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[45/51] [partial] incubator-usergrid git commit: Moving website from SVN to Git.
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+title: Client authorization
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Client authorization
+[See all management
+Using the App services API, you can authorize a client.
+Authorizing a client
+Use the GET method to authorize a client.
+### Request URI
+### Parameters
+  Parameter               Description
+  ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  string response\_type   The [OAuth 2.0 response type](
+  string client\_id       Organization client ID
+### Example - Request
+-   [cURL](#curl_auth_client)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_auth_client)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_auth_client)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_auth_client)
+<!-- -->
+    curl -X GET ""
+It is recommended that you use the [Admin
+Portal]( for administrative activities
+instead of using JavaScript to do them programmatically in your app.
+**Note:**You can see the response below in the Admin Portal by using the
+The example assumes use of the [Ruby
+    mgmt = ''
+    mgmt['authorize'].get params: { response_type: 'token', client_id: 'b0U5N81ME96NSeG78xIxQFxelQ'}
+The example assumes use of the [Node.js
+    var options = {
+        method:'GET',
+        endpoint:'management/authorize',
+        qs:{response_type:'token', client_id:'b0U5N81ME96NSeG78xIxQFxelQ'}
+    };
+    client.request(options, function (err, data) {
+        if (err) {
+            //error — GET failed
+        } else {
+            //success — data will contain raw results from API call       
+        }
+    });
+### Example - Response
+    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+    <html>
+    <head>
+        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+        <title>Sign In</title>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/styles.css" />
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <div class="dialog-area">
+            <form class="dialog-form" action="" method="post">
+                <input type="hidden" name="response_type" value="token">
+                <input type="hidden" name="client_id" value="b3U6M90FY80MEeG89xIxPRxEkQ">
+                <input type="hidden" name="redirect_uri" value="">
+                <input type="hidden" name="scope" value="">
+                <input type="hidden" name="state" value="">
+                <fieldset>
+                    <p>
+                        <label for="username">Username</label>
+                    </p>
+                    <p>
+                        <input class="text_field" id="username" name="username" type="text" />
+                    </p>
+                    <p>
+                        <label for="password">Password</label>
+                    </p>
+                    <p>
+                        <input class="text_field" id="password" name="password" type="password" />
+                    </p>
+                    <p class="buttons">
+                        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
+                    </p>
+                </fieldset>
+            </form>
+        </div>
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+title: Collections
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+In Apache Usergrid, all entities are automatically associated with a corresponding
+collection based on the `type` property of the entity. You may create
+empty collections if you wish, but creating an entity of a new type will
+automatically create a corresponding collection for you. For example,
+creating a new custom "item" entity, creates an "items" collection.
+Queries are always limited in scope to the current collection. That should be your primary consideration for data modeling in Apache Usergrid.
+The following collections are reserved in the system
+* users
+* groups
+* activities
+* devices
+* assets
+* folders
+* queues
+* events
+* counters
\ No newline at end of file
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+title: How to Contribute Code & Docs
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Code Contributions
+The Usergrid project has adopted a policy for how code is to be contributed
+by external contributors, and by those who are committers on the project. 
+You can read this policy here [Usergrid Contribution Workflow](
+Basically, we use GitHub as our code review system. So you should fork the 
+apache/incubator-usergrid repo and submit PRs back to the project. Here 
+are are step-by-step guide for both both external contributors and committers:
+* [External Contributors Guide](
+* [Usergrid Committers Guide](
+Website and Documentation Contributions
+If you want to contribute to the documentation you'll find that we use a different
+system. Our website and documentation is managed in Subversion. Here's a README file
+that explains how to get the website and documentation source code and make changes:
+* [ for website and documentation](
diff --git a/website/content/docs/ b/website/content/docs/
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index 0000000..f330dfe
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+++ b/website/content/docs/
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+title: Creating Collections
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Creating Collections
+This article describes how to create collections in Apache Usergrid. In App
+Services, all entities are automatically associated with a corresponding
+collection based on the `type` property of the entity. You may create
+empty collections if you wish, but creating an entity of a new type will
+automatically create a corresponding collection for you. For example,
+creating a new custom "item" entity, creates an "items" collection.
+**Note:** Although not shown in the API examples below, you need to
+provide a valid access token with each API call. See [Authenticating
+users and application
+clients](/authenticating-users-and-application-clients) for details.
+Creating a collection
+-   [Admin Portal](#portal_create_collection)
+-   [cURL](#curl_create_collection)
+-   [iOS](#ios_create_collection)
+-   [Android](#android_create_collection)
+-   [JavaScript](#javascript_create_collection)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_create_collection)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_create_collection)
+The easiest way to create a new, empty collection is by using the *Data
+Explorer* tool in the Apache Usergrid Admin Portal by doing the following:
+1.  [Login]( to the Apache Usergrid Admin
+    Portal.
+2.  In the left menu, click *Data Explorer*.
+3.  In the middle column, click the *Add Collection* button.
+4.  In the form, enter the name for the collection you want to create.
+    If the provided value is not a plural word, Apache Usergrid will
+    pluralize it.
+5.  Click *Create*. The new collection will appear in the list.
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    curl -X POST ""
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "post",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378857079220,
+      "duration" : 31,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X POST<org>/<app>/<collection_name>
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| org                                  | Organization UUID or organization    |
+|                                      | name                                 |
+| app                                  | Application UUID or application name |
+| collection\_name                     | Name of the collection to create. If |
+|                                      | the provided value is not a plural   |
+|                                      | word, Apache Usergrid will pluralize    |
+|                                      | it.                                  |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      | For example, providing 'item' will   |
+|                                      | create a collection named 'items'    |
+|                                      | but providing 'items' will not       |
+|                                      | create 'itemses'.                    |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)createCollection {
+    NSString *url = @"";
+    NSString *op = @"POST";
+    NSString *opData = nil;
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient apiRequest: url operation: op data: opData];
+    @try {
+        //success
+    }
+    @catch (NSException * e) {
+        //fail
+    }
+    }
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "post",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378857079220,
+      "duration" : 31,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)apiRequest: (NSString *)url operation:(NSString *)op data:(NSString *)opData
+### Properties
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| url                                  | A fully-formed url in the following  |
+|                                      | format:                              |
+|                                      |<org>/< |
+|                                      | app>/<collection>                    |
+| op                                   | The HTTP method - in this case,      |
+|                                      | 'POST'                               |
+| opData                               | No data is being sent, so the value  |
+|                                      | is `nil`                             |
+Currently, creating an empty collection is not supported by the [App
+Services SDK for Android](/app-services-sdks#android).
