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Posted to by on 2012/06/20 23:23:01 UTC

[6/14] Delete all the old files, they are moved to plugins/experimental in our normal repo
diff --git a/esi/ b/esi/
deleted file mode 100644
index e68c771..0000000
--- a/esi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1289 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <list>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "ts/ts.h"
-#include "EsiProcessor.h"
-#include "HttpDataFetcher.h"
-#include "Utils.h"
-#include "HandlerManager.h"
-#include "serverIntercept.h"
-#include "Stats.h"
-#include "gzip.h"
-#include "HttpDataFetcherImpl.h"
-#include "FailureInfo.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::list;
-using namespace EsiLib;
-using namespace Stats;
-static HandlerManager *gHandlerManager;
-#define DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi"
-#define PROCESSOR_DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi_processor"
-#define PARSER_DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi_parser"
-#define FETCHER_DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi_fetcher"
-#define VARS_DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi_vars"
-#define HANDLER_MGR_DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi_handler_mgr"
-#define MIME_FIELD_XESI "X-Esi"
-static const char *DATA_TYPE_NAMES_[] = { "RAW_ESI",
-                                          "GZIPPED_ESI",
-                                          "PACKED_ESI" };
-static const char *HEADER_MASK_PREFIX = "Mask-";
-static const int HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE = 5;
-struct ContData
-  STATE curr_state;
-  TSVIO input_vio;
-  TSIOBufferReader input_reader;
-  TSVIO output_vio;
-  TSIOBuffer output_buffer;
-  TSIOBufferReader output_reader;
-  Variables *esi_vars;
-  HttpDataFetcherImpl *data_fetcher;
-  EsiProcessor *esi_proc;
-  string debug_tag;
-  bool initialized;
-  bool xform_closed;
-  TSCont contp;
-  DataType input_type;
-  DocNodeList node_list;
-  string packed_node_list;
-  char *request_url;
-  bool os_response_cacheable;
-  list<string> post_headers;
-  TSHttpTxn txnp;
-  bool gzip_output;
-  string gzipped_data;
-  sockaddr const* client_addr;
-  bool got_server_state;
-  ContData(TSCont contptr, TSHttpTxn tx)
-    : curr_state(READING_ESI_DOC), input_vio(NULL), output_vio(NULL), output_buffer(NULL), output_reader(NULL),
-      esi_vars(NULL), data_fetcher(NULL), esi_proc(NULL), initialized(false),
-      xform_closed(false), contp(contptr), input_type(DATA_TYPE_RAW_ESI),
-      packed_node_list(""), request_url(NULL), os_response_cacheable(true), txnp(tx), gzip_output(false),
-      gzipped_data(""), got_server_state(false) {
-    client_addr = TSHttpTxnClientAddrGet(txnp);
-  }
-  void getClientState();
-  void getServerState();
-  void checkXformStatus();
-  bool init();
-  ~ContData();
-class TSStatSystem : public StatSystem {
-  void create(int handle) {
-        g_stat_indices[handle]=TSStatCreate(Stats::STAT_NAMES[handle], TS_RECORDDATATYPE_INT, TS_STAT_PERSISTENT, TS_STAT_SYNC_COUNT);
-  }
-//  void increment(int handle, TSMgmtInt step = 1) {
-  void increment(int handle, int step = 1) {
-    TSStatIntIncrement(g_stat_indices[handle], step);
-  }
-static const char *
-createDebugTag(const char *prefix, TSCont contp, string &dest)
-  char buf[1024];
-  snprintf(buf, 1024, "%s_%p", prefix, contp);
-  dest.assign(buf);
-  return dest.c_str();
-static bool
-checkHeaderValue(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr_loc, const char *name, int name_len,
-                 const char *exp_value = 0, int exp_value_len = 0, bool prefix = false); // forward decl
-static bool
-checkForCacheHeader(const char *name, int name_len, const char *value, int value_len, bool &cacheable);
-ContData::checkXformStatus() {
-  if (!xform_closed) {
-    int retval = TSVConnClosedGet(contp);
-    if ((retval == TS_ERROR) || retval) {
-      if (retval == TS_ERROR) {
-        TSDebug(debug_tag.c_str(), "[%s] Error while getting close status of transformation at state %d",
-                 __FUNCTION__, curr_state);
-      } else {
-        TSDebug(debug_tag.c_str(), "[%s] Vconn closed", __FUNCTION__);
-      }
-      xform_closed = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (initialized) {
-    TSError("[%s] ContData already initialized!", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  createDebugTag(DEBUG_TAG, contp, debug_tag);
-  checkXformStatus();
-  bool retval = false;
-  if (!xform_closed) {
-    // Get upstream VIO
-    input_vio = TSVConnWriteVIOGet(contp);
-    if (!input_vio) {
-      TSError("[%s] Error while getting input vio", __FUNCTION__);
-      goto lReturn;
-    }
-    input_reader = TSVIOReaderGet(input_vio);
-    // Get downstream VIO
-    TSVConn output_conn;
-    output_conn = TSTransformOutputVConnGet(contp);
-    if (!output_conn) {
-      TSError("[%s] Error while getting transform VC", __FUNCTION__);
-      goto lReturn;
-    }
-    output_buffer = TSIOBufferCreate();
-    output_reader = TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(output_buffer);
-    // we don't know how much data we are going to write, so INT_MAX
-    output_vio = TSVConnWrite(output_conn, contp, output_reader, INT_MAX);
-    string fetcher_tag, vars_tag, expr_tag, parser_tag, proc_tag;
-    if (!data_fetcher) {
-      data_fetcher = new HttpDataFetcherImpl(contp, client_addr,
-                                             createDebugTag(FETCHER_DEBUG_TAG, contp, fetcher_tag));
-    }
-    if (!esi_vars) {
-      esi_vars = new Variables(createDebugTag(VARS_DEBUG_TAG, contp, vars_tag), &TSDebug, &TSError);
-    }
-    esi_proc = new EsiProcessor(createDebugTag(PROCESSOR_DEBUG_TAG, contp, proc_tag),
-                                createDebugTag(PARSER_DEBUG_TAG, contp, fetcher_tag),
-                                createDebugTag(EXPR_DEBUG_TAG, contp, expr_tag),
-                                &TSDebug, &TSError, *data_fetcher, *esi_vars, *gHandlerManager);
-    if (!got_server_state) {
-      getServerState();
-    }
-    TSDebug(debug_tag.c_str(), "[%s] Set input data type to [%s]", __FUNCTION__,
-             DATA_TYPE_NAMES_[input_type]);
-    retval = true;
-  } else {
-    TSDebug(debug_tag.c_str(), "[%s] Transformation closed during initialization; Returning false",
-             __FUNCTION__);
-  }
-  initialized = true;
-  return retval;
-ContData::getClientState() {
-  TSMBuffer req_bufp;
-  TSMLoc req_hdr_loc;
-  if (TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &req_bufp, &req_hdr_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while retrieving client request", __FUNCTION__);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!esi_vars) {
-    string vars_tag;
-    esi_vars = new Variables(createDebugTag(VARS_DEBUG_TAG, contp, vars_tag), &TSDebug, &TSError);
-  }
-  if (!data_fetcher) {
-    string fetcher_tag;
-    data_fetcher = new HttpDataFetcherImpl(contp, client_addr,
-                                           createDebugTag(FETCHER_DEBUG_TAG, contp, fetcher_tag));
-  }
-  if (req_bufp && req_hdr_loc) {
-    TSMLoc url_loc;
-    if(TSHttpHdrUrlGet(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, &url_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-        TSError("[%s] Error while retrieving hdr url", __FUNCTION__);
-/*FIXME Does this leak?*/
-        return;
-    }
-    if (url_loc) {
-      if (request_url) {
-        TSfree(request_url);
-      }
-//FIXME TSUrlStringGet says it can accept a null length but it lies.
