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Posted to by on 2001/08/09 17:23:38 UTC

cvs commit: xml-xerces/c/src/framework XMLAttDef.cpp XMLAttDef.hpp XMLErrorCodes.hpp

knoaman     01/08/09 08:23:38

  Modified:    c/src/framework XMLAttDef.cpp XMLAttDef.hpp
  add support for <anyAttribute> declaration.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +2 -3      xml-xerces/c/src/framework/XMLAttDef.cpp
  Index: XMLAttDef.cpp
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xerces/c/src/framework/XMLAttDef.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  --- XMLAttDef.cpp	2001/06/21 14:25:24	1.8
  +++ XMLAttDef.cpp	2001/08/09 15:23:37	1.9
  @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
  - * $Id: XMLAttDef.cpp,v 1.8 2001/06/21 14:25:24 knoaman Exp $
  + * $Id: XMLAttDef.cpp,v 1.9 2001/08/09 15:23:37 knoaman Exp $
  @@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
       , XMLUni::fgCDATAString
       , XMLUni::fgCDATAString
       , XMLUni::fgCDATAString
  -    , XMLUni::fgCDATAString
  @@ -104,8 +103,8 @@
       , XMLUni::fgRequiredString
       , XMLUni::fgImpliedString
  -    , XMLUni::fgFixedString
       , XMLUni::fgImpliedString
  +    , XMLUni::fgFixedString
       , XMLUni::fgImpliedString
       , XMLUni::fgImpliedString
       , XMLUni::fgImpliedString
  1.12      +14 -6     xml-xerces/c/src/framework/XMLAttDef.hpp
  Index: XMLAttDef.hpp
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xerces/c/src/framework/XMLAttDef.hpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- XMLAttDef.hpp	2001/06/21 14:25:26	1.11
  +++ XMLAttDef.hpp	2001/08/09 15:23:37	1.12
  @@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
    * $Log: XMLAttDef.hpp,v $
  + * Revision 1.12  2001/08/09 15:23:37  knoaman
  + * add support for <anyAttribute> declaration.
  + *
    * Revision 1.11  2001/06/21 14:25:26  knoaman
    * Fix for bug 1946
  @@ -154,12 +157,11 @@
           , Simple            = 10
           , Any_Any           = 11
           , Any_Other         = 12
  -        , Any_Local         = 13
  -        , Any_List          = 14
  +        , Any_List          = 13
           , AttTypes_Count
           , AttTypes_Min      = 0
  -        , AttTypes_Max      = 14
  +        , AttTypes_Max      = 13
           , AttTypes_Unknown  = -1
  @@ -168,8 +170,8 @@
           Default                  = 0
           , Required               = 1
           , Implied                = 2
  -        , Fixed                  = 3
  -        , Prohibited             = 4
  +        , Prohibited             = 3
  +        , Fixed                  = 4
           , Required_And_Fixed     = 5
           , ProcessContents_Strict = 6
           , ProcessContents_Lax    = 7
  @@ -577,7 +579,13 @@
   inline void XMLAttDef::setEnumeration(const XMLCh* const newValue)
       delete [] fEnumeration;
  -    fEnumeration = XMLString::replicate(newValue);
  +    if (newValue) {
  +        fEnumeration = XMLString::replicate(newValue);
  +    }
  +    else {
  +        fEnumeration = 0;
  +    }
   inline void XMLAttDef::setId(const unsigned int newId)
  1.21      +139 -129  xml-xerces/c/src/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp
  Index: XMLErrorCodes.hpp
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xerces/c/src/framework/XMLErrorCodes.hpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
  --- XMLErrorCodes.hpp	2001/07/31 15:28:53	1.20
  +++ XMLErrorCodes.hpp	2001/08/09 15:23:37	1.21
  @@ -132,135 +132,145 @@
         , BadMinMaxAllCT                     = 119
         , BadMinMaxAllElem                   = 120
         , NoCircularAttGroup                 = 121
  -      , DisplayErrorMessage                = 122
  -      , E_HighBounds                       = 123
  -      , F_LowBounds                        = 124
  -      , ExpectedCommentOrCDATA             = 125
  -      , ExpectedAttrName                   = 126
  -      , ExpectedNotationName               = 127
  -      , NoRepInMixed                       = 128
  -      , BadDefAttrDecl                     = 129
  -      , ExpectedDefAttrDecl                = 130
  -      , AttListSyntaxError                 = 131
  -      , ExpectedEqSign                     = 132
  -      , DupAttrName                        = 133
  -      , BadIdForXMLLangAttr                = 134
  -      , ExpectedElementName                = 135
  -      , MustStartWithXMLDecl               = 136
  -      , CommentsMustStartWith              = 137
  -      , InvalidDocumentStructure           = 138