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //create the basic client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+    orgName:'your-org',
+    appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //options for the request
+    var options = {
+    endpoint:"items",
+    method:"POST"
+    }
+    dataClient.request(options,function (error,response) {
+    if (error) { 
+        // Error
+    } else { 
+        // Success
+    }
+    });    
+#### Response:
+    Object {action: "post", application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", params: Object, path: "/items", uri: ""…}
+    action: "post"
+    application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0"
+    applicationName: "your-app"
+    duration: 29
+    entities: Array[0]
+    organization: "your-org"
+    params: Object
+    path: "/items"
+    timestamp: 1378872945962
+    uri: ""
+    __proto__: Object               
+### SDK Method
+    request(options, callback)
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | A JSON-formatted object containing   |
+|                                      | the following properties:            |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the name of the        |
+|                                      |     collection to be created         |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request, in this case *POST*     |
+| callback                             | Callback function to handle the API  |
+|                                      | response                             |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    begin
+        # Call create_entity to initiate the API call
+        # By specifying 'nil' for the request body, we get an empty collection
+        client.create_entity('item', nil)
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "post",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378857079220,
+      "duration" : 31,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    create_entity(type, properties)
+### Properties
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+  type         Custom entity type that will correspond to the collection
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties – in this case 'nil'
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //create the basic client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+    orgName:'your-org',
+    appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //options for the request
+    var options = {
+    endpoint:"items",
+    method:"POST"
+    }
+    dataClient.request(options,function (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            // Error
+        } else { 
+            // Success
+        }
+    });     
+#### Response:
+    { action: 'post',
+      application: 'f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0',
+      params: {},
+      path: '/items',
+      uri: '',
+      entities: [],
+      timestamp: 1378873689426,
+      duration: 29,
+      organization: 'your-org',
+      applicationName: 'your-app' }
+### SDK Method
+    entity.request(options,callback)
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | A JSON-formatted object containing   |
+|                                      | the following properties:            |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the name of the        |
+|                                      |     collection to be created         |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request, in this case *POST*     |
+| callback                             | Callback function to handle the API  |
+|                                      | response                             |
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+title: Creating Custom Data Entities
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Creating Custom Data Entities
+This article describes how to create custom data entities and entity
+properties in Apache Usergrid. Entity types correspond to the name of
+collection to which they are posted. For example, if you create a new
+custom "dog" entity, a "dogs" collection will be created if one did not
+already exist. If a "dogs" collection already exists, the new "dog"
+entity will be saved in it. All user-defined properties are indexed, and
+strings that contain multiple words are keyword-indexed.
+The methods cited in this article should be used to create custom data
+entities. If you are using one of the [Apache Usergrid
+SDKs](/app-services-sdks), use one of the entity type-specific SDK
+methods to create [default data entities](/default-data-entities).
+**Note:** Although not shown in the API examples below, you need to
+provide a valid access token with each API call. See [Authenticating
+users and application
+clients](/authenticating-users-and-application-clients) for details.
+Creating a custom entity
+When a new entity is created, Apache Usergrid will automatically create a
+corresponding collection if one does not already exist. The collection
+will automatically be named with the plural form of the entity type. For
+example, creating a custom entity of type 'item' will automatically
+create a collection named 'items' in which all future 'item' entities
+will be saved.
+-   [cURL](#curl_create_entity)
+-   [iOS](#ios_create_entity)
+-   [Android](#android_create_entity)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_create_entity)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_create_entity)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_create_entity)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    curl -X POST "" -d '{"name":"milk", "price":"3.25"}'
+#### Response:
+        { 
+            "action" : "post", 
+            "application" : "4a1edb70-d7a8-11e2-9ce3-f315e5aa568a", 
+            "params" : { }, 
+            "path" : "/items", "uri" : "", 
+            "entities" : [ { 
+                "uuid" : "83e9b7ea-e8f5-11e2-84df-e94123890c7a", 
+                "type" : "item", 
+                "name" : "milk", 
+                "created" : 1373415195230, 
+                "modified" : 1373415195230, 
+                "metadata" : { 
+                    "path" : "/items/83e9b7ea-e8f5-11e2-84df-e94123890c7a" 
+                }, 
+                "name" : "milk", 
+                "price" : "3.25"
+            } ], 
+            "timestamp" : 1373415195225, 
+            "duration" : 635, 
+            "organization" : "my-org", 
+            "applicationName" : "my-app" 
+        }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X POST<org>/<app>/<entity_type> -d '{<property>, <property>, ...}'
+### Parameters
+  Parameter      Description
+  -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  org            Organization UUID or organization name
+  app            Application UUID or application name
+  entity\_type   Entity type to create. Apache Usergrid will create a corresponding collection if one does not already exist. To add an entity to an existing collections, use the pluralized collection name for entity\_type.