-      int length;
-      request_url = TSUrlStringGet(req_bufp, url_loc, &length);
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Got request URL [%s]", __FUNCTION__, request_url ? request_url : "(null)");
-      int query_len;
-      const char *query = TSUrlHttpQueryGet(req_bufp, url_loc, &query_len);
-      if (query) {
-        esi_vars->populate(query, query_len);
-      }
-      TSHandleMLocRelease(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, url_loc);
-    }
-    TSMLoc field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldGet(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, 0);
-    while (field_loc) {
-      TSMLoc next_field_loc;
-      const char *name;
-      int name_len;
-      name = TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, field_loc, &name_len);
-      if (name) {
-        int n_values;
-        n_values = TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, field_loc);
-        if (n_values && (n_values != TS_ERROR)) {
-          const char *value;
-          int value_len;
-          for (int i = 0; i < n_values; ++i) {
-            value = TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, field_loc, i, &value_len);
-            if ( NULL != value || value_len ) {
-                HttpHeader header(name, name_len, value, value_len);
-                esi_vars->populate(header);
-                data_fetcher->useHeader(header);
-                if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_ACCEPT_ENCODING,
-                                    TS_MIME_LEN_ACCEPT_ENCODING) &&
-                    Utils::areEqual(value, value_len, TS_HTTP_VALUE_GZIP,
-                                    TS_HTTP_LEN_GZIP)) {
-                  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Client accepts gzip encoding; will compress output", __FUNCTION__);
-                  gzip_output = true;
-                }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      next_field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldNext(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, field_loc);
-      TSHandleMLocRelease(req_bufp, req_hdr_loc, field_loc);
-      field_loc = next_field_loc;
-    }
-  }
-  TSHandleMLocRelease(req_bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, req_hdr_loc);
-ContData::getServerState() {
-  got_server_state = true;
-  TSMBuffer bufp;
-  TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-  if (!TSHttpTxnServerRespGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc)) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Could not get server response; Assuming cache object", __FUNCTION__);
-//FIXME In theory it should be DATA_TYPE_PACKED_ESI but that doesn't work. Forcing to RAW_ESI for now.
-    input_type = DATA_TYPE_RAW_ESI;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (checkHeaderValue(bufp, hdr_loc, TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODING,
-    input_type = DATA_TYPE_GZIPPED_ESI;
-  } else {
-    input_type = DATA_TYPE_RAW_ESI;
-  }
-  int n_mime_headers = TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(bufp, hdr_loc);
-  TSMLoc field_loc;
-  const char *name, *act_name, *value;
-  int name_len, act_name_len, value_len;
-  string header;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n_mime_headers; ++i) {
-    field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldGet(bufp, hdr_loc, i);
-    if (!field_loc) {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while obtaining header field #%d", __FUNCTION__, i);
-      continue;
-    }
-    name = TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, &name_len);
-    if (name) {
-      if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_TRANSFER_ENCODING, TS_MIME_LEN_TRANSFER_ENCODING)) {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not retaining transfer encoding header", __FUNCTION__);
-      } else if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, MIME_FIELD_XESI, MIME_FIELD_XESI_LEN)) {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not retaining 'X-Esi' header", __FUNCTION__);
-      } else if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH, TS_MIME_LEN_CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not retaining 'Content-length' header", __FUNCTION__);
-      }  else {
-        if ((name_len > HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE) &&
-            (strncmp(name, HEADER_MASK_PREFIX, HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE) == 0)) {
-          act_name = name + HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE;
-          act_name_len = name_len - HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE;
-        } else {
-          act_name = name;
-          act_name_len = name_len;
-        }
-        header.assign(act_name, act_name_len);
-        header.append(": ");
-        int n_field_values = TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-        for (int j = 0; j < n_field_values; ++j) {
-          value = TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, j, &value_len);
-          if ( NULL == value || !value_len ) {
-            TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while getting value #%d of header [%.*s]",
-                     __FUNCTION__, j, act_name_len, act_name);
-          } else {
-            if (Utils::areEqual(act_name, act_name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_VARY, TS_MIME_LEN_VARY) &&
-                Utils::areEqual(value, value_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_ACCEPT_ENCODING,
-                                TS_MIME_LEN_ACCEPT_ENCODING)) {
-              TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not retaining 'vary: accept-encoding' header", __FUNCTION__);
-            } else if (Utils::areEqual(act_name, act_name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODING,
-                                       TS_MIME_LEN_CONTENT_ENCODING) &&
-                       Utils::areEqual(value, value_len, TS_HTTP_VALUE_GZIP, TS_HTTP_LEN_GZIP)) {
-              TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not retaining 'content-encoding: gzip' header", __FUNCTION__);
-            } else {
-              if (header[header.size() - 2] != ':') {
-                header.append(", ");
-              }
-              header.append(value, value_len);
-              checkForCacheHeader(act_name, act_name_len, value, value_len,
-                                  os_response_cacheable);
-              if (!os_response_cacheable) {
-                TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Header [%.*s] with value [%.*s] is a no-cache header",
-                         __FUNCTION__, act_name_len, act_name, value_len, value);
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          } // end if got value string
-        } // end value iteration
-        if (static_cast<int>(header.size()) > (act_name_len + 2 /* for ': ' */ )) {
-          header += "\r\n";
-          post_headers.push_back(header);
-        }
-      } // end if processable header
-    } // end if got header name
-    TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-    if (!os_response_cacheable) {
-      post_headers.clear();
-      break;
-    }
-  } // end header iteration
-  TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-  TSDebug(debug_tag.c_str(), "[%s] Destroying continuation data", __FUNCTION__);
-  if (output_reader) {
-    TSIOBufferReaderFree(output_reader);
-  }
-  if (output_buffer) {
-    TSIOBufferDestroy(output_buffer);
-  }
-  if (request_url) {
-    TSfree(request_url);
-  }
-  if (esi_vars) {
-    delete esi_vars;
-  }
-  if (data_fetcher) {
-    delete data_fetcher;
-  }
-  if (esi_proc) {
-    delete esi_proc;
-  }
-static void
-cacheNodeList(ContData *cont_data) {
-  if (TSHttpTxnAborted(cont_data->txnp)) {
-    TSDebug(cont_data->debug_tag.c_str(), "[%s] Not caching node list as txn has been aborted", __FUNCTION__);
-    return;
-  }
-  string post_request("");
-  post_request.append(TS_HTTP_METHOD_POST);
-  post_request += ' ';
-  post_request.append(cont_data->request_url);
-  post_request.append(" HTTP/1.0\r\n");
-  post_request.append(SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER);
-  post_request.append(": cache=1\r\n");
-  for (list<string>::iterator list_iter = cont_data->post_headers.begin();
-       list_iter != cont_data->post_headers.end(); ++list_iter) {
-    post_request.append(ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX);
-    post_request.append(*list_iter);
-  }
-  post_request.append(": ");
-  post_request.append(TS_HTTP_VALUE_GZIP, TS_HTTP_LEN_GZIP);
-  post_request.append("\r\n");
-  string body;
-  cont_data->esi_proc->packNodeList(body, false);
-  char buf[64];
-  snprintf(buf, 64, "%s: %ld\r\n\r\n", TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH, body.size());
-  post_request.append(buf);
-  post_request.append(body);
-  TSFetchEvent event_ids;
-  TSFetchUrl(, post_request.size(), cont_data->client_addr,
-                  cont_data->contp, NO_CALLBACK, event_ids);
-static int
-transformData(TSCont contp)
-  ContData *cont_data;
-  int64_t toread, consumed = 0, avail;
-  bool input_vio_buf_null = false;
-  bool process_input_complete = false; 
-  // Get the output (downstream) vconnection where we'll write data to.
-  cont_data = static_cast<ContData *>(TSContDataGet(contp));
-  // If the input VIO's buffer is NULL, we need to terminate the transformation
-  if (!TSVIOBufferGet(cont_data->input_vio)) {
-    input_vio_buf_null = true;
-    if (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::PROCESSING_COMPLETE) {
-      TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] input_vio NULL, marking transformation to be terminated",
-               __FUNCTION__);
-      return 1;
-    } else if (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::READING_ESI_DOC) {
-      TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] input_vio NULL while in read state. Assuming end of input",
-               __FUNCTION__);
-      process_input_complete = true;
-    } else {
-      if (!cont_data->data_fetcher->isFetchComplete()) {
-        TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(),
-                 "[%s] input_vio NULL, but data needs to be fetched. Returning control", __FUNCTION__);
-        return 1;
-      } else {
-        TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(),
-                 "[%s] input_vio NULL, but processing needs to (and can) be completed", __FUNCTION__);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!process_input_complete && (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::READING_ESI_DOC)) {
-    // Determine how much data we have left to read.
