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[01/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

Repository: incubator-singa
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 74a28dcb4 -> 9ff176c30

SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

- Updated
  . add "device" field in evaluate() to run singa on gpu for only test
  . modify "fixed" to "fixedstep" for kFixedStep of leaning rate type


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3c12730017ba21b03d2845fe2f9a7c72916d3d19
Parents: 8b69cad
Author: chonho <>
Authored: Tue Dec 29 10:46:37 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:14 2016 +0800

 tool/python/singa/ | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index 51c4126..d68d143 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -184,13 +184,15 @@ class Model(object):
   def evaluate(self, data=None, alg='bp',
-               checkpoint_path=None, execpath='', **fields):
+               checkpoint_path=None, execpath='', device=None, **fields):
       data = (Data)   // Data class object for testing data
-      checkpoint_path = (list)   // checkpoint path is necessary only for testing
-      execpaths       = (string) // path to user's own executable 
+      alg             = (string)   // algorithm type, (backpropagation at default)
+      checkpoint_path = (list)     // checkpoint path is necessary only for testing
+      execpaths       = (string)   // path to user's own executable 
+      device          = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
         batch_size   = (int)  // batch size for testing data
         test_freq    = (int)  // frequency of testing
@@ -222,6 +224,11 @@ class Model(object):
     # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
     setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
+    # use of cudnn
+    if device != None:
+      setval(self.jobconf, gpu=device)
+      self.cudnn = True
+  # construct Nneuralnet Component
     #--- generate job.conf file for debug purpose 
@@ -342,7 +349,13 @@ class Updater(object):
   def __init__(self, upd_type, lr, lr_type,
                decay, momentum,
                step, step_lr, **fields):
+    '''
+    required
+      upd_type = (enum)   // enum type of updater
+      lr       = (float)  // base learning rate
+    optional
+      lr_type  = (string) // type of the learning rate (Fixed at default)
+    '''
     upd = Message('Updater', type=upd_type, **fields).proto
     setval(upd.learning_rate, base_lr=lr) 
     if decay > 0:
@@ -355,14 +368,16 @@ class Updater(object):
     elif lr_type == 'step':
       cp = Message('Step', change_freq=60, gamma=0.997)
       setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kStep, step_conf=cp.proto) 
-    elif lr_type == 'fixed':
+    elif lr_type == 'fixedstep':
       cp = Message('FixedStep', step=step, step_lr=step_lr)
       setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixedStep, fixedstep_conf=cp.proto) 
     elif lr_type == 'linear':
       cp = Message('Linear', change_freq=10, final_lr=0.1)
       setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kLinear, linear_conf=cp.proto) 
     self.proto = upd
 class SGD(Updater):
   def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
                decay=0, momentum=0,
@@ -377,7 +392,6 @@ class SGD(Updater):
        step     = (int/list)   // steps
        step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
        **fields (KEY=VALUE)
     assert lr
     super(SGD, self).__init__(upd_type=kSGD,

[10/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

- Revise src/ to skip the case of no conf file
- Change import path for datasets in example python codes
- Format python codes and Add license message
- Update


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 9ff176c304efddb9169d20f7c213be9c222edf17
Parents: 2a6645c
Author: chonho <>
Authored: Thu Dec 31 15:10:26 2015 +0800
Committer: Wei Wang <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 20:13:25 2016 +0800

 src/                                 |    4 +-
 tool/python/                         |  138 +--
 tool/python/examples/           |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/     |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/ |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/cluster.conf             |    6 -
 tool/python/examples/              |    3 +-
 tool/python/examples/             |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/       |   34 -
 tool/python/examples/        |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/            |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/  |   26 -
 tool/python/examples/            |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/  |   28 -
 tool/python/examples/            |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/  |   28 -
 tool/python/examples/            |    2 +-
 tool/python/examples/  |   27 -
 tool/python/                          |   32 +-
 tool/python/singa/          |   97 +-
 tool/python/singa/                    |  672 +++++++-----
 tool/python/singa/                    | 1072 +++++++++++---------
 tool/python/singa/                |  225 ++--
 tool/python/singa/utils/            |  112 +-
 tool/python/singa/utils/            |  124 ++-
 25 files changed, 1393 insertions(+), 1253 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 67b5c28..c17ea82 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ void Driver::Init(int argc, char **argv) {
     SetupLog(singa_conf_.log_dir(), "driver");
   // job conf passed by users as "-conf <path>"
   arg_pos = ArgPos(argc, argv, "-conf");
-  CHECK_NE(arg_pos, -1);
-  ReadProtoFromTextFile(argv[arg_pos+1], &job_conf_);
+  if (arg_pos != -1)
+    ReadProtoFromTextFile(argv[arg_pos+1], &job_conf_);
   // register layers
diff --git a/tool/python/ b/tool/python/
index 1133fa4..02e7fd1 100644
--- a/tool/python/
+++ b/tool/python/
@@ -10,29 +10,29 @@
         |-- utils 
+    |-- examples 
+        |--,, ,,, etc. 
         |-- datasets 
-            |-- 
-            |-- 
-    |-- examples 
-        |--,, ,,, etc. 
 ### How to Run
-bin/ -exe -conf cluster.conf
+bin/ -exec
-The python code, e.g., ``, would create the JobProto object and pass it to Driver::Train.
-Currently, ./bin/ needs to get the cluster topology, hence we still need to pass a `cluster.conf` to it.
-The cluster.conf has the configuration for a JobProto with all other fields empty except the cluster field.
+The python code, e.g.,, would create the JobProto object and pass it to Driver::Train.
-Note that `workspace` field in ClusterProto can be set in either (i) cluster.conf or (ii) python code.
-#### Examples
+For example,
-bin/ -exe tool/python/examples/ -conf tool/python/examples/cluster.conf
+bin/ -exec tool/python/examples/ 
+Note that, in order to use the Python Helper feature, users need to add the following option
+./configure --enable-python --with-python=PYTHON_DIR
+where PYTHON_DIR has Python.h
 ### Layer class (inherited)
@@ -47,15 +47,6 @@ bin/ -exe tool/python/examples/ -conf tool/python/exam
 * RBM
 * Autoencoder
-#### for user defined layers (IN PROGRESS) 
-The following classes are designed to construct user-defined layers for RNNLM example.
-* Embedding
-* UserLossRNNLM
 ### Model class
 * Model class has `jobconf` (JobProto) and `layers` (layer list)
@@ -92,60 +83,57 @@ fit() and evaluate() return train/test results, a dictionary containing
 	* 'ppl' for ppl
 	* 'se' for squred error   
-<<<<<<< HEAD
+#### To run Singa on GPU
+Users need to set a list of gpu ids to `device` field in fit() or evaluate(). 
+For example,
+gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=100, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
 ### Parameter class
 Users need to set parameter and initial values. For example,
-* Parameter
-        * lr = (float) // learning rate
-        * wd = (float) // weight decay
-* Parameter initialization
-        * init = (string) // one of the types, 'uniform', 'constant', 'gaussian'
-        * for uniform [default]
-                * high = (float)
-                * low = (float)
-        * for constant
-                * value = (float)
-        * for gaussian
-                * mean = (float)
-                * std = (float)
+* Parameter (fields in Param proto)
+	* lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier, used to scale the learning rate when updating parameters.
+	* wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier, used to scale the weight decay when updating parameters. 
+* Parameter initialization (fields in ParamGen proto)
+	* init = (string) // one of the types, 'uniform', 'constant', 'gaussian'
+	* high = (float)  // for 'uniform'
+	* low = (float)   // for 'uniform'
+	* value = (float) // for 'constant'
+	* mean = (float)  // for 'gaussian'
+	* std = (float)   // for 'gaussian'
 * Weight (`w_param`) is 'gaussian' with mean=0, std=0.01 at default
 * Bias (`b_param`) is 'constant' with value=0 at default
 * How to update the parameter fields
-        * for updating Weight, put `w_` in front of field name
-        * for updating Bias, put `b_` in front of field name
+	* for updating Weight, put `w_` in front of field name
+	* for updating Bias, put `b_` in front of field name
 Several ways to set Parameter values
-m.add(Dense(10, w_mean=1, w_std=0.1, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+parw = Parameter(lr=2, wd=10, init='gaussian', std=0.1)
+parb = Parameter(lr=1, wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(Convolution2D(10, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, ...)
-parw = Parameter(lr=2, wd=10, init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, ...)
+m.add(Dense(10, w_mean=1, w_std=0.1, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
-parw = Parameter(init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+parw = Parameter(init='constant', mean=0)
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_lr=1, w_wd=1, b_value=1, ...)
-#### To run Singa on GPU
-Users need to set a list of gpu ids to `device` field in fit() or evaluate(). 
-For example,
-gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=100, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
->>>>>>> cb1ffb4... SINGA-81 Add Python Helper
 #### Other classes
 * Store
@@ -311,48 +299,6 @@ store = Store(path='test.bin', batch_size=100, ...)        // parameter values a
 m.add(Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store))  // Data layer is added
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-### Parameter class
-Users need to set parameter and initial values. For example,
-* Parameter 
-	* lr = (float) // learning rate
-	* wd = (float) // weight decay
-* Parameter initialization
-	* init = (string) // one of the types, 'uniform', 'constant', 'gaussian' 
-	* for uniform [default]
-		* high = (float)
-		* low = (float)
-	* for constant
-		* value = (float)
-	* for gaussian
-		* mean = (float)
-		* std = (float)
-* Weight (w_param) is gaussian with mean=0, std=0.01 at default
-* Bias (b_param) is constant with value=0 at default
-* How to update the parameter fields
-	* for updating Weight, put 'w_' in front of field name
-	* for updating Bias, put 'b_' in front of field name
-Several ways to set Parameter values
-m.add(Dense(10, w_mean=1, w_std=0.1, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
-parw = Parameter(lr=2, wd=10, init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, ...)
-parw = Parameter(init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
->>>>>>> cb1ffb4... SINGA-81 Add Python Helper
 ### Cases to run singa
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 859a9a4..9e8e588 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import cifar10
+from examples.datasets import cifar10
 X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index d4f4b7c..4269f37 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import cifar10
+from examples.datasets import cifar10
 X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 4144fa5..39bdb43 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import cifar10
+from examples.datasets import cifar10
 X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/cluster.conf b/tool/python/examples/cluster.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 16623d8..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/cluster.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-cluster {
-  nworker_groups: 1
-  nserver_groups: 1
-  nworkers_per_group: 1
-  nworkers_per_procs: 1
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 0b7e590..4528d9c 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist
 # Sample parameter values for Autoencoder example
 rbmid = 4
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ m = Sequential('autoencoder', sys.argv)
 hid_dim = [1000, 500, 250, 30]
 m.add(Autoencoder(hid_dim, out_dim=784, activation='sigmoid', param_share=True))
 agd = AdaGrad(lr=0.01)
 topo = Cluster(workspace)
 m.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=agd, cluster=topo)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index da5ccce..1bd5bc5 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import * 
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist
 # Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
 pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784, 'random_skip' : 5000,
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index d418950..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import * 
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
-# Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
-pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784, 'random_skip' : 5000,
-           'std_value' : 127.5, 'mean_value' : 127.5}
-X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(**pvalues)
-m = Sequential('mlp', argv=sys.argv)
-''' Weight and Bias are initialized by
-    uniform distribution with scale=0.05 at default
-m.add(Dense(2500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
-m.add(Dense(2000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
-m.add(Dense(1500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
-m.add(Dense(1000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
-m.add(Dense(500,  init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
-m.add(Dense(10, init='uniform', activation='softmax')) 
-sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, lr_type='step')
-topo = Cluster(workspace)
-m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
-gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=100, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
-result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=10)
-#e.g., display result
-#for k, v in sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
-#  print k, v
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 67cf3b3..de5b9c0 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import * 
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist
 # Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
 pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784,
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 765be8b..6cf249c 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist
 rbmid = 1
 pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index 54fe421..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
-rbmid = 1
-pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
-X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
-            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm1',
-            nb_rbm = rbmid,
-            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
-            **pvalues)
-m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
-parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
-parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(RBM(1000, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
-sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
-topo = Cluster(workspace)
-m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
-#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index f4d187f..b5db36e 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist
 rbmid = 2
 pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9837836..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
-rbmid = 2
-pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
-X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
-            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm2',
-            nb_rbm = rbmid,
-            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
-            **pvalues)
-m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
-out_dim = [1000, 500]
-parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
-parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
-sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
-topo = Cluster(workspace)
-m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
-#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 48bbe38..be1b789 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist 
 rbmid = 3
 pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c9a378..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
-rbmid = 3
-pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
-X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
-            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm3',
-            nb_rbm = rbmid,
-            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
-            **pvalues)
-m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
-out_dim = [1000, 500, 250]
-parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
-parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
-sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
-topo = Cluster(workspace)
-m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
-#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index f12b739..a4ee995 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
+from examples.datasets import mnist 
 rbmid = 4
 pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a7be1d..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import mnist 
-rbmid = 4
-pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
-X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
-            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm'+rbmid,
-            nb_rbm = rbmid,
-            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
-            **pvalues)
-m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
-out_dim = [1000, 500, 250, 30]
-parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
-parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
-m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
-sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
-topo = Cluster(workspace)
-m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
-#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/ b/tool/python/
index 986a6b8..e44e94d 100755
--- a/tool/python/
+++ b/tool/python/
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import string
@@ -31,18 +29,18 @@ import singa.driver as driver
 from google.protobuf.text_format import Merge
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  """Invoke the training program using this python script.
-  ./bin/ -exec tool/python/ -conf examples/cifar10/job.conf
-  """"
-  i =  sys.argv.index("-conf")
-  s = open(sys.argv[i+1], 'r').read()
-  s = str(s)
-  j = job_pb2.JobProto()
-  Merge(s,j)
-  b = j.SerializeToString()
-  d = driver.Driver()
-  d.InitLog(sys.argv[0])
-  d.Init(sys.argv)
-  d.Train(False,b)
-  #d.Test(b)
+    """Invoke the training program using this python script.
+    ./bin/ -exec tool/python/ -conf examples/cifar10/job.conf
+    """
+    i = sys.argv.index('-conf')
+    s = open(sys.argv[i+1], 'r').read()
+    s = str(s)
+    j = job_pb2.JobProto()
+    Merge(s, j)
+    b = j.SerializeToString()
+    d = driver.Driver()
+    d.InitLog(sys.argv[0])
+    d.Init(sys.argv)
+    d.Train(False, b)
+    #d.Test(b)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index f3037cd..f016f1f 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -1,34 +1,67 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-def get(identifier, **kwargs):
-  field = {}
-  if identifier == 'none':
-    return
-  if identifier == 'uniform':
-    scale = kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in kwargs else 0.05 
-    names = ['low', 'high']
-    values = [-scale, scale]
-  elif identifier == 'constant':
-    names = ['value']
-    values = [0]
-  elif identifier == 'gaussian':
-    names = ['mean', 'std']
-    values = [0, 0.01]
-  elif identifier == 'conv2d':
-    names = ['stride', 'pad']
-    values = [1, 0]
-  elif identifier == 'lrn2d':
-    names = ['alpha', 'beta', 'knorm']
-    values = [1, 0.75, 1]
-  for i in range(len(names)):
-    field[names[i]] = kwargs[names[i]] if names[i] in kwargs else values[i]
-  return field
+#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#* distributed with this work for additional information
+#* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#* under the License.
+This module pre-defines initial value for fields
+def get_init_values(identifier, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    This method returns field, a set of key-value pairs, that
+    key is specified by identifier and values are initialized.
+    '''
+    field = {}
+    if identifier == 'none':
+        return
+    if identifier == 'uniform':
+        scale = kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in kwargs else 0.05
+        names = ['low', 'high']
+        values = [-scale, scale]
+    elif identifier == 'constant':
+        names = ['value']
+        values = [0]
+    elif identifier == 'gaussian':
+        names = ['mean', 'std']
+        values = [0, 0.01]
+    elif identifier == 'conv2d':
+        names = ['stride', 'pad']
+        values = [1, 0]
+    elif identifier == 'lrn2d':
+        names = ['alpha', 'beta', 'knorm']
+        values = [1, 0.75, 1]
+    elif identifier == 'dropout':
+        names = ['ratio']
+        values = [0.5]
+    for i in range(len(names)):
+        field[names[i]] = kwargs[names[i]] if names[i] in kwargs else values[i]
+    return field
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index 1744d50..b391d26 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -1,300 +1,440 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-from parameter import *
-from utils.utility import * 
-from utils.message import * 
+#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#* distributed with this work for additional information
+#* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#* under the License.
+This script includes Layer class and its subclasses that
+users can configure different types of layers for their model.
+from singa.parameter import Parameter, set_param_field
+from singa.initializations import get_init_values
+from singa.utils.utility import setval, generate_name
+from singa.utils.message import *
 from google.protobuf import text_format
 class Layer(object):
-  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-    self.layer = Message('Layer', **kwargs).proto
-    # required
-    if not 'name' in kwargs:
-      setval(self.layer, name=generateName('layer', 1))
-    # srclayers are set in
-    self.is_datalayer = False 
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        **kwargs (KEY=VALUE)
+          partition_dim = (int)  // partition dimension for net
+        '''
+        self.layer = Message('Layer', **kwargs).proto
+        # required
+        if not 'name' in kwargs:
+            setval(self.layer, name=generate_name('layer', 1))
+        # srclayers are set in
+        self.is_datalayer = False
 class Data(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, load, phase='train', checkpoint=None,
-               conf=None, **kwargs):
-    assert load != None, 'data type should be specified'
-    if load == 'kData':
-      super(Data, self).__init__(name=generateName('data'), user_type=load)
-    else:
-      self.layer_type = enumLayerType(load)
-      super(Data, self).__init__(name=generateName('data'), type=self.layer_type)
-    # include/exclude
-    setval(self.layer, include=enumPhase(phase))
-    #setval(self.layer, exclude=kTest if phase=='train' else kTrain)
-    if conf == None:
-      if load == 'kData':
-        setval(self.layer.Extensions[data_conf], **kwargs)
-      else:
-        setval(self.layer.store_conf, **kwargs)
-    else:
-      setval(self.layer, store_conf=conf.proto)
-    self.is_datalayer = True
-    self.checkpoint = checkpoint # checkpoint for training data
+    def __init__(self, load, phase='train', checkpoint=None,
+                 conf=None, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          load       = (string)  // type of data
+        optional
+          phase      = (string)  // phase of data layer
+          checkpoint = (string)  // checkpoint path
+          conf       = (Store)   // Store object
+          **kwargs (KEY=VALUE)
+            partition_dim = (int)  // partition dimension for net
+        '''
+        assert load != None, 'data type should be specified'
+        if load == 'kData':
+            super(Data, self).__init__(name=generate_name('data'),
+                                       user_type=load)
+        else:
+            self.layer_type = enumLayerType(load)
+            super(Data, self).__init__(name=generate_name('data'),
+                                       type=self.layer_type)
+        self.is_datalayer = True
+        # include/exclude
+        setval(self.layer, include=enumPhase(phase))
+        #setval(self.layer, exclude=kTest if phase=='train' else kTrain)
+        if conf == None:
+            if load == 'kData':
+                setval(self.layer.Extensions[data_conf], **kwargs)
+            else:
+                setval(self.layer.store_conf, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            setval(self.layer, store_conf=conf.proto)
+        self.checkpoint = checkpoint # checkpoint for training data
 class Convolution2D(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, nb_filter=0, kernel=0, stride=1, pad=0,
-               init=None, w_param=None, b_param=None,
-               activation=None, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    required
-      nb_filter = (int)  // the number of filters
-      kernel    = (int)  // the size of filter
-    optional
-      stride    = (int)  // the size of stride
-      pad       = (int)  // the size of padding
-    '''
-    assert nb_filter > 0 and kernel > 0, 'should be set as positive int'
-    super(Convolution2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('conv',1), type=kCConvolution)
-    fields = {'num_filters' : nb_filter,
-              'kernel' : kernel,
-              'stride' : stride,
-              'pad' : pad}
-    setval(self.layer.convolution_conf, **fields)
-    # parameter w  
-    if w_param == None:
-      self.init = 'gaussian' if init==None else init 
-      w_param = Parameter(init=self.init) 
-    setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
-    # parameter b  
-    if b_param == None:
-      self.init = 'constant' if init==None else init 
-      b_param = Parameter(init=self.init) # default: constant
-    setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', True, **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
-    # following layers: e.g., activation, dropout, etc.
-    if activation:
-      self.mask = Activation(activation=activation).layer
+    def __init__(self, nb_filter=0, kernel=0, stride=1, pad=0,
+                 init=None, w_param=None, b_param=None,
+                 activation=None, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          nb_filter = (int)  // the number of filters
+          kernel    = (int)  // the size of filter
+        optional
+          stride    = (int)  // the size of stride
+          pad       = (int)  // the size of padding
+          init      = (string)     // 'unirom', 'gaussian', 'constant'
+          w_param   = (Parameter)  // Parameter object for weight
+          b_param   = (Parameter)  // Parameter object for bias
+          **kwargs (KEY=VALUE)
+            w_lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier for weight, used to
+                           // scale the learning rate when updating parameters.
+            w_wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier for weight, used to
+                           // scale the weight decay when updating parameters.
+            b_lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier for bias 
+            b_wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier for bias
+        '''
+        assert nb_filter > 0 and kernel > 0, 'should be set as positive int'
+        super(Convolution2D, self).__init__(name=generate_name('conv', 1),
+                                            type=kCConvolution)
+        fields = {'num_filters' : nb_filter,
+                  'kernel' : kernel,
+                  'stride' : stride,
+                  'pad' : pad}
+        setval(self.layer.convolution_conf, **fields)
+        # parameter w
+        if w_param == None:
+            self.init = 'gaussian' if init == None else init
+            w_param = Parameter(init=self.init)
+        set_param_field(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+        # parameter b
+        if b_param == None:
+            self.init = 'constant' if init == None else init
+            b_param = Parameter(init=self.init) # default: constant
+        set_param_field(b_param.param, 'b', True, **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
+        # following layers: e.g., activation, dropout, etc.
+        if activation:
+            self.mask = Activation(activation=activation).layer
 class MaxPooling2D(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, pool_size=None, stride=1, ignore_border=True, **kwargs): 
-    '''
-    required
-      pool_size     = (int|tuple) // the size for pooling
-    optional
-      stride        = (int)       // the size of striding
-      ignore_border = (bool)      // flag for padding
-      **kwargs                    // fields for Layer class
-    '''
-    assert pool_size != None, 'pool_size is required'
-    if type(pool_size) == int:
-      pool_size = (pool_size, pool_size)
-    assert type(pool_size) == tuple and  \
-           pool_size[0] == pool_size[1], 'pool size should be square in Singa'
-    super(MaxPooling2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('pool'), type=kCPooling, **kwargs)
-    fields = {'pool' : PoolingProto().MAX,
-              'kernel' : pool_size[0],
-              'stride' : stride,
-              'pad' : 0 if ignore_border else 1}
-    setval(self.layer.pooling_conf, **fields)
+    def __init__(self, pool_size=None,
+                 stride=1, ignore_border=True, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        Max Pooling layer
+        required
+          pool_size     = (int|tuple) // the size for pooling
+        optional
+          stride        = (int)       // the size of striding
+          ignore_border = (bool)      // flag for padding
+          **kwargs                    // fields for Layer class
+        '''
+        assert pool_size != None, 'pool_size is required'
+        if type(pool_size) == int:
+            pool_size = (pool_size, pool_size)
+        assert type(pool_size) == tuple and pool_size[0] == pool_size[1], \
+               'pool size should be square in Singa'
+        super(MaxPooling2D, self).__init__(name=generate_name('pool'),
+                                           type=kCPooling, **kwargs)
+        fields = {'pool' : PoolingProto().MAX,
+                  'kernel' : pool_size[0],
+                  'stride' : stride,
+                  'pad' : 0 if ignore_border else 1}
+        setval(self.layer.pooling_conf, **fields)
 class AvgPooling2D(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, pool_size=None, stride=1, ignore_border=True, **kwargs): 
-    '''
-    required
-      pool_size     = (int|tuple) // size for pooling
-    optional
-      stride        = (int)       // size of striding
-      ignore_border = (bool)      // flag for padding
-      **kwargs                    // fields for Layer class
-    '''
-    assert pool_size != None, 'pool_size is required'
-    if type(pool_size) == int:
-      pool_size = (pool_size, pool_size)
-    assert type(pool_size) == tuple and  \
-           pool_size[0] == pool_size[1], 'pool size should be square in Singa'
-    super(AvgPooling2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('pool'), type=kCPooling, **kwargs)
-    self.layer.pooling_conf.pool = PoolingProto().AVG 
-    fields = {'pool' : PoolingProto().AVG,
-              'kernel' : pool_size[0],
-              'stride' : stride,
-              'pad' : 0 if ignore_border else 1}
-    setval(self.layer.pooling_conf, **fields)
+    def __init__(self, pool_size=None,
+                 stride=1, ignore_border=True, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          pool_size     = (int|tuple) // size for pooling
+        optional
+          stride        = (int)       // size of striding
+          ignore_border = (bool)      // flag for padding
+          **kwargs                    // fields for Layer class
+        '''
+        assert pool_size != None, 'pool_size is required'
+        if type(pool_size) == int:
+            pool_size = (pool_size, pool_size)
+        assert type(pool_size) == tuple and pool_size[0] == pool_size[1], \
+               'pool size should be square in Singa'
+        super(AvgPooling2D, self).__init__(name=generate_name('pool'),
+                                           type=kCPooling, **kwargs)
+        self.layer.pooling_conf.pool = PoolingProto().AVG
+        fields = {'pool' : PoolingProto().AVG,
+                  'kernel' : pool_size[0],
+                  'stride' : stride,
+                  'pad' : 0 if ignore_border else 1}
+        setval(self.layer.pooling_conf, **fields)
 class LRN2D(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, size=0, **kwargs):
-    super(LRN2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('norm'), type=kLRN)
-    # required
-    assert size != 0, 'local size should be set'
-    self.layer.lrn_conf.local_size = size 
-    init_value = initializations.get('lrn2d', **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer.lrn_conf, **init_value)
+    def __init__(self, size=0, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          size = (int)  // local size
+        '''
+        super(LRN2D, self).__init__(name=generate_name('norm'), type=kLRN)
+        # required
+        assert size != 0, 'local size should be set'
+        self.layer.lrn_conf.local_size = size
+        init_values = get_init_values('lrn2d', **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer.lrn_conf, **init_values)
 class Activation(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, activation='stanh', topk=1):
- = activation 
-    if activation == 'tanh': activation = 'stanh' # <-- better way to set?
-    self.layer_type = enumLayerType(activation)  
-    super(Activation, self).__init__(name=generateName(, type=self.layer_type)
-    if activation == 'softmaxloss':
-      self.layer.softmaxloss_conf.topk = topk
-class Dropout(Layer): 
-  def __init__(self, ratio=0.5):
- = 'dropout'
-    self.layer_type = kDropout
-    super(Dropout, self).__init__(name=generateName(, type=self.layer_type)
-    self.layer.dropout_conf.dropout_ratio = ratio
+    def __init__(self, activation='stanh', topk=1):
+        '''
+        required
+          activation = (string)
+        optional
+          topk       = (int)  // the number of results
+        '''
+ = activation
+        if activation == 'tanh': activation = 'stanh' # <-- better way to set?
+        self.layer_type = enumLayerType(activation)
+        super(Activation, self).__init__(name=generate_name(,
+                                         type=self.layer_type)
+        if activation == 'softmaxloss':
+            self.layer.softmaxloss_conf.topk = topk
+class Dropout(Layer):
+    def __init__(self, ratio=0.5):
+        '''
+        required
+          ratio = (float) // ratio of drop out nodes
+        '''
+ = 'dropout'
+        self.layer_type = enumLayerType(
+        super(Dropout, self).__init__(name=generate_name(,
+                                      type=self.layer_type)
+        self.layer.dropout_conf.dropout_ratio = ratio
 class RGB(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, meanfile=None, **kwargs):
-    assert meanfile != None, 'meanfile should be specified'
- = 'rgb'
-    self.layer_type = kRGBImage
-    super(RGB, self).__init__(name=generateName(, type=self.layer_type)
-    self.layer.rgbimage_conf.meanfile = meanfile
+    def __init__(self, meanfile=None, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          meanfile = (string) // path to meanfile (depreciated)
+        '''
+        assert meanfile != None, 'meanfile should be specified'
+ = 'rgb'
+        self.layer_type = kRGBImage
+        super(RGB, self).__init__(name=generate_name(,
+                                  type=self.layer_type)
+        self.layer.rgbimage_conf.meanfile = meanfile
 class Dense(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, output_dim=0, activation=None, 
-               init=None, w_param=None, b_param=None, input_dim=None,
-               **kwargs):
-    '''
-    required
-      output_dim = (int)
-    optional
-      activation = (string)
-      init       = (string) // 'unirom', 'gaussian', 'constant'
-      **kwargs
-        w_lr = (float) // learning rate for w
-        w_wd = (float) // weight decay for w
-        b_lr = (float) // learning rate for b
-        b_wd = (float) // weight decay for b
-    '''
-    # required
-    assert output_dim > 0, 'output_dim should be set'
-    super(Dense, self).__init__(type=kInnerProduct, **kwargs)
-    self.layer.innerproduct_conf.num_output = output_dim
-    if 'transpose' in kwargs:
-      self.layer.innerproduct_conf.transpose = kwargs['transpose']
-    # parameter w (default: gaussian)  
-    if w_param == None:
-      self.init = 'gaussian' if init==None else init 
-      w_param = Parameter(init=self.init) 
-    setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', False, **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
-    # parameter b (default: constant) 
-    if b_param == None:
-      self.init = 'constant' if init==None else init 
-      b_param = Parameter(init=self.init)
-    setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', False, **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
-    # following layers: e.g., activation, dropout, etc.
-    if activation:
-      self.mask = Activation(activation=activation).layer
-''' Class to deal with multiple layers
+    def __init__(self, output_dim=0, activation=None,
+                 init=None, w_param=None, b_param=None, input_dim=None,
+                 **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          output_dim = (int)
+        optional
+          activation = (string)
+          init       = (string)     // 'unirom', 'gaussian', 'constant'
+          w_param    = (Parameter)  // Parameter object for weight
+          b_param    = (Parameter)  // Parameter object for bias
+          **kwargs
+            w_lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier for weight, used to
+                           // scale the learning rate when updating parameters.
+            w_wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier for weight, used to
+                           // scale the weight decay when updating parameters.
+            b_lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier for bias 
+            b_wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier for bias
+        '''
+        # required
+        assert output_dim > 0, 'output_dim should be set'
+        super(Dense, self).__init__(type=kInnerProduct, **kwargs)
+        self.layer.innerproduct_conf.num_output = output_dim
+        if 'transpose' in kwargs:
+            self.layer.innerproduct_conf.transpose = kwargs['transpose']
+        # parameter w (default: gaussian)
+        if w_param == None:
+            self.init = 'gaussian' if init == None else init
+            w_param = Parameter(init=self.init)
+        set_param_field(w_param.param, 'w', False, **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+        # parameter b (default: constant)
+        if b_param == None:
+            self.init = 'constant' if init == None else init
+            b_param = Parameter(init=self.init)
+        set_param_field(b_param.param, 'b', False, **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
+        # following layers: e.g., activation, dropout, etc.
+        if activation:
+            self.mask = Activation(activation=activation).layer
+''' Classes to deal with multiple layers
 class Autoencoder(object):
-  def __init__(self, hid_dim=None, out_dim=0, activation=None, 
-               param_share=True, **kwargs):
-    # required
-    assert out_dim >  0, 'out_dim should be set'
-    self.out_dim = out_dim
-    assert hid_dim != None, 'hid_dim should be set'
-    self.hid_dim = [hid_dim] if type(hid_dim)==int else hid_dim 
-    self.layer_type = 'AutoEncoder' 
-    self.activation = activation
-    self.param_share = param_share
+    def __init__(self, hid_dim=None, out_dim=0,
+                 activation=None, param_share=True):
+        '''
+        Generate a set of layers (like MLP) for encoder and decoder
+        The layers are expanded and added in Sequential.add()
+        required
+          hid_dim     = (int/list) // the number of nodes in hidden layers
+          out_dim     = (int)      // the number of nodes in the top layer
+        optional 
+          activation  = (string)
+          param_share = (bool)     // to share params in encoder and decoder
+        '''
+        # required
+        assert out_dim > 0, 'out_dim should be set'
+        self.out_dim = out_dim
+        assert hid_dim != None, 'hid_dim should be set'
+        self.hid_dim = [hid_dim] if type(hid_dim) == int else hid_dim
+        self.layer_type = 'AutoEncoder'
+        self.activation = activation
+        self.param_share = param_share
 class RBM(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, out_dim=None, w_param=None, b_param=None, sampling=None, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    Generate layers (like MLP) according to the number of elements in out_dim, and
-      on top of it, two layers RBMVis and RBMHid with bidirectional connection
-    required
-      out_dim  = (int) or (int list) // the number of hidden nodes
-    optional
-      sampling = (string)
-    '''
-    assert out_dim >  0, 'out_dim should be set'
-    self.out_dim = [out_dim] if type(out_dim)==int else out_dim 
- = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'RBMVis' 
-    self.layer_type = kwargs['type'] if 'type' in kwargs else kRBMVis
-    super(RBM, self).__init__(name=generateName(, withnumber=False), type=self.layer_type)
-    setval(self.layer.rbm_conf, hdim=self.out_dim[-1])
-    if self.layer_type == kRBMHid and sampling != None: 
-      if sampling == 'gaussian':
-        setval(self.layer.rbm_conf, gaussian=True)
-    # parameter w
-    if w_param == None:
-      w_param = Parameter(init='gaussian', **kwargs)
-      setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
-    else:
-      if self.layer_type == kRBMHid:
-        del kwargs['name']
-      else:
-        setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
-    # parameter b
-    if b_param == None:
-      b_param = Parameter(init='constant', **kwargs)
-      setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
-    else:
-      if self.layer_type == kRBMHid:
-        pass
-      else:
-        setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
-    if self.layer_type == kRBMVis: 
-      wname =
-      parw = Parameter(name=wname+"_", init='none', share_from=wname)
-      bname =
-      parb = Parameter(name=bname+"2", wd=0, init='constant')
-      self.bidirect = RBM(self.out_dim, name='RBMHid', type=kRBMHid,
-                      w_param=parw, b_param=parb, sampling=sampling).layer
+    def __init__(self, out_dim=None, w_param=None, b_param=None,
+                 sampling=None, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        Generate a set of layers (like MLP) according to the number of elements
+          in out_dim, and on top of it, two layers RBMVis and RBMHid with
+          bidirectional connection
+        The layers are expanded and added in Energy.add()
+        required
+          out_dim  = (int) or (int list) // the number of hidden nodes
+        optional
+          w_param  = (Parameter)  // Parameter object for weight
+          b_param  = (Parameter)  // Parameter object for bias
+          sampling = (string)
+        '''
+        assert out_dim > 0, 'out_dim should be set'
+        self.out_dim = [out_dim] if type(out_dim) == int else out_dim
+ = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'RBMVis'
+        self.layer_type = kwargs['type'] if 'type' in kwargs else kRBMVis
+        super(RBM, self).__init__(name=generate_name(,
+                                  withnumber=False), type=self.layer_type)
+        setval(self.layer.rbm_conf, hdim=self.out_dim[-1])
+        if self.layer_type == kRBMHid and sampling != None:
+            if sampling == 'gaussian':
+                setval(self.layer.rbm_conf, gaussian=True)
+        # parameter w
+        if w_param == None:
+            w_param = Parameter(init='gaussian', **kwargs)
+            set_param_field(w_param.param, 'w', withnumber=False,
+                            level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+        else:
+            if self.layer_type == kRBMHid:
+                del kwargs['name']
+            else:
+                set_param_field(w_param.param, 'w', withnumber=False,
+        	  	        level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+        # parameter b
+        if b_param == None:
+            b_param = Parameter(init='constant', **kwargs)
+            set_param_field(b_param.param, 'b', withnumber=False,
+        		    level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+        else:
+            if self.layer_type == kRBMHid:
+                pass
+            else:
+                set_param_field(b_param.param, 'b', withnumber=False,
+        		        level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
+        if self.layer_type == kRBMVis:
+            wname =
+            parw = Parameter(name=wname+"_", init='none', share_from=wname)
+            bname =
+            parb = Parameter(name=bname+"2", wd=0, init='constant')
+            self.bidirect = RBM(self.out_dim, name='RBMHid', type=kRBMHid,
+                         w_param=parw, b_param=parb, sampling=sampling).layer
 class Embedding(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, w_param=None, **kwargs):
-    super(Embedding, self).__init__(name=generateName('embedding',1), user_type='kEmbedding')
-    fields = { 'vocab_size': in_dim,
-               'word_dim': out_dim }
-    setval(self.layer.Extensions[embedding_conf], **fields)
-    if w_param == None:
-      w_param = Parameter(name=generateName('w'), init=init) # default: uniform
-    else:
-      setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+    def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, w_param=None, **kwargs):
+        super(Embedding, self).__init__(name=generate_name('embedding', 1),
+                                        user_type='kEmbedding')
+        fields = {'vocab_size': in_dim,
+                  'word_dim': out_dim}
+        setval(self.layer.Extensions[embedding_conf], **fields)
+        if w_param == None:
+            # default: uniform
+            w_param = Parameter(name=generate_name('w'), init=init)
+        else:
+            set_param_field(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
 class RNNLM(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, dim, w_param=None, **kwargs):
-    super(RNNLM, self).__init__(name=generateName('hidden',1), user_type='kHidden')
-    if w_param == None:
-      w_param = Parameter(name=generateName('w'), init=init) # default: uniform
-    else:
-      setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
-    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+    def __init__(self, dim, w_param=None, **kwargs):
+        super(RNNLM, self).__init__(name=generate_name('hidden', 1),
+                                    user_type='kHidden')
+        if w_param == None:
+            # default: uniform
+            w_param = Parameter(name=generate_name('w'), init=init)
+        else:
+            set_param_field(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
+        setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
 class UserLossRNNLM(Layer):
-  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-    super(UserLossRNNLM, self).__init__(name=generateName('loss',1), user_type='kLoss')
-    self.layer.Extensions[loss_conf].nclass = kwargs['nclass'] 
-    self.layer.Extensions[loss_conf].vocab_size = kwargs['vocab_size'] 
-    setval(self.layer, param=Parameter(name=generateName('w'), init='uniform', scale=0.3).param)
-    setval(self.layer, param=Parameter(name=generateName('w',1), init='uniform', scale=0.3).param)
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(UserLossRNNLM, self).__init__(name=generate_name('loss', 1),
+                                            user_type='kLoss')
+        self.layer.Extensions[loss_conf].nclass = kwargs['nclass']
+        self.layer.Extensions[loss_conf].vocab_size = kwargs['vocab_size']
+        setval(self.layer, param=Parameter(name=generate_name('w'),
+                                           init='uniform', scale=0.3).param)
+        setval(self.layer, param=Parameter(name=generate_name('w', 1),
+                                           init='uniform', scale=0.3).param)

