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Posted to by Gwen Shapira <> on 2016/04/06 02:11:47 UTC

Rebased 0.10.0 on trunk

Hi Team,

In order to make sure that the eventual 0.10.0 release will include
everything we are working on, we agreed to merge trunk into 0.10.0 branch
on a weekly basis.

I just rebased 0.10.0 on trunk and pushed:

Chens-MacBook-Pro:kafka gwen$ git push apache 0.10.0
Counting objects: 266, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (164/164), done.
Writing objects: 100% (266/266), 33.56 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 266 (delta 138), reused 78 (delta 27)
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3477: extended KStream/KTable API to
specify custom partitioner for sinks
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: update new version in additional places
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3508: Fix transient SimpleACLAuthorizerTest
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3384: Conform to POSIX kill usage
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3489; Update request metrics if a client
closes a connection while the broker response is in flight
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-2998: log warnings when client is
disconnected from bootstrap brokers
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3464: Add system tests for Connect with
Kafka security enabled
remote: kafka git commit: HOTFIX: set timestamp in SinkNode
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3495; NetworkClient.blockingSendAndReceive`
should rely on requestTimeout
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3419: clarify difference between topic
subscription and partition assignment
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-2844; Separate keytabs for sasl tests
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: small code optimizations in streams
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: Add check for empty topics iterator in
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3407 - ErrorLoggingCallback trims helpful
diagnostic information.
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3445: Validate TASKS_MAX_CONFIG's lower
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: update new version in additional places
remote: kafka git commit: Changing version to
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-2930: Update references to ZooKeeper in the
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3510; OffsetIndex thread safety
remote: kafka git commit: Changing version to
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: Revert 0.10.0 branch to SNAPSHOT per
change in release process
   e0ac36f..0773bc4  0.10.0 -> 0.10.0

If you are seeing any issues, let me know so I can figure out what to do :)
