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Posted to by on 2016/01/29 17:53:23 UTC

[1/4] airavata-php-gateway git commit: Experiment Summary UI improved for Job details.

Repository: airavata-php-gateway
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/develop 6b20ef969 -> 39df35a89

Experiment Summary UI improved for Job details.


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: ec279ca5b51578aff66e34d47a3174903455867f
Parents: 6b20ef9
Author: Nipurn Doshi <>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 10:40:18 2016 -0500
Committer: Nipurn Doshi <>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 10:40:18 2016 -0500

 app/views/partials/experiment-info.blade.php | 21 +++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/views/partials/experiment-info.blade.php b/app/views/partials/experiment-info.blade.php
index 1d53c17..7ff3f27 100644
--- a/app/views/partials/experiment-info.blade.php
+++ b/app/views/partials/experiment-info.blade.php
@@ -62,10 +62,23 @@
         @foreach( $expVal["jobDetails"] as $index => $jobDetail)
-                <th>Job Name : {{$jobDetail->jobName}}</th>
-                <td>Job ID : {{ $jobDetail->jobId}}</td>
-                <td> Status : {{$jobDetail->jobStatus->jobStateName }}</td>
-                <td> Creation Time : <span class="time" unix-time="{{$jobDetail->creationTime}}"></span></td>
+                <th>Job</th>
+                <td>
+                    <table class="table table-bordered">
+                        <tr>
+                            <td>Name</td>
+                            <td>ID</td>
+                            <td>Status</td>
+                            <td>Creation Time</td>
+                        </tr>
+                        <tr>
+                            <td>{{$jobDetail->jobName}}</td>
+                            <td>{{ $jobDetail->jobId}}</td>
+                            <td>{{$jobDetail->jobStatus->jobStateName }}</td>
+                            <td class="time" unix-time="{{$jobDetail->creationTime}}"></td>
+                        </tr>
+                    </table>
+                </td>

[3/4] airavata-php-gateway git commit: Removing unused redundant file.

Posted by
Removing unused redundant file.


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: ea5afa33a5efd667d4a05081aab64494dcb56e35
Parents: 28dec13
Author: Nipurn Doshi <>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 10:44:29 2016 -0500
Committer: Nipurn Doshi <>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 10:44:29 2016 -0500

