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Posted to by Felix Müller <> on 2021/06/01 12:01:18 UTC

[apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk] Linker error: missing `u_pipe2_ocall` symbol when using `mio-sgx` inside the enclave (#342)

We're running into a linker error problem when we try to incorporate the [mio-sgx]( library into our enclave. It seems like the `u_pipe2_ocall` symbol is missing, which, if I looked that up correctly, is provided by the [sgx_ustdc]( library?

However, in the [mio samplecode]( I cannot find any reference to `sgx_ustdc`, neither in the Makefile (where I'd expect it, since it's a C-Library?) nor in any Cargo.toml. So I don't quite understand what's going on and how the symbols of that library find their way into `sgx_libc`. Any help is appreciated 😄 

The error reported by the compiler:
/usr/local/bin/ld: ./lib/libenclave.a(sgx_libc-fe3717fe13cfb6f5.sgx_libc.2dl1tomz-cgu.6.rcgu.o): in function `sgx_libc::linux::x86_64::ocall::pipe2':
sgx_libc.2dl1tomz-cgu.6:(.text._ZN8sgx_libc5linux6x86_645ocall5pipe217hc10c647a6c5db8d3E+0x26): undefined reference to `u_pipe2_ocall'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:190: recipe for target 'enclave/' failed

SGX dependency section of the enclave `cargo.toml`:
[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))'.dependencies]
sgx_tse       = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_tstd      = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "", features = ["untrusted_fs","net","backtrace"] }
sgx_rand      = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_trts      = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_types     = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_tseal     = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_tcrypto   = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_serialize = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }
sgx_tunittest = { rev = "v1.1.3", git = "" }

Further down, we add the `mio` dependency:
git      = ""
rev   = "sgx_1.1.3"

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Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk] Linker error: missing `u_pipe2_ocall` symbol when using `mio-sgx` inside the enclave (#342)

Posted by Felix Müller <>.
Okay I think I found the problem. The `Enclave.edl` was missing the imports from `sgx_pipe`:

In `Enclave.edl`
from "sgx_pipe.edl" import *;

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Re: [apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk] Linker error: missing `u_pipe2_ocall` symbol when using `mio-sgx` inside the enclave (#342)

Posted by Felix Müller <>.
Closed #342.

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