[03/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

Add implementation of Test(string str) in


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 94435ebde81ccf7deb19b42eebf5bfa5fbc4e7cb
Parents: ceb0665
Author: xiezl <>
Authored: Mon Dec 28 16:56:28 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:14 2016 +0800

 src/ | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1bb9335..67b5c28 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -179,6 +179,12 @@ void Driver::Train(bool resume, const JobProto& job_conf) {
+void Driver::Test(const std::string str) {
+  JobProto job_conf;
+  job_conf.ParseFromString(str);
+  Test(job_conf);
 void Driver::Test(const JobProto& job_conf) {
   Cluster::Setup(job_id_, singa_conf_, job_conf.cluster());
   Cluster::Get()->Register(getpid(), "localhost");

[08/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

Add comments for some functions in
Remove the rnnlm related code, which could be added later when it can be run sucessfully using python.
Move datasets/ into examples as they are used mainly by the examples.
Update .gitinore to ignore the pb2 foder in tool/python/.

TODO add comments for other methods in files under singa/ folder.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8914750e8c6d6fd0d9d0d8aed53fd775a1367b88
Parents: 3c12730
Author: Wei Wang <>
Authored: Tue Dec 29 11:36:28 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:15 2016 +0800

 tool/python/examples/             |   4 +-
 tool/python/examples/       |   4 +-
 .../python/examples/ |  34 -----
 tool/python/examples/   |   4 +-
 tool/python/examples/datasets/       |   0
 tool/python/examples/datasets/        |  34 +++++
 tool/python/examples/datasets/          |  32 +++++
 tool/python/examples/         |  22 ----
 tool/python/                            |  26 ++--
 tool/python/singa/datasets/          |   0
 tool/python/singa/datasets/           |  34 -----
 tool/python/singa/datasets/             |  32 -----
 tool/python/singa/datasets/             |  20 ---
 tool/python/singa/                      | 132 +++++++++++--------
 14 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index 9ef552b..859a9a4 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
 from singa.datasets import cifar10
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
 m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
-sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='manual', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
 topo = Cluster(workspace)
 m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index e3c5c49..d4f4b7c 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
 from singa.datasets import cifar10
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
 m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
-sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='manual', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
 topo = Cluster(workspace)
 m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index f5e4c27..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import cifar10
-X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
-m = Sequential('cifar10-cnn', sys.argv)
-m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_std=0.0001, b_lr=2))
-m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
-m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
-m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, b_lr=2))
-m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
-m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
-m.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 1, 2))
-m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
-m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
-sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
-topo = Cluster(workspace, nworkers_per_group=2, nworkers_per_procs=2)
-m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
-gpu_id = [0,1], nb_epoch=10000, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
-result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=0, test_freq=200)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index dd03f5c..4144fa5 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys, os
 from singa.model import *
 from singa.datasets import cifar10
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
 m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_wd=250, b_param=parb, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
-sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='manual', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
 topo = Cluster(workspace)
 m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=100, with_test=True)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/datasets/ b/tool/python/examples/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/datasets/ b/tool/python/examples/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65bcd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/datasets/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from singa.model import *
+def load_data(
+         workspace = None, 
+         backend = 'kvfile',
+         batchsize = 64,
+         random = 5000,
+         shape = (3, 32, 32),
+         std = 127.5,
+         mean = 127.5
+      ):
+  # using cifar10 dataset
+  data_dir = 'examples/cifar10'
+  path_train = data_dir + '/train_data.bin'
+  path_test  = data_dir + '/test_data.bin'
+  path_mean  = data_dir + '/image_mean.bin'
+  if workspace == None: workspace = data_dir
+  store = Store(path=path_train, mean_file=path_mean, backend=backend,
+              random_skip=random, batchsize=batchsize,
+              shape=shape) 
+  data_train = Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store)
+  store = Store(path=path_test, mean_file=path_mean, backend=backend,
+              batchsize=batchsize,
+              shape=shape) 
+  data_test = Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store)
+  return data_train, data_test, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/datasets/ b/tool/python/examples/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8695ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/datasets/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from singa.model import * 
+def load_data(
+     workspace = None,
+     backend = 'kvfile',
+     nb_rbm = 0,  # the number of layers for RBM and Autoencoder 
+     checkpoint_steps = 0, 
+     **pvalues
+   ):
+  # using mnist dataset
+  data_dir = 'examples/mnist'
+  path_train = data_dir + '/train_data.bin'
+  path_test  = data_dir + '/test_data.bin'
+  if workspace == None: workspace = data_dir
+  # checkpoint path to load
+  checkpoint_list = None 
+  if checkpoint_steps > 0:
+    workerid = 0
+    checkpoint_list = [] 
+    for i in range(nb_rbm-1, 0, -1):
+      checkpoint_list.append('examples/rbm/rbm{0}/checkpoint/step{1}-worker{2}'.format(str(i),checkpoint_steps,workerid))
+  store = Store(path=path_train, backend=backend, **pvalues)
+  data_train = Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store, checkpoint=checkpoint_list)
+  store = Store(path=path_test, backend=backend, **pvalues)
+  data_test = Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store)
+  return data_train, data_test, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b49321..0000000
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os
-from singa.model import *
-from singa.datasets import rnnlm 
-vocab_size = 3720
-X_train, X_valid, workspace = rnnlm.load_data()
-m = Sequential('rnnlm', sys.argv)
-parw = Parameter(init='uniform', range=0.3)
-m.add(Embedding(in_dim=vocab_size, out_dim=15, w_param=parw))
-m.add(RNNLM(1, w_param=parw))
-sgd = SGD(lr_type='fixed', step=(0,48810,56945,65080,73215), step_lr=(0.1,0.05,0.025,0.0125,0.00625))
-topo = Cluster(workspace)
-m.compile(loss='user_loss_rnnlm', in_dim=vocab_size, nclass=100, optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
-, validate=X_valid, validate_steps=683, nb_epoch=81350, execpath='examples/rnnlm/rnnlm.bin')
-#result = m.evaluate(X_valid, validate_steps=683, validate_freq=8135, execpath='examples/rnnlm/rnnlm.bin')
diff --git a/tool/python/ b/tool/python/
index 6d7fbdf..986a6b8 100755
--- a/tool/python/
+++ b/tool/python/
@@ -31,14 +31,18 @@ import singa.driver as driver
 from google.protobuf.text_format import Merge
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    i =  sys.argv.index("-conf")
-    s = open(sys.argv[i+1], 'r').read()
-    s = str(s)
-    j = job_pb2.JobProto()  
-    Merge(s,j)
-    b = j.SerializeToString()
-    d = driver.Driver()
-    d.InitLog(sys.argv[0])
-    d.Init(sys.argv)
-#    d.Train(False,b)
-    d.Test(b)
+  """Invoke the training program using this python script.
+  ./bin/ -exec tool/python/ -conf examples/cifar10/job.conf
+  """"
+  i =  sys.argv.index("-conf")
+  s = open(sys.argv[i+1], 'r').read()
+  s = str(s)
+  j = job_pb2.JobProto()
+  Merge(s,j)
+  b = j.SerializeToString()
+  d = driver.Driver()
+  d.InitLog(sys.argv[0])
+  d.Init(sys.argv)
+  d.Train(False,b)
+  #d.Test(b)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 65bcd60..0000000
--- a/tool/python/singa/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from singa.model import *
-def load_data(
-         workspace = None, 
-         backend = 'kvfile',
-         batchsize = 64,
-         random = 5000,
-         shape = (3, 32, 32),
-         std = 127.5,
-         mean = 127.5
-      ):
-  # using cifar10 dataset
-  data_dir = 'examples/cifar10'
-  path_train = data_dir + '/train_data.bin'
-  path_test  = data_dir + '/test_data.bin'
-  path_mean  = data_dir + '/image_mean.bin'
-  if workspace == None: workspace = data_dir
-  store = Store(path=path_train, mean_file=path_mean, backend=backend,
-              random_skip=random, batchsize=batchsize,
-              shape=shape) 
-  data_train = Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store)
-  store = Store(path=path_test, mean_file=path_mean, backend=backend,
-              batchsize=batchsize,
-              shape=shape) 
-  data_test = Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store)
-  return data_train, data_test, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8695ec..0000000
--- a/tool/python/singa/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from singa.model import * 
-def load_data(
-     workspace = None,
-     backend = 'kvfile',
-     nb_rbm = 0,  # the number of layers for RBM and Autoencoder 
-     checkpoint_steps = 0, 
-     **pvalues
-   ):
-  # using mnist dataset
-  data_dir = 'examples/mnist'
-  path_train = data_dir + '/train_data.bin'
-  path_test  = data_dir + '/test_data.bin'
-  if workspace == None: workspace = data_dir
-  # checkpoint path to load
-  checkpoint_list = None 
-  if checkpoint_steps > 0:
-    workerid = 0
-    checkpoint_list = [] 
-    for i in range(nb_rbm-1, 0, -1):
-      checkpoint_list.append('examples/rbm/rbm{0}/checkpoint/step{1}-worker{2}'.format(str(i),checkpoint_steps,workerid))
-  store = Store(path=path_train, backend=backend, **pvalues)
-  data_train = Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store, checkpoint=checkpoint_list)
-  store = Store(path=path_test, backend=backend, **pvalues)
-  data_test = Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store)
-  return data_train, data_test, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef8142a..0000000
--- a/tool/python/singa/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from singa.model import *
-def load_data(
-         workspace = 'examples/rnnlm',
-         backend = 'kvfile',
-         max_window = 10
-      ):
-  path_train = workspace + '/train_data.bin'
-  path_valid = workspace + '/valid_data.bin'
-  path_test  = workspace + '/test_data.bin'
-  data_train = Data(load='kData', phase='train', path=path_train, backend=backend, max_window=max_window)
-  data_valid = Data(load='kData', phase='val', path=path_valid, max_window=max_window)
-  return data_train, data_valid, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index d68d143..29db70e 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys, re, subprocess
 from layer import *
-from utils.utility import * 
-from utils.message import * 
+from utils.utility import *
+from utils.message import *
 from google.protobuf import text_format
 class Model(object):
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ class Model(object):
       argv             // pass sys.argv to source
       label = (bool)   // exist label layer (depreciated)
-    self.jobconf = Message('Job', name=name).proto 
+    self.jobconf = Message('Job', name=name).proto
     self.layers = []
     self.label = label
     self.argv = argv
     self.result = None
     self.last_checkpoint_path = None
     self.cudnn = False
   def exist_datalayer(self, phase):
     for ly in self.layers:
       if enumPhase(phase) in ly.layer.include:
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class Model(object):
       topk      = (int)     // the number of results considered to compute accuracy
     assert optimizer != None, 'optimizer (Updater component) should be set'
-    assert cluster != None, 'cluster (Cluster component) should be set'  
+    assert cluster != None, 'cluster (Cluster component) should be set'
     setval(self.jobconf, updater=optimizer.proto)
     setval(self.jobconf, cluster=cluster.proto)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class Model(object):
         # revise the last layer
         if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
           setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('softmaxloss'))
-          setval(ly.softmaxloss_conf, topk=topk) 
+          setval(ly.softmaxloss_conf, topk=topk)
         elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
           setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('euclideanloss'))
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Model(object):
     construct neuralnet proto
-    net = NetProto() 
+    net = NetProto()
     slyname = self.layers[0]
     for i in range(len(self.layers)):
       ly = net.layer.add()
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Model(object):
     # deal with label layer (depreciated)
     if self.label == True:
-      label_layer = Layer(name='label', type=kLabel)      
+      label_layer = Layer(name='label', type=kLabel)
       ly = net.layer.add()
       getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class Model(object):
     # use of cudnn
     if self.cudnn == True:
-      self.setCudnnLayerType(net) 
+      self.setCudnnLayerType(net)
     setval(self.jobconf, neuralnet=net)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Model(object):
         batch_size       = (int)    // batch size for training data
         train_steps      = (int)    // the number of steps for training, i.e., epoch
         disp_freq        = (int)    // frequency to display training info
-        disp_after       = (int)    // display after this number 
+        disp_after       = (int)    // display after this number
         validate_data    = (Data)   // validation data, specified in load_data()
         validate_freq    = (int)    // frequency of validation
         validate_steps   = (int)    // total number of steps for validation
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class Model(object):
       setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
     # insert layer for training
-    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False: 
+    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False:
       self.layers.insert(0, data)
     setval(self.jobconf, train_steps=nb_epoch)
     setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=nb_epoch/10)
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ class Model(object):
     # save model parameter (i.e., checkpoint_path)
     setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_freq=nb_epoch)
     self.last_checkpoint_path = '{0}/step{1}-worker0'.format(
-                     self.jobconf.cluster.workspace, nb_epoch) 
+                     self.jobconf.cluster.workspace, nb_epoch)
     # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
     setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class Model(object):
       self.cudnn = True
     # start to run singa for training
-    if with_test == False: 
+    if with_test == False:  # construct Nneuralnet Component
       return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath)
@@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ class Model(object):
       alg             = (string)   // algorithm type, (backpropagation at default)
       checkpoint_path = (list)     // checkpoint path is necessary only for testing
-      execpaths       = (string)   // path to user's own executable 
+      execpaths       = (string)   // path to user's own executable
       device          = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
         batch_size   = (int)  // batch size for testing data
         test_freq    = (int)  // frequency of testing
-        test_steps   = (int)  // total number of steps for testing 
-        test_after   = (int)  // start testing after this number of steps 
+        test_steps   = (int)  // total number of steps for testing
+        test_after   = (int)  // start testing after this number of steps
     assert data != None, 'Testing data should be set'
     is_testonly = False
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ class Model(object):
       setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
     # insert layer for testing
-    if self.exist_datalayer('test') == False: 
+    if self.exist_datalayer('test') == False:
       self.layers.insert(0, data)
     # loading checkpoint if singa runs only for testing
-    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False: 
+    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False:
       is_testonly = True
       if checkpoint_path == None:
         print 'checkpoint_path has not been specified'
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Model(object):
     steps = fields['test_steps'] if 'test_steps' in fields else 10
     setval(self.jobconf, test_steps=steps)
     setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
     # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
     setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
@@ -231,16 +231,16 @@ class Model(object):  # construct Nneuralnet Component
-    #--- generate job.conf file for debug purpose 
+    #--- generate job.conf file for debug purpose
     #filename = 'job.conf'
     #with open(filename, 'w') as f:
     #  f.write(text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf.cluster))
-    #--- run singa --- 
+    #--- run singa ---
     return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath, testmode=is_testonly)
     #return SingaRun_script(filename=filename, execpath=execpath)
   def display(self):
     ''' print out job proto
@@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ class Model(object):
       elif ly_type == kSoftmaxLoss: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmaxLoss
       elif ly_type == kSTanh:
         cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
-        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = STANH 
+        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = STANH
       elif ly_type == kSigmoid:
         cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
-        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = SIGMOID 
+        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = SIGMOID
       elif ly_type == kReLU:
         cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
-        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = RELU 
+        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = RELU
       net.layer[i].type = cudnn_ly_type
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class Energy(Model):
   def add(self, layer):
     if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
       if layer.layer_type == kRBMVis:
-        dim = 0 
+        dim = 0
         for i in range(1, len(layer.out_dim)):
           parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
           parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class Sequential(Model):
   def add(self, layer):
     if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
       if layer.layer_type == 'AutoEncoder':
-        dim = 0 
+        dim = 0
         if layer.param_share == True:
           # Encoding
           for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+1):
@@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ class Store(object):
         path       = (string)  // path to dataset
-        backend    = (string)  // 
+        backend    = (string)  //
         batch_size = (int)     // batch size of dataset
-        shape      = (int)     // 
+        shape      = (int)     //
     self.proto = Message('Store', **kwargs).proto
@@ -357,23 +357,23 @@ class Updater(object):
       lr_type  = (string) // type of the learning rate (Fixed at default)
     upd = Message('Updater', type=upd_type, **fields).proto
-    setval(upd.learning_rate, base_lr=lr) 
+    setval(upd.learning_rate, base_lr=lr)
     if decay > 0:
-      setval(upd, weight_decay=decay) 
+      setval(upd, weight_decay=decay)
     if momentum > 0:
-      setval(upd, momentum=momentum) 
+      setval(upd, momentum=momentum)
-    if lr_type == None:
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixed) 
+    if lr_type == None or lr_type == "fixed":
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixed)
     elif lr_type == 'step':
       cp = Message('Step', change_freq=60, gamma=0.997)
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kStep, step_conf=cp.proto) 
-    elif lr_type == 'fixedstep':
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kStep, step_conf=cp.proto)
+    elif lr_type == 'manual':
       cp = Message('FixedStep', step=step, step_lr=step_lr)
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixedStep, fixedstep_conf=cp.proto) 
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixedStep, fixedstep_conf=cp.proto)
     elif lr_type == 'linear':
       cp = Message('Linear', change_freq=10, final_lr=0.1)
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kLinear, linear_conf=cp.proto) 
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kLinear, linear_conf=cp.proto)
     self.proto = upd
@@ -422,6 +422,15 @@ class AdaGrad(Updater):
 class Cluster(object):
+  """ Specify the cluster topology, e.g., number of workers/servers.
+  Currently we need to create this object in the .py file and also provide a
+  cluster configuration file to the command line. TODO(wangwei) update SINGA
+  code to eliminate the requirement of the cluster configuration file for
+  training on a single node or the cluster object in the pyfile for training
+  in a cluster.
+  """
   def __init__(self, workspace=None,
                nworker_groups=1, nserver_groups=1,
                nworkers_per_group=1, nservers_per_group=1,
@@ -443,65 +452,78 @@ class Cluster(object):
     assert workspace != None, 'need to set workspace'
     self.proto = Message('Cluster', workspace=workspace).proto
     # optional
-    self.proto.nworker_groups = nworker_groups 
-    self.proto.nserver_groups = nserver_groups 
-    self.proto.nworkers_per_group = nworkers_per_group 
-    self.proto.nservers_per_group = nservers_per_group 
-    self.proto.nworkers_per_procs = nworkers_per_procs 
-    self.proto.nservers_per_procs = nservers_per_procs 
+    self.proto.nworker_groups = nworker_groups
+    self.proto.nserver_groups = nserver_groups
+    self.proto.nworkers_per_group = nworkers_per_group
+    self.proto.nservers_per_group = nservers_per_group
+    self.proto.nworkers_per_procs = nworkers_per_procs
+    self.proto.nservers_per_procs = nservers_per_procs
     # other fields
     setval(self.proto, **fields)
 def StoreResults(lines):
+  """ Parsing metrics from each line in the log file.
-  resultDic = {} 
+  TODO(wangwei) format the log string to make them uniform for easy parsing
+  Another approach is creating a protobuf message for metrics, which can be
+  used for dumping metrics to string and loading perf string back to messages.
+  """
+  resultDic = {}
   for line in lines:
     line = re.findall(r'[\w|*.*]+', line)
     if 'Train' in line:
       step = line[line.index('step')+1]
       if 'accuracy' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['acc'] = line[line.index('accuracy')+1] 
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['acc'] = line[line.index('accuracy')+1]
       if 'loss' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['loss'] = line[line.index('loss')+1] 
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['loss'] = line[line.index('loss')+1]
       if 'ppl' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['ppl'] = line[line.index('ppl')+1] 
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['ppl'] = line[line.index('ppl')+1]
       if 'Squared' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['se'] = line[line.index('Squared')+2] 
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['se'] = line[line.index('Squared')+2]
   return resultDic
 def SingaRun(jobproto='', argv=[], execpath='', testmode=False):
   import singa.driver as driver
   d = driver.Driver()
-  d.InitLog(argv[0]) 
+  d.InitLog(argv[0])
   if testmode == True:
     d.Train(False, jobproto.SerializeToString())
+  # Get the performance from the latest log file.
+  # TODO(wangwei) the log file would be overwritten by other running instance of
+  # the same program, e.g., lt-singa
   logfile = '/tmp/singa-log/{0}.ERROR'.format(argv[0].split('/')[-1])
   fin = open(logfile, 'r')
   result = StoreResults(fin.readlines())
   return result
 def SingaRun_script(filename='', execpath=''):
+  """
+  Deprecated.
+  Generate the job conf file and run the shell command.
+  """
   SINGAROOT = '../../../'
   conf = 'examples/' + filename
   if execpath=='':
     cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
-        + '-conf %s ' % conf 
+        + '-conf %s ' % conf
     cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
         + '-conf %s ' % conf \
-        + '-exec %s ' % execpath 
+        + '-exec %s ' % execpath
   procs = subprocess.Popen(cmd.strip().split(' '), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
-  resultDic = {} 
+  resultDic = {}
   outputlines = iter(procs.stdout.readline, '')
   resultDic = StoreResults(outputlines)

[07/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

- Update


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d47ed4b3aac0552458f41727d72c846dd971be2d
Parents: 8914750
Author: chonho <>
Authored: Thu Dec 31 11:07:27 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:15 2016 +0800

 tool/python/ | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tool/python/ b/tool/python/
index 4308ed1..1133fa4 100644
--- a/tool/python/
+++ b/tool/python/
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
 bin/ -exe -conf cluster.conf
-The python code, i.e., ``, would create the JobProto object and pass it to Driver::Train.
+The python code, e.g., ``, would create the JobProto object and pass it to Driver::Train.
 Currently, ./bin/ needs to get the cluster topology, hence we still need to pass a `cluster.conf` to it.
 The cluster.conf has the configuration for a JobProto with all other fields empty except the cluster field.
-Note that 'workspace' field in ClusterProto can be set in either (i) cluster.conf or (ii) python code.
+Note that `workspace` field in ClusterProto can be set in either (i) cluster.conf or (ii) python code.
 #### Examples
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Methods in Model class
 #### Results
-fit() and evaluate() return `result`, a dictionary containing
+fit() and evaluate() return train/test results, a dictionary containing
 * [key]: step number
 * [value]: a list of dictionay
@@ -92,13 +92,67 @@ fit() and evaluate() return `result`, a dictionary containing
 	* 'ppl' for ppl
 	* 'se' for squred error   
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+### Parameter class
+Users need to set parameter and initial values. For example,
+* Parameter
+        * lr = (float) // learning rate
+        * wd = (float) // weight decay
+* Parameter initialization
+        * init = (string) // one of the types, 'uniform', 'constant', 'gaussian'
+        * for uniform [default]
+                * high = (float)
+                * low = (float)
+        * for constant
+                * value = (float)
+        * for gaussian
+                * mean = (float)
+                * std = (float)
+* Weight (`w_param`) is 'gaussian' with mean=0, std=0.01 at default
+* Bias (`b_param`) is 'constant' with value=0 at default
+* How to update the parameter fields
+        * for updating Weight, put `w_` in front of field name
+        * for updating Bias, put `b_` in front of field name
+Several ways to set Parameter values
+m.add(Dense(10, w_mean=1, w_std=0.1, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+parw = Parameter(lr=2, wd=10, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, ...)
+parw = Parameter(init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+#### To run Singa on GPU
+Users need to set a list of gpu ids to `device` field in fit() or evaluate(). 
+For example,
+gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=100, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
+>>>>>>> cb1ffb4... SINGA-81 Add Python Helper
 #### Other classes
 * Store
 * Algorithm
 * Updater
-* SGD (inherited)
-* AdaGrad (inherited)
+* SGD
+* AdaGrad
 * Cluster
@@ -150,7 +204,7 @@ m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
 m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
-sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='manual', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
 topo = Cluster(workspace)
 m.compile(updater=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True)
@@ -257,6 +311,7 @@ store = Store(path='test.bin', batch_size=100, ...)        // parameter values a
 m.add(Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store))  // Data layer is added
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 ### Parameter class
 Users need to set parameter and initial values. For example,
@@ -296,8 +351,10 @@ m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, ...)
 parw = Parameter(init='constant', value=0)
 m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+>>>>>>> cb1ffb4... SINGA-81 Add Python Helper
-### Example to run singa
+### Cases to run singa
 (1) Run singa for training

[06/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

update to support running in a single process without job.conf


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 2a6645cf2b7b625795b58b619e6cc544c08b63ff
Parents: d47ed4b
Author: WANG Sheng <>
Authored: Thu Dec 31 11:02:22 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:15 2016 +0800

 bin/        | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/utils/ | 26 ++++++++++++++------------
 src/utils/       |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 548f8f1..836342e 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -23,16 +23,14 @@
 # run a singa job
-usage="Usage: -conf <job config file> [ other arguments ]\n
-        -resume                 : if want to recover a job\n
-        -exec <path to mysinga> : if want to use own singa driver\n
-       ### NOTICE ###\n
-        if you are using model.conf + cluster.conf,\n
-        please see how to combine them to a job.conf:\n
+usage="Usage: [ arguments ]\n
+        -exec <binary or python script> : if want to use own singa driver\n
+        -conf <job config file> : need cluster conf if train in a cluster
+        -resume                 : if want to recover a job"
 # parse arguments
-# make sure we have '-conf' and remove '-exec'
+#  extract and remove '-exec' and '-conf'
+#  other arguments remain untouched
 while [ $# != 0 ]; do
   if [ $1 == "-exec" ]; then
@@ -46,23 +44,23 @@ while [ $# != 0 ]; do
-if [ -z $conf ]; then
-  echo -e $usage
-  exit 1
 # get environment variables
 . `dirname "${BASH_SOURCE-$0}"`/
 # change conf to an absolute path
-conf_dir=`dirname "$conf"`
-conf_dir=`cd "$conf_dir">/dev/null; pwd`
-conf_base=`basename "$conf"`
-if [ ! -f $job_conf ]; then
-  echo $job_conf not exists
-  exit 1
+if [ ! -z $conf ]; then
+  conf_dir=`dirname "$conf"`
+  conf_dir=`cd "$conf_dir">/dev/null; pwd`
+  conf_base=`basename "$conf"`
+  job_conf=$conf_dir/$conf_base
+  if [ ! -f $job_conf ]; then
+    echo $job_conf not exists
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# go to singa home to execute binary
 # generate unique job id
@@ -81,9 +79,13 @@ host_file=$log_dir/job.hosts
 ./singatool genhost $job_conf 1>$host_file || exit 1
 # set command to run singa
-singa_run="$exe $args -conf $job_conf \
+singa_run="$exe $args \
             -singa_conf $SINGA_HOME/conf/singa.conf \
-            -singa_job $job_id" 
+            -singa_job $job_id"
+# add -conf if exists
+if [ ! -z $job_conf ]; then
+  singa_run="$singa_run -conf $job_conf"
 singa_sshrun="cd $SINGA_HOME; $singa_run"
 # ssh and start singa processes
diff --git a/src/utils/ b/src/utils/
index 5ac3812..cdf8aab 100644
--- a/src/utils/
+++ b/src/utils/
@@ -367,19 +367,21 @@ bool JobManager::GenerateJobID(int* id) {
 bool JobManager::GenerateHostList(const char* host_file, const char* job_file,
                                   vector<string>* list) {
+  int nprocs = 1;
   // compute required #process from job conf
-  ClusterProto cluster;
-  google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(ExtractClusterConf(job_file),
-                                                &cluster);
-  int nworker_procs = cluster.nworker_groups() * cluster.nworkers_per_group()
-                      / cluster.nworkers_per_procs();
-  int nserver_procs = cluster.nserver_groups() * cluster.nservers_per_group()
-                      / cluster.nservers_per_procs();
-  int nprocs = 0;
-  if (cluster.server_worker_separate())
-    nprocs = nworker_procs + nserver_procs;
-  else
-    nprocs = std::max(nworker_procs, nserver_procs);
+  if (job_file != nullptr) {
+    ClusterProto cluster;
+    google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(ExtractClusterConf(job_file),
+                                                  &cluster);
+    int nworker_procs = cluster.nworker_groups() * cluster.nworkers_per_group()
+                        / cluster.nworkers_per_procs();
+    int nserver_procs = cluster.nserver_groups() * cluster.nservers_per_group()
+                        / cluster.nservers_per_procs();
+    if (cluster.server_worker_separate())
+      nprocs = nworker_procs + nserver_procs;
+    else
+      nprocs = std::max(nworker_procs, nserver_procs);
+  }
   // get available host list from global conf
   std::ifstream hostfile(host_file);
   if (!hostfile.is_open()) {
diff --git a/src/utils/ b/src/utils/
index 18df826..4b50214 100644
--- a/src/utils/
+++ b/src/utils/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
     else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "create"))
       stat = create();
     else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "genhost"))
-      stat = (argc > 2) ? genhost(argv[2]) : ARG_ERR;
+      stat = (argc > 2) ? genhost(argv[2]) : genhost(nullptr);
     else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "list"))
       stat = list(false);
     else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "listall"))

