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[2/3] thrift git commit: THRIFT-2964: nodejs file breakout Client: NodeJS Patch: Andrew de Andrade
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/json_protocol.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/json_protocol.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4678f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/json_protocol.js
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var log = require('./log');
+var Int64 = require('node-int64');
+var InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./transport').InputBufferUnderrunError;
+var Thrift = require('./thrift');
+var Type = Thrift.Type;
+var util = require("util");
+var InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./input_buffer_underrun_error');
+module.exports = TJSONProtocol;
+ * Initializes a Thrift JSON protocol instance.
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Thrift.Transport} trans - The transport to serialize to/from.
+ * @classdesc Apache Thrift Protocols perform serialization which enables cross
+ * language RPC. The Protocol type is the JavaScript browser implementation
+ * of the Apache Thrift TJSONProtocol.
+ * @example
+ *     var protocol  = new Thrift.Protocol(transport);
+ */
+function TJSONProtocol(trans) {
+  this.trans = trans;
+ * Thrift IDL type Id to string mapping.
+ * @readonly
+ * @see {@link Thrift.Type}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.Type = {};
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.BOOL] = '"tf"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.BYTE] = '"i8"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.I16] = '"i16"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.I32] = '"i32"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.I64] = '"i64"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.DOUBLE] = '"dbl"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.STRUCT] = '"rec"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.STRING] = '"str"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.MAP] = '"map"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.LIST] = '"lst"';
+TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.SET] = '"set"';
+ * Thrift IDL type string to Id mapping.
+ * @readonly
+ * @see {@link Thrift.Type}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.RType = {}; = Type.BOOL;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.i8 = Type.BYTE;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.i16 = Type.I16;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.i32 = Type.I32;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.i64 = Type.I64;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.dbl = Type.DOUBLE;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.rec = Type.STRUCT;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.str = Type.STRING; = Type.MAP;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.lst = Type.LIST;
+TJSONProtocol.RType.set = Type.SET;
+ * The TJSONProtocol version number.
+ * @readonly
+ * @const {number} Version
+ * @memberof Thrift.Protocol
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.Version = 1;
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.flush = function() {
+  return this.trans.flush();
+ * Serializes the beginning of a Thrift RPC message.
+ * @param {string} name - The service method to call.
+ * @param {Thrift.MessageType} messageType - The type of method call.
+ * @param {number} seqid - The sequence number of this call (always 0 in Apache Thrift).
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, messageType, seqid) {
+  this.tstack = [];
+  this.tpos = [];
+  this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Version, '"' + name + '"', messageType, seqid]);
+ * Serializes the end of a Thrift RPC message.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMessageEnd = function() {
+  var obj = this.tstack.pop();
+  this.wobj = this.tstack.pop();
+  this.wobj.push(obj);
+  this.wbuf = '[' + this.wobj.join(',') + ']';
+  this.trans.write(this.wbuf);
+ * Serializes the beginning of a struct.
+ * @param {string} name - The name of the struct.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeStructBegin = function(name) {
+  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
+  this.tstack.push({});
+ * Serializes the end of a struct.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeStructEnd = function() {
+  var p = this.tpos.pop();
+  var struct = this.tstack[p];
+  var str = '{';
+  var first = true;
+  for (var key in struct) {
+    if (first) {
+      first = false;
+    } else {
+      str += ',';
+    }
+    str += key + ':' + struct[key];
+  }
+  str += '}';
+  this.tstack[p] = str;
+ * Serializes the beginning of a struct field.
+ * @param {string} name - The name of the field.
+ * @param {Thrift.Protocol.Type} fieldType - The data type of the field.
+ * @param {number} fieldId - The field's unique identifier.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldBegin = function(name, fieldType, fieldId) {
+  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
+  this.tstack.push({ 'fieldId': '"' +
+    fieldId + '"', 'fieldType': TJSONProtocol.Type[fieldType]
+  });
+ * Serializes the end of a field.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldEnd = function() {
+  var value = this.tstack.pop();
+  var fieldInfo = this.tstack.pop();
+  if (':' + value === ":[object Object]") {
+    this.tstack[this.tstack.length - 1][fieldInfo.fieldId] = '{' +
+      fieldInfo.fieldType + ':' + JSON.stringify(value) + '}';
+  } else {
+    this.tstack[this.tstack.length - 1][fieldInfo.fieldId] = '{' +
+      fieldInfo.fieldType + ':' + value + '}';
+  }
+  this.tpos.pop();
+ * Serializes the end of the set of fields for a struct.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldStop = function() {
+ * Serializes the beginning of a map collection.
+ * @param {Thrift.Type} keyType - The data type of the key.
+ * @param {Thrift.Type} valType - The data type of the value.
+ * @param {number} [size] - The number of elements in the map (ignored).
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMapBegin = function(keyType, valType, size) {
+  //size is invalid, we'll set it on end.
+  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
+  this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[keyType], TJSONProtocol.Type[valType], 0]);
+ * Serializes the end of a map.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMapEnd = function() {
+  var p = this.tpos.pop();
+  if (p == this.tstack.length) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if ((this.tstack.length - p - 1) % 2 !== 0) {
+    this.tstack.push('');
+  }
+  var size = (this.tstack.length - p - 1) / 2;
+  this.tstack[p][this.tstack[p].length - 1] = size;
+  var map = '}';
+  var first = true;
+  while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
+    var v = this.tstack.pop();
+    var k = this.tstack.pop();
+    if (first) {
+      first = false;
+    } else {
+      map = ',' + map;
+    }
+    if (! isNaN(k)) { k = '"' + k + '"'; } //json "keys" need to be strings
+    map = k + ':' + v + map;
+  }
+  map = '{' + map;
+  this.tstack[p].push(map);
+  this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
+ * Serializes the beginning of a list collection.
+ * @param {Thrift.Type} elemType - The data type of the elements.
+ * @param {number} size - The number of elements in the list.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeListBegin = function(elemType, size) {
+  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
+  this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[elemType], size]);
+ * Serializes the end of a list.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeListEnd = function() {
+  var p = this.tpos.pop();
+  while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
+    var tmpVal = this.tstack[p + 1];
+    this.tstack.splice(p + 1, 1);
+    this.tstack[p].push(tmpVal);
+  }
+  this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
+ * Serializes the beginning of a set collection.
+ * @param {Thrift.Type} elemType - The data type of the elements.
+ * @param {number} size - The number of elements in the list.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeSetBegin = function(elemType, size) {
+    this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
+    this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[elemType], size]);
+ * Serializes the end of a set.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeSetEnd = function() {
+  var p = this.tpos.pop();
+  while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
+    var tmpVal = this.tstack[p + 1];
+    this.tstack.splice(p + 1, 1);
+    this.tstack[p].push(tmpVal);
+  }
+  this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
+/** Serializes a boolean */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeBool = function(bool) {
+  this.tstack.push(bool ? 1 : 0);
+/** Serializes a number */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeByte = function(byte) {
+  this.tstack.push(byte);
+/** Serializes a number */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI16 = function(i16) {
+  this.tstack.push(i16);
+/** Serializes a number */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI32 = function(i32) {
+  this.tstack.push(i32);
+/** Serializes a number */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI64 = function(i64) {
+  this.tstack.push(i64);
+/** Serializes a number */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeDouble = function(dub) {
+  this.tstack.push(dub);
+/** Serializes a string */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeString = function(str) {
+  // We do not encode uri components for wire transfer:
+  if (str === null) {
+      this.tstack.push(null);
+  } else {
+      // concat may be slower than building a byte buffer
+      var escapedString = '';
+      for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+          var ch = str.charAt(i);      // a single double quote: "
+          if (ch === '\"') {
+              escapedString += '\\\"'; // write out as: \"
+          } else if (ch === '\\') {    // a single backslash: \
+              escapedString += '\\\\'; // write out as: \\
+          /* Currently escaped forward slashes break TJSONProtocol.
+           * As it stands, we can simply pass forward slashes into
+           * our strings across the wire without being escaped.
+           * I think this is the protocol's bug, not thrift.js
+           * } else if(ch === '/') {   // a single forward slash: /
+           *  escapedString += '\\/';  // write out as \/
+           * }
+           */
+          } else if (ch === '\b') {    // a single backspace: invisible
+              escapedString += '\\b';  // write out as: \b"
+          } else if (ch === '\f') {    // a single formfeed: invisible
+              escapedString += '\\f';  // write out as: \f"
+          } else if (ch === '\n') {    // a single newline: invisible
+              escapedString += '\\n';  // write out as: \n"
+          } else if (ch === '\r') {    // a single return: invisible
+              escapedString += '\\r';  // write out as: \r"
+          } else if (ch === '\t') {    // a single tab: invisible
+              escapedString += '\\t';  // write out as: \t"
+          } else {
+              escapedString += ch;     // Else it need not be escaped
+          }
+      }
+      this.tstack.push('"' + escapedString + '"');
+  }
+/** Serializes a string */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeBinary = function(arg) {
+  this.writeString(arg);
+ * @class
+ * @name AnonReadMessageBeginReturn
+ * @property {string} fname - The name of the service method.
+ * @property {Thrift.MessageType} mtype - The type of message call.
+ * @property {number} rseqid - The sequence number of the message (0 in Thrift RPC).
+ */
+ * Deserializes the beginning of a message.
