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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/05/01 21:58:13 UTC

[GitHub] [nifi] james94 commented on a change in pull request #4242: NIFI-7411: Integrate H2O Driverless AI MSP in NiFi

james94 commented on a change in pull request #4242:

File path: nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-h2o-record-bundle/nifi-h2o-record-processors/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/processors/h2o/record/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+package org.apache.nifi.processors.h2o.record;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.EventDriven;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.InputRequirement;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.RequiresInstanceClassLoading;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.SideEffectFree;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.SupportsBatching;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.WritesAttribute;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.WritesAttributes;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.CapabilityDescription;
+import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.Tags;
+import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyDescriptor;
+import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationContext;
+import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult;
+import org.apache.nifi.expression.ExpressionLanguageScope;
+import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.FlowFile;
+import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.attributes.CoreAttributes;
+import org.apache.nifi.logging.ComponentLog;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.AbstractProcessor;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessContext;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessSession;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessorInitializationContext;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.Relationship;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException;
+import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.StandardValidators;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordReader;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordReaderFactory;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordSetWriter;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordSetWriterFactory;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.WriteResult;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.Record;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.RecordFieldType;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.RecordSchema;
+import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.util.DataTypeUtils;
+import org.apache.nifi.util.StopWatch;
+// Require using MODULE property to dynamically load in MOJO2 Runtime JAR (ex: mojo2-runtime.jar)
+import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.MojoPipeline;
+import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoFrame;
+import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoFrameBuilder;
+import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoColumn;
+import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoRowBuilder;
+import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.lic.LicenseException;
+@Tags({"record", "execute", "mojo", "scoring", "predictions", "driverless ai", "h2o", "machine learning"})
+	@WritesAttribute(attribute = "record.count", description = "The number of records in an outgoing FlowFile"),
+	@WritesAttribute(attribute = "mime.type", description = "The MIME Type that the configured Record Writer indicates is appropriate"),
+@CapabilityDescription("Executes H2O's Driverless AI MOJO Scoring Pipeline in Java Runtime to do batch "
+		+ "scoring or real time scoring for one or more predicted label(s) on the tabular test data in "
+		+ "the incoming flow file content. If tabular data is one row, then MOJO does real time scoring. "
+		+ "If tabular data is multiple rows, then MOJO does batch scoring. For this processor, you will "
+		+ "need a Driverless AI license key, so it can execute the Driverless AI Mojo.")
+public class ExecuteMojoScoringRecord extends AbstractProcessor {
+	static final PropertyDescriptor RECORD_READER = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
+			.name("h2o-record-record-reader")
+			.displayName("Record Reader")
+			.description("Specifies the Controller Service to use for parsing incoming data and determining the data's schema.")
+			.identifiesControllerService(RecordReaderFactory.class)
+			.required(true)
+			.build();
