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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2022/05/06 20:36:10 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_GoPortable_Cron #1682

See <>


[kevinsijo] Setting up a basic directory

[kevinsijo] Mirroring Python SDK's directory structure

[kerrydc] Adds initial tests

[kevinsijo] 'runners' is the correct directory name

[Pablo Estrada] sketching the core API for JS SDK

[jonathanlui] add .gitignore for node/ts project

[Robert Bradshaw] Worker directory.

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix complile errors with explicit any for callables.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add worker entry point.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add proto generation code.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add generated proto files.

[Robert Bradshaw] Attempts to get ts protos to compile.

[Robert Bradshaw] Exclude ts protos for now.

[Robert Bradshaw] More changes to get ts protos working.

[Robert Bradshaw] Update scripts and config to get protos compiling.

[Robert Bradshaw] Update geenrated files.

[jonathanlui] add build and clean script to compile ts

[Robert Bradshaw] Generate server for loopback worker.

[Robert Bradshaw] Generated grpc servers for loopback.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add typescript formatter.

[Robert Bradshaw] Loopback server (that does nothing).

[Robert Bradshaw] Working server.

[Pablo Estrada] Starting expansion of primitive transforms

[Pablo Estrada] Starting to implement and support standard coders

[Robert Bradshaw] Also generate grpc clients.

[Robert Bradshaw] Basic implementation of worker harness.

[Pablo Estrada] fix the build

[Robert Bradshaw] Add some missing files for worker harness.

[Robert Bradshaw] Refactor operators to use registration.

[jonathanlui] enable ts in mocha

[jonathanlui] update readme

[jonathanlui] --save-dev @types/mocha

[jonathanlui] translate core_test.js to typescript

[Robert Bradshaw] Encapsulate worker service in a class.

[Kenneth Knowles] Port standard_coders_test to typescript (superficially)

[Pablo Estrada] Starting the proto translation of Impulse, ParDo, GBK

[Robert Bradshaw] Add some tests for the worker code.

[Robert Bradshaw] Fixing old lock file error.

[Pablo Estrada] Adding transform names and fixing GBK coder issue

[Robert Bradshaw] npx tsfmt -r src/apache_beam/base.ts src/apache_beam/transforms/core.ts

[Kenneth Knowles] switch to import style require() statements

[Kenneth Knowles] Add Coder interface using protobufjs classes

[Kenneth Knowles] BytesCoder with some failures

[noreply] Added GeneralObjectCoder and using it as coder for most transforms (#9)

[Kenneth Knowles] Fix order of arguments to deepEqual

[Kenneth Knowles] Encode expected encoding as binary

[Robert Bradshaw] Refactor API to allow for composites.

[jrmccluskey] Initial setup for automated Java expansion startup

[jrmccluskey] Update exp_service.ts

[Kenneth Knowles] Fix up coder deserialization

[Robert Bradshaw] Simplify GBK coder computation.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove top-level PValue.

[Pablo Estrada] Make tests green

[Robert Bradshaw] Rename PValueish to PValue.

[jonathanlui] node runner

[jonathanlui] whitespaces

[Robert Bradshaw] Make async.

[jonathanlui] bson and fast-deep-equal should not be listed as devdependency

[jrmccluskey] Add basic Dockerfile that starts ExternalWorkerPool

[Robert Bradshaw] Direct runner.

[kevinsijo] Testing expansion service communication

[Robert Bradshaw] Added flatten, assertion checkers.

[Pablo Estrada] progress on basic coders

[Robert Bradshaw] Fixing the build.

[Robert Bradshaw] Cleanup, simplify access.

[Pablo Estrada] Adding limited support for KVCoder and IterableCoder

[Robert Bradshaw] Introduce PipelineContext.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add toProto to all coders.

[Robert Bradshaw] Some work with coders.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove debug logging.

[Robert Bradshaw] Use coders over data channel.

[Kenneth Knowles] explicitly sequence sub-coder serializations

[Kenneth Knowles] no more need to extend FakeCoder

[Kenneth Knowles] actually advance reader

[Kenneth Knowles] autoformat

[Kenneth Knowles] protobufjs already can write and read signed varints

[Kenneth Knowles] with improved test harness, kv has many more failures

[Kenneth Knowles] read bytescoder from correct position

[Kenneth Knowles] no more fake coders

[Kenneth Knowles] varint examples all work

[Kenneth Knowles] simplify coder value parsing

[Kenneth Knowles] global window coder

[Kenneth Knowles] fix swapEndian32

[Robert Bradshaw] Add P(...) operator.

