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Posted to by on 2012/01/24 10:38:46 UTC

T5.2.5 Palette Component used with OptionGroupModel - deselect issue


I'm using a Palette component with OptionGroupModels to show a list as below:

Region 1
        Country 1
        Country 2
        Country 3
Region 2
        Country 4
        Country 5
        Country 6

When I select individual countries from region 1, I can deselect them and they will return to the correct OptionGroupModel (ie region 1). If I select all countries from region 1, when I deselect them they will be put into Region 2.  When selecting all countries from region 2, when I deselect them, they return to the correct region. If I swap the order of the option groups so that region 2 comes first, then the same behaviour is observed, with region 1 working correctly and  all region 2 countries not being returned to the correct region when deselected.

This is my hacked together attempt to get it working, as I haven't been able to find any examples of using the palette with OptionGroupModels:

void onPrepare() {
             availableCountries = bidApplicationManager.findallUserAccessCountries();
             countryModel = new SelectModelImpl(createOptionGroups(this.availableCountries),null);

private List<OptionGroupModel>  createOptionGroups(List<Country> availableCountries) {
    List<OptionGroupModel> optGroupList = new ArrayList<OptionGroupModel>();
    List<OptionModel> optList = new ArrayList<OptionModel>();
    List<OptionModel> nonEEAOptList = new ArrayList<OptionModel>();
    for(Country country: availableCountries2){
        if (country.getRegion().equals("Europe (EEA)")){
            OptionModelImpl opt = new OptionModelImpl(country.getCountry(),country);
        else if (!(country.getRegion().equals("Europe (EEA)"))){
        OptionModelImpl opt = new OptionModelImpl(country.getCountry(),country);
  OptionGroupModel groupModel = new OptionGroupModelImpl("Europe (EEA)",false,optList);
  OptionGroupModel NonEEAGroupModel = new OptionGroupModelImpl("Non EEA",false,nonEEAOptList);
  return optGroupList;

The Palette API documentation states that "Option groups within the SelectModel<> will be rendered, but are not supported by many browsers, and are not fully handled on the client side. "
I'm not sure if there is something that I am doing wrong, or the behaviour I'm seeing is due to it being  "not fully handled on the client side". Has anyone got a working palette using option groups? Any pointers/comments welcome.

Thanks & Regards