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Posted to by Giuseppe Ricci <> on 2021/05/10 14:47:23 UTC

Calculate average from Spark stream

Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated
temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need
every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation
I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code.
Can some help me?
How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
correct execution? See attached picture.

This is my code:

Thanks for your precious help.

PhD. Giuseppe Ricci

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Hi Giuseppe,

Just looked over your PySpark code. You are doing Spark Structured
Streaming (SSS)

Your kafka topic sends messages every two seconds and regardless you want
to enrich the data every 5 minutes. In other words weait for 5 minutes to
build the batch.

You can either run wait for 5 minutes to trigger calculation

              result = \
                     col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
                   , col("parsed_value.ticker").alias("ticker") \
                   , col("parsed_value.timeissued").alias("timeissued") \
                   , col("parsed_value.price").alias("price")). \
                     writeStream. \
                     outputMode('append'). \
                     option("truncate", "false"). \
                     *foreachBatch(SendToBigQuery). \   ## you do your
temperature here in this method *
  *                   trigger(processingTime='300 seconds'). \*
        except Exception as e:
                print(f"""{e}, quitting""")

Or conversely run a SSS job every 5 minutes (through cron or airflow etc)
to process the data once (

                    trigger(once = True). \

                   option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \

And terminate the process.

Check this article of mine in Linkedin

Processing Change Data Capture with Spark Structured Streaming | LinkedIn

It also elaborates about the role of triggers.


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Mon, 10 May 2021 at 16:19, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated
> temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need
> every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation
> I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code.
> Can some help me?
> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
> finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
> correct execution? See attached picture.
> This is my code:
> Thanks for your precious help.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe e-mail:

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Have you managed to sort out this problem and the reason this solution is
not working!

Bottom line, your temperature data comes in streams every two seconds and
you want an average of temperature for the past 300 seconds worth of data,
in other words your windows length is 300 seconds?

You also want to list the rows coming in and the average
temperature --> AvgTemp ="temperature"))).collect()[0][0] or something like that


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi,
> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5, 10, 15
> etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds (b).
> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
> # Spark session & context
> spark = (SparkSession
>          .builder
>          .master('local')
>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>          # Add kafka package
>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>          .getOrCreate())
> sc = spark.sparkContext
> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset option
> df = (spark
>   .readStream
>   .format("kafka")
>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka server
>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>   .load())
> windowedAvg = df\
>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>     .groupBy(
>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
> query = windowedAvg\
>         .writeStream\
>         .outputMode('complete')\
>         .format('console')\
>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>         .start()
> query.awaitTermination()
> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature average
> as you can see in the attached pic.
> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
> Thanks for your help.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>> ha scritto:
>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch
>> batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will
>> read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5
>> minutes.
>> You need to make few decisions
>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A tumbling
>>    window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It will
>>    aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1 minute,
>>    will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data ever 1
>>    minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A tumbling
>>    window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5 result will
>>    have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so on. Rolling
>>    window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will have
>>    aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on. This
>>    defines your window. In your code you have
>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the window
>> interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In the
>> above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
>> 2minute worth of data.
>> If you define
>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2 minutes,
>> with 2 minutes worth of data
>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
>> carefully
>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>> *To: *"" <>
>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>> know the content is safe.
>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated
>> temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need
>> every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation
>> I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code.
>> Can some help me?
>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
>> finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>> This is my code:
>> Thanks for your precious help.
>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe e-mail:

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
You have to appreciate what is happening.

Your point below:

"It seems doesn't work because it doesn't print any data:"

Well it is not supposed to print anything. If you look at the code, it is
creating a new topic *avgtemperature* and publishing it..In other words it
is creating a source for this topic. You can subscribe to this topic
avgtemerprature and store it in a database etc.

The easiest way to see if data is coming out is to do the following a Linux
shell by sending the rows to terminal

${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --bootstrap-server
localhost:9092 --from-beginning --property print.key=true --topic


best of luck

PS remove everything under checkpoint directory below before running the


rm -rf *

   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Thu, 27 May 2021 at 11:39, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mich,
> thank you for your patience..I try to extract logic from your previous
> script (as you suggested to create sparkutils dir etc for me it doesn't
> work)..You can found it attached...It seems doesn't work because it doesn't
> print any data:
> 21/05/27 12:24:19 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
> library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
> <pyspark.sql.streaming.StreamingQuery object at 0x7fab984732e0>
> {'message': 'Initializing sources', 'isDataAvailable': False,
> 'isTriggerActive': False}
> []
> None
> 21/05/27 12:24:30 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:31 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:31 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:31 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:31 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:31 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:32 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> 21/05/27 12:24:33 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 226 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> ......
> Can you give some suggestions?
> Thanks.
> g
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno mer 26 mag 2021 alle ore 16:48 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> OK you can easily set up a directory and that file.
>> Let us assume that your code is under temperature/src
>> in other words your is there.
>> Create a directory called temperature/sparkutils and put this file there
>>    1.
>> and create an empty file called in temperature/sparkutils
>> directory (same directory)
>> This should work
>> HTH
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Wed, 26 May 2021 at 15:31, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mich,
>>> your code give me this error:
>>> from sparkutils import sparkstuff as s
>>> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sparkutils'
>>> I try to google but any helpful solution.
>>> Thanks..
>>> g
>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> Il giorno lun 24 mag 2021 alle ore 16:57 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> Well you don't need two writeStream(s). They are both writing to the
>>>> same checkpoint location for two different topics.
>>>> 1) you read your temperature
>>>> 2) you work out the average over a window's interval
>>>> 3) you use the average as a source for another kafka topic.
>>>> Ok check this code attached and good luck.
>>>> HTH
>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>> <>
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On Mon, 24 May 2021 at 14:49, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>>> thank you for your support..I finalized your code writing data on
>>>>> kafka topics:
>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>> # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that subscribes
>>>>> to topic temperature
>>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>> .readStream \
>>>>> .format("kafka") \
>>>>> .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092",) \
>>>>> .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>> .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>> .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>> .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>> .load() \
>>>>> .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>> resultC = \
>>>>>      col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>>    , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>> resultM = resultC. \
>>>>>          withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>          groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).
>>>>> \
>>>>>          avg('temperature')
>>>>> # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to get the
>>>>> columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and
>>>>> "AVGTemperature"
>>>>> resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>>            select( \
>>>>>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>>>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>>>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>> result = resultMF. \
>>>>>          writeStream. \
>>>>>          outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>          option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>          option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>          format('console'). \
>>>>>          option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream)").
>>>>> \
>>>>>          queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>          start()
>>>>> uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
>>>>> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>>>>>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>>>     .writeStream \
>>>>>     .outputMode('complete') \
>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>>>>>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>     .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream)")
>>>>> \
>>>>>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>>>     .start()
>>>>> result.awaitTermination()
>>>>> but I receive the error:
>>>>> 21/05/24 15:34:19 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>>>> streaming query [id=5b5d31ad-d761-4f8b-af81-e2fb2b657c41,
>>>>> runId=96b64a87-c77c-4867-ab77-0390d2dc6aa2], as a new run is being started.
>>>>> I restarted kafka and spark (master and worker)..but any result.
>>>>> Why?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>> Il giorno ven 21 mag 2021 alle ore 16:36 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> OK where is your watermark created? That is the  one that works out
>>>>>> the average temperature!
>>>>>>            # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
>>>>>> subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>                 .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>>>             resultC = \
>>>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>>>  ## you do not need this
>>>>>>                    , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp")
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>                      """
>>>>>>             We work out the window and the AVG(temperature) in the
>>>>>> window's timeframe below
>>>>>>             This should return back the following Dataframe as struct
>>>>>>              root
>>>>>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>>>>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>>>>>             """
>>>>>>            resultM = resultC. \
>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes",
>>>>>> "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>                      avg('temperature')
>>>>>>            # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to
>>>>>> get the columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame"
>>>>>> and "AVGTemperature"
>>>>>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>>>                        select( \
>>>>>> F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindowFrame") \
>>>>>>                           ,
>>>>>> F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindowFrame") \
>>>>>>                           ,
>>>>>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>>>             resultMF.printSchema()
>>>>>>            result = resultMF. \
>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>>>           result.awaitTermination()
>>>>>> This should work and return back average values for temperature
>>>>>> between start and end
>>>>>> Sample output
>>>>>> root
>>>>>>  |-- startOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- endOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- AVGTemperature: double (nullable = true)
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 15
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> |startOfWindowFrame |endOfWindowFrame   |AVGTemperature    |
>>>>>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:35:00|2021-05-17 19:40:00|24.8              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:45:00|2021-05-17 19:50:00|27.0              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:25:00|2021-05-17 20:30:00|24.4              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:20:00|2021-05-17 20:25:00|25.4              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:25:00|2021-05-17 19:30:00|24.25             |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:55:00|2021-05-17 20:00:00|23.5              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-21 15:30:00|2021-05-21 15:35:00|23.0              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:50:00|2021-05-17 19:55:00|25.0              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:30:00|2021-05-17 20:35:00|25.8              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:10:00|2021-05-17 20:15:00|25.25             |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:30:00|2021-05-17 19:35:00|27.0              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:15:00|2021-05-17 20:20:00|23.8              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:00:00|2021-05-17 20:05:00|24.666666666666668|
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 19:40:00|2021-05-17 19:45:00|25.5              |
>>>>>> |2021-05-17 20:05:00|2021-05-17 20:10:00|26.4              |
>>>>>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>> On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 11:48, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>>>>> thank you for your help..So this is my Spark script:
>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>>>>     .readStream \
>>>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>     .load() \
>>>>>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>>>> # get columns from struct
>>>>>>> resultM = \
>>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>> resultM.printSchema() #struc with 2 columns
>>>>>>> resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>>>>            select( \
>>>>>>>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>>>>>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>>>>>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>>>> uuidUdf = F.udf(lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), StringType())
>>>>>>> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>>>>>>>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>>>>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>>>>>     .writeStream \
>>>>>>>     .outputMode('complete') \
>>>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>>>>>>>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>     .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>     .start()
>>>>>>> according to your last suggestion..but my structure has only two
>>>>>>> columns: timestamp e temperature..In this manner your script doesn't work
>>>>>>> because you suppose to have the windows start and end columns.
>>>>>>> How can I have a similar structure as in your code?
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>> Il giorno mar 18 mag 2021 alle ore 16:58 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>> something like below:
>>>>>>>>              root
>>>>>>>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>>>>>>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>        import pyspark.sql.functions as F
>>>>>>>>        import uuid
>>>>>>>>             # We take the above DataFrame and flatten it to get the
>>>>>>>> columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and
>>>>>>>> "AVGTemperature"
>>>>>>>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>                        select( \
>>>>>>>> F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>>>>>>                           ,
>>>>>>>> F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>>>>>>                           ,
>>>>>>>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>>>>>       # Kafka producer requires a key, value pair. We generate
>>>>>>>> UUID key as the unique identifier of Kafka record
>>>>>>>>         uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
>>>>>>>>             """
>>>>>>>>             You are using Spark to write a Kafka topic
>>>>>>>> called avgtemperature, using Spark as a Kafka Producer
>>>>>>>>             We take the DataFrame resultMF containing temperature
>>>>>>>> info and write it to Kafka. The uuid is serialized as a string and used as
>>>>>>>> the key.
>>>>>>>>             We take all the columns of the DataFrame and serialize
>>>>>>>> them as a JSON string, putting the results in the "value" of the record.
>>>>>>>>             """
>>>>>>>>            result = resultMF.withColumn("uuid",uuidUdf()) \
>>>>>>>>                      .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>>>>>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>>>>>>                      .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>                      .outputMode('complete') \
>>>>>>>>                      .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>                      .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>                      .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>                      .option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path)
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>                      .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>                      .start()
>>>>>>>> This should work
>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:25, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ok let me provide some suggestions here.
>>>>>>>>> ResultM is a data frame and if you do
>>>>>>>>> ResultM.printShema()
>>>>>>>>> You will get the struct column called window with two columns
>>>>>>>>> namely start and end plus the average temperature. Just try to confirm that
>>>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>>>>> Much
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:15, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>>>>>>>> Yes I set resultM as you suggested in your previous code.
>>>>>>>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>>>>>>>     .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .load() \
>>>>>>>>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>>>>>>> # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>>>> resultM = \
>>>>>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>>>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>>>>> result = (resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>>      withWatermark("timestamp", "1 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>>      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "1 minutes", "1
>>>>>>>>>> minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>>      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>>>>>      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>      option("truncate", "false").
>>>>>>>>>>      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream").
>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>      start())
>>>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature
>>>>>>>>>> AS STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>>>> KR
>>>>>>>>>> g
>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 19:01 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe ,
>>>>>>>>>>> How have you defined your resultM above in qK?
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all
>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other
>>>>>>>>>>> property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is
>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any
>>>>>>>>>>> monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for your extraordinary support.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my
>>>>>>>>>>>> past mail for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is some error in this code:
>>>>>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature
>>>>>>>>>>>> AS STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope it is clear.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>>>>>>>>>>>>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in json format
>>>>>>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I define the schema as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        checkpoint_path = "
>>>>>>>>>>>>> file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             # construct a streaming dataframe
>>>>>>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame that subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             resultM = \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>> interested in avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.status)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worked!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state for version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delta files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starting query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 83
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't work:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "CAST(temperature AS STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because I receive the error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'value' not found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes"). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprises two keys; timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature to kafka every minute. Single message every minute, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature between 20-30 degrees. An example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run this code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7071.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7117.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7147.5     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7117.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *                   ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And you will get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minute: 5, 10, 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution (a).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds (b).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offset option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") #
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kafka server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beginning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .load())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can launch batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spark will read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    A tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    It will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interval. In the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interval for 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every 2 minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Usually streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    that you get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This means that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    condition for late data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    your code, you have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    watermark also defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    define a watermark of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    interval of 1 minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    interval affects how much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guide very carefully
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one time and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information for correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
OK you can easily set up a directory and that file.

