          m_dummy.setHeaderId( new ZipShort( 1 ) );
          m_dummy.setLocalFileDataData( new byte[ 0 ] );
          m_dummy.setCentralDirectoryData( new byte[]{0} );
          m_local = m_field.getLocalFileDataData();
          final byte[] dummyLocal = m_dummy.getLocalFileDataData();
          m_data = new byte[ 4 + m_local.length + 4 + dummyLocal.length ];
          System.arraycopy( m_field.getHeaderId().getBytes(), 0, m_data, 0, 2 );
          System.arraycopy( m_field.getLocalFileDataLength().getBytes(), 0, m_data, 2, 2 );
          System.arraycopy( m_local, 0, m_data, 4, m_local.length );
          System.arraycopy( m_dummy.getHeaderId().getBytes(), 0, m_data,
                            4 + m_local.length, 2 );
          System.arraycopy( m_dummy.getLocalFileDataLength().getBytes(), 0, m_data,
                            4 + m_local.length + 2, 2 );
          System.arraycopy( dummyLocal, 0, m_data,
                            4 + m_local.length + 4, dummyLocal.length );
       * test parser.
      public void testParse() throws Exception
          final ZipExtraField[] extraField = ExtraFieldUtils.parse( m_data );
          assertEquals( "number of fields", 2, extraField.length );
          assertTrue( "type field 1", extraField[ 0 ] instanceof AsiExtraField );
          assertEquals( "mode field 1", 040755,
                        ( (AsiExtraField)extraField[ 0 ] ).getMode() );
          assertTrue( "type field 2", extraField[ 1 ] instanceof UnrecognizedExtraField );
          assertEquals( "data length field 2", 0,
                        extraField[ 1 ].getLocalFileDataLength().getValue() );
          final byte[] data2 = new byte[ m_data.length - 1 ];
          System.arraycopy( m_data, 0, data2, 0, data2.length );
              ExtraFieldUtils.parse( data2 );
              fail( "data should be invalid" );
          catch( Exception e )
              assertEquals( "message",
                            "data starting at " + ( 4 + m_local.length ) + " is in unknown format",
                            e.getMessage() );
       * Test merge methods
      public void testMerge()
          final byte[] local =
              ExtraFieldUtils.mergeLocalFileDataData( new ZipExtraField[]{m_field, m_dummy} );
          assertEquals( "local length", m_data.length, local.length );
          for( int i = 0; i < local.length; i++ )
              assertEquals( "local byte " + i, m_data[ i ], local[ i ] );
          final byte[] dummyCentral = m_dummy.getCentralDirectoryData();
          final byte[] data2 = new byte[ 4 + m_local.length + 4 + dummyCentral.length ];
          System.arraycopy( m_data, 0, data2, 0, 4 + m_local.length + 2 );
          System.arraycopy( m_dummy.getCentralDirectoryLength().getBytes(), 0,
                            data2, 4 + m_local.length + 2, 2 );
          System.arraycopy( dummyCentral, 0, data2,
                            4 + m_local.length + 4, dummyCentral.length );
          final byte[] central =
              ExtraFieldUtils.mergeCentralDirectoryData( new ZipExtraField[]{m_field, m_dummy} );
          assertEquals( "central length", data2.length, central.length );
          for( int i = 0; i < central.length; i++ )
              assertEquals( "central byte " + i, data2[ i ], central[ i ] );
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/aut/zip/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
   * JUnit testcases AsiExtraField.
   * @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
  public class AsiExtraFieldTest
      extends TestCase
      implements UnixStat
      public AsiExtraFieldTest( final String name )
          super( name );
       * Test file mode magic.
