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[4/6] incubator-impala git commit: IMPALA-4674: Part 1: remove old aggs and joins
diff --git a/be/src/exec/ b/be/src/exec/
deleted file mode 100644
index c35d05d..0000000
--- a/be/src/exec/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/hash-join-node.h"
-#include <functional>
-#include <numeric>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
-#include "exec/old-hash-table.inline.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
-#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
-#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime-filter.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime-filter-bank.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
-#include "util/debug-util.h"
-#include "util/bloom-filter.h"
-#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
-#include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "common/names.h"
-DEFINE_bool(enable_probe_side_filtering, true, "Deprecated.");
-using namespace impala;
-using namespace llvm;
-using namespace strings;
-const char* HashJoinNode::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::HashJoinNode";
-    ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs)
-  : BlockingJoinNode("HashJoinNode", tnode.hash_join_node.join_op, pool, tnode, descs),
-    is_not_distinct_from_(),
-    codegen_process_build_batch_fn_(NULL),
-    process_build_batch_fn_(NULL),
-    process_probe_batch_fn_(NULL) {
-  // The hash join node does not support cross or anti joins
-  DCHECK_NE(join_op_, TJoinOp::CROSS_JOIN);
-  DCHECK_NE(join_op_, TJoinOp::LEFT_ANTI_JOIN);
-  DCHECK_NE(join_op_, TJoinOp::RIGHT_SEMI_JOIN);
-  DCHECK_NE(join_op_, TJoinOp::RIGHT_ANTI_JOIN);
-  match_all_probe_ =
-      join_op_ == TJoinOp::LEFT_OUTER_JOIN || join_op_ == TJoinOp::FULL_OUTER_JOIN;
-  match_one_build_ = join_op_ == TJoinOp::LEFT_SEMI_JOIN;
-  match_all_build_ =
-      join_op_ == TJoinOp::RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN || join_op_ == TJoinOp::FULL_OUTER_JOIN;
-Status HashJoinNode::Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state) {
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(BlockingJoinNode::Init(tnode, state));
-  DCHECK(tnode.__isset.hash_join_node);
-  const vector<TEqJoinCondition>& eq_join_conjuncts =
-      tnode.hash_join_node.eq_join_conjuncts;
-  for (int i = 0; i < eq_join_conjuncts.size(); ++i) {
-    ScalarExpr* probe_expr;
-    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Create(
-        eq_join_conjuncts[i].left, *child(0)->row_desc(), state, &probe_expr));
-    probe_exprs_.push_back(probe_expr);
-    ScalarExpr* build_expr;
-    RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Create(
-        eq_join_conjuncts[i].right, *child(1)->row_desc(), state, &build_expr));
-    build_exprs_.push_back(build_expr);
-    is_not_distinct_from_.push_back(eq_join_conjuncts[i].is_not_distinct_from);
-  }
-  // other_join_conjunct_evals_ are evaluated in the context of rows assembled from
-  // all build and probe tuples; full_row_desc is not necessarily the same as the output
-  // row desc, e.g., because semi joins only return the build xor probe tuples
-  RowDescriptor full_row_desc(*child(0)->row_desc(), *child(1)->row_desc());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Create(tnode.hash_join_node.other_join_conjuncts,
-      full_row_desc, state, &other_join_conjuncts_));
-  for (const TRuntimeFilterDesc& tfilter: tnode.runtime_filters) {
-    // If filter propagation not enabled, only consider building broadcast joins (that may
-    // be consumed by this fragment).
-    if (state->query_options().runtime_filter_mode != TRuntimeFilterMode::GLOBAL &&
-        !tfilter.is_broadcast_join) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (state->query_options().disable_row_runtime_filtering &&
-        !tfilter.applied_on_partition_columns) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    filters_.push_back(state->filter_bank()->RegisterFilter(tfilter, true));
-    ScalarExpr* filter_expr;
-        ScalarExpr::Create(tfilter.src_expr, *child(1)->row_desc(), state, &filter_expr));
-    filter_exprs_.push_back(filter_expr);
-  }
-  return Status::OK();
-Status HashJoinNode::Prepare(RuntimeState* state) {
-  SCOPED_TIMER(runtime_profile_->total_time_counter());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(BlockingJoinNode::Prepare(state));
-  build_buckets_counter_ =
-      ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "BuildBuckets", TUnit::UNIT);
-  hash_tbl_load_factor_counter_ =
-      ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "LoadFactor", TUnit::DOUBLE_VALUE);
-  // build and probe exprs are evaluated in the context of the rows produced by our
-  // right and left children, respectively
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(other_join_conjuncts_, state, pool_,
-      expr_mem_pool(), &other_join_conjunct_evals_));
-  AddEvaluatorsToFree(other_join_conjunct_evals_);
-  // TODO: default buckets
-  const bool stores_nulls = join_op_ == TJoinOp::RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN
-      || join_op_ == TJoinOp::FULL_OUTER_JOIN
-      || std::accumulate(is_not_distinct_from_.begin(), is_not_distinct_from_.end(),
-                                false, std::logical_or<bool>());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(OldHashTable::Create(pool_, state, build_exprs_, probe_exprs_,
-      filter_exprs_, child(1)->row_desc()->tuple_descriptors().size(), stores_nulls,
-      is_not_distinct_from_, state->fragment_hash_seed(), mem_tracker(), filters_,
-      &hash_tbl_));
-  build_pool_.reset(new MemPool(mem_tracker()));
-  AddCodegenDisabledMessage(state);
-  return Status::OK();
-void HashJoinNode::Codegen(RuntimeState* state) {
-  DCHECK(state->ShouldCodegen());
-  ExecNode::Codegen(state);
-  if (IsNodeCodegenDisabled()) return;
-  LlvmCodeGen* codegen = state->codegen();
-  DCHECK(codegen != NULL);
-  bool build_codegen_enabled = false;
-  bool probe_codegen_enabled = false;
-  // Codegen for hashing rows
-  Function* hash_fn = hash_tbl_->CodegenHashCurrentRow(codegen);
-  if (hash_fn != NULL) {
-    // Codegen for build path
-    codegen_process_build_batch_fn_ = CodegenProcessBuildBatch(codegen, hash_fn);
-    if (codegen_process_build_batch_fn_ != NULL) {
-      codegen->AddFunctionToJit(codegen_process_build_batch_fn_,
-          reinterpret_cast<void**>(&process_build_batch_fn_));
-      build_codegen_enabled = true;
-    }
-    // Codegen for probe path (only for left joins)
-    if (!match_all_build_) {
-      Function* codegen_process_probe_batch_fn =
-          CodegenProcessProbeBatch(codegen, hash_fn);
-      if (codegen_process_probe_batch_fn != NULL) {
-        codegen->AddFunctionToJit(codegen_process_probe_batch_fn,
-            reinterpret_cast<void**>(&process_probe_batch_fn_));
-        probe_codegen_enabled = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  runtime_profile()->AddCodegenMsg(build_codegen_enabled, "", "Build Side");
-  runtime_profile()->AddCodegenMsg(probe_codegen_enabled, "", "Probe Side");
-Status HashJoinNode::Reset(RuntimeState* state) {
-  DCHECK(false) << "NYI";
-  return Status("NYI");
-void HashJoinNode::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
-  if (is_closed()) return;
-  if (hash_tbl_.get() != NULL) hash_tbl_->Close(state);
-  if (build_pool_.get() != NULL) build_pool_->FreeAll();
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(other_join_conjunct_evals_, state);
-  ScalarExpr::Close(probe_exprs_);
-  ScalarExpr::Close(build_exprs_);
-  ScalarExpr::Close(other_join_conjuncts_);
-  ScalarExpr::Close(filter_exprs_);
-  BlockingJoinNode::Close(state);
-Status HashJoinNode::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
-  SCOPED_TIMER(runtime_profile_->total_time_counter());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(BlockingJoinNode::Open(state));
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(hash_tbl_->Open(state));
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Open(other_join_conjunct_evals_, state));
-  // Check for errors and free local allocations before opening children.