+	static final PropertyDescriptor RECORD_WRITER = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
+			.name("h2o-record-record-writer")
+			.displayName("Record Writer")
+			.description("Specifies the Controller Service to use for writing out the records")
+			.identifiesControllerService(RecordSetWriterFactory.class)
+			.required(true)
+			.build();
+	public static final PropertyDescriptor MODULE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
+			.name("h2o-record-custom-modules")
+			.displayName("MOJO2 Runtime JAR Directory")
+			.description("Path to the file or directory which contains the JAR (ex: mojo2-runtime.jar) containing modules to " 
+					+ "execute the MOJO to do scoring (that are not included on NiFi's classpath)")
+			.required(true)
+			.expressionLanguageSupported(ExpressionLanguageScope.NONE)
+			.addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR)
+			.dynamicallyModifiesClasspath(true)
+			.build();
+	public static final PropertyDescriptor PIPELINE_MOJO_FILEPATH = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
+			.name("h2o-record-pipeline-mojo-filepath")
+			.displayName("Pipeline MOJO Filepath")
+			.description("Path to the pipeline.mojo. This file will be used with the custom MOJO2 runtime JAR modules to instantiate MOJOPipeline object.")
+			.required(true)
+			.expressionLanguageSupported(ExpressionLanguageScope.NONE)
+			.addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR)
+			.build();
+	public static final Relationship REL_SUCCESS = new Relationship.Builder()
+			.name("success")
+			.description("The FlowFile with prediction content will be routed to this relationship")
+			.build();
+	public static final Relationship REL_FAILURE = new Relationship.Builder()
+			.name("failure")
+			.description("If a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile records cannot be parsed), it will be routed to this relationship")
+			.build();
+	public static final Relationship REL_ORIGINAL = new Relationship.Builder()
+			.name("original")
+			.description("The original FlowFile that was scored. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent to this relationship")
+			.build();
+	private final static List<PropertyDescriptor> properties;
+	private final static Set<Relationship> relationships;
+	static {
+		ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor> _properties = new ArrayList<>();
+		_properties.add(RECORD_READER);
+		_properties.add(RECORD_WRITER);
+		_properties.add(MODULE);
+		_properties.add(PIPELINE_MOJO_FILEPATH);
+		properties = Collections.unmodifiableList(_properties);
+		final Set<Relationship> _relationships = new HashSet<>();
+		_relationships.add(REL_SUCCESS);
+		_relationships.add(REL_FAILURE);
+		_relationships.add(REL_ORIGINAL);
+		relationships = Collections.unmodifiableSet(_relationships);
+	}
+	@Override
+	public Set<Relationship> getRelationships() {
+		return relationships;
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
+		return properties;
+	}
+	@Override
+	protected Collection<ValidationResult> customValidate(ValidationContext validationContext) {
+		final List<ValidationResult> results = new ArrayList<>(super.customValidate(validationContext));
+		final String pipelineMojoPath = validationContext.getProperty(PIPELINE_MOJO_FILEPATH).isSet() ? validationContext.getProperty(PIPELINE_MOJO_FILEPATH).getValue() : null;
+		if(pipelineMojoPath == null) {
+			final String message = "A Pipeline MOJO filepath is required to instantiate MOJOPipeline object";
+			results.add(new ValidationResult.Builder().valid(false)
+				   .explanation(message)
+				   .build());
+		}
+		return results;
+	}
+	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+	@Override
+	public void onTrigger(ProcessContext context, ProcessSession session) throws ProcessException {
+		final FlowFile original = session.get();
+		if(original == null) {
+			return;
+		}
+		final ComponentLog logger = getLogger();
+		final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(true);
+		final RecordReaderFactory readerFactory = context.getProperty(RECORD_READER).asControllerService(RecordReaderFactory.class);
+		final RecordSetWriterFactory writerFactory = context.getProperty(RECORD_WRITER).asControllerService(RecordSetWriterFactory.class);
+		final RecordSchema schema;
+		FlowFile scored = null; // flowfile contents contains scored (predicted) data
+		try (final InputStream in =;
+			 final RecordReader reader = readerFactory.createRecordReader(original, in, getLogger())
+			) {
+			schema = writerFactory.getSchema(original.getAttributes(), reader.getSchema());
+			final Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
+			final WriteResult writeResult;