-    toread = TSVIONTodoGet(cont_data->input_vio);
-    TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] upstream VC has %ld bytes available to read",
-             __FUNCTION__, toread);
-    if (toread > 0) {
-      avail = TSIOBufferReaderAvail(cont_data->input_reader);
-      if (avail == TS_ERROR) {
-        TSError("[%s] Error while getting number of bytes available", __FUNCTION__);
-        return 0;
-      }
-      // There are some data available for reading. Let's parse it
-      if (avail > 0) {
-        int64_t data_len;
-        const char *data;
-        TSIOBufferBlock block = TSIOBufferReaderStart(cont_data->input_reader);
-        // Now start extraction
-        while (block != NULL) {
-          data = TSIOBufferBlockReadStart(block, cont_data->input_reader, &data_len);
-          if (cont_data->input_type == DATA_TYPE_RAW_ESI) { 
-            cont_data->esi_proc->addParseData(data, data_len);
-          } else if (cont_data->input_type == DATA_TYPE_GZIPPED_ESI) {
-            cont_data->gzipped_data.append(data, data_len);
-          } else {
-            cont_data->packed_node_list.append(data, data_len);
-          }
-          TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(),
-                   "[%s] Added chunk of %lu bytes starting with [%.10s] to parse list",
-                   __FUNCTION__, data_len, (data_len ? data : "(null)"));
-          consumed += data_len;
-          block = TSIOBufferBlockNext(block);
-/*FIXME this chunk of code looks to be in error. Commenting out.
-          if (!block) {
-            TSError("[%s] Error while getting block from ioreader", __FUNCTION__);
-            return 0;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] Consumed %ld bytes from upstream VC",
-               __FUNCTION__, consumed);
-      TSIOBufferReaderConsume(cont_data->input_reader, consumed);
-      // Modify the input VIO to reflect how much data we've completed.
-      TSVIONDoneSet(cont_data->input_vio, TSVIONDoneGet(cont_data->input_vio) + consumed);
-      toread = TSVIONTodoGet(cont_data->input_vio); // set this for the test after this if block
-    }
-    if (toread > 0) { // testing this again because it might have changed in previous if block
-      // let upstream know we are ready to read new data
-      TSContCall(TSVIOContGet(cont_data->input_vio), TS_EVENT_VCONN_WRITE_READY, cont_data->input_vio);
-    } else {
-      // we have consumed everything that there was to read
-      process_input_complete = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (process_input_complete) {
-    TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] Completed reading input...", __FUNCTION__);
-    if (cont_data->input_type == DATA_TYPE_PACKED_ESI) { 
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Going to use packed node list of size %d",
-               __FUNCTION__, (int) cont_data->packed_node_list.size());
-      cont_data->esi_proc->usePackedNodeList(cont_data->packed_node_list);
-    } else {
-      if (cont_data->input_type == DATA_TYPE_GZIPPED_ESI) {
-        BufferList buf_list;
-        if (gunzip(cont_data->, cont_data->gzipped_data.size(), buf_list)) {
-          for (BufferList::iterator iter = buf_list.begin(); iter != buf_list.end(); ++iter) {
-            cont_data->esi_proc->addParseData(iter->data(), iter->size());
-          }
-        } else {
-          TSError("[%s] Error while gunzipping data", __FUNCTION__);
-        }
-      }
-      if (cont_data->esi_proc->completeParse()) {
-        if (cont_data->os_response_cacheable) {
-          cacheNodeList(cont_data);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    cont_data->curr_state = ContData::FETCHING_DATA;
-    if (!input_vio_buf_null) {
-      TSContCall(TSVIOContGet(cont_data->input_vio), TS_EVENT_VCONN_WRITE_COMPLETE,
-                  cont_data->input_vio);
-    }
-  }
-  if (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::FETCHING_DATA) { // retest as state may have changed in previous block
-    if (cont_data->data_fetcher->isFetchComplete()) {
-      TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] data ready; going to process doc", __FUNCTION__);
-      const char *out_data;
-      int out_data_len;
-      EsiProcessor::ReturnCode retval = cont_data->esi_proc->process(out_data, out_data_len);
-      if (retval == EsiProcessor::NEED_MORE_DATA) {
-        TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] ESI processor needs more data; "
-                 "will wait for all data to be fetched", __FUNCTION__);
-        return 1;
-      }
-      cont_data->curr_state = ContData::PROCESSING_COMPLETE;
-      if (retval == EsiProcessor::SUCCESS) {
-        TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(),
-                 "[%s] ESI processor output document of size %d starting with [%.10s]", 
-                 __FUNCTION__, out_data_len, (out_data_len ? out_data : "(null)"));
-      } else {
-        TSError("[%s] ESI processor failed to process document; will return empty document", __FUNCTION__);
-        out_data = "";
-        out_data_len = 0;
-      }
-      // make sure transformation has not been prematurely terminated 
-      if (!cont_data->xform_closed) {
-        string cdata;
-        if (cont_data->gzip_output) {
-          if (!gzip(out_data, out_data_len, cdata)) {
-            TSError("[%s] Error while gzipping content", __FUNCTION__);
-            out_data_len = 0;
-            out_data = "";
-          } else {
-            TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] Compressed document from size %d to %d bytes",
-                     __FUNCTION__, out_data_len, (int) cdata.size());
-            out_data_len = cdata.size();
-            out_data =;
-          }
-        }
-        if (TSIOBufferWrite(TSVIOBufferGet(cont_data->output_vio), out_data, out_data_len) == TS_ERROR) {
-          TSError("[%s] Error while writing bytes to downstream VC", __FUNCTION__);
-          return 0;
-        }
-        TSVIONBytesSet(cont_data->output_vio, out_data_len);
-        // Reenable the output connection so it can read the data we've produced.
-        TSVIOReenable(cont_data->output_vio);
-      }
-    } else {
-      TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] Data not available yet; cannot process document",
-               __FUNCTION__);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-static int
-transformHandler(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata)
-  TSVIO input_vio;
-  ContData *cont_data;
-  cont_data = static_cast<ContData *>(TSContDataGet(contp));
-  // we need these later, but declaring now avoid compiler warning w.r.t. goto
-  bool process_event = true;
-  const char *cont_debug_tag;
-  bool shutdown, is_fetch_event;
-  if (!cont_data->initialized) {
-    if (!cont_data->init()) {
-      TSError("[%s] Could not initialize continuation data; shutting down transformation", __FUNCTION__);
-      goto lShutdown;
-    }
-    TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] initialized continuation data", __FUNCTION__);
-  }
-  cont_debug_tag = (cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(); // just a handy reference
-  cont_data->checkXformStatus();
-  is_fetch_event = cont_data->data_fetcher->isFetchEvent(event);
-  if (cont_data->xform_closed) {
-    TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Transformation closed. Post-processing...", __FUNCTION__);
-    if (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::PROCESSING_COMPLETE) {
-      TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Processing is complete, not processing current event %d",
-               __FUNCTION__, event);
-      process_event = false;
-    } else if (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::READING_ESI_DOC) {
-      TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Parsing is incomplete, will force end of input",
-               __FUNCTION__);
-      cont_data->curr_state = ContData::FETCHING_DATA;
-    }
-    if (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::FETCHING_DATA) { // retest as it may be modified in prev. if block
-      if (cont_data->data_fetcher->isFetchComplete()) {
-        TSDebug(cont_debug_tag,
-                 "[%s] Requested data has been fetched; will skip event and marking processing as complete ",
-                 __FUNCTION__);
-        cont_data->curr_state = ContData::PROCESSING_COMPLETE;
-        process_event = false;
-      } else {
-        if (is_fetch_event) {
-          TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Going to process received data",
-                   __FUNCTION__);
-        } else {
-          TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Ignoring event %d; Will wait for pending data",
-                   __FUNCTION__, event);
-          // transformation is over, but data hasn't been fetched; 
-          // let's wait for data to be fetched - we will be called
-          // by Fetch API and go through this loop again
-          process_event = false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (process_event) {
-    switch (event) {
-    case TS_EVENT_ERROR:
-      // doubt: what is this code doing?