+  property       Comma-separated list of entity properties, formatted as key-value pairs: \<property\>:\<value\> (for a full list of default properties, see [Default Data Entities](/default-data-entities))
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)newEntity {
+        //create an entity object   
+        NSMutableDictionary *entity = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        //Set entity properties
+        [entity setObject:@"item" forKey:@"type"]; //Required. New entity type to create
+        [entity setObject:@"milk" forKey:@"name"];
+        [entity setObject:@"3.25" forKey:@"price"];
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient createEntity:entity];
+        @try {      
+            //success       
+        }
+        @catch (NSException * e) {
+            //fail
+        }
+    }
+#### Response:
+        { 
+            "action" : "post", 
+            "application" : "4a1edb70-d7a8-11e2-9ce3-f315e5aa568a", 
+            "params" : { }, 
+            "path" : "/items", "uri" : "", 
+            "entities" : [ { 
+                "uuid" : "83e9b7ea-e8f5-11e2-84df-e94123890c7a", 
+                "type" : "item", 
+                "name" : "milk", 
+                "created" : 1373415195230, 
+                "modified" : 1373415195230, 
+                "metadata" : { 
+                    "path" : "/items/83e9b7ea-e8f5-11e2-84df-e94123890c7a" 
+                }, 
+                "name" : "milk", 
+                "price" : "3.25"
+            } ], 
+            "timestamp" : 1373415195225, 
+            "duration" : 635, 
+            "organization" : "my-org", 
+            "applicationName" : "my-app" 
+        }
+### SDK Method
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)createEntity:(NSDictionary *)newEntity
+### Parameters
+  Parameter   Description
+  ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
+  newEntity   NSDictionary object that contains the entity properties
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid Android
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create client entity
+            String ORGNAME = "your-org"; 
+            String APPNAME = "your-app";
+            ApigeeClient apigeeClient = new ApigeeClient(ORGNAME,APPNAME,this.getBaseContext());
+            DataClient client = apigeeClient.getDataClient();
+    //Create properties object
+    Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    properties.put("type", "item");
+    properties.put("name", "milk");
+    properties.put("price", "3.25");
+    //call createEntityAsync to initiate the asynchronous API call
+    apigeeClient.createEntityAsync(properties, new ApiResponseCallback() {
+        //If createEntityAsync fails, catch the error
+        @Override
+        public void onException(Exception e) { 
+            // Error
+        }
+        //If createEntityAsync is successful, handle the response object
+        @Override
+        public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) {
+            try { 
+                if (response != null) {
+                    // Success
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) { //The API request returned an error
+                    // Fail
+            }
+        }
+    });             
+#### Response:
+    {
+        "action":"post",
+        "application":"f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+        "entities":[{
+            "Client":{
+                "accessToken":null,
+                "apiUrl":"",
+                "applicationId":"your-app",
+                "clientId":null,
+                "clientSecret":null,
+                "currentOrganization":null,
+                "loggedInUser":null,
+                "organizationId":"your-org"
+            },
+            "type":"item",
+            "uuid":"fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+            "created":1373475098695,
+            "modified":1373475098695,
+            "metadata":{
+                "path":"/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+            }
+        }],
+        "params":{},
+        "path":"/items",
+        "rawResponse":"{
+            "action" : "post",
+            "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+            "params" : { },
+            "path" : "/items",
+            "uri" : "",
+            "entities" : [ {
+                "uuid" : "fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+                "type" : "item",
+                "created" : 1373475098695,
+                "modified" : 1373475098695,
+                "metadata" : {
+                    "path" : "/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+                }
+            } ],
+            "timestamp" : 1373475098689,
+            "duration" : 24,
+            "organization" : "your-org",
+            "applicationName" : "your-app"
+        }",
+        "uri":"",
+        "timestamp":1373475098689,
+        "entityCount":1,
+        "firstEntity":{
+            "Client":{
+                "accessToken":null,
+                "apiUrl":"",
+                "applicationId":"your-app",
+                "clientId":null,
+                "clientSecret":null,
+                "currentOrganization":null,
+                "loggedInUser":null,
+                "organizationId":"your-org"
+            },
+            "type":"item",
+            "uuid":"fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+            "created":1373475098695,
+            "modified":1373475098695,
+            "metadata":{
+                "path":"/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+            }
+        },
+        "lastEntity":{
+            "Client":{
+                "accessToken":null,
+                "apiUrl":"",
+                "applicationId":"your-app",
+                "clientId":null,
+                "clientSecret":null,
+                "currentOrganization":null,
+                "loggedInUser":null,
+                "organizationId":"your-org"
+            },
+            "type":"item",
+            "uuid":"fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+            "created":1373475098695,
+            "modified":1373475098695,
+            "metadata":{
+                "path":"/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+            }
+        },
+        "organization":"your-org",
+        "duration":24,
+        "applicationName":"your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    createEntityAsync(Map<String, Object> properties, ApiResponseCallback callback)
+    ApiResponse createEntity(Map<String, Object> properties)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  properties   Map object that contains the entity properties. The 'type' property is required.
+  callback     Callback function (Asynchronous calls only)
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create your client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Set the properties of the entity
+    var options = {
+        type:'item', //required
+        name:'milk',
+        price:'3.25'
+    };
+    //Create the entity and process the results
+    client.createEntity(options, function (err, result) {
+        if (err) {
+            //error
+        } else {
+            //success          
+        }
+    });     
+#### Response:
+    "_client": //Information on the client object used to initiate the call
+        "URI":"",
+        "orgName":"your-org",
+        "appName":"your-app",
+        "buildCurl":false,
+        "logging":false,
+        "_callTimeout":30000,
+        "_callTimeoutCallback":null,
+        "logoutCallback":null,
+        "_start":1373482218757,
+        "_end":1373482219070,
+    "_data": //Information on the successfully created entity
+        "type":"item",
+        "name":"milk",
+        "price":"3.25",
+        "uuid":"9124211a-e991-11e2-ba6c-e55e3ffa12ef",
+        "created":1373482218913,
+        "modified":1373482218913,
+        "metadata":
+            "path":"/items/9124211a-e991-11e2-ba6c-e55e3ffa12ef"                    
+### SDK Method
+    createEntity(properties, callback)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties. The `type` property is required.
+  callback     Callback function
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    begin
+        # Call create_entity to initiate the API call
+        # and save the response
+        client.create_entity('item', {'name' => 'milk', 'price' => '3.25'})
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end
+#### Response:
+        { 
+            "action" : "post", 
+            "application" : "4a1edb70-d7a8-11e2-9ce3-f315e5aa568a", 
+            "params" : { }, 
+            "path" : "/items", "uri" : "", 
+            "entities" : [ { 
+                "uuid" : "83e9b7ea-e8f5-11e2-84df-e94123890c7a", 
+                "type" : "item", 
+                "name" : "milk", 
+                "created" : 1373415195230, 
+                "modified" : 1373415195230, 
+                "metadata" : { 
+                    "path" : "/items/83e9b7ea-e8f5-11e2-84df-e94123890c7a" 
+                }, 
+                "name" : "milk", 
+                "price" : "3.25"
+            } ], 
+            "timestamp" : 1373415195225, 
+            "duration" : 635, 
+            "organization" : "my-org", 
+            "applicationName" : "my-app" 
+        }
+### SDK Method
+    create_entity(type, properties)
+### Properties
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ --------------------------------------------
+  type         Custom entity type to create
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties
+The example assumes use of the [Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create a client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Set the properties for your entity
+    var properties = {
+        type:"item", //Requried. Type of entity to create.
+        name:"milk",
+        price:"3.25"
+    };
+    //Call createEntity to initiate the API call
+    client.createEntity(properties, function(error, result){
+        if(error) {
+            //error
+        } else {
+            //success
+        }
+    });
+#### Response:
+    { 
+        type: 'item',
+        name: 'milk',
+        price: '3.25',
+        uuid: '126e29aa-eb40-11e2-85a8-355b0e586a1a',
+        created: 1373667119418,
+        modified: 1373667119418,
+        metadata: { path: '/items/126e29aa-eb40-11e2-85a8-355b0e586a1a' } 
+    }           
+### SDK Method
+    createEntity(properties, callback)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties. The 'type' property is required.
