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Posted to by Nirav Patel <> on 2018/08/01 19:24:25 UTC

Overwrite only specific partition with hive dynamic partitioning


I have a hive partition table created using sparkSession. I would like to
insert/overwrite Dataframe data to specific set of partition without
loosing any other partition. In each run I have to update Set of partitions
not just one.

e.g. I have dataframe with bid=1, bid=2, bid=3 in first time and I can
write it  by using


It generates dirs: bid=1, bid=2, bid=3  inside TableBaseLocation

But next time when I have a dataframe with  bid=1, bid=4 and use same code
above it removes bid=2 and bid=3. in other words I dont get idempotency.

I tried SaveMode.append but that creates duplicate data inside "bid=1"

I read

With that approach it seems like I may have to updated multiple partition
manually for each input partition. That seems like lot of work on every
update. Is there a better way for this?

Can this fix be apply to dataframe based approach as well?




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