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[07/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14007. Replace hive-orc module with ORC 1.3.1
diff --git a/orc/src/test/org/apache/orc/ b/orc/src/test/org/apache/orc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 112edb9..0000000
--- a/orc/src/test/org/apache/orc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2782 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.orc;
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.BytesColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.DecimalColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.DoubleColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.ListColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.LongColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.MapColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.StructColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.TimestampColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.UnionColumnVector;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.VectorizedRowBatch;
-import org.apache.orc.impl.DataReaderProperties;
-import org.apache.orc.impl.MemoryManager;
-import org.apache.orc.impl.OrcIndex;
-import org.apache.orc.impl.RecordReaderImpl;
-import org.apache.orc.impl.RecordReaderUtils;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.TestName;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.sql.Date;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
- * Tests for the vectorized reader and writer for ORC files.
- */
-public class TestVectorOrcFile {
-  public static class InnerStruct {
-    int int1;
-    Text string1 = new Text();
-    InnerStruct(int int1, Text string1) {
-      this.int1 = int1;
-      this.string1.set(string1);
-    }
-    InnerStruct(int int1, String string1) {
-      this.int1 = int1;
-      this.string1.set(string1);
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-      return "{" + int1 + ", " + string1 + "}";
-    }
-  }
-  public static class MiddleStruct {
-    List<InnerStruct> list = new ArrayList<InnerStruct>();
-    MiddleStruct(InnerStruct... items) {
-      list.clear();
-      list.addAll(Arrays.asList(items));
-    }
-  }
-  private static InnerStruct inner(int i, String s) {
-    return new InnerStruct(i, s);
-  }
-  private static Map<String, InnerStruct> map(InnerStruct... items)  {
-    Map<String, InnerStruct> result = new HashMap<String, InnerStruct>();
-    for(InnerStruct i: items) {
-      result.put(i.string1.toString(), i);
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  private static List<InnerStruct> list(InnerStruct... items) {
-    List<InnerStruct> result = new ArrayList<InnerStruct>();
-    result.addAll(Arrays.asList(items));
-    return result;
-  }
-  private static BytesWritable bytes(int... items) {
-    BytesWritable result = new BytesWritable();
-    result.setSize(items.length);
-    for(int i=0; i < items.length; ++i) {
-      result.getBytes()[i] = (byte) items[i];
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  private static byte[] bytesArray(int... items) {
-    byte[] result = new byte[items.length];
-    for(int i=0; i < items.length; ++i) {
-      result[i] = (byte) items[i];
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  private static ByteBuffer byteBuf(int... items) {
-    ByteBuffer result = ByteBuffer.allocate(items.length);
-    for(int item: items) {
-      result.put((byte) item);
-    }
-    result.flip();
-    return result;
-  }
-  Path workDir = new Path(System.getProperty("test.tmp.dir",
-      "target" + File.separator + "test" + File.separator + "tmp"));
-  Configuration conf;
-  FileSystem fs;
-  Path testFilePath;
-  @Rule
-  public TestName testCaseName = new TestName();
-  @Before
-  public void openFileSystem () throws Exception {
-    conf = new Configuration();
-    fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
-    testFilePath = new Path(workDir, "TestVectorOrcFile." +
-        testCaseName.getMethodName() + ".orc");
-    fs.delete(testFilePath, false);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testReadFormat_0_11() throws Exception {
-    Path oldFilePath =
-        new Path(TestJsonFileDump.getFileFromClasspath("orc-file-11-format.orc"));
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(oldFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    int stripeCount = 0;
-    int rowCount = 0;
-    long currentOffset = -1;
-    for(StripeInformation stripe : reader.getStripes()) {
-      stripeCount += 1;
-      rowCount += stripe.getNumberOfRows();
-      if (currentOffset < 0) {
-        currentOffset = stripe.getOffset() + stripe.getIndexLength()
-            + stripe.getDataLength() + stripe.getFooterLength();
-      } else {
-        assertEquals(currentOffset, stripe.getOffset());
-        currentOffset += stripe.getIndexLength() + stripe.getDataLength()
-            + stripe.getFooterLength();
-      }
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(reader.getNumberOfRows(), rowCount);
-    assertEquals(2, stripeCount);
-    // check the stats
-    ColumnStatistics[] stats = reader.getStatistics();
-    assertEquals(7500, stats[1].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(3750, ((BooleanColumnStatistics) stats[1]).getFalseCount());
-    assertEquals(3750, ((BooleanColumnStatistics) stats[1]).getTrueCount());
-    assertEquals("count: 7500 hasNull: true true: 3750", stats[1].toString());
-    assertEquals(2048, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(1024, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(true, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).isSumDefined());
-    assertEquals(11520000, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).getSum());
-    assertEquals("count: 7500 hasNull: true min: 1024 max: 2048 sum: 11520000",
-        stats[3].toString());
-    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE,
-        ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[5]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE,
-        ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[5]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(false, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[5]).isSumDefined());
-    assertEquals(
-        "count: 7500 hasNull: true min: 9223372036854775807 max: 9223372036854775807",
-        stats[5].toString());
-    assertEquals(-15.0, ((DoubleColumnStatistics) stats[7]).getMinimum(), 0.0001);
-    assertEquals(-5.0, ((DoubleColumnStatistics) stats[7]).getMaximum(), 0.0001);
-    assertEquals(-75000.0, ((DoubleColumnStatistics) stats[7]).getSum(),
-        0.00001);
-    assertEquals("count: 7500 hasNull: true min: -15.0 max: -5.0 sum: -75000.0",
-        stats[7].toString());
-    assertEquals("count: 7500 hasNull: true min: bye max: hi sum: 0", stats[9].toString());
-    // check the inspectors
-    TypeDescription schema = reader.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRUCT, schema.getCategory());
-    assertEquals("struct<boolean1:boolean,byte1:tinyint,short1:smallint,"
-        + "int1:int,long1:bigint,float1:float,double1:double,bytes1:"
-        + "binary,string1:string,middle:struct<list:array<struct<int1:int,"
-        + "string1:string>>>,list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:string>>,"
-        + "map:map<string,struct<int1:int,string1:string>>,ts:timestamp,"
-        + "decimal1:decimal(38,10)>", schema.toString());
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(1024, batch.size);
-    // check the contents of the first row
-    assertEquals(false, getBoolean(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(1, getByte(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(1024, getShort(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(65536, getInt(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, getLong(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(1.0, getFloat(batch, 0), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(-15.0, getDouble(batch, 0), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(bytes(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), getBinary(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals("hi", getText(batch, 0).toString());
-    StructColumnVector middle = (StructColumnVector) batch.cols[9];
-    ListColumnVector midList = (ListColumnVector) middle.fields[0];
-    StructColumnVector midListStruct = (StructColumnVector) midList.child;
-    LongColumnVector midListInt = (LongColumnVector) midListStruct.fields[0];
-    BytesColumnVector midListStr = (BytesColumnVector) midListStruct.fields[1];
-    ListColumnVector list = (ListColumnVector) batch.cols[10];
-    StructColumnVector listStruct = (StructColumnVector) list.child;
-    LongColumnVector listInts = (LongColumnVector) listStruct.fields[0];
-    BytesColumnVector listStrs = (BytesColumnVector) listStruct.fields[1];
-    MapColumnVector map = (MapColumnVector) batch.cols[11];
-    BytesColumnVector mapKey = (BytesColumnVector) map.keys;
-    StructColumnVector mapValue = (StructColumnVector) map.values;
-    LongColumnVector mapValueInts = (LongColumnVector) mapValue.fields[0];
-    BytesColumnVector mapValueStrs = (BytesColumnVector) mapValue.fields[1];
-    TimestampColumnVector timestamp = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[12];
-    DecimalColumnVector decs = (DecimalColumnVector) batch.cols[13];
-    assertEquals(false, middle.isNull[0]);
-    assertEquals(2, midList.lengths[0]);
-    int start = (int) midList.offsets[0];
-    assertEquals(1, midListInt.vector[start]);
-    assertEquals("bye", midListStr.toString(start));
-    assertEquals(2, midListInt.vector[start + 1]);
-    assertEquals("sigh", midListStr.toString(start + 1));
-    assertEquals(2, list.lengths[0]);
-    start = (int) list.offsets[0];
-    assertEquals(3, listInts.vector[start]);
-    assertEquals("good", listStrs.toString(start));
-    assertEquals(4, listInts.vector[start + 1]);
-    assertEquals("bad", listStrs.toString(start + 1));
-    assertEquals(0, map.lengths[0]);
-    assertEquals(Timestamp.valueOf("2000-03-12 15:00:00"),
-        timestamp.asScratchTimestamp(0));
-    assertEquals(new HiveDecimalWritable(HiveDecimal.create("12345678.6547456")),
-        decs.vector[0]);
-    // check the contents of row 7499
-    rows.seekToRow(7499);
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(true, getBoolean(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(100, getByte(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(2048, getShort(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(65536, getInt(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, getLong(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(2.0, getFloat(batch, 0), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(-5.0, getDouble(batch, 0), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(bytes(), getBinary(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals("bye", getText(batch, 0).toString());
-    assertEquals(false, middle.isNull[0]);
-    assertEquals(2, midList.lengths[0]);
-    start = (int) midList.offsets[0];
-    assertEquals(1, midListInt.vector[start]);
-    assertEquals("bye", midListStr.toString(start));
-    assertEquals(2, midListInt.vector[start + 1]);
-    assertEquals("sigh", midListStr.toString(start + 1));
-    assertEquals(3, list.lengths[0]);
-    start = (int) list.offsets[0];
-    assertEquals(100000000, listInts.vector[start]);
-    assertEquals("cat", listStrs.toString(start));