+  callback     Callback function
+Creating multiple custom entities
+-   [cURL](#curl_create_multiple_entities)
+-   [iOS](#ios_create_multiple_entities)
+-   [Android](#android_create_multiple_entities)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_create_multiple_entities)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_create_multiple_entities)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_create_multiple_entities)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    curl -X POST "" -d '[{"name":"milk", "price":"3.25"}, {"name":"bread", "price":"2.50"}]'
+#### Response:
+    {
+        "action" : "post",
+        "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e9sjwsf3d0",
+        "params" : { },
+        "path" : "/items",
+        "uri" : "",
+        "entities" : [ {
+            "uuid" : "f3a8061a-ef0b-11e2-9e92-5f4a65c16193",
+            "type" : "item",
+            "name" : "milk",
+            "price" : "3.25",
+            "created" : 1374084538609,
+            "modified" : 1374084538609,
+            "metadata" : {
+                "path" : "/multis/f3a8061a-ef0b-11e2-9e92-5f4a65c16193"
+            },
+            "name" : "milk"
+        }, {
+            "uuid" : "f3be262a-ef0b-11e2-a51b-6715d5ef47a6",
+            "type" : "item",
+            "name" : "bread",
+            "price" : "2.50",
+            "created" : 1374084538754,
+            "modified" : 1374084538754,
+            "metadata" : {
+                "path" : "/items/f3be262a-ef0b-11e2-a51b-6715d5ef47a6"
+            },
+            "name" : "bread"
+        } ],
+        "timestamp" : 1374084538584,
+        "duration" : 388,
+        "organization" : "your-org",
+        "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X POST<org>/<app>/<entity_type>/ -d '[{<entity>}, {<entity>}, ...]'
+### Parameters
+  Parameter      Description
+  -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  org            Organization UUID or name
+  app            Application UUID or name
+  entity\_type   Custom entity type to create. Apache Usergrid will create a corresponding collection if one does not already exist. To add an entity to an existing collections, use the collection name or colleciton UUID in place of the entity type.
+  entity         Comma-separated list of entity objects to create. Each object should be formatted as a comma-separated list of entity properties, formatted as key-value pairs in the format \<property\>:\<value\>
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)newMultipleEntities {
+        //apiRequest requires us to form the full API request, including base URL, org name, and app name.
+        //Note that we specify the target collection in the URL string
+        NSString * url = @"";
+        NSString * http_method = @"POST";
+        NSString * properties = @"[{\"name\":\"milk\",\"price\":\"3.25\"},{\"name\":\"bread\",\"price\":\"2.50\"}]"; //We escape the double quotes in the request body
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient apiRequest:url operation:http_method data:properties];
+        @try {
+           //success
+        }
+        @catch (NSException * e) {
+            //fail
+        }
+    }
+#### Response:
+    {
+        "action" : "post",
+        "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e9sjwsf3d0",
+        "params" : { },
+        "path" : "/items",
+        "uri" : "",
+        "entities" : [ {
+            "uuid" : "f3a8061a-ef0b-11e2-9e92-5f4a65c16193",
+            "type" : "item",
+            "name" : "milk",
+            "price" : "3.25",
+            "created" : 1374084538609,
+            "modified" : 1374084538609,
+            "metadata" : {
+                "path" : "/multis/f3a8061a-ef0b-11e2-9e92-5f4a65c16193"
+            },
+            "name" : "milk"
+        }, {
+            "uuid" : "f3be262a-ef0b-11e2-a51b-6715d5ef47a6",
+            "type" : "item",
+            "name" : "bread",
+            "price" : "2.50",
+            "created" : 1374084538754,
+            "modified" : 1374084538754,
+            "metadata" : {
+                "path" : "/items/f3be262a-ef0b-11e2-a51b-6715d5ef47a6"
+            },
+            "name" : "bread"
+        } ],
+        "timestamp" : 1374084538584,
+        "duration" : 388,
+        "organization" : "your-org",
+        "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+The iOS SDK does not have a dedicated method for creating multiple
+entities. Instead, you can use the generic apiRequest method to form the
+API request manually.
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)apiRequest: (NSString *)url operation:(NSString *)http_method data:(NSString *)properties
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| url                                  | Fully-formed request URL in the      |
+|                                      | format:                              |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      |<your-o |
+|                                      | rg>/<your-app>/<collection>          |
+| http\_method                         | HTTP Method – in this case POST      |
+| properties                           | A JSON array, containing a JSON      |
+|                                      | object of entity properties for each |
+|                                      | entity to be created. The 'type'     |
+|                                      | property is required for each        |
+|                                      | entity.                              |
+Currently, creating multiple entities is not supported by the [App
+Services Android SDK](/app-services-sdks#android).
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create a client object with your organization name and application name.