Let us assume that your code is under temperature/src
in other words your is there.

Create a directory called temperature/sparkutils and put this file there


and create an empty file called in temperature/sparkutils
directory (same directory)

This should work


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Wed, 26 May 2021 at 15:31, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mich,
> your code give me this error:
> from sparkutils import sparkstuff as s
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sparkutils'
> I try to google but any helpful solution.
> Thanks..
> g
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno lun 24 mag 2021 alle ore 16:57 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> Well you don't need two writeStream(s). They are both writing to the same
>> checkpoint location for two different topics.
>> 1) you read your temperature
>> 2) you work out the average over a window's interval
>> 3) you use the average as a source for another kafka topic.
>> Ok check this code attached and good luck.
>> HTH
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Mon, 24 May 2021 at 14:49, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mich,
>>> thank you for your support..I finalized your code writing data on kafka
>>> topics:
>>> # Spark session & context
>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>          .builder
>>>          .master('local')
>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>> # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that subscribes to
>>> topic temperature
>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>> .readStream \
>>> .format("kafka") \
>>> .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092",) \
>>> .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>> .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>> .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>> .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>> .load() \
>>> .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>> resultC = \
>>>      col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>    , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>> resultM = resultC. \
>>>          withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>          groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>          avg('temperature')
>>> # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to get the columns
>>> aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and "AVGTemperature"
>>> resultMF = resultM. \
>>>            select( \
>>>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>> result = resultMF. \
>>>          writeStream. \
>>>          outputMode('complete'). \
>>>          option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>          option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>          format('console'). \
>>>          option('checkpointLocation',
>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream)").
>>> \
>>>          queryName("temperature"). \
>>>          start()
>>> uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
>>> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>>>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>     .writeStream \
>>>     .outputMode('complete') \
>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>>>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>     .option('checkpointLocation',
>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream)")
>>> \
>>>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>     .start()
>>> result.awaitTermination()
>>> but I receive the error:
>>> 21/05/24 15:34:19 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>> streaming query [id=5b5d31ad-d761-4f8b-af81-e2fb2b657c41,
>>> runId=96b64a87-c77c-4867-ab77-0390d2dc6aa2], as a new run is being started.
>>> I restarted kafka and spark (master and worker)..but any result.
>>> Why?
>>> Thanks.
>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> Il giorno ven 21 mag 2021 alle ore 16:36 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> OK where is your watermark created? That is the  one that works out the
>>>> average temperature!
>>>>            # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
>>>> subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>                 .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>             resultC = \
>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \   ##
>>>> you do not need this
>>>>                    , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>                    ,
>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>                      """
>>>>             We work out the window and the AVG(temperature) in the
>>>> window's timeframe below
>>>>             This should return back the following Dataframe as struct
>>>>              root
>>>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>>>             """
>>>>            resultM = resultC. \
>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
>>>> minutes")). \
>>>>                      avg('temperature')
>>>>            # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to get
>>>> the columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and "
>>>> AVGTemperature"
>>>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>                        select( \
>>>> F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindowFrame") \
>>>>                           ,
>>>> F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindowFrame") \
>>>>                           ,
>>>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>             resultMF.printSchema()
>>>>            result = resultMF. \
>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>                      start()
>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>           result.awaitTermination()
>>>> This should work and return back average values for temperature between
>>>> start and end
>>>> Sample output
>>>> root
>>>>  |-- startOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- endOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- AVGTemperature: double (nullable = true)
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Batch: 15
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>> |startOfWindowFrame |endOfWindowFrame   |AVGTemperature    |
>>>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:35:00|2021-05-17 19:40:00|24.8              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:45:00|2021-05-17 19:50:00|27.0              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:25:00|2021-05-17 20:30:00|24.4              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:20:00|2021-05-17 20:25:00|25.4              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:25:00|2021-05-17 19:30:00|24.25             |
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:55:00|2021-05-17 20:00:00|23.5              |
>>>> |2021-05-21 15:30:00|2021-05-21 15:35:00|23.0              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:50:00|2021-05-17 19:55:00|25.0              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:30:00|2021-05-17 20:35:00|25.8              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:10:00|2021-05-17 20:15:00|25.25             |
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:30:00|2021-05-17 19:35:00|27.0              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:15:00|2021-05-17 20:20:00|23.8              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:00:00|2021-05-17 20:05:00|24.666666666666668|
>>>> |2021-05-17 19:40:00|2021-05-17 19:45:00|25.5              |
>>>> |2021-05-17 20:05:00|2021-05-17 20:10:00|26.4              |
>>>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>> HTH
>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>> <>
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 11:48, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>>> thank you for your help..So this is my Spark script:
>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>>     .readStream \
>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>     .load() \
>>>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>> # get columns from struct
>>>>> resultM = \
>>>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>> resultM.printSchema() #struc with 2 columns
>>>>> resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>>            select( \
>>>>>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>>>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>>>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>> uuidUdf = F.udf(lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), StringType())
>>>>> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>>>>>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>>>     .writeStream \
>>>>>     .outputMode('complete') \
>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>>>>>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>     .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>> \
>>>>>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>>>     .start()
>>>>> according to your last suggestion..but my structure has only two
>>>>> columns: timestamp e temperature..In this manner your script doesn't work
>>>>> because you suppose to have the windows start and end columns.
>>>>> How can I have a similar structure as in your code?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>> Il giorno mar 18 mag 2021 alle ore 16:58 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> something like below:
>>>>>>              root
>>>>>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>>>>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>>>>>        import pyspark.sql.functions as F
>>>>>>        import uuid
>>>>>>             # We take the above DataFrame and flatten it to get the
>>>>>> columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and
>>>>>> "AVGTemperature"
>>>>>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>>>                        select( \
>>>>>> F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>>>>                           , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>>>>                           ,
>>>>>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>>>       # Kafka producer requires a key, value pair. We generate UUID
>>>>>> key as the unique identifier of Kafka record
>>>>>>         uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
>>>>>>             """
>>>>>>             You are using Spark to write a Kafka topic
>>>>>> called avgtemperature, using Spark as a Kafka Producer
>>>>>>             We take the DataFrame resultMF containing temperature
>>>>>> info and write it to Kafka. The uuid is serialized as a string and used as
>>>>>> the key.
>>>>>>             We take all the columns of the DataFrame and serialize
>>>>>> them as a JSON string, putting the results in the "value" of the record.
>>>>>>             """
>>>>>>            result = resultMF.withColumn("uuid",uuidUdf()) \
>>>>>>                      .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>>>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>>>>                      .writeStream \
>>>>>>                      .outputMode('complete') \
>>>>>>                      .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>                      .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>                      .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>                      .option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path) \
>>>>>>                      .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>                      .start()
>>>>>> This should work
>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:25, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok let me provide some suggestions here.
>>>>>>> ResultM is a data frame and if you do
>>>>>>> ResultM.printShema()
>>>>>>> You will get the struct column called window with two columns namely
>>>>>>> start and end plus the average temperature. Just try to confirm that now
>>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>>> Much
>>>>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:15, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>>>>>> Yes I set resultM as you suggested in your previous code.
>>>>>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>>>>>     .readStream \
>>>>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>     .load() \
>>>>>>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>>>>> # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>> resultM = \
>>>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>>> result = (resultM. \
>>>>>>>>      withWatermark("timestamp", "1 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "1 minutes", "1 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>>>      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>      option("truncate", "false").
>>>>>>>>      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream").
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>      start())
>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>> KR
>>>>>>>> g
>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 19:01 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe ,
>>>>>>>>> How have you defined your resultM above in qK?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>>>>>>>> thanks for your extraordinary support.
>>>>>>>>>> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my
>>>>>>>>>> past mail for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
>>>>>>>>>> There is some error in this code:
>>>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature
>>>>>>>>>> AS STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>>>> I hope it is clear.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>>>>>>>>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>>>>>>>>>>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>>>>>>>>>>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns
>>>>>>>>>>> in json format
>>>>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>>>>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>>>>>>>>>>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>>>>>>>>>>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>>>>>>>>>>> temperature.
>>>>>>>>>>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>>>>>>>>>>> I define the schema as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>>>>>>>>>>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>>>>>>>>>>> IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>>>        checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>>>>>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>>>>>>             # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame
>>>>>>>>>>> that subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>>>>>>>>>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>>>>>>>>>>             resultM = \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>>>>>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am
>>>>>>>>>>> interested in avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>>>>>>>>>>             result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>>>>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>>>>>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.status)
>>>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>>>>>>>>>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>>>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all
>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other
>>>>>>>>>>> property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is
>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any
>>>>>>>>>>> monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution
>>>>>>>>>>>> worked!
>>>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state
>>>>>>>>>>>> for version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta
>>>>>>>>>>>> files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting
>>>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 83
>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>>>>>>>>>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it
>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't work:
>>>>>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature
>>>>>>>>>>>> AS STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>>>>>> because I receive the error:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>>>>>>>>>>> streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>>>>>>>>>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>>>>>>>>>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'value' not found
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes").
>>>>>>>>>>>>> \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises
>>>>>>>>>>>>> two keys; timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kafka every minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20-30 degrees. An example
>>>>>>>>>>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>>>>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> run this code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7071.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7117.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7147.5     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  |7117.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *                   ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And you will get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 6
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minute: 5, 10, 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution (a).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds (b).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offset option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") #
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kafka server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beginning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   .load())
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         .start()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> launch batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spark will read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interval. In the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interval for 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every 2 minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Usually streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    that you get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This means that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    condition for late data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    your code, you have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    watermark also defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    define a watermark of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    interval of 1 minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    interval affects how much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Well you don't need two writeStream(s). They are both writing to the same
checkpoint location for two different topics.