[09/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper

Posted by
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index 29db70e..6ad9422 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -1,532 +1,612 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#* distributed with this work for additional information
+#* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#* under the License.
+This script includes Model class and its subclasses that
+users can configure model parameter.
 import sys, re, subprocess
-from layer import *
-from utils.utility import *
-from utils.message import *
+from singa.layer import *
+from singa.utils.utility import *
+from singa.utils.message import *
 from google.protobuf import text_format
 class Model(object):
-  def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
-    '''
-    optional
-      name  = (string) // name of model/job
-      argv             // pass sys.argv to source
-      label = (bool)   // exist label layer (depreciated)
-    '''
-    self.jobconf = Message('Job', name=name).proto
-    self.layers = []
-    self.label = label
-    self.argv = argv
-    self.result = None
-    self.last_checkpoint_path = None
-    self.cudnn = False
-  def exist_datalayer(self, phase):
-    for ly in self.layers:
-      if enumPhase(phase) in ly.layer.include:
-        return True
-    return False
-  def compile(self, optimizer=None, cluster=None, loss=None, topk=1, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    required
-      optimizer = (Updater) // updater settings, e.g., SGD
-      cluster   = (Cluster) // cluster settings
-    optional
-      loss      = (string)  // name of loss function type
-      topk      = (int)     // the number of results considered to compute accuracy
-    '''
-    assert optimizer != None, 'optimizer (Updater component) should be set'
-    assert cluster != None, 'cluster (Cluster component) should be set'
-    setval(self.jobconf, updater=optimizer.proto)
-    setval(self.jobconf, cluster=cluster.proto)
-    # take care of loss function layer
-    if loss == None:
-      print 'loss layer is not set'
-    else:
-      if hasattr(self.layers[-1], 'mask'):
-        ly = self.layers[-1].mask
-      else:
-        ly = self.layers[-1].layer
-      # take care of the last layer
-      if ly.type == enumLayerType('softmax'):
-        # revise the last layer
-        if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
-          setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('softmaxloss'))
-          setval(ly.softmaxloss_conf, topk=topk)
-        elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
-          setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('euclideanloss'))
-      else:
-        # add new layer
-        if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
-          self.add(Activation('softmaxloss', topk=topk))
-        elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
-          self.add(Activation('euclideanloss'))
-        elif loss == 'user_loss_rnnlm': # user-defined loss layer for rnnlm
-          self.add(UserLossRNNLM(nclass=kwargs['nclass'], vocab_size=kwargs['in_dim']))
-  def build(self):
+    ''' Configure model parameter
+        - add(): add layer
+        - compile(): specify Updater and Cluster protos
+        - build(): construct a model (i.e., NetProto)
+        - fit(): run singa for training
+        - evaluate(): run singa for testing
-    construct neuralnet proto
-    '''
-    net = NetProto()
-    slyname = self.layers[0]
-    for i in range(len(self.layers)):
-      ly = net.layer.add()
-      ly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].layer)
-      lastly = ly
-      if self.layers[i].is_datalayer == True:
-        continue
-      getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
-      slyname =
-      if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'mask'):
-        mly = net.layer.add()
-        mly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].mask)
-        getattr(mly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
-        slyname =
-        lastly = mly
-      if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'bidirect'):
-        bly = net.layer.add()
-        bly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].bidirect)
-        getattr(bly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
-    # deal with label layer (depreciated)
-    if self.label == True:
-      label_layer = Layer(name='label', type=kLabel)
-      ly = net.layer.add()
-      ly.CopyFrom(label_layer.layer)
-      getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
-      getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(
-    else:
-      if == 'RBMVis':
-        getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(
-      else:
-        getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
-    # use of cudnn
-    if self.cudnn == True:
-      self.setCudnnLayerType(net)
-    setval(self.jobconf, neuralnet=net)
-  def fit(self, data=None, alg='bp', nb_epoch=0,
-          with_test=False, execpath='', device=None, **fields):
-    '''
-    required
-      data        = (Data)     // Data class object for training data
-      alg         = (string)   // algorithm, e.g., 'bp', 'cd'
-      nb_epoch    = (int)      // the number of training steps
-    optional
-      with_test   = (bool)     // flag if singa runs for test data
-      execpath    = (string)   // path to user own singa (executable file)
-      device      = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
-      **fields (KEY=VALUE)
-        batch_size       = (int)    // batch size for training data
-        train_steps      = (int)    // the number of steps for training, i.e., epoch
-        disp_freq        = (int)    // frequency to display training info
-        disp_after       = (int)    // display after this number
-        validate_data    = (Data)   // validation data, specified in load_data()
-        validate_freq    = (int)    // frequency of validation
-        validate_steps   = (int)    // total number of steps for validation
-        validate_after   = (int)    // start validation after this number
-        checkpoint_path  = (string) // path to checkpoint file
-        checkpoint_freq  = (int)    // frequency for checkpoint
-        checkpoint_after = (int)    // start checkpointing after this number
-    '''
-    assert data != None, 'Training data shold be set'
-    assert nb_epoch > 0, 'Training steps shold be set'
-    if 'batch_size' in fields:  # if new value is set, replace the batch_size
-      setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
-    # insert layer for training
-    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False:
-      self.layers.insert(0, data)
-    setval(self.jobconf, train_steps=nb_epoch)
-    setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=nb_epoch/10)
-    if 'disp_freq' in fields:
-      setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=fields['disp_freq'])
-    if 'validate_data' in fields:
-      self.layers.insert(1, fields['validate_data'])
-      setval(self.jobconf, validate_freq=nb_epoch/10)
-    setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
-    # loading checkpoint if it is set
-    if data.checkpoint != None:
-      setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_path=data.checkpoint)
-    # save model parameter (i.e., checkpoint_path)
-    setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_freq=nb_epoch)
-    self.last_checkpoint_path = '{0}/step{1}-worker0'.format(
-                     self.jobconf.cluster.workspace, nb_epoch)
-    # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
-    setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
-    # use of cudnn
-    if device != None:
-      setval(self.jobconf, gpu=device)
-      self.cudnn = True
-    # start to run singa for training
-    if with_test == False:
-  # construct Nneuralnet Component
-      #self.display()
-      return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath)
-    else:
-      # run singa in evaluate() with test data
-      pass
+    def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=None, label=False):
+        '''
+        optional
+          name  = (string) // name of model/job
+          argv             // pass sys.argv to source
+          label = (bool)   // exist label layer (depreciated)
+        '''
+        self.jobconf = Message('Job', name=name).proto
+        self.layers = []
+        self.label = label
+        self.argv = argv
+        self.result = None
+        self.last_checkpoint_path = None
+        self.cudnn = False
+    def add(self, layer):
+        '''
+        add layer
+        '''
+        pass
+    def exist_datalayer(self, phase):
+        '''
+        check if data layer exists
+        '''
+        for ly in self.layers:
+            if enumPhase(phase) in ly.layer.include:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def compile(self, optimizer=None, cluster=None,
+                      loss=None, topk=1, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        required
+          optimizer = (Updater) // updater settings, e.g., SGD
+          cluster   = (Cluster) // cluster settings
+        optional
+          loss      = (string)  // name of loss function type
+          topk      = (int)     // nb of results considered to compute accuracy
+        '''
+        assert optimizer != None, 'optimizer (Updater component) should be set'
+        assert cluster != None, 'cluster (Cluster component) should be set'
+        setval(self.jobconf, updater=optimizer.proto)
+        setval(self.jobconf, cluster=cluster.proto)
+        # take care of loss function layer
+        if loss == None:
+            print 'loss layer is not set'
+        else:
+            if hasattr(self.layers[-1], 'mask'):
+                ly = self.layers[-1].mask
+            else:
+                ly = self.layers[-1].layer
+            # take care of the last layer
+            if ly.type == enumLayerType('softmax'):
+                # revise the last layer
+                if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
+                    setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('softmaxloss'))
+                    setval(ly.softmaxloss_conf, topk=topk)
+                elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
+                    setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('euclideanloss'))
+            else:
+                # add new layer
+                if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
+                    self.add(Activation('softmaxloss', topk=topk))
+                elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
+                    self.add(Activation('euclideanloss'))
+                elif loss == 'user_loss_rnnlm': # user-defined loss layer
+                    self.add(UserLossRNNLM(nclass=kwargs['nclass'],
+                                           vocab_size=kwargs['in_dim']))
+    def build(self):
+        '''
+        construct neuralnet proto
+        '''
+        net = NetProto()
+        slyname = self.layers[0]
+        for i in range(len(self.layers)):
+            ly = net.layer.add()
+            ly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].layer)
+            lastly = ly
+            if self.layers[i].is_datalayer == True:
+                continue
+            getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
+            slyname =
+            if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'mask'):
+                mly = net.layer.add()
+                mly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].mask)
+                getattr(mly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
+                slyname =
+                lastly = mly
+            if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'bidirect'):
+                bly = net.layer.add()
+                bly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].bidirect)
+                getattr(bly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
+        # deal with label layer (depreciated)
+        if self.label == True:
+            label_layer = Layer(name='label', type=kLabel)
+            ly = net.layer.add()
+            ly.CopyFrom(label_layer.layer)
+            getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
+            getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(
+        else:
+            if == 'RBMVis':
+                getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(
+            else:
+                getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
+        # use of cudnn
+        if self.cudnn == True:
+            self.set_cudnn_layer_type(net)
+        setval(self.jobconf, neuralnet=net)
+    def fit(self, data=None, alg='bp', nb_epoch=0,
+            with_test=False, execpath='', device=None, **fields):
+        '''
+        required
+          data        = (Data)     // Data class object for training data
+          alg         = (string)   // algorithm, e.g., 'bp', 'cd'
+          nb_epoch    = (int)      // the number of training steps
+        optional
+          with_test   = (bool)     // flag if singa runs for test data
+          execpath    = (string)   // path to user own singa (executable file)
+          device      = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
+          **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+            batch_size       = (int)    // batch size for training data
+            train_steps      = (int)    // nb of steps for training, i.e., epoch
+            disp_freq        = (int)    // frequency to display training info
+            disp_after       = (int)    // display after this number
+            validate_data    = (Data)   // valid data, specified in load_data()
+            validate_freq    = (int)    // frequency of validation
+            validate_steps   = (int)    // total number of steps for validation
+            validate_after   = (int)    // start validation after this number
+            checkpoint_path  = (string) // path to checkpoint file
+            checkpoint_freq  = (int)    // frequency for checkpoint
+            checkpoint_after = (int)    // start checkpointing after this number
+        '''
+        assert data != None, 'Training data shold be set'
+        assert nb_epoch > 0, 'Training steps shold be set'
+        if 'batch_size' in fields:  # if new value is set, replace it
+            setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
+        # insert layer for training
+        if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False:
+            self.layers.insert(0, data)
+        setval(self.jobconf, train_steps=nb_epoch)
+        setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=nb_epoch/10)
+        if 'disp_freq' in fields:
+            setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=fields['disp_freq'])
+        if 'validate_data' in fields:
+            self.layers.insert(1, fields['validate_data'])
+            setval(self.jobconf, validate_freq=nb_epoch/10)
+        setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
+        # loading checkpoint if it is set
+        if data.checkpoint != None:
+            setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_path=data.checkpoint)
+        # save model parameter (i.e., checkpoint_path)
+        setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_freq=nb_epoch)
+        self.last_checkpoint_path = '{0}/step{1}-worker0'.format(
+                         self.jobconf.cluster.workspace, nb_epoch)
+        # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
+        setval(self.jobconf,
+               train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
+        # use of cudnn
+        if device != None:
+            setval(self.jobconf, gpu=device)
+            self.cudnn = True
+        # start to run singa for training
+        if with_test == False:
+    # construct Nneuralnet Component
+            #self.display()
+            return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf,
+                            argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath)
+        else:
+            # run singa in evaluate() with test data
+            pass
+    def evaluate(self, data=None, alg='bp',
+                 checkpoint_path=None, execpath='', device=None, **fields):
+        '''
+        required
+          data = (Data)   // Data class object for testing data
+        optional
+          alg             = (string)   // algorithm type, (bp at default)
+          checkpoint_path = (list)     // checkpoint path
+          execpaths       = (string)   // path to user's own executable
+          device          = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
+          **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+            batch_size   = (int)  // batch size for testing data
+            test_freq    = (int)  // frequency of testing
+            test_steps   = (int)  // total number of steps for testing
+            test_after   = (int)  // start testing after this number of steps
+        '''
+        assert data != None, 'Testing data should be set'
+        is_testonly = False
+        if 'batch_size' in fields:  # if new value is set, replace it
+            setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
+        # insert layer for testing
+        if self.exist_datalayer('test') == False:
+            self.layers.insert(0, data)
+        # loading checkpoint if singa runs only for testing
+        if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False:
+            is_testonly = True
+            if checkpoint_path == None:
+                print 'checkpoint_path has not been specified'
+            else:
+                setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path)
+        steps = fields['test_steps'] if 'test_steps' in fields else 10
+        setval(self.jobconf, test_steps=steps)
+        setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
+        # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
+        setval(self.jobconf,
+               train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
+        # use of cudnn
+        if device != None:
+            setval(self.jobconf, gpu=device)
+            self.cudnn = True
+  # construct Nneuralnet Component
+        #--- generate job.conf file for debug purpose
+        #filename = 'job.conf'
+        #with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+        #  f.write(text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf.cluster))
+        #self.display()
+        #--- run singa ---
+        return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf,
+                        argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath, testmode=is_testonly)
+        #return SingaRun_script(filename=filename, execpath=execpath)
+    def display(self):
+        ''' print out job proto
+        '''
+        print text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf)
+    def set_cudnn_layer_type(self, net):
+        ''' convert LayerType to CdunnLayerType
+        '''
+        for i in range(len(net.layer)):
+            ly_type = net.layer[i].type
+            cudnn_ly_type = ly_type
+            if ly_type == kCConvolution: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnConv
+            elif ly_type == kCPooling: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnPool
+            elif ly_type == kLRN: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnLRN
+            elif ly_type == kSoftmax: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmax
+            elif ly_type == kSoftmaxLoss: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmaxLoss
+            elif ly_type == kSTanh:
+                cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
+                net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = STANH
+            elif ly_type == kSigmoid:
+                cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
+                net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = SIGMOID
+            elif ly_type == kReLU:
+                cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
+                net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = RELU
+            net.layer[i].type = cudnn_ly_type
-  def evaluate(self, data=None, alg='bp',
-               checkpoint_path=None, execpath='', device=None, **fields):
-    '''
-    required
-      data = (Data)   // Data class object for testing data
-    optional
-      alg             = (string)   // algorithm type, (backpropagation at default)
-      checkpoint_path = (list)     // checkpoint path is necessary only for testing
-      execpaths       = (string)   // path to user's own executable
-      device          = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
-      **fields (KEY=VALUE)
-        batch_size   = (int)  // batch size for testing data
-        test_freq    = (int)  // frequency of testing
-        test_steps   = (int)  // total number of steps for testing
-        test_after   = (int)  // start testing after this number of steps
+class Energy(Model):
+    ''' energy model
-    assert data != None, 'Testing data should be set'
-    is_testonly = False
-    if 'batch_size' in fields:  # if new value is set, replace the batch_size
-      setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
-    # insert layer for testing
-    if self.exist_datalayer('test') == False:
-      self.layers.insert(0, data)
-    # loading checkpoint if singa runs only for testing
-    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False:
-      is_testonly = True
-      if checkpoint_path == None:
-        print 'checkpoint_path has not been specified'
-      else:
-        setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path)
-    steps = fields['test_steps'] if 'test_steps' in fields else 10
-    setval(self.jobconf, test_steps=steps)
-    setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
+    def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
+        super(Energy, self).__init__(name=name, argv=argv, label=label)
+    def add(self, layer):
+        if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
+            if layer.layer_type == kRBMVis:
+                dim = 0
+                for i in range(1, len(layer.out_dim)):
+                    parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
+                    parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
+                    dim = layer.out_dim[i-1]
+                    self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb,
+                                             activation='sigmoid'))
+                self.layers.append(layer)
-    # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
-    setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
-    # use of cudnn
-    if device != None:
-      setval(self.jobconf, gpu=device)
-      self.cudnn = True
-  # construct Nneuralnet Component
-    #--- generate job.conf file for debug purpose
-    #filename = 'job.conf'
-    #with open(filename, 'w') as f:
-    #  f.write(text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf.cluster))
-    #self.display()
-    #--- run singa ---
-    return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath, testmode=is_testonly)
-    #return SingaRun_script(filename=filename, execpath=execpath)
-  def display(self):
-    ''' print out job proto
-    '''
-    print text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf)
-  def setCudnnLayerType(self, net):
-    ''' convert LayerType to CdunnLayerType
+class Sequential(Model):
+    ''' sequential model
-    for i in range(len(net.layer)):
-      ly_type = net.layer[i].type
-      cudnn_ly_type = ly_type
-      if ly_type == kCConvolution: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnConv
-      elif ly_type == kCPooling: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnPool
-      elif ly_type == kLRN: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnLRN
-      elif ly_type == kSoftmax: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmax
-      elif ly_type == kSoftmaxLoss: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmaxLoss
-      elif ly_type == kSTanh:
-        cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
-        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = STANH
-      elif ly_type == kSigmoid:
-        cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
-        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = SIGMOID
-      elif ly_type == kReLU:
-        cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
-        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = RELU
-      net.layer[i].type = cudnn_ly_type
-class Energy(Model):
-  def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
-    super(Energy, self).__init__(name=name, argv=argv, label=label)
-  def add(self, layer):
-    if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
-      if layer.layer_type == kRBMVis:
-        dim = 0
-        for i in range(1, len(layer.out_dim)):
-          parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
-          parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
-          dim = layer.out_dim[i-1]
-          self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation='sigmoid'))
-        self.layers.append(layer)
-class Sequential(Model):
-  def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
-    super(Sequential, self).__init__(name=name, argv=argv, label=label)
-  def add(self, layer):
-    if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
-      if layer.layer_type == 'AutoEncoder':
-        dim = 0
-        if layer.param_share == True:
-          # Encoding
-          for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+1):
-            parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
-            parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
-            dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
-            if i == len(layer.hid_dim): activation = None
-            else: activation = layer.activation
-            self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=activation))
-          # Decoding
-          for i in range(len(layer.hid_dim), 0, -1):
-            parw = Parameter(name=generateName('w',2), init='none')
-            parb = Parameter(name=generateName('b',2), init='none')
-            setval(parw.param, share_from='w'+str(i))
-            setval(parb.param, name='b'+str(i))
-            if i == 1: dim = layer.out_dim
-            else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-2]
-            self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=layer.activation, transpose=True))
+    def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
+        super(Sequential, self).__init__(name=name, argv=argv, label=label)
+    def add(self, layer):
+        if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
+            if layer.layer_type == 'AutoEncoder':
+                dim = 0
+                if layer.param_share == True:
+                    # Encoding
+                    for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+1):
+                        parw = Parameter(name='w',
+                                         init='none', level=i)
+                        parb = Parameter(name='b',
+                                         init='none', level=i)
+                        dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
+                        if i == len(layer.hid_dim): activation = None
+                        else: activation = layer.activation
+                        self.layers.append(Dense(dim,
+                                                 w_param=parw, b_param=parb,
+                                                 activation=activation))
+                    # Decoding
+                    for i in range(len(layer.hid_dim), 0, -1):
+                        parw = Parameter(name=generate_name('w', 2),
+                                         init='none')
+                        parb = Parameter(name=generate_name('b', 2),
+                                         init='none')
+                        setval(parw.param, share_from='w'+str(i))
+                        setval(parb.param, name='b'+str(i))
+                        if i == 1: dim = layer.out_dim
+                        else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-2]
+                        self.layers.append(Dense(dim,
+                                                 w_param=parw, b_param=parb,
+                                                 activation=layer.activation,
+                                                 transpose=True))
+                else:
+                    # MLP
+                    for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+2):
+                        parw = Parameter(name='w',
+                                         init='none', level=i)
+                        parb = Parameter(name='b',
+                                         init='none', level=i)
+                        if i == len(layer.hid_dim)+1: dim = layer.out_dim
+                        else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
+                        self.layers.append(Dense(dim,
+                                                 w_param=parw, b_param=parb,
+                                                 activation=layer.activation))
+            else:
+                self.layers.append(layer)
-          # MLP
-          for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+2):
-            parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
-            parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
-            if i == len(layer.hid_dim)+1: dim = layer.out_dim
-            else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
-            self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=layer.activation))
-      else:
-        self.layers.append(layer)
-    else:
-      self.layers.append(layer)
+            self.layers.append(layer)
 class Store(object):
-  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    **kwargs
-        path       = (string)  // path to dataset
-        backend    = (string)  //
-        batch_size = (int)     // batch size of dataset
-        shape      = (int)     //