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(QueryMaintenance(state));
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(BlockingJoinNode::ProcessBuildInputAndOpenProbe(state, NULL));
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(BlockingJoinNode::GetFirstProbeRow(state));
-  InitGetNext();
-  return Status::OK();
-Status HashJoinNode::QueryMaintenance(RuntimeState* state) {
-  if (hash_tbl_.get() != nullptr) hash_tbl_->FreeLocalAllocations();
-  return ExecNode::QueryMaintenance(state);
-Status HashJoinNode::ProcessBuildInput(RuntimeState* state) {
-  // Do a full scan of child(1) and store everything in hash_tbl_
-  // The hash join node needs to keep in memory all build tuples, including the tuple
-  // row ptrs.  The row ptrs are copied into the hash table's internal structure so they
-  // don't need to be stored in the build_pool_.
-  RowBatch build_batch(child(1)->row_desc(), state->batch_size(), mem_tracker());
-  while (true) {
-    RETURN_IF_ERROR(QueryMaintenance(state));
-    bool eos;
-    {
-      SCOPED_STOP_WATCH(&built_probe_overlap_stop_watch_);
-      RETURN_IF_ERROR(child(1)->GetNext(state, &build_batch, &eos));
-    }
-    SCOPED_TIMER(build_timer_);
-    // take ownership of tuple data of build_batch
-    build_pool_->AcquireData(build_batch.tuple_data_pool(), false);
-    RETURN_IF_ERROR(QueryMaintenance(state));
-    // Call codegen version if possible
-    if (process_build_batch_fn_ == NULL) {
-      ProcessBuildBatch(&build_batch);
-    } else {
-      process_build_batch_fn_(this, &build_batch);
-    }
-    VLOG_ROW << hash_tbl_->DebugString(true, false, child(1)->row_desc());
-    COUNTER_SET(build_row_counter_, hash_tbl_->size());
-    COUNTER_SET(build_buckets_counter_, hash_tbl_->num_buckets());
-    COUNTER_SET(hash_tbl_load_factor_counter_, hash_tbl_->load_factor());
-    build_batch.Reset();
-    DCHECK(!build_batch.AtCapacity());
-    if (eos) break;
-  }
-  if (filters_.size() > 0) {
-    int num_enabled_filters = hash_tbl_->AddBloomFilters();
-    if (num_enabled_filters == filters_.size()) {
-      runtime_profile()->AppendExecOption(
-          Substitute("$0 of $0 Runtime Filter$1 Published", filters_.size(),
-              filters_.size() == 1 ? "" : "s"));
-    } else {
-      string exec_option = Substitute("$0 of $1 Runtime Filter$2 Published, $3 Disabled",
-          num_enabled_filters, filters_.size(), filters_.size() == 1 ? "" : "s",
-          filters_.size() - num_enabled_filters);
-      runtime_profile()->AppendExecOption(exec_option);
-    }
-  }
-  return Status::OK();
-void HashJoinNode::InitGetNext() {
-  if (current_probe_row_ == NULL) {
-    hash_tbl_iterator_ = hash_tbl_->Begin();
-  } else {
-    matched_probe_ = false;
-    hash_tbl_iterator_ = hash_tbl_->Find(current_probe_row_);
-  }
-Status HashJoinNode::GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* out_batch, bool* eos) {
-  SCOPED_TIMER(runtime_profile_->total_time_counter());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::GETNEXT, state));
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(QueryMaintenance(state));
-  if (ReachedLimit()) {
-    *eos = true;
-    return Status::OK();
-  }
-  *eos = false;
-  // These cases are simpler and use a more efficient processing loop
-  if (!match_all_build_) {
-    if (eos_) {
-      *eos = true;
-      return Status::OK();
-    }
-    return LeftJoinGetNext(state, out_batch, eos);
-  }
-  const int num_other_conjuncts = other_join_conjuncts_.size();
-  DCHECK_EQ(num_other_conjuncts, other_join_conjunct_evals_.size());
-  const int num_conjuncts = conjuncts_.size();
-  DCHECK_EQ(num_conjuncts, conjunct_evals_.size());
-  // Explicitly manage the timer counter to avoid measuring time in the child
-  // GetNext call.
-  ScopedTimer<MonotonicStopWatch> probe_timer(probe_timer_);
-  while (!eos_) {
-    // create output rows as long as:
-    // 1) we haven't already created an output row for the probe row and are doing
-    //    a semi-join;
-    // 2) there are more matching build rows
-    while (!hash_tbl_iterator_.AtEnd()) {
-      int row_idx = out_batch->AddRow();
-      TupleRow* out_row = out_batch->GetRow(row_idx);
-      TupleRow* matched_build_row = hash_tbl_iterator_.GetRow();
-      CreateOutputRow(out_row, current_probe_row_, matched_build_row);
-      if (!EvalConjuncts(,
-              num_other_conjuncts, out_row)) {
-        hash_tbl_iterator_.Next<true>();
-        continue;
-      }
-      // we have a match for the purpose of the (outer?) join as soon as we
-      // satisfy the JOIN clause conjuncts
-      matched_probe_ = true;
-      if (match_all_build_) {
-        // remember that we matched this build row
-        hash_tbl_iterator_.set_matched(true);
-        VLOG_ROW << "joined build row: " << matched_build_row;
-      }
-      hash_tbl_iterator_.Next<true>();
-      if (EvalConjuncts(, num_conjuncts, out_row)) {
-        out_batch->CommitLastRow();
-        VLOG_ROW << "match row: " << PrintRow(out_row, *row_desc());
-        ++num_rows_returned_;
-        COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
-        if (out_batch->AtCapacity() || ReachedLimit()) {
-          *eos = ReachedLimit();
-          return Status::OK();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // If a probe row exists at this point, check whether we need to output the current
-    // probe row before getting a new probe batch. (IMPALA-2440)
-    bool probe_row_exists = probe_batch_->num_rows() > 0;
-    if (match_all_probe_ && !matched_probe_ && probe_row_exists) {
-      int row_idx = out_batch->AddRow();
-      TupleRow* out_row = out_batch->GetRow(row_idx);
-      CreateOutputRow(out_row, current_probe_row_, NULL);
-      if (EvalConjuncts(, num_conjuncts, out_row)) {
-        out_batch->CommitLastRow();
-        VLOG_ROW << "match row: " << PrintRow(out_row, *row_desc());
-        ++num_rows_returned_;
-        COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
-        matched_probe_ = true;
-        if (out_batch->AtCapacity() || ReachedLimit()) {
-          *eos = ReachedLimit();
-          return Status::OK();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (probe_batch_pos_ == probe_batch_->num_rows()) {
-      // pass on resources, out_batch might still need them
-      probe_batch_->TransferResourceOwnership(out_batch);
-      probe_batch_pos_ = 0;
-      if (out_batch->AtCapacity()) return Status::OK();
-      // get new probe batch
-      if (!probe_side_eos_) {
-        while (true) {
-          probe_timer.Stop();
-          RETURN_IF_ERROR(child(0)->GetNext(state, probe_batch_.get(), &probe_side_eos_));
-          probe_timer.Start();
-          if (probe_batch_->num_rows() == 0) {
-            // Empty batches can still contain IO buffers, which need to be passed up to
-            // the caller; transferring resources can fill up out_batch.
