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svn commit: r169688 [2/2] - in /incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/drda/org/apache/derby/impl/drda:

Copied: incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/drda/org/apache/derby/impl/drda/ (from r169684, incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/drda/org/apache/derby/impl/drda/
--- incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/drda/org/apache/derby/impl/drda/ (original)
+++ incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/drda/org/apache/derby/impl/drda/ Wed May 11 12:46:30 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,3447 @@
+   Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.drda.NetworkServerControlImpl
+   Copyright 2002, 2004 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.derby.impl.drda;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.Driver;
+import java.sql.DriverManager;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.SQLWarning;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Attribute;
+import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
+import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
+import org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedSQLException;
+import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.DRDAServerStarter;
+import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.StringUtil;
+import org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl;
+	NetworkServerControlImpl does all the work for NetworkServerControl
+	@see NetworkServerControl for description
+public class NetworkServerControlImpl {
+	private final static int NO_USAGE_MSGS= 12;
+	private final static String [] COMMANDS = 
+	{"start","shutdown","trace","tracedirectory","ping", 
+	 "logconnections", "sysinfo", "runtimeinfo",  "maxthreads", "timeslice"};
+	// number of required arguments for each command
+	private final static int [] COMMAND_ARGS =
+	{0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1};
+	private final static int COMMAND_START = 0;
+	private final static int COMMAND_SHUTDOWN = 1;
+	private final static int COMMAND_TRACE = 2;
+	private final static int COMMAND_TRACEDIRECTORY = 3;
+	private final static int COMMAND_TESTCONNECTION = 4;
+	private final static int COMMAND_LOGCONNECTIONS = 5;
+	private final static int COMMAND_SYSINFO = 6;
+	private final static int COMMAND_RUNTIME_INFO = 7;
+	private final static int COMMAND_MAXTHREADS = 8;
+	private final static int COMMAND_TIMESLICE = 9;
+	private final static int COMMAND_PROPERTIES = 10;
+	private final static int COMMAND_UNKNOWN = -1;
+	private final static String [] DASHARGS =
+	{"p","d","u","ld","ea","ep", "b", "h", "s"};
+	private final static int DASHARG_PORT = 0;
+	private final static int DASHARG_DATABASE = 1;
+	private final static int DASHARG_USER = 2;
+	private final static int DASHARG_LOADSYSIBM = 3;
+	private final static int DASHARG_ENCALG = 4;
+	private final static int DASHARG_ENCPRV = 5;
+	private final static int DASHARG_BOOTPASSWORD = 6;
+	private final static int DASHARG_HOST = 7;
+	private final static int DASHARG_SESSION = 8;
+	// command protocol version - you need to increase this number each time
+	// the command protocol changes 
+	private final static int PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1;
+	private final static String COMMAND_HEADER = "CMD:";
+	private final static String REPLY_HEADER = "RPY:";
+	private final static int REPLY_HEADER_LENGTH = REPLY_HEADER.length();
+	private final static int OK = 0;
+	private final static int WARNING = 1;
+	private final static int ERROR = 2;
+	private final static int SQLERROR = 3;
+	private final static int SQLWARNING = 4;
+	private final static String
+	private final static String
+	private final static String
+	private final static String DRDA_PROP_MESSAGES = "org.apache.derby.loc.drda.messages";
+	private final static String DRDA_PROP_DEBUG = "derby.drda.debug";
+	private final static String CLOUDSCAPE_DRIVER = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";
+	protected final static String UNEXPECTED_ERR = "Unexpected exception";
+	private final static int MIN_MAXTHREADS = -1;
+	private final static int MIN_TIMESLICE = -1;
+	private final static int USE_DEFAULT = -1;
+	private final static int DEFAULT_MAXTHREADS = 0; //for now create whenever needed
+	private final static int DEFAULT_TIMESLICE = 0;	//for now never yield
+   private final static String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost";
+	private final static String DRDA_MSG_PREFIX = "DRDA_";
+	private final static String DEFAULT_LOCALE= "en";
+	private final static String DEFAULT_LOCALE_COUNTRY="US";
+	// Check up to 10 seconds to see if shutdown occurred
+	private final static int SHUTDOWN_CHECK_ATTEMPTS = 20;
+	private final static int SHUTDOWN_CHECK_INTERVAL= 500;
+	// maximum reply size
+	private final static int MAXREPLY = 32767;
+	// Application Server Attributes.
+	protected static String att_srvclsnm;
+	protected final static String ATT_SRVNAM = "NetworkServerControl";
+	protected static String att_extnam;
+	protected static String att_srvrlslv; 
+	protected static String prdId;
+	private static String buildNumber;
+	// we will use single or mixed, not double byte to reduce traffic on the
+	// wire, this is in keeping with JCC
+	// Note we specify UTF8 for the single byte encoding even though it can
+	// be multi-byte.
+	protected final static int CCSIDSBC = 1208; //use UTF8
+	protected final static int CCSIDMBC = 1208; //use UTF8
+	protected final static String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF8"; // use UTF8 for writing
+	protected final static int DEFAULT_CCSID = 1208;
+	protected final static byte SPACE_CHAR = 32;
+	// Application Server manager levels - this needs to be in sync
+	// with CodePoint.MGR_CODEPOINTS
+	protected final static int [] MGR_LEVELS = { 7, // AGENT
+												 4,	// CCSID Manager
+												 0, // CNMAPPC not implemented
+												 0, // CMNSYNCPT not implemented
+												 5, // CMNTCPIP
+												 0, // DICTIONARY
+												 7, // RDB
+												 0, // RSYNCMGR
+												 7, // SECMGR
+												 7, // SQLAM
+												 0, // SUPERVISOR
+												 0, // SYNCPTMGR
+												 7  // XAMGR
+												};
+	protected PrintWriter logWriter;                        // console
+	protected PrintWriter cloudscapeLogWriter;              // derby.log
+	private static Driver cloudscapeDriver;
+	// error types
+	private final static int ERRTYPE_SEVERE = 1;
+	private final static int ERRTYPE_USER = 2;
+	private final static int ERRTYPE_INFO = 3;
+	private final static int ERRTYPE_UNKNOWN = -1;
+	// command argument information
+	private Vector commandArgs = new Vector();
+	private String databaseArg;
+	private String userArg;
+	private String passwordArg;
+	private String bootPasswordArg;
+	private String encAlgArg;
+	private String encPrvArg;
+	private String hostArg = DEFAULT_HOST;	
+	private InetAddress hostAddress;
+	private int sessionArg;
+	// Used to debug memory in SanityManager.DEBUG mode
+	private memCheck mc;
+	// reply buffer
+	private byte [] replyBuffer;	
+	private int replyBufferCount;	//length of reply
+	private int replyBufferPos;		//current position in reply
+	//
+	// server configuration
+	//
+	// static values - set at start can't be changed once server has started
+	private int	portNumber = NetworkServerControl.DEFAULT_PORTNUMBER;	// port server listens to
+	// configurable values
+	private String traceDirectory;		// directory to place trace files in
+	private Object traceDirectorySync = new Object();// object to use for syncing
+	private boolean traceAll;			// trace all sessions
+	private Object traceAllSync = new Object();	// object to use for syncing reading
+										// and changing trace all
+	private Object serverStartSync = new Object();	// for syncing start of server.
+	private boolean logConnections;		// log connect and disconnects
+	private Object logConnectionsSync = new Object(); // object to use for syncing 
+										// logConnections value
+	private int minThreads;				// default minimum number of connection threads
+	private int maxThreads;				// default maximum number of connection threads
+	private Object threadsSync = new Object(); // object to use for syncing reading
+										// and changing default min and max threads
+	private int timeSlice;				// default time slice of a session to a thread
+	private Object timeSliceSync = new Object();// object to use for syncing reading
+										// and changing timeSlice
+	private boolean keepAlive = true;   // keepAlive value for client socket 
+	private int minPoolSize;			//minimum pool size for pooled connections
+	private int maxPoolSize;			//maximum pool size for pooled connections
+	private Object poolSync = new Object();	// object to use for syning reading
+	protected boolean debugOutput = false;
+	private boolean cleanupOnStart = false;	// Should we clean up when starting the server?
+	private boolean restartFlag = false;
+	private String errorLogLocation = null;
+	//
+	// variables for a client command session
+	//
+	private Socket clientSocket = null;
+	private InputStream clientIs = null;
+	private OutputStream clientOs = null;
+	private ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+	private DataOutputStream commandOs = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOs);
+	private Object shutdownSync = new Object();
+	private boolean shutdown;
+	private int connNum;		// number of connections since server started
+	private ServerSocket serverSocket;
+	private NetworkServerControlImpl serverInstance;
+	private LocalizedResource langUtil;
+	public String clientLocale;
+	ArrayList  localAddresses; // list of local addresses for checking admin
+	                              // commands. 
+	// open sessions
+	private Hashtable sessionTable = new Hashtable();
+	// current session
+	private Session currentSession;
+	// DRDAConnThreads
+	private Vector threadList = new Vector();
+	// queue of sessions waiting for a free thread - the queue is managed
+	// in a simple first come, first serve manner - no priorities
+	private Vector runQueue = new Vector();
+	// number of DRDAConnThreads waiting for something to do
+	private int freeThreads;
+	// known application requesters
+	private Hashtable appRequesterTable = new Hashtable();
+	// accessed by inner classes for privileged action
+	private String propertyFileName;
+	private Runnable acceptClients;
+	// constructor
+	public NetworkServerControlImpl() throws Exception
+	{
+		getPropertyInfo();
+		init();
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Internal constructor for NetworkServerControl API. 
+	 * @param address - InetAddress to listen on, May not be null.  Throws NPE if null
+	 * @param portNumber - portNumber to listen on, -1 use propert or default.