1) you read your temperature
2) you work out the average over a window's interval
3) you use the average as a source for another kafka topic.

Ok check this code attached and good luck.


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Mon, 24 May 2021 at 14:49, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mich,
> thank you for your support..I finalized your code writing data on kafka
> topics:
> # Spark session & context
> spark = (SparkSession
>          .builder
>          .master('local')
>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>          # Add kafka package
>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>          .getOrCreate())
> schema = StructType().add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
> IntegerType())
> # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that subscribes to
> topic temperature
> streamingDataFrame = spark \
> .readStream \
> .format("kafka") \
> .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092",) \
> .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
> .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
> .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
> .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
> .load() \
> .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
> resultC = \
>      col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>    , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
> resultM = resultC. \
>          withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>          groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>          avg('temperature')
> # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to get the columns
> aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and "AVGTemperature"
> resultMF = resultM. \
>            select( \
>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
> result = resultMF. \
>          writeStream. \
>          outputMode('complete'). \
>          option("numRows", 1000). \
>          option("truncate", "false"). \
>          format('console'). \
>          option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream)").
> \
>          queryName("temperature"). \
>          start()
> uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>     .writeStream \
>     .outputMode('complete') \
>     .format("kafka") \
>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>     .option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream)")
> \
>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>     .start()
> result.awaitTermination()
> but I receive the error:
> 21/05/24 15:34:19 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing streaming
> query [id=5b5d31ad-d761-4f8b-af81-e2fb2b657c41,
> runId=96b64a87-c77c-4867-ab77-0390d2dc6aa2], as a new run is being started.
> I restarted kafka and spark (master and worker)..but any result.
> Why?
> Thanks.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno ven 21 mag 2021 alle ore 16:36 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> OK where is your watermark created? That is the  one that works out the
>> average temperature!
>>            # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
>> subscribes to topic temperature
>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>                 .readStream \
>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>                 .load() \
>>                 .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>             resultC = \
>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \   ##
>> you do not need this
>>                    , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>                    , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>                      """
>>             We work out the window and the AVG(temperature) in the
>> window's timeframe below
>>             This should return back the following Dataframe as struct
>>              root
>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>             """
>>            resultM = resultC. \
>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>                      groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
>> minutes")). \
>>                      avg('temperature')
>>            # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to get
>> the columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and "
>> AVGTemperature"
>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>                        select( \
>> F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindowFrame") \
>>                           , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindowFrame")
>> \
>>                           ,
>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>             resultMF.printSchema()
>>            result = resultMF. \
>>                      writeStream. \
>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>                      format('console'). \
>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>                      start()
>>         except Exception as e:
>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>           result.awaitTermination()
>> This should work and return back average values for temperature between
>> start and end
>> Sample output
>> root
>>  |-- startOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>  |-- endOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>  |-- AVGTemperature: double (nullable = true)
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Batch: 15
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>> |startOfWindowFrame |endOfWindowFrame   |AVGTemperature    |
>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>> |2021-05-17 19:35:00|2021-05-17 19:40:00|24.8              |
>> |2021-05-17 19:45:00|2021-05-17 19:50:00|27.0              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:25:00|2021-05-17 20:30:00|24.4              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:20:00|2021-05-17 20:25:00|25.4              |
>> |2021-05-17 19:25:00|2021-05-17 19:30:00|24.25             |
>> |2021-05-17 19:55:00|2021-05-17 20:00:00|23.5              |
>> |2021-05-21 15:30:00|2021-05-21 15:35:00|23.0              |
>> |2021-05-17 19:50:00|2021-05-17 19:55:00|25.0              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:30:00|2021-05-17 20:35:00|25.8              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:10:00|2021-05-17 20:15:00|25.25             |
>> |2021-05-17 19:30:00|2021-05-17 19:35:00|27.0              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:15:00|2021-05-17 20:20:00|23.8              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:00:00|2021-05-17 20:05:00|24.666666666666668|
>> |2021-05-17 19:40:00|2021-05-17 19:45:00|25.5              |
>> |2021-05-17 20:05:00|2021-05-17 20:10:00|26.4              |
>> +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>> HTH
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 11:48, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mich,
>>> thank you for your help..So this is my Spark script:
>>> # Spark session & context
>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>          .builder
>>>          .master('local')
>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>     .readStream \
>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>     .load() \
>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>> # get columns from struct
>>> resultM = \
>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>> resultM.printSchema() #struc with 2 columns
>>> resultMF = resultM. \
>>>            select( \
>>>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>> uuidUdf = F.udf(lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), StringType())
>>> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>>>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>     .writeStream \
>>>     .outputMode('complete') \
>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>>>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>     .option('checkpointLocation',
>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>> \
>>>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>     .start()
>>> according to your last suggestion..but my structure has only two
>>> columns: timestamp e temperature..In this manner your script doesn't work
>>> because you suppose to have the windows start and end columns.
>>> How can I have a similar structure as in your code?
>>> Thanks.
>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> Il giorno mar 18 mag 2021 alle ore 16:58 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> something like below:
>>>>              root
>>>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>>>        import pyspark.sql.functions as F
>>>>        import uuid
>>>>             # We take the above DataFrame and flatten it to get the
>>>> columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and
>>>> "AVGTemperature"
>>>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>>>                        select( \
>>>> F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>>>                           , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>>>                           ,
>>>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>>>       # Kafka producer requires a key, value pair. We generate UUID
>>>> key as the unique identifier of Kafka record
>>>>         uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
>>>>             """
>>>>             You are using Spark to write a Kafka topic
>>>> called avgtemperature, using Spark as a Kafka Producer
>>>>             We take the DataFrame resultMF containing temperature info
>>>> and write it to Kafka. The uuid is serialized as a string and used as the
>>>> key.
>>>>             We take all the columns of the DataFrame and serialize them
>>>> as a JSON string, putting the results in the "value" of the record.
>>>>             """
>>>>            result = resultMF.withColumn("uuid",uuidUdf()) \
>>>>                      .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>>>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>>>                      .writeStream \
>>>>                      .outputMode('complete') \
>>>>                      .format("kafka") \
>>>>                      .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>                      .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>                      .option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path) \
>>>>                      .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>>>                      .start()
>>>> This should work
>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>> <>
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:25, Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ok let me provide some suggestions here.
>>>>> ResultM is a data frame and if you do
>>>>> ResultM.printShema()
>>>>> You will get the struct column called window with two columns namely
>>>>> start and end plus the average temperature. Just try to confirm that now
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Much
>>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:15, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>>>> Yes I set resultM as you suggested in your previous code.
>>>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>>>     .readStream \
>>>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>     .load() \
>>>>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>>>> # get columns from struct
>>>>>> resultM = \
>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>> result = (resultM. \
>>>>>>      withWatermark("timestamp", "1 minutes"). \
>>>>>>      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "1 minutes", "1 minutes")). \
>>>>>>      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>      writeStream. \
>>>>>>      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>      option("truncate", "false").
>>>>>>      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream").
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>      format('console'). \
>>>>>>      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>      start())
>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>> KR
>>>>>> g
>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 19:01 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe ,
>>>>>>> How have you defined your resultM above in qK?
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>>>>>> thanks for your extraordinary support.
>>>>>>>> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my
>>>>>>>> past mail for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
>>>>>>>> There is some error in this code:
>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>> I hope it is clear.
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>>>>>>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>>>>>>>>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>>>>>>>>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns in
>>>>>>>>> json format
>>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>>>>>>>>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>>>>>>>>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>>>>>>>>> temperature.
>>>>>>>>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>>>>>>>>> I define the schema as follows:
>>>>>>>>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>>>>>>>>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>>>>>>>>> IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>        checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>>>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>>>>             # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame
>>>>>>>>> that subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>>>>>>>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>>>>>>>>             resultM = \
>>>>>>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>>>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am
>>>>>>>>> interested in avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>>>>>>>>             result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>>>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.status)
>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>>>>>>>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>>>>>>>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution
>>>>>>>>>> worked!
>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state
>>>>>>>>>> for version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta
>>>>>>>>>> files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting
>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 83
>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>>>>>>>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't work:
>>>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature
>>>>>>>>>> AS STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>>>> because I receive the error:
>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>>>>>>>>> streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>>>>>>>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>>>>>>>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>>>>>>>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute
>>>>>>>>>> 'value' not found
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>>>>>>>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your
>>>>>>>>>>> approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>>>>>>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a
>>>>>>>>>>> temperature average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>>>>>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load()
>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>>>>>>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>  groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises
>>>>>>>>>>> two keys; timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to
>>>>>>>>>>> kafka every minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between
>>>>>>>>>>> 20-30 degrees. An example
>>>>>>>>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>>>>>>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>>> root
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a
>>>>>>>>>>> temperature column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you
>>>>>>>>>>> run this code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0
>>>>>>>>>>>  |7071.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>  |7117.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5
>>>>>>>>>>>  |7147.5     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>  |7117.0     |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>>>>>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>>>>>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>>>>>>>>>>> *                   ,
>>>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>>>>>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>>>> And you will get
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 1
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 4
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 5
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 6
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 7
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Batch: 8
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all
>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other
>>>>>>>>>>> property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is
>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any
>>>>>>>>>>> monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 5, 10, 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few
>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds (b).
>>>>>>>>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>>>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>>>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>>>>>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and
>>>>>>>>>>>> offset option
>>>>>>>>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>>>>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>>>>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka
>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>>>>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>>>>>>>>>>>>   .load())
>>>>>>>>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>>>>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>>>>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>>>>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>>>>>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>>>>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>>>>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>>>>>>>>         .start()
>>>>>>>>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a
>>>>>>>>>>>> temperature average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> launch batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spark will read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Usually streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    that you get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This means that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    condition for late data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    your code, you have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    watermark also defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    define a watermark of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    interval of 1 minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    interval affects how much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>> <>
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>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
OK where is your watermark created? That is the  one that works out the
average temperature!

           # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
subscribes to topic temperature
            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
                .readStream \
                .format("kafka") \
config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
                .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
                .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
                .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
                .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
                .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
                .load() \

            resultC = \
                     col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \   ## you
do not need this
                   , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
                   , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))

            We work out the window and the AVG(temperature) in the window's
timeframe below
            This should return back the following Dataframe as struct

             |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
             |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
             |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
             |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)

           resultM = resultC. \
                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
                     groupBy(window(resultC.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
minutes")). \

           # We take the above Dataframe resultM and flatten it to get the
columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and "
            resultMF = resultM. \
                       select( \

F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindowFrame") \
                          , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindowFrame") \


           result = resultMF. \
                     writeStream. \
                     outputMode('complete'). \
                     option("numRows", 1000). \
                     option("truncate", "false"). \
                     format('console'). \
                     option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
                     queryName("temperature"). \

        except Exception as e:
                print(f"""{e}, quitting""")


This should work and return back average values for temperature between
start and end

Sample output

 |-- startOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- endOfWindowFrame: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- AVGTemperature: double (nullable = true)

Batch: 15
|startOfWindowFrame |endOfWindowFrame   |AVGTemperature    |
|2021-05-17 19:35:00|2021-05-17 19:40:00|24.8              |
|2021-05-17 19:45:00|2021-05-17 19:50:00|27.0              |
|2021-05-17 20:25:00|2021-05-17 20:30:00|24.4              |
|2021-05-17 20:20:00|2021-05-17 20:25:00|25.4              |
|2021-05-17 19:25:00|2021-05-17 19:30:00|24.25             |
|2021-05-17 19:55:00|2021-05-17 20:00:00|23.5              |
|2021-05-21 15:30:00|2021-05-21 15:35:00|23.0              |
|2021-05-17 19:50:00|2021-05-17 19:55:00|25.0              |
|2021-05-17 20:30:00|2021-05-17 20:35:00|25.8              |
|2021-05-17 20:10:00|2021-05-17 20:15:00|25.25             |
|2021-05-17 19:30:00|2021-05-17 19:35:00|27.0              |
|2021-05-17 20:15:00|2021-05-17 20:20:00|23.8              |
|2021-05-17 20:00:00|2021-05-17 20:05:00|24.666666666666668|
|2021-05-17 19:40:00|2021-05-17 19:45:00|25.5              |
|2021-05-17 20:05:00|2021-05-17 20:10:00|26.4              |