-            probe_batch_->TransferResourceOwnership(out_batch);
-            if (probe_side_eos_) {
-              eos_ = true;
-              break;
-            }
-            if (out_batch->AtCapacity()) return Status::OK();
-            continue;
-          } else {
-            COUNTER_ADD(probe_row_counter_, probe_batch_->num_rows());
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        eos_ = true;
-      }
-      // finish up right outer join
-      if (eos_ && match_all_build_) {
-        hash_tbl_iterator_ = hash_tbl_->Begin();
-      }
-    }
-    if (eos_) break;
-    // join remaining rows in probe batch_
-    current_probe_row_ = probe_batch_->GetRow(probe_batch_pos_++);
-    VLOG_ROW << "probe row: " << GetLeftChildRowString(current_probe_row_);
-    matched_probe_ = false;
-    hash_tbl_iterator_ = hash_tbl_->Find(current_probe_row_);
-  }
-  *eos = true;
-  if (match_all_build_) {
-    // output remaining unmatched build rows
-    TupleRow* build_row = NULL;
-    while (!out_batch->AtCapacity() && !hash_tbl_iterator_.AtEnd()) {
-      build_row = hash_tbl_iterator_.GetRow();
-      bool matched = hash_tbl_iterator_.matched();
-      hash_tbl_iterator_.Next<false>();
-      if (matched) continue;
-      int row_idx = out_batch->AddRow();
-      TupleRow* out_row = out_batch->GetRow(row_idx);
-      CreateOutputRow(out_row, NULL, build_row);
-      if (EvalConjuncts(, num_conjuncts, out_row)) {
-        out_batch->CommitLastRow();
-        VLOG_ROW << "match row: " << PrintRow(out_row, *row_desc());
-        ++num_rows_returned_;
-        COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
-        if (ReachedLimit()) {
-          *eos = true;
-          return Status::OK();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // we're done if there are no more rows left to check
-    *eos = hash_tbl_iterator_.AtEnd();
-  }
-  return Status::OK();
-Status HashJoinNode::LeftJoinGetNext(RuntimeState* state,
-    RowBatch* out_batch, bool* eos) {
-  *eos = eos_;
-  ScopedTimer<MonotonicStopWatch> probe_timer(probe_timer_);
-  while (!eos_) {
-    // Compute max rows that should be added to out_batch
-    int64_t max_added_rows = out_batch->capacity() - out_batch->num_rows();
-    if (limit() != -1) max_added_rows = min(max_added_rows, limit() - rows_returned());
-    // Continue processing this row batch
-    if (process_probe_batch_fn_ == NULL) {
-      num_rows_returned_ +=
-          ProcessProbeBatch(out_batch, probe_batch_.get(), max_added_rows);
-    } else {
-      // Use codegen'd function
-      num_rows_returned_ +=
-          process_probe_batch_fn_(this, out_batch, probe_batch_.get(), max_added_rows);
-    }
-    COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
-    if (ReachedLimit() || out_batch->AtCapacity()) {
-      *eos = ReachedLimit();
-      break;
-    }
-    // Check to see if we're done processing the current probe batch
-    if (hash_tbl_iterator_.AtEnd() && probe_batch_pos_ == probe_batch_->num_rows()) {
-      probe_batch_->TransferResourceOwnership(out_batch);
-      probe_batch_pos_ = 0;
-      if (out_batch->AtCapacity()) break;
-      if (probe_side_eos_) {
-        *eos = eos_ = true;
-        break;
-      } else {
-        probe_timer.Stop();
-        RETURN_IF_ERROR(child(0)->GetNext(state, probe_batch_.get(), &probe_side_eos_));
-        probe_timer.Start();
-        COUNTER_ADD(probe_row_counter_, probe_batch_->num_rows());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return Status::OK();
-void HashJoinNode::AddToDebugString(int indentation_level, stringstream* out) const {
-  *out << " hash_tbl=";
-  *out << string(indentation_level * 2, ' ');
-  *out << "HashTbl("
-       << " build_exprs=" << ScalarExpr::DebugString(build_exprs_)
-       << " probe_exprs=" << ScalarExpr::DebugString(probe_exprs_);
-  *out << ")";
-// This codegen'd function should only be used for left join cases so it assumes that
-// the probe row is non-null.  For a left outer join, the IR looks like:
-// define void @CreateOutputRow(%"class.impala::BlockingJoinNode"* %this_ptr,
-//                              %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %out_arg,
-//                              %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %probe_arg,
-//                              %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %build_arg) {
-// entry:
-//   %out = bitcast %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %out_arg to i8**
-//   %probe = bitcast %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %probe_arg to i8**
-//   %build = bitcast %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %build_arg to i8**
-//   %0 = bitcast i8** %out to i8*
-//   %1 = bitcast i8** %probe to i8*
-//   call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* %0, i8* %1, i32 16, i32 16, i1 false)
-//   %is_build_null = icmp eq i8** %build, null
-//   br i1 %is_build_null, label %build_null, label %build_not_null
-// build_not_null:                                   ; preds = %entry
-//   %dst_tuple_ptr1 = getelementptr i8** %out, i32 1
-//   %src_tuple_ptr = getelementptr i8** %build, i32 0
-//   %2 = load i8** %src_tuple_ptr
-//   store i8* %2, i8** %dst_tuple_ptr1
-//   ret void
-// build_null:                                       ; preds = %entry
-//   %dst_tuple_ptr = getelementptr i8** %out, i32 1
-//   call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(
-//      i8* %dst_tuple_ptr, i8* %1, i32 16, i32 16, i1 false)
-//   ret void
-// }
-Function* HashJoinNode::CodegenCreateOutputRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
-  Type* tuple_row_type = codegen->GetType(TupleRow::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(tuple_row_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = PointerType::get(tuple_row_type, 0);
-  Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(BlockingJoinNode::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
-  // TupleRows are really just an array of pointers.  Easier to work with them
-  // this way.
