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dion        02/03/31 21:40:08

  Added:       docs/latka/xref/java/org/apache/commons/latka/event
                        folder.gif file.gif SuiteEvent.html
                        SuiteCompletedEvent.html RequestSucceededEvent.html
                        RequestSkippedEvent.html RequestFailedEvent.html
                        RequestEvent.html RequestErrorEvent.html
                        LatkaEventPublisher.html LatkaEventListener.html
                        LatkaEventInfo.html LatkaEvent.html index.html
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  <table bgcolor="#FFFFCC" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><a href="../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteEvent.html">View Javadoc</a></table>
  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* An interface to mark classes as being SuiteEvents</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: SuiteEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteEvent.html">SuiteEvent</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEvent.html">LatkaEvent</a> {
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  }
  <hr><center>This page automatically generated by Maven</center></body>
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  <table bgcolor="#FFFFCC" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><a href="../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteCompletedEvent.html">View Javadoc</a></table>
  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* An event Latka fires when a suite has completed</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: SuiteCompletedEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteCompletedEvent.html">SuiteCompletedEvent</a> implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteEvent.html">SuiteEvent</a> {
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>      
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* Create the event</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>    
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>      <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteCompletedEvent.html">SuiteCompletedEvent</a>() {
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>      }
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  }
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  
  <hr><center>This page automatically generated by Maven</center></body>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/docs/latka/xref/java/org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSucceededEvent.html
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  <table bgcolor="#FFFFCC" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><a href="../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSucceededEvent.html">View Javadoc</a></table>
  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a>;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * An event generated by Latka when a request completes successfully</font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * </font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author dIon Gillard</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: RequestSucceededEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSucceededEvent.html">RequestSucceededEvent</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/BaseRequestEvent.html">BaseRequestEvent</a> implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> {
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* Create the event for the given request and response</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param request The request that succeeded</font></i>
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param response The response generated for the request</font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>    
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>      <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSucceededEvent.html">RequestSucceededEvent</a>(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> request, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> response) {
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>          <b>super</b>(request,response);
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>      }
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  }
  <hr><center>This page automatically generated by Maven</center></body>
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  Index: RequestSkippedEvent.html
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  <table bgcolor="#FFFFCC" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><a href="../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSkippedEvent.html">View Javadoc</a></table>
  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a>;
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * An event used when Latka skips a request</font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author dIon Gillard</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: RequestSkippedEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSkippedEvent.html">RequestSkippedEvent</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/BaseRequestEvent.html">BaseRequestEvent</a>
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>                                   implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> {
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>      <font color="#329900"><i>// FIXME: Doesn't need to implement RequestEvent as base already does</font></i>
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>      
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* Create a RequestSkippedEvent with the provided request and response</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param request The request that was skipped</font></i>
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param response The response for the request</font></i>
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>    
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>      <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSkippedEvent.html">RequestSkippedEvent</a>(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> request, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> response) {
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>          <b>super</b>(request,response);
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>      }
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>  }
  <hr><center>This page automatically generated by Maven</center></body>
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a>;
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/ValidationException.html">ValidationException</a>;
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * An event for when a request fails</font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author dIon Gillard</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: RequestFailedEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestFailedEvent.html">RequestFailedEvent</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/BaseRequestEvent.html">BaseRequestEvent</a> implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> {
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>      
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* used to hold the validation exception */</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>      <b>private</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/ValidationException.html">ValidationException</a> _ex = <b>null</b>;
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>      
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* Create a new request failed event</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param request The request that failed</font></i>
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param response The response from processing the failed request</font></i>
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param e The validation failure</font></i>
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>   