-    '''
-    self.proto = Message('Store', **kwargs).proto
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        **kwargs
+            path       = (string)  // path to dataset
+            backend    = (string)  //
+            batch_size = (int)     // batch size of dataset
+            shape      = (int)     //
+        '''
+        self.proto = Message('Store', **kwargs).proto
 class Algorithm(object):
-  def __init__(self, type=enumAlgType('bp'), **kwargs):
-    alg = Message('Alg', alg=type, **kwargs).proto
-    if type == enumAlgType('cd'):
-      setval(alg.cd_conf, **kwargs)
-    self.proto = alg
+    def __init__(self, type=enumAlgType('bp'), **kwargs):
+        '''
+        type = (string)  // type of algorithm, bp at default
+        '''
+        alg = Message('Alg', alg=type, **kwargs).proto
+        if type == enumAlgType('cd'):
+            setval(alg.cd_conf, **kwargs)
+        self.proto = alg
 class Updater(object):
-  def __init__(self, upd_type, lr, lr_type,
-               decay, momentum,
-               step, step_lr, **fields):
-    '''
-    required
-      upd_type = (enum)   // enum type of updater
-      lr       = (float)  // base learning rate
-    optional
-      lr_type  = (string) // type of the learning rate (Fixed at default)
-    '''
-    upd = Message('Updater', type=upd_type, **fields).proto
-    setval(upd.learning_rate, base_lr=lr)
-    if decay > 0:
-      setval(upd, weight_decay=decay)
-    if momentum > 0:
-      setval(upd, momentum=momentum)
-    if lr_type == None or lr_type == "fixed":
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixed)
-    elif lr_type == 'step':
-      cp = Message('Step', change_freq=60, gamma=0.997)
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kStep, step_conf=cp.proto)
-    elif lr_type == 'manual':
-      cp = Message('FixedStep', step=step, step_lr=step_lr)
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixedStep, fixedstep_conf=cp.proto)
-    elif lr_type == 'linear':
-      cp = Message('Linear', change_freq=10, final_lr=0.1)
-      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kLinear, linear_conf=cp.proto)
-    self.proto = upd
+    def __init__(self, upd_type, lr, lr_type,
+                 decay, momentum,
+                 step, step_lr, **fields):
+        '''
+        required
+          upd_type = (enum)   // enum type of updater
+          lr       = (float)  // base learning rate
+        optional
+          lr_type  = (string) // type of the learning rate (Fixed at default)
+        '''
+        upd = Message('Updater', type=upd_type, **fields).proto
+        setval(upd.learning_rate, base_lr=lr)
+        if decay > 0:
+            setval(upd, weight_decay=decay)
+        if momentum > 0:
+            setval(upd, momentum=momentum)
+        if lr_type == None or lr_type == "fixed":
+            setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixed)
+        elif lr_type == 'step':
+            cp = Message('Step', change_freq=60, gamma=0.997)
+            setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kStep, step_conf=cp.proto)
+        elif lr_type == 'manual':
+            cp = Message('FixedStep', step=step, step_lr=step_lr)
+            setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixedStep, fixedstep_conf=cp.proto)
+        elif lr_type == 'linear':
+            cp = Message('Linear', change_freq=10, final_lr=0.1)
+            setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kLinear, linear_conf=cp.proto)
+        self.proto = upd
 class SGD(Updater):
-  def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
-               decay=0, momentum=0,
-               step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
-    '''
-    required
-       lr       = (float)      // base learning rate
-    optional
-       lr_type  = (string)     // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
-       decay    = (float)      // weight decay
-       momentum = (float)      // momentum
-       step     = (int/list)   // steps
-       step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
-       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
-    '''
-    assert lr
-    super(SGD, self).__init__(upd_type=kSGD,
-               lr=lr, lr_type=lr_type,
-               decay=decay, momentum=momentum,
-               step=step, step_lr=step_lr, **fields)
+    def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
+                 decay=0, momentum=0,
+                 step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
+        '''
+        required
+           lr       = (float)      // base learning rate
+        optional
+           lr_type  = (string)     // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
+           decay    = (float)      // weight decay
+           momentum = (float)      // momentum
+           step     = (int/list)   // steps
+           step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
+           **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+        '''
+        assert lr
+        super(SGD, self).__init__(upd_type=kSGD,
+                                  lr=lr, lr_type=lr_type,
+                                  decay=decay, momentum=momentum,
+                                  step=step, step_lr=step_lr, **fields)
 class AdaGrad(Updater):
-  def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
-               decay=0, momentum=0,
-               step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
-    '''
-    required
-       lr       = (float)      // base learning rate
-    optional
-       lr_type  = (string)     // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
-       decay    = (float)      // weight decay
-       momentum = (float)      // momentum
-       step     = (int/list)   // steps
-       step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
-       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
-    '''
-    assert lr
-    super(AdaGrad, self).__init__(upd_type=kAdaGrad,
-               lr=lr, lr_type=lr_type,
-               decay=decay, momentum=momentum,
-               step=step, step_lr=step_lr, **fields)
+    def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
+                 decay=0, momentum=0,
+                 step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
+        '''
+        required
+           lr       = (float)      // base learning rate
+        optional
+           lr_type  = (string)     // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
+           decay    = (float)      // weight decay
+           momentum = (float)      // momentum
+           step     = (int/list)   // steps
+           step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
+           **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+        '''
+        assert lr
+        super(AdaGrad, self).__init__(upd_type=kAdaGrad,
+                                  lr=lr, lr_type=lr_type,
+                                  decay=decay, momentum=momentum,
+                                  step=step, step_lr=step_lr, **fields)
 class Cluster(object):
-  """ Specify the cluster topology, e.g., number of workers/servers.
-  Currently we need to create this object in the .py file and also provide a
-  cluster configuration file to the command line. TODO(wangwei) update SINGA
-  code to eliminate the requirement of the cluster configuration file for
-  training on a single node or the cluster object in the pyfile for training
-  in a cluster.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, workspace=None,
-               nworker_groups=1, nserver_groups=1,
-               nworkers_per_group=1, nservers_per_group=1,
-               nworkers_per_procs=1, nservers_per_procs=1,
-               **fields):
-    '''
-    required
-      workspace = (string) // workspace path
-    optional
-      nworker_groups     = (int)
-      nserver_groups     = (int)
-      nworkers_per_group = (int)
-      nservers_per_group = (int)
-      nworkers_per_procs = (int)
-      nservers_per_procs = (int)
-      **fields
-        server_worker_separate = (bool)
-    '''
-    assert workspace != None, 'need to set workspace'
-    self.proto = Message('Cluster', workspace=workspace).proto
-    # optional
-    self.proto.nworker_groups = nworker_groups
-    self.proto.nserver_groups = nserver_groups
-    self.proto.nworkers_per_group = nworkers_per_group
-    self.proto.nservers_per_group = nservers_per_group
-    self.proto.nworkers_per_procs = nworkers_per_procs
-    self.proto.nservers_per_procs = nservers_per_procs
-    # other fields
-    setval(self.proto, **fields)
+    """ Specify the cluster topology, e.g., number of workers/servers.
+    Currently we need to create this object in the .py file and also provide a
+    cluster configuration file to the command line. TODO(wangwei) update SINGA
+    code to eliminate the requirement of the cluster configuration file for
+    training on a single node or the cluster object in the pyfile for training
+    in a cluster.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, workspace=None,
+                 nworker_groups=1, nserver_groups=1,
+                 nworkers_per_group=1, nservers_per_group=1,
+                 nworkers_per_procs=1, nservers_per_procs=1,
+                 **fields):
+        '''
+        required
+          workspace = (string) // workspace path
+        optional
+          nworker_groups     = (int)
+          nserver_groups     = (int)
+          nworkers_per_group = (int)
+          nservers_per_group = (int)
+          nworkers_per_procs = (int)
+          nservers_per_procs = (int)
+          **fields
+            server_worker_separate = (bool)
+        '''
+        assert workspace != None, 'need to set workspace'
+        self.proto = Message('Cluster', workspace=workspace).proto
+        # optional
+        self.proto.nworker_groups = nworker_groups
+        self.proto.nserver_groups = nserver_groups
+        self.proto.nworkers_per_group = nworkers_per_group
+        self.proto.nservers_per_group = nservers_per_group
+        self.proto.nworkers_per_procs = nworkers_per_procs
+        self.proto.nservers_per_procs = nservers_per_procs
+        # other fields
+        setval(self.proto, **fields)
 def StoreResults(lines):
-  """ Parsing metrics from each line in the log file.
-  TODO(wangwei) format the log string to make them uniform for easy parsing
-  Another approach is creating a protobuf message for metrics, which can be
-  used for dumping metrics to string and loading perf string back to messages.
-  """
-  resultDic = {}
-  for line in lines:
-    line = re.findall(r'[\w|*.*]+', line)
-    if 'Train' in line:
-      step = line[line.index('step')+1]
-      if 'accuracy' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['acc'] = line[line.index('accuracy')+1]
-      if 'loss' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['loss'] = line[line.index('loss')+1]
-      if 'ppl' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['ppl'] = line[line.index('ppl')+1]
-      if 'Squared' in line:
-        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['se'] = line[line.index('Squared')+2]
-  return resultDic
-def SingaRun(jobproto='', argv=[], execpath='', testmode=False):
-  import singa.driver as driver
-  d = driver.Driver()
-  d.InitLog(argv[0])
-  d.Init(argv)
-  if testmode == True:
-    d.Test(jobproto.SerializeToString())
-  else:
-    d.Train(False, jobproto.SerializeToString())
-  # Get the performance from the latest log file.
-  # TODO(wangwei) the log file would be overwritten by other running instance of
-  # the same program, e.g., lt-singa
-  logfile = '/tmp/singa-log/{0}.ERROR'.format(argv[0].split('/')[-1])
-  fin = open(logfile, 'r')
-  result = StoreResults(fin.readlines())
-  return result
+    """ Parsing metrics from each line in the log file.
+    TODO(wangwei) format the log string to make them uniform for easy parsing
+    Another approach is creating a protobuf message for metrics, which can be
+    used for dumping metrics to string and loading perf string back to messages.
+    """
+    resultDic = {}
+    for line in lines:
+        line = re.findall(r'[\w|*.*]+', line)
+        if 'Train' in line:
+            step = line[line.index('step')+1]
+            if 'accuracy' in line:
+                resultDic.setdefault(step, {})['acc'] \
+                                             = line[line.index('accuracy')+1]
+            if 'loss' in line:
+                resultDic.setdefault(step, {})['loss'] \
+                                             = line[line.index('loss')+1]
+            if 'ppl' in line:
+                resultDic.setdefault(step, {})['ppl'] \
+                                             = line[line.index('ppl')+1]
+            if 'Squared' in line:
+                resultDic.setdefault(step, {})['se'] \
+                                             = line[line.index('Squared')+2]
+    return resultDic
+def SingaRun(jobproto='', argv=None, execpath='', testmode=False):
+    """
+    Run Singa and receive the training/test results.
+    """
+    import singa.driver as driver
+    d = driver.Driver()
+    d.InitLog(argv[0])
+    d.Init(argv)
+    if testmode == True:
+        d.Test(jobproto.SerializeToString())
+    else:
+        d.Train(False, jobproto.SerializeToString())
+    # Get the performance from the latest log file.
+    # TODO(wangwei) the log file would be overwritten by other running instance
+    # of the same program, e.g., lt-singa
+    logfile = '/tmp/singa-log/{0}.ERROR'.format(argv[0].split('/')[-1])
+    fin = open(logfile, 'r')
+    result = StoreResults(fin.readlines())
+    return result
 def SingaRun_script(filename='', execpath=''):
-  """
-  Deprecated.
-  Generate the job conf file and run the shell command.
-  """
-  SINGAROOT = '../../../'
-  conf = 'examples/' + filename
-  if execpath=='':
-    cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
-        + '-conf %s ' % conf
-  else:
-    cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
-        + '-conf %s ' % conf \
-        + '-exec %s ' % execpath
-  procs = subprocess.Popen(cmd.strip().split(' '), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
-  resultDic = {}
-  outputlines = iter(procs.stdout.readline, '')
-  resultDic = StoreResults(outputlines)
-  #TODO better format to store the result??
-  return resultDic
+    """
+    Deprecated.
+    Generate the job conf file and run the shell command.
+    """
+    SINGAROOT = '../../../'
+    conf = 'examples/' + filename
+    if execpath == '':
+        cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
+            + '-conf %s ' % conf
+    else:
+        cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
+            + '-conf %s ' % conf \
+            + '-exec %s ' % execpath
+    procs = subprocess.Popen(cmd.strip().split(' '),
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+    resultDic = {}
+    outputlines = iter(procs.stdout.readline, '')
+    resultDic = StoreResults(outputlines)
+    #TODO better format to store the result??
+    return resultDic
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index 3b33243..14ad852 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -1,105 +1,140 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import initializations
-from utils.utility import * 
-from utils.message import * 
+#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#* distributed with this work for additional information
+#* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#* under the License.
+This script includes Parameter class and a method, named set_param_field
+that users can configure Param and ParamGen protos.
+from singa.initializations import get_init_values
+from singa.utils.utility import setval, generate_name
+from singa.utils.message import *
 from google.protobuf import text_format
 class Parameter(object):
-  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    optional
-      **kwargs
-        name  = (string) // parameter name
-        lr    = (float)  // learning rate
-        wd    = (float)  // weight decay
-        init  = (string) // initialization type {'constant','uniform','gaussian'} 
-        value = (int)    // value for 'constant'
-        scale = (float)  // [low, high] for 'uniform', low=-scale, high=scale
-        low   = (float)  // low value   for 'uniform'
-        high  = (float)  // high value  for 'uniform' 
-        mean  = (float)  // mean for 'gaussian'
-        std   = (float)  // std  for 'gaussian'
-    '''
-    fields = {'lr_scale' : kwargs['lr'] if 'lr' in kwargs else 1,
-              'wd_scale' : kwargs['wd'] if 'wd' in kwargs else 1
-             }
-    self.param = Message('Param', **fields).proto
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        '''
+	optional
+	  **kwargs
+	    name  = (string) // parameter name
+	    lr    = (float)  // learning rate multiplier
+	    wd    = (float)  // weight decay multiplier
+	    init  = (string) // init type {'constant','uniform','gaussian'}
+	    value = (int)    // value for 'constant'
+	    scale = (float)  // [low=-scale, high=scale] for 'uniform'
+	    low   = (float)  // low value   for 'uniform'
+	    high  = (float)  // high value  for 'uniform'
+	    mean  = (float)  // mean for 'gaussian'
+	    std   = (float)  // std  for 'gaussian'
+	'''
+        fields = {'lr_scale' : kwargs['lr'] if 'lr' in kwargs else 1,
+                  'wd_scale' : kwargs['wd'] if 'wd' in kwargs else 1
+                 }
+        self.param = Message('Param', **fields).proto
-    if not 'name' in kwargs:
-      setval(self.param, name=generateName('param', 1))
-    else:
-      pname = kwargs['name']
-      # parameter name for RBM
-      if 'level' in kwargs:
-        pname += str(kwargs['level'])
-        if pname[0] == 'b':
-          pname += '2'
-      setval(self.param, name=pname)
-    if 'share_from' in kwargs:
-      setval(self.param, share_from=kwargs['share_from'])
-    if 'init' in kwargs:
-      init_values = initializations.get(kwargs['init'], **kwargs)
-      if not kwargs['init'] == 'none':
-        pg = Message('ParamGen', type=enumInitMethod(kwargs['init']), **init_values)
-        del kwargs['init']
-        setval(self.param, init=pg.proto)
-    else: # default: uniform
-      pg = Message('ParamGen', type=enumInitMethod('uniform'))
-      setval(self.param, init=pg.proto)
-  def update(self, **fields):
-    setval(self.param, **fields) 
-    setval(self.param.init, **fields) 
-def setParamField(param, pname, changename=False, withnumber=True, **kwargs):
-  ''' param      = (ParamProto)
+        if not 'name' in kwargs:
+            setval(self.param, name=generate_name('param', 1))
+        else:
+            pname = kwargs['name']
+            # parameter name for RBM
+            if 'level' in kwargs:
+                pname += str(kwargs['level'])
+                if pname[0] == 'b':
+                    pname += '2'
+            setval(self.param, name=pname)
+        if 'share_from' in kwargs:
+            setval(self.param, share_from=kwargs['share_from'])
+        if 'init' in kwargs:
+            init_values = get_init_values(kwargs['init'], **kwargs)
+            if not kwargs['init'] == 'none':
+                pgen = Message('ParamGen', type=enumInitMethod(kwargs['init']),
+                               **init_values)
+                del kwargs['init']
+                setval(self.param, init=pgen.proto)
+        else: # default: uniform
+            pgen = Message('ParamGen', type=enumInitMethod('uniform'))
+            setval(self.param, init=pgen.proto)
+    def update(self, **fields):
+        setval(self.param, **fields)
+        setval(self.param.init, **fields)
+def set_param_field(param, pname, changename=False, withnumber=True, **kwargs):
+    '''
+      param      = (ParamProto)
       pname      = (string)     // 'w' for wiehgt, or 'b' for bias
       changename = (bool)       // update parameter name if True
       withnumber = (bool)       // add layer number if True
-  '''
-  assert pname == 'w' or pname == 'b', 'pname should be w or b'
-  lr = param.lr_scale
-  wd = param.wd_scale
-  initkv = {}
-  if pname == 'w':
-    if 'w_lr' in kwargs:
-      lr = kwargs['w_lr'] 
-      del kwargs['w_lr']
-    if 'w_wd' in kwargs:
-      wd = kwargs['w_wd']
-      del kwargs['w_wd']
-    for k, v in kwargs.items():
-      if k.startswith('w_'): 
-        initkv[k[2:]] = v 
-  elif pname == 'b':
-    if 'b_lr' in kwargs:
-      lr = kwargs['b_lr']
-      del kwargs['b_lr']
-    if 'b_wd' in kwargs:
-      wd = kwargs['b_wd']
-      del kwargs['b_wd']
-    for k, v in kwargs.items():
-      if k.startswith('b_'): 
-        initkv[k[2:]] = v 
-  field = {'lr_scale' : lr, 'wd_scale' : wd}
-  # Set/update parameter fields
-  if'param') or changename==True:
-    if 'level' in kwargs:  # parameter name for RBM
-      pname += str(kwargs['level'])
-    setval(param, name=generateName(pname, withnumber=withnumber), **field)
-  else:
-    setval(param, **field)
-  # Set/update parameter init fields
-  setval(param.init, **initkv)
+        w_lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier for weight, used to
+                       // scale the learning rate when updating parameters.
+        w_wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier for weight, used to
+                       // scale the weight decay when updating parameters.
+        b_lr = (float) // learning rate multiplier for bias 
+        b_wd = (float) // weight decay multiplier for bias
+    '''
+    assert pname == 'w' or pname == 'b', 'pname should be w or b'
+    lr_ = param.lr_scale
+    wd_ = param.wd_scale
+    initkv = {}
+    if pname == 'w':
+        if 'w_lr' in kwargs:
+            lr_ = kwargs['w_lr']
+            del kwargs['w_lr']
+        if 'w_wd' in kwargs:
+            wd_ = kwargs['w_wd']
+            del kwargs['w_wd']
+        for key, val in kwargs.items():
+            if key.startswith('w_'):
+                initkv[key[2:]] = val
+    elif pname == 'b':
+        if 'b_lr' in kwargs:
+            lr_ = kwargs['b_lr']
+            del kwargs['b_lr']
+        if 'b_wd' in kwargs:
+            wd_ = kwargs['b_wd']
+            del kwargs['b_wd']
+        for key, val in kwargs.items():
+            if key.startswith('b_'):
+                initkv[key[2:]] = val
+    field = {'lr_scale' : lr_, 'wd_scale' : wd_}
+    # Set/update parameter fields
+    if'param') or changename == True:
+        if 'level' in kwargs:  # parameter name for RBM
+            pname += str(kwargs['level'])
+        setval(param, name=generate_name(pname, withnumber=withnumber), **field)
+    else:
+        setval(param, **field)
+    # Set/update parameter init fields
+    setval(param.init, **initkv)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/utils/ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
index 251a377..bfa9ef2 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/utils/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
@@ -1,56 +1,80 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-import sys, os 
-from utility import * 
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#* distributed with this work for additional information
+#* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#* under the License.
+import sys, os
+from utility import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../pb2'))
- - This script reads proto files in ../../pb2, generated by protocol buffer compiler
- - Message class creates an object for proto and sets the fields specified by kwargs
- - enumXXX function returns enum values of name XXX 
+This script reads proto files in ../../pb2, generated by proto buffer compiler.
+ - Message class creates an object for proto and sets initial vlaues for
+   the fields, specified by kwargs
+ - make_function method generates a method named enumInitMethod that returns
+   enum values of given enum type, defined in the proto files
-# import all modules in dir singa_root/too/pb2, except common, singa and __init__
-for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../../pb2')):
-  if (f.endswith(".pyc")):
-    continue
-  if(f == "" or f == "" or f == "" ):
-    continue
-  module_name = f.split('.')[0]
-  module=__import__(module_name)  
-  module_list.append(module)
-  for func_name in dir(module):
-    if not func_name.startswith("__"):
-      globals()[func_name] = getattr(module,func_name)
+# import all modules in dir singa_root/tool/python/pb2
+# except common, singa, and __init__
+for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../pb2')):
+    if (f.endswith(".pyc")):
+        continue
+    if(f == "" or f == "" or f == ""):
+        continue
+    module_name = f.split('.')[0]
+    module_obj = __import__(module_name)
+    MODULE_LIST.append(module_obj)
+    for func_name in dir(module_obj):
+        if not func_name.startswith("__"):
+            globals()[func_name] = getattr(module_obj, func_name)
 class Message(object):
-  def __init__(self,protoname,**kwargs):
-    for module in module_list:
-      if hasattr(module,protoname+"Proto"):
-        class_ = getattr(module,protoname+"Proto")
-        self.proto = class_()
-        return setval(self.proto,**kwargs)
-    raise Exception('invalid protoname')
-#get all enum type list in modules
-for module in module_list:
-  for enumtype in module.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name:
-    tempDict=enumDict_[enumtype]=dict()
-    for name in getattr(module,enumtype).DESCRIPTOR.values_by_name: 
-      tempDict[name[1:].lower()]=getattr(module,name)
+    def __init__(self, protoname, **kwargs):
+        for module_obj in MODULE_LIST:
+            if hasattr(module_obj, protoname+"Proto"):
+                class_ = getattr(module_obj, protoname+"Proto")
+                self.proto = class_()
+                return setval(self.proto, **kwargs)
+        raise Exception('invalid protoname')
+enumDict_ = dict()
+#get all enum type list in the modules
+for module_obj in MODULE_LIST:
+    for enumtype in module_obj.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name:
+        tempDict = enumDict_[enumtype] = dict()
+        for name in getattr(module_obj, enumtype).DESCRIPTOR.values_by_name:
+            tempDict[name[1:].lower()] = getattr(module_obj, name)
 def make_function(enumtype):
-  def _function(key):
-    return enumDict_[enumtype][key]
-  return _function
+    def _function(key):
+        return enumDict_[enumtype][key]
+    return _function
 current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
 #def all the enumtypes
-for module in module_list:
-  for enumtype in module.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name:
-    setattr(current_module,"enum"+enumtype,make_function(enumtype))
+for module_obj in MODULE_LIST:
+    for enumtype in module_obj.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name:
+        setattr(current_module, "enum"+enumtype, make_function(enumtype))
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/utils/ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
index 93d2f7f..8c6c455 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/utils/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
@@ -1,50 +1,84 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-layerid = 0 
-paramid = 0 
-def generateName(label, op=0, withnumber=True):
-  global layerid, paramid
-  num = layerid
-  if label == 'layer':
-    if op ==1: layerid += 1
-    num = layerid
-  elif label == 'param':
-    if op ==1: paramid += 1
-    num = paramid
-  else:
-    if op ==1: layerid += 1
-    num = layerid
-    if op ==2:
-      num = layerid+1
-  if withnumber == False:
-    return '{0}'.format(label)
-  return '{0}{1}'.format(label, num)
+#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#* distributed with this work for additional information
+#* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#* under the License.
+This script includes methods to
+(1) generate name of layer, parameter, etc.
+(2) set field values for proto.
+def generate_name(label, option=0, withnumber=True):
+    ''' This method returns name of layer or parameter with unique id.
+        option: 1 to increase id number
+        withnumber: True to concatenate number to name
+    '''
+    global LAYERID, PARAMID
+    num = LAYERID
+    if label == 'layer':
+        if option == 1: LAYERID += 1
+        num = LAYERID
+    elif label == 'param':
+        if option == 1: PARAMID += 1
+        num = PARAMID
+    else:
+        if option == 1: LAYERID += 1
+        num = LAYERID
+        if option == 2:
+            num = LAYERID+1
+    if withnumber == False:
+        return '{0}'.format(label)
+    return '{0}{1}'.format(label, num)
 def setval(proto, **kwargs):
-  for k,v in kwargs.items():
-    #print 'kv: ', k, ', ', v
-    if hasattr(proto, k):
-      flabel = proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[k].label
-      ftype  = proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[k].type
-      fattr  = getattr(proto, k) 
-      if flabel == 3: # repeated field
-        if ftype == 11: # message type 
-          fattr = fattr.add()
-          fattr.MergeFrom(v)
-        else:
-          if type(v) == list or type(v) == tuple:
-            for i in range(len(v)):
-              fattr.append(v[i])
-          else:
-            fattr.append(v)
-      else:
-        if ftype == 11: # message type 
-          fattr = getattr(proto,k)
-          fattr.MergeFrom(v)
-        else:
-          setattr(proto, k, v)
+    ''' This method sets field values for give proto.
+    '''
+    for key, val in kwargs.items():
+        #print 'kv: ', k, ', ', v
+        if hasattr(proto, key):
+            flabel = proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[key].label
+            ftype = proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[key].type
+            fattr = getattr(proto, key)
+            if flabel == 3: # repeated field
+                if ftype == 11: # message type
+                    fattr = fattr.add()
+                    fattr.MergeFrom(val)
+                else:
+                    if type(val) == list or type(val) == tuple:
+                        for i in range(len(val)):
+                            fattr.append(val[i])
+                    else:
+                        fattr.append(val)
+            else:
+                if ftype == 11: # message type
+                    fattr = getattr(proto, key)
+                    fattr.MergeFrom(val)
+                else:
+                    setattr(proto, key, val)