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 11:48, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mich,
> thank you for your help..So this is my Spark script:
> # Spark session & context
> spark = (SparkSession
>          .builder
>          .master('local')
>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>          # Add kafka package
>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>          .getOrCreate())
> schema = StructType().add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
> IntegerType())
> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>     .readStream \
>     .format("kafka") \
>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>     .load() \
>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
> # get columns from struct
> resultM = \
>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
> resultM.printSchema() #struc with 2 columns
> resultMF = resultM. \
>            select( \
>                 F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>               , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>               , F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
> uuidUdf = F.udf(lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), StringType())
> resultK = resultMF.withColumn("uuid", uuidUdf()) \
>     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>     .writeStream \
>     .outputMode('complete') \
>     .format("kafka") \
>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092", ) \
>     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>     .option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
> \
>     .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>     .start()
> according to your last suggestion..but my structure has only two columns:
> timestamp e temperature..In this manner your script doesn't work because
> you suppose to have the windows start and end columns.
> How can I have a similar structure as in your code?
> Thanks.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno mar 18 mag 2021 alle ore 16:58 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> something like below:
>>              root
>>              |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
>>              |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>              |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>              |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)
>>        import pyspark.sql.functions as F
>>        import uuid
>>             # We take the above DataFrame and flatten it to get the
>> columns aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and
>> "AVGTemperature"
>>             resultMF = resultM. \
>>                        select( \
>>                             F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
>>                           , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \
>>                           ,
>> F.col("avg(temperature)").alias("AVGTemperature"))
>>       # Kafka producer requires a key, value pair. We generate UUID key
>> as the unique identifier of Kafka record
>>         uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())
>>             """
>>             You are using Spark to write a Kafka topic
>> called avgtemperature, using Spark as a Kafka Producer
>>             We take the DataFrame resultMF containing temperature info
>> and write it to Kafka. The uuid is serialized as a string and used as the
>> key.
>>             We take all the columns of the DataFrame and serialize them
>> as a JSON string, putting the results in the "value" of the record.
>>             """
>>            result = resultMF.withColumn("uuid",uuidUdf()) \
>>                      .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
>> "to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
>>                      .writeStream \
>>                      .outputMode('complete') \
>>                      .format("kafka") \
>>                      .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>                      .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>                      .option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path) \
>>                      .queryName("avgtemperature") \
>>                      .start()
>> This should work
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:25, Mich Talebzadeh <>
>> wrote:
>>> Ok let me provide some suggestions here.
>>> ResultM is a data frame and if you do
>>> ResultM.printShema()
>>> You will get the struct column called window with two columns namely
>>> start and end plus the average temperature. Just try to confirm that now
>>> HTH,
>>> Much
>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:15, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mich,
>>>> Yes I set resultM as you suggested in your previous code.
>>>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>>>     .readStream \
>>>>     .format("kafka") \
>>>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>     .load() \
>>>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>>>> # get columns from struct
>>>> resultM = \
>>>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>> result = (resultM. \
>>>>      withWatermark("timestamp", "1 minutes"). \
>>>>      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "1 minutes", "1 minutes")). \
>>>>      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>      writeStream. \
>>>>      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>      option("truncate", "false").
>>>>      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream").
>>>> \
>>>>      format('console'). \
>>>>      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>      start())
>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>> \
>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>       .start())
>>>> KR
>>>> g
>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 19:01 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>> Hi Giuseppe ,
>>>>> How have you defined your resultM above in qK?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>> <>
>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>>>> thanks for your extraordinary support.
>>>>>> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my past
>>>>>> mail for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
>>>>>> There is some error in this code:
>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>> I hope it is clear.
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>>>>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>>>>>>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>>>>>>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns in
>>>>>>> json format
>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>>>>>>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>>>>>>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>>>>>>> temperature.
>>>>>>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>>>>>>> I define the schema as follows:
>>>>>>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>>>>>>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>>>>>>> IntegerType())
>>>>>>>        checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>>             # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame
>>>>>>> that subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>>>>>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>>>>>>             resultM = \
>>>>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>>>>                    ,
>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am interested
>>>>>>> in avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>>>>>>             result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes",
>>>>>>> "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>>>>         #print(result.status)
>>>>>>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>>>>>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>>>>>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution worked!
>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for
>>>>>>>> version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta
>>>>>>>> files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting
>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Batch: 83
>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>>>>>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it
>>>>>>>> doesn't work:
>>>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>>>> because I receive the error:
>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>>>>>>> streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>>>>>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>>>>>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>>>>>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute 'value'
>>>>>>>> not found
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>>>>>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your
>>>>>>>>> approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>>>>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>>>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .load()
>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>>>>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
>>>>>>>>> *                     groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp,
>>>>>>>>> "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>>>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises two
>>>>>>>>> keys; timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to kafka
>>>>>>>>> every minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between 20-30
>>>>>>>>> degrees. An example
>>>>>>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>>>>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>>> root
>>>>>>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a
>>>>>>>>> temperature column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you
>>>>>>>>> run this code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0           |7071.0
>>>>>>>>>    |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>>>>>>    |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5           |7147.5
>>>>>>>>>    |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>>>>>>    |0.0               |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>>>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>>>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>>>>>>>>> *                   ,
>>>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>>>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5
>>>>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>>>>> checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>>>> And you will get
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 1
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 4
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 5
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 6
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 7
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Batch: 8
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>>>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute:
>>>>>>>>>> 5, 10, 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
>>>>>>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few
>>>>>>>>>> seconds (b).
>>>>>>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>>>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset
>>>>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka
>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>>>>>>>>>>   .load())
>>>>>>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>>>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>>>>>>         .start()
>>>>>>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>>>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related
>>>>>>>>>> average?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can
>>>>>>>>>>> launch batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>> Spark will read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in
>>>>>>>>>>> memory for 5 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A
>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It
>>>>>>>>>>>    will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1
>>>>>>>>>>>    minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data
>>>>>>>>>>>    ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A
>>>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5
>>>>>>>>>>>    result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so
>>>>>>>>>>>    on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will
>>>>>>>>>>>    have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on.
>>>>>>>>>>>    This defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is
>>>>>>>>>>> the window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval.
>>>>>>>>>>> In the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval
>>>>>>>>>>> for 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2
>>>>>>>>>>> minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>>>>>>>>>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>>>>>>>>>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>>>>>>>>>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>>>>>>>>>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>>>>>>>>>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>>>>>>>>>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>>>>>>>>>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>>>>>>>>>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>>>>>>>>>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide
>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully
>>>>>>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the
>>>>>>>>>>> organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm
>>>>>>>>>>> the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a
>>>>>>>>>>> simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and
>>>>>>>>>>> I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time
>>>>>>>>>>> and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>>>>>>>>>>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>> <>
>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
something like below:

             |-- window: struct (nullable = false)
             |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
             |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
             |-- avg(temperature): double (nullable = true)

       import pyspark.sql.functions as F
       import uuid
            # We take the above DataFrame and flatten it to get the columns
aliased as "startOfWindowFrame", "endOfWindowFrame" and "AVGTemperature"
            resultMF = resultM. \
                       select( \
                            F.col("window.start").alias("startOfWindow") \
                          , F.col("window.end").alias("endOfWindow") \

      # Kafka producer requires a key, value pair. We generate UUID key as
the unique identifier of Kafka record
        uuidUdf= F.udf(lambda : str(uuid.uuid4()),StringType())

            You are using Spark to write a Kafka topic
called avgtemperature, using Spark as a Kafka Producer
            We take the DataFrame resultMF containing temperature info and
write it to Kafka. The uuid is serialized as a string and used as the key.
            We take all the columns of the DataFrame and serialize them as
a JSON string, putting the results in the "value" of the record.
           result = resultMF.withColumn("uuid",uuidUdf()) \
                     .selectExpr("CAST(uuid AS STRING) AS key",
"to_json(struct(startOfWindow, endOfWindow, AVGTemperature)) AS value") \
                     .writeStream \
                     .outputMode('complete') \
                     .format("kafka") \
config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
                     .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
                     .option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path) \
                     .queryName("avgtemperature") \

This should work

   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:25, Mich Talebzadeh <>

> Ok let me provide some suggestions here.
> ResultM is a data frame and if you do
> ResultM.printShema()
> You will get the struct column called window with two columns namely start
> and end plus the average temperature. Just try to confirm that now
> HTH,
> Much
> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:15, Giuseppe Ricci <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Mich,
>> Yes I set resultM as you suggested in your previous code.
>> schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>>     .readStream \
>>     .format("kafka") \
>>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>     .load() \
>>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
>> # get columns from struct
>> resultM = \
>>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>> result = (resultM. \
>>      withWatermark("timestamp", "1 minutes"). \
>>      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "1 minutes", "1 minutes")). \
>>      avg('temperature'). \
>>      writeStream. \
>>      outputMode('complete'). \
>>      option("numRows", 100). \
>>      option("truncate", "false").
>>      option('checkpointLocation',
>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream").
>> \
>>      format('console'). \
>>      queryName("temperature"). \
>>      start())
>> qk = (resultM.
>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>> STRING)") \
>>       .writeStream \
>>       .format("kafka") \
>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>> \
>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>       .start())
>> KR
>> g
>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 19:01 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>> ha scritto:
>>> Hi Giuseppe ,
>>> How have you defined your resultM above in qK?
>>> Cheers
>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>> <>
>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mitch,
>>>> thanks for your extraordinary support.
>>>> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my past
>>>> mail for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
>>>> There is some error in this code:
>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>> \
>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>       .start())
>>>> I hope it is clear.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>>>>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>>>>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns in json
>>>>> format
>>>>> example:
>>>>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>>>>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>>>>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>>>>> temperature.
>>>>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>>>>> I define the schema as follows:
>>>>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>>>>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>>>>> IntegerType())
>>>>>        checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>>>>         try:
>>>>>             # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
>>>>> subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>>>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>>>>             resultM = \
>>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>>                    , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>>                    ,
>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am interested in
>>>>> avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>>>>             result = resultM. \
>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes",
>>>>> "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>>         #print(result.status)
>>>>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>>>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>>>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>>>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>>>>> HTH
>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>> <>
>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>>>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution worked!
>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for
>>>>>> version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta
>>>>>> files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting
>>>>>> query.
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 83
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>>>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it doesn't
>>>>>> work:
>>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>>       .start())
>>>>>> because I receive the error:
>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>>>>> streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>>>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>>>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>>>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute 'value'
>>>>>> not found
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>>>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your
>>>>>>> approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>>>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>                 .load()
>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
>>>>>>> *                     groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp,
>>>>>>> "5 minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises two
>>>>>>> keys; timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to kafka
>>>>>>> every minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between 20-30
>>>>>>> degrees. An example
>>>>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>> root
>>>>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a temperature
>>>>>>> column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you run this
>>>>>>> code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0           |7071.0
>>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>> |window
>>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5           |7147.5
>>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>>>>>>> *                   ,
>>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes",
>>>>>>> "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>>> And you will get
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Batch: 1
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> Batch: 4
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> Batch: 5
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>> Batch: 6
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> Batch: 7
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Batch: 8
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5,
>>>>>>>> 10, 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
>>>>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds
>>>>>>>> (b).
>>>>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset
>>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka
>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>>>>>>>>   .load())
>>>>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>>>>         .start()
>>>>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch
>>>>>>>>> batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will
>>>>>>>>> read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5
>>>>>>>>> minutes.
>>>>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A
>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It
>>>>>>>>>    will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1
>>>>>>>>>    minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data
>>>>>>>>>    ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A
>>>>>>>>>    tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5
>>>>>>>>>    result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so
>>>>>>>>>    on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will
>>>>>>>>>    have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on.
>>>>>>>>>    This defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the
>>>>>>>>> window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In
>>>>>>>>> the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
>>>>>>>>> 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2
>>>>>>>>> minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>>>>>>>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>>>>>>>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>>>>>>>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>>>>>>>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>>>>>>>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>>>>>>>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>>>>>>>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>>>>>>>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>>>>>>>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
>>>>>>>>> carefully
>>>>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the
>>>>>>>>> organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm
>>>>>>>>> the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a
>>>>>>>>> simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and
>>>>>>>>> I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time
>>>>>>>>> and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>>>>>>>>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:
>>>>>>> --
>    view my Linkedin profile
> <>
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Ok let me provide some suggestions here.