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>      <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestFailedEvent.html">RequestFailedEvent</a>(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> request, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> response, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/ValidationException.html">ValidationException</a> e) {
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>        <b>super</b>(request,response);
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>        _ex = e;
  <a name="86" href="#86">86</a>      }
  <a name="87" href="#87">87</a>  
  <a name="88" href="#88">88</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* get the validation exception provided on construction</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="89" href="#89">89</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the validation exception provided on construction</font></i>
  <a name="90" href="#90">90</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>    
  <a name="91" href="#91">91</a>      <b>public</b> Throwable getValidationException() {
  <a name="92" href="#92">92</a>          <b>return</b> _ex;
  <a name="93" href="#93">93</a>      }
  <a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a>;
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a>;
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * The basic set of methods available on all Latka events</font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEvent.html">LatkaEvent</a> {
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>      
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* the request the event is about</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the request the event relates to</font></i>
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>      <b>public</b> <b>abstract</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> getRequest();
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>      
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* the response associated with the event's request</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the response for the event's request</font></i>
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>      <b>public</b> <b>abstract</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> getResponse();
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* the session the event took place within</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the session the event took within</font></i>
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>      <b>public</b> <b>abstract</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a> getSession();
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>  }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a>;
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * An event that represents an error that occurred processing a request</font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * </font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author dIon Gillard</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: RequestErrorEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestErrorEvent.html">RequestErrorEvent</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/BaseRequestEvent.html">BaseRequestEvent</a> implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> {
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>      <font color="#329900"><i>// FIXME: No need to implement RequestEvent as BaseRequestEvent already does</font></i>
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>      
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * holds the error</font></i>
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>      Throwable _t = <b>null</b>; <font color="#329900"><i>// FIXME: Scope?</font></i>
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>      
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* </font></i></font></i>
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * Create an event from the request, response and some Throwable</font></i>
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param request the request in error</font></i>
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param response the response generated</font></i>
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @param t Some throwable representing the error, e.g. an  Exception</font></i>
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="86" href="#86">86</a>      <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestErrorEvent.html">RequestErrorEvent</a>(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> request, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> response, Throwable t) {
  <a name="87" href="#87">87</a>          <b>super</b>(request,response);
  <a name="88" href="#88">88</a>          _t = t;
  <a name="89" href="#89">89</a>      }
  <a name="90" href="#90">90</a>  
  <a name="91" href="#91">91</a>  
  <a name="92" href="#92">92</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="93" href="#93">93</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * provides access to the Throwable representing the request error</font></i>
  <a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the Throwable of the request error</font></i>
  <a name="95" href="#95">95</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>    
  <a name="96" href="#96">96</a>      <b>public</b> Throwable getError() {
  <a name="97" href="#97">97</a>          <b>return</b> _t;
  <a name="98" href="#98">98</a>      }
  <a name="99" href="#99">99</a>  }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> java.util.ArrayList;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <b>import</b> java.util.Iterator;
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <b>import</b> java.util.List;
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventPublisher.html">LatkaEventPublisher</a> implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventListener.html">LatkaEventListener</a> {
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>     
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>     <b>protected</b> List _list = <b>new</b> ArrayList();
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> addListener(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventListener.html">LatkaEventListener</a> listener) {
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>        _list.add(listener);      
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>     }
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> broadcastEvent(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEvent.html">LatkaEvent</a> event) {
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>        Iterator iter = _list.iterator();
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>        <b>while</b>(iter.hasNext()) {
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>           broadcastEvent(event,(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventListener.html">LatkaEventListener</a>);
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>        }
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>     }
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>     <b>protected</b> <b>void</b> broadcastEvent(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEvent.html">LatkaEvent</a> event, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventListener.html">LatkaEventListener</a> listener) {
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>        <b>if</b>(event instanceof <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSucceededEvent.html">RequestSucceededEvent</a>) {
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>           listener.requestSucceeded((RequestEvent)event);
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>        } <b>else</b> <b>if</b>(event instanceof <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestFailedEvent.html">RequestFailedEvent</a>) {
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>           listener.requestFailed((RequestEvent)event);
  <a name="86" href="#86">86</a>        } <b>else</b> <b>if</b>(event instanceof <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestSkippedEvent.html">RequestSkippedEvent</a>) {
  <a name="87" href="#87">87</a>           listener.requestSkipped((RequestEvent)event);