 app/controllers/ResourceController.php | 211 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 211 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/controllers/ResourceController.php b/app/controllers/ResourceController.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 91530a2..0000000
--- a/app/controllers/ResourceController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-class ResourceController extends BaseController
-    /**
-     *    Instantiate a new Compute Resource Controller Instance
-     **/
-    public function __construct()
-    {
-        $this->beforeFilter('verifyadmin');
-        Session::put("nav-active", "compute-resource");
-    }
-    public function createView()
-    {
-        return View::make("resource/create");
-    }
-    public function createSubmit()
-    {
-        $hostAliases = Input::get("hostaliases");
-        $ips = Input::get("ips");
-        $computeDescription = array(
-            "hostName" => trim(Input::get("hostname")),
-            "hostAliases" => array_unique(array_filter($hostAliases)),
-            "ipAddresses" => array_unique(array_filter($ips)),
-            "resourceDescription" => Input::get("description")
-        );
-        $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription);
-        return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . $computeResource->computeResourceId);
-    }
-    public function editView()
-    {
-        $data = CRUtilities::getEditCRData();
-        $computeResourceId = "";
-        if (Input::has("crId"))
-            $computeResourceId = Input::get("crId");
-        else if (Session::has("computeResource")) {
-            $computeResource = Session::get("computeResource");
-            $computeResourceId = $computeResource->computeResourceId;
-        }
-        if ($computeResourceId != "") {
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource($computeResourceId);
-            $jobSubmissionInterfaces = array();
-            $dataMovementInterfaces = array();
-            $addedJSP = array();
-            $addedDMI = array();
-            //var_dump( $computeResource->jobSubmissionInterfaces); exit;
-            if (count($computeResource->jobSubmissionInterfaces)) {
-                foreach ($computeResource->jobSubmissionInterfaces as $JSI) {
-                    $jobSubmissionInterfaces[] = CRUtilities::getJobSubmissionDetails($JSI->jobSubmissionInterfaceId, $JSI->jobSubmissionProtocol);
-                    $addedJSP[] = $JSI->jobSubmissionProtocol;
-                }
-            }
-            //var_dump( CRUtilities::getJobSubmissionDetails( $data["computeResource"]->jobSubmissionInterfaces[0]->jobSubmissionInterfaceId, 1) ); exit;
-            if (count($computeResource->dataMovementInterfaces)) {
-                foreach ($computeResource->dataMovementInterfaces as $DMI) {
-                    $dataMovementInterfaces[] = CRUtilities::getDataMovementDetails($DMI->dataMovementInterfaceId, $DMI->dataMovementProtocol);
-                    $addedDMI[] = $DMI->dataMovementProtocol;
-                }
-            }
-            $data["computeResource"] = $computeResource;
-            $data["jobSubmissionInterfaces"] = $jobSubmissionInterfaces;
-            $data["dataMovementInterfaces"] = $dataMovementInterfaces;
-            $data["addedJSP"] = $addedJSP;
-            $data["addedDMI"] = $addedDMI;
-            //var_dump($data["jobSubmissionInterfaces"]); exit;
-            return View::make("resource/edit", $data);
-        } else
-            return View::make("resource/browse")->with("login-alert", "Unable to retrieve this Compute Resource. Please report this error to devs.");
-    }
-    public function editSubmit()
-    {
-        $tabName = "";
-        if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "resDesc") /* Modify compute Resource description */ {
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            $computeDescription->hostName = trim(Input::get("hostname"));
-            $computeDescription->hostAliases = array_unique(array_filter(Input::get("hostaliases")));
-            $computeDescription->ipAddresses = array_unique(array_filter(Input::get("ips")));
-            $computeDescription->resourceDescription = Input::get("description");
-            $computeDescription->maxMemoryPerNode = Input::get("maxMemoryPerNode");
-            //var_dump( $computeDescription); exit;
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            $tabName = "#tab-desc";
-        }
-        if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "queue") /* Add / Modify a Queue */ {
-            $queue = array("queueName" => Input::get("qname"),
-                "queueDescription" => Input::get("qdesc"),
-                "maxRunTime" => Input::get("qmaxruntime"),
-                "maxNodes" => Input::get("qmaxnodes"),
-                "maxProcessors" => Input::get("qmaxprocessors"),
-                "maxJobsInQueue" => Input::get("qmaxjobsinqueue"),
-                "maxMemory" => Input::get("qmaxmemoryinqueue")
-            );
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            $computeDescription->batchQueues[] = CRUtilities::createQueueObject($queue);
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            //var_dump( $computeResource); exit;
-            $tabName = "#tab-queues";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "delete-queue") {
-            CRUtilities::deleteQueue(Input::get("crId"), Input::get("queueName"));
-            $tabName = "#tab-queues";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "fileSystems") {
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            $computeDescription->fileSystems = array_filter(Input::get("fileSystems"), "trim");
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            $tabName = "#tab-filesystem";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "jsp" || Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-jsp") /* Add / Modify a Job Submission Interface */ {
-            $update = false;
-            if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-jsp")
-                $update = true;
-            $jobSubmissionInterface = CRUtilities::create_or_update_JSIObject(Input::all(), $update);
-            $tabName = "#tab-jobSubmission";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "jsi-priority") {
-            $inputs = Input::all();
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            foreach ($computeDescription->jobSubmissionInterfaces as $index => $jsi) {
-                foreach ($inputs["jsi-id"] as $idIndex => $jsiId) {
-                    if ($jsiId == $jsi->jobSubmissionInterfaceId) {
-                        $computeDescription->jobSubmissionInterfaces[$index]->priorityOrder = $inputs["jsi-priority"][$idIndex];
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            return 1; //currently done by ajax.
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "dmp" || Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-dmi") /* Add / Modify a Data Movement Interface */ {
-            $update = false;
-            if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-dmi")
-                $update = true;
-            $dataMovementInterface = CRUtilities::create_or_update_DMIObject(Input::all(), $update);
-            $tabName = "#tab-dataMovement";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "dmi-priority") {
-            $inputs = Input::all();
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            foreach ($computeDescription->dataMovementInterfaces as $index => $dmi) {
-                foreach ($inputs["dmi-id"] as $idIndex => $dmiId) {
-                    if ($dmiId == $dmi->dataMovementInterfaceId) {
-                        $computeDescription->dataMovementInterfaces[$index]->priorityOrder = $inputs["dmi-priority"][$idIndex];
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            return 1; //currently done by ajax.
-        }
-        return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . Input::get("crId") . $tabName);
-    }
-    public function deleteActions()
-    {
-        $result = CRUtilities::deleteActions(Input::all());
-        if (Input::has("jsiId")) {
-            return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . Input::get("crId") . "#tab-jobSubmission")
-                ->with("message", "Job Submission Interface was deleted successfully");
-        }
-        if (Input::has("dmiId")) {
-            return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . Input::get("crId") . "#tab-dataMovement")
-                ->with("message", "Data Movement Protocol was deleted successfully");
-        } elseif (Input::has("del-crId")) {
-            return Redirect::to("cr/browse")->with("message", "The Compute Resource has been successfully deleted.");
-        } else
-            return $result;
-    }
-    public function browseView()
-    {
-        $data = CRUtilities::getBrowseCRData(true);
-        $allCRs = $data["crObjects"];
-        $appDeployments = $data["appDeployments"];
-        $connectedDeployments = array();
-        foreach ((array)$allCRs as $crId => $crName) {
-            $connectedDeployments[$crId] = 0;
-            foreach ((array)$appDeployments as $deploymentObject) {
-                if ($crId == $deploymentObject->computeHostId)
-                    $connectedDeployments[$crId]++;
-            }
-        }
-        return View::make("resource/browse", array(
-            "allCRs" => $allCRs,
-            "connectedDeployments" => $connectedDeployments
-        ));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