+ * @returns {AnonReadMessageBeginReturn}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMessageBegin = function() {
+  this.rstack = [];
+  this.rpos = [];
+  //Borrow the inbound transport buffer and ensure data is present/consistent
+  var transBuf = this.trans.borrow();
+  if (transBuf.readIndex >= transBuf.writeIndex) {
+    throw new InputBufferUnderrunError();
+  }
+  var cursor = transBuf.readIndex;
+  if (transBuf.buf[cursor] !== 0x5B) { //[
+    throw new Error("Malformed JSON input, no opening bracket");
+  }
+  //Parse a single message (there may be several in the buffer)
+  //  TODO: Handle characters using multiple code units
+  cursor++;
+  var openBracketCount = 1;
+  var inString = false;
+  for (; cursor < transBuf.writeIndex; cursor++) {
+    var chr = transBuf.buf[cursor];
+    //we use hexa charcode here because data[i] returns an int and not a char
+    if (inString) {
+      if (chr === 0x22) { //"
+        inString = false;
+      } else if (chr === 0x5C) { //\
+        //escaped character, skip
+        cursor += 1;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (chr === 0x5B) { //[
+        openBracketCount += 1;
+      } else if (chr === 0x5D) { //]
+        openBracketCount -= 1;
+        if (openBracketCount === 0) {
+          //end of json message detected
+          break;
+        }
+      } else if (chr === 0x22) { //"
+        inString = true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (openBracketCount !== 0) {
+    throw new Error("Malformed JSON input, mismatched backets");
+  }
+  //Reconstitute the JSON object and conume the necessary bytes
+  this.robj = JSON.parse(transBuf.buf.slice(transBuf.readIndex, cursor+1));
+  this.trans.consume(cursor + 1 - transBuf.readIndex);
+  //Verify the protocol version
+  var version = this.robj.shift();
+  if (version != TJSONProtocol.Version) {
+    throw 'Wrong thrift protocol version: ' + version;
+  }
+  //Objectify the thrift message {name/type/sequence-number} for return
+  // and then save the JSON object in rstack
+  var r = {};
+  r.fname = this.robj.shift();
+  r.mtype = this.robj.shift();
+  r.rseqid = this.robj.shift();
+  this.rstack.push(this.robj.shift());
+  return r;
+/** Deserializes the end of a message. */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMessageEnd = function() {
+ * Deserializes the beginning of a struct.
+ * @param {string} [name] - The name of the struct (ignored)
+ * @returns {object} - An object with an empty string fname property
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readStructBegin = function() {
+  var r = {};
+  r.fname = '';
+  //incase this is an array of structs
+  if (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1] instanceof Array) {
+    this.rstack.push(this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1].shift());
+  }
+  return r;
+/** Deserializes the end of a struct. */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readStructEnd = function() {
+  this.rstack.pop();
+ * @class
+ * @name AnonReadFieldBeginReturn
+ * @property {string} fname - The name of the field (always '').
+ * @property {Thrift.Type} ftype - The data type of the field.
+ * @property {number} fid - The unique identifier of the field.
+ */
+ * Deserializes the beginning of a field.
+ * @returns {AnonReadFieldBeginReturn}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readFieldBegin = function() {
+  var r = {};
+  var fid = -1;
+  var ftype = Type.STOP;
+  //get a fieldId
+  for (var f in (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1])) {
+    if (f === null) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    fid = parseInt(f, 10);
+    this.rpos.push(this.rstack.length);
+    var field = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][fid];
+    //remove so we don't see it again
+    delete this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][fid];
+    this.rstack.push(field);
+    break;
+  }
+  if (fid != -1) {
+    //should only be 1 of these but this is the only
+    //way to match a key
+    for (var i in (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1])) {
+      if (TJSONProtocol.RType[i] === null) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      ftype = TJSONProtocol.RType[i];
+      this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1] = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][i];
+    }
+  }
+  r.fname = '';
+  r.ftype = ftype;
+  r.fid = fid;
+  return r;
+/** Deserializes the end of a field. */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readFieldEnd = function() {
+  var pos = this.rpos.pop();
+  //get back to the right place in the stack
+  while (this.rstack.length > pos) {
+    this.rstack.pop();
+  }
+ * @class
+ * @name AnonReadMapBeginReturn
+ * @property {Thrift.Type} ktype - The data type of the key.
+ * @property {Thrift.Type} vtype - The data type of the value.
+ * @property {number} size - The number of elements in the map.
+ */
+ * Deserializes the beginning of a map.
+ * @returns {AnonReadMapBeginReturn}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMapBegin = function() {
+  var map = this.rstack.pop();
+  var r = {};
+  r.ktype = TJSONProtocol.RType[map.shift()];
+  r.vtype = TJSONProtocol.RType[map.shift()];
+  r.size = map.shift();
+  this.rpos.push(this.rstack.length);
+  this.rstack.push(map.shift());
+  return r;
+/** Deserializes the end of a map. */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMapEnd = function() {
+  this.readFieldEnd();
+ * @class
+ * @name AnonReadColBeginReturn
+ * @property {Thrift.Type} etype - The data type of the element.
+ * @property {number} size - The number of elements in the collection.
+ */
+ * Deserializes the beginning of a list.
+ * @returns {AnonReadColBeginReturn}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readListBegin = function() {
+  var list = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
+  var r = {};
+  r.etype = TJSONProtocol.RType[list.shift()];
+  r.size = list.shift();
+  this.rpos.push(this.rstack.length);
+  this.rstack.push(list);
+  return r;
+/** Deserializes the end of a list. */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readListEnd = function() {
+  this.readFieldEnd();
+ * Deserializes the beginning of a set.
+ * @returns {AnonReadColBeginReturn}
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readSetBegin = function() {
+  return this.readListBegin();
+/** Deserializes the end of a set. */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readSetEnd = function() {
+  return this.readListEnd();
+/** Returns an object with a value property set to
+ *  False unless the next number in the protocol buffer
+ *  is 1, in which case the value property is True */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readBool = function() {
+  var r = this.readI32();
+  if (r !== null && r.value == '1') {
+    r.value = true;
+  } else {
+    r.value = false;
+  }
+  return r;
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readByte = function() {
+  return this.readI32();
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI16 = function() {
+  return this.readI32();
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI32 = function(f) {
+  if (f === undefined) {
+    f = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
+  }
+  var r = {};
+  if (f instanceof Array) {
+    if (f.length === 0) {
+      r.value = undefined;
+    } else {
+      r.value = f.shift();
+    }
+  } else if (f instanceof Object) {
+    for (var i in f) {
+      if (i === null) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      this.rstack.push(f[i]);
+      delete f[i];
+      r.value = i;
+      break;
+    }
+  } else {
+    r.value = f;
+    this.rstack.pop();
+  }
+  return r.value;
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI64 = function() {
+  return new Int64(this.readI32());
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readDouble = function() {
+  return this.readI32();
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readBinary = function() {
+  return this.readString();
+/** Returns the an object with a value property set to the
+    next value found in the protocol buffer */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.readString = function() {
+  var r = this.readI32();
+  return r;
+ * Returns the underlying transport.
+ * @readonly
+ * @returns {Thrift.Transport} The underlying transport.