  <a name="88" href="#88">88</a>        } <b>else</b> <b>if</b>(event instanceof <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestErrorEvent.html">RequestErrorEvent</a>) {
  <a name="89" href="#89">89</a>           listener.requestError((RequestEvent)event);
  <a name="90" href="#90">90</a>        } <b>else</b> <b>if</b>(event instanceof <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteCompletedEvent.html">SuiteCompletedEvent</a>) {
  <a name="91" href="#91">91</a>           listener.suiteCompleted((SuiteEvent)event);
  <a name="92" href="#92">92</a>        }    
  <a name="93" href="#93">93</a>     }
  <a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  
  <a name="95" href="#95">95</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestSucceeded(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event) {
  <a name="96" href="#96">96</a>        broadcastEvent(event);
  <a name="97" href="#97">97</a>     }
  <a name="98" href="#98">98</a>  
  <a name="99" href="#99">99</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestFailed(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event) {
  <a name="100" href="#100">100</a>       broadcastEvent(event);
  <a name="101" href="#101">101</a>    }
  <a name="102" href="#102">102</a> 
  <a name="103" href="#103">103</a>    <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestSkipped(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event) {
  <a name="104" href="#104">104</a>       broadcastEvent(event);
  <a name="105" href="#105">105</a>    }
  <a name="106" href="#106">106</a> 
  <a name="107" href="#107">107</a>    <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestError(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event) {
  <a name="108" href="#108">108</a>       broadcastEvent(event);
  <a name="109" href="#109">109</a>    }
  <a name="110" href="#110">110</a> 
  <a name="111" href="#111">111</a>    <b>public</b> <b>void</b> suiteCompleted(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteEvent.html">SuiteEvent</a> event) {
  <a name="112" href="#112">112</a>      broadcastEvent(event);
  <a name="113" href="#113">113</a>    }
  <a name="114" href="#114">114</a> 
  <a name="115" href="#115">115</a> }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * Event listener used during the execution of Latka tests.</font></i>
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * </font></i>
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Rodney Waldhoff</font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author dIon Gillard</font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: LatkaEventListener.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventListener.html">LatkaEventListener</a> {
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>     <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * Invoked if the request succeeds</font></i>
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * </font></i>
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * @param event  a successful request event</font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    */</font></i>
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestSucceeded(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event);
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>     
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>     <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * Invoked if the request failed.  A request "failure" is</font></i>
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * defined as a request that successfully received a</font></i>
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * reponse from the server, but that response failed</font></i>
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * validation (threw a ValidationException).</font></i>
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * </font></i>
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * @param event  a "failed" request event.  This request should still</font></i>
  <a name="86" href="#86">86</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    *               have a response, although the response was not</font></i>
  <a name="87" href="#87">87</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    *               expected by the test.</font></i>
  <a name="88" href="#88">88</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    */</font></i>
  <a name="89" href="#89">89</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestFailed(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event);
  <a name="90" href="#90">90</a>     
  <a name="91" href="#91">91</a>     <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="92" href="#92">92</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * A skipped request.  Most Latka suites will skip </font></i>
  <a name="93" href="#93">93</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * any further requests inside a session </font></i>
  <a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * upon the first failed request.</font></i>
  <a name="95" href="#95">95</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * </font></i>
  <a name="96" href="#96">96</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * @param event  a "skipped" request.  Skipped requests have no valid</font></i>
  <a name="97" href="#97">97</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    *               response.</font></i>
  <a name="98" href="#98">98</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>    */</font></i>
  <a name="99" href="#99">99</a>     <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestSkipped(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event);
  <a name="100" href="#100">100</a>    
  <a name="101" href="#101">101</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="102" href="#102">102</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * Invoked if a request error occurs.  A request "error"</font></i>
  <a name="103" href="#103">103</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * designates an inability to communicate with the</font></i>
  <a name="104" href="#104">104</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * target HTTP server (typically an IOException or a </font></i>
  <a name="105" href="#105">105</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * related exception).</font></i>
  <a name="106" href="#106">106</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * </font></i>
  <a name="107" href="#107">107</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * @param event  a request "error" event.  This request has no valid</font></i>
  <a name="108" href="#108">108</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    *               response.</font></i>
  <a name="109" href="#109">109</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    */</font></i>
  <a name="110" href="#110">110</a>    <b>public</b> <b>void</b> requestError(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> event);
  <a name="111" href="#111">111</a> 
  <a name="112" href="#112">112</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="113" href="#113">113</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * Invoke when all requests completed.</font></i>
  <a name="114" href="#114">114</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    *</font></i>
  <a name="115" href="#115">115</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    * @param event suite event</font></i>
  <a name="116" href="#116">116</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>    */</font></i>
  <a name="117" href="#117">117</a>    <b>public</b> <b>void</b> suiteCompleted(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/SuiteEvent.html">SuiteEvent</a> event);
  <a name="118" href="#118">118</a> 
  <a name="119" href="#119">119</a> }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> java.util.List;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a>;
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * An extension to LatkaEventListener that stores the success or</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * failure of all requests.  </font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * All of these events should report true by default.  They</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * should only report false once an unsuccessful request</font></i>