+	 * @exception throw Exception on error
+	 * @see NetworkServerControl
+	 */
+	public NetworkServerControlImpl(InetAddress address, int portNumber) throws Exception
+	{
+		getPropertyInfo();
+		this.hostAddress = address;
+		this.portNumber = (portNumber <= 0) ?
+			this.portNumber: portNumber;
+		this.hostArg = address.getHostAddress();
+		init();
+	}
+    private void init() throws Exception
+    {
+        // adjust the application in accordance with derby.ui.locale and derby.ui.codeset
+		langUtil = new LocalizedResource(null,null,DRDA_PROP_MESSAGES);
+		serverInstance = this;
+		//set Server attributes to be used in EXCSAT
+		ProductVersionHolder myPVH = getNetProductVersionHolder();
+		att_extnam = ATT_SRVNAM + " " + java.lang.Thread.currentThread().getName();
+		att_srvclsnm = myPVH.getProductName();
+		String majorStr = String.valueOf(myPVH.getMajorVersion());
+		String minorStr = String.valueOf(myPVH.getMinorVersion());
+		// Maintenance version. Server protocol version.
+		// Only changed if client needs to recognize a new server version.
+		String drdaMaintStr = String.valueOf(myPVH.getDrdaMaintVersion());
+		// PRDID format as JCC expects it: CSSMMmx
+		// MM = major version
+		// mm = minor version
+		// x = drda MaintenanceVersion
+		prdId = "CSS";
+		if (majorStr.length() == 1)
+			prdId += "0";
+		prdId += majorStr;
+		if (minorStr.length() == 1)
+			prdId += "0";
+		prdId += minorStr;
+		prdId += drdaMaintStr;
+		att_srvrlslv = prdId + "/" + myPVH.getVersionBuildString(false);
+		if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
+		{
+			if (majorStr.length() > 2  || 
+				minorStr.length() > 2 || 
+				drdaMaintStr.length() > 1)
+				SanityManager.THROWASSERT("version values out of expected range  for PRDID");
+		}
+		buildNumber = myPVH.getBuildNumber();
+	}
+    private PrintWriter makePrintWriter( OutputStream out)
+    {
+		if (out != null)
+			return new PrintWriter(out, true /* flush the buffer at the end of each line */);
+		else
+			return null;
+    }
+	protected static Driver getDriver()
+	{
+		return cloudscapeDriver;
+	}
+	/********************************************************************************
+	 * Implementation of NetworkServerControl API
+	 * The server commands throw exceptions for errors, so that users can handle
+	 * them themselves in addition to having the errors written to the console
+	 * and possibly derby.log.  To turn off logging the errors to the console,
+	 * set the output writer to null.
+	 ********************************************************************************/
+	/**
+	 * Set the output stream for console messages
+	 * If this is set to null, no messages will be written to the console
+	 *
+	 * @param outWriter	output stream for console messages
+	 */
+	public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter outWriter)
+	{
+		logWriter = outWriter;
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Write an error message to console output stream
+	 * and throw an exception for this error
+	 *
+	 * @param msg	error message
+	 * @exception Exception
+	 */
+	public void consoleError(String msg)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		consoleMessage(msg);
+		throw new Exception(msg);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write an exception to console output stream,
+	 * but only if debugOutput is true.
+	 *
+	 * @param e	exception 
+	 */
+	public void consoleExceptionPrint(Exception e)
+	{
+		if (debugOutput == true)
+			consoleExceptionPrintTrace(e);
+		return;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write an exception (with trace) to console
+	 * output stream.
+	 *
+	 * @param e	exception 
+	 */
+	public void consoleExceptionPrintTrace(Throwable e)
+	{
+		consoleMessage(e.getMessage());
+		if (logWriter != null)
+		{
+			synchronized (logWriter) {
+				e.printStackTrace(logWriter);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		if (cloudscapeLogWriter != null)
+		{
+			synchronized(cloudscapeLogWriter) {
+				e.printStackTrace(cloudscapeLogWriter);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write a message to console output stream
+	 *
+	 * @param msg	message
+	 */
+	public void consoleMessage(String msg)
+	{
+		// print to console if we have one
+		if (logWriter != null)
+		{
+			synchronized(logWriter) {
+				logWriter.println(msg);
+			}
+		}
+		// always print to derby.log
+		if (cloudscapeLogWriter != null)
+			synchronized(cloudscapeLogWriter)
+			{
+				Monitor.logMessage(msg);
+			}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Start a network server.  Launches a separate thread with 
+	 * DRDAServerStarter.  Want to use Monitor.startModule,
+	 * so it can all get shutdown when cloudscape shuts down, but 
+	 * can't get it working right now.
+	 *
+	 * @param consoleWriter   PrintWriter to which server console will be 
+	 *                        output. Null will disable console output.
+	 *
+	 *		   
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void start(PrintWriter consoleWriter)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		DRDAServerStarter starter = new DRDAServerStarter();
+		starter.setStartInfo(hostAddress,portNumber,consoleWriter);
+		startNetworkServer();
+		starter.boot(false,null);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Start a network server
+	 *
+	 * @param consoleWriter   PrintWriter to which server console will be 
+	 *                        output. Null will disable console output.
+	 *
+	 *		   
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void blockingStart(PrintWriter consoleWriter)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		startNetworkServer();
+		setLogWriter(consoleWriter);
+		cloudscapeLogWriter = Monitor.getStream().getPrintWriter();
+		if (SanityManager.DEBUG && debugOutput)
+		{
+			memCheck.showmem();
+			mc = new memCheck(200000);
+			mc.start();
+		}
+        // Open a server socket listener      
+	    try{
+	    	serverSocket = (ServerSocket) AccessController.doPrivileged(
+								new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
+										public Object run() throws IOException,UnknownHostException
+										{
+											if (hostAddress == null)
+												hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostArg);
+											// Make a list of valid
+											// InetAddresses for NetworkServerControl
+											// admin commands.
+											buildLocalAddressList(hostAddress);
+											return new ServerSocket(portNumber
+																	,0,
+																	hostAddress);
+										}
+									}
+								);
+		} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
+			Exception e1 = e.getException();
+	    	if (e1 instanceof IOException)
+            	consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ListenPort.S", 
+									   new String [] {
+										   Integer.toString(portNumber), 
+										   hostArg}); 
+			if (e1 instanceof UnknownHostException) {
+				consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_UnknownHost.S", hostArg);
+			}
+			else
+				throw e1;
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+		// If we find other (unexpected) errors, we ultimately exit--so make
+		// sure we print the error message before doing so (Beetle 5033).
+			throwUnexpectedException(e);
+		}
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_Ready.I", Integer.toString(portNumber));
+		// We accept clients on a separate thread so we don't run into a problem
+		// blocking on the accept when trying to process a shutdown
+		acceptClients = (Runnable)new ClientThread(this, serverSocket);
+		Thread clientThread =  (Thread) AccessController.doPrivileged(
+								new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
+									public Object run() throws Exception
+									{
+										return new Thread(acceptClients);
+									}
+								}
+							);
+		clientThread.start();
+		// wait until we are told to shutdown or someone sends an InterruptedException
+        synchronized(shutdownSync) {
+            try {
+				shutdownSync.wait();
+            }
+            catch (InterruptedException e)
+            {
+                shutdown = true;
+            }
+        }
+		// Need to interrupt the memcheck thread if it is sleeping.
+		if (mc != null)
+			mc.interrupt();
+		//interrupt client thread
+		clientThread.interrupt();
+ 		// Close out the sessions
+ 		synchronized(sessionTable) {
+ 			for (Enumeration e = sessionTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
+ 			{	
+ 				Session session = (Session) e.nextElement();
+ 				session.close();
+ 			}
+ 		}
+		synchronized (threadList)
+		{
+ 			//interupt any connection threads still active
+ 			for (int i = 0; i < threadList.size(); i++)
+ 			{
+ 				((DRDAConnThread)threadList.get(i)).close();
+ 				((DRDAConnThread)threadList.get(i)).interrupt();
+ 			}
+ 			threadList.clear();
+		}
+	    // close the listener socket
+	    try{
+	       serverSocket.close();
+	    }catch(IOException e){
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ListenerClose.S");
+	    }
+		// Wake up those waiting on sessions, so
+		// they can close down
+		synchronized (runQueue) {
+			runQueue.notifyAll();
+		}						
+		/*
+		// Shutdown Cloudscape
+		try {
+			if (cloudscapeDriver != null)
+				cloudscapeDriver.connect("jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true", 
+										 (Properties) null);
+		} catch (SQLException sqle) {
+			// If we can't shutdown cloudscape. Perhaps authentication is
+			// set to true or some other reason. We will just print a
+			// message to the console and proceed.
+			if (((EmbedSQLException)sqle).getMessageId() !=
+				consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ShutdownWarning.I",
+									   sqle.getMessage());
+		}
+		*/
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ShutdownSuccess.I");
+    }
+	/** 
+	 * Load Cloudscape and save driver for future use.
+	 * We can't call Driver Manager when the client connects, 
+	 * because they might be holding the DriverManager lock.
+	 *
+	 * 
+	 */
+	protected void startNetworkServer() throws Exception
+	{
+		// we start the cloudscape server here.
+		boolean restartCheck = this.restartFlag;
+		synchronized (serverStartSync) {
+			if (restartCheck == this.restartFlag) {
+			// then we can go ahead and restart the server (odds
+			// that some else has just done so are very slim (but not
+			// impossible--however, even if it does happen, things
+			// should still work correctly, just not as efficiently...))
+				try {
+					if (cleanupOnStart) {
+					// we're restarting the server (probably after a shutdown
+					// exception), so we need to clean up first.
+						// Close and remove sessions on runQueue.
+						for (int i = 0; i < runQueue.size(); i++)
+							((Session)runQueue.get(i)).close();
+						runQueue.clear();
+						// Close and remove DRDAConnThreads on threadList.