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.getTransport = function() {
+  return this.trans;
+ * Method to arbitrarily skip over data
+ */
+TJSONProtocol.prototype.skip = function(type) {
+  throw 'skip not supported yet';
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/log.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/log.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e13ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/log.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+module.exports = {
+  'info' : function logInfo() {},
+  'warning' : function logWarning() {},
+  'error' : function logError() {},
+  'debug' : function logDebug() {},
+  'trace' : function logTrace() {}
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_processor.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_processor.js
index fbceb79..67b62f7 100644
--- a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_processor.js
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_processor.js
@@ -18,41 +18,46 @@
 var Thrift = require('./thrift');
-var MultiplexedProcessor = exports.MultiplexedProcessor = function(stream, options) {
- = {};
+exports.MultiplexedProcessor = MultiplexedProcessor;
+function MultiplexedProcessor(stream, options) {
+ = {};
 MultiplexedProcessor.prototype.registerProcessor = function(name, handler) {
-[name] = handler;
+[name] = handler;
 MultiplexedProcessor.prototype.process = function(inp, out) {
-    var begin = inp.readMessageBegin();
-    if (begin.mtype != Thrift.MessageType.CALL && begin.mtype != Thrift.MessageType.ONEWAY) {
-        throw new Thrift.TException("TMultiplexedProcessor: Unexpected message type");
-    }
-    var p = begin.fname.split(":");
-    var sname = p[0];
-    var fname = p[1];
-    if (! (sname in {
-        throw new Thrift.TException("TMultiplexedProcessor: Unknown service: " + sname);
-    }
-    //construct a proxy object which stubs the readMessageBegin
-    //for the service
-    var inpProxy = {};
-    for (var attr in inp) {
-        inpProxy[attr] = inp[attr];
-    }
-    inpProxy.readMessageBegin = function() {
-        return {
-            fname: fname,
-            mtype: begin.mtype,
-            rseqid: begin.rseqid
-        };
+  var begin = inp.readMessageBegin();
+  if (begin.mtype != Thrift.MessageType.CALL && begin.mtype != Thrift.MessageType.ONEWAY) {
+    throw new Thrift.TException('TMultiplexedProcessor: Unexpected message type');
+  }
+  var p = begin.fname.split(':');
+  var sname = p[0];
+  var fname = p[1];
+  if (! (sname in {
+    throw new Thrift.TException('TMultiplexedProcessor: Unknown service: ' + sname);
+  }
+  //construct a proxy object which stubs the readMessageBegin
+  //for the service
+  var inpProxy = {};
+  for (var attr in inp) {
+    inpProxy[attr] = inp[attr];
+  }
+  inpProxy.readMessageBegin = function() {
+    return {
+      fname: fname,
+      mtype: begin.mtype,
+      rseqid: begin.rseqid
+  };
-[sname].process(inpProxy, out);
+[sname].process(inpProxy, out);
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_protocol.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_protocol.js
index 68440af..0745a1b 100644
--- a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_protocol.js
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/multiplexed_protocol.js
@@ -19,49 +19,56 @@
 var util = require('util');
 var Thrift = require('./thrift');
-var Wrapper = exports.Wrapper = function(service_name, protocol, connection) {
+exports.Wrapper = Wrapper;
+exports.Multiplexer = Multiplexer;
-    var MultiplexProtocol = function(trans, strictRead, strictWrite) {
-, trans, strictRead, strictWrite);
-    };
-    util.inherits(MultiplexProtocol, protocol);
+function Wrapper(serviceName, protocol, connection) {
-    MultiplexProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, type, seqid) {
-        if (type == Thrift.MessageType.CALL || type == Thrift.MessageType.ONEWAY) {
-            connection.seqId2Service[seqid] = service_name;
-  , 
-                                                                      service_name + ":" + name, 
-                                                                      type, 
-                                                                      seqid);
-        } else {
-  , name, type, seqid);
-        }
-    };
+  function MultiplexProtocol(trans, strictRead, strictWrite) {
+, trans, strictRead, strictWrite);
+  };
-    return MultiplexProtocol;
+  util.inherits(MultiplexProtocol, protocol);
+  MultiplexProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, type, seqid) {
+    if (type == Thrift.MessageType.CALL || type == Thrift.MessageType.ONEWAY) {
+      connection.seqId2Service[seqid] = serviceName;
+                                                                serviceName + ":" + name,
+                                                                type,
+                                                                seqid);
+    } else {
+, name, type, seqid);
+    }
+  };
+  return MultiplexProtocol;
-var Multiplexer = exports.Multiplexer = function() {
-    this.seqid = 0;
+function Multiplexer() {
+  this.seqid = 0;
-Multiplexer.prototype.createClient = function(service_name, cls, connection) {
-    if (cls.Client) {
-        cls = cls.Client;
-    }
-    var self = this;
-    cls.prototype.new_seqid = function() {
-        self.seqid += 1;
-        return self.seqid;
-    };
-    var client = new cls(new connection.transport(undefined, function(buf) {
-        connection.write(buf);
-    }), new Wrapper(service_name, connection.protocol, connection));
-    if (typeof connection.client !== 'object') {
-       connection.client = {};
-    }
-    connection.client[service_name] = client;
+Multiplexer.prototype.createClient = function(serviceName, ServiceClient, connection) {
+  if (ServiceClient.Client) {
+    ServiceClient = ServiceClient.Client;
+  }
+  var self = this;
+  ServiceClient.prototype.new_seqid = function() {
+    self.seqid += 1;
+    return self.seqid;
+  };
+  var writeCb = function(buf, seqid) {
+    connection.write(buf,seqid);
+  };
+  var transport = new connection.transport(undefined, writeCb);
+  var protocolWrapper = new Wrapper(serviceName, connection.protocol, connection);
+  var client = new ServiceClient(transport, protocolWrapper);
+  if (typeof connection.client !== 'object') {
+    connection.client = {};
+  }
+  connection.client[serviceName] = client;
-    return client;
+  return client;
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/protocol.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/protocol.js
index 6c8e8e6..a70ebe2 100644
--- a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/protocol.js
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/protocol.js
@@ -16,1728 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-var util = require('util'),
-    Thrift = require('./thrift'),
-    Type = Thrift.Type;
-var binary = require('./binary'),
-    Int64 = require('node-int64');
-var InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./transport').InputBufferUnderrunError;
-// JavaScript supports only numeric doubles, therefore even hex values are always signed.
-// The largest integer value which can be represented in JavaScript is +/-2^53.
-// Bitwise operations convert numbers to 32 bit integers but perform sign extension
-// upon assigning values back to variables.
-var VERSION_MASK = -65536,   // 0xffff0000
-    VERSION_1 = -2147418112, // 0x80010000
-    TYPE_MASK = 0x000000ff;
-var POW_8 = Math.pow(2, 8);
-var POW_24 = Math.pow(2, 24);
-var POW_32 = Math.pow(2, 32);
-var POW_40 = Math.pow(2, 40);
-var POW_48 = Math.pow(2, 48);
-var POW_52 = Math.pow(2, 52);
-var POW_1022 = Math.pow(2, 1022);
-var TBinaryProtocol = exports.TBinaryProtocol = function(trans, strictRead, strictWrite) {
-  this.trans = trans;
-  this.strictRead = (strictRead !== undefined ? strictRead : false);
-  this.strictWrite = (strictWrite !== undefined ? strictWrite : true);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.flush = function() {
-  return this.trans.flush();
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, type, seqid) {
-    if (this.strictWrite) {
-      this.writeI32(VERSION_1 | type);
-      this.writeString(name);
-      this.writeI32(seqid);
-    } else {
-      this.writeString(name);
-      this.writeByte(type);
-      this.writeI32(seqid);
-    }
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeMessageEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeStructBegin = function(name) {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeStructEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeFieldBegin = function(name, type, id) {
-  this.writeByte(type);
-  this.writeI16(id);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeFieldEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeFieldStop = function() {
-  this.writeByte(Type.STOP);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeMapBegin = function(ktype, vtype, size) {
-  this.writeByte(ktype);
-  this.writeByte(vtype);
-  this.writeI32(size);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeMapEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeListBegin = function(etype, size) {
-  this.writeByte(etype);
-  this.writeI32(size);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeListEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeSetBegin = function(etype, size) {
-  this.writeByte(etype);
-  this.writeI32(size);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeSetEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeBool = function(bool) {
-  if (bool) {
-    this.writeByte(1);
-  } else {
-    this.writeByte(0);
-  }
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeByte = function(b) {
-  this.trans.write(new Buffer([b]));
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeI16 = function(i16) {
-  this.trans.write(binary.writeI16(new Buffer(2), i16));
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeI32 = function(i32) {
-  this.trans.write(binary.writeI32(new Buffer(4), i32));
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeI64 = function(i64) {
-  if (i64.buffer) {
-    this.trans.write(i64.buffer);
-  } else {
-    this.trans.write(new Int64(i64).buffer);
-  }
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeDouble = function(dub) {
-  this.trans.write(binary.writeDouble(new Buffer(8), dub));
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeString = function(arg) {
-  if (typeof(arg) === 'string') {
-    this.writeI32(Buffer.byteLength(arg, 'utf8'));
-    this.trans.write(arg, 'utf8');
-  } else if (arg instanceof Buffer) {
-    this.writeI32(arg.length);
-    this.trans.write(arg);
-  } else {
-    throw new Error('writeString called without a string/Buffer argument: ' + arg);
-  }
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.writeBinary = function(arg) {
-  if (typeof(arg) === 'string') {
-    this.writeI32(Buffer.byteLength(arg, 'utf8'));
-    this.trans.write(arg, 'utf8');
-  } else if ((arg instanceof Buffer) ||
-             ( == '[object Uint8Array]')) {
-    // Buffers in Node.js under Browserify may extend UInt8Array instead of
-    // defining a new object. We detect them here so we can write them
-    // correctly
-    this.writeI32(arg.length);
-    this.trans.write(arg);
-  } else {
-    throw new Error('writeBinary called without a string/Buffer argument: ' + arg);
-  }
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readMessageBegin = function() {
-  var sz = this.readI32();
-  var type, name, seqid;
-  if (sz < 0) {
-    var version = sz & VERSION_MASK;
-    if (version != VERSION_1) {
-      console.log("BAD: " + version);
-      throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.BAD_VERSION, "Bad version in readMessageBegin: " + sz);
-    }
-    type = sz & TYPE_MASK;
-    name = this.readString();
-    seqid = this.readI32();
-  } else {
-    if (this.strictRead) {
-      throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.BAD_VERSION, "No protocol version header");
-    }
-    name =;
-    type = this.readByte();
-    seqid = this.readI32();
-  }
-  return {fname: name, mtype: type, rseqid: seqid};
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readMessageEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readStructBegin = function() {
-  return {fname: ''};
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readStructEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readFieldBegin = function() {
-  var type = this.readByte();
-  if (type == Type.STOP) {
-    return {fname: null, ftype: type, fid: 0};
-  }
-  var id = this.readI16();
-  return {fname: null, ftype: type, fid: id};
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readFieldEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readMapBegin = function() {
-  var ktype = this.readByte();
-  var vtype = this.readByte();
-  var size = this.readI32();
-  return {ktype: ktype, vtype: vtype, size: size};
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readMapEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readListBegin = function() {
-  var etype = this.readByte();
-  var size = this.readI32();
-  return {etype: etype, size: size};
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readListEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readSetBegin = function() {
-  var etype = this.readByte();
-  var size = this.readI32();
-  return {etype: etype, size: size};
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readSetEnd = function() {
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readBool = function() {
-  var b = this.readByte();
-  if (b === 0) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readByte = function() {
-  return this.trans.readByte();
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readI16 = function() {
-  return this.trans.readI16();
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readI32 = function() {
-  return this.trans.readI32();
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readI64 = function() {
-  var buff =;
-  return new Int64(buff);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readDouble = function() {
-  return this.trans.readDouble();
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readBinary = function() {
-  var len = this.readI32();
-  return;
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.readString = function() {
-  var len = this.readI32();
-  return this.trans.readString(len);
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.getTransport = function() {
-  return this.trans;
-TBinaryProtocol.prototype.skip = function(type) {
-  switch (type) {
-    case Type.STOP:
-      return;
-    case Type.BOOL:
-      this.readBool();
-      break;
-    case Type.BYTE:
-      this.readByte();
-      break;
-    case Type.I16:
-      this.readI16();
-      break;
-    case Type.I32:
-      this.readI32();
-      break;
-    case Type.I64:
-      this.readI64();
-      break;
-    case Type.DOUBLE:
-      this.readDouble();
-      break;
-    case Type.STRING:
-      this.readString();
-      break;
-    case Type.STRUCT:
-      this.readStructBegin();
-      while (true) {
-        var r = this.readFieldBegin();
-        if (r.ftype === Type.STOP) {
-          break;
-        }
-        this.skip(r.ftype);
-        this.readFieldEnd();
-      }
-      this.readStructEnd();
-      break;
-    case Type.MAP:
-      var mapBegin = this.readMapBegin();
-      for (var i = 0; i < mapBegin.size; ++i) {
-        this.skip(mapBegin.ktype);
-        this.skip(mapBegin.vtype);
-      }
-      this.readMapEnd();
-      break;
-    case Type.SET:
-      var setBegin = this.readSetBegin();
-      for (var i2 = 0; i2 < setBegin.size; ++i2) {
-        this.skip(setBegin.etype);
-      }
-      this.readSetEnd();
-      break;
-    case Type.LIST:
-      var listBegin = this.readListBegin();
-      for (var i3 = 0; i3 < listBegin.size; ++i3) {
-        this.skip(listBegin.etype);
-      }
-      this.readListEnd();
-      break;
-    default:
-      throw new  Error("Invalid type: " + type);
-  }
- * Constructor Function for the Compact Protocol.
