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[46/50] [abbrv] groovy git commit: rename antlr4 parser to remove groovy- prefix since that is by convention for modules
diff --git a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/antlr4/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/GroovyParser.g4 b/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/antlr4/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/GroovyParser.g4
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ddf17f..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/antlr4/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/GroovyParser.g4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1270 +0,0 @@
- * This file is adapted from the Antlr4 Java grammar which has the following license
- *
- *  Copyright (c) 2013 Terence Parr, Sam Harwell
- *  All rights reserved.
- *  [The "BSD licence"]
- *
- *
- *
- * Subsequent modifications by the Groovy community have been done under the Apache License v2:
- *
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
- * The Groovy grammar is based on the official grammar for Java:
- *
- */
-parser grammar GroovyParser;
-options {
-    tokenVocab = GroovyLexer;
-    contextSuperClass = GroovyParserRuleContext;
-    superClass = AbstractParser;
-@header {
-    import java.util.Map;
-    import org.codehaus.groovy.util.ListHashMap;
-    import org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.SemanticPredicates;
-    import org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError;
-@members {
-    public static class GroovyParserRuleContext extends ParserRuleContext {
-        private Map metaDataMap = null;
-        public GroovyParserRuleContext() {}
-        public GroovyParserRuleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingStateNumber) {
-            super(parent, invokingStateNumber);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Gets the node meta data.
-         *
-         * @param key - the meta data key
-         * @return the node meta data value for this key
-         */
-        public <T> T getNodeMetaData(Object key) {
-            if (metaDataMap == null) {
-                return (T) null;
-            }
-            return (T) metaDataMap.get(key);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Sets the node meta data.
-         *
-         * @param key - the meta data key
-         * @param value - the meta data value
-         * @throws GroovyBugError if key is null or there is already meta
-         *                        data under that key
-         */
-        public void setNodeMetaData(Object key, Object value) {
-            if (key==null) throw new GroovyBugError("Tried to set meta data with null key on "+this+".");
-            if (metaDataMap == null) {
-                metaDataMap = new ListHashMap();
-            }
-            Object old = metaDataMap.put(key,value);
-            if (old!=null) throw new GroovyBugError("Tried to overwrite existing meta data "+this+".");
-        }
-        /**
-         * Sets the node meta data but allows overwriting values.
-         *
-         * @param key   - the meta data key
-         * @param value - the meta data value
-         * @return the old node meta data value for this key
-         * @throws GroovyBugError if key is null
-         */
-        public Object putNodeMetaData(Object key, Object value) {
-            if (key == null) throw new GroovyBugError("Tried to set meta data with null key on " + this + ".");
-            if (metaDataMap == null) {
-                metaDataMap = new ListHashMap();
-            }
-            return metaDataMap.put(key, value);
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getSyntaxErrorSource() {
-        return GroovySyntaxError.PARSER;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getErrorLine() {
-        Token token = _input.LT(-1);
-        if (null == token) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        return token.getLine();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getErrorColumn() {
-        Token token = _input.LT(-1);
-        if (null == token) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        return token.getCharPositionInLine() + 1 + token.getText().length();
-    }
-// starting point for parsing a groovy file
-    :   nls
-        (packageDeclaration (sep | EOF))? (statement (sep | EOF))* EOF
-    ;
-    :   annotationsOpt PACKAGE qualifiedName
-    ;
-    :   annotationsOpt IMPORT STATIC? qualifiedName (DOT MUL | AS alias=identifier)?
-    ;
-    :   classOrInterfaceModifiersOpt classDeclaration
-    ;
-    :   classOrInterfaceModifier
-    |   m=(   NATIVE
-          |   SYNCHRONIZED
-          |   TRANSIENT
-          |   VOLATILE
-          |   DEF
-          )
-    ;
-    :   modifiers?
-    ;
-    :   (modifier nls)+
-    ;
-    :   classOrInterfaceModifiers?
-    ;
-    :   (classOrInterfaceModifier nls)+
-    ;
-    :   annotation       // class or interface
-    |   m=(   PUBLIC     // class or interface
-          |   PROTECTED  // class or interface
-          |   PRIVATE    // class or interface
-          |   STATIC     // class or interface
-          |   ABSTRACT   // class or interface
-          |   FINAL      // class only -- does not apply to interfaces
-          |   STRICTFP   // class or interface
-          |   DEFAULT    // interface only -- does not apply to classes
-          )
-    ;
-    :   annotation
-    |   m=( FINAL
-          | DEF
-          // Groovy supports declaring local variables as instance/class fields,
-          // e.g. import groovy.transform.*; @Field static List awe = [1, 2, 3]
-          // e.g. import groovy.transform.*; def a = { @Field public List awe = [1, 2, 3] }
-          // Notice: Groovy 2.4.7 just allows to declare local variables with the following modifiers when using annotations(e.g. @Field)
-          // TODO check whether the following modifiers accompany annotations or not. Because the legacy codes(e.g. benchmark/bench/heapsort.groovy) allow to declare the special instance/class fields without annotations, we leave it as it is for the time being
-          | PUBLIC
-          | PROTECTED
-          | PRIVATE
-          | STATIC
-          | ABSTRACT
-          | STRICTFP
-          )
-    ;
-    :   variableModifiers?