ResultM is a data frame and if you do


You will get the struct column called window with two columns namely start
and end plus the average temperature. Just try to confirm that now



On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 14:15, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mich,
> Yes I set resultM as you suggested in your previous code.
> schema = StructType().add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
> IntegerType())
> streamingDataFrame = spark \
>     .readStream \
>     .format("kafka") \
>     .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>     .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>     .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>     .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>     .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>     .load() \
>     .select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
> schema).alias("parsed_value"))
> # get columns from struct
> resultM = \
>          col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), \
>          col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
> result = (resultM. \
>      withWatermark("timestamp", "1 minutes"). \
>      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "1 minutes", "1 minutes")). \
>      avg('temperature'). \
>      writeStream. \
>      outputMode('complete'). \
>      option("numRows", 100). \
>      option("truncate", "false").
>      option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream").
> \
>      format('console'). \
>      queryName("temperature"). \
>      start())
> qk = (resultM.
>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
> STRING)") \
>       .writeStream \
>       .format("kafka") \
>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>       .option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
> \
>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>       .start())
> KR
> g
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 19:01 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> Hi Giuseppe ,
>> How have you defined your resultM above in qK?
>> Cheers
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mitch,
>>> thanks for your extraordinary support.
>>> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my past
>>> mail for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
>>> There is some error in this code:
>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>> STRING)") \
>>>       .writeStream \
>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>> \
>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>       .start())
>>> I hope it is clear.
>>> Thanks.
>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>>>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>>>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns in json
>>>> format
>>>> example:
>>>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>>>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>>>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>>>> temperature.
>>>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>>>> I define the schema as follows:
>>>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>>>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>>>> IntegerType())
>>>>        checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>>>         try:
>>>>             # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
>>>> subscribes to topic temperature
>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>>>             resultM = \
>>>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>>>                    , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>>>                    ,
>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am interested in
>>>> avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>>>             result = resultM. \
>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
>>>> minutes")). \
>>>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>                      start()
>>>>         except Exception as e:
>>>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>>>         #print(result.status)
>>>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>>>> HTH
>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>> <>
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution worked!
>>>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for
>>>>> version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta
>>>>> files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting
>>>>> query.
>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>> Batch: 83
>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it doesn't
>>>>> work:
>>>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>>>> STRING)") \
>>>>>       .writeStream \
>>>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>>>> \
>>>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>>>       .start())
>>>>> because I receive the error:
>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>>>> streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute 'value' not
>>>>> found
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>>>         at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your
>>>>>> approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>                 .load()
>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
>>>>>> *                     groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5
>>>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>> OK
>>>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises two
>>>>>> keys; timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to kafka
>>>>>> every minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between 20-30
>>>>>> degrees. An example
>>>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>>> root
>>>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a temperature
>>>>>> column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you run this
>>>>>> code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>> |window
>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0           |7071.0
>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>> |window
>>>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5           |7147.5
>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("",
>>>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>>>> *
>>>>>>  col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>>>>>> *                   ,
>>>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes",
>>>>>> "5 minutes")). \
>>>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>>>                      start()
>>>>>> And you will get
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 1
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 2
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> Batch: 3
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> Batch: 4
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> Batch: 5
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> Batch: 6
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> Batch: 7
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Batch: 8
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility
>>>>>> for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5,
>>>>>>> 10, 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
>>>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds
>>>>>>> (b).
>>>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset
>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka server
>>>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>>>>>>>   .load())
>>>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>>>         .start()
>>>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch
>>>>>>>> batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will
>>>>>>>> read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5
>>>>>>>> minutes.
>>>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A
>>>>>>>>    tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It
>>>>>>>>    will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1
>>>>>>>>    minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data
>>>>>>>>    ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A
>>>>>>>>    tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5
>>>>>>>>    result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so
>>>>>>>>    on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will
>>>>>>>>    have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on.
>>>>>>>>    This defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the
>>>>>>>> window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In
>>>>>>>> the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
>>>>>>>> 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2
>>>>>>>> minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>>>>>>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>>>>>>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>>>>>>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>>>>>>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>>>>>>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>>>>>>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>>>>>>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>>>>>>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>>>>>>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
>>>>>>>> carefully
>>>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization.
>>>>>>>> Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender
>>>>>>>> and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a
>>>>>>>> simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and
>>>>>>>> I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time
>>>>>>>> and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>>>>>>>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:
>>>>>> --

   view my Linkedin profile

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from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Hi Giuseppe ,

How have you defined your resultM above in qK?


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
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from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 17:18, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mitch,
> thanks for your extraordinary support.
> Your previous code worked well...but I received the error in my past mail
> for Kafka writing average temperature on the topic avgtemperature.
> There is some error in this code:
> qk = (resultM.
>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
> STRING)") \
>       .writeStream \
>       .format("kafka") \
>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>       .option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
> \
>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>       .start())
> I hope it is clear.
> Thanks.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno lun 17 mag 2021 alle ore 16:33 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> Hi Giuseppe,
>> Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found
>> First can you read your streaming data OK?
>> Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns in json
>> format
>> example:
>> {"rowkey":"f0577406-a7d3-4c52-9998-63835ea72133",
>> "timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}
>> The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is
>> temperature.
>> I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted
>> I define the schema as follows:
>>              schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
>> StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
>> IntegerType())
>>        checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"
>>         try:
>>             # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
>> subscribes to topic temperature
>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>                 .readStream \
>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>                 .load() \
>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*
>>             ## get the individual columns from schema
>>             resultM = \
>>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>>                    , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
>>                    , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))
>>             ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am interested in
>> avg("temperature") over timestamp
>>             result = resultM. \
>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
>> minutes")). \
>>                      avg('temperature'). \
>>                      writeStream. \
>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>                      option("numRows", 1000). \
>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>                      format('console'). \
>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>                      start()
>>         except Exception as e:
>>                 print(f"""{e}, quitting""")
>>                 sys.exit(1)
>>         #print(result.status)
>>         #print(result.recentProgress)
>>         #print(result.lastProgress)
>>         result.awaitTermination()
>>  This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it
>> HTH
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mich, Hi all,
>>> Thank you for your precious seems your solution worked!
>>> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for
>>> version 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta
>>> files if needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting
>>> query.
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> Batch: 83
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
>>> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
>>> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
>>> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
>>> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
>>> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
>>> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it doesn't
>>> work:
>>> qk = (resultM.
>>>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
>>> STRING)") \
>>>       .writeStream \
>>>       .format("kafka") \
>>>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>>>       .option('checkpointLocation',
>>> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
>>> \
>>>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>>>       .start())
>>> because I receive the error:
>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing
>>> streaming query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
>>> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
>>> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
>>> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
>>> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute 'value' not
>>> found
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>>>         at
>>> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>>>         at
>>> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
>>> Is my solution wrong?
>>> Thanks.
>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your
>>>> approach. With regard to your questions:
>>>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>                 .load()
>>>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>>>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
>>>> *                     groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5
>>>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>                      start()
>>>> OK
>>>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises two keys;
>>>> timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to kafka every
>>>> minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between 20-30 degrees.
>>>> An example
>>>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>>>> So let us print the schema
>>>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>>> root
>>>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>>>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a temperature
>>>> column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you run this
>>>> code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Batch: 2
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>> |window
>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0           |7071.0
>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Batch: 3
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>> |window
>>>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5           |7147.5
>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>>>  |0.0               |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>>>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>>>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>>>                 .readStream \
>>>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>>>                 .option("",
>>>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>>>                 .load() \
>>>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>>>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>>>                       # get columns from struct
>>>>      *       resultM = \*
>>>> *                     col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp")
>>>> \*
>>>> *                   ,
>>>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>>>                  result = resultM. \
>>>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
>>>> minutes")). \
>>>>                      avg(). \
>>>>                      writeStream. \
>>>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>>>                      format('console'). \
>>>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>>>                      start()
>>>> And you will get
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Batch: 1
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Batch: 2
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> Batch: 3
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> Batch: 4
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> Batch: 5
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>>>> Batch: 6
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> Batch: 7
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Batch: 8
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>>>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>>>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>>>> This should be all you need I believe.
>>>> HTH
>>>>    view my Linkedin profile
>>>> <>
>>>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>>>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>>>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>>>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>>>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5, 10,
>>>>> 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
>>>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds
>>>>> (b).
>>>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>>>> # Spark session & context
>>>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>>>          .builder
>>>>>          .master('local')
>>>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset option
>>>>> df = (spark
>>>>>   .readStream
>>>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka server
>>>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>>>>>   .load())
>>>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>>>     .groupBy(
>>>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>>>         .writeStream\
>>>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>>>         .format('console')\
>>>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>>>         .start()
>>>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature
>>>>> average as you can see in the attached pic.
>>>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch
>>>>>> batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will
>>>>>> read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5
>>>>>> minutes.
>>>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A tumbling
>>>>>>    window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It will
>>>>>>    aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1 minute,
>>>>>>    will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data ever 1
>>>>>>    minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A tumbling
>>>>>>    window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5 result will
>>>>>>    have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so on. Rolling
>>>>>>    window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will have
>>>>>>    aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on. This
>>>>>>    defines your window. In your code you have
>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the
>>>>>> window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In
>>>>>> the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
>>>>>> 2minute worth of data.
>>>>>> If you define
>>>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2
>>>>>> minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>>>>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>>>>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>>>>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>>>>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>>>>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>>>>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>>>>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>>>>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>>>>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>>>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
>>>>>> carefully
>>>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization.
>>>>>> Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender
>>>>>> and know the content is safe.
>>>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a
>>>>>> simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and
>>>>>> I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading
>>>>>> documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to
>>>>>> finalize my code. Can some help me?
>>>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
>>>>>> finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>>>>>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.
Hi Giuseppe,

Your error state --> Required attribute 'value' not found

First can you read your streaming data OK?