-      input_vio = TSVConnWriteVIOGet(contp);
-      if (!input_vio) {
-        TSError("[%s] Error while getting upstream vio", __FUNCTION__);
-      } else {
-        TSContCall(TSVIOContGet(input_vio), TS_EVENT_ERROR, input_vio);
-      }
-      // FetchSM also might send this; let's just output whatever we have
-      cont_data->curr_state = ContData::FETCHING_DATA;
-      transformData(contp);
-      break;
-    case TS_EVENT_VCONN_WRITE_READY:     // we write only once to downstream VC
-      TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] shutting down transformation", __FUNCTION__);
-      TSVConnShutdown(TSTransformOutputVConnGet(contp), 0, 1);
-      break;
-      TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] handling TS_EVENT_IMMEDIATE...", __FUNCTION__);
-      transformData(contp);
-      break;
-    default:
-      if (is_fetch_event) {
-        TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Handling fetch event %d...", __FUNCTION__, event);
-        if (cont_data->data_fetcher->handleFetchEvent(event, edata)) {
-          if ((cont_data->curr_state == ContData::FETCHING_DATA) &&
-              cont_data->data_fetcher->isFetchComplete()) {
-            // there's a small chance that fetcher is ready even before
-            // parsing is complete; hence we need to check the state too
-            TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] fetcher is ready with data, going into process stage",
-                     __FUNCTION__);
-            transformData(contp);
-          } 
-        } else {
-          TSError("[%s] Could not handle fetch event!", __FUNCTION__);
-        }
-      } else {
-        TSAssert(!"Unexpected event");
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  shutdown = (cont_data->xform_closed && (cont_data->curr_state == ContData::PROCESSING_COMPLETE));
-  if (shutdown) {
-    if (process_event && is_fetch_event) {
-      // we need to return control to the fetch API to give up it's
-      // lock on our continuation which will fail if we destroy
-      // ourselves right now
-      TSDebug(cont_debug_tag, "[%s] Deferring shutdown as data event was just processed", __FUNCTION__);
-      TSContSchedule(contp, 10, TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK);
-    } else {
-      goto lShutdown;
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-  TSDebug((cont_data->debug_tag).c_str(), "[%s] transformation closed; cleaning up data...", __FUNCTION__);
-  delete cont_data;
-  TSContDestroy(contp);
-  return 1;
-struct RespHdrModData {
-  bool cache_txn;
-  bool gzip_encoding;
-static void
-addMimeHeaderField(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr_loc, const char *name, int name_len,
-                   const char *value, int value_len) {
-  TSMLoc field_loc = (TSMLoc)NULL;
-  TSMimeHdrFieldCreate(bufp, hdr_loc, &field_loc);
-  if (!field_loc) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while creating mime field", __FUNCTION__);
-  } else {
-    if (TSMimeHdrFieldNameSet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, name, name_len) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-      TSError("[%s] Error while setting name [%.*s] for MIME header field", __FUNCTION__, name_len, name);
-    } else {
-      if (TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, 0, value, value_len) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-        TSError("[%s] Error while inserting value [%.*s] string to MIME field [%.*s]", __FUNCTION__,
-                 value_len, value, name_len, name);
-      } else {
-        if (TSMimeHdrFieldAppend(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-          TSError("[%s] Error while appending MIME field with name [%.*s] and value [%.*s]", __FUNCTION__,
-                   name_len, name, value_len, value);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-  }
-static int
-modifyResponseHeader(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata) {
-  int retval = 0;
-  RespHdrModData *mod_data = static_cast<RespHdrModData *>(TSContDataGet(contp));
-  TSHttpTxn txnp = static_cast<TSHttpTxn>(edata);
-    TSError("[%s] Unexpected event (%d)", __FUNCTION__, event);
-    goto lReturn;
-  }
-  TSMBuffer bufp;
-  TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-  if (TSHttpTxnClientRespGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc) == TS_SUCCESS) {
-    int n_mime_headers = TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(bufp, hdr_loc);
-    TSMLoc field_loc;
-    const char *name, *value;
-    int name_len, value_len;
-    for (int i = 0; i < n_mime_headers; ++i) {
-      field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldGet(bufp, hdr_loc, i);
-      if (!field_loc) {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while obtaining header field #%d", __FUNCTION__, i);
-        continue;
-      }
-      name = TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, &name_len);
-      if (name) {
-        bool destroy_header = false;
-        if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER_LEN)) {
-          destroy_header = true;
-        } else if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_AGE, TS_MIME_LEN_AGE)) {
-          destroy_header = true;
-        } else if (!mod_data->cache_txn &&
-                   Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, MIME_FIELD_XESI, MIME_FIELD_XESI_LEN)) {
-          destroy_header = true;
-        } else if ((name_len > HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE) &&
-                   (strncmp(name, HEADER_MASK_PREFIX, HEADER_MASK_PREFIX_SIZE) == 0)) {
-          destroy_header = true;
-        } else {
-          int n_field_values = TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-          for (int j = 0; j < n_field_values; ++j) {
-            value = TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, j, &value_len);
-            if ( NULL == value || !value_len ) {
-              TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while getting value #%d of header [%.*s]",
-                       __FUNCTION__, j, name_len, name);
-            } else {
-              if (mod_data->cache_txn) { 
-                bool response_cacheable, is_cache_header;
-                is_cache_header = checkForCacheHeader(name, name_len, value, value_len, response_cacheable);
-                if (is_cache_header && response_cacheable) {
-                  destroy_header = true;
-                }
-              } 
-            } // if got valid value for header
-          } // end for
-        }
-        if (destroy_header) {
-          TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Removing header with name [%.*s]", __FUNCTION__, name_len, name);
-          TSMimeHdrFieldDestroy(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-          --n_mime_headers;
-          --i;
-        }
-      }
-      TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-    }
-    if (mod_data->gzip_encoding &&
-                          TS_HTTP_VALUE_GZIP, TS_HTTP_LEN_GZIP)) {
-                         TS_HTTP_VALUE_GZIP, TS_HTTP_LEN_GZIP);
-    }
-    if (mod_data->cache_txn) {
-                         TS_MIME_LEN_ACCEPT_ENCODING);
-    }
-    TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Inspected client-bound headers", __FUNCTION__);
-    retval = 1;
-  } else {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while getting response from txn", __FUNCTION__);
-  }
-  delete mod_data;
-  TSContDestroy(contp);
-  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
-  return retval;
-static bool
-checkHeaderValue(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr_loc, const char *name, int name_len,
-                 const char *exp_value, int exp_value_len, bool prefix) {
-  TSMLoc field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldFind(bufp, hdr_loc, name, name_len);
-  if (!field_loc) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool retval = false;
-  if (exp_value && exp_value_len) {
-    const char *value;
-    int value_len;
-    int n_values = TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-    for (int i = 0; i < n_values; ++i) {
-      value = TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, i, &value_len);
-      if ( NULL != value || value_len ) {
-        if (prefix) {
-          if ((value_len >= exp_value_len) && 
-              (strncasecmp(value, exp_value, exp_value_len) == 0)) {
-            retval = true;
-          }
-        } else if (Utils::areEqual(value, value_len, exp_value, exp_value_len)) {
-          retval = true;
-        }
-      } else {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while getting value # %d of header [%.*s]", __FUNCTION__,
-                 i, name_len, name);
-      }
-      if (retval) {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  } else { // only presence required
-    retval = true;
-  }
-  TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-  return retval;
-static void
-maskOsCacheHeaders(TSHttpTxn txnp) {
-  TSMBuffer bufp;
-  TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-  if (TSHttpTxnServerRespGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-    TSError("[%s] Couldn't get server response from txn", __FUNCTION__);
-    return;
-  }
-  int n_mime_headers = TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(bufp, hdr_loc);
-  TSMLoc field_loc;
-  const char *name, *value;