+						for (int i = 0; i < threadList.size(); i++)
+							((DRDAConnThread)threadList.get(i)).close();
+						threadList.clear();
+						freeThreads = 0;
+						// Unload driver, then restart the server.
+						cloudscapeDriver = null;	// so it gets collected.
+						System.gc();
+					}
+					// start the server.
+					Class.forName(CLOUDSCAPE_DRIVER).newInstance();
+					cloudscapeDriver = DriverManager.getDriver(Attribute.PROTOCOL);
+				}
+				catch (Exception e) {
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_LoadException.S", e.getMessage());
+				}
+				cleanupOnStart = true;
+				this.restartFlag = !this.restartFlag;
+			}
+			// else, multiple threads hit this synchronize block at the same
+			// time, but one of them already executed it--so all others just
+			// return and do nothing (no need to restart the server multiple
+			// times in a row).
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Shutdown a network server
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void shutdown()
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_SHUTDOWN);
+		send();
+		readResult();
+		// Wait up to 10 seconds for things to really shut down
+		// need a quiet ping so temporarily disable the logwriter
+		PrintWriter savWriter = logWriter;
+		setLogWriter(null);
+		int ntry;
+		for (ntry = 0; ntry < SHUTDOWN_CHECK_ATTEMPTS; ntry++)
+		{
+			try {
+				ping();
+			} catch (Exception e) 
+			{
+				// as soon as we can't ping return
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ShutdownError.S", new String [] {
+						Integer.toString(portNumber), 
+						hostArg}); 
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		logWriter= savWriter;
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 Shutdown the server directly (If you have the original object)
+	 No Network communication needed.
+	*/
+	public void directShutdown() 	{
+		shutdown = true;
+		synchronized(shutdownSync) {						
+			// wake up the server thread
+			shutdownSync.notifyAll();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 */
+	public boolean isServerStarted() throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			ping();
+		}
+		catch (Exception e) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	public void ping() throws Exception
+	{
+		// database no longer used, but don't change the protocol 
+		// in case we add
+		// authorization  later.
+		String database = null; // no longer used but don't change the protocol
+		String user = null;
+		String password = null;
+			setUpSocket();
+			writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_TESTCONNECTION);
+			writeLDString(database);
+			writeLDString(user);
+			writeLDString(password);
+			send();
+			readResult();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Turn tracing on or off for all sessions
+	 *
+	 * @param on			true to turn tracing on, false to turn tracing off
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void trace(boolean on)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		trace(0, on);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Turn tracing on or off for one session or all sessions
+	 *
+	 * @param connNum	the connNum of the session, 0 if all sessions
+	 * @param on			true to turn tracing on, false to turn tracing off
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void trace(int connNum, boolean on)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_TRACE);
+		commandOs.writeInt(connNum);
+		writeByte(on ? 1 : 0);
+		send();
+		readResult();
+		consoleTraceMessage(connNum, on);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Print trace change message to console
+	 *
+	 * @param on			true to print tracing on, false to print tracing off
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void consoleTraceMessage(int connNum, boolean on)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		if (connNum == 0)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_TraceChangeAll.I", on ? "DRDA_ON.I" : "DRDA_OFF.I");
+		else
+		{
+			String[] args = new String[2];
+			args[0] = on ? "DRDA_ON.I" : "DRDA_OFF.I";
+			args[1] = new Integer(connNum).toString();
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_TraceChangeOne.I", args);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Turn logging connections on or off. When logging is turned on a message is
+	 * written to derby.log each time a connection connects or disconnects.
+	 *
+	 * @param on			true to turn on, false to turn  off
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void logConnections(boolean on)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_LOGCONNECTIONS);
+		writeByte(on ? 1 : 0);
+		send();
+		readResult();
+	}
+	/**
+	 *@see NetworkServerControl#setTraceDirectory
+	 */
+	public void sendSetTraceDirectory(String traceDirectory)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_TRACEDIRECTORY);
+		writeLDString(traceDirectory);
+		send();
+		readResult();
+	}
+	/**
+	 *@see NetworkServerControl#getSysinfo
+	 */
+	public String sysinfo()
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_SYSINFO);
+		send();
+		return readStringReply("DRDA_SysInfoError.S");
+	}
+	/**
+	 *@see NetworkServerControl#runtimeinfo
+	 */
+	public String runtimeInfo()
+	throws Exception 
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_RUNTIME_INFO);
+		send();
+		return readStringReply("DRDA_RuntimeInfoError.S");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Display usage information
+	 *
+	 */
+	public void usage()
+	{
+		try {
+		for (int i = 1; i <= NO_USAGE_MSGS; i++)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_Usage"+i+".I");
+		} catch (Exception e) {}	// ignore exceptions - there shouldn't be any
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set connection pool parameters for a database
+	 *
+	 * @param database	database parameters applied to
+	 * @param min		minimum number of connections, if 0, pooled connections not used
+	 *						if -1, use default						
+	 * @param max		maximum number of connections, if 0, pooled connections 
+	 *						created when no free connection available, if -1, 
+	 *						use default
+	 * @param host		machine network server is running on, if null, localhost is used
+	 * @param portNumber	port number server is to use, if <= 0, default port number
+	 *			is used
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	protected void setConnectionPoolParameters(String database, int min, int max,
+		String host, int portNumber)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_NotImplemented.S", "conpool");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set default connection pool parameters 
+	 *
+	 * @param min		minimum number of connections, if 0, pooled connections not used
+	 *						if -1, use default
+	 * @param max		maximum number of connections, if 0, pooled connections 
+	 *						created when no free connection available
+	 *						if -1, use default
+	 * @param host		machine network server is running on, if null, localhost is used
+	 * @param portNumber	port number server is to use, if <= 0, default port number
+	 *			is used
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	protected void setConnectionPoolParameters(int min, int max, String host, 
+			int portNumber) throws Exception
+	{
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_NotImplemented.S", "conpool");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Connect to  network server and set connection maxthread parameter
+	 *
+	 * @param max		maximum number of connections, if 0, connections 
+	 *						created when no free connection available
+	 *						if -1, use default
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void netSetMaxThreads(int max) throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_MAXTHREADS);
+		commandOs.writeInt(max);
+		send();
+		readResult();
+		int newval = readInt();
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MaxThreadsChange.I", 
+ 					new Integer(newval).toString());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set network server connection timeslice parameter
+	 *
+	 * @param timeslice	amount of time given to each session before yielding to 
+	 *						another session, if 0, never yield. if -1, use default.
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public void netSetTimeSlice(int timeslice)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_TIMESLICE);
+		commandOs.writeInt(timeslice);
+		send();
+		readResult();
+		int newval = readInt();
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_TimeSliceChange.I", 
+									   new Integer(newval).toString());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get current properties
+	 *
+	 * @return Properties object containing properties
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	public Properties getCurrentProperties() 
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		setUpSocket();
+		writeCommandHeader(COMMAND_PROPERTIES);
+		send();
+		byte [] val = readBytesReply("DRDA_PropertyError.S");
+		Properties p = new Properties();
+		try {
+			ByteArrayInputStream bs = new ByteArrayInputStream(val);
+			p.load(bs);
+		} catch (IOException io) {
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_IOException.S", 
+						io.getMessage());
+		}
+		return p;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set a thread name to be something that is both meaningful and unique (primarily
+	 * for debugging purposes).
+	 *
+	 * @param thrd An instance of a Thread object that still has its default
+	 *  thread name (as generated by the jvm Thread constructor).  This should
+	 *  always be of the form "Thread-N", where N is a unique thread id
+	 *  generated by the jvm.  Ex. "Thread-0", "Thread-1", etc.
+	 *
+	 * @return The received thread's name has been set to a new string of the form
+	 *  [newName + "_n"], where 'n' is a unique thread id originally generated
+	 *  by the jvm Thread constructor.  If the default name of the thread has
+	 *  been changed before getting here, then nothing is done.
+	 *
+	 **/
+	public static void setUniqueThreadName(Thread thrd, String newName) {
+		// First, pull off the unique thread id already found in thrd's default name;
+		// we do so by searching for the '-' character, and then counting everything
+		// after it as a N.
+		if (thrd.getName().indexOf("Thread-") == -1) {
+		// default name has been changed; don't do anything.
+			return;
+		}
+		else {
+			String oldName = thrd.getName();
+			thrd.setName(newName + "_" +
+			  oldName.substring(oldName.indexOf("-")+1, oldName.length()));
+		} // end else.
+		return;
+	}
+	/*******************************************************************************/
+	/*        Protected methods                                                    */
+	/*******************************************************************************/
+	/**
+	 * Remove session from session table
+	 *
+	 * @param sessionid 	id of session to be removed
+	 */
+	protected void removeFromSessionTable(int sessionid)
+	{
+		sessionTable.remove(new Integer(sessionid));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 	processCommands reads and processes NetworkServerControlImpl commands sent
+	 * 	to the network server over the socket.  The protocol used is
+	 * 		4 bytes 	- String CMD:
+	 * 		2 bytes		- Protocol version
+	 *		1 byte		- length of locale (0 for default)
+	 *			n bytes - locale
+	 *		1 byte		- length of codeset (0 for default)
+	 *			n bytes - codeset
+	 * 		1 byte		- command
+	 * 		n bytes		- parameters for the command
+	 * 	The server returns
+	 *		4 bytes		- String RPY:
+	 *	for most commands
+	 *		1 byte		- command result, 0 - OK, 1 - warning, 2 - error
+	 *	 if warning or error
+	 *		1 bytes		- length of message key
+	 *		n bytes		- message key
+	 *		1 byte		- number of parameters to message
+	 *		{2 bytes		- length of parameter
+	 *		n bytes		- parameter} for each parameter
+	 *  for sysinfo
+	 *		1 byte		- command result, 0 - OK, 1 - warning, 2 - error
+	 *   if OK 
+	 *		2 bytes		- length of sysinfo
+	 *		n bytes		- sysinfo
+	 *		
+	 * 		
+	 * 	Note, the 3rd byte of the command must not be 'D0' to distinquish it 
+	 *	from DSS structures.
