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Posted to by ASF IRC Services <> on 2013/02/13 11:06:41 UTC

Summary of IRC meeting in #apachemarmotta, Wed Feb 13 09:13:18 2013

Members present: dglachs, wastl, westei, jfrank, wikier

Meeting summary:

1. Preface
  a. (westei, 1)
  b. wastl will update the documentation about the stanbol integration (wikier, 1)
  c. (wikier, 1)

- wastl will update the documentation about the stanbol integration (wikier, 09:27:48)

IRC log follows:

# 1. Preface #
09:13:25 [wikier]: topics?
09:13:25 [wastl]: my only topic for today is the stanbol integration
09:13:33 [wikier]: testing testing testing
09:13:48 [jfrank]: lucy is waiting for stanbol...
09:13:50 [wikier]: poor lucy
09:14:10 [wastl]: so there is a stanbol part for lucy?
09:14:19 [jfrank]: not yet.
09:14:48 [wastl]: I am almost done, at least it feels like "almost there", but with Stanbol and OSGi you never know if there is another peak to climb behind what you see
09:15:10 [wastl]: progress report:
09:15:28 [wastl]: - there is now a running "stanbol-embedded" that can also be used indepenedently from the LMF
09:15:48 [wastl]: - I am currently in the process of adapting to the new configuration and engines used by the latest Stanbol release
09:16:18 [wastl]: - most notably, the keyword linking engine has disappeared and is replaced by the EntityhubLinkingEngine
09:18:19 [wastl]: that's it :)
09:18:33 [wastl]: I expect to merge back the branch at about lunchtime
09:18:48 [westei]: I am working on STANBOL-924 to fix some issues with running Stanbol in an Embedded OSGI environment
09:19:03 [westei]: #link
09:19:43 [wastl]: yes, this was another issue :)
09:19:56 [wastl]: I had to patch the enhancer servicesapi
09:19:57 [wikier]: so no stable by the end of this week?
09:20:03 [wikier]: I mean, stanbol
09:20:10 [wastl]: no, it will use the stanbol snapshot
09:20:11 [wikier]: released
09:20:18 [wikier]: ok
09:20:20 [wastl]: there is no way around it
09:20:33 [wastl]: but it makes almost no difference
09:20:35 [wikier]: sure
09:20:42 [wikier]: not for lmf
09:20:55 [wikier]: but for marmotta it will
09:21:25 [westei]: Marmotta will not depend on Stanbol. It is much more likely the Stanbol will depend on Marmotta
09:22:58 [wastl]: yes
09:23:05 [wastl]: only the LMF will contain the stanbol integration
09:23:20 [wastl]: and the stanbol integration is an aggregated jar file
09:23:28 [wastl]: only the bundles inside are currently snapshots
09:23:37 [wastl]: not the jar itself
09:23:59 [wastl]: the architecture is currently like this:
09:24:13 [wastl]: - stanbol-embedded-XXX.jar:
09:24:35 [wastl]:   - support classes for setting up EmbeddedStanbol
09:24:57 [wastl]:    - merged in all stanbol API classes that should be accessible outside OSGi (i.e. mostly interfaces)
09:25:19 [wastl]:   - directory with bundles that should be deployed in embeddes stanbol
09:25:34 [wastl]: - lmf-stanbol: 
09:26:18 [wastl]:   - glue code to let LMF and Stanbol Embedded interact (e.g. configure engines and chains, run chains, synchronize contexts, ...)
09:26:40 [wastl]: only the bundle directory inside stanbol-embedded will contain some snapshot bundles
09:27:26 [wastl]: I'll give you an intro to the architecture if you want (at a f2f)
09:27:48 [wikier]: #action wastl will update the documentation about the stanbol integration
09:27:55 [wikier]: #link
09:28:25 [wastl]: more likely this will at some point be another launcher inside the Stanbol repository
09:28:25 [wikier]: at some point we should contribute stanbol-embedded to stanbol, what do you think?
09:28:33 [wikier]: exactly
09:28:55 [wikier]: but our doc is quite out of date :-/
09:29:03 [wastl]: yes, we already discussed this briefly, there are some extensions necessary before this is useful
