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Posted to by Mário Lopes <> on 2005/09/26 09:31:28 UTC

System auth through Apache

Hi. I'll try explaining what I intend to do.

I have Subversion integrated with GNU/Savane (Sourceforge fork) and as
the system works, each project as a unix system group and each user as
it's system user. When a user is added to the project it is also added
to the system group. And this is how GNU/Savane authentication works.

What does have to do with SVN? Well, I want users to be able to access
svn through Apache and I can easily manage to do it without
authentication. Using a simple file is also easy but as you see, it
would imply manual intervention every time a user gets added (I could
create a script to update but that would raise more problems instead
of solving them).

So, I have a SVN repository root where I deploy the repositories. Be
it /srv/svn-repositories and I define it on Apache:

<Location /repos>
    SVNParentPath /srv/svn-repositories

Each folder inside svn-repositories belongs to the group according to
the project, so the user as to belong to that group in order to be
able to have write access.

If apache supported backreferences inside LocationMatch, I could do a
<LocationMatch "^/repos/(.*)"> and use $1 to reference and repository
and then do require group $1 (and also SVNPath
/srv/svn-repositories/$1). But it doesn't.

So I'm clueless. svnserve isn't an option since the only port open to
the outside is 80 and apache runs over it. Besides, users don't have
to connect through VPN. Anyone was able to do a similiar thing?

I'm desperatly waiting for your comments and suggestions. Thanks in advance

-- Mário

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