- * @constructor
- * @param {object} [trans] - The underlying transport to read/write.
- * @classdesc The Apache Thrift Protocol layer performs serialization
- *     of base types, the compact protocol serializes data in binary 
- *     form with minimal space used for scalar values.
- */
-var TCompactProtocol = exports.TCompactProtocol = function(trans) {
-  this.trans = trans;
-  this.lastField_ = [];
-  this.lastFieldId_ = 0;
-  this.string_limit_ = 0;
-  this.string_buf_ = null;
-  this.string_buf_size_ = 0;
-  this.container_limit_ = 0;
-  this.booleanField_ = {
-    name: null,
-    hasBoolValue: false
-  };
-  this.boolValue_ = {
-    hasBoolValue: false,
-    boolValue: false
-  };
-// Compact Protocol Constants
-  * Compact Protocol ID number.
-  * @readonly
-  * @const {number} PROTOCOL_ID
-  */
-TCompactProtocol.PROTOCOL_ID = -126;  //1000 0010
-  * Compact Protocol version number.
-  * @readonly
-  * @const {number} VERSION_N
-  */
-TCompactProtocol.VERSION_N = 1;
-  * Compact Protocol version mask for combining protocol version and message type in one byte.
-  * @readonly
-  * @const {number} VERSION_MASK
-  */
-TCompactProtocol.VERSION_MASK = 0x1f; //0001 1111
-  * Compact Protocol message type mask for combining protocol version and message type in one byte.
-  * @readonly
-  * @const {number} TYPE_MASK
-  */
-TCompactProtocol.TYPE_MASK = -32;     //1110 0000
-  * Compact Protocol message type bits for ensuring message type bit size.
-  * @readonly
-  * @const {number} TYPE_BITS
-  */
-TCompactProtocol.TYPE_BITS = 7; //0000 0111
-  * Compact Protocol message type shift amount for combining protocol version and message type in one byte.
-  * @readonly
-  * @const {number} TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT
-  */
-TCompactProtocol.TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT = 5;
- * Compact Protocol type IDs used to keep type data within one nibble.
- * @readonly
- * @property {number}  CT_STOP          - End of a set of fields.
- * @property {number}  CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE  - Flag for Boolean field with true value (packed field and value).
- * @property {number}  CT_BOOLEAN_FALSE - Flag for Boolean field with false value (packed field and value).
- * @property {number}  CT_BYTE          - Signed 8 bit integer.
- * @property {number}  CT_I16           - Signed 16 bit integer.
- * @property {number}  CT_I32           - Signed 32 bit integer.
- * @property {number}  CT_I64           - Signed 64 bit integer (2^53 max in JavaScript).
- * @property {number}  CT_DOUBLE        - 64 bit IEEE 854 floating point.
- * @property {number}  CT_BINARY        - Array of bytes (used for strings also).
- * @property {number}  CT_LIST          - A collection type (unordered).
- * @property {number}  CT_SET           - A collection type (unordered and without repeated values).
- * @property {number}  CT_MAP           - A collection type (map/associative-array/dictionary).
- * @property {number}  CT_STRUCT        - A multifield type.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.Types = {
-  CT_STOP:           0x00,
-  CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE:   0x01,
-  CT_BYTE:           0x03,
-  CT_I16:            0x04,
-  CT_I32:            0x05,
-  CT_I64:            0x06,
-  CT_DOUBLE:         0x07,
-  CT_BINARY:         0x08,
-  CT_LIST:           0x09,
-  CT_SET:            0x0A,
-  CT_MAP:            0x0B,
-  CT_STRUCT:         0x0C
- * Array mapping Compact type IDs to standard Thrift type IDs.
- * @readonly
- */
-TCompactProtocol.TTypeToCType = [
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_STOP,         // T_STOP
-  0,                                      // unused
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE, // T_BOOL
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BYTE,         // T_BYTE
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_DOUBLE,       // T_DOUBLE
-  0,                                      // unused
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_I16,          // T_I16
-  0,                                      // unused
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_I32,          // T_I32
-  0,                                      // unused
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_I64,          // T_I64
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BINARY,       // T_STRING
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_STRUCT,       // T_STRUCT
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_MAP,          // T_MAP
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_SET,          // T_SET
-  TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_LIST,         // T_LIST
-// Compact Protocol Utilities
- * Returns the underlying transport layer.
- * @return {object} The underlying transport layer.
- */TCompactProtocol.prototype.getTransport = function() {
-  return this.trans;
- * Lookup a Compact Protocol Type value for a given Thrift Type value.
- * N.B. Used only internally.
- * @param {number} ttype - Thrift type value
- * @returns {number} Compact protocol type value
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.getCompactType = function(ttype) {
-  return TCompactProtocol.TTypeToCType[ttype];
- * Lookup a Thrift Type value for a given Compact Protocol Type value.
- * N.B. Used only internally.
- * @param {number} type - Compact Protocol type value
- * @returns {number} Thrift Type value
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.getTType = function(type) {
-  switch (type) {
-    case Type.STOP:
-      return Type.STOP;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_FALSE:
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE:
-      return Type.BOOL;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BYTE:
-      return Type.BYTE;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_I16:
-      return Type.I16;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_I32:
-      return Type.I32;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_I64:
-      return Type.I64;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_DOUBLE:
-      return Type.DOUBLE;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BINARY:
-      return Type.STRING;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_LIST:
-      return Type.LIST;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_SET:
-      return Type.SET;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_MAP:
-      return Type.MAP;
-    case TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_STRUCT:
-      return Type.STRUCT;
-    default:
-      throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.INVALID_DATA, "Unknown type: " + type);
-  }
-  return Type.STOP;
-// Compact Protocol write operations
- * Send any buffered bytes to the end point.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.flush = function() {
-  return this.trans.flush();
- * Writes an RPC message header
- * @param {string} name - The method name for the message.
- * @param {number} type - The type of message (CALL, REPLY, EXCEPTION, ONEWAY).
- * @param {number} seqid - The call sequence number (if any).
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, type, seqid) {
-  this.writeByte(TCompactProtocol.PROTOCOL_ID);
-  this.writeByte((TCompactProtocol.VERSION_N & TCompactProtocol.VERSION_MASK) | 
-                     ((type << TCompactProtocol.TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & TCompactProtocol.TYPE_MASK));
-  this.writeVarint32(seqid);
-  this.writeString(name);
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeMessageEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeStructBegin = function(name) {
-  this.lastField_.push(this.lastFieldId_);
-  this.lastFieldId_ = 0;
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeStructEnd = function() {
-  this.lastFieldId_ = this.lastField_.pop();
- * Writes a struct field header
- * @param {string} name - The field name (not written with the compact protocol).
- * @param {number} type - The field data type (a normal Thrift field Type).
- * @param {number} id - The IDL field Id.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeFieldBegin = function(name, type, id) {
-  if (type != Type.BOOL) {
-    return this.writeFieldBeginInternal(name, type, id, -1);
-  }
- = name;
-  this.booleanField_.fieldType = type;
-  this.booleanField_.fieldId = id;
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeFieldEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeFieldStop = function() {
-  this.writeByte(TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_STOP);
- * Writes a map collection header
- * @param {number} keyType - The Thrift type of the map keys.
- * @param {number} valType - The Thrift type of the map values.
- * @param {number} size - The number of k/v pairs in the map.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeMapBegin = function(keyType, valType, size) {
-  if (size === 0) {
-    this.writeByte(0);
-  } else {
-    this.writeVarint32(size);
-    this.writeByte(this.getCompactType(keyType) << 4 | this.getCompactType(valType));
-  }
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeMapEnd = function() {
- * Writes a list collection header
- * @param {number} elemType - The Thrift type of the list elements.