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Set the request options: http method, endpoint, body
+    var options = {
+        method:'POST',
+        endpoint:'items', //The collection name
+        body:[{"name":"milk", "price":"3.25"},{"name": "bread", "price":"3.25"}] //note the multiple JSON objects
+    };
+    //Call request() to initiate the API call and process the results
+    client.request(options, function (error, response) {
+        if (error) {
+            //error
+        } else {
+            //success        
+        }
+    });
+#### Response:
+    Object {action: "post", application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", params: Object, path: "/items", uri: ""…}
+        action: "post"
+        application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e8js76g3d0" //your Apache Usergrid application uuid
+        applicationName: "your-app"
+        duration: 315
+        entities: Array[2] //array of entities successfully created
+            0: Object //entity 1
+                created: 1374099532148
+                metadata: Object
+                modified: 1374099532148
+                name: "milk"
+                price: "3.25"
+                type: "item"
+                uuid: "dc80834a-ef2e-11e2-8a77-cf8d4c2dbd49"
+                __proto__: Object
+            1: Object //entity 2
+                created: 1374099532344
+                metadata: Object
+                modified: 1374099532344
+                name: "bread"
+                price: "3.25"
+                type: "item"
+                uuid: "dc9e6b8a-ef2e-11e2-8e8b-e39a2d988c4f"
+        length: 2
+        organization: "your-org"
+        params: Object
+        __proto__: Object
+            path: "/items"
+            timestamp: 1374099532139
+            uri: ""              
+### SDK Method
+    request(options, callback)
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | Object that contains the following   |
+|                                      | properties:                          |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the collection to add  |
+|                                      |     the entities to                  |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request - in this case *POST*    |
+|                                      | -   body: the body of the request –  |
+|                                      |     in this case, a JSON-array       |
+|                                      |     containing an object with        |
+|                                      |     properties for each entity to be |
+|                                      |     created.                         |
+| callback                             | Callback function                    |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    begin
+        # Call create_entity to initiate the API call - note the multiple JSON objects
+        # and save the response
+        response = client.create_entity 'multi', [{'name'=> 'milk', 'price' => '3.25'},{'name'=> 'bread', 'price' => '2.50'}]
+        new_items=response.entity
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end         
+#### Response:
+    {
+        "action" : "post",
+        "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e9sjwsf3d0",
+        "params" : { },
+        "path" : "/items",
+        "uri" : "",
+        "entities" : [ {
+            "uuid" : "f3a8061a-ef0b-11e2-9e92-5f4a65c16193",
+            "type" : "item",
+            "name" : "milk",
+            "price" : "3.25",
+            "created" : 1374084538609,
+            "modified" : 1374084538609,
+            "metadata" : {
+                "path" : "/multis/f3a8061a-ef0b-11e2-9e92-5f4a65c16193"
+            },
+            "name" : "milk"
+        }, {
+            "uuid" : "f3be262a-ef0b-11e2-a51b-6715d5ef47a6",
+            "type" : "item",
+            "name" : "bread",
+            "price" : "2.50",
+            "created" : 1374084538754,
+            "modified" : 1374084538754,
+            "metadata" : {
+                "path" : "/items/f3be262a-ef0b-11e2-a51b-6715d5ef47a6"
+            },
+            "name" : "bread"
+        } ],
+        "timestamp" : 1374084538584,
+        "duration" : 388,
+        "organization" : "your-org",
+        "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    create_entity(type, properties)
+### Properties
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ --------------------------------------------
+  type         Custom entity type to create
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties
+The example uses the [Apache Usergrid Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create a client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });         
+    //Set the request options: http method, endpoint, body
+    var options = {
+    method:'POST',
+    endpoint:'items', //The collection name
+    body:[{"name":"milk", "price":"3.25"},{"name": "bread", "price":"3.25"}] //note the multiple JSON objects
+    };
+    //Call request() to initiate the API call and process the results
+    client.request(options, function (error, result) {
+        if (error) {
+            //error
+        } else {
+            //success — result will contain raw results from API call        
+        }
+    });
+#### Response:
+    {
+        "action": "post",
+        "application": "7fb8d891-477d-11e1-b2bd-22000a1c4e221",
+        "params":   {},
+        "path": "/items",
+        "uri": "",
+        "entities":     [
+            {
+                "uuid": "187d31d9-0742-11e2-a7b5-12313d21509c",
+                "type": "item",
+                "name": "milk",
+                "price" : "3.25"
+                "created": 1348599123463,
+                "modified": 1348599123463,
+                "metadata":     {
+                    "path": "/items/187d31d9-0742-11e2-a7b5-12313d21509c"
+                    }
+            },
+            {
+                "uuid": "188f815b-0742-11e2-a7b5-12313d21509c",
+                "type": "items",
+                "name": "bread",
+                "price" : "2.50"
+                "created": 1348599123583,
+                "modified": 1348599123583,
+                "metadata":     {
+                                "path": "/cats/187d31d9-0742-11e2-a7b5-12313d21509c"
+                }
+            }
+        ],
+        "timestamp":    1348599123461,
+        "duration": 415,
+        "organization": "your-org",
+        "applicationName": "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    request(options, callback)
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | Object that contains the following   |
+|                                      | properties:                          |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the collection to add  |
+|                                      |     the entities to                  |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request – in this case *POST*    |
+|                                      | -   body: the body of the request.   |
+|                                      |     In this case, a JSON-formatted   |
+|                                      |     set of objects containing entity |
+|                                      |     properties.                      |
+| callback                             | Callback function                    |
+Creating an entity with sub-properties
+Any valid JSON object can be stored in an entity, regardless of the
+level of complexity, including sub-properties. For example, suppose you
+have an 'items' collection that contains an entity named 'milk'. You
+might store the different varieties of milk as sub-properties of a
+'varieties' property:
+    {
+        "type" : "item"
+        "name" : "milk"
+        "varieties" : [ {
+            "name" : "1%",
+            "price" : "3.25",
+            "sku" : "0393847575533445"
+        }, {
+            "name" : "whole",
+            "price" : "3.85",
+            "sku" : "0393394956788445"
+        }, {
+            "name" : "skim",
+            "price" : "4.00",
+            "sku" : "0390299933488445"      
+        } ]
+    }       
+The following examples show how to create a new entity that contains an
+entity with sub-properties.
+#### Updating sub-properties
+An array of sub-properties is treated as a single object in App
+Services. This means that sub-properties cannot be updated atomically.
+All sub-properties of a given property must be updated as a set.