-    ;
-    :   (variableModifier nls)+
-    ;
-    :   LT nls typeParameter (COMMA nls typeParameter)* nls GT
-    ;
-    :   className (EXTENDS nls typeBound)?
-    ;
-    :   type (BITAND nls type)*
-    ;
-    :   type (COMMA nls type)*
-    ;
- *  t   0: class; 1: interface; 2: enum; 3: annotation; 4: trait
- */
-locals[ int t ]
-    :   (   CLASS { $t = 0; }
-        |   INTERFACE { $t = 1; }
-        |   ENUM { $t = 2; }
-        |   AT INTERFACE { $t = 3; }
-        |   TRAIT { $t = 4; }
-        )
-        identifier nls
-        (
-            { 3 != $t }?
-            typeParameters? nls
-            (
-                { 2 != $t }?
-                (EXTENDS nls
-                    (
-                        // Only interface can extend more than one super class
-                        {1 == $t}? scs=typeList
-                    |
-                        sc=type
-                    )
-                nls)?
-            |
-                /* enum should not have type parameters and extends */
-            )
-            (
-                {1 != $t}?
-                (IMPLEMENTS nls is=typeList nls)?
-            |
-                /* interface should not implement other interfaces */
-            )
-        |
-            /* annotation should not have implements and extends*/
-        )
-        classBody[$t]
-    ;
-// t    see the comment of classDeclaration
-classBody[int t]
-    :   LBRACE nls
-        (
-            /* Only enum can have enum constants */
-            { 2 == $t }?
-            enumConstants? nls
-        |
-        )
-        classBodyDeclaration[$t]? (sep classBodyDeclaration[$t])* sep? RBRACE
-    ;
-    :   enumConstant (nls COMMA nls enumConstant)* (nls COMMA)?
-    ;
-    :   annotationsOpt identifier arguments? anonymousInnerClassDeclaration[1]?
-    ;
-classBodyDeclaration[int t]
-    :   SEMI
-    |   (STATIC nls)? block
-    |   memberDeclaration[$t]
-    ;
-memberDeclaration[int t]
-    :   methodDeclaration[0, $t]
-    |   fieldDeclaration
-    |   modifiersOpt classDeclaration
-    ;
- *  t   0: *class member* all kinds of method declaration AND constructor declaration,
- *      1: normal method declaration, 2: abstract method declaration
- *      3: normal method declaration OR abstract method declaration
- *  ct  9: script, other see the comment of classDeclaration
- */
-methodDeclaration[int t, int ct]
-    :   { 3 == $ct }?
-        returnType[$ct] methodName LPAREN rparen (DEFAULT nls elementValue)?
-    |
-        (   { 0 == $t }?
-            modifiersOpt typeParameters?
-        |   modifiersOpt  typeParameters? returnType[$ct]
-        |   modifiers  typeParameters? returnType[$ct]?
-        )
-        methodName formalParameters (nls THROWS nls qualifiedClassNameList)?
-        (
-            { 0 == $t || 3 == $t || 1 == $t}?
-            nls methodBody
-        |
-            { 0 == $t || 3 == $t || 2 == $t }?
-            /* no method body */
-        )
-    ;
-    :   identifier
-    |   stringLiteral
-    ;
-returnType[int ct]
-    :
-        standardType
-    |
-        // annotation method can not have void return type
-        { 3 != $ct }? VOID
-    ;
-    :   variableDeclaration[1]
-    ;
-    :   variableDeclarator (COMMA nls variableDeclarator)*
-    ;
-    :   variableDeclaratorId (nls ASSIGN nls variableInitializer)?
-    ;
-    :   identifier
-    ;
-    :   statementExpression
-    |   standardLambda
-    ;
-    :   variableInitializer nls (COMMA nls variableInitializer nls)* nls COMMA?
-    ;
-options { baseContext = type; }
-    :   primitiveType (LBRACK RBRACK)*
-    |   standardClassOrInterfaceType (LBRACK RBRACK)*
-    ;
-    :   (   primitiveType
-        |
-            // !!! ERROR ALTERNATIVE !!!
-            VOID { require(false, "void is not allowed here", -4); }
-        ) (LBRACK RBRACK)*
-    |   generalClassOrInterfaceType (LBRACK RBRACK)*
-    ;
-    :   (   qualifiedClassName
-        |   qualifiedStandardClassName
-        ) typeArguments?
-    ;
-options { baseContext = classOrInterfaceType; }
-    :   qualifiedClassName typeArguments?
-    ;
-options { baseContext = classOrInterfaceType; }
-    :   qualifiedStandardClassName typeArguments?