-    assertEquals(-100000, listInts.vector[start + 1]);
-    assertEquals("in", listStrs.toString(start + 1));
-    assertEquals(1234, listInts.vector[start + 2]);
-    assertEquals("hat", listStrs.toString(start + 2));
-    assertEquals(2, map.lengths[0]);
-    start = (int) map.offsets[0];
-    assertEquals("chani", mapKey.toString(start));
-    assertEquals(5, mapValueInts.vector[start]);
-    assertEquals("chani", mapValueStrs.toString(start));
-    assertEquals("mauddib", mapKey.toString(start + 1));
-    assertEquals(1, mapValueInts.vector[start + 1]);
-    assertEquals("mauddib", mapValueStrs.toString(start + 1));
-    assertEquals(Timestamp.valueOf("2000-03-12 15:00:01"),
-        timestamp.asScratchTimestamp(0));
-    assertEquals(new HiveDecimalWritable(HiveDecimal.create("12345678.6547457")),
-        decs.vector[0]);
-    // handle the close up
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testTimestamp() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = TypeDescription.createTimestamp();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf).setSchema(schema).stripeSize(100000)
-            .bufferSize(10000).version(org.apache.orc.OrcFile.Version.V_0_11));
-    List<Timestamp> tslist = Lists.newArrayList();
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2037-01-01 00:00:00.000999"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2003-01-01 00:00:00.000000222"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("1999-01-01 00:00:00.999999999"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("1995-01-01 00:00:00.688888888"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2002-01-01 00:00:00.1"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2010-03-02 00:00:00.000009001"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2005-01-01 00:00:00.000002229"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2006-01-01 00:00:00.900203003"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2003-01-01 00:00:00.800000007"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("1996-08-02 00:00:00.723100809"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("1998-11-02 00:00:00.857340643"));
-    tslist.add(Timestamp.valueOf("2008-10-02 00:00:00"));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = new VectorizedRowBatch(1, 1024);
-    TimestampColumnVector vec = new TimestampColumnVector(1024);
-    batch.cols[0] = vec;
-    batch.reset();
-    batch.size = tslist.size();
-    for (int i=0; i < tslist.size(); ++i) {
-      Timestamp ts = tslist.get(i);
-      vec.set(i, ts);
-    }
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch();
-    TimestampColumnVector timestamps = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    int idx = 0;
-    while (rows.nextBatch(batch)) {
-      for(int r=0; r < batch.size; ++r) {
-        assertEquals(tslist.get(idx++).getNanos(),
-            timestamps.asScratchTimestamp(r).getNanos());
-      }
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(tslist.size(), rows.getRowNumber());
-    assertEquals(0, writer.getSchema().getMaximumId());
-    boolean[] expected = new boolean[] {false};
-    boolean[] included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("", writer.getSchema());
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testStringAndBinaryStatistics() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = TypeDescription.createStruct()
-        .addField("bytes1", TypeDescription.createBinary())
-        .addField("string1", TypeDescription.createString());
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(100000)
-                                         .bufferSize(10000));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 4;
-    BytesColumnVector field1 = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    BytesColumnVector field2 = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    field1.setVal(0, bytesArray(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
-    field1.setVal(1, bytesArray(0, 1, 2, 3));
-    field1.setVal(2, bytesArray(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
-    field1.noNulls = false;
-    field1.isNull[3] = true;
-    field2.setVal(0, "foo".getBytes());
-    field2.setVal(1, "bar".getBytes());
-    field2.noNulls = false;
-    field2.isNull[2] = true;
-    field2.setVal(3, "hi".getBytes());
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    writer.close();
-    schema = writer.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(2, schema.getMaximumId());
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    boolean[] expected = new boolean[] {false, false, true};
-    boolean[] included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("string1", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, false, false};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, false, false};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns(null, schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    // check the stats
-    ColumnStatistics[] stats = reader.getStatistics();
-    assertEquals(4, stats[0].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals("count: 4 hasNull: false", stats[0].toString());
-    assertEquals(3, stats[1].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(15, ((BinaryColumnStatistics) stats[1]).getSum());
-    assertEquals("count: 3 hasNull: true sum: 15", stats[1].toString());
-    assertEquals(3, stats[2].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals("bar", ((StringColumnStatistics) stats[2]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals("hi", ((StringColumnStatistics) stats[2]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(8, ((StringColumnStatistics) stats[2]).getSum());
-    assertEquals("count: 3 hasNull: true min: bar max: hi sum: 8",
-        stats[2].toString());
-    // check the inspectors
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch();
-    BytesColumnVector bytes = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    BytesColumnVector strs = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(4, batch.size);
-    // check the contents of the first row
-    assertEquals(bytes(0,1,2,3,4), getBinary(bytes, 0));
-    assertEquals("foo", strs.toString(0));
-    // check the contents of second row
-    assertEquals(bytes(0,1,2,3), getBinary(bytes, 1));
-    assertEquals("bar", strs.toString(1));
-    // check the contents of third row
-    assertEquals(bytes(0,1,2,3,4,5), getBinary(bytes, 2));
-    assertNull(strs.toString(2));
-    // check the contents of fourth row
-    assertNull(getBinary(bytes, 3));
-    assertEquals("hi", strs.toString(3));
-    // handle the close up
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testStripeLevelStats() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = TypeDescription.createStruct()
-        .addField("int1", TypeDescription.createInt())
-        .addField("string1", TypeDescription.createString());
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-            .setSchema(schema)
-            .stripeSize(100000)
-            .bufferSize(10000));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 1000;
-    LongColumnVector field1 = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    BytesColumnVector field2 = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    field1.isRepeating = true;
-    field2.isRepeating = true;
-    for (int b = 0; b < 11; b++) {
-      if (b >= 5) {
-        if (b >= 10) {
-          field1.vector[0] = 3;
-          field2.setVal(0, "three".getBytes());
-        } else {
-          field1.vector[0] = 2;
-          field2.setVal(0, "two".getBytes());
-        }
-      } else {
-        field1.vector[0] = 1;
-        field2.setVal(0, "one".getBytes());
-      }
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    schema = writer.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(2, schema.getMaximumId());
-    boolean[] expected = new boolean[] {false, true, false};
-    boolean[] included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("int1", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    List<StripeStatistics> stats = reader.getStripeStatistics();
-    int numStripes = stats.size();
-    assertEquals(3, numStripes);
-    StripeStatistics ss1 = stats.get(0);
-    StripeStatistics ss2 = stats.get(1);
-    StripeStatistics ss3 = stats.get(2);
-    assertEquals(5000, ss1.getColumnStatistics()[0].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(5000, ss2.getColumnStatistics()[0].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(1000, ss3.getColumnStatistics()[0].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(5000, (ss1.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(5000, (ss2.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(1000, (ss3.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(1, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss1.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(2, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss2.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(3, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss3.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(1, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss1.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(2, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss2.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(3, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss3.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(5000, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss1.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getSum());
-    assertEquals(10000, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss2.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getSum());
-    assertEquals(3000, ((IntegerColumnStatistics)ss3.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getSum());
-    assertEquals(5000, (ss1.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(5000, (ss2.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(1000, (ss3.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals("one", ((StringColumnStatistics)ss1.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals("two", ((StringColumnStatistics)ss2.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals("three", ((StringColumnStatistics)ss3.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals("one", ((StringColumnStatistics)ss1.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals("two", ((StringColumnStatistics) ss2.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals("three", ((StringColumnStatistics)ss3.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(15000, ((StringColumnStatistics)ss1.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getSum());
-    assertEquals(15000, ((StringColumnStatistics)ss2.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getSum());
-    assertEquals(5000, ((StringColumnStatistics)ss3.getColumnStatistics()[2]).getSum());
-    RecordReaderImpl recordReader = (RecordReaderImpl) reader.rows();
-    OrcProto.RowIndex[] index = recordReader.readRowIndex(0, null, null).getRowGroupIndex();
-    assertEquals(3, index.length);
-    List<OrcProto.RowIndexEntry> items = index[1].getEntryList();
-    assertEquals(1, items.size());
-    assertEquals(3, items.get(0).getPositionsCount());
-    assertEquals(0, items.get(0).getPositions(0));
-    assertEquals(0, items.get(0).getPositions(1));
-    assertEquals(0, items.get(0).getPositions(2));
-    assertEquals(1,