+For more on updating an existing sub-property, see [Updating Data
+-   [cURL](#curl_create_subproperties)
+-   [iOS](#ios_create_subproperties)
+-   [Android](#android_create_subproperties)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_create_subproperties)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_create_subproperties)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_create_subproperties)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Note the use of square brackets for specifying multiple nested objects
+    curl -X POST "" -d '{"varieties":[{"name":"1%","price" : "3.25", "sku" : "0393847575533445"},{"name" : "whole", "price" : "3.85", "sku" : "0393394956788445"}, {"name" : "skim", "price" : "4.00", "sku" : "0390299933488445"}]}'
+#### Response:
+    { 
+        "action" : "post", 
+        "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", 
+        "params" : { }, 
+        "path" : "/items", 
+        "uri" : "", 
+        "entities" : [ { 
+            "uuid" : "0d7cf92a-effb-11e2-917d-c5e707256e71", 
+            "type" : "item", 
+            "name" : "milk", 
+            "created" : 1374187231666, 
+            "modified" : 1374187231666, 
+            "metadata" : { 
+                "path" : "/items/0d7cf92a-effb-11e2-917d-c5e707256e71" 
+            }, 
+            "name" : "milk", 
+            "varieties" : [ { 
+                "name" : "1%", 
+                "price" : "3.25", 
+                "SKU" : "0393847575533445" 
+            }, { 
+                "name" : "whole", 
+                "price" : "3.85", 
+                "SKU" : "0393394956788445" 
+            }, { 
+                "name" : "skim", 
+                "price" : "4.00", 
+                "SKU" : "0390299933488445" 
+            } ] 
+        } ], 
+        "timestamp" : 1374187450826, 
+        "duration" : 50, 
+        "organization" : "your-org", 
+        "applicationName" : "your-app" 
+    }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X POST<org>/<app>/<collection>/ -d '{"name" : <entity_name>, <property> : [{<sub_property>}, {<sub_property>}...]}'
+### Parameters
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Parameter       Description
+  --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  org             Organization UUID or name
+  app             Application UUID or name
+  collection      The UUID or name of the collection to add the new entity to
+  entity\_name    The name of the new entity
+  property        The name of the entity property that will contain the nested JSON object or array
+  sub\_property   Entity properties of the nested object, as a set of key-value pairs in the format:\
+                  *{\<property\> : \<value\>, \<property\> : \<value\> ...}*
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)newEntity {
+        //Initialize an object for the new entity to be created
+        NSMutableDictionary *entity = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        //Initialize an object for each nested variety object
+        NSMutableDictionary *variety_1 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        NSMutableDictionary *variety_2 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        NSMutableDictionary *variety_3 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        //Initialize an array to hold the nested variety objects
+        NSMutableArray *variety_list = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+        [variety_1 setObject:@"1%" forKey:@"name"];
+        [variety_1 setObject:@"3.25" forKey:@"price"];
+        [variety_1 setObject:@"0393847575533445" forKey:@"sku"];    
+        [variety_2 setObject:@"whole" forKey:@"name"];
+        [variety_2 setObject:@"3.85" forKey:@"price"];
+        [variety_2 setObject:@"0393394956788445" forKey:@"sku"];
+        [variety_3 setObject:@"skim" forKey:@"name"];
+        [variety_3 setObject:@"4.00" forKey:@"price"];
+        [variety_3 setObject:@"0390299933488445" forKey:@"sku"];
+        //Add the variety objects to the array
+        [variety_list addObject:variety_1];
+        [variety_list addObject:variety_2];
+        [variety_list addObject:variety_3];
+        //Set the item entity properties
+        [entity setObject:@"item" forKey:@"type"]; //Required. New entity type to create
+        [entity setObject:@"milk" forKey:@"name"];
+        //Set the variety_list array as the value of the 'varieties' property
+        [entity setObject:variety_list forKey:@"varieties"];
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient createEntity:entity];
+        @try {
+            //success
+        }
+        @catch (NSException * e) {
+            //fail
+        }
+    }
+#### Response:
+    { 
+        "action" : "post", 
+        "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", 
+        "params" : { }, 
+        "path" : "/items", 
+        "uri" : "", 
+        "entities" : [ { 
+            "uuid" : "0d7cf92a-effb-11e2-917d-c5e707256e71", 
+            "type" : "item", 
+            "name" : "milk", 
+            "created" : 1374187231666, 
+            "modified" : 1374187231666, 
+            "metadata" : { 
+                "path" : "/items/0d7cf92a-effb-11e2-917d-c5e707256e71" 
+            }, 
+            "name" : "milk", 
+            "varieties" : [ { 
+                "name" : "1%", 
+                "price" : "3.25", 
+                "SKU" : "0393847575533445" 
+            }, { 
+                "name" : "whole", 
+                "price" : "3.85", 
+                "SKU" : "0393394956788445" 
+            }, { 
+                "name" : "skim", 
+                "price" : "4.00", 
+                "SKU" : "0390299933488445" 
+            } ] 
+        } ], 
+        "timestamp" : 1374187450826, 
+        "duration" : 50, 
+        "organization" : "your-org", 
+        "applicationName" : "your-app" 
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)createEntity:(NSDictionary *)newEntity
+### Parameters
+  Parameter   Description
+  ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  newEntity   NSMutableDictionary object that contains the entity properties
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid Android
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create client entity
+            String ORGNAME = "your-org"; 
+            String APPNAME = "your-app";
+            ApigeeClient apigeeClient = new ApigeeClient(ORGNAME,APPNAME,this.getBaseContext());
+            DataClient client = apigeeClient.getDataClient();
+    //Create hashmap object for the properties of the new 'item' entity
+    Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    //Create hashmap object for the each nested 'variety' object
+    Map<String, Object> variety_1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    Map<String, Object> variety_2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    Map<String, Object> variety_3 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    //Add properties for each nested object
+    variety_1.put("name","1%");
+    variety_1.put("price","3.25");
+    variety_1.put("sku","0393847575533445");
+    variety_2.put("name","whole");
+    variety_2.put("price","3.85");
+    variety_2.put("sku","0393394956788445");
+    variety_3.put("name","skim");
+    variety_3.put("price","4.00");
+    variety_3.put("sku","0390299933488445");
+    //Create an ArrayList of the 'variety' objects
+    ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> variety_list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
+    variety_list .add(variety_1);
+    variety_list .add(variety_2);
+    variety_list .add(variety_3);
+    //Add the required properties for the 'item' entity
+    properties.put("name", "milk");
+    properties.put("type", "item");
+    //Add 'variety_list' as the value of the 'varieties' property
+    properties.put("varieties", variety_list);
+    //call createEntityAsync to initiate the asynchronous API call
+    dataClient.createEntityAsync(properties, new ApiResponseCallback() {
+        //If createEntityAsync fails, catch the error
+        @Override
+        public void onException(Exception e) { 
+            // Error
+        }
+        //If createEntityAsync is successful, handle the response object
+        @Override
+        public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) {
+            try { 
+                if (response != null) {
+                    // Success
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) { //The API request returned an error
+                    // Fail
+            }
+        }
+    });             
+#### Response:
+    {
+        "action":"post",
+        "application":"f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+        "entities":[{
+            "Client":{
+                "accessToken":null,
+                "apiUrl":"",
+                "applicationId":"your-app",
+                "clientId":null,
+                "clientSecret":null,
+                "currentOrganization":null,
+                "loggedInUser":null,
+                "organizationId":"your-org"
+            },
+            "type":"item",
+            "uuid":"fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+            "created":1373475098695,
+            "modified":1373475098695,
+            "metadata":{
+                "path":"/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+            }
+        }],
+        "params":{},
+        "path":"/items",
+        "rawResponse":"{
+            "action" : "post",
+            "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+            "params" : { },
+            "path" : "/items",
+            "uri" : "",
+            "entities" : [ {
+                "uuid" : "fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+                "type" : "item",
+                "created" : 1373475098695,
+                "modified" : 1373475098695,
+                "metadata" : {
+                    "path" : "/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+                }
+                "varieties": [
+                    {
+                        "sku": "0393847575533445",
+                        "price": "3.25",
+                        "name": "1%"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "sku": "0393394956788445",
+                        "price": "3.85",
+                        "name": "whole"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "sku": "0390299933488445",
+                        "price": "4.00",
+                        "name": "skim"
+                    }
+                ]
+            } ],
+            "timestamp" : 1373475098689,
+            "duration" : 24,
+            "organization" : "your-org",
+            "applicationName" : "your-app"
+        }",
+        "uri":"",
+        "timestamp":1373475098689,
+        "entityCount":1,
+        "firstEntity":{
+            "Client":{
+                "accessToken":null,
+                "apiUrl":"",
+                "applicationId":"your-app",
+                "clientId":null,
+                "clientSecret":null,
+                "currentOrganization":null,
+                "loggedInUser":null,
+                "organizationId":"your-org"
+            },
+            "type":"item",
+            "uuid":"fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+            "created":1373475098695,
+            "modified":1373475098695,
+            "metadata":{
+                "path":"/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+            }
+        },
+        "lastEntity":{
+            "Client":{
+                "accessToken":null,
+                "apiUrl":"",
+                "applicationId":"your-app",
+                "clientId":null,
+                "clientSecret":null,
+                "currentOrganization":null,
+                "loggedInUser":null,
+                "organizationId":"your-org"
+            },
+            "type":"item",
+            "uuid":"fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72",
+            "created":1373475098695,
+            "modified":1373475098695,
+            "metadata":{
+                "path":"/items/fd29157a-e980-11e2-afcc-652a12f1ce72"
+            }
+        },
+        "organization":"your-org",
+        "duration":24,
+        "applicationName":"your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    createEntityAsync(Map<String, Object> properties, ApiResponseCallback callback)
+    ApiResponse createEntity(Map<String, Object> properties)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ ---------------------------------------------
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties
+  callback     Callback function (asynchronous calls only)
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create a client object with your organization name and application name.
