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[WIKI-UPDATE] SpringPetstore Links Main Thu Jun 24 18:00:04 2004

Page: , version: 11 on Wed Jun 24 16:50:49 2004 by UgoCei

- The only functionalities currently implemented are browsing the store and editing the shoppping cart. More to come in the following days, hopefully with some docs.
?                                                                                            -

+ The only functionalities currently implemented are browsing the store and editing the shopping cart. More to come in the following days, hopefully with some docs.
- ! Authentication
- In order for authentication to work, you need to manually configure the container, as this is not done by the build procedure. This are the steps required:
- * Put a file named {{}} in the {{tools/jetty/conf}} directory. Its contents should match the following:
- {{{
- j2ee: j2ee, petstore
- ACID: ACID, petstore
- }}}
- * Edit the {{tools/jetty/conf/main.xml}} and insert the following at the end (just before the closing {{</Configure>}} tag):
- {{{
- <Call name="addRealm">
-   <Arg>
-     <New class="org.mortbay.http.HashUserRealm">
-       <Arg>PetStore</Arg>
-       <Arg><SystemProperty
- name="jetty.home" default="."/>/tools/jetty/conf/</Arg>
-     </New>
-   </Arg>
- </Call>
- }}}
+ ! Update 2004-06-24
+ * Reverted to application-managed authentication.
+ * Now the top menu reflects the authentication status of the user.

Page: , version: 101 on Wed Jun 24 15:39:16 2004 by

- * [[GERMAN] [Cocoon 2 und Tomcat - XML-Publishing mit dem Open-Source-Framework |] by Stephan Niedermeier,  [Probekapitel als PDF|]
- * [Generating Web content with Cocoon|] on
?                                                   -------- --    --------------

+ * [Generating Web content with Cocoon|] on
?                                                  +++++

- * [Excel Reports with Apache Cocoon and POI|] by Steve Punte
?                                                        ^^^ -------------------------- - ------ --

+ * [Excel Reports with Apache Cocoon and POI|] by Steve Punte
?                                                        ^^^^^

- *[Documenting Projects with Apache Forrest|] by Kyle Downey
- *[Cocoon as a Web Framework|] by Neil Ford, [KeithMarais]
- * [Jsp-Zone Java Hosting|]
- !Cocoon Live Sites
- * [KnowLEX|] provides additional services (PDF, Lucene search, content-based ads) to the contents of Wikipedia (German)
- * [ITGIS|] Institute for Tourism and Geographic Information System
- ----

Page: , version: 493 on Wed Jun 24 16:28:52 2004 by

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