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Posted to by Scott Knight <> on 2001/06/06 21:49:17 UTC

Apache mod_jk .war tomcat seperate server

	I tried to be descriptive in my subject. I have a hopefuly simple question 
about deploying war files on a remote tomcat server. If i have apache on 
server A and tomcat on server B and deploy a complete war file, (html, 
images, servlets, jsp and all) on the tomcat server B, can apache see the 
html files? If so, how do i configure mod_jk to see that. Right now the 
only config ive seen for mod_jk is with tomcat and apace on the same server 
so you have an unpacked war file and can do things like this

Alias /something /usr/tomcat/webapps/something

I obviously can't do this if tomcat is on another server. Is anyone out 
there doing this? If so how do i configure mod_jk to do this. I already 
know how to configure mod_jk and the to go to the remote 
tomcat but what about the html in the war on the remote tomcat. Also id 
rather not unpack the war if i dont have to, so how do i have mod_jk know 
where to look for the war for a certain url in apache. Hopefully this is 
clear enough to understand, let me know if i can be more specific. Thanks

	Scott Knight