-  PointerType* tuple_row_working_type = PointerType::get(codegen->ptr_type(), 0);
-  // Construct function signature to match CreateOutputRow()
-  LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "CreateOutputRow", codegen->void_type());
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("out_arg", tuple_row_ptr_type));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("probe_arg", tuple_row_ptr_type));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("build_arg", tuple_row_ptr_type));
-  LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
-  LlvmBuilder builder(context);
-  Value* args[4];
-  Function* fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, args);
-  Value* out_row_arg = builder.CreateBitCast(args[1], tuple_row_working_type, "out");
-  Value* probe_row_arg = builder.CreateBitCast(args[2], tuple_row_working_type, "probe");
-  Value* build_row_arg = builder.CreateBitCast(args[3], tuple_row_working_type, "build");
-  int num_probe_tuples = child(0)->row_desc()->tuple_descriptors().size();
-  int num_build_tuples = child(1)->row_desc()->tuple_descriptors().size();
-  // Copy probe row
-  codegen->CodegenMemcpy(&builder, out_row_arg, probe_row_arg, probe_tuple_row_size_);
-  Value* build_row_idx[] = {codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, num_probe_tuples)};
-  Value* build_row_dst =
-      builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(out_row_arg, build_row_idx, "build_dst_ptr");
-  // Copy build row.
-  BasicBlock* build_not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "build_not_null", fn);
-  BasicBlock* build_null_block = NULL;
-  if (match_all_probe_) {
-    // build tuple can be null
-    build_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "build_null", fn);
-    Value* is_build_null = builder.CreateIsNull(build_row_arg, "is_build_null");
-    builder.CreateCondBr(is_build_null, build_null_block, build_not_null_block);
-    // Set tuple build ptrs to NULL
-    // TODO: this should be replaced with memset() but I can't get the llvm intrinsic
-    // to work.
-    builder.SetInsertPoint(build_null_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_build_tuples; ++i) {
-      Value* array_idx[] = {codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i + num_probe_tuples)};
-      Value* dst = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(out_row_arg, array_idx, "dst_tuple_ptr");
-      builder.CreateStore(codegen->null_ptr_value(), dst);
-    }
-    builder.CreateRetVoid();
-  } else {
-    // build row can't be NULL
-    builder.CreateBr(build_not_null_block);
-  }
-  // Copy build tuple ptrs
-  builder.SetInsertPoint(build_not_null_block);
-  codegen->CodegenMemcpy(&builder, build_row_dst, build_row_arg, build_tuple_row_size_);
-  builder.CreateRetVoid();
-  return codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn);
-Function* HashJoinNode::CodegenProcessBuildBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
-    Function* hash_fn) {
-  // Get cross compiled function
-  Function* process_build_batch_fn =
-      codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::HASH_JOIN_PROCESS_BUILD_BATCH, true);
-  DCHECK(process_build_batch_fn != NULL);
-  // Codegen for evaluating build rows
-  Function* eval_row_fn = hash_tbl_->CodegenEvalTupleRow(codegen, true);
-  if (eval_row_fn == NULL) return NULL;
-  int replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_build_batch_fn, eval_row_fn,
-      "EvalBuildRow");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
-  replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_build_batch_fn, hash_fn, "HashCurrentRow");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
-  return codegen->FinalizeFunction(process_build_batch_fn);
-Function* HashJoinNode::CodegenProcessProbeBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
-    Function* hash_fn) {
-  // Get cross compiled function
-  Function* process_probe_batch_fn =
-      codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::HASH_JOIN_PROCESS_PROBE_BATCH, true);
-  DCHECK(process_probe_batch_fn != NULL);
-  // Codegen HashTable::Equals()
-  Function* equals_fn = hash_tbl_->CodegenEquals(codegen);
-  if (equals_fn == NULL) return NULL;
-  // Codegen for evaluating build rows
-  Function* eval_row_fn = hash_tbl_->CodegenEvalTupleRow(codegen, false);
-  if (eval_row_fn == NULL) return NULL;
-  // Codegen CreateOutputRow()
-  Function* create_output_row_fn = CodegenCreateOutputRow(codegen);
-  if (create_output_row_fn == NULL) return NULL;
-  // Codegen evaluating other join conjuncts
-  Function* eval_other_conjuncts_fn;
-  Status status = ExecNode::CodegenEvalConjuncts(codegen, other_join_conjuncts_,
-      &eval_other_conjuncts_fn, "EvalOtherConjuncts");
-  if (!status.ok()) return NULL;
-  // Codegen evaluating conjuncts
-  Function* eval_conjuncts_fn;
-  status = ExecNode::CodegenEvalConjuncts(codegen, conjuncts_, &eval_conjuncts_fn);
-  if (!status.ok()) return NULL;
-  // Replace all call sites with codegen version
-  int replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_probe_batch_fn, hash_fn,
-      "HashCurrentRow");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
-  replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_probe_batch_fn, eval_row_fn,
-      "EvalProbeRow");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
-  replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_probe_batch_fn, create_output_row_fn,
-      "CreateOutputRow");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 3);
-  replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_probe_batch_fn, eval_conjuncts_fn,
-      "EvalConjuncts");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 2);
-  replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_probe_batch_fn, eval_other_conjuncts_fn,
-      "EvalOtherJoinConjuncts");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 2);
-  replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_probe_batch_fn, equals_fn, "Equals");
-  DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 2);
-  return codegen->FinalizeFunction(process_probe_batch_fn);
diff --git a/be/src/exec/hash-join-node.h b/be/src/exec/hash-join-node.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b49f8bb..0000000
--- a/be/src/exec/hash-join-node.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include "exec/exec-node.h"
-#include "exec/old-hash-table.h"
-#include "exec/blocking-join-node.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
-#include "util/promise.h"
-#include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"  // for TJoinOp
-namespace impala {
-class MemPool;
-class RowBatch;
-class ScalarExpr;
-class ScalarExprEvaluator;
-class TupleRow;
-/// Node for in-memory hash joins:
-/// - builds up a hash table with the rows produced by our right input
-///   (child(1)); build exprs are the rhs exprs of our equi-join predicates
-/// - for each row from our left input, probes the hash table to retrieve
-///   matching entries; the probe exprs are the lhs exprs of our equi-join predicates
-/// Row batches:
-/// - In general, we are not able to pass our output row batch on to our left child (when
-///   we're fetching the probe rows): if we have a 1xn join, our output will contain
-///   multiple rows per left input row
-/// - TODO: fix this, so in the case of 1x1/nx1 joins (for instance, fact to dimension tbl)
-///   we don't do these extra copies
-class HashJoinNode : public BlockingJoinNode {
- public:
-  HashJoinNode(ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs);
-  virtual Status Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state);
-  virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state);
-  virtual void Codegen(RuntimeState* state);
-  virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state);
-  virtual Status GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
-  virtual Status Reset(RuntimeState* state);
-  virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
-  static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
- protected:
-  virtual Status QueryMaintenance(RuntimeState* state);
-  virtual void AddToDebugString(int indentation_level, std::stringstream* out) const;
-  virtual Status ProcessBuildInput(RuntimeState* state);
- private:
-  boost::scoped_ptr<OldHashTable> hash_tbl_;
-  OldHashTable::Iterator hash_tbl_iterator_;
-  /// holds everything referenced from build side
-  boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> build_pool_;
-  /// our equi-join predicates "<lhs> = <rhs>" are separated into
-  /// build_exprs_ (over child(1)) and probe_exprs_ (over child(0))
-  std::vector<ScalarExpr*> probe_exprs_;
-  std::vector<ScalarExpr*> build_exprs_;
-  /// Expressions used to build runtime filters, one per entry in filters_.