-    ;
-    :   BuiltInPrimitiveType
-    ;
-    :   LT nls typeArgument (COMMA nls typeArgument)* nls GT
-    ;
-    :   type
-    |   QUESTION ((EXTENDS | SUPER) nls type)?
-    ;
-    :   qualifiedClassName (COMMA nls qualifiedClassName)*
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN formalParameterList? rparen
-    ;
-    :   formalParameter (COMMA nls formalParameter)* (COMMA nls lastFormalParameter)?
-    |   lastFormalParameter
-    ;
-    :   variableModifiersOpt type?          variableDeclaratorId (nls ASSIGN nls expression)?
-    ;
-    :   variableModifiersOpt type? ELLIPSIS variableDeclaratorId (nls ASSIGN nls expression)?
-    ;
-    :   block
-    ;
-    :   qualifiedNameElement (DOT qualifiedNameElement)*
-    ;
- *  Java doesn't have the keywords 'as', 'in', 'def', 'trait' so we make some allowances
- *  for them in package names for better integration with existing Java packages
- */
-    :   identifier
-    |   DEF
-    |   IN
-    |   AS
-    |   TRAIT
-    ;
-    :   (qualifiedNameElement DOT)* identifier
-    ;
-    :   (qualifiedNameElement DOT)* (className DOT)* className
-    ;
-    :   IntegerLiteral                                                                      #integerLiteralAlt
-    |   FloatingPointLiteral                                                                #floatingPointLiteralAlt
-    |   stringLiteral                                                                       #stringLiteralAlt
-    |   BooleanLiteral                                                                      #booleanLiteralAlt
-    |   NullLiteral                                                                         #nullLiteralAlt
-    ;
-    :   GStringBegin gstringValue (GStringPart  gstringValue)* GStringEnd
-    ;
-    :   gstringPath
-    |   LBRACE statementExpression? RBRACE
-    |   closure
-    ;
-    :   identifier GStringPathPart*
-    ;
-options { baseContext = standardLambda; }
-	:	lambdaParameters nls ARROW nls lambdaBody
-	;
-	:	standardLambdaParameters nls ARROW nls lambdaBody
-	;
-options { baseContext = standardLambdaParameters; }
-    :   formalParameters
-    // { a -> a * 2 } can be parsed as a lambda expression in a block, but we expect a closure.
-    // So it is better to put parameters in the parentheses and the following single parameter without parentheses is limited
-//    |   variableDeclaratorId
-    ;
-    :   formalParameters
-    |   variableDeclaratorId
-    ;
-	:	block
-	|	statementExpression
-	;
-locals[ String footprint = "" ]
-    :   LBRACE nls (formalParameterList? nls ARROW nls)? blockStatementsOpt RBRACE
-    ;
-    :   blockStatements?
-    ;
-    :   blockStatement (sep blockStatement)* sep?
-    ;
-    :   (annotation nls)*
-    ;
-    :   AT annotationName ( LPAREN elementValues? rparen )?
-    ;
-    :   elementValuePairs
-    |   elementValue
-    ;
-annotationName : qualifiedClassName ;
-    :   elementValuePair (COMMA elementValuePair)*
-    ;
-    :   elementValuePairName nls ASSIGN nls elementValue
-    ;
-    :   identifier
-    |   keywords
-    ;
-// TODO verify the potential performance issue because rule expression contains sub-rule assignments(
-    :   elementValueArrayInitializer
-    |   annotation
-    |   expression
-    ;
-    :   LBRACK (elementValue (COMMA elementValue)*)? (COMMA)? RBRACK
-    ;
-    :   LBRACE nls blockStatementsOpt RBRACE
-    ;
-    :   localVariableDeclaration
-    |   statement
-    ;
-    :   { !SemanticPredicates.isInvalidLocalVariableDeclaration(_input) }?
-        variableDeclaration[0]
-    ;
- *  t   0: local variable declaration; 1: field declaration
- */
-variableDeclaration[int t]
-    :   (   { 0 == $t }? variableModifiers
-        |   { 1 == $t }? modifiers
-        )
-        type? variableDeclarators
-    |
-        (   { 0 == $t }? variableModifiersOpt
-        |   { 1 == $t }? modifiersOpt
-        )
-        type variableDeclarators
-    |
-        (   { 0 == $t }? variableModifiers
-        |   { 1 == $t }? modifiers
-        )
-        typeNamePairs nls ASSIGN nls variableInitializer
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN typeNamePair (COMMA typeNamePair)* rparen
-    ;
-    :   type? variableDeclaratorId
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN variableDeclaratorId (COMMA variableDeclaratorId)+ rparen
-    ;
-locals[ String footprint = "" ]
-    :   SWITCH parExpression nls LBRACE nls switchBlockStatementGroup* nls RBRACE
-    ;
-locals[ String footprint = "" ]
-    :   FOR LPAREN forControl rparen nls statement                                                          #forStmtAlt
-    |   WHILE parExpression nls statement                                                                   #whileStmtAlt
-    |   DO nls statement nls WHILE parExpression                                                            #doWhileStmtAlt
-    ;
-locals[ boolean isInsideLoop ]
-@init {
-    try {
-        $isInsideLoop = null != $loopStatement::footprint;
-    } catch(NullPointerException e) {
-        $isInsideLoop = false;
-    }
-    :   CONTINUE
-        { require($isInsideLoop, "the continue statement is only allowed inside loops", -8); }
-        identifier?