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    var options = {
+        method:'POST',
+        endpoint:'items',
+        body:{ 
+            name:'milk', 
+            "varieties" : [
+                {
+                    "name" : "1%",
+                    "price" : "3.25",
+                    "sku" : "0393847575533445"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name" : "whole",
+                    "price" : "3.85",
+                    "sku" : "0393394956788445"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name" : "skim",
+                    "price" : "4.00",
+                    "sku" : "0390299933488445"      
+                }
+            ]       
+        }
+    };
+    client.createEntity(options, function (error, cat) {
+        if (error) {
+            //error
+        } else {
+            //success          
+        }
+    });
+#### Response:
+    Object {action: "post", application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", params: Object, path: "/items", uri: ""…}
+        action: "post"
+        application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e8js76g3d0" //your Apache Usergrid application uuid
+        applicationName: "your-app"
+        duration: 315
+        entities: Array[1] //array of entities successfully created
+            0: Object //entity 1
+                created: 1374099532148
+                metadata: Object
+                modified: 1374099532148
+                name: "milk"
+                price: "3.25"
+                type: "item"
+                uuid: "dc80834a-ef2e-11e2-8a77-cf8d4c2dbd49"
+                varieties: Array[3] //array of variety objects from variety_list
+                    0: Object
+                    sku: "0393847575533445"
+                    name: "1%"
+                    price: "3.25"
+                    1: Object
+                    sku: "0393394956788445"
+                    name: "whole"
+                    price: "3.85"
+                    2: Object
+                    sku: "0390299933488445"
+                    name: "skim"
+                    price: "4.00"
+                    length: 3
+        organization: "your-org"
+        params: Object
+        __proto__: Object
+            path: "/items"
+            timestamp: 1374099532139
+            uri: ""              
+### SDK Method
+    request(options, callback)
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | Object that contains the following   |
+|                                      | properties:                          |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the collection to add  |
+|                                      |     the entities to                  |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request – in this case *POST*    |
+|                                      | -   body: the body of the request.   |
+|                                      |     In this case, a JSON-formatted   |
+|                                      |     set of objects containing entity |
+|                                      |     properties.                      |
+| callback                             | Callback function                    |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    properties = {
+        name:'milk', 
+        varieties:[{
+            name:'1%',
+            price:'3.25',
+            sku:'0393847575533445'
+        },{
+            name:'whole',
+            price:'3.85',
+            sku:'0393394956788445'
+        },{
+            name:'skim',
+            price:'4.00',
+            sku:'0390299933488445'
+        }]
+    }
+    begin
+        # Call create_entity to initiate the API call
+        # and save the response
+    response = client.create_entity 'item', #{properties}
+        new_item=response.entity
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end
+#### Response:
+    { 
+        "action" : "post", 
+        "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", 
+        "params" : { }, 
+        "path" : "/items", 
+        "uri" : "", 
+        "entities" : [ { 
+            "uuid" : "0d7cf92a-effb-11e2-917d-c5e707256e71", 
+            "type" : "item", 
+            "name" : "milk", 
+            "created" : 1374187231666, 
+            "modified" : 1374187231666, 
+            "metadata" : { 
+                "path" : "/items/0d7cf92a-effb-11e2-917d-c5e707256e71" 
+            }, 
+            "name" : "milk", 
+            "varieties" : [ { 
+                "name" : "1%", 
+                "price" : "3.25", 
+                "SKU" : "0393847575533445" 
+            }, { 
+                "name" : "whole", 
+                "price" : "3.85", 
+                "SKU" : "0393394956788445" 
+            }, { 
+                "name" : "skim", 
+                "price" : "4.00", 
+                "SKU" : "0390299933488445" 
+            } ] 
+        } ], 
+        "timestamp" : 1374187450826, 
+        "duration" : 50, 
+        "organization" : "your-org", 
+        "applicationName" : "your-app" 
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    create_entity(type, properties)
+### Properties
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ --------------------------------------------
+  type         Entity type to create
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties
+The example uses the [Apache Usergrid Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create a client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    var options = {
+        method:'POST',
+        endpoint:'items',
+        body:{ 
+            name:'milk', 
+            varieties : [
+                {
+                    name : "1%",
+                    price : "3.25",
+                    sku : "0393847575533445"
+                },
+                {
+                    name : "whole",
+                    price : "3.85",
+                    sku : "0393394956788445"
+                },
+                {
+                    name : "skim",
+                    price : "4.00",
+                    sku : "0390299933488445"        
+                }
+            ]       
+        }
+    };
+    client.createEntity(options, function (error, cat) {
+        if (error) {
+            //error
+        } else {
+            //success          
+        }
+    });
+#### Response:
+    { action: 'post',
+      application: 'f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0',
+      params: {},
+      path: '/items',
+      uri: '',
+      entities: 
+       [ { uuid: 'b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87',
+           type: 'item',
+           name: 'milk',
+           created: 1374534114329,
+           modified: 1374534114329,
+           metadata: [Object],
+           varieties: [Object] } ],
+      timestamp: 1374534114326,
+      duration: 109,
+      organization: 'your-org',
+      applicationName: 'your-app' } 
+### SDK Method
+    createEntity(properties, callback)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter    Description
+  ------------ --------------------------------------------
+  properties   Object that contains the entity properties
+  callback     Callback function
+Add new comment
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diff --git a/website/content/docs/ b/website/content/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5722f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title: Creating a New Application with the Admin Console
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Creating a New Application with the Admin Console
+You can use the admin portal to create Apache Usergrid applications. An App
+Services application represents the data associated with your app.
