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Posted to by Peschardt Sverre <> on 2004/11/24 12:36:59 UTC

Taglib declaration


I have a case where JSP A have an include directive on
JSP B (a header).
JSP A needs the struts-bean and struts-html taglib.
JSP B needs the struts-html taglib.

This will generate an error as the struts-html taglib
will be defined twice. To avoid this error, I have the
choice to either:

- remove the struts-html declaration in JSP B, but
this supposes that every JSP including the JSP B have
to know what taglib JSP B needs, this is not good.

- use an include action instead of an include
directive, loose performance and not logical for a
header, this is not good.

So how can I manage this problem ? 

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