-    ;
-locals[ boolean isInsideLoop, boolean isInsideSwitch ]
-@init {
-    try {
-        $isInsideLoop = null != $loopStatement::footprint;
-    } catch(NullPointerException e) {
-        $isInsideLoop = false;
-    }
-    try {
-        $isInsideSwitch = null != $switchStatement::footprint;
-    } catch(NullPointerException e) {
-        $isInsideSwitch = false;
-    }
-    :   BREAK
-        { require($isInsideLoop || $isInsideSwitch, "the break statement is only allowed inside loops or switches", -5); }
-        identifier?
-    ;
-locals[boolean resourcesExists = false]
-    :   TRY (resources { $resourcesExists = true; })? nls
-        block
-        (
-            (nls catchClause)+
-            (nls finallyBlock)?
-        |
-            nls finallyBlock
-        |
-            // try-with-resources can have no catche and finally clauses
-            { $resourcesExists }?<fail={"catch or finally clauses are required for try-catch statement"}>
-        )
-    ;
-locals[ String footprint = "" ]
-    :   ASSERT ce=expression ((COLON | COMMA) nls me=expression)?
-    ;
-    :   block                                                                                               #blockStmtAlt
-    |   IF parExpression nls tb=statement ((nls | sep) ELSE nls fb=statement)?                              #ifElseStmtAlt
-    |   loopStatement                                                                                       #loopStmtAlt
-    |   tryCatchStatement                                                                                   #tryCatchStmtAlt
-    |   switchStatement                                                                                     #switchStmtAlt
-    |   SYNCHRONIZED parExpression nls block                                                                #synchronizedStmtAlt
-    |   RETURN expression?                                                                                  #returnStmtAlt
-    |   THROW expression                                                                                    #throwStmtAlt
-    |   breakStatement                                                                                      #breakStmtAlt
-    |   continueStatement                                                                                   #continueStmtAlt
-    |   identifier COLON nls statement                                                                      #labeledStmtAlt
-    // Import statement.  Can be used in any scope.  Has "import x as y" also.
-    |   importDeclaration                                                                                   #importStmtAlt
-    |   assertStatement                                                                                     #assertStmtAlt
-    |   typeDeclaration                                                                                     #typeDeclarationStmtAlt
-    |   localVariableDeclaration                                                                            #localVariableDeclarationStmtAlt
-    // validate the method in the AstBuilder#visitMethodDeclaration, e.g. method without method body is not allowed
-    |   { !SemanticPredicates.isInvalidMethodDeclaration(_input) }?
-        methodDeclaration[3, 9]                                                                             #methodDeclarationStmtAlt
-    |   statementExpression                                                                                 #expressionStmtAlt
-    |   SEMI                                                                                                #emptyStmtAlt
-    ;
-    :   CATCH LPAREN variableModifiersOpt catchType? identifier rparen nls block
-    ;
-    :   qualifiedClassName (BITOR qualifiedClassName)*
-    ;
-    :   FINALLY nls block
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN nls resourceList sep? rparen
-    ;
-    :   resource (sep resource)*
-    ;
-    :   localVariableDeclaration
-    |   expression
-    ;
-/** Matches cases then statements, both of which are mandatory.
- *  To handle empty cases at the end, we add switchLabel* to statement.
- */
-    :   (switchLabel nls)+ blockStatements
-    ;
-    :   CASE expression COLON
-    ;
-    :   enhancedForControl
-    |   classicalForControl
-    ;
-    :   variableModifiersOpt type? variableDeclaratorId (COLON | IN) expression
-    ;
-    :   forInit? SEMI expression? SEMI forUpdate?
-    ;
-    :   localVariableDeclaration
-    |   expressionList[false]
-    ;
-    :   expressionList[false]
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN type rparen
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN (statementExpression | standardLambda) rparen
-    ;
-expressionList[boolean canSpread]
-    :   expressionListElement[$canSpread] (COMMA expressionListElement[$canSpread])*
-    ;
-expressionListElement[boolean canSpread]
-    :   (   MUL { require($canSpread, "spread operator is not allowed here", -1); }
-        |
-        ) expression
-    ;
- *  In order to resolve the syntactic ambiguities, e.g. (String)'abc' can be parsed as a cast expression or a parentheses-less method call(method name: (String), arguments: 'abc')
- *      try to match expression first.
- *  If it is not a normal expression, then try to match the command expression
- */
-    :   expression                          #normalExprAlt
-    |   commandExpression                   #commandExprAlt
-    ;
-locals[ boolean isInsideAssert ]
-@init {
-    try {
-        $isInsideAssert = null != $assertStatement::footprint;
-    } catch(NullPointerException e) {
-        $isInsideAssert = false;
-    }
-    :   pathExpression op=(INC | DEC)?