[kevinsijo] Implementing RowCoder encoding.

[jrmccluskey] remove unused container dir

[kevinsijo] Corrected sorting of encoded positions to reflect an argsort instead.

[Robert Bradshaw] Populate environments.

[kevinsijo] Implementing RowCoder decoding.

[Kenneth Knowles] preliminary unbounded iterable coder

[Kenneth Knowles] friendlier description of standard coder test case

[Kenneth Knowles] fix test harness; iterable works

[jrmccluskey] first pass at boot.go

[jonathanlui] update package-lock.json

[jonathanlui] make NodeRunner a subclass of Runner

[jonathanlui] add waitUntilFinish interface member

[Pablo Estrada] Adding double coder

[Kenneth Knowles] scaffolding for windowed values

[Pablo Estrada] Adding type information to PColleciton and PTransform

[jonathanlui] fix direct runner

[Pablo Estrada] Adding typing information for DoFns

[Kenneth Knowles] add interval window

[Robert Bradshaw] Export PValue.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add CombineFn interface.

[Robert Bradshaw] Typed flatten.

[jonathanlui] add runAsync method to base.Runner

[Kenneth Knowles] add Long package

[Pablo Estrada] Adding more types. Making PValue typed

[Kenneth Knowles] instant coder draft

[Robert Bradshaw] Return job state from direct runner.

[Kenneth Knowles] type instant = long

[jonathanlui] implement NodeRunner.runPipeline

[Kenneth Knowles] autoformat

[kevinsijo] Completed implementation of basic row coder

[Kenneth Knowles] Fix IntervalWindowCoder, almost

[Kenneth Knowles] fix interval window coder

[Kenneth Knowles] autoformat

[Robert Bradshaw] loopback runner works

[Kenneth Knowles] move core element types into values.ts

[Kenneth Knowles] just build object directly to be cool

[Robert Bradshaw] GBK working on ULR.

[Robert Bradshaw] Async transforms.

[Robert Bradshaw] External transform grpah splicing.

[Kenneth Knowles] progress on windowed value: paneinfo encoding

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix merge.

[Robert Bradshaw] autoformat

[Kenneth Knowles] full windowed value coder

[kerrydc] Updates tests to use correct types, adds generics where needed to DoFns

[Robert Bradshaw] Add serialization librarires.'

[Robert Bradshaw] Add Split() PTransform, for producing multiple outputs from a single

[Robert Bradshaw] Schema-encoded external payloads.

[kevinsijo] Adding Schema inference from JSON

[Pablo Estrada] Removing unused directories

[Pablo Estrada] Support for finishBundle and improving typing annotations.

[Pablo Estrada] A base implementation of combiners with GBK/ParDo

[Robert Bradshaw] Fully propagate windowing information in both remote and direct runner.

[Robert Bradshaw] Make args and kwargs optional for python external transform.

[Robert Bradshaw] Infer schema for external transforms.

[Pablo Estrada] Implementing a custom combine fn as an example. Small fixes

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix missing windowing information in combiners.

[Robert Bradshaw] PostShuffle needn't group by key as that's already done.

[Robert Bradshaw] Guard pre-combine for global window only.

[Robert Bradshaw] WindowInto

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix optional kwargs.

[Robert Bradshaw] A couple of tweaks for js + py

[Robert Bradshaw] Add windowing file.

[Robert Bradshaw] CombineBy transform, stand-alone WordCount.

[Robert Bradshaw] cleanup

[Robert Bradshaw] Actually fix optional external kwargs.

[Robert Bradshaw] Demo2, textio read.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add command lines for starting up the servers.

[Robert Bradshaw] Run prettier on the full codebase.

[Robert Bradshaw] Update deps.

[Pablo Estrada] Adding docstrings for core.ts. Prettier dependency

[Pablo Estrada] Documenting coder interfaces

[Pablo Estrada] Added documentation for a few standard coders

[Robert Bradshaw] Unified grouping and combining.