+	 * 	The protocol for the parameters for each command follows:
+	 *
+	 * 	Command: trace <connection id> {on | off}
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		4 bytes		- connection id - connection id of 0 means all sessions
+	 * 		1 byte		- 0 off, 1 on
+	 * 
+	 * 	Command: logConnections {on | off}
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		1 byte		- 0 off, 1 on
+	 * 
+	 * 	Command: shutdown
+	 * 	No parameters
+	 * 
+	 * 	Command: sysinfo
+	 * 	No parameters
+	 * 
+	 * 	Command: dbstart
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of database name
+	 * 		n bytes		- database name
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of boot password
+	 * 		n bytes		- boot password 
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of encryption algorithm
+	 * 		n bytes		- encryption algorithm
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of encryption provider
+	 * 		n bytes		- encryption provider
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of user name
+	 * 		n bytes		- user name
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of password
+	 * 		n bytes		- password
+	 *
+	 * 	Command: dbshutdown
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of database name
+	 * 		n bytes		- database name
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of user name
+	 * 		n bytes		- user name
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of password
+	 * 		n bytes		- password
+	 *
+	 * 	Command: connpool
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of database name, if 0, default for all databases
+	 *						is set
+	 * 		n bytes		- database name
+	 *		2 bytes		- minimum number of connections, if 0, connection pool not used
+	 *						if value is -1 use default
+	 *		2 bytes		- maximum number of connections, if 0, connections are created
+	 *						as needed, if value is -1 use default
+	 *
+	 * 	Command: maxthreads
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 *		2 bytes		- maximum number of threads
+	 *
+	 * 	Command: timeslice 
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 *		4 bytes		- timeslice value
+	 *
+	 * 	Command: tracedirectory
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of directory name
+	 * 		n bytes		- directory name
+	 *
+	 *	Command: test connection
+	 * 	Protocol:
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of database name if 0, just the connection
+	 *						to the network server is tested and user name and 
+	 *						password aren't sent
+	 * 		n bytes		- database name
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of user name (optional)
+	 * 		n bytes		- user name
+	 * 		2 bytes		- length of password  (optional)
+	 * 		n bytes		- password
+	 *
+	 *	The calling routine is synchronized so that multiple threads don't clobber each
+	 * 	other. This means that configuration commands will be serialized.
+	 * 	This shouldn't be a problem since they should be fairly rare.
+	 * 		
+	 * @param reader	input reader for command
+	 * @param writer output writer for command
+	 * @param session	session information
+	 *
+	 * @exception Throwable	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	protected synchronized void processCommands(DDMReader reader, DDMWriter writer, 
+		Session session) throws Throwable
+	{
+		try {
+			String protocolStr = reader.readCmdString(4);
+			String locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
+			String codeset = null;
+			// get the version
+			int version = reader.readNetworkShort();
+			if (version <= 0 || version > PROTOCOL_VERSION)
+				throw new Throwable(langUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_UnknownProtocol.S",  new Integer(version).toString()));
+			int localeLen = reader.readByte();
+			if (localeLen > 0)
+			{
+				currentSession = session;
+				locale = reader.readCmdString(localeLen);
+				session.langUtil = new LocalizedResource(codeset,locale,DRDA_PROP_MESSAGES);
+			}
+			String notLocalMessage = null;
+			// for now codesetLen is always 0
+			int codesetLen = reader.readByte();
+			int command = reader.readByte();
+			if (command !=  COMMAND_TESTCONNECTION)
+			{
+				try {
+					checkAddressIsLocal(session.clientSocket.getInetAddress());
+				}catch (Exception e)
+				{
+					notLocalMessage = e.getMessage();
+				}
+			}
+			if (notLocalMessage != null)
+			{
+				sendMessage(writer, ERROR,notLocalMessage);
+				session.langUtil = null;
+				currentSession = null;
+				return;
+			}
+			switch(command)
+			{
+					sendOK(writer);
+					directShutdown();
+					break;
+				case COMMAND_TRACE:
+					sessionArg = reader.readNetworkInt();
+					boolean on = (reader.readByte() == 1);
+					if (setTrace(on))
+					{
+						sendOK(writer);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						sendMessage(writer, ERROR,  
+							localizeMessage("DRDA_SessionNotFound.U", 
+							(session.langUtil == null) ? langUtil : session.langUtil,
+							new String [] {new Integer(sessionArg).toString()}));
+					}
+					break;
+					setTraceDirectory(reader.readCmdString());
+					sendOK(writer);
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_TraceDirectoryChange.I", traceDirectory);
+					break;
+					databaseArg = reader.readCmdString();
+					userArg = reader.readCmdString();
+					passwordArg = reader.readCmdString();
+					if (databaseArg != null)
+						connectToDatabase(writer, databaseArg, userArg, passwordArg);
+					else
+						sendOK(writer);
+					break;
+					boolean log = (reader.readByte() == 1);
+					setLogConnections(log);
+					sendOK(writer);
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_LogConnectionsChange.I",
+						(log ? "DRDA_ON.I" : "DRDA_OFF.I"));
+					break;
+					sendSysInfo(writer);
+					break;
+					sendPropInfo(writer);
+					break;
+					sendRuntimeInfo(writer);
+					break;
+					int max = reader.readNetworkInt();
+					try {
+						setMaxThreads(max);
+					}catch (Exception e) {
+						sendMessage(writer, ERROR, e.getMessage());
+						return;
+					}
+					int newval = getMaxThreads();
+					sendOKInt(writer, newval);
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MaxThreadsChange.I", 
+						new Integer(newval).toString());
+					break;
+					int timeslice = reader.readNetworkInt();
+					try {
+						setTimeSlice(timeslice);
+					}catch (Exception e) {
+						sendMessage(writer, ERROR, e.getMessage());
+						return;
+					}
+					newval = getTimeSlice();
+					sendOKInt(writer, newval);
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_TimeSliceChange.I", 
+						new Integer(newval).toString());
+					break;
+			}
+		} catch (DRDAProtocolException e) {
+			//we need to handle this since we aren't in DRDA land here
+			consoleExceptionPrintTrace(e);
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			consoleExceptionPrintTrace(e);
+		}
+		finally {
+			session.langUtil = null;
+			currentSession = null;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the next session for the thread to work on
+	 * Called from DRDAConnThread after session completes or timeslice
+	 * exceeded.   
+	 *
+	 * If there is a waiting session, pick it up and put currentSession 
+	 * at the back of the queue if there is one.
+	 * @param currentSession	session thread is currently working on
+	 *
+	 * @return  next session to work on, could be same as current session
+	 */
+	protected Session getNextSession(Session currentSession)
+	{
+		Session retval = null;
+		if (shutdown == true)
+			return retval;
+		synchronized (runQueue)
+		{
+			try {
+				// nobody waiting - go on with current session
+				if (runQueue.size() == 0)
+				{
+					// no current session - wait for some work
+					if (currentSession == null)
+					{
+						while (runQueue.size() == 0)
+						{
+							// This thread has nothing to do now so 
+							// we will add it to freeThreads
+							freeThreads++;
+							runQueue.wait();
+							if (shutdown == true)
+								return null;
+							freeThreads--;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+						return currentSession;
+				}
+				retval = (Session) runQueue.elementAt(0);
+				runQueue.removeElementAt(0);
+				if (currentSession != null)
+					runQueueAdd(currentSession);
+			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
+			// If for whatever reason (ex. database shutdown) a waiting thread is
+			// interrupted while in this method, that thread is going to be
+			// closed down, so we need to decrement the number of threads
+			// that will be available for use.