-    ;
-    // qualified names, array expressions, method invocation, post inc/dec, type casting (level 1)
-    // The cast expression must be put before pathExpression to resovle the ambiguities between type casting and call on parentheses expression, e.g. (int)(1 / 2)
-    :   castParExpression expression                                                        #castExprAlt
-    |   postfixExpression                                                                   #postfixExprAlt
-    // ~(BNOT)/!(LNOT) (level 1)
-    |   (BITNOT | NOT) nls expression                                                       #unaryNotExprAlt
-    // math power operator (**) (level 2)
-    |   left=expression op=POWER nls right=expression                                       #powerExprAlt
-    // ++(prefix)/--(prefix)/+(unary)/-(unary) (level 3)
-    |   op=(INC | DEC | ADD | SUB) expression                                               #unaryAddExprAlt
-    // multiplication/division/modulo (level 4)
-    |   left=expression nls op=(MUL | DIV | MOD) nls right=expression                       #multiplicativeExprAlt
-    // binary addition/subtraction (level 5)
-    |   left=expression op=(ADD | SUB) nls right=expression                                 #additiveExprAlt
-    // bit shift expressions (level 6)
-    |   left=expression nls
-            (           (   dlOp=LT LT
-                        |   tgOp=GT GT GT
-                        |   dgOp=GT GT
-                        )
-            |   rangeOp=(    RANGE_INCLUSIVE
-                        |    RANGE_EXCLUSIVE
-                        )
-            ) nls
-        right=expression                                                                    #shiftExprAlt
-    // boolean relational expressions (level 7)
-    |   left=expression nls op=(AS | INSTANCEOF | NOT_INSTANCEOF) nls type                  #relationalExprAlt
-    |   left=expression nls op=(LE | GE | GT | LT | IN | NOT_IN)  nls right=expression      #relationalExprAlt
-    // equality/inequality (==/!=) (level 8)
-    |   left=expression nls
-            op=(    IDENTICAL
-               |    NOT_IDENTICAL
-               |    EQUAL
-               |    NOTEQUAL
-               |    SPACESHIP
-               ) nls
-        right=expression                                                                    #equalityExprAlt
-    // regex find and match (=~ and ==~) (level 8.5)
-    // jez: moved =~ closer to precedence of == etc, as...
-    // 'if (foo =~ "a.c")' is very close in intent to 'if (foo == "abc")'
-    |   left=expression nls op=(REGEX_FIND | REGEX_MATCH) nls right=expression              #regexExprAlt
-    // bitwise or non-short-circuiting and (&)  (level 9)
-    |   left=expression nls op=BITAND nls right=expression                                  #andExprAlt
-    // exclusive or (^)  (level 10)
-    |   left=expression nls op=XOR nls right=expression                                     #exclusiveOrExprAlt
-    // bitwise or non-short-circuiting or (|)  (level 11)
-    |   left=expression nls op=BITOR nls right=expression                                   #inclusiveOrExprAlt
-    // logical and (&&)  (level 12)
-    |   left=expression nls op=AND nls right=expression                                     #logicalAndExprAlt
-    // logical or (||)  (level 13)
-    |   left=expression nls op=OR nls right=expression                                      #logicalOrExprAlt
-    // conditional test (level 14)
-    |   <assoc=right> con=expression nls
-        (   QUESTION nls tb=expression nls COLON nls
-        |   ELVIS nls
-        )
-        fb=expression                                                                       #conditionalExprAlt
-    // assignment expression (level 15)
-    // "(a) = [1]" is a special case of multipleAssignmentExprAlt, it will be handle by assignmentExprAlt
-    |   <assoc=right> left=variableNames nls op=ASSIGN nls right=statementExpression        #multipleAssignmentExprAlt
-    |   <assoc=right> left=expression nls
-                        op=(   ASSIGN
-                           |   ADD_ASSIGN
-                           |   SUB_ASSIGN
-                           |   MUL_ASSIGN
-                           |   DIV_ASSIGN
-                           |   AND_ASSIGN
-                           |   OR_ASSIGN
-                           |   XOR_ASSIGN
-                           |   RSHIFT_ASSIGN
-                           |   URSHIFT_ASSIGN
-                           |   LSHIFT_ASSIGN
-                           |   MOD_ASSIGN
-                           |   POWER_ASSIGN
-                           |   ELVIS_ASSIGN
-                           ) nls
-                     (statementExpression | standardLambda)                                 #assignmentExprAlt
-    ;
-    :   pathExpression
-        (
-            { SemanticPredicates.isFollowingMethodName($pathExpression.t) }?