- * @param {number} size - The number of elements in the list.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeListBegin = function(elemType, size) {
-  this.writeCollectionBegin(elemType, size);
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeListEnd = function() {
- * Writes a set collection header
- * @param {number} elemType - The Thrift type of the set elements.
- * @param {number} size - The number of elements in the set.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeSetBegin = function(elemType, size) {
-  this.writeCollectionBegin(elemType, size);
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeSetEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeBool = function(value) {
-  if ( !== null) {
-    // we haven't written the field header yet
-    this.writeFieldBeginInternal(,
-                                 this.booleanField_.fieldType,
-                                 this.booleanField_.fieldId,
-                                 (value ? TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE
-                                          : TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_FALSE));
- = null;
-  } else {
-    // we're not part of a field, so just write the value
-    this.writeByte((value ? TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE
-                            : TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_FALSE));
-  }
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeByte = function(b) {
-  this.trans.write(new Buffer([b]));
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeI16 = function(i16) {
-  this.writeVarint32(this.i32ToZigzag(i16));  
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeI32 = function(i32) {
-  this.writeVarint32(this.i32ToZigzag(i32));  
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeI64 = function(i64) {
-  this.writeVarint64(this.i64ToZigzag(i64));
-// Little-endian, unlike TBinaryProtocol
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeDouble = function(v) {
-  var buff = new Buffer(8);
-  var m, e, c;
-  buff[7] = (v < 0 ? 0x80 : 0x00);
-  v = Math.abs(v);
-  if (v !== v) {
-    // NaN, use QNaN IEEE format
-    m = 2251799813685248;
-    e = 2047;
-  } else if (v === Infinity) {
-    m = 0;
-    e = 2047;
-  } else {
-    e = Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.LN2);
-    c = Math.pow(2, -e);
-    if (v * c < 1) {
-      e--;
-      c *= 2;
-    }
-    if (e + 1023 >= 2047)
-    {
-      // Overflow
-      m = 0;
-      e = 2047;
-    }
-    else if (e + 1023 >= 1)
-    {
-      // Normalized - term order matters, as Math.pow(2, 52-e) and v*Math.pow(2, 52) can overflow
-      m = (v*c-1) * POW_52;
-      e += 1023;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // Denormalized - also catches the '0' case, somewhat by chance
-      m = (v * POW_1022) * POW_52;
-      e = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  buff[6] = (e << 4) & 0xf0;
-  buff[7] |= (e >> 4) & 0x7f;
-  buff[0] = m & 0xff;
-  m = Math.floor(m / POW_8);
-  buff[1] = m & 0xff;
-  m = Math.floor(m / POW_8);
-  buff[2] = m & 0xff;
-  m = Math.floor(m / POW_8);
-  buff[3] = m & 0xff;
-  m >>= 8;
-  buff[4] = m & 0xff;
-  m >>= 8;
-  buff[5] = m & 0xff;
-  m >>= 8;
-  buff[6] |= m & 0x0f;
-  this.trans.write(buff);
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeString = function(arg) {
-  this.writeBinary(arg);
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeBinary = function(arg) {
-  if (typeof arg === 'string') {
-    this.writeVarint32(Buffer.byteLength(arg, 'utf8')) ;
-    this.trans.write(arg, 'utf8');
-  } else if (arg instanceof Buffer) {
-    this.writeVarint32(arg.length);
-    this.trans.write(arg);
-  } else {
-    throw new Error('writeString/writeBinary called without a string/Buffer argument: ' + arg);
-  }
-// Compact Protocol internal write methods
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeFieldBeginInternal = function(name,
-                                                              fieldType,
-                                                              fieldId,
-                                                              typeOverride) {
-  //If there's a type override, use that.
-  var typeToWrite = (typeOverride == -1 ? this.getCompactType(fieldType) : typeOverride);
-  //Check if we can delta encode the field id
-  if (fieldId > this.lastFieldId_ && fieldId - this.lastFieldId_ <= 15) {
-    //Include the type delta with the field ID
-    this.writeByte((fieldId - this.lastFieldId_) << 4 | typeToWrite);
-  } else {
-    //Write separate type and ID values
-    this.writeByte(typeToWrite);
-    this.writeI16(fieldId);
-  }
-  this.lastFieldId_ = fieldId;
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeCollectionBegin = function(elemType, size) {
-  if (size <= 14) {
-    //Combine size and type in one byte if possible
-    this.writeByte(size << 4 | this.getCompactType(elemType));
-  } else {
-    this.writeByte(0xf0 | this.getCompactType(elemType));
-    this.writeVarint32(size);
-  }
- * Write an i32 as a varint. Results in 1-5 bytes on the wire.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeVarint32 = function(n) {
-  var buf = new Buffer(5);
-  var wsize = 0;
-  while (true) {
-    if ((n & ~0x7F) === 0) {
-      buf[wsize++] = n;
-      break;
-    } else {
-      buf[wsize++] = ((n & 0x7F) | 0x80);
-      n = n >>> 7;
-    }
-  }
-  var wbuf = new Buffer(wsize);
-  buf.copy(wbuf,0,0,wsize);
-  this.trans.write(wbuf);
- * Write an i64 as a varint. Results in 1-10 bytes on the wire.
- * N.B. node-int64 is always big endian
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.writeVarint64 = function(n) {
-  if (typeof n === "number"){
-    n = new Int64(n);
-  }
-  if (! (n instanceof Int64)) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.INVALID_DATA, "Expected Int64 or Number, found: " + n);
-  }
-  var buf = new Buffer(10);
-  var wsize = 0;
-  var hi = n.buffer.readUInt32BE(0, true);
-  var lo = n.buffer.readUInt32BE(4, true);
-  var mask = 0;                                       
-  while (true) {
-    if (((lo & ~0x7F) === 0) && (hi === 0)) {
-      buf[wsize++] = lo;
-      break;
-    } else {
-      buf[wsize++] = ((lo & 0x7F) | 0x80);
-      mask = hi << 25;
-      lo = lo >>> 7;
-      hi = hi >>> 7;
-      lo = lo | mask;
-    }
-  }
-  var wbuf = new Buffer(wsize);
-  buf.copy(wbuf,0,0,wsize);
-  this.trans.write(wbuf);
- * Convert l into a zigzag long. This allows negative numbers to be
- * represented compactly as a varint.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.i64ToZigzag = function(l) {
-  if (typeof l === 'string') {
-    l = new Int64(parseInt(l, 10));
-  } else if (typeof l === 'number') {
-    l = new Int64(l);
-  }
-  if (! (l instanceof Int64)) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.INVALID_DATA, "Expected Int64 or Number, found: " + l);
-  }
-  var hi = l.buffer.readUInt32BE(0, true);
-  var lo = l.buffer.readUInt32BE(4, true);
-  var sign = hi >>> 31;
-  hi = ((hi << 1) | (lo >>> 31)) ^ ((!!sign) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0);
-  lo = (lo << 1) ^ ((!!sign) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0);
-  return new Int64(hi, lo);
- * Convert n into a zigzag int. This allows negative numbers to be
- * represented compactly as a varint.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.i32ToZigzag = function(n) {
-  return (n << 1) ^ ((n & 0x80000000) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0);
-// Compact Protocol read operations
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readMessageBegin = function() {
-  //Read protocol ID
-  var protocolId = this.trans.readByte();
-  if (protocolId != TCompactProtocol.PROTOCOL_ID) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.BAD_VERSION, "Bad protocol identifier " + protocolId);
-  }
-  //Read Version and Type
-  var versionAndType = this.trans.readByte();
-  var version = (versionAndType & TCompactProtocol.VERSION_MASK);
-  if (version != TCompactProtocol.VERSION_N) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.BAD_VERSION, "Bad protocol version " + version);
-  }
-  var type = ((versionAndType >> TCompactProtocol.TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & TCompactProtocol.TYPE_BITS);
-  //Read SeqId
-  var seqid = this.readVarint32();
-  //Read name
-  var name = this.readString();
-  return {fname: name, mtype: type, rseqid: seqid};
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readMessageEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readStructBegin = function() {
-  this.lastField_.push(this.lastFieldId_);
-  this.lastFieldId_ = 0;
-  return {fname: ''};
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readStructEnd = function() {
-  this.lastFieldId_ = this.lastField_.pop();
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readFieldBegin = function() {
-  var fieldId = 0;
-  var b = this.trans.readByte(b);
-  var type = (b & 0x0f);
-  if (type == TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_STOP) {
-    return {fname: null, ftype: Thrift.Type.STOP, fid: 0};
-  }
-  //Mask off the 4 MSB of the type header to check for field id delta.
-  var modifier = ((b & 0x000000f0) >>> 4);
-  if (modifier === 0) {
-    //If not a delta read the field id.
-    fieldId = this.readI16();
-  } else {
-    //Recover the field id from the delta
-    fieldId = (this.lastFieldId_ + modifier);
-  }
-  var fieldType = this.getTType(type);
-  //Boolean are encoded with the type
-  if (type == TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE ||
-      type == TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_FALSE) {
-    this.boolValue_.hasBoolValue = true;
-    this.boolValue_.boolValue =
-      (type == TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE ? true : false);
-  }
-  //Save the new field for the next delta computation.
