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Posted to by Brett Porter <> on 2004/06/14 16:39:22 UTC

artifact plugin refactoring


Got some questions, but first just a heads up on what I'm doing here. Apologise
for lack of coherency - this is a late brain dump.

So far:
- removed deploy plugin from CVS, added tag library to artifact plugin (no
effect for end users)
- enhanced artifact plugin to handle old deploy properties, and use deploy tags
when artifact not configured

Where I'm going here:
- trying to switch all maven plugins to use artifact
- allow users to only specify one set of deployment properties for all artifacts
- make a clean migration path to deprecate deploy, then roll in wagon and
possibly an artifact mojo

What's left to do:
- get snapshot handling working in the old deploy via artifact in a generic way
- get extension handling working in the new artifact stuff
- get things like site:deploy working in the new artifact stuff and via some
artifact tag

snapshot handling: will just hack this in for now as its in the deprecated
component. This is easy enough.

extension handling: michal/jason - is this handled in a standard way going
forward? Should the user be specifying both if they differ and there is not a
one-to-one mapping? I'm thinking this is the case, so you can have type=dist,
ext=tar.gz, type=dist, ext=zip, etc. Source distributions are interesting here
as it is the same type but not. I'm inclined to think these are really a
different type in the long term.
For now, I'll have the artifact code retain the end of the filename if it can
find it (eg x-1.0.0-src.tar.gz where 1.0.0 is the version means -src.tar.gz
stays on the end). Crude but effective. Need pom, jar, and dist to work as
before essentially.

for the site deploy, I'll add a new tag to the deployer that executes the
standard mkdir/scp/untar/rm command if I can't find one already.

<artifact:deploy-extracted path="/path/to/extracted" 
remoteHost="" remoteDirectory="/remote/path" />
(this tars then calls the next)
<artifact:extract-remote tarfile="/path/to/extracted.tar.gz" 
remoteHost="" remoteDirectory="/remote/path" />

Remote directory can probably default to what @deployDirectory@ used to resolve
to (distDirectory?). Something similar for remote host.

Next, I'll see if repository can be integrated too. That should be it for Maven 1.0

Please let me know your thoughts if I'm going down the wrong track for a
migration to wagon later.


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