[02/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

- Update examples for cudnn

- Now, works properly


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8b69cadb7ca015eaee1a666a541d2e6185255554
Parents: 94435eb
Author: chonho <>
Authored: Mon Dec 28 13:31:30 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:14 2016 +0800

 tool/python/examples/       |  4 +--
 .../python/examples/ | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++
 tool/python/singa/                      | 26 ++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
index e08610a..e3c5c49 100755
--- a/tool/python/examples/
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ topo = Cluster(workspace)
 m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
 gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
-result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=300), nb_epoch=7000, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=1000)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f5e4c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import cifar10
+X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
+m = Sequential('cifar10-cnn', sys.argv)
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_std=0.0001, b_lr=2))
+m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, b_lr=2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 1, 2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+topo = Cluster(workspace, nworkers_per_group=2, nworkers_per_procs=2)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+gpu_id = [0,1], nb_epoch=10000, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=0, test_freq=200)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index ade0b85..51c4126 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class Model(object):
       name  = (string) // name of model/job
+      argv             // pass sys.argv to source
       label = (bool)   // exist label layer (depreciated)
     self.jobconf = Message('Job', name=name).proto 
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ class Model(object):
     #filename = 'job.conf'
     #with open(filename, 'w') as f:
     #  f.write(text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf.cluster))
-    self.display()
+    #self.display()
     #--- run singa --- 
     return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath, testmode=is_testonly)
@@ -285,8 +286,8 @@ class Sequential(Model):
   def add(self, layer):
     if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
       if layer.layer_type == 'AutoEncoder':
+        dim = 0 
         if layer.param_share == True:
-          dim = 0 
           # Encoding
           for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+1):
             parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
@@ -368,11 +369,13 @@ class SGD(Updater):
                step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
-       lr      = (float)  // base learning rate
+       lr       = (float)      // base learning rate
-       lr_type = (string) // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
-       decay    = (float) // weight decay
-       momentum = (float) // momentum
+       lr_type  = (string)     // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
+       decay    = (float)      // weight decay
+       momentum = (float)      // momentum
+       step     = (int/list)   // steps
+       step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
        **fields (KEY=VALUE)
@@ -388,13 +391,14 @@ class AdaGrad(Updater):
                step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
-       lr      = (float)  // base learning rate
+       lr       = (float)      // base learning rate
-       lr_type = (string) // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
-       decay    = (float) // weight decay
-       momentum = (float) // momentum
+       lr_type  = (string)     // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
+       decay    = (float)      // weight decay
+       momentum = (float)      // momentum
+       step     = (int/list)   // steps
+       step_lr  = (float/list) // learning rate after the steps
        **fields (KEY=VALUE)
     assert lr
     super(AdaGrad, self).__init__(upd_type=kAdaGrad,

[05/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

- Add wrapper API "Driver::Train(const std::string Job_conf)" for python.
- Add wrapper API "Driver::Test(const std::string Job_conf)" for python.

- Python codes (1) construct a model (JobProto), and (2) run singa

- Users are supposed to generate ''
  . examples are provided, e.g.,,,
  . 'cluster.conf' is required to maintain cluster information

- Users are supposed to run it as follows. e.g.,
  bin/ -conf tool/python/examples/cluster.conf -exe tool/python/examples/

- Note: in job.proto, 'required' rule of the following fields should be changed to 'optional'
  . JobProto: name, neuralnet, train_one_batch, updater, train_steps
  . ClusterProto: workspace
     . workspace field can be set in either (i) cluster.conf or (ii) python code

- is required in the following directories
  . singa
  . singa/utils
  . singa/datasets
  . examples

- Add StoreResult() that takes care of training results
  . in SingaRun() called by fit() or evaluate()
  . read logfile
  . store accuracy, loss, ppl, se, etc. in dictionary format

- Parameter initialization
  . Parameter class is internally used
     . Weight follows gaussian distribution at default
     . Bias follows constant at default
  . As an option, users can explicitly specify parameter (e.g., *

- Removed dataset/ and dataset/
  . RBM and Autoencoder examples use Mnist dataset


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 7d43e27330581c3eecbd44a04f0c8691c3502ec6
Parents: 74a28dc
Author: chonho <>
Authored: Wed Dec 23 12:09:23 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:14 2016 +0800