-                 items.get(0).getStatistics().getIntStatistics().getMinimum());
-    index = recordReader.readRowIndex(1, null, null).getRowGroupIndex();
-    assertEquals(3, index.length);
-    items = index[1].getEntryList();
-    assertEquals(2,
-        items.get(0).getStatistics().getIntStatistics().getMaximum());
-  }
-  private static void setInner(StructColumnVector inner, int rowId,
-                               int i, String value) {
-    ((LongColumnVector) inner.fields[0]).vector[rowId] = i;
-    if (value != null) {
-      ((BytesColumnVector) inner.fields[1]).setVal(rowId, value.getBytes());
-    } else {
-      inner.fields[1].isNull[rowId] = true;
-      inner.fields[1].noNulls = false;
-    }
-  }
-  private static void checkInner(StructColumnVector inner, int rowId,
-                                 int rowInBatch, int i, String value) {
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, i,
-        ((LongColumnVector) inner.fields[0]).vector[rowInBatch]);
-    if (value != null) {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, value,
-          ((BytesColumnVector) inner.fields[1]).toString(rowInBatch));
-    } else {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, true, inner.fields[1].isNull[rowInBatch]);
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, false, inner.fields[1].noNulls);
-    }
-  }
-  private static void setInnerList(ListColumnVector list, int rowId,
-                                   List<InnerStruct> value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      if (list.childCount + value.size() > list.child.isNull.length) {
-        list.child.ensureSize(list.childCount * 2, true);
-      }
-      list.lengths[rowId] = value.size();
-      list.offsets[rowId] = list.childCount;
-      for (int i = 0; i < list.lengths[rowId]; ++i) {
-        InnerStruct inner = value.get(i);
-        setInner((StructColumnVector) list.child, i + list.childCount,
-            inner.int1, inner.string1.toString());
-      }
-      list.childCount += value.size();
-    } else {
-      list.isNull[rowId] = true;
-      list.noNulls = false;
-    }
-  }
-  private static void checkInnerList(ListColumnVector list, int rowId,
-                                     int rowInBatch, List<InnerStruct> value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, value.size(), list.lengths[rowInBatch]);
-      int start = (int) list.offsets[rowInBatch];
-      for (int i = 0; i < list.lengths[rowInBatch]; ++i) {
-        InnerStruct inner = value.get(i);
-        checkInner((StructColumnVector) list.child, rowId, i + start,
-            inner.int1, inner.string1.toString());
-      }
-      list.childCount += value.size();
-    } else {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, true, list.isNull[rowInBatch]);
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, false, list.noNulls);
-    }
-  }
-  private static void setInnerMap(MapColumnVector map, int rowId,
-                                  Map<String, InnerStruct> value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      if (map.childCount >= map.keys.isNull.length) {
-        map.keys.ensureSize(map.childCount * 2, true);
-        map.values.ensureSize(map.childCount * 2, true);
-      }
-      map.lengths[rowId] = value.size();
-      int offset = map.childCount;
-      map.offsets[rowId] = offset;
-      for (Map.Entry<String, InnerStruct> entry : value.entrySet()) {
-        ((BytesColumnVector) map.keys).setVal(offset, entry.getKey().getBytes());
-        InnerStruct inner = entry.getValue();
-        setInner((StructColumnVector) map.values, offset, inner.int1,
-            inner.string1.toString());
-        offset += 1;
-      }
-      map.childCount = offset;
-    } else {
-      map.isNull[rowId] = true;
-      map.noNulls = false;
-    }
-  }
-  private static void checkInnerMap(MapColumnVector map, int rowId,
-                                    int rowInBatch,
-                                    Map<String, InnerStruct> value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, value.size(), map.lengths[rowInBatch]);
-      int offset = (int) map.offsets[rowInBatch];
-      for(int i=0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        String key = ((BytesColumnVector) map.keys).toString(offset + i);
-        InnerStruct expected = value.get(key);
-        checkInner((StructColumnVector) map.values, rowId, offset + i,
-            expected.int1, expected.string1.toString());
-      }
-    } else {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, true, map.isNull[rowId]);
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, false, map.noNulls);
-    }
-  }
-  private static void setMiddleStruct(StructColumnVector middle, int rowId,
-                                      MiddleStruct value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      setInnerList((ListColumnVector) middle.fields[0], rowId, value.list);
-    } else {
-      middle.isNull[rowId] = true;
-      middle.noNulls = false;
-    }
-  }
-  private static void checkMiddleStruct(StructColumnVector middle, int rowId,
-                                        int rowInBatch, MiddleStruct value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      checkInnerList((ListColumnVector) middle.fields[0], rowId, rowInBatch,
-          value.list);
-    } else {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, true, middle.isNull[rowInBatch]);
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, false, middle.noNulls);
-    }
-  }
-  private static void setBigRow(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId,
-                                Boolean b1, Byte b2, Short s1,
-                                Integer i1, Long l1, Float f1,
-                                Double d1, BytesWritable b3, String s2,
-                                MiddleStruct m1, List<InnerStruct> l2,
-                                Map<String, InnerStruct> m2) {
-    ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[rowId] = b1 ? 1 : 0;
-    ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[rowId] = b2;
-    ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[rowId] = s1;
-    ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[3]).vector[rowId] = i1;
-    ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[4]).vector[rowId] = l1;
-    ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[5]).vector[rowId] = f1;
-    ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[6]).vector[rowId] = d1;
-    if (b3 != null) {
-      ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[7]).setVal(rowId, b3.getBytes(), 0,
-          b3.getLength());
-    } else {
-      batch.cols[7].isNull[rowId] = true;
-      batch.cols[7].noNulls = false;
-    }
-    if (s2 != null) {
-      ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[8]).setVal(rowId, s2.getBytes());
-    } else {
-      batch.cols[8].isNull[rowId] = true;
-      batch.cols[8].noNulls = false;
-    }
-    setMiddleStruct((StructColumnVector) batch.cols[9], rowId, m1);
-    setInnerList((ListColumnVector) batch.cols[10], rowId, l2);
-    setInnerMap((MapColumnVector) batch.cols[11], rowId, m2);
-  }
-  private static void checkBigRow(VectorizedRowBatch batch,
-                                  int rowInBatch,
-                                  int rowId,
-                                  boolean b1, byte b2, short s1,
-                                  int i1, long l1, float f1,
-                                  double d1, BytesWritable b3, String s2,
-                                  MiddleStruct m1, List<InnerStruct> l2,
-                                  Map<String, InnerStruct> m2) {
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, b1, getBoolean(batch, rowInBatch));
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, b2, getByte(batch, rowInBatch));
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, s1, getShort(batch, rowInBatch));
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, i1, getInt(batch, rowInBatch));
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, l1, getLong(batch, rowInBatch));
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, f1, getFloat(batch, rowInBatch), 0.0001);
-    assertEquals("row " + rowId, d1, getDouble(batch, rowInBatch), 0.0001);
-    if (b3 != null) {
-      BytesColumnVector bytes = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[7];
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, b3.getLength(), bytes.length[rowInBatch]);
-      for(int i=0; i < b3.getLength(); ++i) {
-        assertEquals("row " + rowId + " byte " + i, b3.getBytes()[i],
-            bytes.vector[rowInBatch][bytes.start[rowInBatch] + i]);
-      }
-    } else {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, true, batch.cols[7].isNull[rowInBatch]);
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, false, batch.cols[7].noNulls);
-    }
-    if (s2 != null) {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, s2, getText(batch, rowInBatch).toString());
-    } else {
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, true, batch.cols[8].isNull[rowInBatch]);
-      assertEquals("row " + rowId, false, batch.cols[8].noNulls);
-    }
-    checkMiddleStruct((StructColumnVector) batch.cols[9], rowId, rowInBatch,
-        m1);
-    checkInnerList((ListColumnVector) batch.cols[10], rowId, rowInBatch, l2);
-    checkInnerMap((MapColumnVector) batch.cols[11], rowId, rowInBatch, m2);
-  }
-  private static boolean getBoolean(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[rowId] != 0;
-  }
-  private static byte getByte(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return (byte) ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[rowId];
-  }
-  private static short getShort(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return (short) ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[rowId];
-  }
-  private static int getInt(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return (int) ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[3]).vector[rowId];
-  }
-  private static long getLong(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[4]).vector[rowId];
-  }
-  private static float getFloat(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return (float) ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[5]).vector[rowId];
-  }
-  private static double getDouble(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[6]).vector[rowId];
-  }
-  private static BytesWritable getBinary(BytesColumnVector column, int rowId) {
-    if (column.isRepeating) {
-      rowId = 0;
-    }
-    if (column.noNulls || !column.isNull[rowId]) {
-      return new BytesWritable(Arrays.copyOfRange(column.vector[rowId],
-          column.start[rowId], column.start[rowId] + column.length[rowId]));
-    } else {
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  private static BytesWritable getBinary(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return getBinary((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[7], rowId);
-  }
-  private static Text getText(BytesColumnVector vector, int rowId) {
-    if (vector.isRepeating) {
-      rowId = 0;
-    }
-    if (vector.noNulls || !vector.isNull[rowId]) {
-      return new Text(Arrays.copyOfRange(vector.vector[rowId],
-          vector.start[rowId], vector.start[rowId] + vector.length[rowId]));
-    } else {
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  private static Text getText(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId) {