+			scored = session.create(original);
+			// We want to score the first record before creating the Record Writer. We do this because the Record will 
+			// likely end up with a different structure and therefore a different Schema after being scored. As a result,
+			// we want to score the Record and then provide the scored schema to the Record Writer so that if the Record
+			// Writer chooses to inherit the Record Schema from the Record itself, it will inherit the scored schema, not
+			// the schema determined by the Record Reader
+			final Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord();
+			if(firstRecord == null) {
+				try (final OutputStream out = session.write(scored);
+					 final RecordSetWriter writer = writerFactory.createWriter(getLogger(), schema, out, scored)
+					) {
+					writer.beginRecordSet();
+					writeResult = writer.finishRecordSet();
+					attributes.put("record.count", String.valueOf(writeResult.getRecordCount()));
+					attributes.put(CoreAttributes.MIME_TYPE.key(), writer.getMimeType());
+					attributes.putAll(writeResult.getAttributes());
+				}
+				scored = session.putAllAttributes(scored, attributes);
+"{} had no Records to score", new Object[]{original});
+			}
+			else {
+				final String pipelineMojoPath = context.getProperty(PIPELINE_MOJO_FILEPATH).getValue();
+"Got mojo filepath: " + pipelineMojoPath);
+				// Load Mojo Pipeline (includes feature engineering + ML model)
+				MojoPipeline model = MojoPipeline.loadFrom(pipelineMojoPath);
+				final String mojoPipelineUUID = "pipeline.mojo uuid " + model.getUuid();
+"loaded mojo and has UUID: " + mojoPipelineUUID);
+				final Record scoredFirstRecord = predict(firstRecord, model, getLogger());
+				if(scoredFirstRecord == null) {
+					throw new ProcessException("Error scoring the first record");
+				}
+				final RecordSchema writeSchema = writerFactory.getSchema(original.getAttributes(), scoredFirstRecord.getSchema());
+				try (final OutputStream out = session.write(scored);
+					final RecordSetWriter writer = writerFactory.createWriter(getLogger(), writeSchema, out, scored)
+				    ) {
+					writer.beginRecordSet();
+					writer.write(scoredFirstRecord);
+					Record record;
+					record = reader.nextRecord();
+					while(record != null) {
+"processing next record in the stream");
+						final Record scoredRecord = predict(record, model, getLogger());
+"writing scored record");
+						writer.write(scoredRecord);
+						record = reader.nextRecord();
+					}
+					writeResult = writer.finishRecordSet();
+					try {
+						writer.close();
+					} catch (final IOException ioe) {
+						getLogger().warn("Failed to close Writer for {}", new Object[]{scored});
+					}
+					attributes.put("record.count", String.valueOf(writeResult.getRecordCount()));
+					attributes.put(CoreAttributes.MIME_TYPE.key(), writer.getMimeType());
+					attributes.putAll(writeResult.getAttributes());
+				}
+				scored = session.putAllAttributes(scored, attributes);
+				session.getProvenanceReporter().modifyContent(scored, "Modified With " + mojoPipelineUUID, stopWatch.getElapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
+				logger.debug("Scored {}", new Object[] {original});
+			}
+		} catch (final Exception ex) {
+			logger.error("Unable to score {} due to", new Object[]{original});
+			session.transfer(original, REL_FAILURE);
+			if (scored != null) {
+				session.remove(scored);
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		if (scored != null) {
+"Transferring flow file on rel_success with bytes = " + scored.getSize());
+			session.transfer(scored, REL_SUCCESS);
+		}
+		session.transfer(original, REL_ORIGINAL);
+	}
+	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+	private Record predict(final Record record, MojoPipeline model, final ComponentLog logger) {
+		Map<String, Object> recordMap = (Map<String, Object>) DataTypeUtils.convertRecordFieldtoObject(record, RecordFieldType.RECORD.getRecordDataType(record.getSchema()));
+		// Get an instance of a MojoFrameBuilder that will be used to make an input frame
+		MojoFrameBuilder frameBuilder = model.getInputFrameBuilder();
+		// Get an instance of a MojoRowBuilder that will be used to construct a row for this builder
+		MojoRowBuilder rowBuilder = frameBuilder.getMojoRowBuilder();
+"Processing input recordMap into input MojoFrame iframe");
+		for(Map.Entry<String, Object> recordEntry: recordMap.entrySet()) {
+"Key = " + recordEntry.getKey() + ", Value = " + recordEntry.getValue());

Review comment:
       Yeah it could be logger.debug instead. I was using to see what was happening with the data.

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