 include/singa/driver.h                        |   9 +
 src/proto/job.proto                           |   3 +-
 tool/python/                         | 322 +++++++++++++++
 tool/python/examples/              |   0
 tool/python/examples/           |  32 ++
 tool/python/examples/ |  35 ++
 tool/python/examples/cluster.conf             |   6 +
 tool/python/examples/              |  27 ++
 tool/python/examples/             |  33 ++
 tool/python/examples/   |  28 ++
 tool/python/examples/        |  30 ++
 tool/python/examples/            |  24 ++
 tool/python/examples/  |  26 ++
 tool/python/examples/            |  25 ++
 tool/python/examples/  |  28 ++
 tool/python/examples/            |  25 ++
 tool/python/examples/  |  28 ++
 tool/python/examples/            |  25 ++
 tool/python/examples/  |  27 ++
 tool/python/examples/       |  22 +
 tool/python/                          |   3 +-
 tool/python/singa/                 |   0
 tool/python/singa/datasets/        |   0
 tool/python/singa/datasets/         |  34 ++
 tool/python/singa/datasets/           |  32 ++
 tool/python/singa/datasets/           |  20 +
 tool/python/singa/driver.i                    |   1 +
 tool/python/singa/                   |   1 +
 tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx             |  33 ++
 tool/python/singa/          |  34 ++
 tool/python/singa/                    | 300 ++++++++++++++
 tool/python/singa/                    | 455 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tool/python/singa/                | 105 +++++
 tool/python/singa/utils/           |   0
 tool/python/singa/utils/            |  56 +++
 tool/python/singa/utils/            |  50 +++
 36 files changed, 1877 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/singa/driver.h b/include/singa/driver.h
index f28f8c6..fb5a33a 100644
--- a/include/singa/driver.h
+++ b/include/singa/driver.h
@@ -93,6 +93,15 @@ class Driver {
   void Test(const JobProto& job_conf);
+   * Used for python binding. Users can also directly call it as a C++ API.
+   *
+   * It completes the functions as defined above but accept serialized string
+   * parameters.
+   *
+   * @param[in] str serialized string recorded job configuration.
+   */
+  void Test(const std::string str);
+  /**
    * Setting the checkpoint field of the job configuration to resume training.
    * The checkpoint folder will be searched to get the files for the latest
diff --git a/src/proto/job.proto b/src/proto/job.proto
index 98c03f1..22d4bc5 100644
--- a/src/proto/job.proto
+++ b/src/proto/job.proto
@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ message ClusterProto {
   optional int32 nworkers_per_procs = 5 [default = 1];
   optional int32 nservers_per_procs = 6 [default = 1];
   // local workspace for checkpoint files and vis files
-  required string workspace = 10;
+  //required string workspace = 10;
+  optional string workspace = 10;
   // servers and workers in different processes?
   optional bool server_worker_separate = 20 [default = false];
diff --git a/tool/python/ b/tool/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4308ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+## SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python
+    SINGAROOT/tool/python
+    |-- pb2 (has
+    |-- singa 
+        |-- 
+        |-- 
+        |-- 
+        |-- 
+        |-- utils 
+            |-- 
+            |-- 
+        |-- datasets 
+            |-- 
+            |-- 
+            |-- 
+            |-- 
+    |-- examples 
+        |--,, ,,, etc. 
+### How to Run
+bin/ -exe -conf cluster.conf
+The python code, i.e., ``, would create the JobProto object and pass it to Driver::Train.
+Currently, ./bin/ needs to get the cluster topology, hence we still need to pass a `cluster.conf` to it.
+The cluster.conf has the configuration for a JobProto with all other fields empty except the cluster field.
+Note that 'workspace' field in ClusterProto can be set in either (i) cluster.conf or (ii) python code.
+#### Examples
+bin/ -exe tool/python/examples/ -conf tool/python/examples/cluster.conf
+### Layer class (inherited)
+* Data
+* Dense
+* Activation
+* Convolution2D
+* MaxPooling2D
+* AvgPooling2D
+* LRN2D 
+* Dropout
+* RBM
+* Autoencoder
+#### for user defined layers (IN PROGRESS) 
+The following classes are designed to construct user-defined layers for RNNLM example.
+* Embedding
+* UserLossRNNLM
+### Model class
+* Model class has `jobconf` (JobProto) and `layers` (layer list)
+Methods in Model class
+* add
+	* add Layer into Model
+	* 2 subclasses: Sequential model and Energy model
+* compile	
+	* set Updater (i.e., optimizer) and Cluster (i.e., topology) components
+* fit 
+	* set Training data and parameter values for the training
+		* (optional) set Validatiaon data and parameter values
+	* set Train_one_batch component
+	* specify `with_test` field if a user wants to run singa with test data simultaneously.
+	* [TODO] recieve train/validation results, e.g., accuracy, loss, ppl, etc. 
+* evaluate
+	* set Testing data and parameter values for the testing
+	* specify `checkpoint_path` field if a user want to run singa only for testing.
+	* [TODO] recieve test results, e.g., accuracy, loss, ppl, etc. 
+#### Results
+fit() and evaluate() return `result`, a dictionary containing
+* [key]: step number
+* [value]: a list of dictionay
+	* 'acc' for accuracy
+	* 'loss' for loss
+	* 'ppl' for ppl
+	* 'se' for squred error   
+#### Other classes
+* Store
+* Algorithm
+* Updater
+* SGD (inherited)
+* AdaGrad (inherited)
+* Cluster
+## MLP Example
+An example (to generate job.conf for mnist)
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data()
+m = Sequential('mlp', sys.argv)  
+m.add(Dense(2500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(2000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(500,  init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(10, init='uniform', activation='softmax')) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, lr_type='step')
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=10, test_freq=60)
+## CNN Example
+An example (to generate job.conf for cifar10)
+X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
+m = Sequential('cnn', sys.argv)
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_std=0.0001, b_lr=2))
+m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, b_lr=2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 1, 2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(updater=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, 1000, test_steps=30, test_freq=300)
+## RBM Example
+rbmid = 3                                                                                           
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(nb_rbm=rbmid)                                               
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500, 250]
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_std=0.1, b_wd=0)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)                                
+topo = Cluster(workspace)                                                                    
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)                                           , alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)                            
+## AutoEncoder Example
+rbmid = 4
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(nb_rbm=rbmid+1)                                               
+m = Sequential('autoencoder', sys.argv)
+hid_dim = [1000, 500, 250, 30]
+m.add(Autoencoder(hid_dim, out_dim=784, activation='sigmoid', param_share=True))
+agd = AdaGrad(lr=0.01)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=agd, cluster=topo), alg='bp', nb_epoch=12200)
+### TIPS
+Hidden layers for MLP can be written as
+for n in [2500, 2000, 1500, 1000, 500]:
+  m.add(Dense(n, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(10, init='uniform', activation='softmax'))
+Activation layer can be specified separately
+m.add(Dense(2500, init='uniform'))
+Users can explicity specify weight and bias, and their values
+for example of MLP
+par = Parameter(init='uniform', scale=0.05)
+m.add(Dense(2500, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(2000, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1500, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1000, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(500, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='softmax'))
+for example of Cifar10 
+parw = Parameter(init='gauss', std=0.0001)
+parb = Parameter(init='const', value=0)
+m.add(Convolution(32, 5, 1, 2, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, b_lr=2))
+m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution(32, 5, 1, 2, w_param=parw, b_param=parb))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution(64, 5, 1, 2, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, b_lr=1))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_wd=250, b_param=parb, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
+Alternative ways to add Data layer
+X_train, X_test = mnist.load_data()  // parameter values are set in load_data(), ...)                  // Data layer for training is added
+m.evaluate(X_test, ...)              // Data layer for testing is added
+X_train, X_test = mnist.load_data()  // parameter values are set in load_data() 
+m.add(X_train)                       // explicitly add Data layer
+m.add(X_test)                        // explicitly add Data layer
+store = Store(path='train.bin', batch_size=64, ...)        // parameter values are set explicitly 
+m.add(Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store)) // Data layer is added
+store = Store(path='test.bin', batch_size=100, ...)        // parameter values are set explicitly 
+m.add(Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store))  // Data layer is added
+### Parameter class
+Users need to set parameter and initial values. For example,
+* Parameter 
+	* lr = (float) // learning rate
+	* wd = (float) // weight decay
+* Parameter initialization
+	* init = (string) // one of the types, 'uniform', 'constant', 'gaussian' 
+	* for uniform [default]
+		* high = (float)
+		* low = (float)
+	* for constant
+		* value = (float)
+	* for gaussian
+		* mean = (float)
+		* std = (float)
+* Weight (w_param) is gaussian with mean=0, std=0.01 at default
+* Bias (b_param) is constant with value=0 at default
+* How to update the parameter fields
+	* for updating Weight, put 'w_' in front of field name
+	* for updating Bias, put 'b_' in front of field name
+Several ways to set Parameter values
+m.add(Dense(10, w_mean=1, w_std=0.1, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+parw = Parameter(lr=2, wd=10, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, ...)
+parw = Parameter(init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_lr=2, w_wd=10, ...)
+### Example to run singa
+(1) Run singa for training
+```, nb_epoch=1000)
+(2) Run singa for training and validation
+```, validate_data=X_valid, nb_epoch=1000)
+(3) Run singa for test while training 
+```, nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=100)
+(4) Run singa for test only
+Assume a checkpoint exists after training
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, checkpoint_path=workspace+'/checkpoint/step100-worker0')
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ef552b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import cifar10
+X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
+m = Sequential('cifar10-cnn', sys.argv)
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_std=0.0001, b_lr=2))
+m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, b_lr=2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 1, 2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=300)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd03f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import cifar10
+X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
+m = Sequential('cifar10-cnn', sys.argv)
+parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', std=0.0001)
+parb = Parameter(init='constant')
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, b_lr=2))
+m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_param=parw, b_param=parb))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 1, 2, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, b_lr=1))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=parw, w_wd=250, b_param=parb, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), nb_epoch=100, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=10, test_freq=300)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/cluster.conf b/tool/python/examples/cluster.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16623d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/cluster.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+cluster {
+  nworker_groups: 1
+  nserver_groups: 1
+  nworkers_per_group: 1
+  nworkers_per_procs: 1
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b7e590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+# Sample parameter values for Autoencoder example
+rbmid = 4
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/autoencoder',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid+1,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Sequential('autoencoder', sys.argv)
+hid_dim = [1000, 500, 250, 30]
+m.add(Autoencoder(hid_dim, out_dim=784, activation='sigmoid', param_share=True))
+agd = AdaGrad(lr=0.01)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=agd, cluster=topo), alg='bp', nb_epoch=12200, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=1000)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da5ccce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import * 
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+# Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784, 'random_skip' : 5000,
+           'std_value' : 127.5, 'mean_value' : 127.5}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(**pvalues)
+m = Sequential('mlp', argv=sys.argv)
+''' Weight and Bias are initialized by
+    uniform distribution with scale=0.05 at default
+m.add(Dense(2500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(2000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(500,  init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(10, init='uniform', activation='softmax')) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, lr_type='step')
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+, nb_epoch=100, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=10)
+#e.g., display result
+#for k, v in sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
+#  print k, v
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24fc960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import * 
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+# Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784,
+           'random_skip' : 5000,
+           'std_value' : 127.5, 'mean_value' : 127.5}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(**pvalues)
+m = Sequential('mlp', argv=sys.argv)
+par = Parameter(init='uniform', scale=0.05)
+m.add(Dense(2500, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh')) 
+m.add(Dense(2000, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh')) 
+m.add(Dense(1500, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh')) 
+m.add(Dense(1000, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh')) 
+m.add(Dense(500, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='tanh')) 
+m.add(Dense(10, w_param=par, b_param=par, activation='softmax')) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, lr_type='step')
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+, nb_epoch=100, with_test=True)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=10)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67cf3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import * 
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+# Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784,
+           'std_value' : 127.5, 'mean_value' : 127.5}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(**pvalues)
+m = Sequential('mlp', argv=sys.argv)
+m.add(Dense(2500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(2000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(500,  init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(10, init='uniform', activation='softmax')) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, lr_type='step')
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+''' For doing test only, normally users sets checkpoint path
+    e.g., assume that checkpoint exists by
+, nb_epoch=100, checkpoint_freq=100)
+path = workspace+'/checkpoint/step100-worker0'
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=100, checkpoint_path=path)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..765be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 1
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm1',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+m.add(RBM(1000, w_std=0.1, b_wd=0)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54fe421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 1
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm1',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
+parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(RBM(1000, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4d187f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 2
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm2',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500]
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_std=0.1, b_wd=0)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9837836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 2
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm2',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500]
+parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
+parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48bbe38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 3
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm3',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500, 250]
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_std=0.1, b_wd=0)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c9a378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 3
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm3',
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500, 250]
+parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
+parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f12b739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 4
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm'+str(rbmid),
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500, 250, 30]
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, sampling='gaussian', w_std=0.1, b_wd=0)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2a7be1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+rbmid = 4
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 100, 'shape' : 784, 'std_value' : 255}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(
+            workspace = 'examples/rbm/rbm'+rbmid,
+            nb_rbm = rbmid,
+            checkpoint_steps = 6000,
+            **pvalues)
+m = Energy('rbm'+str(rbmid), sys.argv)
+out_dim = [1000, 500, 250, 30]
+parw = Parameter(init='gaussian', mean=0, std=0.1)
+parb = Parameter(wd=0, init='constant', value=0)
+m.add(RBM(out_dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb)) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.8)
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo), alg='cd', nb_epoch=6000)
+#result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=500)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b49321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import rnnlm 
+vocab_size = 3720
+X_train, X_valid, workspace = rnnlm.load_data()
+m = Sequential('rnnlm', sys.argv)
+parw = Parameter(init='uniform', range=0.3)
+m.add(Embedding(in_dim=vocab_size, out_dim=15, w_param=parw))
+m.add(RNNLM(1, w_param=parw))
+sgd = SGD(lr_type='fixed', step=(0,48810,56945,65080,73215), step_lr=(0.1,0.05,0.025,0.0125,0.00625))
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='user_loss_rnnlm', in_dim=vocab_size, nclass=100, optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+, validate=X_valid, validate_steps=683, nb_epoch=81350, execpath='examples/rnnlm/rnnlm.bin')
+#result = m.evaluate(X_valid, validate_steps=683, validate_freq=8135, execpath='examples/rnnlm/rnnlm.bin')
diff --git a/tool/python/ b/tool/python/
index c179192..6d7fbdf 100755
--- a/tool/python/
+++ b/tool/python/
@@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     d = driver.Driver()
-    d.Train(False,b)
+#    d.Train(False,b)
+    d.Test(b)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65bcd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from singa.model import *
+def load_data(
+         workspace = None, 
+         backend = 'kvfile',
+         batchsize = 64,
+         random = 5000,
+         shape = (3, 32, 32),
+         std = 127.5,
+         mean = 127.5
+      ):
+  # using cifar10 dataset
+  data_dir = 'examples/cifar10'
+  path_train = data_dir + '/train_data.bin'
+  path_test  = data_dir + '/test_data.bin'
+  path_mean  = data_dir + '/image_mean.bin'
+  if workspace == None: workspace = data_dir
+  store = Store(path=path_train, mean_file=path_mean, backend=backend,
+              random_skip=random, batchsize=batchsize,
+              shape=shape) 
+  data_train = Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store)
+  store = Store(path=path_test, mean_file=path_mean, backend=backend,
+              batchsize=batchsize,
+              shape=shape) 
+  data_test = Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store)
+  return data_train, data_test, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8695ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from singa.model import * 
+def load_data(
+     workspace = None,
+     backend = 'kvfile',
+     nb_rbm = 0,  # the number of layers for RBM and Autoencoder 
+     checkpoint_steps = 0, 
+     **pvalues
+   ):
+  # using mnist dataset
+  data_dir = 'examples/mnist'
+  path_train = data_dir + '/train_data.bin'
+  path_test  = data_dir + '/test_data.bin'
+  if workspace == None: workspace = data_dir
+  # checkpoint path to load
+  checkpoint_list = None 
+  if checkpoint_steps > 0:
+    workerid = 0
+    checkpoint_list = [] 
+    for i in range(nb_rbm-1, 0, -1):
+      checkpoint_list.append('examples/rbm/rbm{0}/checkpoint/step{1}-worker{2}'.format(str(i),checkpoint_steps,workerid))
+  store = Store(path=path_train, backend=backend, **pvalues)
+  data_train = Data(load='recordinput', phase='train', conf=store, checkpoint=checkpoint_list)
+  store = Store(path=path_test, backend=backend, **pvalues)
+  data_test = Data(load='recordinput', phase='test', conf=store)
+  return data_train, data_test, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/datasets/ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8142a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/datasets/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from singa.model import *
+def load_data(
+         workspace = 'examples/rnnlm',
+         backend = 'kvfile',
+         max_window = 10
+      ):
+  path_train = workspace + '/train_data.bin'
+  path_valid = workspace + '/valid_data.bin'
+  path_test  = workspace + '/test_data.bin'
+  data_train = Data(load='kData', phase='train', path=path_train, backend=backend, max_window=max_window)
+  data_valid = Data(load='kData', phase='val', path=path_valid, max_window=max_window)
+  return data_train, data_valid, workspace
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/driver.i b/tool/python/singa/driver.i
index 56599b6..f756d57 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/driver.i
+++ b/tool/python/singa/driver.i
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public:
 void Train(bool resume, const std::string job_conf);
 void Init(int argc, char **argv);
 void InitLog(char* arg);
+void Test(const std::string job_conf);
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index c5f3b4f..c1aac7f 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class Driver(_object):
     def Train(self, *args): return _driver.Driver_Train(self, *args)
     def Init(self, *args): return _driver.Driver_Init(self, *args)
     def InitLog(self, *args): return _driver.Driver_InitLog(self, *args)
+    def Test(self, *args): return _driver.Driver_Test(self, *args)
     def __init__(self): 
         this = _driver.new_Driver()
         try: self.this.append(this)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx b/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx
index 99756f1..e6e6de2 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx
+++ b/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx
@@ -4579,6 +4579,38 @@ fail:
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_Driver_Test(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+  PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+  singa::Driver *arg1 = (singa::Driver *) 0 ;
+  std::string arg2 ;
+  void *argp1 = 0 ;
+  int res1 = 0 ;
+  PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+  PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:Driver_Test",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+  res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_singa__Driver, 0 |  0 );
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "Driver_Test" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "singa::Driver *""'"); 
+  }
+  arg1 = reinterpret_cast< singa::Driver * >(argp1);
+  {
+    std::string *ptr = (std::string *)0;
+    int res = SWIG_AsPtr_std_string(obj1, &ptr);
+    if (!SWIG_IsOK(res) || !ptr) {
+      SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError((ptr ? res : SWIG_TypeError)), "in method '" "Driver_Test" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "std::string const""'"); 
+    }
+    arg2 = *ptr;
+    if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res)) delete ptr;
+  }
+  (arg1)->Test(arg2);
+  resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+  return resultobj;
+  return NULL;
 SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_Driver(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
   PyObject *resultobj = 0;
   singa::Driver *result = 0 ;
@@ -4643,6 +4675,7 @@ static PyMethodDef SwigMethods[] = {
 	 { (char *)"Driver_Train", _wrap_Driver_Train, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
 	 { (char *)"Driver_Init", _wrap_Driver_Init, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
 	 { (char *)"Driver_InitLog", _wrap_Driver_InitLog, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
+	 { (char *)"Driver_Test", _wrap_Driver_Test, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
 	 { (char *)"new_Driver", _wrap_new_Driver, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
 	 { (char *)"delete_Driver", _wrap_delete_Driver, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
 	 { (char *)"Driver_swigregister", Driver_swigregister, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3037cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+def get(identifier, **kwargs):
+  field = {}
+  if identifier == 'none':
+    return
+  if identifier == 'uniform':
+    scale = kwargs['scale'] if 'scale' in kwargs else 0.05 
+    names = ['low', 'high']
+    values = [-scale, scale]
+  elif identifier == 'constant':
+    names = ['value']
+    values = [0]
+  elif identifier == 'gaussian':
+    names = ['mean', 'std']
+    values = [0, 0.01]
+  elif identifier == 'conv2d':
+    names = ['stride', 'pad']
+    values = [1, 0]
+  elif identifier == 'lrn2d':
+    names = ['alpha', 'beta', 'knorm']
+    values = [1, 0.75, 1]
+  for i in range(len(names)):
+    field[names[i]] = kwargs[names[i]] if names[i] in kwargs else values[i]
+  return field
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1744d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from parameter import *
+from utils.utility import * 
+from utils.message import * 
+from google.protobuf import text_format
+class Layer(object):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    self.layer = Message('Layer', **kwargs).proto
+    # required
+    if not 'name' in kwargs:
+      setval(self.layer, name=generateName('layer', 1))
+    # srclayers are set in
+    self.is_datalayer = False 
+class Data(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, load, phase='train', checkpoint=None,
+               conf=None, **kwargs):
+    assert load != None, 'data type should be specified'
+    if load == 'kData':
+      super(Data, self).__init__(name=generateName('data'), user_type=load)
+    else:
+      self.layer_type = enumLayerType(load)
+      super(Data, self).__init__(name=generateName('data'), type=self.layer_type)
+    # include/exclude
+    setval(self.layer, include=enumPhase(phase))
+    #setval(self.layer, exclude=kTest if phase=='train' else kTrain)
+    if conf == None:
+      if load == 'kData':
+        setval(self.layer.Extensions[data_conf], **kwargs)
+      else:
+        setval(self.layer.store_conf, **kwargs)
+    else:
+      setval(self.layer, store_conf=conf.proto)
+    self.is_datalayer = True
+    self.checkpoint = checkpoint # checkpoint for training data
+class Convolution2D(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, nb_filter=0, kernel=0, stride=1, pad=0,
+               init=None, w_param=None, b_param=None,
+               activation=None, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    required
+      nb_filter = (int)  // the number of filters
+      kernel    = (int)  // the size of filter
+    optional
+      stride    = (int)  // the size of stride
+      pad       = (int)  // the size of padding
+    '''
+    assert nb_filter > 0 and kernel > 0, 'should be set as positive int'
+    super(Convolution2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('conv',1), type=kCConvolution)
+    fields = {'num_filters' : nb_filter,
+              'kernel' : kernel,
+              'stride' : stride,
+              'pad' : pad}
+    setval(self.layer.convolution_conf, **fields)
+    # parameter w  
+    if w_param == None:
+      self.init = 'gaussian' if init==None else init 
+      w_param = Parameter(init=self.init) 
+    setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+    # parameter b  
+    if b_param == None:
+      self.init = 'constant' if init==None else init 
+      b_param = Parameter(init=self.init) # default: constant
+    setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', True, **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
+    # following layers: e.g., activation, dropout, etc.
+    if activation:
+      self.mask = Activation(activation=activation).layer
+class MaxPooling2D(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, pool_size=None, stride=1, ignore_border=True, **kwargs): 
+    '''
+    required
+      pool_size     = (int|tuple) // the size for pooling
+    optional
+      stride        = (int)       // the size of striding
+      ignore_border = (bool)      // flag for padding
+      **kwargs                    // fields for Layer class
+    '''
+    assert pool_size != None, 'pool_size is required'
+    if type(pool_size) == int:
+      pool_size = (pool_size, pool_size)
+    assert type(pool_size) == tuple and  \
+           pool_size[0] == pool_size[1], 'pool size should be square in Singa'
+    super(MaxPooling2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('pool'), type=kCPooling, **kwargs)
+    fields = {'pool' : PoolingProto().MAX,
+              'kernel' : pool_size[0],
+              'stride' : stride,
+              'pad' : 0 if ignore_border else 1}
+    setval(self.layer.pooling_conf, **fields)
+class AvgPooling2D(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, pool_size=None, stride=1, ignore_border=True, **kwargs): 
