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Posted to by Barrie Treloar <> on 2000/08/21 10:04:23 UTC

Path like structures (and extending their contents)

I have two classpaths; one for compiling the classes and another for
compiling the test classes.

If I want to include the first classpath in the test class path I find
that the existing <classpath> tag does not allow this.  This is
because Path is still being worked on.

I've used a <fileset> within the <classpath> and given the fileset an
id.  However the syntax differs substantially:

        <fileset id="classpath" dir="" includes="basename.of.jar.file" />
        <pathelement location="" />

This works for now, but it means extra work when I transition from
using a common classpath to a classpath that is shared but extended.

In a Path structure should I be allowed to have a <pathref> inside it
to include the referenced contents of the other path?  For example:

        <classpath id="classpath">
                <pathelement location=""/>

                <pathref refid="classpath"/>
                <pathelement location="extra.jar"/>


Barrie Treloar

  Barrie Treloar                      Phone: +61 8 8303 3300
  Senior Analyst/Programmer           Fax:   +61 8 8303 4403 
  Electronic Commerce Division        Email:
  Camtech (SA) Pty Ltd      
 --- Level 8, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia. ---