Here in my stream in data format in json. I have three columns in json


"timestamp":"2021-05-17T15:17:27", "temperature":27}

The first column is UUID, the second is timestamp and third is temperature.

I need to tell SSS how the columns are formatted

I define the schema as follows:

             schema = StructType().add("rowkey",
StringType()).add("timestamp", TimestampType()).add("temperature",
       checkpoint_path = "file:///ssd/hduser/temperature2/chkpt"

            # construct a streaming dataframe streamingDataFrame that
subscribes to topic temperature
            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
                .readStream \
                .format("kafka") \
config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
                .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
                .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
                .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
                .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
                .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
                .load() \
schema).alias("parsed_value"))  ## note the value here*

            ## get the individual columns from schema
            resultM = \
                     col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
                   , col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \
                   , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))

            ## Here I do my windowing and tell that I am interested in
avg("temperature") over timestamp

            result = resultM. \
                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
                     groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
minutes")). \
                     avg('temperature'). \
                     writeStream. \
                     outputMode('complete'). \
                     option("numRows", 1000). \
                     option("truncate", "false"). \
                     format('console'). \
                     option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
                     queryName("temperature"). \

        except Exception as e:
                print(f"""{e}, quitting""")



 This works. I attach the py code for you. Have a look at it


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 15:00, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi Mich, Hi all,
> Thank you for your precious seems your solution worked!
> 21/05/17 15:53:38 WARN HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider: The state for version
> 83 doesn't exist in loadedMaps. Reading snapshot file and delta files if
> needed...Note that this is normal for the first batch of starting query.
> -------------------------------------------
> Batch: 83
> -------------------------------------------
> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
> |{2021-05-13 15:02:30, 2021-05-13 15:02:40}|11.90999984741211 |
> |{2021-05-14 16:04:20, 2021-05-14 16:04:30}|12.859999656677246|
> |{2021-05-13 16:04:10, 2021-05-13 16:04:20}|18.649999618530273|
> |{2021-05-14 16:03:30, 2021-05-14 16:03:40}|18.540000915527344|
> |{2021-05-13 16:01:10, 2021-05-13 16:01:20}|19.889999389648438|
> |{2021-05-13 16:01:50, 2021-05-13 16:02:00}|16.489999771118164|
> |{2021-05-14 16:02:30, 2021-05-14 16:02:40}|13.640000343322754|
> I try to save data on another Kafka topic but my solution it doesn't work:
> qk = (resultM.
>       selectExpr("CAST(timestamp AS STRING)", "CAST(temperature AS
> STRING)") \
>       .writeStream \
>       .format("kafka") \
>       .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") \
>       .option('checkpointLocation',
> "/home/kafka/Documenti/confluent/examples-6.1.0-post/clients/cloud/python/kafkaStream")
> \
>       .option("topic", "avgtemperature") \
>       .start())
> because I receive the error:
> 21/05/17 15:56:29 WARN StreamingQueryManager: Stopping existing streaming
> query [id=81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370,
> runId=ad277cbb-e906-4d60-8d9c-0f24285041c6], as a new run is being started.
> 21/05/17 15:56:29 ERROR MicroBatchExecution: Query [id =
> 81f48019-534c-446e-90a5-a90598883370, runId =
> 0fd83640-1176-4695-a7e5-b65717f46a9a] terminated with error
> org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Required attribute 'value' not
> found
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaWriter$.validateQuery(KafkaWriter.scala:59)
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaStreamingWrite.<init>(KafkaStreamingWrite.scala:42)
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider$KafkaTable$$anon$2.buildForStreaming(KafkaSourceProvider.scala:411)
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.createStreamingWrite(StreamExecution.scala:623)
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan$lzycompute(MicroBatchExecution.scala:144)
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.logicalPlan(MicroBatchExecution.scala:62)
>         at
> $apache$spark$sql$execution$streaming$StreamExecution$$runStream(StreamExecution.scala:321)
>         at
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution$$anon$
> Is my solution wrong?
> Thanks.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno sab 15 mag 2021 alle ore 23:47 Mich Talebzadeh <
>> ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>> In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your approach.
>> With regard to your questions:
>> "but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature average
>> as you can see in the attached pic.
>> Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>> This is similar to the code you are doing
>>            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>                 .readStream \
>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>                 .load()
>>             streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>>             result = streamingDataFrame. \
>> *                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
>> *                     groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5
>> minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
>>  *                    avg(). \*
>>                      writeStream. \
>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>                      format('console'). \
>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>                      start()
>> OK
>> To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises two keys;
>> timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to kafka every
>> minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between 20-30 degrees.
>> An example
>> {"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}
>> So let us print the schema
>> streamingDataFrame.printSchema()
>> root
>>  |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
>>  |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
>>  |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
>>  |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
>>  |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
>>  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
>>  |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
>> There is no temperature there as you have not created a temperature
>> column from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you run this
>> code. Note the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Batch: 2
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>> |window
>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0           |7071.0
>>  |0.0               |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>  |0.0               |
>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Batch: 3
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>> |window
>> |avg(partition)|avg(offset)|avg(timestampType)|
>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5           |7147.5
>>  |0.0               |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0
>>  |0.0               |
>> +------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------------------+
>> So this is I think what you need to do with your schema
>>         schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
>> TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())
>>             streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
>>                 .readStream \
>>                 .format("kafka") \
>>                 .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers",
>> config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
>>                 .option("schema.registry.url",
>> config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
>>                 .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
>>                 .option("",
>> config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
>>                 .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
>>                 .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
>>                 .option("includeHeaders", "true") \
>>                 .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \
>>                 .load() \
>>                 *.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"),
>> schema).alias("parsed_value"))*
>>                       # get columns from struct
>>      *       resultM = \*
>> *                     col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*
>> *                   ,
>> col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*
>>                  result = resultM. \
>>                      withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \
>>                      groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
>> minutes")). \
>>                      avg(). \
>>                      writeStream. \
>>                      outputMode('complete'). \
>>                      option("numRows", 100). \
>>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>>                      format('console'). \
>>                      option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
>>                      queryName("temperature"). \
>>                      start()
>> And you will get
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Batch: 1
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Batch: 2
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> Batch: 3
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> Batch: 4
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> Batch: 5
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |
>> +------------------------------------------+------------------+
>> Batch: 6
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> Batch: 7
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> -------------------------------------------
>> Batch: 8
>> -------------------------------------------
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |window                                    |avg(temperature)|
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> |{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
>> |{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |
>> +------------------------------------------+----------------+
>> This should be all you need I believe.
>> HTH
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
>>> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5, 10,
>>> 15 etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
>>> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds (b).
>>> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
>>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
>>> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
>>> # Spark session & context
>>> spark = (SparkSession
>>>          .builder
>>>          .master('local')
>>>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>>>          # Add kafka package
>>>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
>>> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>>>          .getOrCreate())
>>> sc = spark.sparkContext
>>> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset option
>>> df = (spark
>>>   .readStream
>>>   .format("kafka")
>>>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka server
>>>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>>>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>>>   .load())
>>> windowedAvg = df\
>>>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>>>     .groupBy(
>>>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
>>> query = windowedAvg\
>>>         .writeStream\
>>>         .outputMode('complete')\
>>>         .format('console')\
>>>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>>>         .start()
>>> query.awaitTermination()
>>> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature average
>>> as you can see in the attached pic.
>>> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
>>> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch
>>>> batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will
>>>> read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5
>>>> minutes.
>>>> You need to make few decisions
>>>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A tumbling
>>>>    window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It will
>>>>    aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1 minute,
>>>>    will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data ever 1
>>>>    minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A tumbling
>>>>    window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5 result will
>>>>    have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so on. Rolling
>>>>    window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will have
>>>>    aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on. This
>>>>    defines your window. In your code you have
>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>>>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the
>>>> window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In
>>>> the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
>>>> 2minute worth of data.
>>>> If you define
>>>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>>>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2
>>>> minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data
>>>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>>>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
>>>> carefully
>>>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>>>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>>>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>>>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>>>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>>>> know the content is safe.
>>>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>>>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated
>>>> temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need
>>>> every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation
>>>> I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code.
>>>> Can some help me?
>>>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
>>>> finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>>>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>>>> This is my code:
>>>> Thanks for your precious help.
>>>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> To unsubscribe e-mail:

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Mich Talebzadeh <>.

In answer to your question I did some tests using broadly your approach.
With regard to your questions:

"but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature average
as you can see in the attached pic.
Why is the average not calculated on temperature?
How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?