-    return getText((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[8], rowId);
-  }
-  private static InnerStruct getInner(StructColumnVector vector,
-                                      int rowId) {
-    return new InnerStruct(
-        (int) ((LongColumnVector) vector.fields[0]).vector[rowId],
-        getText((BytesColumnVector) vector.fields[1], rowId));
-  }
-  private static List<InnerStruct> getList(ListColumnVector cv,
-                                           int rowId) {
-    if (cv.isRepeating) {
-      rowId = 0;
-    }
-    if (cv.noNulls || !cv.isNull[rowId]) {
-      List<InnerStruct> result =
-          new ArrayList<InnerStruct>((int) cv.lengths[rowId]);
-      for(long i=cv.offsets[rowId];
-          i < cv.offsets[rowId] + cv.lengths[rowId]; ++i) {
-        result.add(getInner((StructColumnVector) cv.child, (int) i));
-      }
-      return result;
-    } else {
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  private static List<InnerStruct> getMidList(VectorizedRowBatch batch,
-                                              int rowId) {
-    return getList((ListColumnVector) ((StructColumnVector) batch.cols[9])
-        .fields[0], rowId);
-  }
-  private static List<InnerStruct> getList(VectorizedRowBatch batch,
-                                           int rowId) {
-    return getList((ListColumnVector) batch.cols[10], rowId);
-  }
-  private static Map<Text, InnerStruct> getMap(VectorizedRowBatch batch,
-                                               int rowId) {
-    MapColumnVector cv = (MapColumnVector) batch.cols[11];
-    if (cv.isRepeating) {
-      rowId = 0;
-    }
-    if (cv.noNulls || !cv.isNull[rowId]) {
-      Map<Text, InnerStruct> result =
-          new HashMap<Text, InnerStruct>((int) cv.lengths[rowId]);
-      for(long i=cv.offsets[rowId];
-          i < cv.offsets[rowId] + cv.lengths[rowId]; ++i) {
-        result.put(getText((BytesColumnVector) cv.keys, (int) i),
-            getInner((StructColumnVector) cv.values, (int) i));
-      }
-      return result;
-    } else {
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  private static TypeDescription createInnerSchema() {
-    return TypeDescription.createStruct()
-        .addField("int1", TypeDescription.createInt())
-        .addField("string1", TypeDescription.createString());
-  }
-  private static TypeDescription createBigRowSchema() {
-    return TypeDescription.createStruct()
-        .addField("boolean1", TypeDescription.createBoolean())
-        .addField("byte1", TypeDescription.createByte())
-        .addField("short1", TypeDescription.createShort())
-        .addField("int1", TypeDescription.createInt())
-        .addField("long1", TypeDescription.createLong())
-        .addField("float1", TypeDescription.createFloat())
-        .addField("double1", TypeDescription.createDouble())
-        .addField("bytes1", TypeDescription.createBinary())
-        .addField("string1", TypeDescription.createString())
-        .addField("middle", TypeDescription.createStruct()
-            .addField("list", TypeDescription.createList(createInnerSchema())))
-        .addField("list", TypeDescription.createList(createInnerSchema()))
-        .addField("map", TypeDescription.createMap(
-            TypeDescription.createString(),
-            createInnerSchema()));
-  }
-  static void assertArrayEquals(boolean[] expected, boolean[] actual) {
-    assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length);
-    boolean diff = false;
-    for(int i=0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
-      if (expected[i] != actual[i]) {
-        System.out.println("Difference at " + i + " expected: " + expected[i] +
-          " actual: " + actual[i]);
-        diff = true;
-      }
-    }
-    assertEquals(false, diff);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void test1() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createBigRowSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-            .setSchema(schema)
-            .stripeSize(100000)
-            .bufferSize(10000));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 2;
-    setBigRow(batch, 0, false, (byte) 1, (short) 1024, 65536,
-        Long.MAX_VALUE, (float) 1.0, -15.0, bytes(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), "hi",
-        new MiddleStruct(inner(1, "bye"), inner(2, "sigh")),
-        list(inner(3, "good"), inner(4, "bad")),
-        map());
-    setBigRow(batch, 1, true, (byte) 100, (short) 2048, 65536,
-        Long.MAX_VALUE, (float) 2.0, -5.0, bytes(), "bye",
-        new MiddleStruct(inner(1, "bye"), inner(2, "sigh")),
-        list(inner(100000000, "cat"), inner(-100000, "in"), inner(1234, "hat")),
-        map(inner(5, "chani"), inner(1, "mauddib")));
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    schema = writer.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(23, schema.getMaximumId());
-    boolean[] expected = new boolean[] {false, false, false, false, false,
-        false, false, false, false, false,
-        false, false, false, false, false,
-        false, false, false, false, false,
-        false, false, false, false};
-    boolean[] included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, true, false, false, false,
-        false, false, false, false, true,
-        true, true, true, true, true,
-        false, false, false, false, true,
-        true, true, true, true};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("boolean1,string1,middle,map", schema);
-    assertArrayEquals(expected, included);
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, true, false, false, false,
-        false, false, false, false, true,
-        true, true, true, true, true,
-        false, false, false, false, true,
-        true, true, true, true};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("boolean1,string1,middle,map", schema);
-    assertArrayEquals(expected, included);
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, true, true, true, true,
-        true, true, true, true, true,
-        true, true, true, true, true,
-        true, true, true, true, true,
-        true, true, true, true};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns(
-        "boolean1,byte1,short1,int1,long1,float1,double1,bytes1,string1,middle,list,map",
-        schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    // check the stats
-    ColumnStatistics[] stats = reader.getStatistics();
-    assertEquals(2, stats[1].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(1, ((BooleanColumnStatistics) stats[1]).getFalseCount());
-    assertEquals(1, ((BooleanColumnStatistics) stats[1]).getTrueCount());
-    assertEquals("count: 2 hasNull: false true: 1", stats[1].toString());
-    assertEquals(2048, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(1024, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(true, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).isSumDefined());
-    assertEquals(3072, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) stats[3]).getSum());
-    assertEquals("count: 2 hasNull: false min: 1024 max: 2048 sum: 3072",
-        stats[3].toString());
-    StripeStatistics ss = reader.getStripeStatistics().get(0);
-    assertEquals(2, ss.getColumnStatistics()[0].getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(1, ((BooleanColumnStatistics) ss.getColumnStatistics()[1]).getTrueCount());
-    assertEquals(1024, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) ss.getColumnStatistics()[3]).getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(2048, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) ss.getColumnStatistics()[3]).getMaximum());
-    assertEquals(3072, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) ss.getColumnStatistics()[3]).getSum());
-    assertEquals(-15.0, ((DoubleColumnStatistics) stats[7]).getMinimum(), 0.0001);
-    assertEquals(-5.0, ((DoubleColumnStatistics) stats[7]).getMaximum(), 0.0001);
-    assertEquals(-20.0, ((DoubleColumnStatistics) stats[7]).getSum(), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals("count: 2 hasNull: false min: -15.0 max: -5.0 sum: -20.0",
-        stats[7].toString());
-    assertEquals("count: 2 hasNull: false min: bye max: hi sum: 5", stats[9].toString());
-    // check the schema
-    TypeDescription readerSchema = reader.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRUCT, readerSchema.getCategory());
-    assertEquals("struct<boolean1:boolean,byte1:tinyint,short1:smallint,"
-        + "int1:int,long1:bigint,float1:float,double1:double,bytes1:"
-        + "binary,string1:string,middle:struct<list:array<struct<int1:int,"
-        + "string1:string>>>,list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:string>>,"
-        + "map:map<string,struct<int1:int,string1:string>>>",
-        readerSchema.toString());
-    List<String> fieldNames = readerSchema.getFieldNames();
-    List<TypeDescription> fieldTypes = readerSchema.getChildren();
-    assertEquals("boolean1", fieldNames.get(0));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.BOOLEAN, fieldTypes.get(0).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("byte1", fieldNames.get(1));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.BYTE, fieldTypes.get(1).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("short1", fieldNames.get(2));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.SHORT, fieldTypes.get(2).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("int1", fieldNames.get(3));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.INT, fieldTypes.get(3).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("long1", fieldNames.get(4));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.LONG, fieldTypes.get(4).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("float1", fieldNames.get(5));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.FLOAT, fieldTypes.get(5).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("double1", fieldNames.get(6));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.DOUBLE, fieldTypes.get(6).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("bytes1", fieldNames.get(7));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.BINARY, fieldTypes.get(7).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("string1", fieldNames.get(8));
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRING, fieldTypes.get(8).getCategory());
-    assertEquals("middle", fieldNames.get(9));
-    TypeDescription middle = fieldTypes.get(9);
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRUCT, middle.getCategory());
-    TypeDescription midList = middle.getChildren().get(0);
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.LIST, midList.getCategory());
-    TypeDescription inner = midList.getChildren().get(0);
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRUCT, inner.getCategory());
-    assertEquals("int1", inner.getFieldNames().get(0));
-    assertEquals("string1", inner.getFieldNames().get(1));
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    // create a new batch
-    batch = readerSchema.createRowBatch();
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(2, batch.size);
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    // check the contents of the first row