-  std::vector<ScalarExpr*> filter_exprs_;
-  /// is_not_distinct_from_[i] is true if and only if the ith equi-join predicate is IS
-  /// NOT DISTINCT FROM, rather than equality.
-  std::vector<bool> is_not_distinct_from_;
-  /// non-equi-join conjuncts from the JOIN clause
-  std::vector<ScalarExpr*> other_join_conjuncts_;
-  std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> other_join_conjunct_evals_;
-  /// Derived from join_op_
-  /// Output all rows coming from the probe input. Used in LEFT_OUTER_JOIN and
-  bool match_all_probe_;
-  /// Match at most one build row to each probe row. Used in LEFT_SEMI_JOIN.
-  bool match_one_build_;
-  /// Output all rows coming from the build input. Used in RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN and
-  bool match_all_build_;
-  /// llvm function for build batch
-  llvm::Function* codegen_process_build_batch_fn_;
-  /// Function declaration for codegen'd function.  Signature must match
-  /// HashJoinNode::ProcessBuildBatch
-  typedef void (*ProcessBuildBatchFn)(HashJoinNode*, RowBatch*);
-  ProcessBuildBatchFn process_build_batch_fn_;
-  /// HashJoinNode::ProcessProbeBatch() exactly
-  typedef int (*ProcessProbeBatchFn)(HashJoinNode*, RowBatch*, RowBatch*, int);
-  /// Jitted ProcessProbeBatch function pointer.  Null if codegen is disabled.
-  ProcessProbeBatchFn process_probe_batch_fn_;
-  /// RuntimeFilters to build.
-  std::vector<RuntimeFilter*> filters_;
-  RuntimeProfile::Counter* build_buckets_counter_;   // num buckets in hash table
-  RuntimeProfile::Counter* hash_tbl_load_factor_counter_;
-  /// Prepares for the first call to GetNext(). Must be called after GetFirstProbeRow().
-  void InitGetNext();
-  /// GetNext helper function for the common join cases: Inner join, left semi and left
-  /// outer
-  Status LeftJoinGetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
-  /// Processes a probe batch for the common (non right-outer join) cases.
-  ///  out_batch: the batch for resulting tuple rows
-  ///  probe_batch: the probe batch to process.  This function can be called to
-  ///    continue processing a batch in the middle
-  ///  max_added_rows: maximum rows that can be added to out_batch
-  /// return the number of rows added to out_batch
-  int ProcessProbeBatch(RowBatch* out_batch, RowBatch* probe_batch, int max_added_rows);
-  /// Construct the build hash table, adding all the rows in 'build_batch'
-  void ProcessBuildBatch(RowBatch* build_batch);
-  /// Codegen function to create output row
-  llvm::Function* CodegenCreateOutputRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen);
-  /// Codegen processing build batches.  Identical signature to ProcessBuildBatch.
-  /// hash_fn is the codegen'd function for computing hashes over tuple rows in the
-  /// hash table.
-  /// Returns NULL if codegen was not possible.
-  llvm::Function* CodegenProcessBuildBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* hash_fn);
-  /// Codegen processing probe batches.  Identical signature to ProcessProbeBatch.
-  /// hash_fn is the codegen'd function for computing hashes over tuple rows in the
-  /// hash table.
-  /// Returns NULL if codegen was not possible.
-  llvm::Function* CodegenProcessProbeBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* hash_fn);
diff --git a/be/src/exec/ b/be/src/exec/
index 63298cb..e97572c 100644
--- a/be/src/exec/
+++ b/be/src/exec/
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ using namespace llvm;
 DEFINE_double(parquet_min_filter_reject_ratio, 0.1, "(Advanced) If the percentage of "
     "rows rejected by a runtime filter drops below this value, the filter is disabled.");
 // The number of row batches between checks to see if a filter is effective, and
 // should be disabled. Must be a power of two.
diff --git a/be/src/exec/ b/be/src/exec/
index 01a7f19..d377a22 100644
--- a/be/src/exec/
+++ b/be/src/exec/
@@ -186,11 +186,6 @@ Status NestedLoopJoinNode::ResetMatchingBuildRows(RuntimeState* state, int64_t n
   return Status::OK();
-Status NestedLoopJoinNode::ProcessBuildInput(RuntimeState* state) {
-  DCHECK(false) << "Should not be called, NLJ uses the BuildSink API";
-  return Status::OK();
 void NestedLoopJoinNode::ResetForProbe() {
   DCHECK(build_batches_ != NULL);
   build_row_iterator_ = build_batches_->Iterator();
diff --git a/be/src/exec/nested-loop-join-node.h b/be/src/exec/nested-loop-join-node.h
index 94f1dae..c94abbf 100644
--- a/be/src/exec/nested-loop-join-node.h
+++ b/be/src/exec/nested-loop-join-node.h
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ class NestedLoopJoinNode : public BlockingJoinNode {
   virtual Status Reset(RuntimeState* state);
   virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
- protected:
-  virtual Status ProcessBuildInput(RuntimeState* state);
   /// BEGIN: Members that must be Reset()
diff --git a/be/src/exec/ b/be/src/exec/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2436ef1..0000000
--- a/be/src/exec/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#ifdef IR_COMPILE
-#include "exec/old-hash-table.h"
-namespace impala {
-uint8_t* OldHashTable::expr_values_buffer() const {
-  return expr_values_buffer_;
-uint8_t* OldHashTable::expr_value_null_bits() const {
-  return expr_value_null_bits_;
-ScalarExprEvaluator* const* OldHashTable::build_expr_evals() const {
-  return;
-ScalarExprEvaluator* const* OldHashTable::probe_expr_evals() const {
-  return;
diff --git a/be/src/exec/ b/be/src/exec/
deleted file mode 100644
index e873791..0000000
--- a/be/src/exec/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/compiler-util.h"
-#include "exec/old-hash-table.inline.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
-#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
-#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/string-value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
-#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
-#include "util/cpu-info.h"
-#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
-#include "common/names.h"
-namespace impala {
-class OldHashTableTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
-  OldHashTableTest() : mem_pool_(&tracker_) {}
- protected:
-  ObjectPool pool_;
-  MemTracker tracker_;
-  MemPool mem_pool_;
-  vector<ScalarExpr*> build_exprs_;
-  vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> build_expr_evals_;
-  vector<ScalarExpr*> probe_exprs_;
-  vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> probe_expr_evals_;
-  virtual void SetUp() {
-    RowDescriptor desc;
-    // Not very easy to test complex tuple layouts so this test will use the
-    // simplest.  The purpose of these tests is to exercise the hash map
-    // internals so a simple build/probe expr is fine.