[2/4] airavata-php-gateway git commit: Bug Fix - Correcting Link to Browse Experiments page

Posted by
Bug Fix - Correcting Link to Browse Experiments page


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: 28dec138183a678958d93efce8918cd166e4a9d1
Parents: ec279ca
Author: Nipurn Doshi <>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 10:41:49 2016 -0500
Committer: Nipurn Doshi <>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 10:41:49 2016 -0500

 app/views/account/dashboard.blade.php | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/app/views/account/dashboard.blade.php b/app/views/account/dashboard.blade.php
index 6bbf1bb..66d7432 100644
--- a/app/views/account/dashboard.blade.php
+++ b/app/views/account/dashboard.blade.php
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-                <a href="{{URL::to('/')}}/admin/dashboard/experiments">
+                <a href="{{URL::to('/')}}/experiments/browse">
                     <div class="@if( Session::has('admin')) col-md-4 @else col-md-6 @endif well">
                         <div class="col-md-12">
                             <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tasks console-icon"></span>

[4/4] airavata-php-gateway git commit: 1) Removed ability for super admin to edit other gateway's preferences. 2) Added UI for super admin to view their own gateway separately.

Posted by
1) Removed ability for super admin to edit other gateway's preferences.
2) Added UI for super admin to view their own gateway separately.


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: 39df35a893e8310089ea13f2f0d760ef27be1ad6
Parents: ea5afa3
Author: Nipurn Doshi <>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 11:52:49 2016 -0500
Committer: Nipurn Doshi <>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 11:52:49 2016 -0500