-            argumentList
-        |
-            /* if pathExpression is a method call, no need to have any more arguments */
-        )
-        commandArgument*
-    ;
-    :   primary
-        // what follows is either a normal argument, parens,
-        // an appended block, an index operation, or nothing
-        // parens (a b already processed):
-        //      a b c() d e -> a(b).c().d(e)
-        //      a b c()() d e -> a(b).c().call().d(e)
-        // index (a b already processed):
-        //      a b c[x] d e -> a(b).c[x].d(e)
-        //      a b c[x][y] d e -> a(b).c[x][y].d(e)
-        // block (a b already processed):
-        //      a b c {x} d e -> a(b).c({x}).d(e)
-        //
-        // parens/block completes method call
-        // index makes method call to property get with index
-        //
-        (   pathElement+
-        |   argumentList
-        )?
-    ;
- *  A "path expression" is a name or other primary, possibly qualified by various
- *  forms of dot, and/or followed by various kinds of brackets.
- *  It can be used for value or assigned to, or else further qualified, indexed, or called.
- *  It is called a "path" because it looks like a linear path through a data structure.
- *  Examples:  x.y, x?.y, x*.y, x.@y; x[], x[y], x[y,z]; x(), x(y), x(y,z); x{s}; a.b[n].c(x).d{s}
- *  (Compare to a C lvalue, or LeftHandSide in the JLS section 15.26.)
- *  General expressions are built up from path expressions, using operators like '+' and '='.
- *
- *  t   0: primary, 1: namePart, 2: arguments, 3: closure, 4: indexPropertyArgs, 5: namedPropertyArgs
- */
-pathExpression returns [int t]
-    :   primary (pathElement { $t = $pathElement.t; })*
-    ;
-pathElement returns [int t]
-locals[ boolean isInsideClosure ]
-@init {
-    try {
-        $isInsideClosure = null != $closure::footprint;
-    } catch(NullPointerException e) {
-        $isInsideClosure = false;
-    }
-    :   nls
-        // AT: foo.@bar selects the field (or attribute), not property
-        ( SPREAD_DOT nls (AT | nonWildcardTypeArguments)?       // Spread operator:  x*.y  ===  x?.collect{it.y}
-        | SAFE_DOT nls (AT | nonWildcardTypeArguments)?         // Optional-null operator:  x?.y  === (x==null)?null:x.y
-        | METHOD_POINTER nls                                    // Method pointer operator: foo.&y == foo.metaClass.getMethodPointer(foo, "y")
-        | METHOD_REFERENCE nls                                  // Method reference: System.out::println
-        | DOT nls (AT | nonWildcardTypeArguments)?              // The all-powerful dot.
-        )
-        namePart
-        { $t = 1; }
-    |   arguments
-        { $t = 2; }
-    // Can always append a block, as foo{bar}
-    |   nls closure
-        { $t = 3; }
-    // Element selection is always an option, too.
-    // In Groovy, the stuff between brackets is a general argument list,
-    // since the bracket operator is transformed into a method call.
-    |   indexPropertyArgs
-        { $t = 4; }
-    |   namedPropertyArgs
-        { $t = 5; }
-    ;
- *  This is the grammar for what can follow a dot:  x.a, x.@a, x.&a, x.'a', etc.
- */
-    :
-        (   identifier
-        // foo.'bar' is in all ways same as, except that bar can have an arbitrary spelling
-        |   stringLiteral
-        |   dynamicMemberName
-        /* just a PROPOSAL, which has not been implemented yet!
-        // PROPOSAL, DECIDE:  Is this inline form of the 'with' statement useful?
-        // Definition:  a.{foo} === {with(a) {foo}}
-        // May cover some path expression use-cases previously handled by dynamic scoping (closure delegates).
-        |   block
-        */
-        // let's allow common keywords as property names
-        |   keywords
-        )
-    ;
- *  If a dot is followed by a parenthesized or quoted expression, the member is computed dynamically,
- *  and the member selection is done only at runtime.  This forces a statically unchecked member access.
- */
-    :   parExpression
-    |   gstring
-    ;
-/** An expression may be followed by [...].
- *  Unlike Java, these brackets may contain a general argument list,
- *  which is passed to the array element operator, which can make of it what it wants.
- *  The brackets may also be empty, as in T[].  This is how Groovy names array types.
- */
-    :   QUESTION? LBRACK expressionList[true]? RBRACK
-    ;
-    :   LBRACK mapEntryList RBRACK
-    ;
-    :   identifier                                                                          #identifierPrmrAlt
-    |   literal                                                                             #literalPrmrAlt
-    |   gstring                                                                             #gstringPrmrAlt
-    |   NEW nls creator                                                                     #newPrmrAlt
-    |   THIS                                                                                #thisPrmrAlt
-    |   SUPER                                                                               #superPrmrAlt
-    |   parExpression                                                                       #parenPrmrAlt
-    |   closure                                                                             #closurePrmrAlt
-    |   lambda                                                                              #lambdaPrmrAlt
-    |   list                                                                                #listPrmrAlt
-    |   map                                                                                 #mapPrmrAlt
-    |   builtInType                                                                         #typePrmrAlt
-    ;
-locals[boolean empty = true]
-    :   LBRACK
-        (
-            expressionList[true]
-            { $empty = false; }
-        )?