-    ScalarExpr* build_expr = pool_.Add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 0));
-    ASSERT_OK(build_expr->Init(desc, nullptr));
-    build_exprs_.push_back(build_expr);
-    ASSERT_OK(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(build_exprs_, nullptr, &pool_, &mem_pool_,
-        &build_expr_evals_));
-    ASSERT_OK(ScalarExprEvaluator::Open(build_expr_evals_, nullptr));
-    ScalarExpr* probe_expr = pool_.Add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 0));
-    ASSERT_OK(probe_expr->Init(desc, nullptr));
-    probe_exprs_.push_back(probe_expr);
-    ASSERT_OK(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(probe_exprs_, nullptr, &pool_, &mem_pool_,
-        &probe_expr_evals_));
-    ASSERT_OK(ScalarExprEvaluator::Open(probe_expr_evals_, nullptr));
-  }
-  virtual void TearDown() {
-    ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(build_expr_evals_, nullptr);
-    ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(probe_expr_evals_, nullptr);
-    ScalarExpr::Close(build_exprs_);
-    ScalarExpr::Close(probe_exprs_);
-  }
-  TupleRow* CreateTupleRow(int32_t val) {
-    uint8_t* tuple_row_mem = mem_pool_.Allocate(sizeof(int32_t*));
-    Tuple* tuple_mem = Tuple::Create(sizeof(int32_t), &mem_pool_);
-    *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(tuple_mem) = val;
-    TupleRow* row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(tuple_row_mem);
-    row->SetTuple(0, tuple_mem);
-    return row;
-  }
-  // Wrapper to call private methods on OldHashTable
-  // TODO: understand google testing, there must be a more natural way to do this
-  void ResizeTable(OldHashTable* table, int64_t new_size) {
-    table->ResizeBuckets(new_size);
-  }
-  // Do a full table scan on table.  All values should be between [min,max).  If
-  // all_unique, then each key(int value) should only appear once.  Results are
-  // stored in results, indexed by the key.  Results must have been preallocated to
-  // be at least max size.
-  void FullScan(OldHashTable* table, int min, int max, bool all_unique,
-      TupleRow** results, TupleRow** expected) {
-    OldHashTable::Iterator iter = table->Begin();
-    while (iter != table->End()) {
-      TupleRow* row = iter.GetRow();
-      int32_t val = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(build_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(row));
-      EXPECT_GE(val, min);
-      EXPECT_LT(val, max);
-      if (all_unique) EXPECT_TRUE(results[val] == nullptr);
-      EXPECT_EQ(row->GetTuple(0), expected[val]->GetTuple(0));
-      results[val] = row;
-      iter.Next<false>();
-    }
-  }
-  // Validate that probe_row evaluates overs probe_exprs is equal to build_row
-  // evaluated over build_exprs
-  void ValidateMatch(TupleRow* probe_row, TupleRow* build_row) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(probe_row != build_row);
-    int32_t build_val =
-        *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(build_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(probe_row));
-    int32_t probe_val =
-        *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(probe_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(build_row));
-    EXPECT_EQ(build_val, probe_val);
-  }
-  struct ProbeTestData {
-    TupleRow* probe_row;
-    vector<TupleRow*> expected_build_rows;
-  };
-  void ProbeTest(OldHashTable* table, ProbeTestData* data, int num_data, bool scan) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
-      TupleRow* row = data[i].probe_row;
-      OldHashTable::Iterator iter;
-      iter = table->Find(row);
-      if (data[i].expected_build_rows.size() == 0) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(iter == table->End());
-      } else {
-        if (scan) {
-          map<TupleRow*, bool> matched;
-          while (iter != table->End()) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(matched.find(iter.GetRow()) == matched.end());
-            matched[iter.GetRow()] = true;
-            iter.Next<true>();
-          }
-          EXPECT_EQ(matched.size(), data[i].expected_build_rows.size());
-          for (int j = 0; i < data[j].expected_build_rows.size(); ++j) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(matched[data[i].expected_build_rows[j]]);
-          }
-        } else {
-          EXPECT_EQ(data[i].expected_build_rows.size(), 1);
-          EXPECT_TRUE(
-              data[i].expected_build_rows[0]->GetTuple(0) == iter.GetRow()->GetTuple(0));
-          ValidateMatch(row, iter.GetRow());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, SetupTest) {
-  TupleRow* build_row1 = CreateTupleRow(1);
-  TupleRow* build_row2 = CreateTupleRow(2);
-  TupleRow* probe_row3 = CreateTupleRow(3);
-  TupleRow* probe_row4 = CreateTupleRow(4);
-  int32_t* val_row1 =
-      reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(build_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(build_row1));
-  EXPECT_EQ(*val_row1, 1);
-  int32_t* val_row2 =
-      reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(build_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(build_row2));
-  EXPECT_EQ(*val_row2, 2);
-  int32_t* val_row3 =
-      reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(probe_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(probe_row3));
-  EXPECT_EQ(*val_row3, 3);
-  int32_t* val_row4 =
-      reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(probe_expr_evals_[0]->GetValue(probe_row4));
-  EXPECT_EQ(*val_row4, 4);
-  mem_pool_.FreeAll();
-// This tests inserts the build rows [0->5) to hash table.  It validates that they
-// are all there using a full table scan.  It also validates that Find() is correct
-// testing for probe rows that are both there and not.
-// The hash table is rehashed a few times and the scans/finds are tested again.
-TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, BasicTest) {
-  TupleRow* build_rows[5];
-  TupleRow* scan_rows[5] = {0};
-  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-    build_rows[i] = CreateTupleRow(i);
-  }
-  ProbeTestData probe_rows[10];
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-    probe_rows[i].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(i);
-    if (i < 5) {
-      probe_rows[i].expected_build_rows.push_back(build_rows[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  // Create the hash table and insert the build rows
-  MemTracker tracker;
-  scoped_ptr<OldHashTable> hash_table;
-  EXPECT_OK(OldHashTable::Create(&pool_, nullptr, build_exprs_, probe_exprs_,
-      vector<ScalarExpr*>(), 1, false, std::vector<bool>(build_exprs_.size(), false),
-      0, &tracker, vector<RuntimeFilter*>(), &hash_table));
-  EXPECT_OK(hash_table->Open(nullptr));
-  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-    hash_table->Insert(build_rows[i]);
-  }
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->size(), 5);
-  // Do a full table scan and validate returned pointers
-  FullScan(hash_table.get(), 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 10, false);
-  // Resize and scan again
-  ResizeTable(hash_table.get(), 64);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->num_buckets(), 64);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->size(), 5);
-  memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
-  FullScan(hash_table.get(), 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 10, false);
-  // Resize to two and cause some collisions
-  ResizeTable(hash_table.get(), 2);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->num_buckets(), 2);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->size(), 5);
-  memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
-  FullScan(hash_table.get(), 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 10, false);
-  // Resize to one and turn it into a linked list
-  ResizeTable(hash_table.get(), 1);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->num_buckets(), 1);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->size(), 5);
-  memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
-  FullScan(hash_table.get(), 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 10, false);
-  hash_table->Close(nullptr);
-  mem_pool_.FreeAll();
-// This tests makes sure we can scan ranges of buckets
-TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, ScanTest) {
-  MemTracker tracker;
-  scoped_ptr<OldHashTable> hash_table;
-  EXPECT_OK(OldHashTable::Create(&pool_, nullptr, build_exprs_, probe_exprs_,
-      vector<ScalarExpr*>(), 1, false, std::vector<bool>(build_exprs_.size(), false),
-      0, &tracker, vector<RuntimeFilter*>(), &hash_table));
-  EXPECT_OK(hash_table->Open(nullptr));
-  // Add 1 row with val 1, 2 with val 2, etc
-  vector<TupleRow*> build_rows;
-  ProbeTestData probe_rows[15];
-  probe_rows[0].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(0);
-  for (int val = 1; val <= 10; ++val) {
-    probe_rows[val].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(val);
-    for (int i = 0; i < val; ++i) {
-      TupleRow* row = CreateTupleRow(val);
-      hash_table->Insert(row);
-      build_rows.push_back(row);
-      probe_rows[val].expected_build_rows.push_back(row);
-    }
-  }
-  // Add some more probe rows that aren't there
-  for (int val = 11; val < 15; ++val) {
-    probe_rows[val].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(val);
-  }
-  // Test that all the builds were found
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 15, true);
-  // Resize and try again
-  ResizeTable(hash_table.get(), 128);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->num_buckets(), 128);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 15, true);
-  ResizeTable(hash_table.get(), 16);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->num_buckets(), 16);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 15, true);
-  ResizeTable(hash_table.get(), 2);
-  EXPECT_EQ(hash_table->num_buckets(), 2);
-  ProbeTest(hash_table.get(), probe_rows, 15, true);
-  hash_table->Close(nullptr);
-  mem_pool_.FreeAll();
-// This test continues adding to the hash table to trigger the resize code paths
-TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, GrowTableTest) {
-  int num_to_add = 4;
-  int expected_size = 0;
-  MemTracker tracker(100 * 1024 * 1024);
-  scoped_ptr<OldHashTable> hash_table;
-  EXPECT_OK(OldHashTable::Create(&pool_, nullptr, build_exprs_, probe_exprs_,
-      vector<ScalarExpr*>(), 1, false, std::vector<bool>(build_exprs_.size(), false),
-      0, &tracker, vector<RuntimeFilter*>(), &hash_table, false, num_to_add));
-  EXPECT_OK(hash_table->Open(nullptr));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(hash_table->mem_limit_exceeded());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!tracker.LimitExceeded());
-  // This inserts about 5M entries
-  int build_row_val = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
-    for (int j = 0; j < num_to_add; ++build_row_val, ++j) {
-      hash_table->Insert(CreateTupleRow(build_row_val));
-    }
-    expected_size += num_to_add;
-    num_to_add *= 2;
-  }
-  EXPECT_TRUE(hash_table->mem_limit_exceeded());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(tracker.LimitExceeded());
-  // Validate that we can find the entries before we went over the limit
-  for (int i = 0; i < expected_size * 5; i += 100000) {
-    TupleRow* probe_row = CreateTupleRow(i);
-    OldHashTable::Iterator iter = hash_table->Find(probe_row);
-    if (i < hash_table->size()) {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(iter != hash_table->End());
-      ValidateMatch(probe_row, iter.GetRow());
-    } else {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(iter == hash_table->End());
-    }
-  }
-  hash_table->Close(nullptr);
-  mem_pool_.FreeAll();
diff --git a/be/src/exec/ b/be/src/exec/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9105226..0000000
--- a/be/src/exec/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,872 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/old-hash-table.inline.h"
-#include <functional>
-#include <numeric>
-#include "codegen/codegen-anyval.h"
-#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
-#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
-#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
-#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/raw-value.inline.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime-filter.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime-filter-bank.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
-#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
-#include "util/bloom-filter.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "util/debug-util.h"
-#include "util/error-util.h"
-#include "util/impalad-metrics.h"
-#include "common/names.h"
-using namespace impala;
-using namespace llvm;
-const char* OldHashTable::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::OldHashTable";
-const float OldHashTable::MAX_BUCKET_OCCUPANCY_FRACTION = 0.75f;
-static const int HT_PAGE_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
-// Put a non-zero constant in the result location for NULL.
-// We don't want(NULL, 1) to hash to the same as (0, 1).
-// This needs to be as big as the biggest primitive type since the bytes
-// get copied directly.
-// TODO find a better approach, since primitives like CHAR(N) can be up to 128 bytes
-static int64_t NULL_VALUE[] = { HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
-                                HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED };
-OldHashTable::OldHashTable(RuntimeState* state,
-    const vector<ScalarExpr*>& build_exprs, const vector<ScalarExpr*>& probe_exprs,
-    const vector<ScalarExpr*>& filter_exprs, int num_build_tuples, bool stores_nulls,
-    const vector<bool>& finds_nulls, int32_t initial_seed, MemTracker* mem_tracker,
-    const vector<RuntimeFilter*>& runtime_filters, bool stores_tuples,
-    int64_t num_buckets)
-  : state_(state),
-    build_exprs_(build_exprs),
-    probe_exprs_(probe_exprs),
-    filter_exprs_(filter_exprs),
-    filters_(runtime_filters),
-    num_build_tuples_(num_build_tuples),
-    stores_nulls_(stores_nulls),
-    finds_nulls_(finds_nulls),
-    finds_some_nulls_(std::accumulate(
-        finds_nulls_.begin(), finds_nulls_.end(), false, std::logical_or<bool>())),
-    stores_tuples_(stores_tuples),
-    initial_seed_(initial_seed),
-    num_filled_buckets_(0),
-    num_nodes_(0),
-    mem_pool_(new MemPool(mem_tracker)),
-    num_data_pages_(0),
-    next_node_(NULL),
-    node_remaining_current_page_(0),
-    mem_tracker_(mem_tracker),
-    mem_limit_exceeded_(false) {
-  DCHECK(mem_tracker != NULL);
-  DCHECK_EQ(build_exprs_.size(), probe_exprs_.size());
-  DCHECK_EQ(build_exprs_.size(), finds_nulls_.size());
-  DCHECK_EQ((num_buckets & (num_buckets-1)), 0) << "num_buckets must be a power of 2";
-  buckets_.resize(num_buckets);
-  num_buckets_ = num_buckets;
-  num_buckets_till_resize_ = MAX_BUCKET_OCCUPANCY_FRACTION * num_buckets_;
-  mem_tracker_->Consume(buckets_.capacity() * sizeof(Bucket));
-  // Compute the layout and buffer size to store the evaluated expr results
-  results_buffer_size_ = ScalarExpr::ComputeResultsLayout(build_exprs_,
-      &expr_values_buffer_offsets_, &var_result_begin_);
-  expr_values_buffer_= new uint8_t[results_buffer_size_];
-  memset(expr_values_buffer_, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * results_buffer_size_);
-  expr_value_null_bits_ = new uint8_t[build_exprs_.size()];
-  GrowNodeArray();
-Status OldHashTable::Init(ObjectPool* pool, RuntimeState* state) {
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(build_exprs_, state, pool,
-      mem_pool_.get(), &build_expr_evals_));
-  DCHECK_EQ(build_exprs_.size(), build_expr_evals_.size());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(probe_exprs_, state, pool,
-      mem_pool_.get(), &probe_expr_evals_));
-  DCHECK_EQ(probe_exprs_.size(), probe_expr_evals_.size());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(filter_exprs_, state, pool,
-      mem_pool_.get(), &filter_expr_evals_));
-  DCHECK_EQ(filter_exprs_.size(), filter_expr_evals_.size());
-  return Status::OK();
-Status OldHashTable::Create(ObjectPool* pool, RuntimeState* state,
-    const vector<ScalarExpr*>& build_exprs, const vector<ScalarExpr*>& probe_exprs,
-    const vector<ScalarExpr*>& filter_exprs, int num_build_tuples, bool stores_nulls,
-    const vector<bool>& finds_nulls, int32_t initial_seed, MemTracker* mem_tracker,
-    const vector<RuntimeFilter*>& runtime_filters, scoped_ptr<OldHashTable>* hash_tbl,
-    bool stores_tuples, int64_t num_buckets) {
-  hash_tbl->reset(new OldHashTable(state, build_exprs, probe_exprs, filter_exprs,
-      num_build_tuples, stores_nulls, finds_nulls, initial_seed, mem_tracker,
-      runtime_filters, stores_tuples, num_buckets));
-  return (*hash_tbl)->Init(pool, state);
-Status OldHashTable::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Open(build_expr_evals_, state));
-  DCHECK_EQ(build_exprs_.size(), build_expr_evals_.size());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Open(probe_expr_evals_, state));
-  DCHECK_EQ(probe_exprs_.size(), probe_expr_evals_.size());
-  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Open(filter_expr_evals_, state));
-  DCHECK_EQ(filter_exprs_.size(), filter_expr_evals_.size());
-  return Status::OK();
-void OldHashTable::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
-  // TODO: use tr1::array?
