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Posted to by Techy Teck <> on 2012/08/01 20:32:14 UTC

Difference between storing data as a TextFile and SequenceFile

What is the difference between storing the data as a TextFile and
SequenceFile? And which will be faster while doing Hive queries.

I am creating a table like this-

create table quality
( id bigint,
  total_chkout bigint,
  total_errpds bigint
 partitioned by (ds string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location '/user/uname/quality';

And I am storing the data as a TextFile format. So storing the data in
TextFile will be good or storing the data in SequenceFile (LZO compression)
will be good? So that when I am doing hive queries it is fast enough.Differe