 app/views/admin/manage-gateway.blade.php | 281 ++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/views/admin/manage-gateway.blade.php b/app/views/admin/manage-gateway.blade.php
index 6c47742..7e99d3f 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/manage-gateway.blade.php
+++ b/app/views/admin/manage-gateway.blade.php
@@ -24,11 +24,19 @@
         <div class="container-fluid">
+            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion2">
+                <h3>Your Gateway Preferences</h3>
+                @foreach( $gateways as $indexGP => $gp )
+                    @if( $gp->gatewayId == Session::get("gateway_id"))
+                        @include('partials/gateway-preferences-block', array("gp" => $gp, "accName" => "accordion2") )
+                    @endif
+                @endforeach
+            </div>
+            @if( Session::has('super-admin'))
             <div class="row">
                 <div class="col-md-6">
-                    <h3>Gateway Preferences</h3>
+                    <h3>Other Gateway Preferences</h3>
                 @if( Session::has("super-admin"))
                 <div class="col-md-6" style="margin-top:2%">
@@ -83,251 +91,18 @@
-            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion2">
-                @foreach( $gateways as $indexGP => $gp )
-                <div class="panel panel-default">
-                    <div class="panel-heading">
-                        <h4 class="panel-title">
-                            <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed gateway-name" data-toggle="collapse"
-                               data-parent="#accordion2" href="#collapse-gateway-{{$indexGP}}">
-                                {{ $gp->gatewayName }}
-                            </a>
-                            @if(Session::has("admin"))
-                            <!-- Backend needs to be added for this
-                            <div class="pull-right col-md-2 gateway-options fade">
-                                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil edit-gateway" style="cursor:pointer;"
-                                      data-toggle="modal" data-target="#edit-gateway-block"
-                                      data-gp-id="{{ $gp->gatewayId }}" data-gp-name="{{ $gp->gatewayName }}"></span>
-                            </div>
-                            -->
-                            @endif
-                        </h4>
-                    </div>
-                    <div id="collapse-gateway-{{$indexGP}}" class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                        <div class="panel-body">
-                            <div class="app-interface-block">
-                                <div class="row">
-                                     @if(Session::has("admin"))
-                                    <div class="col-md-10 credential-store-token-change">
-                                        <form>
-                                            <div class="form-group">
-                                                <label class="control-label col-md-12">{{ Session::get('theme') }} Credential Store Token</label>
-                                                <div class="col-md-9">
-                                                    <select class="form-control gateway-credential-store-token" name="resourceSpecificCredentialStoreToken"  data-gpid="{{$gp->gatewayId}}" >
-                                                        @if( isset( $gp->profile->credentialStoreToken) )
-                                                        <option value="{{$gp->profile->credentialStoreToken}}">{{$gp->profile->credentialStoreToken}}</option>
-                                                        @else
-                                                        <option value="">Select a Credential Token from Store</option>
-                                                        @endif
-                                                        <option value="">DO-NO-SET</option>
-                                                        @foreach( $tokens as $token => $publicKey)
-                                                        <option value="{{$token}}">{{$token}}</option>
-                                                        @endforeach
-                                                    </select>
-                                                    <!--
-                                                    <input type="text" name="resourceSpecificCredentialStoreToken"  data-gpid="{{$gp->gatewayId}}" class="form-control credential-store-token"
-                                                           value="@if( isset( $gp->profile->credentialStoreToken) ){{$gp->profile->credentialStoreToken}}@endif"/>
-                                                    -->
-                                                </div>
-                                                <div class="col-md-3">
-                                                        <input type="submit" class="form-control btn btn-primary" value="Set"/>
-                                                </div>
-                                            </div>
-                                        </form>
-                                    </div>
-                                    <div class="col-md-10">
-                                        <button class="btn btn-default add-cr" data-gpid="{{$gp->gatewayId}}"><span
-                                                class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add a Compute Resource Preference
-                                        </button>
-                                    </div>
-                                    @endif
-                                </div>
-                                    <div class="col-md-10">
-                                        @if( isset( $gp->profile->computeResourcePreferences) )
-                                        <div>
-                                            <h3>Compute Resource Preferences :</h3>
-                                        </div>
-                                        <div class="accordion-inner">
-                                            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion-{{$indexGP}}">
-                                                @foreach( (array)$gp->profile->computeResourcePreferences as $indexCRP
-                                                => $crp )
-                                                <div class="panel panel-default">
-                                                    <div class="panel-heading">
-                                                        <h4 class="panel-title">
-                                                            <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed gateway-name"
-                                                               data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion"
-                                                               href="#collapse-crp-{{$indexGP}}-{{$indexCRP}}">
-                                                                {{ $crp->crDetails->hostName }}
-                                                            </a>
-                                                            @if(Session::has("admin"))
-                                                            <div class="pull-right col-md-2 gateway-options fade">