+				freeThreads--;
+			}
+		}
+		return retval;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the stored application requester or store if we haven't seen it yet
+	 *
+	 * @param appRequester Application Requester to look for
+	 *
+	 * @return  stored application requester
+	 */
+	protected AppRequester getAppRequester(AppRequester appRequester)
+	{
+		AppRequester s = null;
+		if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
+			if (appRequester == null)
+				SanityManager.THROWASSERT("null appRequester in getAppRequester");
+		}
+		if (!appRequesterTable.isEmpty())
+			s = (AppRequester)appRequesterTable.get(appRequester.prdid);
+		if (s == null)
+		{
+			appRequesterTable.put(appRequester.prdid, appRequester);
+			return appRequester;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//compare just in case there are some differences
+			//if they are different use the one we just read in
+			if (s.equals(appRequester))
+				return s;
+			else
+				return appRequester;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the server manager level for a given manager
+	 *
+	 * @param manager codepoint for manager
+	 * @return manager level
+	 */
+	protected int getManagerLevel(int manager)
+	{
+		int mindex = CodePoint.getManagerIndex(manager);
+		if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
+			if (mindex == CodePoint.UNKNOWN_MANAGER)
+			SanityManager.THROWASSERT("manager out of bounds");
+		}
+		return MGR_LEVELS[mindex];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Check whether a CCSID code page is supported
+	 *
+	 * @param ccsid	CCSID to check
+	 * @return true if supported; false otherwise
+	 */
+	protected boolean supportsCCSID(int ccsid)
+	{
+		try {
+			CharacterEncodings.getJavaEncoding(ccsid);
+			}
+		catch (Exception e) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Put property message on console
+	 *
+	 * @param msgProp		message property key
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws an Exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	protected void consolePropertyMessage(String msgProp)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		consolePropertyMessageWork(msgProp, null);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Put property message on console
+	 *
+	 * @param msgProp		message property key
+	 * @param arg			argument for message
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws an Exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	protected void consolePropertyMessage(String msgProp, String arg)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		consolePropertyMessageWork(msgProp, new String [] {arg});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Put property message on console
+	 *
+	 * @param msgProp		message property key
+	 * @param args			argument array for message
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws an Exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	protected void consolePropertyMessage(String msgProp, String [] args)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		consolePropertyMessageWork(msgProp, args);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Is this the command protocol
+	 * 
+	 * @param  val
+	 */
+	protected static boolean isCmd(String val)
+	{
+		if (val.equals(COMMAND_HEADER))
+			return true;
+		else
+			return false;
+	}
+	/*******************************************************************************/
+	/*        Private methods                                                      */
+	/*******************************************************************************/
+	/**
+	 * Write Command reply
+	 *
+	 * @param writer	writer to use 
+	 *
+	 * @exception	throws Exception if a problem occurs sending OK
+	 */
+	private void writeCommandReplyHeader(DDMWriter writer) throws Exception
+	{
+		writer.setCMDProtocol();
+		writer.writeString(REPLY_HEADER);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send OK from server to client after processing a command
+	 *
+	 * @param writer	writer to use for sending OK
+	 *
+	 * @exception	throws Exception if a problem occurs sending OK
+	 */
+	private void sendOK(DDMWriter writer) throws Exception
+	{
+		writeCommandReplyHeader(writer);
+		writer.writeByte(OK);
+		writer.flush();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send OK and int value
+	 *
+	 * @param writer writer to use for sending
+	 * @param val 	int val to send
+	 * 
+	 * @exception throws Exception if a problem occurs
+	 */
+	private void sendOKInt(DDMWriter writer, int val) throws Exception
+	{
+		writeCommandReplyHeader(writer);
+		writer.writeByte(OK);
+		writer.writeNetworkInt(val);
+		writer.flush();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send Error or Warning from server to client after processing a command
+	 *
+	 * @param writer	writer to use for sending message
+	 * @param messageType	1 for Warning, 2 for Error 3 for SQLError
+	 * @param message 	message 
+	 *
+	 * @exception	throws Exception if a problem occurs sending message
+	 */
+	private void sendMessage(DDMWriter writer, int messageType, String message) 
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		writeCommandReplyHeader(writer);
+		writer.writeByte(messageType);
+		writer.writeLDString(message);
+		writer.flush();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send SQL Exception from server to client after processing a command
+	 *
+	 * @param writer	writer to use for sending message
+	 * @param se		Cloudscape exception
+	 * @param type		type of exception, SQLERROR or SQLWARNING
+	 *
+	 * @exception	throws Exception if a problem occurs sending message
+	 */
+	private void sendSQLMessage(DDMWriter writer, SQLException se, int type)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		StringBuffer locMsg = new StringBuffer();
+		//localize message if necessary
+		while (se != null)
+		{
+			if (currentSession != null && currentSession.langUtil != null)
+			{
+				locMsg.append(se.getSQLState()+":"+ 
+					MessageService.getLocalizedMessage(
+					currentSession.langUtil.getLocale(), ((EmbedSQLException)se).getMessageId(), 
+					((EmbedSQLException)se).getArguments()));
+			}
+			else
+				locMsg.append(se.getSQLState()+":"+se.getMessage());
+			se = se.getNextException();
+			if (se != null)
+				locMsg.append("\n");
+		}
+		sendMessage(writer, type, locMsg.toString());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send SysInfo information from server to client
+	 *
+	 * @param writer 	writer to use for sending sysinfo
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws Exception if a problem occurs sending value
+	 */
+	private void sendSysInfo(DDMWriter writer) throws Exception
+	{
+		StringBuffer sysinfo = new StringBuffer();
+		sysinfo.append(getNetSysInfo());
+		sysinfo.append(getCLSSysInfo());
+		try {
+			writeCommandReplyHeader(writer);
+			writer.writeByte(0);	//O.K.
+			writer.writeLDString(sysinfo.toString());
+		} catch (DRDAProtocolException e) {
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_SysInfoWriteError.S", e.getMessage());
+		}
+		writer.flush();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send RuntimeInfo information from server to client
+	 *
+	 * @param writer 	writer to use for sending sysinfo
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws Exception if a problem occurs sending value
+	 */
+	private void sendRuntimeInfo(DDMWriter writer) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			writeCommandReplyHeader(writer);
+			writer.writeByte(0);	//O.K.
+			writer.writeLDString(getRuntimeInfo());
+				} catch (DRDAProtocolException e) {
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_SysInfoWriteError.S", e.getMessage());
+		}
+		writer.flush();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send property information from server to client
+	 *
+	 * @param writer 	writer to use for sending sysinfo
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws Exception if a problem occurs sending value
+	 */
+	private void sendPropInfo(DDMWriter writer) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+			Properties p = getPropertyValues();
+, "NetworkServerControl properties");
+			try {
+				writeCommandReplyHeader(writer);
+				writer.writeByte(0);		//O.K.
+				writer.writeLDBytes(out.toByteArray());
+			} catch (DRDAProtocolException e) {
+				consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_PropInfoWriteError.S", e.getMessage());
+			}
+			writer.flush();
+		} 
+		catch (Exception e) {
+			consoleExceptionPrintTrace(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get Net Server information
+	 *
+	 * @return system information for the Network Server
+	 */
+	private String getNetSysInfo() 
+	{
+		StringBuffer sysinfo = new StringBuffer();
+		LocalizedResource localLangUtil = langUtil;
+		if (currentSession != null && currentSession.langUtil != null)
+		localLangUtil = currentSession.langUtil;
+		sysinfo.append(localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_SysInfoBanner.I")+ "\n");
+		sysinfo.append(localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_SysInfoVersion.I")+ " " + att_srvrlslv);
+		sysinfo.append("  ");
+		sysinfo.append(localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_SysInfoBuild.I")+ " " + buildNumber);
+		sysinfo.append("  ");
+		sysinfo.append(localLangUtil.getTextMessage("DRDA_SysInfoDrdaPRDID.I")+ " " + prdId);
+		if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
+		{
+			sysinfo.append("  ** SANE BUILD **");
+		}
+		sysinfo.append("\n");
+		// add property information
+		Properties p = getPropertyValues();
+		ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+		PrintStream ps =  new PrintStream(bos);
+		p.list(ps);
+		sysinfo.append(bos.toString());
+		return sysinfo.toString();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @see NetworkServerControl#getRuntimeInfo
+	 */
+	private String getRuntimeInfo() 
+	{
+		return buildRuntimeInfo(langUtil);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get Cloudscape information
+	 *
+	 * @return system information for Cloudscape
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws IOException if a problem occurs encoding string
+	 */
+	private String getCLSSysInfo() throws IOException
+	{
+		ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+		LocalizedResource localLangUtil = langUtil;
+		if (currentSession != null && currentSession.langUtil != null)
+		localLangUtil = currentSession.langUtil;
+		LocalizedOutput aw = localLangUtil.getNewOutput(bos);
+, false);
+		return bos.toString();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Execute the command given on the command line
+	 *
+	 * @param args	array of arguments indicating command to be executed
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 * see class comments for more information
+	 */
+	public static void execute(String args[]) 
+	{
+		NetworkServerControlImpl server = null;
+		try {
+			server = new NetworkServerControlImpl();
+			server.executeWork(args);
+		} catch (Exception e){
+			//if there was an error, exit(1)
+			if ((e.getMessage() == null) ||
+				!e.getMessage().equals(NetworkServerControlImpl.UNEXPECTED_ERR))
+			{
+				if (server != null)
+					server.consoleExceptionPrint(e);
+				else
+					e.printStackTrace();  // default output stream is System.out
+			}
+			// else, we've already printed a trace, so just exit.
+			System.exit(1);
+		}
+		System.exit(0);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Execute the command given on the command line
+	 *
+	 * @param args	array of arguments indicating command to be executed
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 * see class comments for more information
+	 */
+	protected void executeWork(String args[]) throws Exception
+	{
+		// For convenience just use NetworkServerControlImpls log writer for user messages
+		logWriter = makePrintWriter(System.out);
+		int command = 0; 
+		if (args.length > 0)
+			command = findCommand(args);
+		else
+		{
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_NoArgs.U");
+		}
+		// if we didn't have a valid command just return - error already generated
+		if (command == COMMAND_UNKNOWN)
+			return;
+		// check that we have the right number of required arguments
+		if (commandArgs.size() != COMMAND_ARGS[command])
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidNoArgs.U", COMMANDS[command]);
+		int min;
+		int max;
+		switch (command)
+		{
+				blockingStart(makePrintWriter(System.out));
+				break;
+				shutdown();
+				consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ShutdownSuccess.I");
+				break;
+				{
+					boolean on = isOn((String)commandArgs.elementAt(0));
+					trace(sessionArg, on);
+					consoleTraceMessage(sessionArg, on);
+					break;
+				}
+				setTraceDirectory((String) commandArgs.elementAt(0));
+				consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_TraceDirectoryChange.I", traceDirectory);
+				break;
+				ping();
+				consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ConnectionTested.I", new String [] 
+					{hostArg, (new Integer(portNumber)).toString()});
+				break;
+				{
+					boolean on = isOn((String)commandArgs.elementAt(0));
+					logConnections(on);
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_LogConnectionsChange.I", on ? "DRDA_ON.I" : "DRDA_OFF.I");
+					break;
+				}
+				{
+					String info = sysinfo();
+					consoleMessage(info);
+					break;
+				}
+				max = 0;
+				try{
+					max = Integer.parseInt((String)commandArgs.elementAt(0));
+				}catch(NumberFormatException e){
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", new String [] 
+						{(String)commandArgs.elementAt(0), "maxthreads"});
+				}
+				if (max < MIN_MAXTHREADS)
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", new String [] 
+						{new Integer(max).toString(), "maxthreads"});
+				netSetMaxThreads(max);
+				break;
+				String reply = runtimeInfo();
+				consoleMessage(reply);
+				break;
+				int timeslice = 0;
+				String timeSliceArg = (String)commandArgs.elementAt(0);
+            	try{
+                	timeslice = Integer.parseInt(timeSliceArg);
+            	}catch(NumberFormatException e){
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", new String [] 
+						{(String)commandArgs.elementAt(0), "timeslice"});
+            	}
+				if (timeslice < MIN_TIMESLICE)
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", new String [] 
+						{new Integer(timeslice).toString(), "timeslice"});
+				netSetTimeSlice(timeslice);
+				break;
+			default:
+				//shouldn't get here
+				if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
+					SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Invalid command in switch:"+ command);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Add session to the run queue
+	 *
+	 * @param clientSession	session needing work
+	 */
+	protected void runQueueAdd(Session clientSession)
+	{
+		synchronized(runQueue)
+		{
+			runQueue.addElement(clientSession);
+			runQueue.notify();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Go through the arguments and find the command and save the dash arguments
+	 *	and arguments to the command.  Only one command is allowed in the argument
+	 *	list.
