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hive git commit: HIVE-14841 : Test and support replication of exchange partition (Sankar Hariappan, reviewed by Sushanth Sowmyan)

Repository: hive
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 3bf477a1b -> a38ae17fe

HIVE-14841 : Test and support replication of exchange partition (Sankar Hariappan, reviewed by Sushanth Sowmyan)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: a38ae17fea04b25f83c3553d76c550fed4561efa
Parents: 3bf477a
Author: Sushanth Sowmyan <>
Authored: Tue Apr 11 22:35:50 2017 -0700
Committer: Sushanth Sowmyan <>
Committed: Tue Apr 11 22:36:30 2017 -0700

 .../hive/ql/       | 93 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+)
diff --git a/itests/hive-unit/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/ b/itests/hive-unit/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/
index 4c9a1a2..aa2123e 100644
--- a/itests/hive-unit/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/
+++ b/itests/hive-unit/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/
@@ -1079,6 +1079,99 @@ public class TestReplicationScenarios {
+  public void testExchangePartition() throws IOException {
+    String testName = "exchangePartition";
+"Testing " + testName);
+    String dbName = testName + "_" + tid;
+    run("CREATE DATABASE " + dbName);
+    run("CREATE TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src(a string) partitioned by (b int, c int) STORED AS TEXTFILE");
+    run("CREATE TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_dest(a string) partitioned by (b int, c int) STORED AS TEXTFILE");
+    String[] empty = new String[] {};
+    String[] ptn_data_1 = new String[] { "fifteen", "fourteen", "thirteen" };
+    String[] ptn_data_2 = new String[] { "fifteen", "seventeen", "sixteen" };
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=1, c=1) values('" + ptn_data_1[0] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=1, c=1) values('" + ptn_data_1[1] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=1, c=1) values('" + ptn_data_1[2] + "')");
+    run("ALTER TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src ADD PARTITION (b=2, c=2)");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=2, c=2) values('" + ptn_data_2[0] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=2, c=2) values('" + ptn_data_2[1] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=2, c=2) values('" + ptn_data_2[2] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=2, c=3) values('" + ptn_data_2[0] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=2, c=3) values('" + ptn_data_2[1] + "')");
+    run("INSERT INTO TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src partition(b=2, c=3) values('" + ptn_data_2[2] + "')");
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    advanceDumpDir();
+    run("REPL DUMP " + dbName);
+    String replDumpLocn = getResult(0, 0);
+    String replDumpId = getResult(0, 1, true);
+"Bootstrap-Dump: Dumped to {} with id {}", replDumpLocn, replDumpId);
+    run("REPL LOAD " + dbName + "_dupe FROM '" + replDumpLocn + "'");
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=1 and c=1)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=2)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=3)", empty);
+    // Exchange single partitions using complete partition-spec (all partition columns)
+    run("ALTER TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_dest EXCHANGE PARTITION (b=1, c=1) WITH TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src");
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=1 and c=1)", empty);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_dest where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=2)", empty);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=3)", empty);
+    advanceDumpDir();
+    run("REPL DUMP " + dbName + " FROM " + replDumpId);
+    String incrementalDumpLocn = getResult(0, 0);
+    String incrementalDumpId = getResult(0, 1, true);
+"Incremental-Dump: Dumped to {} with id {} from {}", incrementalDumpLocn, incrementalDumpId, replDumpId);
+    replDumpId = incrementalDumpId;
+    run("REPL LOAD " + dbName + "_dupe FROM '" + incrementalDumpLocn + "'");
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=1and c=1)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=2)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=3)", empty);
+    // Exchange multiple partitions using partial partition-spec (only one partition column)
+    run("ALTER TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_dest EXCHANGE PARTITION (b=2) WITH TABLE " + dbName + ".ptned_src");
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=1 and c=1)", empty);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2)", empty);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3)", empty);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_dest where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifySetup("SELECT a from " + dbName + ".ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    advanceDumpDir();
+    run("REPL DUMP " + dbName + " FROM " + replDumpId);
+    incrementalDumpLocn = getResult(0, 0);
+    incrementalDumpId = getResult(0, 1, true);
+"Incremental-Dump: Dumped to {} with id {} from {}", incrementalDumpLocn, incrementalDumpId, replDumpId);
+    replDumpId = incrementalDumpId;
+    run("REPL LOAD " + dbName + "_dupe FROM '" + incrementalDumpLocn + "'");
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=1 and c=1)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=2 and c=2)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_src where (b=2 and c=3)", empty);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=1 and c=1) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_1);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=2) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+    verifyRun("SELECT a from " + dbName + "_dupe.ptned_dest where (b=2 and c=3) ORDER BY a", ptn_data_2);
+  }
+  @Test
   public void testStatus() throws IOException {
     // first test ReplStateMap functionality
     Map<String,Long> cmap = new ReplStateMap<String,Long>();