+Through an application, you handle the entities associated with your
+app, including users, devices, events, and so on.
+> For more about how data in Apache Usergrid fits together, see [App
+> Services Data model](/app-services-data-model-1).
+Conceptually speaking, an application is like a database. You can create
+multiple applications within your Apache Usergrid organization. 
+You’ll typically have one Apache Usergrid application for each of your
+apps. But you might want to create different applications representing
+sandbox, development, and production instances of your app.
+To create a new application with the admin console:
+1.  In the admin console, from the dropdown menu at the far top left,
+    select the organization to which you will add the new application.
+2.  Click the **ADD NEW APP** button, located at the top of the screen,
+    next to the application drop-down.
+3.  In the dialog box, enter a new application name, then click the
+    **Create** button.
+4.  Your new application will automatically be selected in the
+    applications drop-down menu.
+### Next Steps
+After you've created a new application, finish up by thinking about the
+-   Have you taken steps to make your application secure?
+    If this is going to be a production application used by an app
+    publicly, be sure to configure security roles that provide only the
+    level of access your users will need. (You should never use a
+    sandbox application as a public database. A sandbox is for
+    experimenting with example data.)
+    For more on security, see [Securing your app](/securing-your-app).
+    For more about sandbox applications, see [Using a Sandbox
+    Application](/using-sandbox-application).
diff --git a/website/content/docs/ b/website/content/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2868477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+title: Apache Usergrid Data model
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Apache Usergrid Data model
+Apache Usergrid models the data for your apps as application-specific
+collections of data entities managed within an organization. The
+following is an overview of the component hierarchy that makes up the
+Apache Usergrid data model, and is intended to help you understand how data
+is stored, managed and accessed in Apache Usergrid.
+An *organization* contains one or more applications, and represents
+administrator-level access to Apache Usergrid. Multiple Apache Usergrid
+accounts may be given administrator access to an organization. App
+Services accounts can also be members of multiple organizations.
+An organization with the same name as your username is automatically
+created for you when you sign up for Apache Usergrid. By default, you are
+assigned as the administrator of this organization.
+In Apache Usergrid, you can create one or more *applications* within an
+organization. Applications represent an instance of application data
+associated with an app, and you may create as many applications as you
+wish. This allows you to utilize the Apache Usergrid backend in a way that
+corresponds to your development process. For example, you might create
+separate applications for development and production instances of your
+app. By default, all organization have a sandbox application (see [Using
+a Sandbox Application](/using-sandbox-application) for important
+information regarding the default sandbox application).
+Each application provides the infrastructure for storing, retrieving,
+updating and deleting the entities and collections associated with a
+specific app instance.
+Apache Usergrid stores all data entities in uniquely-named *collections*.
+Collections are created automatically by Apache Usergrid for every entity
+type, including custom entities, and are named using the plural form of
+the entity type they store. For example, all user entities are stored in
+the /users collection, and all device entities in the /devices
+collection. An entity can belong to only one collection.
+Currently, collections cannot be renamed or deleted; however, all of the
+data entities in a collection can be updated or deleted.
+An *entity* represents a basic, JSON-formatted data object that is used
+by your app, such as a user, device, event or asset. Unlike records in
+conventional database tables, which have a very rigid schema that
+defines what they can store and how they can be related to each other,
+Apache Usergrid entities are very flexible. This makes Apache Usergrid a
+powerful solution for managing data for modern applications, where
+people, places, and content often need to be associated in a way that is
+most appropriate from a user perspective.
+Here is a simple example of an entity:
+    {
+      "uuid" : "5c0c1789-d503-11e1-b36a-12313b01d5c1",
+      "type" : "user",
+      "created" : 1343074620374,
+      "modified" : 1355442681264,
+      "username" : "john.doe",
+      "email" : "",
+      "name" : "John Doe"
+    }
+### Default entities
+The following entity types are predefined in Apache Usergrid. For more
+details, see [Default Data Entities](/default-data-entities).
+-   user
+-   group
+-   role
+-   application
+-   activity
+-   device
+-   asset
+-   folder
+-   event
+-   notifier
+-   notification
+-   receipt
+A data entity is a set of *properties*, which can each contain any
+JSON-representable value, including a nested JSON document. All entities
+have predefined properties, but you are free to define any number of
+custom properties for any entity. Default properties require specific
+data types for validation purposes, while custom properties can be any
+JSON data type. Most predefined and all application-defined entity
+properties are indexed, allowing you to query collections quickly and
+Individual or multiple properties can be updated in a single operation;
+however, partial updating of nested JSON documents is not supported.
+This means that all properties of a nested document must be provided in
+a PUT request for the update of the nested document to be processed,
+even if the some of the values have not changed.
+### Default properties
+At a minimum, each entity is defined by two properties, both of which
+are strings: type and UUID. The entity 'type' is the singular form of
+the collection the entity is stored in. For example, an entity in the
+'users' collection has an entity type of 'user'. The entity 'UUID' is an
+immutable universally unique identifier, which can be used to reference
+the entity. A UUID is automatically generated by Apache Usergrid for every
+entity when it is created. You can also create custom entities and
+entity properties; however, Apache Usergrid reserves certain entity types
+with pre-defined properties by default. For a complete list of reserved
+entities and properties, see [Default Data
+When you access the system via the API, you’ll always provide your
+organization UUID or name, application UUID or name, and typically the
+UUID or name of the entity you’re modifying or retrieving.
+All entities have the following default properties:
+  Property   Type     Description
+  ---------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uuid       UUID     Entity unique id
+  type       string   entity type (for example, user)
+  created    long     [UTC timestamp]( in milliseconds of when the entity was created
+  modified   long     [UTC timestamp]( in milliseconds of when the entity was last modified
+Dynamic entities also have an optional name property that is a string