-  this.lastFieldId_ = fieldId;
-  return {fname: null, ftype: fieldType, fid: fieldId};
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readFieldEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readMapBegin = function() {
-  var msize = this.readVarint32();
-  if (msize < 0) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.NEGATIVE_SIZE, "Negative map size");
-  }
-  var kvType = 0;
-  if (msize !== 0) {
-    kvType = this.trans.readByte();
-  }
-  var keyType = this.getTType((kvType & 0xf0) >>> 4);
-  var valType = this.getTType(kvType & 0xf);
-  return {ktype: keyType, vtype: valType, size: msize};
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readMapEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readListBegin = function() {
-  var size_and_type = this.trans.readByte();
-  var lsize = (size_and_type >>> 4) & 0x0000000f;
-  if (lsize == 15) {
-    lsize = this.readVarint32();
-  }
-  if (lsize < 0) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.NEGATIVE_SIZE, "Negative list size");
-  }
-  var elemType = this.getTType(size_and_type & 0x0000000f);
-  return {etype: elemType, size: lsize};
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readListEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readSetBegin = function() {
-  return this.readListBegin();
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readSetEnd = function() {
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readBool = function() {
-  var value = false;
-  var rsize = 0;
-  if (this.boolValue_.hasBoolValue === true) {
-    value = this.boolValue_.boolValue;
-    this.boolValue_.hasBoolValue = false;
-  } else {
-    var res = this.trans.readByte();
-    rsize = res.rsize;
-    value = (res.value == TCompactProtocol.Types.CT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
-  }
-  return value;
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readByte = function() {
-  return this.trans.readByte();
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readI16 = function() {
-  return this.readI32();
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readI32 = function() {
-  return this.zigzagToI32(this.readVarint32());
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readI64 = function() {
-  return this.zigzagToI64(this.readVarint64());
-// Little-endian, unlike TBinaryProtocol
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readDouble = function() {
-  var buff =;
-  var off = 0;
-  var signed = buff[off + 7] & 0x80;
-  var e = (buff[off+6] & 0xF0) >> 4;
-  e += (buff[off+7] & 0x7F) << 4;
-  var m = buff[off];
-  m += buff[off+1] << 8;
-  m += buff[off+2] << 16;
-  m += buff[off+3] * POW_24;
-  m += buff[off+4] * POW_32;
-  m += buff[off+5] * POW_40;
-  m += (buff[off+6] & 0x0F) * POW_48;
-  switch (e) {
-    case 0:
-      e = -1022;
-      break;
-    case 2047:
-      return m ? NaN : (signed ? -Infinity : Infinity);
-    default:
-      m += POW_52;
-      e -= 1023;
-  }
-  if (signed) {
-    m *= -1;
-  }
-  return m * Math.pow(2, e - 52);
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readBinary = function() {
-  var size = this.readVarint32();
-  // Catch empty string case
-  if (size === 0) {
-    return "";
-  }
-  // Catch error cases
-  if (size < 0) {
-    throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.NEGATIVE_SIZE, "Negative binary/string size");
-  }
-  var value = this.trans.readString(size);
-  return value;  
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readString = function() {
-  return this.readBinary();
-// Compact Protocol internal read operations
- * Read an i32 from the wire as a varint. The MSB of each byte is set
- * if there is another byte to follow. This can read up to 5 bytes.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readVarint32 = function() {
-  return this.readVarint64();
- * Read an i64 from the wire as a proper varint. The MSB of each byte is set
- * if there is another byte to follow. This can read up to 10 bytes.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.readVarint64 = function() {
-  var rsize = 0;
-  var lo = 0;
-  var hi = 0;
-  var shift = 0;
-  while (true) {
-    var b = this.trans.readByte();
-    rsize ++;
-    if (shift <= 25) {
-      lo = lo | ((b & 0x7f) << shift);
-    } else if (25 < shift && shift < 32) {
-      lo = lo | ((b & 0x7f) << shift);      
-      hi = hi | ((b & 0x7f) >>> (32-shift));      
-    } else {
-      hi = hi | ((b & 0x7f) << (shift-32));
-    }
-    shift += 7;
-    if (!(b & 0x80)) {
-      break;
-    }
-    if (rsize >= 10) {
-      throw new Thrift.TProtocolException(Thrift.TProtocolExceptionType.INVALID_DATA, "Variable-length int over 10 bytes.");
-    }
-  }
-  var i64 = new Int64(hi, lo);
-  return i64.toNumber();
- * Convert from zigzag int to int.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.zigzagToI32 = function(n) {
-  return (n >>> 1) ^ (-1 * (n & 1));
- * Convert from zigzag long to long.
- */
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.zigzagToI64 = function(n) {
-  var zz = new Int64(n);
-  var hi = zz.buffer.readUInt32BE(0, true);
-  var lo = zz.buffer.readUInt32BE(4, true);
-  var neg = new Int64(hi & 0, lo & 1);
-  neg._2scomp();
-  var hi_neg = neg.buffer.readUInt32BE(0, true);
-  var lo_neg = neg.buffer.readUInt32BE(4, true);
-  var hi_lo = (hi << 31);
-  hi = (hi >>> 1) ^ (hi_neg);
-  lo = ((lo >>> 1) | hi_lo) ^ (lo_neg); 
-  var i64 = new Int64(hi, lo);
-  return i64.toNumber();
-TCompactProtocol.prototype.skip = function(type) {
-  switch (type) {
-    case Type.STOP:
-      return;
-    case Type.BOOL:
-      this.readBool();
-      break;
-    case Type.BYTE:
-      this.readByte();
-      break;
-    case Type.I16:
-      this.readI16();
-      break;
-    case Type.I32:
-      this.readI32();
-      break;
-    case Type.I64:
-      this.readI64();
-      break;
-    case Type.DOUBLE:
-      this.readDouble();
-      break;
-    case Type.STRING:
-      this.readString();
-      break;
-    case Type.STRUCT:
-      this.readStructBegin();
-      while (true) {
-        var r = this.readFieldBegin();
-        if (r.ftype === Type.STOP) {
-          break;
-        }
-        this.skip(r.ftype);
-        this.readFieldEnd();
-      }
-      this.readStructEnd();
-      break;
-    case Type.MAP:
-      var mapBegin = this.readMapBegin();
-      for (var i = 0; i < mapBegin.size; ++i) {
-        this.skip(mapBegin.ktype);
-        this.skip(mapBegin.vtype);
-      }
-      this.readMapEnd();
-      break;
-    case Type.SET:
-      var setBegin = this.readSetBegin();
-      for (var i2 = 0; i2 < setBegin.size; ++i2) {
-        this.skip(setBegin.etype);
-      }
-      this.readSetEnd();
-      break;
-    case Type.LIST:
-      var listBegin = this.readListBegin();
-      for (var i3 = 0; i3 < listBegin.size; ++i3) {
-        this.skip(listBegin.etype);
-      }
-      this.readListEnd();
-      break;
-    default:
-      throw new  Error("Invalid type: " + type);
-  }
-var TJSONProtocol = exports.TJSONProtocol = function(trans) {
-  this.trans = trans;
-TJSONProtocol.Type = {};
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.BOOL] = '"tf"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.BYTE] = '"i8"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.I16] = '"i16"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.I32] = '"i32"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.I64] = '"i64"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.DOUBLE] = '"dbl"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.STRUCT] = '"rec"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.STRING] = '"str"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.MAP] = '"map"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.LIST] = '"lst"';
-TJSONProtocol.Type[Thrift.Type.SET] = '"set"';
-TJSONProtocol.RType = {}; = Thrift.Type.BOOL;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.i8 = Thrift.Type.BYTE;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.i16 = Thrift.Type.I16;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.i32 = Thrift.Type.I32;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.i64 = Thrift.Type.I64;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.dbl = Thrift.Type.DOUBLE;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.rec = Thrift.Type.STRUCT;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.str = Thrift.Type.STRING; = Thrift.Type.MAP;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.lst = Thrift.Type.LIST;
-TJSONProtocol.RType.set = Thrift.Type.SET;
-TJSONProtocol.Version = 1;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.flush = function() {
-  return this.trans.flush();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, messageType, seqid) {
-  this.tstack = [];
-  this.tpos = [];
-  this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Version, '"' + name + '"', messageType, seqid]);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMessageEnd = function() {
-  var obj = this.tstack.pop();
-  this.wobj = this.tstack.pop();
-  this.wobj.push(obj);
-  this.wbuf = '[' + this.wobj.join(',') + ']';
-  this.trans.write(this.wbuf);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeStructBegin = function(name) {
-  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
-  this.tstack.push({});
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeStructEnd = function() {
-  var p = this.tpos.pop();
-  var struct = this.tstack[p];
-  var str = '{';
-  var first = true;
-  for (var key in struct) {
-    if (first) {
-      first = false;
-    } else {
-      str += ',';
-    }
-    str += key + ':' + struct[key];
-  }
-  str += '}';
-  this.tstack[p] = str;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldBegin = function(name, fieldType, fieldId) {
-  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
-  this.tstack.push({ 'fieldId': '"' +
-    fieldId + '"', 'fieldType': TJSONProtocol.Type[fieldType]
-  });
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldEnd = function() {
-  var value = this.tstack.pop();
-  var fieldInfo = this.tstack.pop();
-  if (':' + value === ":[object Object]") {
-    this.tstack[this.tstack.length - 1][fieldInfo.fieldId] = '{' +
-      fieldInfo.fieldType + ':' + JSON.stringify(value) + '}';
-  } else {
-    this.tstack[this.tstack.length - 1][fieldInfo.fieldId] = '{' +
-      fieldInfo.fieldType + ':' + value + '}';    
-  }
-  this.tpos.pop();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldStop = function() {
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMapBegin = function(ktype, vtype, size) {
-  //size is invalid, we'll set it on end.