  -      , ExpectedDeclString                 = 139
  -      , BadXMLVersion                      = 140
  -      , UnsupportedXMLVersion              = 141
  -      , UnterminatedXMLDecl                = 142
  -      , BadXMLEncoding                     = 143
  -      , BadStandalone                      = 144
  -      , UnterminatedComment                = 145
  -      , PINameExpected                     = 146
  -      , UnterminatedPI                     = 147
  -      , InvalidCharacter                   = 148
  -      , UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot           = 149
  -      , UnterminatedStartTag               = 150
  -      , ExpectedAttrValue                  = 151
  -      , UnterminatedEndTag                 = 152
  -      , ExpectedAttributeType              = 153
  -      , ExpectedEndOfTagX                  = 154
  -      , ExpectedMarkup                     = 155
  -      , NotValidAfterContent               = 156
  -      , ExpectedComment                    = 157
  -      , ExpectedCommentOrPI                = 158
  -      , ExpectedWhitespace                 = 159
  -      , NoRootElemInDOCTYPE                = 160
  -      , ExpectedQuotedString               = 161
  -      , ExpectedPublicId                   = 162
  -      , InvalidPublicIdChar                = 163
  -      , UnterminatedDOCTYPE                = 164
  -      , InvalidCharacterInIntSubset        = 165
  -      , ExpectedCDATA                      = 166
  -      , InvalidInitialNameChar             = 167
  -      , InvalidNameChar                    = 168
  -      , UnexpectedWhitespace               = 169
  -      , InvalidCharacterInAttrValue        = 170
  -      , ExpectedMarkupDecl                 = 171
  -      , TextDeclNotLegalHere               = 172
  -      , ConditionalSectInIntSubset         = 173
  -      , ExpectedPEName                     = 174
  -      , UnterminatedEntityDecl             = 175
  -      , InvalidCharacterRef                = 176
  -      , UnterminatedCharRef                = 177
  -      , ExpectedEntityRefName              = 178
  -      , EntityNotFound                     = 179
  -      , NoUnparsedEntityRefs               = 180
  -      , UnterminatedEntityRef              = 181
  -      , RecursiveEntity                    = 182
  -      , PartialMarkupInEntity              = 183
  -      , UnterminatedElementDecl            = 184
  -      , ExpectedContentSpecExpr            = 185
  -      , ExpectedAsterisk                   = 186
  -      , UnterminatedContentModel           = 187
  -      , ExpectedSystemId                   = 188
  -      , ExpectedSystemOrPublicId           = 189
  -      , UnterminatedNotationDecl           = 190
  -      , ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf              = 191
  -      , ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen         = 192
  -      , ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen            = 193
  -      , ExpectedEnumValue                  = 194
  -      , ExpectedEnumSepOrParen             = 195
  -      , UnterminatedEntityLiteral          = 196
  -      , MoreEndThanStartTags               = 197
  -      , ExpectedOpenParen                  = 198
  -      , AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag              = 199
  -      , BracketInAttrValue                 = 200
  -      , Expected2ndSurrogateChar           = 201
  -      , ExpectedEndOfConditional           = 202
  -      , ExpectedIncOrIgn                   = 203
  -      , ExpectedINCLUDEBracket             = 204
  -      , ExpectedTextDecl                   = 205
  -      , ExpectedXMLDecl                    = 206
  -      , UnexpectedEOE                      = 207
  -      , PEPropogated                       = 208
  -      , ExtraCloseSquare                   = 209
  -      , PERefInMarkupInIntSubset           = 210
  -      , EntityPropogated                   = 211
  -      , ExpectedNumericalCharRef           = 212
  -      , ExpectedOpenSquareBracket          = 213
  -      , BadSequenceInCharData              = 214
  -      , IllegalSequenceInComment           = 215
  -      , UnterminatedCDATASection           = 216
  -      , ExpectedNDATA                      = 217
  -      , NDATANotValidForPE                 = 218
  -      , HexRadixMustBeLowerCase            = 219
  -      , DeclStringRep                      = 220
  -      , DeclStringsInWrongOrder            = 221
  -      , NoExtRefsInAttValue                = 222
