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Posted to by Martijn Dashorst <> on 2016/10/26 15:07:55 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M2 Released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M2!

Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at

This release marks another milestone release of Wicket 8. We
use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket. As this is pre-release
software, API breaks are allowed between 7.x and 8, and between milestone

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source:
 * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 8
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team


    The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

Comment: GPGTools -


Signature for apache-wicket-8.0.0-M2.tar.gz:

Comment: GPGTools -



    CHANGELOG for 8.0.0-M2:

** Sub-task

    * [WICKET-6243] - ResourceReferenceAutolink component resolved by
AutoLinkResolver ignores session locale changes

** Bug

    * [WICKET-5836] - Update the version of clirr-maven-plugin (current 2.6.1)
    * [WICKET-5972] - Datepicker "Close" text overlays 'x' icon.
    * [WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not
reflect updated model when nested form submitted
    * [WICKET-6136] - AutoCompleteTextField issue in Android 5.1.1
    * [WICKET-6161] - SecuritySettings.setEnforceMounts() should be
applicable for all kind of pages
    * [WICKET-6192] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry
check in AbstractBookmarkableMapper#mapHandler
    * [WICKET-6196] - CheckingObjectOutputStream broken in Wicket 7
    * [WICKET-6198] - Unable to disable a MultiFileUploadField
    * [WICKET-6202] - Guide: 26.1 Page storing, section
HttpSessionDataStore - example code is not correct
    * [WICKET-6204] - Copy only the provided attributes for Ajax link inclusion
    * [WICKET-6209] - requesting focus on disabled field fails with error in IE8
    * [WICKET-6214] - ModalWindow broken on IE
    * [WICKET-6215] - Test fail when non empty model is set to PasswordTextField
    * [WICKET-6216] - Problem with queued components and border
    * [WICKET-6217] - Enclosure broken within Border/Panel
    * [WICKET-6219] - Fragment fails to report an error in development mode
    * [WICKET-6220] - TagTester incomplete support for void elements
    * [WICKET-6221] - WicketTester - missing border path
    * [WICKET-6222] - renderHead not called with anonymous inner Border class
    * [WICKET-6225] - Button wrongly sets its model object as 'value' attribute
    * [WICKET-6227] - CharSequenceResource calculates wrong length
when there are unicode symbols
    * [WICKET-6230] - Infinite redirection when using
    * [WICKET-6231] - wicket:enclosure and getVariation().
    * [WICKET-6232] - When sending binary data from server to client,
wicket-websocket-jquery.js throws error "message.indexOf is not a
    * [WICKET-6235] - TableTree#updateNode() fails if no corresponding
node is visible
    * [WICKET-6236] - Files.remove() causes a 5 seconds delay instead
of 500ms as was intended
    * [WICKET-6237] - PageRequestHandlerTracker doesn't work with
    * [WICKET-6238] - pub2 Wicket example isn't switching the beer images
    * [WICKET-6241] - CheckingObjectOutputStream should track the
original instance, before writeReplace()
    * [WICKET-6242] - Weak concurrency management in
    * [WICKET-6244] - Palette does not list unselected options
    * [WICKET-6245] - Open up CsrfPreventionRequestCycleListener for extension
    * [WICKET-6249] - Invalid state of LoadableDetachableModel with
exception during load()
    * [WICKET-6250] - FileUploadField does not deteach models and
fails to null the reference to the transient fileUploads field if
forceCloseStreamsOnDetach is false
    * [WICKET-6254] - Wicket WebSockets problem behind HTTP proxy
without servlet context

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-5866] - Reconsider generics of IConverterLocator#getConverter()
    * [WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing
ISortableDetachable model
    * [WICKET-6200] - Add default converters for Java 8 classes
    * [WICKET-6203] - Rename IModel#mapWith() to IModel#combineWith()
and reorder the parameters
    * [WICKET-6206] - Allow to use custom anticache parameter value
for Image component
    * [WICKET-6210] - FileUpload does not support files of zero size
    * [WICKET-6211] - PasswordTextField should clear password by default
    * [WICKET-6226] -  DOCTYPE URL in properties.xml example in wicket
documentation won't work.
    * [WICKET-6228] - Hide AuthenticatedWebSession#signOut() from the public API
    * [WICKET-6229] - Introduce a new setting in ExceptionSettings to
control whether to throw exception or log a WARN when requesting for
markup id on non-renderable component
    * [WICKET-6233] - Add component info in the error messages related
to WicketTester#assertComponentOnAjaxResponse()
    * [WICKET-6234] - Log the decrypted url in CryptoMapper for
debugging purposes
    * [WICKET-6239] - Use Response#addHeader() instead of #setContentLength()
    * [WICKET-6240] - Hook method to display more information on

** New Feature

    * [WICKET-5623] - Custom Getters and Setters for PropertyResolver
    * [WICKET-6194] - PushBuilder API integration