+    '''
+    required
+      pool_size     = (int|tuple) // size for pooling
+    optional
+      stride        = (int)       // size of striding
+      ignore_border = (bool)      // flag for padding
+      **kwargs                    // fields for Layer class
+    '''
+    assert pool_size != None, 'pool_size is required'
+    if type(pool_size) == int:
+      pool_size = (pool_size, pool_size)
+    assert type(pool_size) == tuple and  \
+           pool_size[0] == pool_size[1], 'pool size should be square in Singa'
+    super(AvgPooling2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('pool'), type=kCPooling, **kwargs)
+    self.layer.pooling_conf.pool = PoolingProto().AVG 
+    fields = {'pool' : PoolingProto().AVG,
+              'kernel' : pool_size[0],
+              'stride' : stride,
+              'pad' : 0 if ignore_border else 1}
+    setval(self.layer.pooling_conf, **fields)
+class LRN2D(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, size=0, **kwargs):
+    super(LRN2D, self).__init__(name=generateName('norm'), type=kLRN)
+    # required
+    assert size != 0, 'local size should be set'
+    self.layer.lrn_conf.local_size = size 
+    init_value = initializations.get('lrn2d', **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer.lrn_conf, **init_value)
+class Activation(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, activation='stanh', topk=1):
+ = activation 
+    if activation == 'tanh': activation = 'stanh' # <-- better way to set?
+    self.layer_type = enumLayerType(activation)  
+    super(Activation, self).__init__(name=generateName(, type=self.layer_type)
+    if activation == 'softmaxloss':
+      self.layer.softmaxloss_conf.topk = topk
+class Dropout(Layer): 
+  def __init__(self, ratio=0.5):
+ = 'dropout'
+    self.layer_type = kDropout
+    super(Dropout, self).__init__(name=generateName(, type=self.layer_type)
+    self.layer.dropout_conf.dropout_ratio = ratio
+class RGB(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, meanfile=None, **kwargs):
+    assert meanfile != None, 'meanfile should be specified'
+ = 'rgb'
+    self.layer_type = kRGBImage
+    super(RGB, self).__init__(name=generateName(, type=self.layer_type)
+    self.layer.rgbimage_conf.meanfile = meanfile
+class Dense(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, output_dim=0, activation=None, 
+               init=None, w_param=None, b_param=None, input_dim=None,
+               **kwargs):
+    '''
+    required
+      output_dim = (int)
+    optional
+      activation = (string)
+      init       = (string) // 'unirom', 'gaussian', 'constant'
+      **kwargs
+        w_lr = (float) // learning rate for w
+        w_wd = (float) // weight decay for w
+        b_lr = (float) // learning rate for b
+        b_wd = (float) // weight decay for b
+    '''
+    # required
+    assert output_dim > 0, 'output_dim should be set'
+    super(Dense, self).__init__(type=kInnerProduct, **kwargs)
+    self.layer.innerproduct_conf.num_output = output_dim
+    if 'transpose' in kwargs:
+      self.layer.innerproduct_conf.transpose = kwargs['transpose']
+    # parameter w (default: gaussian)  
+    if w_param == None:
+      self.init = 'gaussian' if init==None else init 
+      w_param = Parameter(init=self.init) 
+    setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', False, **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+    # parameter b (default: constant) 
+    if b_param == None:
+      self.init = 'constant' if init==None else init 
+      b_param = Parameter(init=self.init)
+    setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', False, **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
+    # following layers: e.g., activation, dropout, etc.
+    if activation:
+      self.mask = Activation(activation=activation).layer
+''' Class to deal with multiple layers
+class Autoencoder(object):
+  def __init__(self, hid_dim=None, out_dim=0, activation=None, 
+               param_share=True, **kwargs):
+    # required
+    assert out_dim >  0, 'out_dim should be set'
+    self.out_dim = out_dim
+    assert hid_dim != None, 'hid_dim should be set'
+    self.hid_dim = [hid_dim] if type(hid_dim)==int else hid_dim 
+    self.layer_type = 'AutoEncoder' 
+    self.activation = activation
+    self.param_share = param_share
+class RBM(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, out_dim=None, w_param=None, b_param=None, sampling=None, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Generate layers (like MLP) according to the number of elements in out_dim, and
+      on top of it, two layers RBMVis and RBMHid with bidirectional connection
+    required
+      out_dim  = (int) or (int list) // the number of hidden nodes
+    optional
+      sampling = (string)
+    '''
+    assert out_dim >  0, 'out_dim should be set'
+    self.out_dim = [out_dim] if type(out_dim)==int else out_dim 
+ = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else 'RBMVis' 
+    self.layer_type = kwargs['type'] if 'type' in kwargs else kRBMVis
+    super(RBM, self).__init__(name=generateName(, withnumber=False), type=self.layer_type)
+    setval(self.layer.rbm_conf, hdim=self.out_dim[-1])
+    if self.layer_type == kRBMHid and sampling != None: 
+      if sampling == 'gaussian':
+        setval(self.layer.rbm_conf, gaussian=True)
+    # parameter w
+    if w_param == None:
+      w_param = Parameter(init='gaussian', **kwargs)
+      setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+    else:
+      if self.layer_type == kRBMHid:
+        del kwargs['name']
+      else:
+        setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+    # parameter b
+    if b_param == None:
+      b_param = Parameter(init='constant', **kwargs)
+      setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+    else:
+      if self.layer_type == kRBMHid:
+        pass
+      else:
+        setParamField(b_param.param, 'b', withnumber=False, level=len(self.out_dim), **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=b_param.param)
+    if self.layer_type == kRBMVis: 
+      wname =
+      parw = Parameter(name=wname+"_", init='none', share_from=wname)
+      bname =
+      parb = Parameter(name=bname+"2", wd=0, init='constant')
+      self.bidirect = RBM(self.out_dim, name='RBMHid', type=kRBMHid,
+                      w_param=parw, b_param=parb, sampling=sampling).layer
+class Embedding(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, w_param=None, **kwargs):
+    super(Embedding, self).__init__(name=generateName('embedding',1), user_type='kEmbedding')
+    fields = { 'vocab_size': in_dim,
+               'word_dim': out_dim }
+    setval(self.layer.Extensions[embedding_conf], **fields)
+    if w_param == None:
+      w_param = Parameter(name=generateName('w'), init=init) # default: uniform
+    else:
+      setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+class RNNLM(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, dim, w_param=None, **kwargs):
+    super(RNNLM, self).__init__(name=generateName('hidden',1), user_type='kHidden')
+    if w_param == None:
+      w_param = Parameter(name=generateName('w'), init=init) # default: uniform
+    else:
+      setParamField(w_param.param, 'w', True, **kwargs)
+    setval(self.layer, param=w_param.param)
+class UserLossRNNLM(Layer):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    super(UserLossRNNLM, self).__init__(name=generateName('loss',1), user_type='kLoss')
+    self.layer.Extensions[loss_conf].nclass = kwargs['nclass'] 
+    self.layer.Extensions[loss_conf].vocab_size = kwargs['vocab_size'] 
+    setval(self.layer, param=Parameter(name=generateName('w'), init='uniform', scale=0.3).param)
+    setval(self.layer, param=Parameter(name=generateName('w',1), init='uniform', scale=0.3).param)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aa62b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, re, subprocess
+from layer import *
+from utils.utility import * 
+from utils.message import * 
+from google.protobuf import text_format
+class Model(object):
+  def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
+    '''
+    optional
+      name  = (string) // name of model/job
+      label = (bool)   // exist label layer (depreciated)
+    '''
+    self.jobconf = Message('Job', name=name).proto 
+    self.layers = []
+    self.label = label
+    self.argv = argv
+    self.result = None
+    self.last_checkpoint_path = None
+  def exist_datalayer(self, phase):
+    for ly in self.layers:
+      if enumPhase(phase) in ly.layer.include:
+        return True
+    return False
+  def compile(self, optimizer=None, cluster=None, loss=None, topk=1, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    required
+      optimizer = (Updater) // updater settings, e.g., SGD
+      cluster   = (Cluster) // cluster settings
+    optional
+      loss      = (string)  // name of loss function type
+      topk      = (int)     // the number of results considered to compute accuracy
+    '''
+    assert optimizer != None, 'optimizer (Updater component) should be set'
+    assert cluster != None, 'cluster (Cluster component) should be set'  
+    setval(self.jobconf, updater=optimizer.proto)
+    setval(self.jobconf, cluster=cluster.proto)
+    # take care of loss function layer
+    if loss == None:
+      print 'loss layer is not set'
+    else:
+      if hasattr(self.layers[-1], 'mask'):
+        ly = self.layers[-1].mask
+      else:
+        ly = self.layers[-1].layer
+      # take care of the last layer
+      if ly.type == enumLayerType('softmax'):
+        # revise the last layer
+        if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
+          setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('softmaxloss'))
+          setval(ly.softmaxloss_conf, topk=topk) 
+        elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
+          setval(ly, type=enumLayerType('euclideanloss'))
+      else:
+        # add new layer
+        if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy':
+          self.add(Activation('softmaxloss', topk=topk))
+        elif loss == 'mean_squared_error':
+          self.add(Activation('euclideanloss'))
+        elif loss == 'user_loss_rnnlm': # user-defined loss layer for rnnlm
+          self.add(UserLossRNNLM(nclass=kwargs['nclass'], vocab_size=kwargs['in_dim']))
+  def build(self):
+    '''
+    construct neuralnet proto
+    '''
+    net = NetProto() 
+    slyname = self.layers[0]
+    for i in range(len(self.layers)):
+      ly = net.layer.add()
+      ly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].layer)
+      lastly = ly
+      if self.layers[i].is_datalayer == True:
+        continue
+      getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
+      slyname =
+      if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'mask'):
+        mly = net.layer.add()
+        mly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].mask)
+        getattr(mly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
+        slyname =
+        lastly = mly
+      if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'bidirect'):
+        bly = net.layer.add()
+        bly.CopyFrom(self.layers[i].bidirect)
+        getattr(bly, 'srclayers').append(slyname)
+    # deal with label layer (depreciated)
+    if self.label == True:
+      label_layer = Layer(name='label', type=kLabel)      
+      ly = net.layer.add()
+      ly.CopyFrom(label_layer.layer)
+      getattr(ly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
+      getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(
+    else:
+      if == 'RBMVis':
+        getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(
+      else:
+        getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
+    setval(self.jobconf, neuralnet=net)
+  def fit(self, data=None, alg='bp', nb_epoch=0,
+          with_test=False, execpath='', **fields):
+    '''
+    required
+      data        = (Data)   // Data class object for training data
+      alg         = (string) // algorithm, e.g., 'bp', 'cd'
+      nb_epoch    = (int)    // the number of training steps
+    optional
+      with_test   = (bool)   // flag if singa runs for test data
+      execpath    = (string) // path to user own singa (executable file)
+      **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+        batch_size       = (int)    // batch size for training data
+        train_steps      = (int)    // the number of steps for training, i.e., epoch
+        disp_freq        = (int)    // frequency to display training info
+        disp_after       = (int)    // display after this number 
+        validate_data    = (Data)   // validation data, specified in load_data()
+        validate_freq    = (int)    // frequency of validation
+        validate_steps   = (int)    // total number of steps for validation
+        validate_after   = (int)    // start validation after this number
+        checkpoint_path  = (string) // path to checkpoint file
+        checkpoint_freq  = (int)    // frequency for checkpoint
+        checkpoint_after = (int)    // start checkpointing after this number
+    '''
+    assert data != None, 'Training data shold be set'
+    assert nb_epoch > 0, 'Training steps shold be set'
+    if 'batch_size' in fields:  # if new value is set, replace the batch_size
+      setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
+    # insert layer for training
+    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False: 
+      self.layers.insert(0, data)
+    setval(self.jobconf, train_steps=nb_epoch)
+    setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=nb_epoch/10)
+    if 'disp_freq' in fields:
+      setval(self.jobconf, disp_freq=fields['disp_freq'])
+    if 'validate_data' in fields:
+      self.layers.insert(1, fields['validate_data'])
+      setval(self.jobconf, validate_freq=nb_epoch/10)
+    setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
+    # loading checkpoint if it is set
+    if data.checkpoint != None:
+      setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_path=data.checkpoint)
+    # save model parameter (i.e., checkpoint_path)
+    setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_freq=nb_epoch)
+    self.last_checkpoint_path = '{0}/step{1}-worker0'.format(
+                     self.jobconf.cluster.workspace, nb_epoch) 
+    # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
+    setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
+    # start to run singa for training
+    if with_test == False: 
+  # construct Nneuralnet Component
+      #self.display()
+      return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath)
+    else:
+      # run singa in evaluate() with test data
+      pass
+  def evaluate(self, data=None, alg='bp',
+               checkpoint_path=None, execpath='', **fields):
+    '''
+    required
+      data = (Data)   // Data class object for testing data
+    optional
+      checkpoint_path = (list)   // checkpoint path is necessary only for testing
+      execpaths       = (string) // path to user's own executable 
+      **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+        batch_size   = (int)  // batch size for testing data
+        test_freq    = (int)  // frequency of testing
+        test_steps   = (int)  // total number of steps for testing 
+        test_after   = (int)  // start testing after this number of steps 
+    '''
+    assert data != None, 'Testing data should be set'
+    is_testonly = False
+    if 'batch_size' in fields:  # if new value is set, replace the batch_size
+      setval(data.layer.store_conf, batchsize=fields['batch_size'])
+    # insert layer for testing
+    if self.exist_datalayer('test') == False: 
+      self.layers.insert(0, data)
+    # loading checkpoint if singa runs only for testing
+    if self.exist_datalayer('train') == False: 
+      is_testonly = True
+      if checkpoint_path == None:
+        print 'checkpoint_path has not been specified'
+      else:
+        setval(self.jobconf, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path)
+    steps = fields['test_steps'] if 'test_steps' in fields else 10
+    setval(self.jobconf, test_steps=steps)
+    setval(self.jobconf, **fields)
+    # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
+    setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
+  # construct Nneuralnet Component
+    #--- generate job.conf file for debug purpose 
+    #filename = 'job.conf'
+    #with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+    #  f.write(text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf.cluster))
+    #self.display()
+    #--- run singa --- 
+    return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath, testmode=is_testonly)
+    #return SingaRun_script(filename=filename, execpath=execpath)
+  def display(self):
+    print text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf)
+class Energy(Model):
+  def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
+    super(Energy, self).__init__(name=name, argv=argv, label=label)
+  def add(self, layer):
+    if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
+      if layer.layer_type == kRBMVis:
+        dim = 0 
+        for i in range(1, len(layer.out_dim)):
+          parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
+          parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
+          dim = layer.out_dim[i-1]
+          self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation='sigmoid'))
+        self.layers.append(layer)
+class Sequential(Model):
+  def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
+    super(Sequential, self).__init__(name=name, argv=argv, label=label)
+  def add(self, layer):
+    if hasattr(layer, 'layer_type'):
+      if layer.layer_type == 'AutoEncoder':
+        if layer.param_share == True:
+          dim = 0 
+          # Encoding
+          for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+1):
+            parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
+            parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
+            dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
+            if i == len(layer.hid_dim): activation = None
+            else: activation = layer.activation
+            self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=activation))
+          # Decoding
+          for i in range(len(layer.hid_dim), 0, -1):
+            parw = Parameter(name=generateName('w',2), init='none')
+            parb = Parameter(name=generateName('b',2), init='none')
+            setval(parw.param, share_from='w'+str(i))
+            setval(parb.param, name='b'+str(i))
+            if i == 1: dim = layer.out_dim
+            else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-2]
+            self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=layer.activation, transpose=True))
+        else:
+          # MLP
+          for i in range(1, len(layer.hid_dim)+2):
+            parw = Parameter(name='w', init='none', level=i)
+            parb = Parameter(name='b', init='none', level=i)
+            if i == len(layer.hid_dim)+1: dim = layer.out_dim
+            else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
+            self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=layer.activation))
+    else:
+      self.layers.append(layer)
+class Store(object):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    **kwargs
+        path       = (string)  // path to dataset
+        backend    = (string)  // 
+        batch_size = (int)     // batch size of dataset
+        shape      = (int)     // 
+    '''
+    self.proto = Message('Store', **kwargs).proto
+class Algorithm(object):
+  def __init__(self, type=enumAlgType('bp'), **kwargs):
+    alg = Message('Alg', alg=type, **kwargs).proto
+    if type == enumAlgType('cd'):
+      setval(alg.cd_conf, **kwargs)
+    self.proto = alg
+class Updater(object):
+  def __init__(self, upd_type, lr, lr_type,
+               decay, momentum,
+               step, step_lr, **fields):
+    upd = Message('Updater', type=upd_type, **fields).proto
+    setval(upd.learning_rate, base_lr=lr) 
+    if decay > 0:
+      setval(upd, weight_decay=decay) 
+    if momentum > 0:
+      setval(upd, momentum=momentum) 
+    if lr_type == None:
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixed) 
+    elif lr_type == 'step':
+      cp = Message('Step', change_freq=60, gamma=0.997)
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kStep, step_conf=cp.proto) 
+    elif lr_type == 'fixed':
+      cp = Message('FixedStep', step=step, step_lr=step_lr)
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kFixedStep, fixedstep_conf=cp.proto) 
+    elif lr_type == 'linear':
+      cp = Message('Linear', change_freq=10, final_lr=0.1)
+      setval(upd.learning_rate, type=kLinear, linear_conf=cp.proto) 
+    self.proto = upd
+class SGD(Updater):
+  def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
+               decay=0, momentum=0,
+               step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
+    '''
+    required
+       lr      = (float)  // base learning rate
+    optional
+       lr_type = (string) // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
+       decay    = (float) // weight decay
+       momentum = (float) // momentum
+       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+    '''
+    assert lr
+    super(SGD, self).__init__(upd_type=kSGD,
+               lr=lr, lr_type=lr_type,
+               decay=decay, momentum=momentum,
+               step=step, step_lr=step_lr, **fields)
+class AdaGrad(Updater):
+  def __init__(self, lr=0.01, lr_type=None,
+               decay=0, momentum=0,
+               step=(0), step_lr=(0.01), **fields):
+    '''
+    required
+       lr      = (float)  // base learning rate
+    optional
+       lr_type = (string) // type of learning rate, 'Fixed' at default
+       decay    = (float) // weight decay
+       momentum = (float) // momentum
+       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
+    '''
+    assert lr
+    super(AdaGrad, self).__init__(upd_type=kAdaGrad,
+               lr=lr, lr_type=lr_type,
+               decay=decay, momentum=momentum,
+               step=step, step_lr=step_lr, **fields)
+class Cluster(object):
+  def __init__(self, workspace=None,
+               nworker_groups=1, nserver_groups=1,
+               nworkers_per_group=1, nservers_per_group=1,
+               nworkers_per_procs=1, nservers_per_procs=1,
+               **fields):
+    '''
+    required
+      workspace = (string) // workspace path
+    optional
+      nworker_groups     = (int)
+      nserver_groups     = (int)
+      nworkers_per_group = (int)
+      nservers_per_group = (int)
+      nworkers_per_procs = (int)
+      nservers_per_procs = (int)
+      **fields
+        server_worker_separate = (bool)
+    '''
+    assert workspace != None, 'need to set workspace'
+    self.proto = Message('Cluster', workspace=workspace).proto
+    # optional
+    self.proto.nworker_groups = nworker_groups 
+    self.proto.nserver_groups = nserver_groups 
+    self.proto.nworkers_per_group = nworkers_per_group 
+    self.proto.nservers_per_group = nservers_per_group 
+    self.proto.nworkers_per_procs = nworkers_per_procs 
+    self.proto.nservers_per_procs = nservers_per_procs 
+    # other fields
+    setval(self.proto, **fields)
+def StoreResults(lines):
+  resultDic = {} 
+  for line in lines:
+    line = re.findall(r'[\w|*.*]+', line)
+    if 'Train' in line:
+      step = line[line.index('step')+1]
+      if 'accuracy' in line:
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['acc'] = line[line.index('accuracy')+1] 
+      if 'loss' in line:
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['loss'] = line[line.index('loss')+1] 
+      if 'ppl' in line:
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['ppl'] = line[line.index('ppl')+1] 
+      if 'Squared' in line:
+        resultDic.setdefault(step,{})['se'] = line[line.index('Squared')+2] 
+  return resultDic
+def SingaRun(jobproto='', argv=[], execpath='', testmode=False):
+  import singa.driver as driver
+  d = driver.Driver()
+  d.InitLog(argv[0]) 
+  d.Init(argv)
+  if testmode == True:
+    d.Test(jobproto.SerializeToString())
+  else:
+    d.Train(False, jobproto.SerializeToString())
+  logfile = '/tmp/singa-log/{0}.ERROR'.format(argv[0].split('/')[-1])
+  fin = open(logfile, 'r')
+  result = StoreResults(fin.readlines())
+  return result
+def SingaRun_script(filename='', execpath=''):
+  SINGAROOT = '../../../'
+  conf = 'examples/' + filename
+  if execpath=='':
+    cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
+        + '-conf %s ' % conf 
+  else:
+    cmd = SINGAROOT+'bin/ ' \
+        + '-conf %s ' % conf \
+        + '-exec %s ' % execpath 
+  procs = subprocess.Popen(cmd.strip().split(' '), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
+  resultDic = {} 
+  outputlines = iter(procs.stdout.readline, '')
+  resultDic = StoreResults(outputlines)
+  #TODO better format to store the result??
+  return resultDic
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b33243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import initializations
+from utils.utility import * 
+from utils.message import * 
+from google.protobuf import text_format
+class Parameter(object):
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    optional
+      **kwargs
+        name  = (string) // parameter name
+        lr    = (float)  // learning rate
+        wd    = (float)  // weight decay
+        init  = (string) // initialization type {'constant','uniform','gaussian'} 
+        value = (int)    // value for 'constant'
+        scale = (float)  // [low, high] for 'uniform', low=-scale, high=scale
+        low   = (float)  // low value   for 'uniform'
+        high  = (float)  // high value  for 'uniform' 
+        mean  = (float)  // mean for 'gaussian'
+        std   = (float)  // std  for 'gaussian'
+    '''
+    fields = {'lr_scale' : kwargs['lr'] if 'lr' in kwargs else 1,
+              'wd_scale' : kwargs['wd'] if 'wd' in kwargs else 1
+             }
+    self.param = Message('Param', **fields).proto
+    if not 'name' in kwargs:
+      setval(self.param, name=generateName('param', 1))
+    else:
+      pname = kwargs['name']
+      # parameter name for RBM
+      if 'level' in kwargs:
+        pname += str(kwargs['level'])
+        if pname[0] == 'b':
+          pname += '2'
+      setval(self.param, name=pname)
+    if 'share_from' in kwargs:
+      setval(self.param, share_from=kwargs['share_from'])
+    if 'init' in kwargs:
+      init_values = initializations.get(kwargs['init'], **kwargs)
+      if not kwargs['init'] == 'none':
+        pg = Message('ParamGen', type=enumInitMethod(kwargs['init']), **init_values)
+        del kwargs['init']
+        setval(self.param, init=pg.proto)
+    else: # default: uniform
+      pg = Message('ParamGen', type=enumInitMethod('uniform'))
+      setval(self.param, init=pg.proto)
+  def update(self, **fields):
+    setval(self.param, **fields) 
+    setval(self.param.init, **fields) 
+def setParamField(param, pname, changename=False, withnumber=True, **kwargs):
+  ''' param      = (ParamProto)
+      pname      = (string)     // 'w' for wiehgt, or 'b' for bias
+      changename = (bool)       // update parameter name if True
+      withnumber = (bool)       // add layer number if True
+      **kwargs
+  '''
+  assert pname == 'w' or pname == 'b', 'pname should be w or b'
+  lr = param.lr_scale
+  wd = param.wd_scale
+  initkv = {}
+  if pname == 'w':
+    if 'w_lr' in kwargs:
+      lr = kwargs['w_lr'] 
+      del kwargs['w_lr']
+    if 'w_wd' in kwargs:
+      wd = kwargs['w_wd']
+      del kwargs['w_wd']
+    for k, v in kwargs.items():
+      if k.startswith('w_'): 
+        initkv[k[2:]] = v 
+  elif pname == 'b':
+    if 'b_lr' in kwargs:
+      lr = kwargs['b_lr']
+      del kwargs['b_lr']
+    if 'b_wd' in kwargs:
+      wd = kwargs['b_wd']
+      del kwargs['b_wd']
+    for k, v in kwargs.items():
+      if k.startswith('b_'): 
+        initkv[k[2:]] = v 
+  field = {'lr_scale' : lr, 'wd_scale' : wd}
+  # Set/update parameter fields
+  if'param') or changename==True:
+    if 'level' in kwargs:  # parameter name for RBM
+      pname += str(kwargs['level'])
+    setval(param, name=generateName(pname, withnumber=withnumber), **field)
+  else:
+    setval(param, **field)
+  # Set/update parameter init fields
+  setval(param.init, **initkv)
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/utils/ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/utils/ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..251a377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python 
+import sys, os 
+from utility import * 
+ - This script reads proto files in ../../pb2, generated by protocol buffer compiler
+ - Message class creates an object for proto and sets the fields specified by kwargs
+ - enumXXX function returns enum values of name XXX 
+# import all modules in dir singa_root/too/pb2, except common, singa and __init__
+for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../../pb2')):
+  if (f.endswith(".pyc")):
+    continue
+  if(f == "" or f == "" or f == "" ):
+    continue
+  module_name = f.split('.')[0]
+  module=__import__(module_name)  
+  module_list.append(module)
+  for func_name in dir(module):
+    if not func_name.startswith("__"):
+      globals()[func_name] = getattr(module,func_name)
+class Message(object):
+  def __init__(self,protoname,**kwargs):
+    for module in module_list:
+      if hasattr(module,protoname+"Proto"):
+        class_ = getattr(module,protoname+"Proto")
+        self.proto = class_()
+        return setval(self.proto,**kwargs)
+    raise Exception('invalid protoname')
+#get all enum type list in modules
+for module in module_list:
+  for enumtype in module.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name:
+    tempDict=enumDict_[enumtype]=dict()
+    for name in getattr(module,enumtype).DESCRIPTOR.values_by_name: 
+      tempDict[name[1:].lower()]=getattr(module,name)
+def make_function(enumtype):
+  def _function(key):
+    return enumDict_[enumtype][key]
+  return _function
+current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
+#def all the enumtypes
+for module in module_list:
+  for enumtype in module.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name:
+    setattr(current_module,"enum"+enumtype,make_function(enumtype))
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/utils/ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d2f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/singa/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+layerid = 0 
+paramid = 0 
+def generateName(label, op=0, withnumber=True):
+  global layerid, paramid
+  num = layerid
+  if label == 'layer':
+    if op ==1: layerid += 1
+    num = layerid
+  elif label == 'param':
+    if op ==1: paramid += 1
+    num = paramid
+  else:
+    if op ==1: layerid += 1
+    num = layerid
+    if op ==2:
+      num = layerid+1
+  if withnumber == False:
+    return '{0}'.format(label)
+  return '{0}{1}'.format(label, num)
+def setval(proto, **kwargs):
+  for k,v in kwargs.items():
+    #print 'kv: ', k, ', ', v
+    if hasattr(proto, k):
+      flabel = proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[k].label
+      ftype  = proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[k].type
+      fattr  = getattr(proto, k) 
+      if flabel == 3: # repeated field
+        if ftype == 11: # message type 
+          fattr = fattr.add()
+          fattr.MergeFrom(v)
+        else:
+          if type(v) == list or type(v) == tuple:
+            for i in range(len(v)):
+              fattr.append(v[i])
+          else:
+            fattr.append(v)
+      else:
+        if ftype == 11: # message type 
+          fattr = getattr(proto,k)
+          fattr.MergeFrom(v)
+        else:
+          setattr(proto, k, v)