-  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
-  this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[ktype], TJSONProtocol.Type[vtype], 0]);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMapEnd = function() {
-  var p = this.tpos.pop();
-  if (p == this.tstack.length) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if ((this.tstack.length - p - 1) % 2 !== 0) {
-    this.tstack.push('');
-  }
-  var size = (this.tstack.length - p - 1) / 2;
-  this.tstack[p][this.tstack[p].length - 1] = size;
-  var map = '}';
-  var first = true;
-  while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
-    var v = this.tstack.pop();
-    var k = this.tstack.pop();
-    if (first) {
-      first = false;
-    } else {
-      map = ',' + map;
-    }
-    if (! isNaN(k)) { k = '"' + k + '"'; } //json "keys" need to be strings
-    map = k + ':' + v + map;
-  }
-  map = '{' + map;
-  this.tstack[p].push(map);
-  this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeListBegin = function(etype, size) {
-  this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
-  this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[etype], size]);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeListEnd = function() {
-  var p = this.tpos.pop();
-  while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
-    var tmpVal = this.tstack[p + 1];
-    this.tstack.splice(p + 1, 1);
-    this.tstack[p].push(tmpVal);
-  }
-  this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeSetBegin = function(etype, size) {
-    this.tpos.push(this.tstack.length);
-    this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[etype], size]);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeSetEnd = function() {
-  var p = this.tpos.pop();
-  while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
-    var tmpVal = this.tstack[p + 1];
-    this.tstack.splice(p + 1, 1);
-    this.tstack[p].push(tmpVal);
-  }
-  this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeBool = function(bool) {
-  this.tstack.push(bool ? 1 : 0);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeByte = function(byte) {
-  this.tstack.push(byte);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI16 = function(i16) {
-  this.tstack.push(i16);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI32 = function(i32) {
-  this.tstack.push(i32);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI64 = function(i64) {
-  this.tstack.push(i64);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeDouble = function(dub) {
-  this.tstack.push(dub);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeString = function(str) {
-  // We do not encode uri components for wire transfer:
-  if (str === null) {
-      this.tstack.push(null);
-  } else {
-      // concat may be slower than building a byte buffer
-      var escapedString = '';
-      for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
-          var ch = str.charAt(i);      // a single double quote: "
-          if (ch === '\"') {
-              escapedString += '\\\"'; // write out as: \"
-          } else if (ch === '\\') {    // a single backslash: \
-              escapedString += '\\\\'; // write out as: \\
-          /* Currently escaped forward slashes break TJSONProtocol.
-           * As it stands, we can simply pass forward slashes into
-           * our strings across the wire without being escaped.
-           * I think this is the protocol's bug, not thrift.js
-           * } else if(ch === '/') {   // a single forward slash: /
-           *  escapedString += '\\/';  // write out as \/
-           * }
-           */
-          } else if (ch === '\b') {    // a single backspace: invisible
-              escapedString += '\\b';  // write out as: \b"
-          } else if (ch === '\f') {    // a single formfeed: invisible
-              escapedString += '\\f';  // write out as: \f"
-          } else if (ch === '\n') {    // a single newline: invisible
-              escapedString += '\\n';  // write out as: \n"
-          } else if (ch === '\r') {    // a single return: invisible
-              escapedString += '\\r';  // write out as: \r"
-          } else if (ch === '\t') {    // a single tab: invisible
-              escapedString += '\\t';  // write out as: \t"
-          } else {
-              escapedString += ch;     // Else it need not be escaped
-          }
-      }
-      this.tstack.push('"' + escapedString + '"');
-  }
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeBinary = function(arg) {
-  this.writeString(arg);
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMessageBegin = function() {
-  this.rstack = [];
-  this.rpos = [];
-  //Borrow the inbound transport buffer and ensure data is present/consistent
-  var transBuf = this.trans.borrow();
-  if (transBuf.readIndex >= transBuf.writeIndex) {
-    throw new InputBufferUnderrunError();
-  }
-  var cursor = transBuf.readIndex;
-  if (transBuf.buf[cursor] !== 0x5B) { //[
-    throw new Error("Malformed JSON input, no opening bracket");
-  }
-  //Parse a single message (there may be several in the buffer)
-  //  TODO: Handle characters using multiple code units
-  cursor++;
-  var openBracketCount = 1;
-  var inString = false;
-  for (; cursor < transBuf.writeIndex; cursor++) {
-    var chr = transBuf.buf[cursor];
-    //we use hexa charcode here because data[i] returns an int and not a char
-    if (inString) {
-      if (chr === 0x22) { //"
-        inString = false;
-      } else if (chr === 0x5C) { //\
-        //escaped character, skip
-        cursor += 1;
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (chr === 0x5B) { //[
-        openBracketCount += 1;
-      } else if (chr === 0x5D) { //]
-        openBracketCount -= 1;
-        if (openBracketCount === 0) {
-          //end of json message detected
-          break;
-        }
-      } else if (chr === 0x22) { //"
-        inString = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (openBracketCount !== 0) {
-    throw new Error("Malformed JSON input, mismatched backets");
-  }
-  //Reconstitute the JSON object and conume the necessary bytes
-  this.robj = JSON.parse(transBuf.buf.slice(transBuf.readIndex, cursor+1));
-  this.trans.consume(cursor + 1 - transBuf.readIndex);
-  //Verify the protocol version
-  var version = this.robj.shift();
-  if (version != TJSONProtocol.Version) {
-    throw 'Wrong thrift protocol version: ' + version;
-  }
-  //Objectify the thrift message {name/type/sequence-number} for return 
-  // and then save the JSON object in rstack
-  var r = {};
-  r.fname = this.robj.shift();
-  r.mtype = this.robj.shift();
-  r.rseqid = this.robj.shift();
-  this.rstack.push(this.robj.shift());
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMessageEnd = function() {
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readStructBegin = function() {
-  var r = {};
-  r.fname = '';
-  //incase this is an array of structs
-  if (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1] instanceof Array) {
-    this.rstack.push(this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1].shift());
-  }
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readStructEnd = function() {
-  this.rstack.pop();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readFieldBegin = function() {
-  var r = {};
-  var fid = -1;
-  var ftype = Thrift.Type.STOP;
-  //get a fieldId
-  for (var f in (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1])) {
-    if (f === null) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    fid = parseInt(f, 10);
-    this.rpos.push(this.rstack.length);
-    var field = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][fid];
-    //remove so we don't see it again
-    delete this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][fid];
-    this.rstack.push(field);
-    break;
-  }
-  if (fid != -1) {
-    //should only be 1 of these but this is the only
-    //way to match a key
-    for (var i in (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1])) {
-      if (TJSONProtocol.RType[i] === null) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      ftype = TJSONProtocol.RType[i];
-      this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1] = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][i];
-    }
-  }
-  r.fname = '';
-  r.ftype = ftype;
-  r.fid = fid;
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readFieldEnd = function() {
-  var pos = this.rpos.pop();
-  //get back to the right place in the stack
-  while (this.rstack.length > pos) {
-    this.rstack.pop();
-  }
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMapBegin = function() {
-  var map = this.rstack.pop();
-  var r = {};
-  r.ktype = TJSONProtocol.RType[map.shift()];
-  r.vtype = TJSONProtocol.RType[map.shift()];
-  r.size = map.shift();
-  this.rpos.push(this.rstack.length);
-  this.rstack.push(map.shift());
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMapEnd = function() {
-  this.readFieldEnd();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readListBegin = function() {
-  var list = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
-  var r = {};
-  r.etype = TJSONProtocol.RType[list.shift()];
-  r.size = list.shift();
-  this.rpos.push(this.rstack.length);
-  this.rstack.push(list);
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readListEnd = function() {
-  this.readFieldEnd();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readSetBegin = function() {
-  return this.readListBegin();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readSetEnd = function() {
-  return this.readListEnd();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readBool = function() {
-  var r = this.readI32();
-  if (r !== null && r.value == '1') {
-    r.value = true;
-  } else {
-    r.value = false;
-  }
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readByte = function() {
-  return this.readI32();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI16 = function() {
-  return this.readI32();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI32 = function(f) {
-  if (f === undefined) {
-    f = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
-  }
-  var r = {};
-  if (f instanceof Array) {
-    if (f.length === 0) {
-      r.value = undefined;
-    } else {
-      r.value = f.shift();
-    }
-  } else if (f instanceof Object) {
-    for (var i in f) {
-      if (i === null) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      this.rstack.push(f[i]);
-      delete f[i];
-      r.value = i;
-      break;
-    }
-  } else {
-    r.value = f;
-    this.rstack.pop();
-  }
-  return r.value;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI64 = function() {
-  return new Int64(this.readI32());
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readDouble = function() {
-  return this.readI32();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readBinary = function() {
-  return this.readString();
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.readString = function() {
-  var r = this.readI32();
-  return r;
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.getTransport = function() {
-  return this.trans;
-//Method to arbitrarily skip over data.