-  int name_len, value_len, n_field_values;
-  bool os_response_cacheable, is_cache_header, mask_header;
-  string masked_name;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n_mime_headers; ++i) {
-    os_response_cacheable = true;
-    field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldGet(bufp, hdr_loc, i);
-    if (!field_loc) {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while obtaining header field #%d", __FUNCTION__, i);
-      continue;
-    }
-    name = TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, &name_len);
-    if (name) {
-      mask_header = is_cache_header = false;
-      n_field_values = TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-      for (int j = 0; j < n_field_values; ++j) {
-        value = TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc, j, &value_len);
-        if ( NULL == value || !value_len ) {
-          TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while getting value #%d of header [%.*s]",
-                   __FUNCTION__, j, name_len, name);
-        } else {
-          is_cache_header = checkForCacheHeader(name, name_len, value, value_len, os_response_cacheable);
-          if (!os_response_cacheable) {
-            break;
-          }
-          if (is_cache_header) {
-            TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Masking OS cache header [%.*s] with value [%.*s]. ",
-                     __FUNCTION__, name_len, name, value_len, value);
-            mask_header = true;
-          }
-        } // end if got value string
-      } // end value iteration
-      if (mask_header) {
-        masked_name.assign(HEADER_MASK_PREFIX);
-        masked_name.append(name, name_len);
-        if (TSMimeHdrFieldNameSet(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc,,
-                                   masked_name.size()) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-          TSError("[%s] Couldn't rename header [%.*s]", __FUNCTION__, name_len, name);
-        }
-      }
-    } // end if got header name
-    TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
-    if (!os_response_cacheable) {
-      break;
-    }
-  } // end header iteration
-  TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-static bool
-isTxnTransformable(TSHttpTxn txnp, bool is_cache_txn) {
-  //  We are only interested in transforming "200 OK" responses with a
-  //  Content-Type: text/ header and with X-Esi header
-  TSMBuffer bufp;
-  TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-  TSHttpStatus resp_status;
-  bool header_obtained = false, intercept_header;
-  bool retval = false;
-  header_obtained = is_cache_txn ? TSHttpTxnCachedRespGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc) :
-    TSHttpTxnServerRespGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc);
-  if (header_obtained != TS_SUCCESS) {
-    TSError("[%s] Couldn't get txn header", __FUNCTION__);
-    goto lReturn;
-  }
-  intercept_header = checkHeaderValue(bufp, hdr_loc, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER_LEN);
-  if (intercept_header) {
-    if (is_cache_txn) {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Packed ESI document found in cache; will process", __FUNCTION__);
-      retval = true;
-    } else {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Found Intercept header in server response; document not processable",
-               __FUNCTION__);
-    }
-    goto lReturn; // found internal header; no other detection required
-  }
-  resp_status = TSHttpHdrStatusGet(bufp, hdr_loc);
-  if (static_cast<int>(resp_status) == static_cast<int>(TS_ERROR)) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while getting http status", __FUNCTION__);
-    goto lReturn;
-  }
-  if (resp_status != TS_HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not handling non-OK response status %d", __FUNCTION__, resp_status);
-    goto lReturn;
-  }
-  if (!checkHeaderValue(bufp, hdr_loc, TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE, TS_MIME_LEN_CONTENT_TYPE,
-                        "text/", 5, true)) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not text content", __FUNCTION__);
-    goto lReturn;
-  }
-  if (!checkHeaderValue(bufp, hdr_loc, MIME_FIELD_XESI, MIME_FIELD_XESI_LEN)) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] ESI header [%s] not found", __FUNCTION__, MIME_FIELD_XESI);
-    goto lReturn;
-  }
-  retval = true;
-  if (header_obtained) {
-    TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-  }
-  return retval;
-static bool
-isCacheObjTransformable(TSHttpTxn txnp) {
-  int obj_status;
-  if (TSHttpTxnCacheLookupStatusGet(txnp, &obj_status) == TS_ERROR) {
-    TSError("[%s] Couldn't get cache status of object", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  if ((obj_status == TS_CACHE_LOOKUP_HIT_FRESH) || (obj_status == TS_CACHE_LOOKUP_HIT_STALE)) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] doc found in cache, will add transformation", __FUNCTION__);
-    return isTxnTransformable(txnp, true);
-  }
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] cache object's status is %d; not transformable",
-           __FUNCTION__, obj_status);
-  return false;
-static bool
-isInterceptRequest(TSHttpTxn txnp) {
-  if (!TSHttpIsInternalRequest(txnp)) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Skipping external request", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  TSMBuffer bufp;
-  TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-  if (TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc) != TS_SUCCESS) {
-    TSError("[%s] Could not get client request", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool valid_request = false;
-  bool retval = false;
-  int method_len;
-  const char *method = TSHttpHdrMethodGet(bufp, hdr_loc, &method_len);
-  if (!method) {
-    TSError("[%s] Could not obtain method!", __FUNCTION__);
-  } else {
-    if ((method_len != TS_HTTP_LEN_POST) ||
-        (strncasecmp(method, TS_HTTP_METHOD_POST, TS_HTTP_LEN_POST))) {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Method [%.*s] invalid, [%s] expected", __FUNCTION__, method_len, method,
-               TS_HTTP_METHOD_POST);
-    } else {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Valid server intercept method found", __FUNCTION__);
-      valid_request = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (valid_request) {
-    retval = checkHeaderValue(bufp, hdr_loc, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER_LEN);
-  }
-  TSHandleMLocRelease(bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-  return retval;
-static bool
-checkForCacheHeader(const char *name, int name_len, const char *value, int value_len, bool &cacheable) {
-  cacheable = true;
-  if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_EXPIRES, TS_MIME_LEN_EXPIRES)) {
-    if ((value_len == 1) && (*value == '0')) {
-      cacheable = false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (Utils::areEqual(name, name_len, TS_MIME_FIELD_CACHE_CONTROL, TS_MIME_LEN_CACHE_CONTROL)) {
-    if (Utils::areEqual(value, value_len, TS_HTTP_VALUE_PRIVATE, TS_HTTP_LEN_PRIVATE)) {
-      cacheable = false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-static bool
-addSendResponseHeaderHook(TSHttpTxn txnp, bool cache_txn, bool gzip_encoding) {
-  TSCont contp = TSContCreate(modifyResponseHeader, NULL);
-  if (!contp) {
-    TSError("[%s] Could not create continuation", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, contp);
-  RespHdrModData *cont_data = new RespHdrModData();
-  cont_data->cache_txn = cache_txn;
-  cont_data->gzip_encoding = gzip_encoding;
-  TSContDataSet(contp, cont_data);
-  return true;
-static bool
-addTransform(TSHttpTxn txnp, bool processing_os_response) {
-  TSCont contp = 0;
-  ContData *cont_data = 0;
-  contp = TSTransformCreate(transformHandler, txnp);
-  if (!contp) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while creating a new transformation", __FUNCTION__);
-    goto lFail;
-  }
-  cont_data = new ContData(contp, txnp);
-  TSContDataSet(contp, cont_data);
-  cont_data->getClientState();
-  if (processing_os_response) {
-    cont_data->getServerState();
-  }
-  TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_RESPONSE_TRANSFORM_HOOK, contp);
-  if (!addSendResponseHeaderHook(txnp, !processing_os_response, cont_data->gzip_output)) {
-    TSError("[%s] Couldn't add send response header hook", __FUNCTION__);
-    goto lFail;
-  }
-  TSHttpTxnTransformedRespCache(txnp, 0);
-  TSHttpTxnUntransformedRespCache(txnp, 0);
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Added transformation (0x%p)", __FUNCTION__, contp);
-  return true;
-  if (contp) {
-    TSContDestroy(contp);
-  }
-  if (cont_data) {
-    delete cont_data;
-  }
-  return false;
-pthread_key_t threadKey;
-static int
-globalHookHandler(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata) {
-  TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata;
-  bool intercept_req = isInterceptRequest(txnp);
-  switch (event) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] handling read request header event...", __FUNCTION__);
-    if (intercept_req) {
-      if (!setupServerIntercept(txnp)) {
-        TSError("[%s] Could not setup server intercept", __FUNCTION__);
-      } else {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Setup server intercept", __FUNCTION__);
-      }
-    } else {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Not setting up intercept", __FUNCTION__);