+	 *
+	 * @param args	arguments to search
+	 *
+	 * @return  command
+	 */
+	private int findCommand(String [] args) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			// process the dashArgs and pull out the command args 
+			int i = 0;
+			int newpos = 0;
+			while (i < args.length)
+			{
+				if (args[i].startsWith("-"))
+				{
+					newpos = processDashArg(i, args);
+					if (newpos == i)
+						commandArgs.addElement(args[i++]);
+					else
+						i = newpos;
+				}
+				else
+					commandArgs.addElement(args[i++]);
+			}
+			// look up command
+			if (commandArgs.size() > 0)
+			{
+				for (i = 0; i < COMMANDS.length; i++)
+				{
+					if (StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(COMMANDS[i], 
+													   (String)commandArgs.firstElement()))
+					{
+						commandArgs.removeElementAt(0);
+						return i;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// didn't find command
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_UnknownCommand.U", 
+				(String) commandArgs.firstElement());
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			if (e.getMessage().equals(NetworkServerControlImpl.UNEXPECTED_ERR))
+				throw e;
+			//Ignore expected exceptions, they will have been
+									//handled by the consolePropertyMessage routine
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the dash argument. Optional arguments are formated as -x value.
+	 *
+	 * @param pos	starting point
+	 * @param args	arguments to search
+	 *
+	 * @return  command
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	thrown if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private int processDashArg(int pos, String[] args)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		//check for a negative number
+		char c = args[pos].charAt(1);
+		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+			return pos;
+		int dashArg = -1;
+		for (int i = 0; i < DASHARGS.length; i++)
+		{
+			if (DASHARGS[i].equals(args[pos].substring(1)))
+			{
+				dashArg = i;
+				pos++;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (dashArg == -1)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_UnknownArgument.U", args[pos]);
+		switch (dashArg)
+		{
+			case DASHARG_PORT:
+				if (pos < args.length)
+				{
+            		try{
+                		portNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[pos]);
+            		}catch(NumberFormatException e){
+						consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", 
+							new String [] {args[pos], "DRDA_PortNumber.I"});
+            		}
+				}
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", "DRDA_PortNumber.I");
+				break;
+			case DASHARG_HOST:
+				if (pos < args.length)
+				{
+					hostArg = args[pos];
+				}
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", "DRDA_Host.I");
+				break;
+				if (pos < args.length)
+					databaseArg = args[pos];
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", 
+						"DRDA_DatabaseDirectory.I");
+				break;
+			case DASHARG_USER:
+				if (pos < args.length)
+				{
+					userArg = args[pos++];
+					if (pos < args.length)
+						passwordArg = args[pos];
+					else
+						consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", 
+							"DRDA_Password.I");
+				}
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", "DRDA_User.I");
+				break;
+				if (pos < args.length)
+					encAlgArg = args[pos];
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", 
+						"DRDA_EncryptionAlgorithm.I");
+				break;
+				if (pos < args.length)
+					encPrvArg = args[pos];
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", 
+						"DRDA_EncryptionProvider.I");
+				break;
+				break;
+				if (pos < args.length)
+            		try{
+                		sessionArg = Integer.parseInt(args[pos]);
+            		}catch(NumberFormatException e){
+						consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", 
+							new String [] {args[pos], "DRDA_Session.I"});
+            		}
+				else
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_MissingValue.U", "DRDA_Session.I");
+				break;
+			default:
+				//shouldn't get here
+		}
+		return pos+1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Is string "on" or "off"
+	 *
+	 * @param arg	string to check
+	 *
+	 * @return  true if string is "on", false if string is "off"
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	thrown if string is not one of "on" or "off"
+	 */
+	private boolean isOn(String arg)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		if (StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(arg, "on"))
+			return true;
+		else if (!StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(arg, "off"))
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_OnOffValue.U", arg);
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set up client socket to send a command to the network server
+	 *
+   	 * @exception Exception	thrown if exception encountered
+	 */
+	private void setUpSocket() throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+            clientSocket = (Socket) AccessController.doPrivileged(
+								new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
+									public Object run() throws UnknownHostException,IOException
+									{
+										if (hostAddress == null)
+											hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostArg);
+										// JDK131 can't connect with a client
+										// socket with (all addresses) so we will
+										// getLocalHost() which will suffice.
+										InetAddress connectAddress;
+										if (JVMInfo.JDK_ID <= JVMInfo.J2SE_13 &&
+											hostAddress.getHostAddress().equals(""))
+											connectAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
+										else
+											connectAddress = hostAddress;
+										return new Socket(connectAddress, portNumber);
+									}
+								}
+							);
+		} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
+			Exception e1 = pae.getException();
+        	if (e1 instanceof UnknownHostException) {
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_UnknownHost.S", hostArg);
+			}
+        	else if (e1 instanceof IOException) {
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_NoIO.S",
+						new String [] {hostArg, (new Integer(portNumber)).toString()});
+			}
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+		// If we find other (unexpected) errors, we ultimately exit--so make
+		// sure we print the error message before doing so (Beetle 5033).
+			throwUnexpectedException(e);
+		}
+        try
+        {
+	       clientIs = clientSocket.getInputStream();
+	       clientOs = clientSocket.getOutputStream();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_NoInputStream.I");
+			throw e;
+        }
+	}
+	private void checkAddressIsLocal(InetAddress inetAddr) throws UnknownHostException,Exception
+	{
+		for(int i = 0; i < localAddresses.size(); i++)
+		{
+			if (inetAddr.equals((InetAddress)localAddresses.get(i)))
+			{
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_NeedLocalHost.S", new String[] {inetAddr.getHostName(),serverSocket.getInetAddress().getHostName()});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build local address list to allow admin commands.
+	 *
+	 * @param bindAddr Address on which server was started
+	 * 
+	 * Note: Some systems may not support localhost.
+	 * In that case a console message will print for the localhost entries,
+	 * but the server will continue to start.
+	 **/
+	private void buildLocalAddressList(InetAddress bindAddr) 
+	{
+			localAddresses = new ArrayList(3);
+			localAddresses.add(bindAddr);
+			try {
+				localAddresses.add(InetAddress.getLocalHost());
+				localAddresses.add(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"));
+			}catch(UnknownHostException uhe)
+			{
+				try {
+					consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_UnknownHostWarning.I",uhe.getMessage());
+				} catch (Exception e)
+				{ // just a warning shouldn't actually throw an exception
+				}
+			}			
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Routines for writing commands for NetworkServerControlImpl being used as a client
+	 * to a server
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Write command header consisting of command header string and protocol
+	 * version and command
+	 *
+	 * @param command	command to be written
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void writeCommandHeader(int command) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			writeString(COMMAND_HEADER);
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte)((PROTOCOL_VERSION & 0xf0) >> 8 ));
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte)(PROTOCOL_VERSION & 0x0f));
+			if (clientLocale != null && clientLocale != DEFAULT_LOCALE)
+			{
+				commandOs.writeByte(clientLocale.length());
+				commandOs.writeBytes(clientLocale);
+			}
+			else
+				commandOs.writeByte((byte) 0);
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte) 0);
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte) command);
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			clientSocketError(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write length delimited string string
+	 *
+	 * @param msg	string to be written
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void writeLDString(String msg) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			if (msg == null)
+			{
+				commandOs.writeShort(0);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				commandOs.writeShort(msg.length());
+				writeString(msg);
+			}
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			clientSocketError(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/** Write string
+	 *
+	 * @param msg String to write
+	 */
+	protected void writeString(String msg) throws Exception
+	{
+		byte[] msgBytes = msg.getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING);
+		commandOs.write(msgBytes,0,msgBytes.length);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write short
+	 *
+	 * @param value	value to be written
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void writeShort(int value) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte)((value & 0xf0) >> 8 ));
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte)(value & 0x0f));
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			clientSocketError(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write byte
+	 *
+	 * @param value	value to be written
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void writeByte(int value) throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			commandOs.writeByte((byte)(value & 0x0f));
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			clientSocketError(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send client message to server
+	 *
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void send() throws Exception
+	{
+		try {
+			byteArrayOs.writeTo(clientOs);
+			commandOs.flush();
+			byteArrayOs.reset();	//discard anything currently in the byte array
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			clientSocketError(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Stream error writing to client socket
+ 	 */
+	private void clientSocketError(IOException e) throws IOException
+	{
+		try {
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_ClientSocketError.S", e.getMessage());
+		} catch (Exception ce) {} // catch the exception consolePropertyMessage will
+								 // throw since we also want to print a stack trace
+		consoleExceptionPrintTrace(e);
+			throw e;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read result from sending client message to server
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void readResult() throws Exception
+	{
+		fillReplyBuffer();
+		readCommandReplyHeader();
+		if (replyBufferPos >= replyBufferCount)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyTooShort.S");
+		int messageType = replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xFF;
+		if (messageType == OK)		// O.K.