-        (
-            COMMA
-            { require(!$empty, "Empty list constructor should not contain any comma(,)", -1); }
-        )?
-        RBRACK
-    ;
-    :   LBRACK
-        (   mapEntryList COMMA?
-        |   COLON
-        )
-        RBRACK
-    ;
-    :   mapEntry (COMMA mapEntry)*
-    ;
-    :   mapEntryLabel COLON nls expression
-    |   MUL COLON nls expression
-    ;
-    :   keywords
-    |   primary
-    ;
-    :   createdName
-        (   nls arguments anonymousInnerClassDeclaration[0]?
-        |   (LBRACK expression RBRACK)+ (b+=LBRACK RBRACK)*
-        |   (b+=LBRACK RBRACK)+ nls arrayInitializer
-        )
-    ;
-    :   LBRACE nls variableInitializers? nls RBRACE
-    ;
- *  t   0: anonymous inner class; 1: anonymous enum
- */
-anonymousInnerClassDeclaration[int t]
-    :   classBody[0]
-    ;
-    :   primitiveType
-    |   qualifiedClassName typeArgumentsOrDiamond?
-    ;
-    :   LT nls typeList nls GT
-    ;
-    :   LT GT
-    |   typeArguments
-    ;
-    :   LPAREN
-        (   enhancedArgumentList?
-        |   enhancedArgumentList COMMA
-        )
-        rparen
-    ;
-options { baseContext = enhancedArgumentList; }
-    :   argumentListElement
-        (   COMMA nls
-            argumentListElement
-        )*
-    ;
-    :   enhancedArgumentListElement
-        (   COMMA nls
-            enhancedArgumentListElement
-        )*
-    ;
-options { baseContext = enhancedArgumentListElement; }
-    :   expressionListElement[true]
-    |   mapEntry
-    ;
-    :   expressionListElement[true]
-    |   standardLambda
-    |   mapEntry
-    ;
-    :   StringLiteral
-    ;
-    :   CapitalizedIdentifier
-    ;
-    :   Identifier
-    |   CapitalizedIdentifier
-    |
-        // if 'static' followed by DOT, we can treat them as identifiers, e.g. static.unused = { -> }
-        { DOT == _input.LT(2).getType() }?
-        STATIC
-    ;
-    :   BuiltInPrimitiveType
-    |   VOID
-    ;
-    :   ABSTRACT
-    |   AS
-    |   ASSERT
-    |   BREAK
-    |   CASE
-    |   CATCH
-    |   CLASS
-    |   CONST
-    |   CONTINUE
-    |   DEF
-    |   DEFAULT
-    |   DO
-    |   ELSE
-    |   ENUM
-    |   EXTENDS
-    |   FINAL
-    |   FINALLY
-    |   FOR
-    |   GOTO
-    |   IF
-    |   IMPORT
-    |   IN
-    |   INTERFACE
-    |   NATIVE
-    |   NEW
-    |   PACKAGE
-    |   RETURN
-    |   STATIC
-    |   STRICTFP
-    |   SUPER
-    |   SWITCH
-    |   THIS
-    |   THROW
-    |   THROWS
-    |   TRANSIENT
-    |   TRAIT
-    |   TRY
-    |   VOLATILE
-    |   WHILE
-    |   NullLiteral
-    |   BooleanLiteral
-    |   BuiltInPrimitiveType
-    |   VOID
-    |   PUBLIC
-    |   PROTECTED
-    |   PRIVATE
-    ;
-    :   RPAREN
-    |
-        // !!!Error Alternatives, impact the performance of parsing!!!
-        { require(false, "Missing ')'"); }
-    ;
-    :   NL*
-    ;
-sep :   SEMI NL*
-    |   NL+ (SEMI NL*)*
-    ;
diff --git a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/groovy/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/util/GroovyTestRig.groovy b/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/groovy/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/util/GroovyTestRig.groovy
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index 798ed5f..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/groovy/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/util/GroovyTestRig.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.util
-import groovy.util.logging.Log
-import org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig
-import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream
-import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream
-import org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.GroovyLangLexer
-import org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.GroovyLangParser
- * A basic debug tool for investigating the parse trees and tokens of Groovy source code
- *
- * @author  <a href="">Daniel.Sun</a>
- * Created on    2016/08/14
- */
-public class GroovyTestRig extends TestRig {
-    public GroovyTestRig(String[] args) throws Exception {
-        super(['Groovy', args.contains('-lexer') ? 'tokens' : 'compilationUnit', *args] as String[]);
-    }
-    public void inspectParseTree() {
-        def inputFile = new File(this.inputFiles[0]);
-        if (!(inputFile.exists() && inputFile.isFile())) {
-   "Input file[${inputFile.absolutePath}] does not exist."
-            return;
-        }
-        byte[] content = inputFile.bytes;
-        String text = new String(content, this.encoding ?: 'UTF-8');
-        GroovyLangLexer lexer = new GroovyLangLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(text));
-        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
-        GroovyLangParser parser = new GroovyLangParser(tokens);
-        this.process(lexer, GroovyLangParser.class, parser, new ByteArrayInputStream(content), new StringReader(text));
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        if (args.length == 0) {
-   "Usage: [-tokens] [-lexer] [-tree] [-gui] [-ps] [-encoding encodingname] [-trace] [-diagnostics] [-SLL] input-filename";
-            return;
-        }
-        if (args.every { it.startsWith('-') }) {
-   "input-filename is required!"
-            return;
-        }
-        GroovyTestRig groovyTestRig = new GroovyTestRig(args);
-        groovyTestRig.inspectParseTree();
-    }
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index f216797..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser;
-import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ModuleNode;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * The base parser for creating a module node.
- * The concrete compiler configuration can be specified by the sub-classes of the base parser(e.g. Antlr2Parser, Antlr4Parser)
- *
- * @author  <a href="">Daniel.Sun</a>
- * Created on    2016/08/14
- */
-public abstract class AbstractParser {
-    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AbstractParser.class.getName());
-    public ModuleNode parse(File file) {
-        if (null == file || !file.exists()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(file + " does not exist.");
-        }
-        CompilerConfiguration configuration = this.getCompilerConfiguration();
-        SourceUnit sourceUnit = new SourceUnit(file, configuration, new GroovyClassLoader(), new ErrorCollector(configuration));
-        return this.parse(sourceUnit);
-    }
-    public ModuleNode parse(String name, String text) {
-        if (null == name) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name should not be null");
-        }
-        if (null == text) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("text should not be null");
-        }
-        CompilerConfiguration configuration = this.getCompilerConfiguration();
-        SourceUnit sourceUnit = new SourceUnit(name, text, configuration, new GroovyClassLoader(), new ErrorCollector(configuration));
-        return this.parse(sourceUnit);
-    }
-    public ModuleNode parse(SourceUnit sourceUnit) {
-        try {
-            sourceUnit.parse();
-            sourceUnit.completePhase();
-            sourceUnit.nextPhase();
-            sourceUnit.convert();
-            return sourceUnit.getAST();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to parse " + sourceUnit.getName(), e);
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    protected abstract CompilerConfiguration getCompilerConfiguration();
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index 6567896..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration;
- * The Antlr2 parser for creating a module node.
- *
- * @author  <a href="">Daniel.Sun</a>
- * Created on    2016/08/14
- */
-public class Antlr2Parser extends AbstractParser {
-    @Override
-    protected CompilerConfiguration getCompilerConfiguration() {
-        return CompilerConfiguration.DEFAULT;
-    }
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index ebe569c..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser;
-import org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.Antlr4PluginFactory;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration;
- * The Antlr4 parser for creating a module node.
- *
- * @author  <a href="">Daniel.Sun</a>
- * Created on    2016/08/14
- */
-public class Antlr4Parser extends AbstractParser {
-    @Override
-    protected CompilerConfiguration getCompilerConfiguration() {
-        CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration(CompilerConfiguration.DEFAULT);
-        configuration.setPluginFactory(new Antlr4PluginFactory());
-        return configuration;
-    }
diff --git a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/ b/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/
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--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4;
-import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
-import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer;
- * Because antlr4 does not support generating lexer with specified interface,
- * we have to create a super class for it and implement the interface.
- */
-public abstract class AbstractLexer extends Lexer implements SyntaxErrorReportable {
-    public AbstractLexer(CharStream input) {
-        super(input);
-    }
diff --git a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/ b/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/
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index 95f493d..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4;
-import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser;
-import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream;
- * Because antlr4 does not support generating parser with specified interface,
- * we have to create a super class for it and implement the interface.
- */
-public abstract class AbstractParser extends Parser implements SyntaxErrorReportable {
-    public AbstractParser(TokenStream input) {
-        super(input);
-    }
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--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ModuleNode;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPlugin;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.ParserException;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Reduction;
- * A parser plugin for the new parser
- *
- * @author  <a href="">Daniel.Sun</a>
- * Created on    2016/08/14
- */
-public class Antlr4ParserPlugin implements ParserPlugin {
-    @Override
-    public Reduction parseCST(SourceUnit sourceUnit, reader) throws CompilationFailedException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public ModuleNode buildAST(SourceUnit sourceUnit, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader, Reduction cst) throws ParserException {
-        AstBuilder builder = new AstBuilder(sourceUnit, classLoader);
-        return builder.buildAST();
-    }
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index 10309d0..0000000
--- a/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/parser/antlr4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPlugin;
-import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPluginFactory;
- * A parser plugin factory for the new parser
- *
- * @author  <a href="">Daniel.Sun</a>
- * Created on    2016/08/14
- */
-public class Antlr4PluginFactory extends ParserPluginFactory {
-    @Override
-    public ParserPlugin createParserPlugin() {
-        return new Antlr4ParserPlugin();
-    }