-    }
-    break;
-    if (!intercept_req) {
-      if (event == TS_EVENT_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR) {
-        bool mask_cache_headers = false;
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] handling read response header event...", __FUNCTION__);
-        if (isCacheObjTransformable(txnp)) {
-          // transformable cache object will definitely have a
-          // transformation already as cache_lookup_complete would
-          // have been processed before this
-          TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] xform should already have been added on cache lookup. Not adding now",
-                   __FUNCTION__);
-          mask_cache_headers = true;
-        } else if (isTxnTransformable(txnp, false)) {
-          addTransform(txnp, true);
-          Stats::increment(Stats::N_OS_DOCS);
-          mask_cache_headers = true;
-        }
-        if (mask_cache_headers) {
-          // we'll 'mask' OS cache headers so that traffic server will
-          // not try to cache this. We cannot outright delete them
-          // because we need them in our POST request; hence the 'masking'
-          maskOsCacheHeaders(txnp);
-        }
-      } else {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] handling cache lookup complete event...", __FUNCTION__);
-        if (isCacheObjTransformable(txnp)) {
-          // we make the assumption above that a transformable cache
-          // object would already have a tranformation. We should revisit
-          // that assumption in case we change the statement below
-          addTransform(txnp, false);
-          Stats::increment(Stats::N_CACHE_DOCS);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  default:
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Don't know how to handle event type %d", __FUNCTION__, event);
-    break;
-  }
-  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
-  return 0;
-static void
-loadHandlerConf(const char *file_name, Utils::KeyValueMap &handler_conf) {
-  std::list<string> conf_lines;
-  TSFile conf_file = TSfopen(file_name, "r");
-  if (conf_file != NULL) {
-    char buf[1024];
-    while (TSfgets(conf_file, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1) != NULL) {
-      conf_lines.push_back(string(buf));
-    }
-    TSfclose(conf_file);
-    Utils::parseKeyValueConfig(conf_lines, handler_conf);
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Loaded handler conf file [%s]", __FUNCTION__, file_name);
-  } else {
-    TSError("[%s] Failed to open handler config file [%s]", __FUNCTION__, file_name);
-  }
-TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-  Utils::init(&TSDebug, &TSError);
-  Stats::init(new TSStatSystem());
-  gHandlerManager = new HandlerManager(HANDLER_MGR_DEBUG_TAG, &TSDebug, &TSError);
-  if ((argc > 1) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-") != 0)) {
-    Utils::KeyValueMap handler_conf;
-    loadHandlerConf(argv[1], handler_conf);
-    gHandlerManager->loadObjects(handler_conf);
-  }
-  if(pthread_key_create(&threadKey,NULL)){
-    TSError("[%s] Could not create key", __FUNCTION__);
-    return;
-  }
-  TSCont global_contp = TSContCreate(globalHookHandler, NULL);
-  if (!global_contp) {
-    TSError("[%s] Could not create global continuation", __FUNCTION__);
-    return;
-  }
-  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
-  TSHttpHookAdd(TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Plugin started and key is set", __FUNCTION__);
diff --git a/esi/ b/esi/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e0fda..0000000
--- a/esi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "serverIntercept.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-const char *ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX = "Echo-";
-const int ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX_LEN = 5;
-const char *SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER = "Esi-Internal";
-using std::string;
-#define DEBUG_TAG "plugin_esi_intercept"
-struct ContData {
-  TSVConn net_vc;
-  TSCont contp;
-  struct IoHandle {
-    TSVIO vio;
-    TSIOBuffer buffer;
-    TSIOBufferReader reader;
-    IoHandle()
-      : vio(0), buffer(0), reader(0) { };
-    ~IoHandle() {
-      if (reader) {
-        TSIOBufferReaderFree(reader);
-      }
-      if (buffer) {
-        TSIOBufferDestroy(buffer);
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  IoHandle input;
-  IoHandle output;
-  TSHttpParser http_parser;
-  string body;
-  int req_content_len;
-  TSMBuffer req_hdr_bufp;
-  TSMLoc req_hdr_loc;
-  bool req_hdr_parsed;
-  bool initialized;
-  ContData(TSCont cont) 
-    : net_vc(0), contp(cont), input(), output(), body(""), req_content_len(0), req_hdr_bufp(0), req_hdr_loc(0),
-      req_hdr_parsed(false), initialized(false) {
-    http_parser = TSHttpParserCreate();
-  }
-  bool init(TSVConn vconn);
-  void setupWrite();
-  ~ContData() {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Destroying continuation data", __FUNCTION__);
-    TSHttpParserDestroy(http_parser); 
-    if (req_hdr_loc) {
-      TSHandleMLocRelease(req_hdr_bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, req_hdr_loc);
-    }
-    if (req_hdr_bufp) {
-      TSMBufferDestroy(req_hdr_bufp);
-    }
-  };
-ContData::init(TSVConn vconn)
-  if (initialized) {
-    TSError("[%s] ContData already initialized!", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  net_vc = vconn;
-  input.buffer = TSIOBufferCreate();
-  input.reader = TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(input.buffer);
-  input.vio = TSVConnRead(net_vc, contp, input.buffer, INT_MAX);
-  req_hdr_bufp = TSMBufferCreate();
-  req_hdr_loc = TSHttpHdrCreate(req_hdr_bufp);
-  TSHttpHdrTypeSet(req_hdr_bufp, req_hdr_loc, TS_HTTP_TYPE_REQUEST);
-  initialized = true;
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] ContData initialized!", __FUNCTION__);
-  return true;
-ContData::setupWrite() {
-  TSAssert(output.buffer == 0);
-  output.buffer = TSIOBufferCreate();
-  output.reader = TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(output.buffer);
-  output.vio = TSVConnWrite(net_vc, contp, output.reader, INT_MAX);
-static bool
-handleRead(ContData *cont_data, bool &read_complete) {
-  int avail = TSIOBufferReaderAvail(cont_data->input.reader);
-  if (avail == TS_ERROR) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while getting number of bytes available", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  int consumed = 0;
-  if (avail > 0) {
-    int64_t data_len;
-    const char *data;
-    TSIOBufferBlock block = TSIOBufferReaderStart(cont_data->input.reader);
-    while (block != NULL) {
-      data = TSIOBufferBlockReadStart(block, cont_data->input.reader, &data_len);
-      if (!cont_data->req_hdr_parsed) {
-        const char *endptr = data + data_len;
-        if (TSHttpHdrParseReq(cont_data->http_parser, cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc,
-                               &data, endptr) == TS_PARSE_DONE) {
-          TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Parsed header", __FUNCTION__);
-          TSMLoc content_len_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldFind(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc,
-                                                        TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH, -1);
-          if (!content_len_loc) {
-            TSError("[%s] Error while searching content length header [%s]",
-                     __FUNCTION__, TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH);
-            return false;
-          }
-          if (!content_len_loc) {
-            TSError("[%s] request doesn't contain content length header [%s]",
-                     __FUNCTION__, TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE);
-            return false;
-          }
-          cont_data->req_content_len=TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntGet(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc,
-                                         content_len_loc, 0);
-          TSHandleMLocRelease(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc, content_len_loc);
-          TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Got content length as %d", __FUNCTION__, cont_data->req_content_len);
-          if (cont_data->req_content_len <= 0) {
-            TSError("[%s] Invalid content length [%d]", __FUNCTION__, cont_data->req_content_len);
-            return false;
-          }
-          if (endptr - data) {
-            TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Appending %ld bytes to body", __FUNCTION__, endptr - data);
-            cont_data->body.append(data, endptr - data);
-          }
-          cont_data->req_hdr_parsed = true;
-        }
-      } else {
-        TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Appending %ld bytes to body", __FUNCTION__, data_len);
-        cont_data->body.append(data, data_len);
-      }
-      consumed += data_len;
-      block = TSIOBufferBlockNext(block);
-      if (!block) {
-        TSError("[%s] Error while getting block from ioreader", __FUNCTION__);
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Consumed %d bytes from input vio", __FUNCTION__, consumed);
-  TSIOBufferReaderConsume(cont_data->input.reader, consumed);
-  // Modify the input VIO to reflect how much data we've completed.