+			return;
+		// get error and display and throw exception
+		String message =  readLDString();
+		if (messageType == SQLERROR)
+			wrapSQLError(message);
+		else if (messageType == SQLWARNING)
+			wrapSQLWarning(message);
+		else
+			consolePropertyMessage(message);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Ensure the reply buffer is at large enought to hold all the data;
+	 * don't just rely on OS level defaults
+	 *
+	 *
+	 * @param minimumBytesNeeded	size of buffer required	
+	 * @exception Exception throws an exception if a problem reading the reply
+	 */
+	private void ensureDataInBuffer(int minimumBytesNeeded) throws Exception
+	{
+		// make sure the buffer is large enough
+		while ((replyBufferCount - replyBufferPos) < minimumBytesNeeded)
+		{
+			try {
+				int bytesRead =, replyBufferCount, replyBuffer.length - replyBufferCount);
+				replyBufferCount += bytesRead;
+			} catch (IOException e)
+			{
+				clientSocketError(e);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Fill the reply buffer with the reply allocates a reply buffer if one doesn't
+	 * exist
+	 *
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception throws an exception if a problem reading the reply
+	 */
+	private void fillReplyBuffer() throws Exception
+	{
+		if (replyBuffer == null)
+			replyBuffer = new byte[MAXREPLY];
+		try {
+			replyBufferCount =;
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			clientSocketError(e);
+		}
+		if (replyBufferCount == -1)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyTooShort.S");
+		replyBufferPos = 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read the command reply header from the server
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void readCommandReplyHeader() throws Exception
+	{
+		ensureDataInBuffer(REPLY_HEADER_LENGTH);
+		if (replyBufferCount < REPLY_HEADER_LENGTH)
+		{
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyHeader1.S", Integer.toString(replyBufferCount));
+		}
+		String header =  new String(replyBuffer, 0, REPLY_HEADER_LENGTH, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
+		if (!header.equals(REPLY_HEADER))
+		{
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyHeader2.S", header);
+		}
+		replyBufferPos += REPLY_HEADER_LENGTH;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read short from buffer
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private int readShort() throws Exception
+	{
+		ensureDataInBuffer(2);
+		if (replyBufferPos + 2 > replyBufferCount)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyTooShort.S");
+	 	return ((replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xff) << 8) + 
+			    (replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xff);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read int from buffer
+	 * @exception Exception	throws an exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private int readInt() throws Exception
+	{
+		ensureDataInBuffer(4);
+		if (replyBufferPos + 4 > replyBufferCount)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyTooShort.S");
+	 	return ((replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xff) << 24) + 
+	 	 	((replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xff) << 16) + 
+	 		((replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xff) << 8) + 
+			    (replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] & 0xff);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read String reply
+	 *
+	 * @param msgKey	error message key
+	 * @return string value or null 
+	 * @exception Exception throws an error if problems reading reply
+	 */
+	private String readStringReply(String msgKey) throws Exception
+	{
+		fillReplyBuffer();
+		readCommandReplyHeader();
+		if (replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] == 0)		// O.K.
+			return readLDString();
+		else
+			consolePropertyMessage(msgKey);
+		return null;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read length delimited string from a buffer
+	 *
+	 * @return string value from buffer
+	 * @exception Exception throws an error if problems reading reply
+	 */
+	private String readLDString() throws Exception
+	{
+		int strlen = readShort();
+		ensureDataInBuffer(strlen);
+		if (replyBufferPos + strlen > replyBufferCount)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyTooShort.S");
+		String retval= new String(replyBuffer, replyBufferPos, strlen, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
+		replyBufferPos += strlen;
+		return retval;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read Bytes reply
+	 *
+	 * @param msgKey	error message key
+	 * @return string value or null 
+	 * @exception Exception throws an error if problems reading reply
+	 */
+	private byte [] readBytesReply(String msgKey) throws Exception
+	{
+		fillReplyBuffer();
+		readCommandReplyHeader();
+		if (replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++] == 0)		// O.K.
+			return readLDBytes();
+		else
+			consolePropertyMessage(msgKey);
+		return null;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read length delimited bytes from a buffer
+	 *
+	 * @return byte array from buffer
+	 * @exception Exception throws an error if problems reading reply
+	 */
+	private byte[] readLDBytes() throws Exception
+	{
+		int len = readShort();
+		ensureDataInBuffer(len);
+		if (replyBufferPos + len > replyBufferCount)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidReplyTooShort.S");
+		byte [] retval =  new byte[len];
+		for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+			retval[i] = replyBuffer[replyBufferPos++];
+		return retval;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get property info
+	 *
+	 * @return system properties
+	 */
+	private void  getPropertyInfo() throws Exception
+	{
+		//set values according to properties
+		String directory = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.SYSTEM_HOME_PROPERTY);
+		String propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(
+		if (propval != null && StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(propval,"true"))  
+			setLogConnections(true);
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.DRDA_PROP_TRACEALL);
+		if (propval != null && StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(propval, 
+															  "true"))  
+			setTraceAll(true);
+		setTraceDirectory(PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		if (propval != null)
+			setMinThreads(getIntPropVal(Property.DRDA_PROP_MINTHREADS, propval));
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		if (propval != null)
+			setMaxThreads(getIntPropVal(Property.DRDA_PROP_MAXTHREADS, propval));
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		if (propval != null)
+			setTimeSlice(getIntPropVal(Property.DRDA_PROP_TIMESLICE, propval));
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		if (propval != null)
+			portNumber = getIntPropVal(Property.DRDA_PROP_PORTNUMBER, propval);
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		if (propval != null && 
+			StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(propval,"false"))
+			keepAlive = false;
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+		if (propval != null)
+			hostArg = propval;
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(
+						 NetworkServerControlImpl.DRDA_PROP_DEBUG);
+		if (propval != null  && StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(propval, "true"))
+			debugOutput = true;
+		//RESOLVE: Need to clean this up. There should be just a
+		// server API call to get the log location
+		// Determine errror log location
+		propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(
+                      NetworkServerControlImpl.NETWORKSERVER_PROP_STREAM_ERROR_FIELD);
+		if (propval == null)
+			propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+                          NetworkServerControlImpl.NETWORKSERVER_PROP_STREAM_ERROR_METHOD);
+		if (propval == null)
+		{
+			propval = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty( 
+                          NetworkServerControlImpl.NETWORKSERVER_PROP_STREAM_ERROR_FILE);
+			if (propval == null)
+				propval = "derby.log";
+		}
+		File errorFile = new File(propval);
+		if (errorFile.isAbsolute())
+			errorLogLocation = errorFile.getPath();
+		else
+			errorLogLocation = (new File
+				(directory,propval)).getPath();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get integer property values
+	 *
+	 * @param propName 	property name
+	 * @param propVal	string property value
+	 * @return integer value
+	 *
+	 * @exception Exception if not a valid integer
+	 */
+	private int getIntPropVal(String propName, String propVal)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		int val = 0;
+		try {
+			 val = (new Integer(propVal)).intValue();
+		} catch (Exception e)
+		{
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidPropVal.S", new String [] 
+				{propName, propVal});
+		}
+		return val;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Handle console error message
+	 * 	- display on console and if it is a user error, display usage
+	 *  - if user error or severe error, throw exception with message key and message
+	 *
+	 * @param messageKey	message key
+	 * @param args			arguments to message
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws an Exception if an error occurs
+	 */
+	private void consolePropertyMessageWork(String messageKey, String [] args)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		String locMsg = null;
+		int type = getMessageType(messageKey);
+		if (type == ERRTYPE_UNKNOWN)
+			locMsg = messageKey;
+		else
+			locMsg = localizeMessage(messageKey, langUtil, args);
+		//display on the console
+		consoleMessage(locMsg);
+		//if it is a user error display usage
+		if (type == ERRTYPE_USER)
+			usage();
+		//we may want to use a different locale for throwing the exception
+		//since this can be sent to a browser with a different locale
+		if (currentSession != null && 
+				currentSession.langUtil != null &&
+				type != ERRTYPE_UNKNOWN)
+			locMsg = localizeMessage(messageKey, currentSession.langUtil, args);
+		// throw an exception for severe and user errors
+		if (type == ERRTYPE_SEVERE || type == ERRTYPE_USER)
+		{
+			if (messageKey.equals("DRDA_SQLException.S"))
+				throwSQLException(args[0]);
+			else if (messageKey.equals("DRDA_SQLWarning.I"))
+				throwSQLWarning(args[0]);
+			else 
+				throw new Exception(messageKey+":"+locMsg);
+		}
+		// throw an exception with just the message if the error type is
+		// unknown
+		if (type == ERRTYPE_UNKNOWN)
+			throw new Exception(locMsg);
+		return;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Throw a SQL Exception which was sent over by a server
+	 * Format of the msg is SQLSTATE:localized message\nSQLSTATE:next localized message
+	 *
+	 * @param msg		msg containing SQL Exception
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws a SQLException 
+	 */
+	private void throwSQLException(String msg) throws SQLException
+	{
+		SQLException se = null;
+		SQLException ne;
+		SQLException ce = null;
+		StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
+		StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(msg, "\n");
+		String sqlstate = null;
+		String str;
+		while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
+		{
+			str = tokenizer.nextToken();
+			//start of the next message
+			if (str.charAt(5) == ':')
+			{
+				if (strbuf.length() > 0)
+				{
+					if (se == null)
+					{
+						se = new SQLException(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+						ce = se;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						ne = new SQLException(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+						ce.setNextException(ne);
+						ce = ne;
+					}
+					strbuf = new StringBuffer();
+				}
+				strbuf.append(str.substring(6));
+				sqlstate = str.substring(0,5);
+			}
+			else
+				strbuf.append(str);
+		}
+		if (strbuf.length() > 0)
+		{
+			if (se == null)
+			{
+				se = new SQLException(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+				ce = se;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ne = new SQLException(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+				ce.setNextException(ne);
+				ce = ne;
+			}
+		}
+		throw se;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Throw a SQL Warning which was sent over by a server
+	 * Format of the msg is SQLSTATE:localized message\nSQLSTATE:next localized message
+	 *
+	 * @param msg		msg containing SQL Warning
+	 *
+	 * @exception throws a SQLWarning
+	 */
+	private void throwSQLWarning(String msg) throws SQLWarning
+	{
+		SQLWarning se = null;
+		SQLWarning ne;
+		SQLWarning ce = null;
+		StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
+		StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(msg, "\n");
+		String sqlstate = null;
+		String str;
+		while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
+		{
+			str = tokenizer.nextToken();
+			//start of the next message
+			if (str.charAt(5) == ':')
+			{
+				if (strbuf.length() > 0)
+				{
+					if (se == null)
+					{
+						se = new SQLWarning(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+						ce = se;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						ne = new SQLWarning(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+						ce.setNextException(ne);
+						ce = ne;
+					}
+					strbuf = new StringBuffer();
+				}
+				strbuf.append(str.substring(6));
+				sqlstate = str.substring(0,5);
+			}
+			else
+				strbuf.append(str);
+		}
+		if (strbuf.length() > 0)
+		{
+			if (se == null)
+			{
+				se = new SQLWarning(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+				ce = se;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ne = new SQLWarning(strbuf.toString(), sqlstate);
+				ce.setNextException(ne);
+				ce = ne;
+			}
+		}
+		throw se;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Print a trace for the (unexpected) exception received, then
+	 * throw a generic exception indicating that 1) an unexpected
+	 * exception was thrown, and 2) we've already printed the trace
+	 * (so don't do it again).