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * is reported to the listener.</font></i>
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: LatkaEventInfo.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventInfo.html">LatkaEventInfo</a> <b>extends</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEventListener.html">LatkaEventListener</a> {
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * Check to see if a particular Request succeeded or failed.</font></i>
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   *</font></i>
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @param request the request to check for success or</font></i>
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * failure</font></i>
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return true if request succeeded</font></i>
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="86" href="#86">86</a>    <b>public</b> <b>boolean</b> didRequestSucceed(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> request);
  <a name="87" href="#87">87</a>  
  <a name="88" href="#88">88</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="89" href="#89">89</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * Check to see if a particular Session succeeded or failed.</font></i>
  <a name="90" href="#90">90</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * Once a request inside a session fails, the session itself</font></i>
  <a name="91" href="#91">91</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * is marked as a failure.</font></i>
  <a name="92" href="#92">92</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   *</font></i>
  <a name="93" href="#93">93</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @param session the session to check for success or</font></i>
  <a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * failure</font></i>
  <a name="95" href="#95">95</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return true if all requests in the session succeeded</font></i>
  <a name="96" href="#96">96</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="97" href="#97">97</a>    <b>public</b> <b>boolean</b> didSessionSucceed(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a> session);
  <a name="98" href="#98">98</a>  
  <a name="99" href="#99">99</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="100" href="#100">100</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * Returns true if all Requests in the suite succeed.</font></i>
  <a name="101" href="#101">101</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   *</font></i>
  <a name="102" href="#102">102</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return true if all Requests have succeeded</font></i>
  <a name="103" href="#103">103</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="104" href="#104">104</a>   <b>public</b> <b>boolean</b> didSuiteSucceed();
  <a name="105" href="#105">105</a> 
  <a name="106" href="#106">106</a>   <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="107" href="#107">107</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * Returns a List of all responses that failed</font></i>
  <a name="108" href="#108">108</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * validation.</font></i>
  <a name="109" href="#109">109</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   *</font></i>
  <a name="110" href="#110">110</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return List of failed Responses</font></i>
  <a name="111" href="#111">111</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="112" href="#112">112</a>   <b>public</b> List getFailedResponses();
  <a name="113" href="#113">113</a> }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/LatkaEvent.html">LatkaEvent</a> {
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  }
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  <td><b>Last Modified</b></td>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="BaseRequestEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>13556 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="LatkaEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>7569 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="LatkaEventInfo.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>12781 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="LatkaEventListener.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>13482 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="LatkaEventPublisher.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>12384 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="RequestErrorEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>11558 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="RequestEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>10352 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="RequestFailedEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>11426 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="RequestSkippedEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>10209 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="RequestSucceededEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>9992 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="SuiteCompletedEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>8650 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
  <tr valign="middle"><td valign="middle" NOWRAP><img src="./file.gif" valign="middle" border="0">&nbsp;<a href="SuiteEvent.html"></a></td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>8141 (in bytes) </td><td valign="middle" NOWRAP>1/04/2002</td></tr>
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.event</a>;
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a>;
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a>;
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <b>import</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>.<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a>;
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * The base class for request events fired by latka.</font></i>
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * It provides the request, response and session for use by</font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * clients</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: BaseRequestEvent.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:07 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <b>public</b> <b>class</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/BaseRequestEvent.html">BaseRequestEvent</a> implements <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/RequestEvent.html">RequestEvent</a> {
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * the request the event relates to</font></i>
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>    <b>private</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> _request = <b>null</b>;
  <a name="79" href="#79">79</a>  
  <a name="80" href="#80">80</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="81" href="#81">81</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * the response the event relates to</font></i>
  <a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="83" href="#83">83</a>    <b>private</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> _response = <b>null</b>;
  <a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  
  <a name="85" href="#85">85</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="86" href="#86">86</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * the session of the request for the event</font></i>
  <a name="87" href="#87">87</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="88" href="#88">88</a>    <b>private</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a> _session = <b>null</b>;
  <a name="89" href="#89">89</a>  
  <a name="90" href="#90">90</a>    <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="91" href="#91">91</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * Store the request, response and session for later retrieval </font></i>