-  TSVIONDoneSet(cont_data->input.vio, TSVIONDoneGet(cont_data->input.vio) + consumed);
-  if (static_cast<int>(cont_data->body.size()) == cont_data->req_content_len) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Completely read body of size %d", __FUNCTION__, cont_data->req_content_len);
-    read_complete = true;
-  } else {
-    read_complete = false;
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Reenabling input vio as %ld bytes still need to be read",
-             __FUNCTION__, cont_data->req_content_len - cont_data->body.size());
-    TSVIOReenable(cont_data->input.vio);
-  }
-  return true;
-static bool
-processRequest(ContData *cont_data) {
-  string reply_header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
-  TSMLoc field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldGet(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc, 0);
-  while (field_loc) {
-    TSMLoc next_field_loc;
-    const char *name;
-    int name_len;
-    name = TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc, field_loc, &name_len);
-    if (name) {
-      bool echo_header = false;
-      if ((name_len > ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX_LEN) &&
-          (strncasecmp(name, ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX, ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX_LEN) == 0)) {
-        echo_header = true;
-        reply_header.append(name + ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX_LEN, name_len - ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX_LEN);
-      } else if ((name_len == SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER_LEN) &&
-                 (strncasecmp(name, SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER, name_len) == 0)) {
-        echo_header = true;
-        reply_header.append(name, name_len);
-      }
-      if (echo_header) {
-        reply_header.append(": ");
-        int n_field_values = TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc,
-                                                        field_loc);
-        for (int i = 0; i < n_field_values; ++i) {
-          const char *value;
-          int value_len;
-          value=TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc, field_loc,
-                                            i, &value_len);
-          if (!value_len) {
-            TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Error while getting value #%d of header [%.*s]",
-                     __FUNCTION__, i, name_len, name);
-          } else {
-            if (reply_header[reply_header.size() - 2] != ':') {
-              reply_header.append(", ");
-            }
-            reply_header.append(value, value_len);
-          }
-        }
-        reply_header += "\r\n";
-      }
-    }
-    next_field_loc = TSMimeHdrFieldNext(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc, field_loc);
-    TSHandleMLocRelease(cont_data->req_hdr_bufp, cont_data->req_hdr_loc, field_loc);
-    field_loc = next_field_loc;
-  }
-  int body_size = static_cast<int>(cont_data->body.size());
-  if (cont_data->req_content_len != body_size) {
-    TSError("[%s] Read only %d bytes of body; expecting %d bytes", __FUNCTION__, body_size,
-             cont_data->req_content_len);
-  }
-  char buf[64];
-  snprintf(buf, 64, "%s: %d\r\n\r\n", TS_MIME_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH, body_size);
-  reply_header.append(buf);
-  cont_data->setupWrite();
-  if (TSIOBufferWrite(cont_data->output.buffer,, reply_header.size()) == TS_ERROR) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while writing reply header", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (TSIOBufferWrite(cont_data->output.buffer, cont_data->, body_size) == TS_ERROR) {
-    TSError("[%s] Error while writing content", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  int total_bytes_written = reply_header.size() + body_size;
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Wrote reply of size %d", __FUNCTION__, total_bytes_written);
-  TSVIONBytesSet(cont_data->output.vio, total_bytes_written);
-  TSVIOReenable(cont_data->output.vio);
-  return true;
-static int
-serverIntercept(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata) {
-  ContData *cont_data = static_cast<ContData *>(TSContDataGet(contp));
-  bool read_complete = false;
-  bool shutdown = false;
-  switch (event) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Received net accept event", __FUNCTION__);
-    TSAssert(cont_data->initialized == false);
-    if (!cont_data->init(static_cast<TSVConn>(edata))) {
-      TSError("[%s] Could not initialize continuation data!", __FUNCTION__);
-      return 1;
-    }
-    break;
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Received read ready event", __FUNCTION__);
-    if (!handleRead(cont_data, read_complete)) {
-      TSError("[%s] Error while reading from input vio", __FUNCTION__);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    break;
-    // intentional fall-through
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Received read complete/eos event %d", __FUNCTION__, event);
-    read_complete = true;
-    break;
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Received write ready event", __FUNCTION__);
-    break;
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Received write complete event", __FUNCTION__);
-    shutdown = true;
-    break;
-    // todo: do some error handling here
-    TSError("[%s] Received error event; going to shutdown", __FUNCTION__);
-    shutdown = true;
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  if (read_complete) {
-    if (!processRequest(cont_data)) {
-      TSError("[%s] Failed to process process", __FUNCTION__);
-    } else {
-      TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Processed request successfully", __FUNCTION__);
-    }
-  }
-  if (shutdown) {
-    TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Completed request processing. Shutting down...", __FUNCTION__);
-    TSVConnClose(cont_data->net_vc);
-    delete cont_data;
-    TSContDestroy(contp);
-  }
-  return 1;
-setupServerIntercept(TSHttpTxn txnp) {
-  TSCont contp = TSContCreate(serverIntercept, TSMutexCreate());
-  if (!contp) {
-    TSError("[%s] Could not create intercept request", __FUNCTION__);
-    return false;
-  }
-  ContData *cont_data = new ContData(contp);
-  TSContDataSet(contp, cont_data);
-  TSHttpTxnServerIntercept(contp, txnp);
-  TSHttpTxnReqCacheableSet(txnp, 1);
-  TSHttpTxnRespCacheableSet(txnp, 1);
-  TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] Setup server intercept successfully", __FUNCTION__);
-  return true;
diff --git a/esi/serverIntercept.h b/esi/serverIntercept.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4145f..0000000
--- a/esi/serverIntercept.h
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ts/ts.h"
-bool setupServerIntercept(TSHttpTxn txnp);
-extern const char *ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX;
-extern const char *SERVER_INTERCEPT_HEADER;
-extern const int ECHO_HEADER_PREFIX_LEN;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 548a35e..0000000
--- a/esi/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "HandlerManager.h"
-#include "HandlerMap.h"
-using namespace EsiLib;
-HandlerManager::loadObjects(const Utils::KeyValueMap &handlers) {
-SpecialIncludeHandler *
-HandlerManager::getHandler(Variables &esi_vars, Expression &esi_expr, HttpDataFetcher &fetcher,
-                           const std::string &id) const {
-  StubIncludeHandler *handler = new StubIncludeHandler(esi_vars, esi_expr, fetcher);
-  gHandlerMap[id] = handler;
-  return handler;
-HandlerManager::~HandlerManager() {
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index 9f2bad0..0000000
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-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "HandlerMap.h"
-HandlerMap gHandlerMap;
diff --git a/esi/test/HandlerMap.h b/esi/test/HandlerMap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index faaf669..0000000
--- a/esi/test/HandlerMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef _HANDLER_MAP_H
-#define _HANDLER_MAP_H
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include "StubIncludeHandler.h"
-typedef std::map<std::string, StubIncludeHandler *> HandlerMap;
-extern HandlerMap gHandlerMap;
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index 0b99a28..0000000
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-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "StubIncludeHandler.h"
-#include "TestHttpDataFetcher.h"
-using namespace EsiLib;
-bool StubIncludeHandler::includeResult = true;
-const char *const StubIncludeHandler::DATA_PREFIX = "Special data for include id ";
-const int StubIncludeHandler::DATA_PREFIX_SIZE = strlen(StubIncludeHandler::DATA_PREFIX);
-const char *StubIncludeHandler::FOOTER = 0;
-int StubIncludeHandler::FOOTER_SIZE = 0;
-StubIncludeHandler::handleInclude(const char *data, int data_len) {
-  if (includeResult) {
-    _http_fetcher.addFetchRequest(data, data_len);
-    return ++n_includes;
-  }
-  return -1;
-StubIncludeHandler::handleParseComplete() {
-  parseCompleteCalled = true;
-StubIncludeHandler::getData(int include_id, const char *&data, int &data_len) {
-  TestHttpDataFetcher &test_fetcher = dynamic_cast<TestHttpDataFetcher &>(_http_fetcher);
-  if (test_fetcher.getReturnData()) {
-    char *buf = new char[1024];
-    data_len = snprintf(buf, 1024, "%s%d", DATA_PREFIX, include_id);
-    data = buf;
-    heap_strings.push_back(buf);
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-StubIncludeHandler::getFooter(const char *&footer, int &footer_len) {
-  footer = FOOTER;
-  footer_len = FOOTER_SIZE;
-StubIncludeHandler::~StubIncludeHandler() {
-  for (std::list<char *>::iterator iter = heap_strings.begin(); iter != heap_strings.end(); ++iter) {
-    delete[] *iter;
-  }
diff --git a/esi/test/StubIncludeHandler.h b/esi/test/StubIncludeHandler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 576834b..0000000
--- a/esi/test/StubIncludeHandler.h
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <list>
-#include "SpecialIncludeHandler.h"