[Robert Bradshaw] Allow PCollection ids to be lazy.

[Robert Bradshaw] Reorganize module structure.

[Robert Bradshaw] A couple more renames.

[Robert Bradshaw] Simplify.

[Robert Bradshaw] Consolidation.

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix build.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add optional context to ParDo.

[Robert Bradshaw] fixup: iterable coder endian sign issue

[Robert Bradshaw] omit context for map(console.log)

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix ReadFromText coders.

[Robert Bradshaw] Flesh out README with overview and current state.

[noreply] Readme typo

[Robert Bradshaw] Two more TODOs.

[noreply] Add a pointer to the example wordcount to the readme.

[Pablo Estrada] Documenting coders and implementing unknown-length method

[Robert Bradshaw] UIID dependency.

[Robert Bradshaw] Artifact handling.

[Robert Bradshaw] Properly wait on data channel for bundle completion.

[Robert Bradshaw] Automatic java expansion service startup.

[Robert Bradshaw] Process promises.

[Robert Bradshaw] Implement side inputs.

[Robert Bradshaw] Cleanup.

[Robert Bradshaw] Put complex constext stuff in its own file.

[Robert Bradshaw] Rename BoundedWindow to just Window.

[Robert Bradshaw] Alternative splitter class.

[Pablo Estrada] Documenting internal functions

[Robert Bradshaw] Take a pass clarifying the TODOs.

[Robert Bradshaw] Sql transform wrapper.

[Robert Bradshaw] Incorporate some feedback into the TODOs.

[Robert Bradshaw] More TODOs.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove app placeholder.

[Robert Bradshaw] Apache license headers.

[Robert Bradshaw] More TODOs

[jankuehle] Suggestions for TypeScript todos

[dannymccormick] Add actions for typescript sdk

[dannymccormick] Fix test command

[noreply] Add missing version

[dannymccormick] Fix codecovTest command

[noreply] Only do prettier check on linux

[noreply] Only get codecov on linux

[Robert Bradshaw] Resolve some comments.

[Robert Bradshaw] Fix compile errors.

[Robert Bradshaw] Prettier.

[Robert Bradshaw] Re-order expandInternal arguments pending unification.

[Robert Bradshaw] More consistent and stricter PTransform naming.

[Robert Bradshaw] Notes on explicit, if less idiomatic, use of classes.

[Robert Bradshaw] Let DoFn be an interface rather than a class.

[Robert Bradshaw] Provide DoFn context to start and finish bundle.

[Robert Bradshaw] Optional promise code simplification.

[Robert Bradshaw] Cleanup todos.

[Robert Bradshaw] Avoid any type where not needed.

[Robert Bradshaw] Apache RAT excludes for typescript.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove empty READMEs.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add licences statement to readme files.

[Robert Bradshaw] More RAT fixes.

[Robert Bradshaw] Another unsupported coder.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove debugging code.

[noreply] Fix automatic naming with code coverage.

[Robert Bradshaw] Coders cleanup.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add tests for RowCoder.

[Robert Bradshaw] Normalize capitalization, comments.

[Robert Bradshaw] Install typescript closure packages.

[Robert Bradshaw] npm audit fix

[Robert Bradshaw] Move more imports out of base.

[Robert Bradshaw] Changes needed to compile with ts closure plugin.

[Robert Bradshaw] Use ttsc and ts-closure-transform plugin.

[Robert Bradshaw] Serialization registration to actually get serialization working.

[Robert Bradshaw] Container images working on local runner.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add a portable job server that proxies the Dataflow backend. (#17189)

[Robert Bradshaw] Improvements to dataflow job service for non-Python jobs.

[Robert Bradshaw] Get dataflow working.

[Robert Bradshaw] User friendly pipeline options.

[Robert Bradshaw] Less classes, more functions.

[Robert Bradshaw] Add new nullable standard coder.

[Robert Bradshaw] Make Apache Rat happy.

[Robert Bradshaw] Disable broken codecov.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove last uses of base.ts.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove unneedd file.

[Robert Bradshaw] Remove more uneeded/unused files.

[Robert Bradshaw] Cleanup tests.

[Robert Bradshaw] Minor cleanups to coder tests.

[Robert Bradshaw] Addressing issues from the review.

[noreply] Apply suggestions from code review.

