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Posted to by Łukasz Dywicki <> on 2011/11/16 12:39:58 UTC

Re: [WebConsole] Roadmap sketch discussion

I've created in September project called jsr330 [1] for pax-wicket which allows to run wicket applications with @Inject annotations without direct dependency to pax-wicket nor any other dependency injection framework. It's possible to run same code with different injection sources as WAR or OSGi bundle.
It uses same concepts as pax-wicket and wicket - scaning for annotations and injecting possible services. Injection provider is set in application factory and might be used also in typical web applications [2]. 
There is still many things to do, but as you see it is possible to run same code and components in different environments.

Best regards,


> Hey Guillaume,
> You're right we use PaxWicket as an glue to connect all pieces together, but pax in fact is an wicket extension which manages classloaders and wraps some elements (look for @PaxWicketMountPoint annotations, @PaxWicketBean).
> Best regards,
> Lukasz
>> If the console can be run without osgi, the problem becomes slightly
>> different, I agree.
>> If we can provide a basic infrastructure for running the same code in
>> osgi and in a war, it becomes very interesting.
>> But I thought it was based on pax-wicket which afaik is slightly
>> different than pure wicket, but I haven't really looked at it, so not
>> sure about that.
>> Also, camel and activemq consoles are based on top of a rest api which
>> is already provided by those frameworks.
>> For ServiceMix 5, I was considering going the same direction too.
>> 2011/9/8 Łukasz Dywicki <>:
>>> Hey Guillaume,
>>> Any tool listed below have own 'management' tool, and that's main problem. We (generaly people involved in webconsole development) wish to propose solution without forcing anybody to using or extending it. It will depend on developers and users community if they will see benefits from webconsole extensions or not.
>>> From other hand camel svn repository contains code which is stricly related to Karaf - the commands and some community members support it even if not everyone uses it. In fact 50% of camel code is not widely used, but that is not reason to remove it from source tree, isn't?
>>> I think also we will be able to provide *web* distribution of webconsole without bigger problems. Code uses plain wicket structures and may be embedded in any WAR so it may be easier to switch webconsole from osgi to war than servicemix from osgi to tomcat.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Lukasz
>>>> 2011/9/2 Łukasz Dywicki <>:
>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>> Since we have bunch of features in current prototype I would like to start talking about roadmap and other communities involvement.
>>>>> What we currently have:
>>>>> - Security layer integrated with JAAS, also with support for roles (based on Ioannis jaas-blog example).
>>>>>       Every subpage can have different set of principals allowed to watch it - for example we can introduce karaf-manager and developer roles and so on.
>>>>> - Support for basic OSGi operations
>>>>>       Start, stop, refresh and uninstall operations on bundles
>>>>> - Extensible bundles view which allows to add new columns
>>>>>       As an example you can check blueprint module
>>>>> - Support for basic karaf operations
>>>>>       Viewing, installing features, listing repositories and adding new ones
>>>>> - Extensible dashboard with widgets possible to be added dynamically by webconsole modules
>>>>> - Example ServiceMix extension which lists endpoints, exchanges and exchange details
>>>>> - Support for translations throught wicket i18n mechanism
>>>>> - Support for branding based on OSGi BrandProvider services, not only on fragment resource overrides.
>>>>> Felix WebConsole contains much more features eg. viewing the logs, editing the configurations (it's broken currently in our case) managing Karaf instances and so on. I started thinking about announcing our work to these user communities who may be interested in extensions. With them we can discuss scope of webconsole (and their extensions). I think we are close to stabilize core APIs and start working on first version which should be released before end of this year.
>>>>> Communities which may be involved:
>>>>> - servicemix (especially in context of smx5)
>>>>> - camel
>>>>> - felix
>>>>> - sling
>>>>> - geronimo (since it is OSGi based)
>>>>> - activemq?
>>>>> - cxf?
>>>> Afaik, Geronimo has its own console.
>>>> Camel and ActiveMQ are not OSGi based so I doubt they could benefit
>>>> from this work.
>>>> For ServiceMix, we were also discussing allowing ServiceMix added
>>>> value to run on non OSGi based deployment such as tomcat, so that may
>>>> be a bit problematic too.
>>>>> WDYT, are we ready to ask them for help and cooperation?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Lukasz
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>>>> Guillaume Nodet
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