-class StubIncludeHandler : public EsiLib::SpecialIncludeHandler {
-  StubIncludeHandler(EsiLib::Variables &esi_vars, EsiLib::Expression &esi_expr, 
-                     HttpDataFetcher &http_fetcher)
-    : EsiLib::SpecialIncludeHandler(esi_vars, esi_expr, http_fetcher),
-      parseCompleteCalled(false), n_includes(0) {
-  }
-  int handleInclude(const char *data, int data_len);
-  bool parseCompleteCalled;
-  void handleParseComplete();
-  bool getData(int include_id, const char *&data, int &data_len);
-  void getFooter(const char *&footer, int &footer_len);
-  ~StubIncludeHandler();
-  static bool includeResult;
-  static const char *const DATA_PREFIX;
-  static const int DATA_PREFIX_SIZE;
-  static const char *FOOTER;
-  static int FOOTER_SIZE;
-  int n_includes;
-  std::list<char *> heap_strings;
diff --git a/esi/test/TestHttpDataFetcher.h b/esi/test/TestHttpDataFetcher.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df387e..0000000
--- a/esi/test/TestHttpDataFetcher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string>
-#include "HttpDataFetcher.h"
-class TestHttpDataFetcher : public HttpDataFetcher
-  TestHttpDataFetcher() :  _n_pending_requests(0), _return_data(true) { }
-  bool addFetchRequest(const std::string &url, FetchedDataProcessor *callback_obj = 0) {
-    ++_n_pending_requests;
-    return true;
-  }
-  DataStatus getRequestStatus(const std::string &url) const {
-    if (_return_data) {
-    }
-    --(const_cast<int &>(_n_pending_requests));
-    return STATUS_ERROR;
-  }
-  int getNumPendingRequests() const { return _n_pending_requests; };
-  bool getContent(const std::string &url, const char *&content, int &content_len) const {
-    TestHttpDataFetcher &curr_obj = const_cast<TestHttpDataFetcher &>(*this);
-    --curr_obj._n_pending_requests;
-    if (_return_data) {
-      curr_obj._data.clear();
-      curr_obj._data.append(">>>>> Content for URL [");
-      curr_obj._data.append(url);
-      curr_obj._data.append("] <<<<<");
-      content =;
-      content_len = curr_obj._data.size();
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  void setReturnData(bool rd) { _return_data = rd; };
-  bool getReturnData() const { return _return_data; };
-  int _n_pending_requests;
-  std::string _data;
-  bool _return_data;
diff --git a/esi/test/ b/esi/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 319eb19..0000000
--- a/esi/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  A brief file description
-  @section license License
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "EsiParser.h"
-#include "print_funcs.h"
-#include "Utils.h"
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::string;
-using namespace EsiLib;
-void check_node_attr(const Attribute &attr, const char *name, const char *value) {
-  int name_len = strlen(name);
-  int value_len = strlen(value);
-  assert(attr.name_len == name_len);
-  assert(attr.value_len == value_len);
-  assert(strncmp(, name, name_len) == 0);
-  assert(strncmp(attr.value, value, value_len) == 0);
-void checkNodeList1(const DocNodeList &node_list) {
-  DocNodeList::const_iterator list_iter = node_list.begin();
-  assert(list_iter->type == DocNode::TYPE_PRE);
-  assert(list_iter->data_len == 4);
-  assert(strncmp(list_iter->data, "foo ", list_iter->data_len) == 0);
-  ++list_iter;
-  assert(list_iter->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter->attr_list.front(), "src", "blah");
-  ++list_iter;
-  assert(list_iter->type == DocNode::TYPE_PRE);
-  assert(list_iter->data_len == 4);
-  assert(strncmp(list_iter->data, " bar", list_iter->data_len) == 0);
-  assert((list_iter->child_nodes).size() == 0);
-void checkNodeList2(const DocNodeList &node_list) {
-  assert(node_list.size() == 1);
-  DocNodeList::const_iterator list_iter = node_list.begin(), list_iter2, list_iter3;
-  assert(list_iter->type == DocNode::TYPE_CHOOSE);
-  list_iter2 = list_iter->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_WHEN);
-  assert(list_iter2->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter2->attr_list.front(), "test", "c1");
-  list_iter2 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_TRY);
-  list_iter2 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_ATTEMPT);
-  assert(list_iter2->child_nodes.size() == 2);
-  list_iter3 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter3->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter3->attr_list.front(), "src", "foo1");
-  ++list_iter3;
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_PRE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == strlen("raw1"));
-  assert(strncmp(list_iter3->data, "raw1", list_iter3->data_len) == 0);
-  ++list_iter2;
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_EXCEPT);
-  list_iter3 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter3->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter3->attr_list.front(), "src", "bar1");
-  list_iter2 = list_iter->child_nodes.begin();
-  ++list_iter2;
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_WHEN);
-  assert(list_iter2->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter2->attr_list.front(), "test", "c2");
-  list_iter2 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_TRY);
-  list_iter2 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_ATTEMPT);
-  list_iter3 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter3->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter3->attr_list.front(), "src", "foo2");
-  ++list_iter2;
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_EXCEPT);
-  assert(list_iter2->child_nodes.size() == 2);
-  list_iter3 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_PRE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == strlen("raw2"));
-  assert(strncmp(list_iter3->data, "raw2", list_iter3->data_len) == 0);
-  ++list_iter3;
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter3->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter3->attr_list.front(), "src", "bar2");
-  list_iter2 = list_iter->child_nodes.begin();
-  ++list_iter2;
-  ++list_iter2;
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_OTHERWISE);
-  assert(list_iter2->attr_list.size() == 0);
-  list_iter2 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_TRY);
-  list_iter2 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_ATTEMPT);
-  list_iter3 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter3->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter3->attr_list.front(), "src", "foo3");
-  ++list_iter2;
-  assert(list_iter2->type == DocNode::TYPE_EXCEPT);
-  list_iter3 = list_iter2->child_nodes.begin();
-  assert(list_iter3->type == DocNode::TYPE_INCLUDE);
-  assert(list_iter3->data_len == 0);
-  assert(list_iter3->attr_list.size() == 1);
-  check_node_attr(list_iter3->attr_list.front(), "src", "bar3");
-int main() 
-  Utils::init(&Debug, &Error);
-  {
-    cout << endl << "==================== Test 1" << endl;
-    EsiParser parser("parser_test", &Debug, &Error);
-    string input_data = "foo <esi:include src=blah /> bar";
-    DocNodeList node_list;
-    assert(parser.completeParse(node_list, input_data) == true);
-    checkNodeList1(node_list);
-    assert(node_list.size() == 3);
-    string packed = node_list.pack();
-    node_list.clear();
-    DocNodeList node_list2;
-    assert(node_list2.unpack(packed) == true);
-    assert(node_list2.size() == 3);
-    checkNodeList1(node_list2);
-    DocNodeList node_list3;
-    assert(node_list3.unpack(0, 90) == false);
-    assert(node_list3.unpack(, 3) == false);
-    *(reinterpret_cast<int *>(&packed[0])) = -1;
-    assert(node_list3.unpack(packed) == true);
-    assert(node_list3.size() == 0);
-    *(reinterpret_cast<int *>(&packed[0])) = 3;
-    DocNodeList node_list4;
-    assert(node_list4.unpack(packed) == true);
-    assert(node_list4.size() == 3);
-    checkNodeList1(node_list4);
-  }
-  { 
-    cout << endl << "==================== Test 2" << endl;
-    EsiParser parser("parser_test", &Debug, &Error);
-    string input_data("<esi:choose>"
-                      "<esi:when test=c1>"
-                      "<esi:try>"
-                      "<esi:attempt>"
-                      "<esi:include src=foo1 />"
-                      "raw1"
-                      "</esi:attempt>"
-                      "<esi:except>"
-                      "<esi:include src=bar1 />"
-                      "</esi:except>"
-                      "</esi:try>"
-                      "</esi:when>"
-                      "<esi:when test=c2>"
-                      "<esi:try>"
-                      "<esi:attempt>"
-                      "<esi:include src=foo2 />"
-                      "</esi:attempt>"
-                      "<esi:except>"
-                      "raw2"
-                      "<esi:include src=bar2 />"
-                      "</esi:except>"
-                      "</esi:try>"
-                      "</esi:when>"
-                      "<esi:otherwise>"
-                      "<esi:try>"
-                      "<esi:attempt>"
-                      "<esi:include src=foo3 />"
-                      "</esi:attempt>"
-                      "<esi:except>"
-                      "<esi:include src=bar3 />"
-                      "</esi:except>"
-                      "</esi:try>"
-                      "</esi:otherwise>"
-                      "</esi:choose>");
-    DocNodeList node_list;
-    assert(parser.completeParse(node_list, input_data) == true);
-    checkNodeList2(node_list);
-    string packed = node_list.pack();
-    DocNodeList node_list2;
-    assert(node_list2.unpack(packed) == true);
-    checkNodeList2(node_list2);
-    string packed2;
-    node_list.pack(packed2);
-    assert(packed == packed2);
-    node_list2.clear();
-    assert(node_list2.unpack(packed2) == true);
-    checkNodeList2(node_list2);
-    string packed3("hello");
-    node_list.pack(packed3, true);
-    assert(packed3.size() == (packed.size() + 5));
-    node_list2.clear();
-    assert(node_list2.unpack(packed3) == false);
-    assert(node_list2.unpack( + 5, packed3.size() - 5) == true);
-    checkNodeList2(node_list2);
-  }
-  cout << "All tests passed" << endl;
-  return 0;