[Robert Bradshaw] Post-merge fixes.

[dannymccormick] Delete tags.go

[Robert Bradshaw] Update tests to use our actual serialization libraries.

[Robert Bradshaw] Another pass at TODOs, removing finished items.

[Heejong Lee] [BEAM-14146] Python Streaming job failing to drain with BigQueryIO write

[Kenneth Knowles] Add parameter for service account impersonation in GCP credentials

[noreply] Merge pull request #17490 from [BEAM-14370] [Website] Add new page about

[noreply] [BEAM-14332] Refactored cluster management for Flink on Dataproc

[noreply] [BEAM-13988] Update mtime to use time.UnixMilli() calls (#17578)

[...truncated 1.46 MB...]
    key: "n4"
    value: <
      unique_name: "n4"
      coder_id: "c6"
      is_bounded: BOUNDED
      windowing_strategy_id: "w0"
$ cd ../..
  pcollections: <
    key: "n5"
    value: <
      unique_name: "n5"
      coder_id: "c3"
      is_bounded: BOUNDED
      windowing_strategy_id: "w0"
  pcollections: <
    key: "n6"
    value: <
      unique_name: "n6"
      coder_id: "c4"
      is_bounded: BOUNDED
      windowing_strategy_id: "w0"
  pcollections: <
    key: "n7"
    value: <
      unique_name: "n7"
      coder_id: "c3"
      is_bounded: BOUNDED
      windowing_strategy_id: "w0"
  pcollections: <
    key: "n8"
    value: <
      unique_name: "n8"
      coder_id: "c0"
      is_bounded: BOUNDED
      windowing_strategy_id: "w0"
  pcollections: <
    key: "n9"
    value: <
      unique_name: "n9"
      coder_id: "c3"
      is_bounded: BOUNDED
      windowing_strategy_id: "w0"
  windowing_strategies: <
    key: "w0"
    value: <
      window_fn: <
        urn: "beam:window_fn:global_windows:v1"
      merge_status: NON_MERGING
      window_coder_id: "c1"
      trigger: <
        default: <
      accumulation_mode: DISCARDING
      output_time: END_OF_WINDOW
      closing_behavior: EMIT_IF_NONEMPTY
      on_time_behavior: FIRE_IF_NONEMPTY
      environment_id: "go"
  coders: <
    key: "c0"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:coder:bytes:v1"
  coders: <
    key: "c1"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:coder:global_window:v1"
  coders: <
    key: "c2"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:go:coder:custom:v1"
        payload: "Cgd2YXJpbnR6EgIIAhpdCklnaXRodWIuY29tL2FwYWNoZS9iZWFtL3Nka3MvdjIvZ28vcGtnL2JlYW0vY29yZS9ydW50aW1lL2NvZGVyeC5lbmNWYXJJbnRaEhAIFiIECBlADyoGCBQSAggIImkKSWdpdGh1Yi5jb20vYXBhY2hlL2JlYW0vc2Rrcy92Mi9nby9wa2cvYmVhbS9jb3JlL3J1bnRpbWUvY29kZXJ4LmRlY1ZhckludFoSHAgWIgQIGUADIgYIFBICCAgqBAgZQA8qBAgZQAE="
  coders: <
    key: "c3"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:coder:length_prefix:v1"
      component_coder_ids: "c2"
  coders: <
    key: "c4"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:coder:kv:v1"
      component_coder_ids: "c3"
      component_coder_ids: "c3"
  coders: <
    key: "c5"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:coder:iterable:v1"
      component_coder_ids: "c3"
  coders: <
    key: "c6"
    value: <
      spec: <
        urn: "beam:coder:kv:v1"
$ exit 1
      component_coder_ids: "c3"
      component_coder_ids: "c5"
  environments: <
    key: "go"
    value: <
      urn: "beam:env:docker:v1"
      payload: "\n\026apache/beam_go_sdk:dev"
      capabilities: "beam:protocol:progress_reporting:v0"
      capabilities: "beam:protocol:multi_core_bundle_processing:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:version:sdk_base:go"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:bytes:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:bool:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:varint:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:double:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:string_utf8:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:length_prefix:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:kv:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:iterable:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:state_backed_iterable:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:windowed_value:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:global_window:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:interval_window:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:row:v1"
      capabilities: "beam:coder:nullable:v1"
      dependencies: <
        type_urn: "beam:artifact:type:file:v1"
        role_urn: "beam:artifact:role:go_worker_binary:v1"
root_transform_ids: "e1"
root_transform_ids: "e2"
root_transform_ids: "e3"
root_transform_ids: "e4"
root_transform_ids: "e5"
root_transform_ids: "e6"
root_transform_ids: "e7"
root_transform_ids: "s1"