+	 * 
+	 * @param e An unexpected exception.
+	 * @exception throws an Exception with message UNEXPECTED_ERR.
+	 */
+	private void throwUnexpectedException(Exception e)
+	 throws Exception {
+		consoleExceptionPrintTrace(e);
+		throw new Exception(UNEXPECTED_ERR);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Localize a message given a particular AppUI 
+	 *
+	 * @param msgProp	message key
+	 * @param localLangUtil LocalizedResource to use to localize message
+	 * @param args		arguments to message
+	 *
+	 */
+	private String localizeMessage(String msgProp, LocalizedResource localLangUtil, String [] args)
+	{
+		String locMsg = null;
+		//check if the argument is a property
+		if (args != null)
+		{
+			String [] argMsg = new String[args.length];
+			for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
+			{
+				if (isMsgProperty(args[i]))
+					argMsg[i] = localLangUtil.getTextMessage(args[i]);
+				else
+					argMsg[i] = args[i];
+			}
+			switch (args.length)
+			{
+				case 1:
+				 	locMsg = localLangUtil.getTextMessage(msgProp, argMsg[0]);
+					break;
+				case 2:
+					locMsg = localLangUtil.getTextMessage(msgProp, argMsg[0], argMsg[1]);
+					break;
+				case 3:
+					locMsg = localLangUtil.getTextMessage(msgProp, argMsg[0], argMsg[1], argMsg[2]);
+					break;
+				case 4:
+					locMsg = localLangUtil.getTextMessage(msgProp, argMsg[0], argMsg[1], argMsg[2], argMsg[3]);
+					break;
+				default:
+					//shouldn't get here
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		 	locMsg = localLangUtil.getTextMessage(msgProp);
+		return locMsg;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Determine type of message
+	 *
+	 * @param msg		message 
+	 *
+	 * @return message type
+	 */
+	private int getMessageType(String msg)
+	{
+		//all property messages should start with DRDA_
+		if (!msg.startsWith(DRDA_MSG_PREFIX))
+		int startpos = msg.indexOf('.')+1;
+		if (startpos >= msg.length())
+		if (msg.length() > (startpos + 1))
+		char type = msg.charAt(startpos);
+		if (type == 'S')
+			return ERRTYPE_SEVERE;
+		if (type == 'U')
+			return ERRTYPE_USER;
+		if (type == 'I')
+			return ERRTYPE_INFO;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Determine whether string is a property key or not
+	 * 	property keys start with DRDA_MSG_PREFIX
+	 *
+	 * @param msg		message 
+	 *
+	 * @return true if it is a property key; false otherwise
+	 */
+	private boolean isMsgProperty(String msg)
+	{
+		if (msg.startsWith(DRDA_MSG_PREFIX))
+			return true;
+		else
+			return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of logging connections
+	 *
+	 * @return true if logging connections is on; false otherwise
+	 */
+	public boolean getLogConnections()
+	{
+		synchronized(logConnectionsSync) {
+			return logConnections;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of logging connections
+	 *
+	 * @param value	true to turn logging connections on; false to turn it off
+	 */
+	private void setLogConnections(boolean value)
+	{
+		synchronized(logConnectionsSync) {
+			logConnections = value;
+		}
+		// update the value in all the threads
+		synchronized(threadList) {
+			for (Enumeration e = threadList.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
+			{
+				DRDAConnThread thread = (DRDAConnThread)e.nextElement();
+				thread.setLogConnections(value);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the trace on/off for all sessions, or one session, depending on
+	 * whether we got -s argument.
+	 *
+	 * @param on	true to turn trace on; false to turn it off
+	 * @return true if set false if an error occurred
+	 */
+	private boolean setTrace(boolean on)
+	{
+		if (sessionArg == 0)
+		{
+			setTraceAll(on);
+			synchronized(sessionTable) {
+				for (Enumeration e = sessionTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
+				{	
+					Session session = (Session) e.nextElement();
+					if (on)
+						session.setTraceOn(traceDirectory);
+					else
+						session.setTraceOff();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			Session session = (Session) sessionTable.get(new Integer(sessionArg));
+			if (session != null)
+			{	
+				if (on)
+					session.setTraceOn(traceDirectory);
+				else
+					session.setTraceOff();
+			}
+			else
+				return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of the time slice
+	 *
+	 * @return time slice value
+	 */
+	protected int getTimeSlice()
+	{
+			return timeSlice;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of  time slice
+	 *
+	 * @param value time slice value
+	 * @exception Exception if value is < 0
+	 */
+	private void setTimeSlice(int value)
+		throws Exception
+	{
+		if (value < MIN_TIMESLICE)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", new String [] 
+				{new Integer(value).toString(), "timeslice"});
+		if (value == USE_DEFAULT)
+		synchronized(timeSliceSync) {
+			timeSlice = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/** 
+	 * Get the current value of keepAlive to configure how long the server
+	 * should keep the socket alive for a disconnected client
+	 */
+	protected boolean getKeepAlive()
+	{
+		return keepAlive;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of minimum number of threads to create at start
+	 *
+	 * @return value of minimum number of threads
+	 */
+	private int getMinThreads()
+	{
+		synchronized(threadsSync) {
+			return minThreads;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of minimum number of threads to create at start
+	 *
+	 * @param value	 value of minimum number of threads
+	 */
+	private void setMinThreads(int value)
+	{
+		synchronized(threadsSync) {
+			minThreads = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of maximum number of threads to create 
+	 *
+	 * @return value of maximum number of threads
+	 */
+	protected int getMaxThreads()
+	{
+		synchronized(threadsSync) {
+			return maxThreads;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of maximum number of threads to create 
+	 *
+	 * @param value	value of maximum number of threads
+	 * @exception Exception if value is less than 0
+	 */
+	private void setMaxThreads(int value) throws Exception
+	{
+		if (value < MIN_MAXTHREADS)
+			consolePropertyMessage("DRDA_InvalidValue.U", new String [] 
+				{new Integer(value).toString(), "maxthreads"});
+		if (value == USE_DEFAULT)
+		synchronized(threadsSync) {
+			maxThreads = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of minimum number of pooled connections to create at start
+	 *
+	 * @return value of minimum number of pooled connections
+	 */
+	private int getMinPoolSize()
+	{
+		synchronized(threadsSync) {
+			return minPoolSize;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of minimum number of pooled connections to create at start
+	 *
+	 * @param value	 value of minimum number of pooled connections
+	 */
+	private void setMinPoolSize(int value)
+	{
+		synchronized(poolSync) {
+			minPoolSize = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of maximum number of pooled connections to create 
+	 *
+	 * @return value of maximum number of pooled connections
+	 */
+	private int getMaxPoolSize()
+	{
+		synchronized(poolSync) {
+			return maxPoolSize;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of maximum number of pooled connections to create 
+	 *
+	 * @param value	value of maximum number of pooled connections
+	 */
+	private void setMaxPoolSize(int value)
+	{
+		synchronized(poolSync) {
+			maxPoolSize = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of whether to trace all the sessions
+	 *
+	 * @return true if tracing is on for all sessions; false otherwise
+	 */
+	protected boolean getTraceAll()
+	{
+		synchronized(traceAllSync) {
+			return traceAll;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of whether to trace all the sessions
+	 *
+	 * @param value	true if tracing is on for all sessions; false otherwise
+	 */
+	private void setTraceAll(boolean value)
+	{
+		synchronized(traceAllSync) {
+			traceAll = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the current value of trace directory
+	 *
+	 * @return trace directory
+	 */
+	protected String getTraceDirectory()
+	{
+		synchronized(traceDirectorySync) {
+			return traceDirectory;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set the current value of trace directory
+	 *
+	 * @param value	trace directory

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