  -      , XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase             = 223
  -      , ExpectedEntityValue                = 224
  -      , BadDigitForRadix                   = 225
  -      , EndedWithTagsOnStack               = 226
  -      , AmbiguousContentModel              = 227
  -      , NestedCDATA                        = 228
  -      , UnknownPrefix                      = 229
  -      , PartialTagMarkupError              = 230
  -      , EmptyMainEntity                    = 231
  -      , CDATAOutsideOfContent              = 232
  -      , OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere            = 233
  -      , Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar         = 234
  -      , NoPIStartsWithXML                  = 235
  -      , XMLDeclMustBeFirst                 = 236
  -      , XMLVersionRequired                 = 237
  -      , StandaloneNotLegal                 = 238
  -      , EncodingRequired                   = 239
  -      , TooManyColonsInName                = 240
  -      , InvalidColonPos                    = 241
  -      , ColonNotLegalWithNS                = 242
  -      , SysException                       = 243
  -      , XMLException                       = 244
  -      , UnexpectedEOF                      = 245
  -      , UnexpectedError                    = 246
  -      , BadSchemaLocation                  = 247
  -      , NoGrammarResolver                  = 248
  -      , SchemaScanFatalError               = 249
  -      , F_HighBounds                       = 250
  +      , DuplicateAttInDerivation           = 122
  +      , NotExpressibleWildCardIntersection   = 123
  +      , BadAttDerivation_1                 = 124
  +      , BadAttDerivation_2                 = 125
  +      , BadAttDerivation_3                 = 126
  +      , BadAttDerivation_4                 = 127
  +      , BadAttDerivation_5                 = 128
  +      , BadAttDerivation_6                 = 129
  +      , BadAttDerivation_7                 = 130
  +      , AllContentError                    = 131
  +      , DisplayErrorMessage                = 132
  +      , E_HighBounds                       = 133
  +      , F_LowBounds                        = 134
  +      , ExpectedCommentOrCDATA             = 135
  +      , ExpectedAttrName                   = 136
  +      , ExpectedNotationName               = 137
  +      , NoRepInMixed                       = 138
  +      , BadDefAttrDecl                     = 139
  +      , ExpectedDefAttrDecl                = 140
  +      , AttListSyntaxError                 = 141
  +      , ExpectedEqSign                     = 142
  +      , DupAttrName                        = 143
  +      , BadIdForXMLLangAttr                = 144
  +      , ExpectedElementName                = 145
  +      , MustStartWithXMLDecl               = 146
  +      , CommentsMustStartWith              = 147
  +      , InvalidDocumentStructure           = 148
  +      , ExpectedDeclString                 = 149
  +      , BadXMLVersion                      = 150
  +      , UnsupportedXMLVersion              = 151
  +      , UnterminatedXMLDecl                = 152
  +      , BadXMLEncoding                     = 153
  +      , BadStandalone                      = 154
  +      , UnterminatedComment                = 155
  +      , PINameExpected                     = 156
  +      , UnterminatedPI                     = 157
  +      , InvalidCharacter                   = 158
  +      , UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot           = 159
  +      , UnterminatedStartTag               = 160
  +      , ExpectedAttrValue                  = 161
  +      , UnterminatedEndTag                 = 162
  +      , ExpectedAttributeType              = 163
  +      , ExpectedEndOfTagX                  = 164
  +      , ExpectedMarkup                     = 165
  +      , NotValidAfterContent               = 166
  +      , ExpectedComment                    = 167
  +      , ExpectedCommentOrPI                = 168
  +      , ExpectedWhitespace                 = 169
  +      , NoRootElemInDOCTYPE                = 170
  +      , ExpectedQuotedString               = 171
  +      , ExpectedPublicId                   = 172
  +      , InvalidPublicIdChar                = 173
  +      , UnterminatedDOCTYPE                = 174
  +      , InvalidCharacterInIntSubset        = 175
  +      , ExpectedCDATA                      = 176
  +      , InvalidInitialNameChar             = 177
  +      , InvalidNameChar                    = 178
  +      , UnexpectedWhitespace               = 179