2022/05/06 20:35:37 Cross-compiling <> as /tmp/worker-13-1651869337833062077
2022/05/06 20:35:42 Prepared job with id: go-testemitpardoaftergbk-e0204b18-0ae2-4189-93cc-938aeea6ce47 and staging token: go-testemitpardoaftergbk-e0204b18-0ae2-4189-93cc-938aeea6ce47
2022/05/06 20:35:43 Staged binary artifact with token: 
2022/05/06 20:35:43 Submitted job: go-testemitpardoaftergbk-e0204b18-0ae2-4189-93cc-938aeea6ce47
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (1): Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.8 interpreter.
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (2): Default Python SDK image for environment is apache/
2022/05/06 20:35:43 Job state: STOPPED
2022/05/06 20:35:43 Job state: STARTING
2022/05/06 20:35:43 Job state: RUNNING
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (3): ==================== <function annotate_downstream_side_inputs at 0x7f38ddd43160> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (4): ==================== <function fix_side_input_pcoll_coders at 0x7f38ddd43280> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (5): ==================== <function pack_combiners at 0x7f38ddd43790> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (6): ==================== <function lift_combiners at 0x7f38ddd43820> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (7): ==================== <function expand_sdf at 0x7f38ddd439d0> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (8): ==================== <function expand_gbk at 0x7f38ddd43a60> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (9): ==================== <function sink_flattens at 0x7f38ddd43b80> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (10): ==================== <function greedily_fuse at 0x7f38ddd43c10> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (11): ==================== <function read_to_impulse at 0x7f38ddd43ca0> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (12): ==================== <function impulse_to_input at 0x7f38ddd43d30> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (13): ==================== <function sort_stages at 0x7f38ddd43f70> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (14): ==================== <function add_impulse_to_dangling_transforms at 0x7f38ddd400d0> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (15): ==================== <function setup_timer_mapping at 0x7f38ddd43ee0> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (16): ==================== <function populate_data_channel_coders at 0x7f38ddd40040> ====================
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (17): starting control server on port 38405
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (18): starting data server on port 45725
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (19): starting state server on port 35005
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (20): starting logging server on port 40679
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (21): Created Worker handler <apache_beam.runners.portability.fn_api_runner.worker_handlers.DockerSdkWorkerHandler object at 0x7f390523d730> for environment go (beam:env:docker:v1, b'\n\x16apache/beam_go_sdk:dev')
2022/05/06 20:35:43 2022-05-06 20:35:43. (22): Attempting to pull image apache/beam_go_sdk:dev
2022/05/06 20:35:44 2022-05-06 20:35:44. (23): Unable to pull image apache/beam_go_sdk:dev, defaulting to local image if it exists
2022/05/06 20:35:45 2022-05-06 20:35:45. (24): Waiting for docker to start up. Current status is running
2022/05/06 20:35:45 2022-05-06 20:35:45. (25): Docker container is running. container_id = b'30f5d0f9715d9e56dc036e51d851edc8b56552cbad0258c9156f86a55ee326ad', worker_id = worker_45
2022/05/06 20:35:50 2022-05-06 20:35:50. (26): Completed job in 7.568259239196777 seconds with state DONE.
2022/05/06 20:35:50 Job state: DONE
--- PASS: TestEmitParDoAfterGBK (12.86s)
ok	287.015s
$ exit 1

> Task :sdks:go:test:ulrValidatesRunner FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '<'> line: 158

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:go:test:ulrValidatesRunner'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.


Execution optimizations have been disabled for 2 invalid unit(s) of work during this build to ensure correctness.
Please consult deprecation warnings for more details.

BUILD FAILED in 21m 38s
113 actionable tasks: 77 executed, 29 from cache, 7 up-to-date

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Jenkins build is back to normal : beam_PreCommit_GoPortable_Cron #1683

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

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