-    assertEquals(false, getBoolean(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(1, getByte(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(1024, getShort(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(65536, getInt(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, getLong(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(1.0, getFloat(batch, 0), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(-15.0, getDouble(batch, 0), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(bytes(0,1,2,3,4), getBinary(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals("hi", getText(batch, 0).toString());
-    List<InnerStruct> midRow = getMidList(batch, 0);
-    assertNotNull(midRow);
-    assertEquals(2, midRow.size());
-    assertEquals(1, midRow.get(0).int1);
-    assertEquals("bye", midRow.get(0).string1.toString());
-    assertEquals(2, midRow.get(1).int1);
-    assertEquals("sigh", midRow.get(1).string1.toString());
-    List<InnerStruct> list = getList(batch, 0);
-    assertEquals(2, list.size());
-    assertEquals(3, list.get(0).int1);
-    assertEquals("good", list.get(0).string1.toString());
-    assertEquals(4, list.get(1).int1);
-    assertEquals("bad", list.get(1).string1.toString());
-    Map<Text, InnerStruct> map = getMap(batch, 0);
-    assertEquals(0, map.size());
-    // check the contents of second row
-    assertEquals(true, getBoolean(batch, 1));
-    assertEquals(100, getByte(batch, 1));
-    assertEquals(2048, getShort(batch, 1));
-    assertEquals(65536, getInt(batch, 1));
-    assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, getLong(batch, 1));
-    assertEquals(2.0, getFloat(batch, 1), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(-5.0, getDouble(batch, 1), 0.00001);
-    assertEquals(bytes(), getBinary(batch, 1));
-    assertEquals("bye", getText(batch, 1).toString());
-    midRow = getMidList(batch, 1);
-    assertNotNull(midRow);
-    assertEquals(2, midRow.size());
-    assertEquals(1, midRow.get(0).int1);
-    assertEquals("bye", midRow.get(0).string1.toString());
-    assertEquals(2, midRow.get(1).int1);
-    assertEquals("sigh", midRow.get(1).string1.toString());
-    list = getList(batch, 1);
-    assertEquals(3, list.size());
-    assertEquals(100000000, list.get(0).int1);
-    assertEquals("cat", list.get(0).string1.toString());
-    assertEquals(-100000, list.get(1).int1);
-    assertEquals("in", list.get(1).string1.toString());
-    assertEquals(1234, list.get(2).int1);
-    assertEquals("hat", list.get(2).string1.toString());
-    map = getMap(batch, 1);
-    assertEquals(2, map.size());
-    InnerStruct value = map.get(new Text("chani"));
-    assertEquals(5, value.int1);
-    assertEquals("chani", value.string1.toString());
-    value = map.get(new Text("mauddib"));
-    assertEquals(1, value.int1);
-    assertEquals("mauddib", value.string1.toString());
-    // handle the close up
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testColumnProjection() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createInnerSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(1000)
-                                         .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-                                         .bufferSize(100)
-                                         .rowIndexStride(1000));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    Random r1 = new Random(1);
-    Random r2 = new Random(2);
-    int x;
-    int minInt=0, maxInt=0;
-    String y;
-    String minStr = null, maxStr = null;
-    batch.size = 1000;
-    boolean first = true;
-    for(int b=0; b < 21; ++b) {
-      for(int r=0; r < 1000; ++r) {
-        x = r1.nextInt();
-        y = Long.toHexString(r2.nextLong());
-        if (first || x < minInt) {
-          minInt = x;
-        }
-        if (first || x > maxInt) {
-          maxInt = x;
-        }
-        if (first || y.compareTo(minStr) < 0) {
-          minStr = y;
-        }
-        if (first || y.compareTo(maxStr) > 0) {
-          maxStr = y;
-        }
-        first = false;
-        ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[r] = x;
-        ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).setVal(r, y.getBytes());
-      }
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    // check out the statistics
-    ColumnStatistics[] stats = reader.getStatistics();
-    assertEquals(3, stats.length);
-    for(ColumnStatistics s: stats) {
-      assertEquals(21000, s.getNumberOfValues());
-      if (s instanceof IntegerColumnStatistics) {
-        assertEquals(minInt, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) s).getMinimum());
-        assertEquals(maxInt, ((IntegerColumnStatistics) s).getMaximum());
-      } else if (s instanceof  StringColumnStatistics) {
-        assertEquals(maxStr, ((StringColumnStatistics) s).getMaximum());
-        assertEquals(minStr, ((StringColumnStatistics) s).getMinimum());
-      }
-    }
-    // check out the types
-    TypeDescription type = reader.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRUCT, type.getCategory());
-    assertEquals(2, type.getChildren().size());
-    TypeDescription type1 = type.getChildren().get(0);
-    TypeDescription type2 = type.getChildren().get(1);
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.INT, type1.getCategory());
-    assertEquals(TypeDescription.Category.STRING, type2.getCategory());
-    assertEquals("struct<int1:int,string1:string>", type.toString());
-    // read the contents and make sure they match
-    RecordReader rows1 = reader.rows(
-        new Reader.Options().include(new boolean[]{true, true, false}));
-    RecordReader rows2 = reader.rows(
-        new Reader.Options().include(new boolean[]{true, false, true}));
-    r1 = new Random(1);
-    r2 = new Random(2);
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch1 = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(1000);
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch2 = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(1000);
-    for(int i = 0; i < 21000; i += 1000) {
-      Assert.assertEquals(true, rows1.nextBatch(batch1));
-      Assert.assertEquals(true, rows2.nextBatch(batch2));
-      assertEquals(1000, batch1.size);
-      assertEquals(1000, batch2.size);
-      for(int j=0; j < 1000; ++j) {
-        assertEquals(r1.nextInt(),
-            ((LongColumnVector) batch1.cols[0]).vector[j]);
-        assertEquals(Long.toHexString(r2.nextLong()),
-            ((BytesColumnVector) batch2.cols[1]).toString(j));
-      }
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows1.nextBatch(batch1));
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows2.nextBatch(batch2));
-    rows1.close();
-    rows2.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testEmptyFile() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createBigRowSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(1000)
-                                         .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-                                         .bufferSize(100));
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch();
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, reader.rows().nextBatch(batch));
-    Assert.assertEquals(CompressionKind.NONE, reader.getCompressionKind());
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, reader.getCompressionSize());
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, reader.getMetadataKeys().iterator().hasNext());
-    Assert.assertEquals(3, reader.getContentLength());
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, reader.getStripes().iterator().hasNext());
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void metaData() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createBigRowSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-            .setSchema(schema)
-            .stripeSize(1000)
-            .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-            .bufferSize(100));
-    writer.addUserMetadata("my.meta", byteBuf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, 127,
-                                              -128));
-    writer.addUserMetadata("clobber", byteBuf(1, 2, 3));
-    writer.addUserMetadata("clobber", byteBuf(4, 3, 2, 1));
-    ByteBuffer bigBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(40000);
-    Random random = new Random(0);
-    random.nextBytes(bigBuf.array());
-    writer.addUserMetadata("big", bigBuf);
-    bigBuf.position(0);
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 1;
-    setBigRow(batch, 0, true, (byte) 127, (short) 1024, 42,
-        42L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, (float) 3.1415, -2.713, null,
-        null, null, null, null);
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    writer.addUserMetadata("clobber", byteBuf(5,7,11,13,17,19));
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    Assert.assertEquals(byteBuf(5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19), reader.getMetadataValue("clobber"));
-    Assert.assertEquals(byteBuf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, 127, -128),
-        reader.getMetadataValue("my.meta"));
-    Assert.assertEquals(bigBuf, reader.getMetadataValue("big"));
-    try {
-      reader.getMetadataValue("unknown");
-      assertTrue(false);
-    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
-      // PASS
-    }
-    int i = 0;
-    for(String key: reader.getMetadataKeys()) {
-      if ("my.meta".equals(key) ||
-          "clobber".equals(key) ||
-          "big".equals(key)) {
-        i += 1;
-      } else {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown key " + key);
-      }
-    }
-    assertEquals(3, i);
-    int numStripes = reader.getStripeStatistics().size();
-    assertEquals(1, numStripes);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generate an ORC file with a range of dates and times.
-   */
-  public void createOrcDateFile(Path file, int minYear, int maxYear
-                                ) throws IOException {
-    TypeDescription schema = TypeDescription.createStruct()
-        .addField("time", TypeDescription.createTimestamp())
-        .addField("date", TypeDescription.createDate());
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(file,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-            .setSchema(schema)
-            .stripeSize(100000)
-            .bufferSize(10000)
-            .blockPadding(false));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 1000;
-    for (int year = minYear; year < maxYear; ++year) {
-      for (int ms = 1000; ms < 2000; ++ms) {
-        TimestampColumnVector timestampColVector = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-        timestampColVector.set(ms - 1000,
-            Timestamp.valueOf(year +
-                "-05-05 12:34:56." + ms));
-        ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[ms - 1000] =
-            new DateWritable(new Date(year - 1900, 11, 25)).getDays();
-      }
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(file,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf));
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(1000);
-    TimestampColumnVector times = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    LongColumnVector dates = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    for (int year = minYear; year < maxYear; ++year) {
-      rows.nextBatch(batch);
-      assertEquals(1000, batch.size);
-      for(int ms = 1000; ms < 2000; ++ms) {
-        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
-        times.stringifyValue(buffer, ms - 1000);
-        String expected = Integer.toString(year) + "-05-05 12:34:56.";
-        // suppress the final zeros on the string by dividing by the largest
-        // power of 10 that divides evenly.