09:29:27 [wastl]: mostly, you'd like to have a more generic EmbeddedStanbol and remove all "LMF" names from the classes and files
09:29:48 [wastl]: then also some tests :)
09:30:10 [wastl]: and then the problem with properly building the bundle list
09:30:25 [wastl]: but this is a topic for another day :)
09:30:40 [wastl]: Internet will stop working at 11, so let's move on
09:31:03 [wikier]: ups
09:31:10 [wikier]: on, stanbol on the way
09:31:12 [wikier]: great
09:31:19 [wikier]: next topics?
09:32:10 [jfrank]: i'm preparing lucy for stanbol...
09:32:48 [jfrank]: + i need a fix for the thumbnail-links...
09:33:03 [wastl]: yes, but we cannot patch dbpedia
09:33:12 [wikier]: unfortunately 
09:33:18 [wastl]: maybe we can write a simple endpoint for ldcache that rewrites 
09:33:56 [jfrank]: had sth. like that in mind...
09:35:33 [jfrank]: that's on my list for today...
09:37:18 [wikier]: yesterday I was trying to build an installer, but we'd need to check some things... maybe tomorrow
09:37:27 [wikier]: ah, yes
09:37:34 [wikier]: as you saw because the commits
09:37:48 [wikier]: yesterday we got news about INFRA-5624
09:38:03 [wikier]:
09:38:10 [wikier]: now awaiting again :-S
09:40:40 [wastl]: dietmar: what is the issue?
09:41:18 [wikier]: dglachs: report the details at jira
09:41:25 [dglachs]: 1st - when switching the database with "create" option, the tables are not recreated 
09:41:26 [wikier]: I'll try to reproduce it
09:41:40 [dglachs]: ok
09:43:33 [wikier]: cool
09:43:33 [wikier]: thx
09:44:11 [wikier]: I'd also like to try those things with a running version from the installer
09:44:33 [wikier]: as we did for 2.2, in windows too
09:45:25 [wastl]: the "create" or anything does not have an effect any more
09:45:25 [wastl]: we can remove it
09:45:40 [wikier]: aja
09:45:48 [wastl]: the triple store simply creates the tables if they do not exist, upgrade them if a new version is required, or otherwise do nothing
09:46:18 [wastl]: "create" is a relict of Hibernate-thinking
09:46:34 [wastl]: so if there is something wrong, first thing to test is with an empty database
09:46:48 [wastl]: because the LMF will no longer overwrite existing tables
09:47:10 [dglachs]: to shorten the discussion … i'm just creating the issue
09:47:28 [dglachs]: with a more precise description
09:47:40 [wastl]: ok, but maybe the issue is just that the database was not empty before
09:48:11 [dglachs]: true, it was not empty
09:48:19 [wastl]: so then it won't work
09:49:03 [wastl]: if this is desirable, I can first force-drop all tables that will be newly created
09:49:03 [wastl]: but this is not safe
09:49:10 [dglachs]: after dropping the db, the tables are created - but without the quartz tables
09:49:25 [wastl]: ok, so open an issue so we can check it
09:49:49 [wastl]: from MPOV the Quartz tasks should not be persisted in the database anyways
09:49:55 [wastl]: at least not in the same one
09:50:25 [wastl]: maybe the better solution is to always use an embedded H2 database for Quartz that stores the data in the LMF home
09:50:48 [wastl]: so we can finally get rid of the old persistence service
09:50:55 [wastl]: I will open an issue
09:51:03 [jfrank]: imho that would be the easiest solution
09:51:11 [dglachs]: since the amount of data is not that high … 
09:51:40 [jfrank]: creating a quartz persistence store is not that simple...
09:51:50 [wastl]: yes
09:51:55 [wastl]: that's what I saw
09:52:03 [wastl]: embedded H2 is the best option probably
09:52:04 [jfrank]: +1
09:53:40 [wastl]: issue created
09:54:42 [wikier]: for 2.6?
09:55:10 [wikier]: or fur future versions?
09:55:18 [wikier]: s/fur/for
09:55:48 [jfrank]: 2.6 is fine, should not be a big issue
09:56:56 [jfrank]: afair lmf-scheduler will stay in lmf. right`
09:56:57 [wikier]: ok
09:57:25 [jfrank]: s/`$/?/
09:58:26 [wikier]: I think so
10:00:48 [jfrank]: wastl?