[04/10] incubator-singa git commit: SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

Posted by
SINGA-81 Add Python Helper, which enables users to construct a model (JobProto) and run Singa in Python

- Update to take care of cudnn
  . fit() receives device field, a list of gpu id
  . setCudnnLayerType converts LayerType to CdunnLayerType
- Add examples for cudnn


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: ceb066560708a6b5e4cbdbbcba095821f18db327
Parents: 7d43e27
Author: chonho <>
Authored: Mon Dec 28 13:31:30 2015 +0800
Committer: chonho <>
Committed: Fri Jan 1 15:59:14 2016 +0800

 tool/python/examples/ | 34 +++++++++++++++
 tool/python/examples/   | 34 +++++++++++++++
 tool/python/singa/               |  2 +-
 tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx         | 57 ++++++++++++++------------
 tool/python/singa/                | 51 +++++++++++++++++++----
 5 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e08610a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import *
+from singa.datasets import cifar10
+X_train, X_test, workspace = cifar10.load_data()
+m = Sequential('cifar10-cnn', sys.argv)
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, w_std=0.0001, b_lr=2))
+m.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 1, 2, b_lr=2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(LRN2D(3, alpha=0.00005, beta=0.75))
+m.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 1, 2))
+m.add(AvgPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), stride=2))
+m.add(Dense(10, w_wd=250, b_lr=2, b_wd=0, activation='softmax'))
+sgd = SGD(decay=0.004, lr_type='fixed', step=(0,60000,65000), step_lr=(0.001,0.0001,0.00001))
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=1000, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, test_steps=100, test_freq=300)
diff --git a/tool/python/examples/ b/tool/python/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d418950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/python/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os
+from singa.model import * 
+from singa.datasets import mnist 
+# Sample parameter values for Mnist MLP example
+pvalues = {'batchsize' : 64, 'shape' : 784, 'random_skip' : 5000,
+           'std_value' : 127.5, 'mean_value' : 127.5}
+X_train, X_test, workspace = mnist.load_data(**pvalues)
+m = Sequential('mlp', argv=sys.argv)
+''' Weight and Bias are initialized by
+    uniform distribution with scale=0.05 at default
+m.add(Dense(2500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(2000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1500, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(1000, init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(500,  init='uniform', activation='tanh'))
+m.add(Dense(10, init='uniform', activation='softmax')) 
+sgd = SGD(lr=0.001, lr_type='step')
+topo = Cluster(workspace)
+m.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, cluster=topo)
+gpu_id = [0], nb_epoch=100, with_test=True, device=gpu_id)
+result = m.evaluate(X_test, batch_size=100, test_steps=10)
+#e.g., display result
+#for k, v in sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
+#  print k, v
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index c1aac7f..d203923 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
-# Version 3.0.2
+# Version 2.0.11
 # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
 # the SWIG interface file instead.
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx b/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx
index e6e6de2..40ea5ce 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx
+++ b/tool/python/singa/driver_wrap.cxx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
- * Version 3.0.2
+ * Version 2.0.11
  * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of
  * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
@@ -560,14 +560,14 @@ SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start,
   swig_module_info *iter = start;
   do {
     if (iter->size) {
-      size_t l = 0;
-      size_t r = iter->size - 1;
+      register size_t l = 0;
+      register size_t r = iter->size - 1;
       do {
 	/* since l+r >= 0, we can (>> 1) instead (/ 2) */
-	size_t i = (l + r) >> 1;
+	register size_t i = (l + r) >> 1;
 	const char *iname = iter->types[i]->name;
 	if (iname) {
-	  int compare = strcmp(name, iname);
+	  register int compare = strcmp(name, iname);
 	  if (compare == 0) {
 	    return iter->types[i];
 	  } else if (compare < 0) {
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ SWIG_TypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start,
        of the str field (the human readable name) */
     swig_module_info *iter = start;
     do {
-      size_t i = 0;
+      register size_t i = 0;
       for (; i < iter->size; ++i) {
 	if (iter->types[i]->str && (SWIG_TypeEquiv(iter->types[i]->str, name)))
 	  return iter->types[i];
@@ -630,10 +630,10 @@ SWIG_TypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start,
 SWIG_PackData(char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
   static const char hex[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
-  const unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
-  const unsigned char *eu =  u + sz;
+  register const unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+  register const unsigned char *eu =  u + sz;
   for (; u != eu; ++u) {
-    unsigned char uu = *u;
+    register unsigned char uu = *u;
     *(c++) = hex[(uu & 0xf0) >> 4];
     *(c++) = hex[uu & 0xf];
@@ -645,11 +645,11 @@ SWIG_PackData(char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
 SWIGRUNTIME const char *
 SWIG_UnpackData(const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
-  unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
-  const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
+  register unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+  register const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
   for (; u != eu; ++u) {
-    char d = *(c++);
-    unsigned char uu;
+    register char d = *(c++);
+    register unsigned char uu;
     if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
       uu = ((d - '0') << 4);
     else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(PyObject *args, const char *name, Py_ssize_t min, Py_ssi
   if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) {
     if (min <= 1 && max >= 1) {
-      int i;
+      register int i;
       objs[0] = args;
       for (i = 1; i < max; ++i) {
 	objs[i] = 0;
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(PyObject *args, const char *name, Py_ssize_t min, Py_ssi
     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "UnpackTuple() argument list is not a tuple");
     return 0;
   } else {
-    Py_ssize_t l = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
+    register Py_ssize_t l = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
     if (l < min) {
       PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s expected %s%d arguments, got %d", 
 		   name, (min == max ? "" : "at least "), (int)min, (int)l);
@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(PyObject *args, const char *name, Py_ssize_t min, Py_ssi
 		   name, (min == max ? "" : "at most "), (int)max, (int)l);
       return 0;
     } else {
-      int i;
+      register int i;
       for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
 	objs[i] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, i);
@@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ SWIG_Python_NewShadowInstance(SwigPyClientData *data, PyObject *swig_this)
   } else {
 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
-    inst = ((PyTypeObject*) data->newargs)->tp_new((PyTypeObject*) data->newargs, Py_None, Py_None);
+    inst = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_new((PyTypeObject*) data->newargs, Py_None, Py_None);
     if (inst) {
       PyObject_SetAttr(inst, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
       Py_TYPE(inst)->tp_flags &= ~Py_TPFLAGS_VALID_VERSION_TAG;
@@ -2967,7 +2967,7 @@ static swig_module_info swig_module = {swig_types, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0};
 #define SWIG_name    "_driver"
-#define SWIGVERSION 0x030002 
+#define SWIGVERSION 0x020011 
@@ -3060,9 +3060,11 @@ namespace swig {
 #include <string>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
+  #include <stddef.h>
 namespace swig {
@@ -3407,22 +3409,25 @@ SWIG_AsVal_ptrdiff_t (PyObject * obj, ptrdiff_t *val)
+#include <stdexcept>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <vector>
+#include <string>
 #include "singa/driver.h"
 SWIG_AsVal_bool (PyObject *obj, bool *val)
-  int r;
-  if (!PyBool_Check(obj))
-    return SWIG_ERROR;
-  r = PyObject_IsTrue(obj);
+  int r = PyObject_IsTrue(obj);
   if (r == -1)
     return SWIG_ERROR;
   if (val) *val = r ? true : false;
@@ -4735,7 +4740,7 @@ static swig_const_info swig_const_table[] = {
  * array with the correct data and linking the correct swig_cast_info
  * structures together.
- * The generated swig_type_info structures are assigned statically to an initial
+ * The generated swig_type_info structures are assigned staticly to an initial
  * array. We just loop through that array, and handle each type individually.
  * First we lookup if this type has been already loaded, and if so, use the
  * loaded structure instead of the generated one. Then we have to fill in the
@@ -5065,7 +5070,7 @@ extern "C" {
       var = var->next;
     if (res == NULL && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
-      PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "Unknown C global variable '%s'", n);
+      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NameError,"Unknown C global variable");
     return res;
@@ -5082,7 +5087,7 @@ extern "C" {
       var = var->next;
     if (res == 1 && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
-      PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "Unknown C global variable '%s'", n);
+      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NameError,"Unknown C global variable");
     return res;
diff --git a/tool/python/singa/ b/tool/python/singa/
index 1aa62b0..ade0b85 100644
--- a/tool/python/singa/
+++ b/tool/python/singa/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Model(object):
     self.argv = argv
     self.result = None
     self.last_checkpoint_path = None
+    self.cudnn = False
   def exist_datalayer(self, phase):
     for ly in self.layers:
@@ -104,18 +105,23 @@ class Model(object):
         getattr(lastly, 'srclayers').append(self.layers[0]
+    # use of cudnn
+    if self.cudnn == True:
+      self.setCudnnLayerType(net) 
     setval(self.jobconf, neuralnet=net)
   def fit(self, data=None, alg='bp', nb_epoch=0,
-          with_test=False, execpath='', **fields):
+          with_test=False, execpath='', device=None, **fields):
-      data        = (Data)   // Data class object for training data
-      alg         = (string) // algorithm, e.g., 'bp', 'cd'
-      nb_epoch    = (int)    // the number of training steps
+      data        = (Data)     // Data class object for training data
+      alg         = (string)   // algorithm, e.g., 'bp', 'cd'
+      nb_epoch    = (int)      // the number of training steps
-      with_test   = (bool)   // flag if singa runs for test data
-      execpath    = (string) // path to user own singa (executable file)
+      with_test   = (bool)     // flag if singa runs for test data
+      execpath    = (string)   // path to user own singa (executable file)
+      device      = (int/list) // a list of gpu ids
       **fields (KEY=VALUE)
         batch_size       = (int)    // batch size for training data
         train_steps      = (int)    // the number of steps for training, i.e., epoch
@@ -161,6 +167,11 @@ class Model(object):
     # set Train_one_batch component, using backprogapation at default
     setval(self.jobconf, train_one_batch=Algorithm(type=enumAlgType(alg)).proto)
+    # use of cudnn
+    if device != None:
+      setval(self.jobconf, gpu=device)
+      self.cudnn = True
     # start to run singa for training
     if with_test == False:  # construct Nneuralnet Component
@@ -216,7 +227,7 @@ class Model(object):
     #filename = 'job.conf'
     #with open(filename, 'w') as f:
     #  f.write(text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf.cluster))
-    #self.display()
+    self.display()
     #--- run singa --- 
     return SingaRun(jobproto=self.jobconf, argv=self.argv, execpath=execpath, testmode=is_testonly)
@@ -224,8 +235,32 @@ class Model(object):
   def display(self):
+    ''' print out job proto
+    '''
     print text_format.MessageToString(self.jobconf)
+  def setCudnnLayerType(self, net):
+    ''' convert LayerType to CdunnLayerType
+    '''
+    for i in range(len(net.layer)):
+      ly_type = net.layer[i].type
+      cudnn_ly_type = ly_type
+      if ly_type == kCConvolution: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnConv
+      elif ly_type == kCPooling: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnPool
+      elif ly_type == kLRN: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnLRN
+      elif ly_type == kSoftmax: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmax
+      elif ly_type == kSoftmaxLoss: cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnSoftmaxLoss
+      elif ly_type == kSTanh:
+        cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
+        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = STANH 
+      elif ly_type == kSigmoid:
+        cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
+        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = SIGMOID 
+      elif ly_type == kReLU:
+        cudnn_ly_type = kCudnnActivation
+        net.layer[i].activation_conf.type = RELU 
+      net.layer[i].type = cudnn_ly_type
 class Energy(Model):
   def __init__(self, name='my model', argv=[], label=False):
@@ -277,6 +312,8 @@ class Sequential(Model):
             if i == len(layer.hid_dim)+1: dim = layer.out_dim
             else: dim = layer.hid_dim[i-1]
             self.layers.append(Dense(dim, w_param=parw, b_param=parb, activation=layer.activation))
+      else:
+        self.layers.append(layer)