-        int roundedMs = ms;
-        for(int round = 1000; round > 0; round /= 10) {
-          if (ms % round == 0) {
-            roundedMs = ms / round;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        expected += roundedMs;
-        assertEquals(expected, buffer.toString());
-        assertEquals(Integer.toString(year) + "-12-25",
-            new DateWritable((int) dates.vector[ms - 1000]).toString());
-      }
-    }
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(0, batch.size);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testDate1900() throws Exception {
-    createOrcDateFile(testFilePath, 1900, 1970);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testDate2038() throws Exception {
-    createOrcDateFile(testFilePath, 2038, 2250);
-  }
-  private static void setUnion(VectorizedRowBatch batch, int rowId,
-                               Timestamp ts, Integer tag, Integer i, String s,
-                               HiveDecimalWritable dec) {
-    UnionColumnVector union = (UnionColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    if (ts != null) {
-      TimestampColumnVector timestampColVector = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-      timestampColVector.set(rowId, ts);
-    } else {
-      batch.cols[0].isNull[rowId] = true;
-      batch.cols[0].noNulls = false;
-    }
-    if (tag != null) {
-      union.tags[rowId] = tag;
-      if (tag == 0) {
-        if (i != null) {
-          ((LongColumnVector) union.fields[tag]).vector[rowId] = i;
-        } else {
-          union.fields[tag].isNull[rowId] = true;
-          union.fields[tag].noNulls = false;
-        }
-      } else if (tag == 1) {
-        if (s != null) {
-          ((BytesColumnVector) union.fields[tag]).setVal(rowId, s.getBytes());
-        } else {
-          union.fields[tag].isNull[rowId] = true;
-          union.fields[tag].noNulls = false;
-        }
-      } else {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad tag " + tag);
-      }
-    } else {
-      batch.cols[1].isNull[rowId] = true;
-      batch.cols[1].noNulls = false;
-    }
-    if (dec != null) {
-      ((DecimalColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[rowId] = dec;
-    } else {
-      batch.cols[2].isNull[rowId] = true;
-      batch.cols[2].noNulls = false;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-     * We test union, timestamp, and decimal separately since we need to make the
-     * object inspector manually. (The Hive reflection-based doesn't handle
-     * them properly.)
-     */
-  @Test
-  public void testUnionAndTimestamp() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = TypeDescription.createStruct()
-        .addField("time", TypeDescription.createTimestamp())
-        .addField("union", TypeDescription.createUnion()
-            .addUnionChild(TypeDescription.createInt())
-            .addUnionChild(TypeDescription.createString()))
-        .addField("decimal", TypeDescription.createDecimal()
-            .withPrecision(38)
-            .withScale(18));
-    HiveDecimal maxValue = HiveDecimal.create("10000000000000000000");
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(1000)
-                                         .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-                                         .bufferSize(100)
-                                         .blockPadding(false));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 6;
-    setUnion(batch, 0, Timestamp.valueOf("2000-03-12 15:00:00"), 0, 42, null,
-             new HiveDecimalWritable("12345678.6547456"));
-    setUnion(batch, 1, Timestamp.valueOf("2000-03-20 12:00:00.123456789"),
-        1, null, "hello", new HiveDecimalWritable("-5643.234"));
-    setUnion(batch, 2, null, null, null, null, null);
-    setUnion(batch, 3, null, 0, null, null, null);
-    setUnion(batch, 4, null, 1, null, null, null);
-    setUnion(batch, 5, Timestamp.valueOf("1970-01-01 00:00:00"), 0, 200000,
-        null, new HiveDecimalWritable("10000000000000000000"));
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    batch.reset();
-    Random rand = new Random(42);
-    for(int i=1970; i < 2038; ++i) {
-      Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf(i + "-05-05 12:34:56." + i);
-      HiveDecimal dec =
-          HiveDecimal.create(new BigInteger(64, rand), rand.nextInt(18));
-      if ((i & 1) == 0) {
-        setUnion(batch, batch.size++, ts, 0, i*i, null,
-            new HiveDecimalWritable(dec));
-      } else {
-        setUnion(batch, batch.size++, ts, 1, null, Integer.toString(i*i),
-            new HiveDecimalWritable(dec));
-      }
-      if (maxValue.compareTo(dec) < 0) {
-        maxValue = dec;
-      }
-    }
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    batch.reset();
-    // let's add a lot of constant rows to test the rle
-    batch.size = 1000;
-    for(int c=0; c < batch.cols.length; ++c) {
-      batch.cols[c].setRepeating(true);
-    }
-    ((UnionColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).fields[0].isRepeating = true;
-    setUnion(batch, 0, null, 0, 1732050807, null, null);
-    for(int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    batch.reset();
-    batch.size = 3;
-    setUnion(batch, 0, null, 0, 0, null, null);
-    setUnion(batch, 1, null, 0, 10, null, null);
-    setUnion(batch, 2, null, 0, 138, null, null);
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    schema = writer.getSchema();
-    assertEquals(5, schema.getMaximumId());
-    boolean[] expected = new boolean[] {false, false, false, false, false, false};
-    boolean[] included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, true, false, false, false, true};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("time,decimal", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    expected = new boolean[] {false, false, true, true, true, false};
-    included = OrcUtils.includeColumns("union", schema);
-    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(expected, included));
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, reader.getMetadataKeys().iterator().hasNext());
-    Assert.assertEquals(5077, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-    DecimalColumnStatistics stats =
-        (DecimalColumnStatistics) reader.getStatistics()[5];
-    assertEquals(71, stats.getNumberOfValues());
-    assertEquals(HiveDecimal.create("-5643.234"), stats.getMinimum());
-    assertEquals(maxValue, stats.getMaximum());
-    // TODO: fix this
-//    assertEquals(null,stats.getSum());
-    int stripeCount = 0;
-    int rowCount = 0;
-    long currentOffset = -1;
-    for(StripeInformation stripe: reader.getStripes()) {
-      stripeCount += 1;
-      rowCount += stripe.getNumberOfRows();
-      if (currentOffset < 0) {
-        currentOffset = stripe.getOffset() + stripe.getLength();
-      } else {
-        assertEquals(currentOffset, stripe.getOffset());
-        currentOffset += stripe.getLength();
-      }
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(reader.getNumberOfRows(), rowCount);
-    assertEquals(2, stripeCount);
-    Assert.assertEquals(reader.getContentLength(), currentOffset);
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, rows.getRowNumber());
-    Assert.assertEquals(0.0, rows.getProgress(), 0.000001);
-    schema = reader.getSchema();
-    batch = schema.createRowBatch(74);
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, rows.getRowNumber());
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(74, batch.size);
-    Assert.assertEquals(74, rows.getRowNumber());
-    TimestampColumnVector ts = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    UnionColumnVector union = (UnionColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    LongColumnVector longs = (LongColumnVector) union.fields[0];
-    BytesColumnVector strs = (BytesColumnVector) union.fields[1];
-    DecimalColumnVector decs = (DecimalColumnVector) batch.cols[2];
-    assertEquals("struct<time:timestamp,union:uniontype<int,string>,decimal:decimal(38,18)>",
-        schema.toString());
-    assertEquals("2000-03-12 15:00:00.0", ts.asScratchTimestamp(0).toString());
-    assertEquals(0, union.tags[0]);
-    assertEquals(42, longs.vector[0]);
-    assertEquals("12345678.6547456", decs.vector[0].toString());
-    assertEquals("2000-03-20 12:00:00.123456789", ts.asScratchTimestamp(1).toString());
-    assertEquals(1, union.tags[1]);
-    assertEquals("hello", strs.toString(1));
-    assertEquals("-5643.234", decs.vector[1].toString());
-    assertEquals(false, ts.noNulls);
-    assertEquals(false, union.noNulls);
-    assertEquals(false, decs.noNulls);
-    assertEquals(true, ts.isNull[2]);
-    assertEquals(true, union.isNull[2]);
-    assertEquals(true, decs.isNull[2]);
-    assertEquals(true, ts.isNull[3]);
-    assertEquals(false, union.isNull[3]);
-    assertEquals(0, union.tags[3]);
-    assertEquals(true, longs.isNull[3]);
-    assertEquals(true, decs.isNull[3]);
-    assertEquals(true, ts.isNull[4]);
-    assertEquals(false, union.isNull[4]);
-    assertEquals(1, union.tags[4]);
-    assertEquals(true, strs.isNull[4]);
-    assertEquals(true, decs.isNull[4]);
-    assertEquals(false, ts.isNull[5]);
-    assertEquals("1970-01-01 00:00:00.0", ts.asScratchTimestamp(5).toString());
-    assertEquals(false, union.isNull[5]);
-    assertEquals(0, union.tags[5]);
-    assertEquals(false, longs.isNull[5]);
-    assertEquals(200000, longs.vector[5]);
-    assertEquals(false, decs.isNull[5]);
-    assertEquals("10000000000000000000", decs.vector[5].toString());
-    rand = new Random(42);
-    for(int i=1970; i < 2038; ++i) {
-      int row = 6 + i - 1970;
-      assertEquals(Timestamp.valueOf(i + "-05-05 12:34:56." + i),
-          ts.asScratchTimestamp(row));
-      if ((i & 1) == 0) {
-        assertEquals(0, union.tags[row]);
-        assertEquals(i*i, longs.vector[row]);
-      } else {
-        assertEquals(1, union.tags[row]);
-        assertEquals(Integer.toString(i * i), strs.toString(row));
-      }
-      assertEquals(new HiveDecimalWritable(HiveDecimal.create(new BigInteger(64, rand),
-                                   rand.nextInt(18))), decs.vector[row]);
-    }
-    // rebuild the row batch, so that we can read by 1000 rows