-                                                                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove-compute-resource"
-                                                                      style="cursor:pointer;" data-toggle="modal"
-                                                                      data-target="#remove-compute-resource-block"
-                                                                      data-cr-name="{{$crp->crDetails->hostName}}"
-                                                                      data-cr-id="{{$crp->computeResourceId}}"
-                                                                      data-gp-id="{{ $gp->gatewayId }}"></span>
-                                                            </div>
-                                                            @endif
-                                                        </h4>
-                                                    </div>
-                                                    <div id="collapse-crp-{{$indexGP}}-{{$indexCRP}}"
-                                                         class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                                                        <div class="panel-body">
-                                                            <div class="app-compute-resource-preferences-block">
-                                                                <form action="{{URL::to('/')}}/gp/update-crp"
-                                                                      method="POST">
-                                                                    <input type="hidden" name="gatewayId" id="gatewayId"
-                                                                           value="{{$gp->gatewayId}}">
-                                                                    <input type="hidden" name="computeResourceId"
-                                                                           id="gatewayId"
-                                                                           value="{{$crp->computeResourceId}}">
-                                                                    <div class="form-horizontal">
-                                                                        @include('partials/compute-resource-preferences',
-                                                                        array('computeResource' => $crp->crDetails,
-                                                                        'crData' => $crData, 'preferences'=>$crp,
-                                                                        'show'=>true))
-                                                                    </div>
-                                                                </form>
-                                                            </div>
-                                                        </div>
-                                                    </div>
-                                                </div>
-                                                @endforeach
-                                            </div>
-                                        </div>
-                                        @endif
-                                        @if( isset( $gp->profile->storagePreferences) )
-                                        <div>
-                                            <h3>Storage Resource Preferences :</h3>
-                                        </div>
-                                        <div class="accordion-inner">
-                                            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion-{{$indexGP}}">
-                                                @foreach( (array)$gp->profile->storagePreferences as $indexSRP
-                                                => $srp )
-                                                <div class="panel panel-default">
-                                                    <div class="panel-heading">
-                                                        <h4 class="panel-title">
-                                                            <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed gateway-name"
-                                                               data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion"
-                                                               href="#collapse-srp-{{$indexGP}}-{{$indexSRP}}">
-                                                                {{ $srp->srDetails->hostName }}
-                                                            </a>
-                                                            @if(Session::has("admin"))
-                                                            <div class="pull-right col-md-2 gateway-options fade">
-                                                                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove-storage-resource"
-                                                                      style="cursor:pointer;" data-toggle="modal"
-                                                                      data-target="#remove-storage-resource-block"
-                                                                      data-sr-name="{{$srp->srDetails->hostName}}"
-                                                                      data-sr-id="{{$srp->storageResourceId}}"
-                                                                      data-gp-id="{{ $gp->gatewayId }}"></span>
-                                                            </div>
-                                                            @endif
-                                                        </h4>
-                                                    </div>
-                                                    <div id="collapse-srp-{{$indexGP}}-{{$indexSRP}}"
-                                                         class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                                                        <div class="panel-body">
-                                                            <div class="app-compute-resource-preferences-block">
-                                                                <form action="{{URL::to('/')}}/gp/update-srp"
-                                                                      method="POST">
-                                                                    <input type="hidden" name="gatewayId" id="gatewayId"
-                                                                           value="{{$gp->gatewayId}}">
-                                                                    <input type="hidden" name="storageResourceId"
-                                                                           id="gatewayId"
-                                                                           value="{{$srp->storageResourceId}}">
-                                                                    <div class="form-horizontal">
-                                                                        @include('partials/storage-resource-preferences',
-                                                                        array('storageResource' => $srp->srDetails,
-                                                                        'srData' => $srData, 'preferences'=>$srp,
-                                                                        'show'=>true))