      public void testModes()
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
          field.setMode( 0123 );
          assertEquals( "plain file", 0100123, field.getMode() );
          field.setDirectory( true );
          assertEquals( "directory", 040123, field.getMode() );
          field.setLinkedFile( "test" );
          assertEquals( "symbolic link", 0120123, field.getMode() );
      private AsiExtraField createField()
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
          field.setMode( 0123 );
          field.setUserId( 5 );
          field.setGroupId( 6 );
          return field;
      public void testContent1()
          final AsiExtraField field = createField();
          final byte[] data = field.getLocalFileDataData();
          // CRC manually calculated, sorry
          final byte[] expect = {(byte)0xC6, 0x02, 0x78, (byte)0xB6, // CRC
                                 0123, (byte)0x80, // mode
                                 0, 0, 0, 0, // link length
                                 5, 0, 6, 0};                        // uid, gid
          assertEquals( "no link", expect.length, data.length );
          for( int i = 0; i < expect.length; i++ )
              assertEquals( "no link, byte " + i, expect[ i ], data[ i ] );
          field.setLinkedFile( "test" );
      public void testContent2()
          final AsiExtraField field = createField();
          field.setLinkedFile( "test" );
          final byte[] data = field.getLocalFileDataData();
          final byte[] expect = new byte[]{0x75, (byte)0x8E, 0x41, (byte)0xFD, // CRC
                                           0123, (byte)0xA0, // mode
                                           4, 0, 0, 0, // link length
                                           5, 0, 6, 0, // uid, gid
                                           (byte)'t', (byte)'e', (byte)'s', (byte)'t'};
          assertEquals( "no link", expect.length, data.length );
          for( int i = 0; i < expect.length; i++ )
              assertEquals( "no link, byte " + i, expect[ i ], data[ i ] );
      public void testReparse1()
          throws ZipException
          // CRC manually calculated, sorry
          final byte[] data = {(byte)0xC6, 0x02, 0x78, (byte)0xB6, // CRC
                               0123, (byte)0x80, // mode
                               0, 0, 0, 0, // link length
                               5, 0, 6, 0};                        // uid, gid
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
          field.parseFromLocalFileData( data, 0, data.length );
          assertEquals( "length plain file", data.length,
                        field.getLocalFileDataLength().getValue() );
          assertTrue( "plain file, no link", !field.isLink() );
          assertTrue( "plain file, no dir", !field.isDirectory() );
          assertEquals( "mode plain file", FILE_FLAG | 0123, field.getMode() );
          assertEquals( "uid plain file", 5, field.getUserId() );
          assertEquals( "gid plain file", 6, field.getGroupId() );
      public void testReparse2()
          throws ZipException
          final byte[] data = new byte[]{0x75, (byte)0x8E, 0x41, (byte)0xFD, // CRC
                                         0123, (byte)0xA0, // mode
                                         4, 0, 0, 0, // link length
                                         5, 0, 6, 0, // uid, gid
                                         (byte)'t', (byte)'e', (byte)'s', (byte)'t'};
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
          field.parseFromLocalFileData( data, 0, data.length );
          assertEquals( "length link", data.length,
                        field.getLocalFileDataLength().getValue() );
          assertTrue( "link, is link", field.isLink() );
          assertTrue( "link, no dir", !field.isDirectory() );
          assertEquals( "mode link", LINK_FLAG | 0123, field.getMode() );
          assertEquals( "uid link", 5, field.getUserId() );
          assertEquals( "gid link", 6, field.getGroupId() );
          assertEquals( "test", field.getLinkedFile() );
      public void testReparse3()
          throws ZipException
          final byte[] data = new byte[]{(byte)0x8E, 0x01, (byte)0xBF, (byte)0x0E, // CRC
                                         0123, (byte)0x40, // mode
                                         0, 0, 0, 0, // link
                                         5, 0, 6, 0};                          // uid, gid
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
          field.parseFromLocalFileData( data, 0, data.length );
          assertEquals( "length dir", data.length,
                        field.getLocalFileDataLength().getValue() );
          assertTrue( "dir, no link", !field.isLink() );
          assertTrue( "dir, is dir", field.isDirectory() );
          assertEquals( "mode dir", DIR_FLAG | 0123, field.getMode() );
          assertEquals( "uid dir", 5, field.getUserId() );
          assertEquals( "gid dir", 6, field.getGroupId() );
      public void testReparse4()
          throws Exception
          final byte[] data = new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0, // bad CRC
                                         0123, (byte)0x40, // mode
                                         0, 0, 0, 0, // link
                                         5, 0, 6, 0};                          // uid, gid
          final AsiExtraField field = new AsiExtraField();
              field.parseFromLocalFileData( data, 0, data.length );
              fail( "should raise bad CRC exception" );
          catch( Exception e )
              assertEquals( "bad CRC checksum 0 instead of ebf018e",
                            e.getMessage() );

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