  <a name="92" href="#92">92</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @param request the request the event is about</font></i>
  <a name="93" href="#93">93</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @param response the response from the request</font></i>
  <a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i> 
  <a name="95" href="#95">95</a>    <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/event/BaseRequestEvent.html">BaseRequestEvent</a>(<a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> request, <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> response) {
  <a name="96" href="#96">96</a>      _session  = request.getSession();
  <a name="97" href="#97">97</a>      _request  = request;
  <a name="98" href="#98">98</a>      _response = response;
  <a name="99" href="#99">99</a>    }
  <a name="100" href="#100">100</a> 
  <a name="101" href="#101">101</a>   <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="102" href="#102">102</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return the request the event relates to</font></i>
  <a name="103" href="#103">103</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="104" href="#104">104</a>   <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Request.html">Request</a> getRequest() {
  <a name="105" href="#105">105</a>     <b>return</b> _request;
  <a name="106" href="#106">106</a>   }
  <a name="107" href="#107">107</a> 
  <a name="108" href="#108">108</a>   <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="109" href="#109">109</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return the response the event relates to</font></i>
  <a name="110" href="#110">110</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="111" href="#111">111</a>   <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Response.html">Response</a> getResponse() {
  <a name="112" href="#112">112</a>     <b>return</b> _response;
  <a name="113" href="#113">113</a>   }
  <a name="114" href="#114">114</a> 
  <a name="115" href="#115">115</a>   <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="116" href="#116">116</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   * @return the session the event relates to</font></i>
  <a name="117" href="#117">117</a> <font color="#AA0000"><i>   */</font></i>
  <a name="118" href="#118">118</a>   <b>public</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Session.html">Session</a> getSession() {
  <a name="119" href="#119">119</a>     <b>return</b> _session;
  <a name="120" href="#120">120</a>   }
  <a name="121" href="#121">121</a> }
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  <a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <font color="#329900"><i>/*</font></i>
  <a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1</font></i>
  <a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights </font></i>
  <a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * reserved.</font></i>
  <a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <font color="#329900"><i> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</font></i>
  <a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions</font></i>
  <a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * are met:</font></i>
  <a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. </font></i>
  <a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</font></i>
  <a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in</font></i>
  <a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</font></i>
  <a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    distribution.</font></i>
  <a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if</font></i>
  <a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:  </font></i>
  <a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *       "This product includes software developed by the </font></i>
  <a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *        Apache Software Foundation (<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>)."</font></i>
  <a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,</font></i>
  <a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.</font></i>
  <a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software</font></i>
  <a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived</font></i>
  <a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    from this software without prior written permission. For written </font></i>
  <a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission, please contact</font></i>
  <a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"</font></i>
  <a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written</font></i>
  <a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *    permission of the Apache Group.</font></i>
  <a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</font></i>
  <a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES</font></i>
  <a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE</font></i>
  <a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR</font></i>
  <a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</font></i>
  <a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</font></i>
  <a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF</font></i>
  <a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND</font></i>
  <a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,</font></i>
  <a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT</font></i>
  <a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF</font></i>
  <a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * SUCH DAMAGE.</font></i>
  <a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * ====================================================================</font></i>
  <a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many</font></i>
  <a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more</font></i>
  <a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see</font></i>
  <a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * &lt;<a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>;.</font></i>
  <a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]</font></i>
  <a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> *</font></i>
  <a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <font color="#329900"><i> */</font></i>   
  <a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  <b>package</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/index.html">org.apache.commons.latka.http</a>;
  <a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  
  <a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>*</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * Used for authentication</font></i>
  <a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @author  Morgan Delagrange</font></i>
  <a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> * @version $Id: Credentials.html,v 1.1 2002/04/01 05:40:08 dion Exp $</font></i>
  <a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i> */</font></i>
  <a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <b>public</b> <b>interface</b> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/commons/latka/http/Credentials.html">Credentials</a> {
  <a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  
  <a name="68" href="#68">68</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* return the user's name</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the user's name</font></i>
  <a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="71" href="#71">71</a>      <b>public</b> String getUserName();
  <a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  
  <a name="73" href="#73">73</a>      <font color="#AA0000"><i>/**<font color="#AA0000"><i>* return the user's password</font></i></font></i>
  <a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     * @return the user's password</font></i>
  <a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <font color="#AA0000"><i>     */</font></i>
  <a name="76" href="#76">76</a>      <b>public</b> String getPassword();
  <a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  
  <a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  }
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