This is similar to the code you are doing

           streamingDataFrame = self.spark \
                .readStream \
                .format("kafka") \
config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \
config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \
                .option("", config['common']['appName']) \
config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \
config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \
config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \
config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \
                .option("subscribe", "temperature") \
                .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \
                .option("includeHeaders", "false") \
                .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \

            result = streamingDataFrame. \
*                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \*
*                     groupBy(window(streamingDataFrame.timestamp, "5
minutes", "5 minutes")). \*
 *                    avg(). \*
                     writeStream. \
                     outputMode('complete'). \
                     option("numRows", 100). \
                     option("truncate", "false"). \
                     format('console'). \
                     option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \
                     queryName("temperature"). \


To simulate the schema of your data which I believe comprises two keys;
timestamp, temperature. I am sending a line of temperature to kafka every
minute. Single message every minute, for temperature between 20-30 degrees.
An example

{"timestamp":"2021-05-15T22:16:31", "temperature":29}

So let us print the schema


 |-- key: binary (nullable = true)
 |-- value: binary (nullable = true)
 |-- topic: string (nullable = true)
 |-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- offset: long (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)

There is no temperature there as you have not created a temperature column
from json ( see later), So this is what you get if you run this code. Note
the batch cycle is 1 minute in my case

Batch: 2
|{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|7.0           |7071.0     |0.0
|{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0     |0.0

Batch: 3
|{2021-05-15 22:05:00, 2021-05-15 22:10:00}|5.5           |7147.5     |0.0
|{2021-05-15 22:00:00, 2021-05-15 22:05:00}|0.0           |7117.0     |0.0

So this is I think what you need to do with your schema

        schema = StructType().add("timestamp",
TimestampType()).add("temperature", IntegerType())

            streamingDataFrame = self.spark \

                .readStream \

                .format("kafka") \

config['MDVariables']['bootstrapServers'],) \

config['MDVariables']['schemaRegistryURL']) \

                .option("", config['common']['appName']) \

config['MDVariables']['zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs']) \

config['MDVariables']['rebalanceBackoffMS']) \

config['MDVariables']['zookeeperSessionTimeOutMs']) \

config['MDVariables']['autoCommitIntervalMS']) \

                .option("subscribe", "temperature") \

                .option("failOnDataLoss", "false") \

                .option("includeHeaders", "true") \

                .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \

                .load() \


                      # get columns from struct

     *       resultM = \*

*                     col("parsed_value.timestamp").alias("timestamp") \*

*                   , col("parsed_value.temperature").alias("temperature"))*

                 result = resultM. \

                     withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes"). \

                     groupBy(window(resultM.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5
minutes")). \

                     avg(). \

                     writeStream. \

                     outputMode('complete'). \

                     option("numRows", 100). \

                     option("truncate", "false"). \

                     format('console'). \

                     option('checkpointLocation', checkpoint_path). \

                     queryName("temperature"). \


And you will get

Batch: 1
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|28.0            |

Batch: 2
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |

Batch: 3
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|22.0            |
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |

Batch: 4
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|26.0            |
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |

Batch: 5
|window                                    |avg(temperature)  |
|{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.3              |
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5              |

Batch: 6
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.75           |
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |

Batch: 7
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |

Batch: 8
|window                                    |avg(temperature)|
|{2021-05-15 22:35:00, 2021-05-15 22:40:00}|27.0            |
|{2021-05-15 22:40:00, 2021-05-15 22:45:00}|26.0            |
|{2021-05-15 22:30:00, 2021-05-15 22:35:00}|25.5            |

This should be all you need I believe.


   view my Linkedin profile

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:42, Giuseppe Ricci <> wrote:

> Hi,
> As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
> I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5, 10, 15
> etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
> Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds (b).
> So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):
> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
> from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
> # Spark session & context
> spark = (SparkSession
>          .builder
>          .master('local')
>          .appName('TemperatureStreamApp')
>          # Add kafka package
>          .config("spark.jars.packages",
> "org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.1")
>          .getOrCreate())
> sc = spark.sparkContext
> # Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset option
> df = (spark
>   .readStream
>   .format("kafka")
>   .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka server
>   .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
>   .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning
>   .load())
> windowedAvg = df\
>     .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
>     .groupBy(
>     window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()
> query = windowedAvg\
>         .writeStream\
>         .outputMode('complete')\
>         .format('console')\
>         .option('truncate', 'false')\
>         .start()
> query.awaitTermination()
> but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature average
> as you can see in the attached pic.
> Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
> How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
> Thanks for your help.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <
>> ha scritto:
>> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch
>> batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will
>> read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5
>> minutes.
>> You need to make few decisions
>>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A tumbling
>>    window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It will
>>    aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1 minute,
>>    will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data ever 1
>>    minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A tumbling
>>    window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5 result will
>>    have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so on. Rolling
>>    window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will have
>>    aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on. This
>>    defines your window. In your code you have
>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
>> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the window
>> interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In the
>> above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
>> 2minute worth of data.
>> If you define
>> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
>> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2 minutes,
>> with 2 minutes worth of data
>>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually
>>    streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you
>>    get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means
>>    that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late
>>    data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you
>>    have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also
>>    defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark
>>    of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1
>>    minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how
>>    much memory will be used by Spark
>> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
>> carefully
>> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
>> very carefully to get all the nuances.
>> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
>> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
>> *To: *"" <>
>> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>> know the content is safe.
>> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
>> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated
>> temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need
>> every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation
>> I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code.
>> Can some help me?
>> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
>> finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
>> correct execution? See attached picture.
>> This is my code:
>> Thanks for your precious help.
>> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by Giuseppe Ricci <>.

As suggested by Jayesh I follow his solution.
I need to have the average temperature at some prefixed minute: 5, 10, 15
etc. So it seems a tumbling window is the optimal solution (a).
Real sensors may send data with some delay..this can be few seconds (b).
So this is my new code (I used a window of 5 minutes):

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType

# Spark session & context
spark = (SparkSession
         # Add kafka package

sc = spark.sparkContext

# Create stream dataframe setting kafka server, topic and offset option
df = (spark
  .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") # kafka server
  .option("subscribe", "temperature") # topic
  .option("startingOffsets", "earliest") # start from beginning

windowedAvg = df\
    .withWatermark("timestamp", "5 minutes") \
    window(df.timestamp, "5 minutes", "5 minutes")).avg()

query = windowedAvg\
        .option('truncate', 'false')\


but it does not work well because it does not give a temperature average as
you can see in the attached pic.
Why the average is not calculated on temperature?
How can I view data in each window of 5 minutes and related average?
Thanks for your help.

PhD. Giuseppe Ricci

Il giorno lun 10 mag 2021 alle ore 18:14 Lalwani, Jayesh <> ha scritto:

> You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch batches
> every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will read
> data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5 minutes.
> You need to make few decisions
>    1. DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A tumbling
>    window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It will
>    aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1 minute,
>    will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data ever 1
>    minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A tumbling
>    window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5 result will
>    have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so on. Rolling
>    window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will have
>    aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on. This
>    defines your window. In your code you have
> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")
> This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the window
> interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In the
> above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for
> 2minute worth of data.
> If you define
> window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")
> This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2 minutes,
> with 2 minutes worth of data
>    1. Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually streaming
>    systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you get data for
>    t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means that the data
>    is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late data? You
>    need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you have defined
>    a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also defines
>    which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark of 2
>    minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1 minute,
>    Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how much
>    memory will be used by Spark
> It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very
> carefully
> That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event
> very carefully to get all the nuances.
> *From: *Giuseppe Ricci <>
> *Date: *Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
> *To: *"" <>
> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream
> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
> I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated
> temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need
> every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation
> I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code.
> Can some help me?
> How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and
> finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for
> correct execution? See attached picture.
> This is my code:
> Thanks for your precious help.
> PhD. Giuseppe Ricci

Re: Calculate average from Spark stream

Posted by "Lalwani, Jayesh" <>.
You don’t need to “launch batches” every 5 minutes. You can launch batches every 2 seconds, and aggregate on window for 5 minutes. Spark will read data from topic every 2 seconds, and keep the data in memory for 5 minutes.

You need to make few decisions

  1.  DO you want a tumbling window or a rolling window? A tumbling window of 5 minutes will produce an aggregate every 5 minutes. It will aggregate data for 5 minutes before. A rolling window of 5 miutes/1 minute, will produce an aggregate ever 1 minute. It will aggregate data ever 1 minute. For example, let’s say you have data evert 2 seconds. A tumbling window will produce a result on minute 5, 10, 15, 20…. Minute 5 result will have data from minute 1-4., 15 will have data from 6-10… and so on. Rolling window will produce data on minute 5, 6, 7, 8, …. Minute 5 will have aggregate from 1-5, minute 6 will have aggregate from 2-6, and so on. This defines your window. In your code you have

window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "1 minutes")

This is a rolling window. Here second parameter(2 minutes) is the window interval, and third parameter(1 minutes) is the slide interval. In the above example, it will produce an aggregate every 1 minute interval for 2minute worth of data.

If you define

window(df_temp.timestamp, "2 minutes", "2 minutes")

This is a tumbling window. It will produce an aggregate every 2 minutes, with 2 minutes worth of data

  1.  Can you have late data? How late can data arrive? Usually streaming systems send data out of order. Liik, it could happen that you get data for t=11:00:00 AM, and then get data for t=10:59:59AM. This means that the data is late by 1 second. What’s the worst case condition for late data? You need to define the watermark for late data. In your code, you have defined a watermark of 2 minutes. For aggregations, the watermark also defines which windows Spark will keep in memory. If you define a watermark of 2 minutes, and you have a rolling window with slide interval of 1 minute, Spark will keep 2 windows in memory. Watermark interval affects how much memory will be used by Spark

It might help if you try to follow the example in this guide very carefully That is a pretty good example, but you need to follow it event by event very carefully to get all the nuances.

From: Giuseppe Ricci <>
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:19 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Calculate average from Spark stream

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi, I'm new on Apache Spark.
I'm trying to read data from an Apache Kafka topic (I have a simulated temperature sensor producer which sends data every 2 second) and I need every 5 minutes to calculate the average temperature. Reading documentation I understand I need to use windows but I'm not able to finalize my code. Can some help me?
How can I launch batches every 5 minutes? My code works one time and finishes. Why in the console I can't find any helpful information for correct execution? See attached picture.

This is my code:

Thanks for your precious help.

PhD. Giuseppe Ricci