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Posted to by Mark Lundquist <> on 2008/01/21 23:47:57 UTC

Help w/ "400 Bad Request " from SVN DAV

Hi all,

I'm getting a 400 error from a Subversion server, background and details 

1) The server is running Subversion 1.4.4 (r25188);

2) I do not control the server;

3) I am not behind a proxy.

4) I enabled some Neon-level tracing and this is what I see:

Running pre_send hooks
compress: Initialization.
compress: Initialization.
Sending request headers:
REPORT /repos/asf/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: SVN/1.4.4 (r25188) neon/0.26.3
Connection: TE
TE: trailers
Content-Length: 207
Content-Type: text/xml
Accept-Encoding: svndiff1;q=0.9,svndiff;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Encoding: gzip

Sending request-line and headers:
Sending request body:
Body block (207 bytes):
[<S:update-report send-all="true" 
rev="498132" ></S:entry></S:update-report>]
Request sent; retry is 1.
[status-line] < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

5) svn info, checkout, ls etc. work fine against the repository URI. 
The versions referenced in the offending request both exist. I'm using 
SVK and trying to sync my local mirror, and this is the error produced 
by "svk sync".  So, either SVK is broken and trying to do something 
completely invalid, *or* Subversion is broken.  On the face of it, I 
don't see anything wrong with the above request, so it seems more like a 
Subversion problem.

Anybody have any ideas?


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