-TJSONProtocol.prototype.skip = function(type) {
-  throw 'skip not supported yet';
+module.exports.TBinaryProtocol = require('./binary_protocol');
+module.exports.TCompactProtocol = require('./compact_protocol');
+module.exports.TJSONProtocol = require('./json_protocol');
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/server.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/server.js
index 8715f2c..921bb86 100644
--- a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/server.js
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/server.js
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 var net = require('net');
 var tls = require('tls');
-var ttransport = require('./transport'),
-    TBinaryProtocol = require('./protocol').TBinaryProtocol;
+var TBufferedTransport = require('./buffered_transport');
+var TBinaryProtocol = require('./binary_protocol');
+var InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./input_buffer_underrun_error');
  * Create a Thrift server which can serve one or multiple services.
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ var ttransport = require('./transport'),
  * @returns {object} - The Apache Thrift Multiplex Server.
 exports.createMultiplexServer = function(processor, options) {
-  var transport = (options && options.transport) ? options.transport : ttransport.TBufferedTransport;
+  var transport = (options && options.transport) ? options.transport : TBufferedTransport;
   var protocol = (options && options.protocol) ? options.protocol : TBinaryProtocol;
   function serverImpl(stream) {
     var self = this;
-    stream.on('error', function(err) { 
-        self.emit('error', err); 
+    stream.on('error', function(err) {
+        self.emit('error', err);
     stream.on('data', transport.receiver(function(transportWithData) {
       var input = new protocol(transportWithData);
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ exports.createMultiplexServer = function(processor, options) {
         } while (true);
       } catch (err) {
-        if (err instanceof ttransport.InputBufferUnderrunError) {
+        if (err instanceof InputBufferUnderrunError) {
           //The last data in the buffer was not a complete message, wait for the rest
diff --git a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/transport.js b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/transport.js
index 6d4224a..59daa98 100644
--- a/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/transport.js
+++ b/lib/nodejs/lib/thrift/transport.js
@@ -16,285 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-var emptyBuf = new Buffer(0);
-var binary = require('./binary');
-var util = require("util");
-var InputBufferUnderrunError = exports.InputBufferUnderrunError = function(message) {
-, message);
-util.inherits(InputBufferUnderrunError, Error);
-var TFramedTransport = exports.TFramedTransport = function(buffer, callback) {
-  this.inBuf = buffer || emptyBuf;
-  this.outBuffers = [];
-  this.outCount = 0;
-  this.readPos = 0;
-  this.onFlush = callback;
-TFramedTransport.receiver = function(callback) {
-  var residual = null;
-  return function(data) {
-    // Prepend any residual data from our previous read
-    if (residual) {
-      data = Buffer.concat([residual, data]);
-      residual = null;
-    }
-    // framed transport
-    while (data.length) {
-      if (data.length < 4) {
-        // Not enough bytes to continue, save and resume on next packet
-        residual = data;
-        return;
-      }
-      var frameSize = binary.readI32(data, 0);
-      if (data.length < 4 + frameSize) {
-        // Not enough bytes to continue, save and resume on next packet
-        residual = data;
-        return;
-      }
-      var frame = data.slice(4, 4 + frameSize);
-      residual = data.slice(4 + frameSize);
-      callback(new TFramedTransport(frame));
-      data = residual;
-      residual = null;
-    }
-  };
-TFramedTransport.prototype = {
-  commitPosition: function(){},
-  rollbackPosition: function(){},
-  // TODO: Implement open/close support
-  isOpen: function() {return true;},
-  open: function() {},
-  close: function() {},
-  ensureAvailable: function(len) {
-    if (this.readPos + len > this.inBuf.length) {
-      throw new InputBufferUnderrunError();
-    }
-  },
-  read: function(len) { // this function will be used for each frames.
-    this.ensureAvailable(len);
-    var end = this.readPos + len;
-    if (this.inBuf.length < end) {
-      throw new Error('read(' + len + ') failed - not enough data');
-    }
-    var buf = this.inBuf.slice(this.readPos, end);
-    this.readPos = end;
-    return buf;
-  },
-  readByte: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(1);
-    return binary.readByte(this.inBuf[this.readPos++]);
-  },
-  readI16: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(2);
-    var i16 = binary.readI16(this.inBuf, this.readPos);
-    this.readPos += 2;
-    return i16;
-  },
-  readI32: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(4);
-    var i32 = binary.readI32(this.inBuf, this.readPos);
-    this.readPos += 4;
-    return i32;
-  },
-  readDouble: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(8);
-    var d = binary.readDouble(this.inBuf, this.readPos);
-    this.readPos += 8;
-    return d;
-  },
-  readString: function(len) {
-    this.ensureAvailable(len);
-    var str = this.inBuf.toString('utf8', this.readPos, this.readPos + len);
-    this.readPos += len;
-    return str;
-  },
-  borrow: function() {
-    return { buf: this.inBuf, readIndex: this.readPos, writeIndex: this.inBuf.length };
-  },
-  consume: function(bytesConsumed) {
-    this.readPos += bytesConsumed;
-  },
-  write: function(buf, encoding) {
-    if (typeof(buf) === "string") {
-      buf = new Buffer(buf, encoding || 'utf8');
-    }
-    this.outBuffers.push(buf);
-    this.outCount += buf.length;
-  },
-  flush: function() {
-    var out = new Buffer(this.outCount),
-        pos = 0;
-    this.outBuffers.forEach(function(buf) {
-      buf.copy(out, pos, 0);
-      pos += buf.length;
-    });
-    if (this.onFlush) {
-      // TODO: optimize this better, allocate one buffer instead of both:
-      var msg = new Buffer(out.length + 4);
-      binary.writeI32(msg, out.length);
-      out.copy(msg, 4, 0, out.length);
-      this.onFlush(msg);
-    }
-    this.outBuffers = [];
-    this.outCount = 0;
-  }
-var TBufferedTransport = exports.TBufferedTransport = function(buffer, callback) {
-  this.defaultReadBufferSize = 1024;
-  this.writeBufferSize = 512; // Soft Limit
-  this.inBuf = new Buffer(this.defaultReadBufferSize);
-  this.readCursor = 0;
-  this.writeCursor = 0; // for input buffer
-  this.outBuffers = [];
-  this.outCount = 0;
-  this.onFlush = callback;
-TBufferedTransport.receiver = function(callback) {
-  var reader = new TBufferedTransport();
-  return function(data) {
-    if (reader.writeCursor + data.length > reader.inBuf.length) {
-      var buf = new Buffer(reader.writeCursor + data.length);
-      reader.inBuf.copy(buf, 0, 0, reader.writeCursor);
-      reader.inBuf = buf;
-    }
-    data.copy(reader.inBuf, reader.writeCursor, 0);
-    reader.writeCursor += data.length;
-    callback(reader);
-  };
-TBufferedTransport.prototype = {
-  commitPosition: function(){
-    var unreadSize = this.writeCursor - this.readCursor;
-    var bufSize = (unreadSize * 2 > this.defaultReadBufferSize) ? 
-      unreadSize * 2 : this.defaultReadBufferSize;
-    var buf = new Buffer(bufSize);
-    if (unreadSize > 0) {
-      this.inBuf.copy(buf, 0, this.readCursor, this.writeCursor);
-    }
-    this.readCursor = 0;
-    this.writeCursor = unreadSize;
-    this.inBuf = buf;
-  },
-  rollbackPosition: function(){
-    this.readCursor = 0;
-  },
-  // TODO: Implement open/close support
-  isOpen: function() {return true;},
-  open: function() {},
-  close: function() {},
-  ensureAvailable: function(len) {
-    if (this.readCursor + len > this.writeCursor) {
-      throw new InputBufferUnderrunError();
-    }
-  },
-  read: function(len) {
-    this.ensureAvailable(len);
-    var buf = new Buffer(len);
-    this.inBuf.copy(buf, 0, this.readCursor, this.readCursor + len);
-    this.readCursor += len;
-    return buf;
-  },
-  readByte: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(1);
-    return binary.readByte(this.inBuf[this.readCursor++]);
-  },
-  readI16: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(2);
-    var i16 = binary.readI16(this.inBuf, this.readCursor);
-    this.readCursor += 2;
-    return i16;
-  },
-  readI32: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(4);
-    var i32 = binary.readI32(this.inBuf, this.readCursor);
-    this.readCursor += 4;
-    return i32;
-  },
-  readDouble: function() {
-    this.ensureAvailable(8);
-    var d = binary.readDouble(this.inBuf, this.readCursor);
-    this.readCursor += 8;
-    return d;
-  },
-  readString: function(len) {
-    this.ensureAvailable(len);
-    var str = this.inBuf.toString('utf8', this.readCursor, this.readCursor + len);
-    this.readCursor += len;
-    return str;
-  },
-  borrow: function() {
-    var obj = {buf: this.inBuf, readIndex: this.readCursor, writeIndex: this.writeCursor};
-    return obj;
-  },
-  consume: function(bytesConsumed) {
-    this.readCursor += bytesConsumed;
-  },
-  write: function(buf) {
-    if (typeof(buf) === "string") {
-      buf = new Buffer(buf, 'utf8');
-    }
-    this.outBuffers.push(buf);
-    this.outCount += buf.length;
-  },
-  flush: function() {
-    if (this.outCount < 1) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var msg = new Buffer(this.outCount),
-        pos = 0;
-    this.outBuffers.forEach(function(buf) {
-      buf.copy(msg, pos, 0);
-      pos += buf.length;
-    });
-    if (this.onFlush) {
-      this.onFlush(msg);
-    }
-    this.outBuffers = [];
-    this.outCount = 0;
-  }
+module.exports.TBufferedTransport = require('./buffered_transport');
+module.exports.TFramedTransport = require('./framed_transport');
+module.exports.InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./input_buffer_underrun_error');