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Posted to by Ralph Goers <> on 2015/05/16 05:20:48 UTC

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Log4j 2.3 released

The Apache Log4j 2 team is pleased to announce the Log4j 2.3 release!

Apache log4j is a well known framework for logging application behavior. Log4j 2 is an upgrade to
Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides
many other modern features such as support for Markers, property substitution using Lookups, and asynchronous
Loggers. In addition, Log4j 2 will not lose events while reconfiguring.

This is the sixth GA release. It contains several bugfixes and new features.

GA Release 2.3

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o LOG4J2-984:  PatternLayout %highlight to support noConsoleNoAnsi like %style. Thanks to Jonas Höpfner. 
o LOG4J2-926:  Truncate from the end of text format modifier. Thanks to David Ohana. 

Fixed Bugs:
o LOG4J2-1009:  Incorrectly defined compressionType parameter to GelfLayout. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal. 
o LOG4J2-1008:  org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.ResolverUtil.extractPath(URL) incorrectly converts '+' characters to spaces. Thanks to Ralph Goers, Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-1007:  org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util#fileFromUri(URI uri) incorrectly converts '+' characters to spaces. Thanks to Ralph Goers, Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-1003:  JUL Logger.throwing is mis-mapped to ERROR when it should be TRACE. Thanks to Dan Armbrust. 
o LOG4J2-965:  System.out no longer works after the Console appender and JANSI are initialized. Thanks to Khotyn Huang. 
o LOG4J2-993:  Deadlock would occur if appender thread creates a new Logger during reconfiguration. 
o LOG4J2-991:  Async root logger config should default includeLocation to false. Thanks to Ryan Rupp. 
o LOG4J2-985:  AbstractFilter should not implement equals() and hashCode(). Thanks to Sean Dawson. 
o LOG4J2-980:  Numerical overflow in BurstFilter not handled correctly. Thanks to Mikhail Mazurskiy. 
o LOG4J2-981:  Incorrect unlock in ProviderUtil. Thanks to Mikhail Mazurskiy. 
o LOG4J2-966:  KeyStoreConfiguration.createKeyStoreConfiguration() ignores keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm. Thanks to Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-976:  Using monitorInterval with YAML config file format causes JSONParseException. Thanks to Matt Quinn. 
o LOG4J2-964:  StringFormattedMessage serialization is incorrect. Thanks to Jonne Jyrylä. 
o LOG4J2-947:  A new StatusLoggerAdmin listener is added to StatusLogger every time the log is reconfigured. Thanks to Stefan Wehner. 
o LOG4J2-968:  SyslogLayout contains extra space. Thanks to Paul D Johe. 
o LOG4J2-967: not read for all properties. Thanks to Stefan Wehner. 
o LOG4J2-971:  Another bad priority in Syslog messages. Thanks to Paul D Johe. 
o LOG4J2-972: does not need to create temp Integer objects. Thanks to Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-974:  Typo in EventLogger documentation. Thanks to Daniel Galán y Martins. 

o LOG4J2-998:  Make org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger#updateConfiguration protected. Thanks to Mariano Gonzalez. 
o LOG4J2-995:  Move UTF-8 constant from Charsets to Constants class. Remove Charsets class. 
o LOG4J2-988:  Update LMAX Disruptor from 3.3.0 to 3.3.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-987:  Migrate tests from Logback 1.1.2 to 1.1.3. Thanks to Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-988:  Update tests to use ActiveMQ from 5.10 to 5.11.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. 
o LOG4J2-1004:  Update Jackson from 2.5.1 to 2.5.3. 
o LOG4J2-1005:  Update Slf4j from 1.7.7 to 1.7.12. 

Apache Log4j 2.3 requires a minimum of Java 6 to build and run. This will be the last release of Log4j 2 to
support Java 6. Future releases will require a minimum of Java 7.

Basic compatibility with Log4j 1.x is provided through the log4j-1.2-api component, however it does not implement some of the
very implementation specific classes and methods. The package names and Maven groupId have been changed to
org.apache.logging.log4j to avoid any conflicts with log4j 1.x.

For complete information on Apache Log4j 2, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Log4j 2 website: <>