  +      , InvalidCharacterInAttrValue        = 180
  +      , ExpectedMarkupDecl                 = 181
  +      , TextDeclNotLegalHere               = 182
  +      , ConditionalSectInIntSubset         = 183
  +      , ExpectedPEName                     = 184
  +      , UnterminatedEntityDecl             = 185
  +      , InvalidCharacterRef                = 186
  +      , UnterminatedCharRef                = 187
  +      , ExpectedEntityRefName              = 188
  +      , EntityNotFound                     = 189
  +      , NoUnparsedEntityRefs               = 190
  +      , UnterminatedEntityRef              = 191
  +      , RecursiveEntity                    = 192
  +      , PartialMarkupInEntity              = 193
  +      , UnterminatedElementDecl            = 194
  +      , ExpectedContentSpecExpr            = 195
  +      , ExpectedAsterisk                   = 196
  +      , UnterminatedContentModel           = 197
  +      , ExpectedSystemId                   = 198
  +      , ExpectedSystemOrPublicId           = 199
  +      , UnterminatedNotationDecl           = 200
  +      , ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf              = 201
  +      , ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen         = 202
  +      , ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen            = 203
  +      , ExpectedEnumValue                  = 204
  +      , ExpectedEnumSepOrParen             = 205
  +      , UnterminatedEntityLiteral          = 206
  +      , MoreEndThanStartTags               = 207
  +      , ExpectedOpenParen                  = 208
  +      , AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag              = 209
  +      , BracketInAttrValue                 = 210
  +      , Expected2ndSurrogateChar           = 211
  +      , ExpectedEndOfConditional           = 212
  +      , ExpectedIncOrIgn                   = 213
  +      , ExpectedINCLUDEBracket             = 214
  +      , ExpectedTextDecl                   = 215
  +      , ExpectedXMLDecl                    = 216
  +      , UnexpectedEOE                      = 217
  +      , PEPropogated                       = 218
  +      , ExtraCloseSquare                   = 219
  +      , PERefInMarkupInIntSubset           = 220
  +      , EntityPropogated                   = 221
  +      , ExpectedNumericalCharRef           = 222
  +      , ExpectedOpenSquareBracket          = 223
  +      , BadSequenceInCharData              = 224
  +      , IllegalSequenceInComment           = 225
  +      , UnterminatedCDATASection           = 226
  +      , ExpectedNDATA                      = 227
  +      , NDATANotValidForPE                 = 228
  +      , HexRadixMustBeLowerCase            = 229
  +      , DeclStringRep                      = 230
  +      , DeclStringsInWrongOrder            = 231
  +      , NoExtRefsInAttValue                = 232
  +      , XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase             = 233
  +      , ExpectedEntityValue                = 234
  +      , BadDigitForRadix                   = 235
  +      , EndedWithTagsOnStack               = 236
  +      , AmbiguousContentModel              = 237
  +      , NestedCDATA                        = 238
  +      , UnknownPrefix                      = 239
  +      , PartialTagMarkupError              = 240
  +      , EmptyMainEntity                    = 241
  +      , CDATAOutsideOfContent              = 242
  +      , OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere            = 243
  +      , Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar         = 244
  +      , NoPIStartsWithXML                  = 245
  +      , XMLDeclMustBeFirst                 = 246
  +      , XMLVersionRequired                 = 247
  +      , StandaloneNotLegal                 = 248
  +      , EncodingRequired                   = 249
  +      , TooManyColonsInName                = 250
  +      , InvalidColonPos                    = 251
  +      , ColonNotLegalWithNS                = 252
  +      , SysException                       = 253
  +      , XMLException                       = 254
  +      , UnexpectedEOF                      = 255
  +      , UnexpectedError                    = 256
  +      , BadSchemaLocation                  = 257
  +      , NoGrammarResolver                  = 258
  +      , SchemaScanFatalError               = 259
  +      , F_HighBounds                       = 260
       static bool isFatal(const XMLErrs::Codes toCheck)

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