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Posted to by Kai Becker <> on 2013/04/26 16:48:21 UTC

Get a list of terms to highlight


Is it possible to get a list of highlighted terms instead of many snippets?
Currently the text that is returned from solr is processed and highlighting needs to be done afterwards.
It would be the easiest way to get a list of terms to highlight from solr, since solr actually knows why it is returning those results.
The layer afterwards does not know that of course.

Currently I use &hl.snippets=50000&hl.fragsize=1

So instead of 
title: [
" <em>foos</em>",
" on <em>bars</em>"
fulltext: [
" <em>foos</em>",
" on <em>bars</em>",
" the <em>foos</em>",
", if the <em>foo</em>"

I would just like to get "foos","bars","foo".
If it is split up per field it would be also okay.
Is this possible?