-    batch = schema.createRowBatch(1000);
-    ts = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    union = (UnionColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    longs = (LongColumnVector) union.fields[0];
-    strs = (BytesColumnVector) union.fields[1];
-    decs = (DecimalColumnVector) batch.cols[2];
-    for(int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
-      rows.nextBatch(batch);
-      assertEquals("batch " + i, 1000, batch.size);
-      assertEquals("batch " + i, false, union.isRepeating);
-      assertEquals("batch " + i, true, union.noNulls);
-      for(int r=0; r < batch.size; ++r) {
-        assertEquals("bad tag at " + i + "." +r, 0, union.tags[r]);
-      }
-      assertEquals("batch " + i, true, longs.isRepeating);
-      assertEquals("batch " + i, 1732050807, longs.vector[0]);
-    }
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(3, batch.size);
-    assertEquals(0, union.tags[0]);
-    assertEquals(0, longs.vector[0]);
-    assertEquals(0, union.tags[1]);
-    assertEquals(10, longs.vector[1]);
-    assertEquals(0, union.tags[2]);
-    assertEquals(138, longs.vector[2]);
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(0, batch.size);
-    Assert.assertEquals(1.0, rows.getProgress(), 0.00001);
-    Assert.assertEquals(reader.getNumberOfRows(), rows.getRowNumber());
-    rows.seekToRow(1);
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(1000, batch.size);
-    assertEquals(Timestamp.valueOf("2000-03-20 12:00:00.123456789"), ts.asScratchTimestamp(0));
-    assertEquals(1, union.tags[0]);
-    assertEquals("hello", strs.toString(0));
-    assertEquals(new HiveDecimalWritable(HiveDecimal.create("-5643.234")), decs.vector[0]);
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Read and write a randomly generated snappy file.
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testSnappy() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createInnerSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(1000)
-                                         .compress(CompressionKind.SNAPPY)
-                                         .bufferSize(100));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    Random rand = new Random(12);
-    batch.size = 1000;
-    for(int b=0; b < 10; ++b) {
-      for (int r=0; r < 1000; ++r) {
-        ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[r] = rand.nextInt();
-        ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).setVal(r,
-            Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt()).getBytes());
-      }
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    Assert.assertEquals(CompressionKind.SNAPPY, reader.getCompressionKind());
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(1000);
-    rand = new Random(12);
-    LongColumnVector longs = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    BytesColumnVector strs = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    for(int b=0; b < 10; ++b) {
-      rows.nextBatch(batch);
-      assertEquals(1000, batch.size);
-      for(int r=0; r < batch.size; ++r) {
-        assertEquals(rand.nextInt(), longs.vector[r]);
-        assertEquals(Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt()), strs.toString(r));
-      }
-    }
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(0, batch.size);
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Read and write a randomly generated snappy file.
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testWithoutIndex() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createInnerSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(5000)
-                                         .compress(CompressionKind.SNAPPY)
-                                         .bufferSize(1000)
-                                         .rowIndexStride(0));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    Random rand = new Random(24);
-    batch.size = 5;
-    for(int c=0; c < batch.cols.length; ++c) {
-      batch.cols[c].setRepeating(true);
-    }
-    for(int i=0; i < 10000; ++i) {
-      ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[0] = rand.nextInt();
-      ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1])
-          .setVal(0, Integer.toBinaryString(rand.nextInt()).getBytes());
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    Assert.assertEquals(50000, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, reader.getRowIndexStride());
-    StripeInformation stripe = reader.getStripes().iterator().next();
-    assertEquals(true, stripe.getDataLength() != 0);
-    assertEquals(0, stripe.getIndexLength());
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    rand = new Random(24);
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(1000);
-    LongColumnVector longs = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    BytesColumnVector strs = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    for(int i=0; i < 50; ++i) {
-      rows.nextBatch(batch);
-      assertEquals("batch " + i, 1000, batch.size);
-      for(int j=0; j < 200; ++j) {
-        int intVal = rand.nextInt();
-        String strVal = Integer.toBinaryString(rand.nextInt());
-        for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
-          assertEquals(intVal, longs.vector[j * 5 + k]);
-          assertEquals(strVal, strs.toString(j * 5 + k));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    rows.nextBatch(batch);
-    assertEquals(0, batch.size);
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testSeek() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createBigRowSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .stripeSize(200000)
-                                         .bufferSize(65536)
-                                         .rowIndexStride(1000));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    Random rand = new Random(42);
-    final int COUNT=32768;
-    long[] intValues= new long[COUNT];
-    double[] doubleValues = new double[COUNT];
-    String[] stringValues = new String[COUNT];
-    BytesWritable[] byteValues = new BytesWritable[COUNT];
-    String[] words = new String[128];
-    for(int i=0; i < words.length; ++i) {
-      words[i] = Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt());
-    }
-    for(int i=0; i < COUNT/2; ++i) {
-      intValues[2*i] = rand.nextLong();
-      intValues[2*i+1] = intValues[2*i];
-      stringValues[2*i] = words[rand.nextInt(words.length)];
-      stringValues[2*i+1] = stringValues[2*i];
-    }
-    for(int i=0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
-      doubleValues[i] = rand.nextDouble();
-      byte[] buf = new byte[20];
-      rand.nextBytes(buf);
-      byteValues[i] = new BytesWritable(buf);
-    }
-    for(int i=0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
-      appendRandomRow(batch, intValues, doubleValues, stringValues,
-          byteValues, words, i);
-      if (batch.size == 1024) {
-        writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-        batch.reset();
-      }
-    }
-    if (batch.size != 0) {
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    Assert.assertEquals(COUNT, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows();
-    // get the row index
-    DataReader meta = RecordReaderUtils.createDefaultDataReader(
-        DataReaderProperties.builder()
-            .withBufferSize(reader.getCompressionSize())
-            .withFileSystem(fs)
-            .withPath(testFilePath)
-            .withCompression(reader.getCompressionKind())
-            .withTypeCount(reader.getSchema().getMaximumId() + 1)
-            .withZeroCopy(false)
-            .build());
-    OrcIndex index =
-        meta.readRowIndex(reader.getStripes().get(0), null, null, null, null,
-            null);
-    // check the primitive columns to make sure they have the right number of
-    // items in the first row group
-    for(int c=1; c < 9; ++c) {
-      OrcProto.RowIndex colIndex = index.getRowGroupIndex()[c];
-      assertEquals(1000,
-          colIndex.getEntry(0).getStatistics().getNumberOfValues());
-    }
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch();
-    int nextRowInBatch = -1;
-    for(int i=COUNT-1; i >= 0; --i, --nextRowInBatch) {
-      // if we have consumed the previous batch read a new one
-      if (nextRowInBatch < 0) {
-        long base = Math.max(i - 1023, 0);
-        rows.seekToRow(base);
-        Assert.assertEquals("row " + i, true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-        nextRowInBatch = batch.size - 1;
-      }
-      checkRandomRow(batch, intValues, doubleValues,
-          stringValues, byteValues, words, i, nextRowInBatch);
-    }
-    rows.close();
-    Iterator<StripeInformation> stripeIterator =
-      reader.getStripes().iterator();
-    long offsetOfStripe2 = 0;
-    long offsetOfStripe4 = 0;
-    long lastRowOfStripe2 = 0;
-    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-      StripeInformation stripe =;
-      if (i < 2) {
-        lastRowOfStripe2 += stripe.getNumberOfRows();
-      } else if (i == 2) {
-        offsetOfStripe2 = stripe.getOffset();
-        lastRowOfStripe2 += stripe.getNumberOfRows() - 1;
-      } else if (i == 4) {
-        offsetOfStripe4 = stripe.getOffset();
-      }
-    }
-    boolean[] columns = new boolean[reader.getStatistics().length];
-    columns[5] = true; // long colulmn
-    columns[9] = true; // text column
-    rows = reader.rows(new Reader.Options()
-        .range(offsetOfStripe2, offsetOfStripe4 - offsetOfStripe2)
-        .include(columns));
-    rows.seekToRow(lastRowOfStripe2);
-    // we only want two rows
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(2);
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(1, batch.size);
-    assertEquals(intValues[(int) lastRowOfStripe2], getLong(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(stringValues[(int) lastRowOfStripe2],
-        getText(batch, 0).toString());
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(intValues[(int) lastRowOfStripe2 + 1], getLong(batch, 0));
-    assertEquals(stringValues[(int) lastRowOfStripe2 + 1],
-        getText(batch, 0).toString());
-    rows.close();
-  }
