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Posted to by ilab <> on 2011/10/28 14:31:01 UTC

Empty xs:normalizedString parse and/or serialization error

I don&#39;t know whether someone faced this problem already The object, which is created by axis2 parsing an empty xs:normalizedString tag, cannot be serialized as serialize(...) always throws "normalizedString cannot be null!!" exception. Details: When org.apache.axis2.databinding.types.xsd.NormalizedString$Factory.parse() method parses an empty xs:normalizedString tag, the following code runs: NormalizedString object = new NormalizedString();[...]object.setNormalizedString(org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil.convertToNormalizedString(content)); Method convertToNormalizedString() returns null for null/empty string values. Afterwards, if NormalizedString.serialize(...) is called, it will throw "normalizedString cannot be null!!" exception. For the full relevant code see for example Thanks,ilab