-                                                                    </div>
-                                                                </form>
-                                                            </div>
-                                                        </div>
-                                                    </div>
-                                                </div>
-                                                @endforeach
-                                            </div>
-                                        </div>
-                                        @endif
-                                    </div>
-                                    <div class="col-md-10">
-                                        <button class="btn btn-default add-dsp" data-gpid="{{$gp->gatewayId}}"><span
-                                                class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add a Data Storage Preference
-                                        </button>
-                                    </div>
-                                    <div class="col-md-10">
-                                        @if( isset( $gp->profile->dataStoragePreferences) )
-                                        <div>
-                                            <h3>Data Storage Preferences :</h3>
-                                        </div>
-                                        <div class="accordion-inner">
-                                            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion-{{$indexGP}}">
-                                                @foreach( (array)$gp->profile->dataStoragePreferences as $indexDSP
-                                                => $dsp )
-                                                <div class="panel panel-default">
-                                                    <div class="panel-heading">
-                                                        <h4 class="panel-title">
-                                                            <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed gateway-name"
-                                                               data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion"
-                                                               href="#collapse-dsp-{{$indexGP}}-{{$indexDSP}}">
-                                                                {{ $dsp->dataMovememtResourceId }}
-                                                            </a>
-                                                            @if(Session::has("admin"))
-                                                            <div class="pull-right col-md-2 gateway-options fade">
-                                                                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove-storage-resource"
-                                                                      style="cursor:pointer;" data-toggle="modal"
-                                                                      data-target="#remove-storage-resource-block"
-                                                                      data-dsp-id="{{$ds->computeResourceId}}"
-                                                                      data-gp-id="{{ $gp->gatewayId }}"></span>
-                                                            </div>
-                                                            @endif
-                                                        </h4>
-                                                    </div>
-                                                    <div id="collapse-dsp-{{$indexGP}}-{{$indexDSP}}"
-                                                         class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                                                        <div class="panel-body">
-                                                            <div class="app-data-storage-preferences-block">
-                                                                <form action="{{URL::to('/')}}/gp/update-dsp"
-                                                                      method="POST">
-                                                                    <input type="hidden" name="gatewayId" id="gatewayId"
-                                                                           value="{{$gp->gatewayId}}">
-                                                                    <input type="hidden" name="dataStorageId"
-                                                                           id="gatewayId"
-                                                                           value="{{$crp->dataMovememtResourceId}}">
-                                                                    <div class="form-horizontal">
-                                                                        @include('partials/compute-resource-preferences',
-                                                                        array('computeResource' => $crp->crDetails,
-                                                                        'crData' => $crData, 'preferences'=>$crp,
-                                                                        'show'=>true))
-                                                                    </div>
-                                                                </form>
-                                                            </div>
-                                                        </div>
-                                                    </div>
-                                                </div>
-                                                @endforeach
-                                            </div>
-                                        </div>
-                                        @endif
-                                    </div>
-                                </div>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
+            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion1">
+                    @foreach( $gateways as $indexGP => $gp )
+                    <div class='super-admin-gateways-view'>
+                        @include('partials/gateway-preferences-block', array("gp" => $gp, "accName" => "accordion1"))
-                @endforeach
+                    @endforeach
+            @endif
         <!-- /.container-fluid -->
@@ -468,7 +243,7 @@
     //make first tab of accordion open by default.
     //temporary fix
-    $("#accordion2 #collapse-gateway-0").addClass("in");
+    $("#accordion2 #accordion2-collapse-gateway-0").addClass("in");
     $(".credential-store-token-change > form").submit( function(e){
         $(this).prepend( "<img id='loading-gif' src='{{URL::to('/')}}/assets/ajax-loader.gif'/>");
@@ -524,5 +299,21 @@
+    disableInputs( $(".super-admin-gateways-view"));
+    function disableInputs( elem){
+      elem.find("input").each( function( i,e){
+          if( $(e).attr("type")=='submit' || $(e).attr("type")=='button'  )
+              $(e).attr("disabled", "true");
+           else
+              $(e).prop("readonly", "true");
+      });
+      elem.find("textarea").prop("readonly", "true");
+      elem.find("select").attr("disabled", "true");
+      elem.find(".hide").prop("readonly", "true");
+      elem.find("button").attr("disabled", "true");
+      $(".glyphicon").hide();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file