-  private void appendRandomRow(VectorizedRowBatch batch,
-                               long[] intValues, double[] doubleValues,
-                               String[] stringValues,
-                               BytesWritable[] byteValues,
-                               String[] words, int i) {
-    InnerStruct inner = new InnerStruct((int) intValues[i], stringValues[i]);
-    InnerStruct inner2 = new InnerStruct((int) (intValues[i] >> 32),
-        words[i % words.length] + "-x");
-    setBigRow(batch, batch.size++, (intValues[i] & 1) == 0, (byte) intValues[i],
-        (short) intValues[i], (int) intValues[i], intValues[i],
-        (float) doubleValues[i], doubleValues[i], byteValues[i], stringValues[i],
-        new MiddleStruct(inner, inner2), list(), map(inner, inner2));
-  }
-  private void checkRandomRow(VectorizedRowBatch batch,
-                              long[] intValues, double[] doubleValues,
-                              String[] stringValues,
-                              BytesWritable[] byteValues,
-                              String[] words, int i, int rowInBatch) {
-    InnerStruct inner = new InnerStruct((int) intValues[i], stringValues[i]);
-    InnerStruct inner2 = new InnerStruct((int) (intValues[i] >> 32),
-        words[i % words.length] + "-x");
-    checkBigRow(batch, rowInBatch, i, (intValues[i] & 1) == 0, (byte) intValues[i],
-        (short) intValues[i], (int) intValues[i], intValues[i],
-        (float) doubleValues[i], doubleValues[i], byteValues[i], stringValues[i],
-        new MiddleStruct(inner, inner2), list(), map(inner, inner2));
-  }
-  private static class MyMemoryManager extends MemoryManager {
-    final long totalSpace;
-    double rate;
-    Path path = null;
-    long lastAllocation = 0;
-    int rows = 0;
-    Callback callback;
-    MyMemoryManager(Configuration conf, long totalSpace, double rate) {
-      super(conf);
-      this.totalSpace = totalSpace;
-      this.rate = rate;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void addWriter(Path path, long requestedAllocation,
-                   Callback callback) {
-      this.path = path;
-      this.lastAllocation = requestedAllocation;
-      this.callback = callback;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public synchronized void removeWriter(Path path) {
-      this.path = null;
-      this.lastAllocation = 0;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public long getTotalMemoryPool() {
-      return totalSpace;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public double getAllocationScale() {
-      return rate;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void addedRow(int count) throws IOException {
-      rows += count;
-      if (rows % 100 == 0) {
-        callback.checkMemory(rate);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testMemoryManagementV11() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createInnerSchema();
-    MyMemoryManager memory = new MyMemoryManager(conf, 10000, 0.1);
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-            .setSchema(schema)
-            .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-            .stripeSize(50000)
-            .bufferSize(100)
-            .rowIndexStride(0)
-            .memory(memory)
-            .version(OrcFile.Version.V_0_11));
-    assertEquals(testFilePath, memory.path);
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.size = 1;
-    for(int i=0; i < 2500; ++i) {
-      ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[0] = i * 300;
-      ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).setVal(0,
-          Integer.toHexString(10*i).getBytes());
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    assertEquals(null, memory.path);
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    int i = 0;
-    for(StripeInformation stripe: reader.getStripes()) {
-      i += 1;
-      assertTrue("stripe " + i + " is too long at " + stripe.getDataLength(),
-          stripe.getDataLength() < 5000);
-    }
-    assertEquals(25, i);
-    assertEquals(2500, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testMemoryManagementV12() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createInnerSchema();
-    MyMemoryManager memory = new MyMemoryManager(conf, 10000, 0.1);
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-                                         OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-                                         .setSchema(schema)
-                                         .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-                                         .stripeSize(50000)
-                                         .bufferSize(100)
-                                         .rowIndexStride(0)
-                                         .memory(memory)
-                                         .version(OrcFile.Version.V_0_12));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    assertEquals(testFilePath, memory.path);
-    batch.size = 1;
-    for(int i=0; i < 2500; ++i) {
-      ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[0] = i * 300;
-      ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).setVal(0,
-          Integer.toHexString(10*i).getBytes());
-      writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    }
-    writer.close();
-    assertEquals(null, memory.path);
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    int i = 0;
-    for(StripeInformation stripe: reader.getStripes()) {
-      i += 1;
-      assertTrue("stripe " + i + " is too long at " + stripe.getDataLength(),
-          stripe.getDataLength() < 5000);
-    }
-    // with HIVE-7832, the dictionaries will be disabled after writing the first
-    // stripe as there are too many distinct values. Hence only 3 stripes as
-    // compared to 25 stripes in version 0.11 (above test case)
-    assertEquals(3, i);
-    assertEquals(2500, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testPredicatePushdown() throws Exception {
-    TypeDescription schema = createInnerSchema();
-    Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.writerOptions(conf)
-            .setSchema(schema)
-            .stripeSize(400000L)
-            .compress(CompressionKind.NONE)
-            .bufferSize(500)
-            .rowIndexStride(1000));
-    VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
-    batch.ensureSize(3500);
-    batch.size = 3500;
-    for(int i=0; i < 3500; ++i) {
-      ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[i] = i * 300;
-      ((BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).setVal(i,
-          Integer.toHexString(10*i).getBytes());
-    }
-    writer.addRowBatch(batch);
-    writer.close();
-    Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath,
-        OrcFile.readerOptions(conf).filesystem(fs));
-    assertEquals(3500, reader.getNumberOfRows());
-    SearchArgument sarg = SearchArgumentFactory.newBuilder()
-        .startAnd()
-          .startNot()
-             .lessThan("int1", PredicateLeaf.Type.LONG, 300000L)
-          .end()
-          .lessThan("int1", PredicateLeaf.Type.LONG, 600000L)
-        .end()
-        .build();
-    RecordReader rows = reader.rows(new Reader.Options()
-        .range(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE)
-        .include(new boolean[]{true, true, true})
-        .searchArgument(sarg, new String[]{null, "int1", "string1"}));
-    batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch(2000);
-    LongColumnVector ints = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
-    BytesColumnVector strs = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
-    Assert.assertEquals(1000L, rows.getRowNumber());
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(1000, batch.size);
-    for(int i=1000; i < 2000; ++i) {
-      assertEquals(300 * i, ints.vector[i - 1000]);
-      assertEquals(Integer.toHexString(10*i), strs.toString(i - 1000));
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    Assert.assertEquals(3500, rows.getRowNumber());
-    // look through the file with no rows selected
-    sarg = SearchArgumentFactory.newBuilder()
-        .startAnd()
-          .lessThan("int1", PredicateLeaf.Type.LONG, 0L)
-        .end()
-        .build();
-    rows = reader.rows(new Reader.Options()
-        .range(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE)
-        .include(new boolean[]{true, true, true})
-        .searchArgument(sarg, new String[]{null, "int1", "string1"}));
-    Assert.assertEquals(3500L, rows.getRowNumber());
-    assertTrue(!rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    // select first 100 and last 100 rows
-    sarg = SearchArgumentFactory.newBuilder()
-        .startOr()
-          .lessThan("int1", PredicateLeaf.Type.LONG, 300L * 100)
-          .startNot()
-            .lessThan("int1", PredicateLeaf.Type.LONG, 300L * 3400)
-          .end()
-        .end()
-        .build();
-    rows = reader.rows(new Reader.Options()
-        .range(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE)
-        .include(new boolean[]{true, true, true})
-        .searchArgument(sarg, new String[]{null, "int1", "string1"}));
-    Assert.assertEquals(0, rows.getRowNumber());
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(1000, batch.size);
-    Assert.assertEquals(3000, rows.getRowNumber());
-    for(int i=0; i < 1000; ++i) {
-      assertEquals(300 * i, ints.vector[i]);
-      assertEquals(Integer.toHexString(10*i), strs.toString(i));
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(true, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    assertEquals(500, batch.size);
-    Assert.assertEquals(3500, rows.getRowNumber());
-    for(int i=3000; i < 3500; ++i) {
-      assertEquals(300 * i, ints.vector[i - 3000]);
-      assertEquals(Integer.toHexString(10*i), strs.toString(i - 3000));
-    }
-    Assert.assertEquals(false, rows.nextBatch(batch));
-    Assert.assertEquals(3500, rows.getRowNumber());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test all of the types that have distinct ORC writers using the vectorized
-   * writer with different combinations of repeating and null values.
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @T