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Posted to by Rob Hartill <> on 1995/12/08 17:50:00 UTC

patch 20 death

All fingers point to patch

I haven't seen anyone report the problem continuing after this patch
was reveresed.

It's got to go, and soon.

So according to our vote guidelines, I'll make an emergency vote call now.


Emergency Patch Votes

In the event of an emergency patch/vote session to fix a security 
problem, the group may need to bypass the normal operating 
procedures described above in order to get a fix in place prior to any
public announcement of the problem. Any group member may 
announce an emergency on the mailing list and is encouraged to 
do so immediately if notified about a severe problem. Any group
member may veto an emergency in order to force it through the 
normal procedures.

Patches created to solve an emergency problem may be linked 
directly from the Apache home page as soon as the patch has 
been created and tested by its author. However, this link must be
removed or changed if the original patch is vetoed.

The availability of an emergency patch may be announced to 
the public after 24hours or three +1 votes are given for the 
patch, whichever comes first.

I'm calling an emergency vote (24hr deadline) on a patch to reverse
"20_score.0.8.14.patch" and change the Apache version number to say
1.0.1 or 1.0.p1

(I haven't been listening to the discussion on version naming, so if
something else was decided, do it, and don't flame me).

Here's my +1 on this call for votes.

Rob T, can you do a new build tomorrow morning assuming there are no vetos?
