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[41/50] brooklyn-docs git commit: Support loginUser and other loginXxx properties for JcloudsLocations, where the loginUser is used to login if distinct from the user which is specified; and the user is created with admin privileges (and root scrambled)

Support loginUser and other loginXxx properties for JcloudsLocations,
where the loginUser is used to login if distinct from the user which is specified;
and the user is created with admin privileges (and root scrambled) assuming it is distinct from the loginUser.
userMetadata can also now be specified from the config file.
Includes JcloudsLocation significant tidy (but oh so much more to do), and documentation.


Branch: refs/heads/0.4.0
Commit: 4b719459af3b0ea21f16ef55ae5ad89a6ff32817
Parents: 0473c51
Author: Alex Heneveld <>
Authored: Sun Sep 23 13:45:59 2012 +0100
Committer: Alex Heneveld <>
Committed: Tue Oct 2 09:16:29 2012 +0100

 .../guide/defining-applications/ | 97 ++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/ b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/
index 14ef10d..d67037a 100644
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/
+++ b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/
@@ -35,48 +35,34 @@ including appropriate sensors and effectors, and in some cases include Cluster a
 These include:
-- **Web**: Tomcat, JBoss; nginx; GeoScaling; cluster and fabric
-- **Relational Databases**: MySQL, Derby
-- **NoSQL**: Infinispan, Redis, GemFire
-- **Messaging**: ActiveMQ, Qpid
-See [Extras](../extras/) for a full list of systems available out of the box.
+- **Web**: Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty (external), Play (external); nginx; GeoScaling
+- **Data**: MySQL, Redis, Infinispan, GemFire (external)
+- **Containers**: Karaf
+- **Messaging**: ActiveMQ, Qpid, Rabbit MQ
+- **PaaS**: Cloud Foundry, Stackato; OpenShift
 ### Off-the-Shelf Locations
-- SSH: any machine or set of machines to which you can ssh
-- Clouds: Amazon, GoGrid, vCloud, and many more (using jclouds)
+Brooklyn supports deploying to any machine which admits SSH access, as well as to
+a huge variety of external and on-premise clouds.  You can also connect to services,
+or use whatever technique for deployment suits you best (such as Xebia Overthere, in development!).
 Configuration is typically set in `~/.brooklyn/` using keys such as the following:
 {% highlight java %}
     # use this key for localhost (this is the default, although if you have a passphrase you must set it)
-    # use a special key when connecting to public clouds, and a special one for AWS
+    # use a special key when connecting to public clouds, and a particularly special one for AWS
     # AWS credentials (when deploying to location jclouds:aws-ec2)  
-    # define a "named" location which uses a special set of AWS credentials (deploy to named:company-jungle)
-    # note you can use many of the jclouds TemplateBuilder fields such as imageId, imageNameRegex, minRam
-    # and defining a fixed set of machines (deploy to named:prod1)
-    # note powerful byon syntax, optionally including globs and per-machine user override
-    brooklyn.location.named.prod1=byon:(hosts=",,produser2@10.9.2.{10,11,20-29}")
-    brooklyn.location.named.prod1.user=produser1
-    brooklyn.location.named.prod1.privateKeyFile=~/.ssh/produser_id_rsa
-    brooklyn.location.named.prod1.privateKeyPassphrase=s3cr3tCOMPANYpassphrase
     # credentials for 'geoscaling' service
@@ -86,12 +72,63 @@ Configuration is typically set in `~/.brooklyn/` using keys s
 These can also be set as environment variables (in the shell) or system properties (java command line).
 (There are also ``BROOKLYN_JCLOUDS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE`` variants accepted.)
-For any provider you will typically need to set ``identity`` and ``credential``
+For any jclouds provider you will typically need to set ``identity`` and ``credential``
 in the ``brooklyn.jclouds.provider`` namespace.
-Other fields may be available (from brooklyn or jclouds).
-Public keys can also be specified, using ``brooklyn.jclouds.publicKeyFile``, 
-but these can usually be omitted 
-(it will be inferred by adding the suffix ``.pub`` to the private key).
-If there is a passphrase on the key file being used, you must supply it to Brooklyn for it to work, of course!
+To deploy to sets of machines with known IP's, assuming you have the credentials,
+use the syntax ``byon:(hosts="user@,user@,user@")``
+(this requires your default private key to have access; 
+see the ``prod1`` example below for specifying other credentials). 
+A wide range of other fields is available, because in the real world sometimes things do get complicated.
+The following is supported from the configuration file (with whatever customization you might want available in code): 
+- If there is a passphrase on the key file being used, you must supply it to Brooklyn for it to work, of course!
+  ``privateKeyPassphrase`` does the trick (as in ``brooklyn.jclouds.privateKeyPassphrase``, or other places
+  where ``privateKeyFile`` is valid).  If you don't like keys, you can just use a plain old ``password``.
+- Hardware requirements such as ``minRam`` and ``minCores`` can be supplied, or a ``hardwareId``  (jclouds only)
+- Specific VM images can be specified using ``imageId`` or ``imageNameRegex`` (jclouds only)
+- User metadata can be attached, using the syntax ``userMetadata=key=value,key2="value 2"`` (jclouds only)
+- A ``user`` can be specified, with the property that -- in a jclouds world -- the user will be *created* on the machine,
+  with admin rights, authorizing the relevant public key (corresponding to the private key, or as described below). 
+  Login for the root account will be disabled, as will login by password if a public key is supplied. 
+  (This is skipped if ``user`` is the ``root`` or other initial login user.)
+- You can specify the user account to use to login to jclouds initially with the ``loginUser`` property.
+  Typically this is auto-detected by jclouds
+  (often ``root``, or ``ubuntu`` or ``ec2-user`` for known Ubuntu or Amazon Linux images), 
+  but the strategy isn't foolproof, particularly in some private cloud setups. (jclouds only)
+- Public keys can be specified using ``publicKeyFile``, 
+  although these can usually be omitted if they follow the common pattern of being
+  the private key file with the suffix ``.pub`` appended.
+  (It is useful in the case of ``loginUser.publicKeyFile``, where you shouldn't need,
+  or might not even have, the private key of the ``root`` user in order to log in.)
+You can also define named locations for commonly used groups of properties, 
+with the syntax ``brooklyn.location.named.your-group-name.``
+followed by the relevant properties.
+These can be accessed at runtime using the syntax ``named:your-group-name`` as the deployment location.
+Some more advanced examples showing the syntax and properties above are as follows:
+{% highlight java %}
+    # Production pool of machines for my application (deploy to named:prod1)
+    brooklyn.location.named.prod1=byon:(hosts=",,produser2@10.9.2.{10,11,20-29}")
+    brooklyn.location.named.prod1.user=produser1
+    brooklyn.location.named.prod1.privateKeyFile=~/.ssh/produser_id_rsa
+    brooklyn.location.named.prod1.privateKeyPassphrase=s3cr3tCOMPANYpassphrase
+    # AWS using my company's credentials and image standard, then labelling images so others know they're mine
+,owner="Bob Johnson"
+{% endhighlight %}