-  delete[] expr_values_buffer_;
-  delete[] expr_value_null_bits_;
-  expr_values_buffer_ = NULL;
-  expr_value_null_bits_ = NULL;
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(build_expr_evals_, state);
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(probe_expr_evals_, state);
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(filter_expr_evals_, state);
-  mem_pool_->FreeAll();
-  if (ImpaladMetrics::HASH_TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES != NULL) {
-    ImpaladMetrics::HASH_TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES->Increment(-num_data_pages_ * HT_PAGE_SIZE);
-  }
-  mem_tracker_->Release(buckets_.capacity() * sizeof(Bucket));
-  buckets_.clear();
-void OldHashTable::FreeLocalAllocations() {
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::FreeLocalAllocations(build_expr_evals_);
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::FreeLocalAllocations(probe_expr_evals_);
-  ScalarExprEvaluator::FreeLocalAllocations(filter_expr_evals_);
-bool OldHashTable::EvalRow(
-    TupleRow* row, const vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& evals) {
-  bool has_null = false;
-  for (int i = 0; i < evals.size(); ++i) {
-    void* loc = expr_values_buffer_ + expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i];
-    void* val = evals[i]->GetValue(row);
-    if (val == NULL) {
-      // If the table doesn't store nulls, no reason to keep evaluating
-      if (!stores_nulls_) return true;
-      expr_value_null_bits_[i] = true;
-      val = &NULL_VALUE;
-      has_null = true;
-    } else {
-      expr_value_null_bits_[i] = false;
-    }
-    RawValue::Write(val, loc, build_exprs_[i]->type(), NULL);
-  }
-  return has_null;
-int OldHashTable::AddBloomFilters() {
-  int num_enabled_filters = 0;
-  vector<BloomFilter*> bloom_filters;
-  bloom_filters.resize(filters_.size());
-  for (int i = 0; i < filters_.size(); ++i) {
-    if (state_->filter_bank()->FpRateTooHigh(filters_[i]->filter_size(), size())) {
-      bloom_filters[i] = BloomFilter::ALWAYS_TRUE_FILTER;
-    } else {
-      bloom_filters[i] =
-          state_->filter_bank()->AllocateScratchBloomFilter(filters_[i]->id());
-      ++num_enabled_filters;
-    }
-  }
-  OldHashTable::Iterator iter = Begin();
-  while (iter != End()) {
-    TupleRow* row = iter.GetRow();
-    for (int i = 0; i < filters_.size(); ++i) {
-      if (bloom_filters[i] == NULL) continue;
-      void* e = filter_expr_evals_[i]->GetValue(row);
-      uint32_t h = RawValue::GetHashValue(e, filter_exprs_[i]->type(),
-          RuntimeFilterBank::DefaultHashSeed());
-      bloom_filters[i]->Insert(h);
-    }
-    iter.Next<false>();
-  }
-  // Update all the local filters in the filter bank.
-  for (int i = 0; i < filters_.size(); ++i) {
-    state_->filter_bank()->UpdateFilterFromLocal(filters_[i]->id(), bloom_filters[i]);
-  }
-  return num_enabled_filters;
-// Helper function to store a value into the results buffer if the expr
-// evaluated to NULL.  We don't want (NULL, 1) to hash to the same as (0,1) so
-// we'll pick a more random value.
-static void CodegenAssignNullValue(
-    LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder, Value* dst, const ColumnType& type) {
-  uint64_t fnv_seed = HashUtil::FNV_SEED;
-  if (type.type == TYPE_STRING || type.type == TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-    Value* dst_ptr = builder->CreateStructGEP(NULL, dst, 0, "string_ptr");
-    Value* dst_len = builder->CreateStructGEP(NULL, dst, 1, "string_len");
-    Value* null_len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, fnv_seed);
-    Value* null_ptr = builder->CreateIntToPtr(null_len, codegen->ptr_type());
-    builder->CreateStore(null_ptr, dst_ptr);
-    builder->CreateStore(null_len, dst_len);
-    return;
-  } else {
-    Value* null_value = NULL;
-    int byte_size = type.GetByteSize();
-    // Get a type specific representation of fnv_seed
-    switch (type.type) {
-      case TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-        // In results, booleans are stored as 1 byte
-        dst = builder->CreateBitCast(dst, codegen->ptr_type());
-        null_value = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_TINYINT, fnv_seed);
-        break;
-      case TYPE_TIMESTAMP: {
-        // Cast 'dst' to 'i128*'
-        DCHECK_EQ(byte_size, 16);
-        PointerType* fnv_seed_ptr_type =
-            codegen->GetPtrType(Type::getIntNTy(codegen->context(), byte_size * 8));
-        dst = builder->CreateBitCast(dst, fnv_seed_ptr_type);
-        null_value = codegen->GetIntConstant(byte_size, fnv_seed, fnv_seed);
-        break;
-      }
-      case TYPE_TINYINT:
-      case TYPE_SMALLINT:
-      case TYPE_INT:
-      case TYPE_BIGINT:
-      case TYPE_DECIMAL:
-        null_value = codegen->GetIntConstant(byte_size, fnv_seed, fnv_seed);
-        break;
-      case TYPE_FLOAT: {
-        // Don't care about the value, just the bit pattern
-        float fnv_seed_float = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&fnv_seed);
-        null_value = ConstantFP::get(codegen->context(), APFloat(fnv_seed_float));
-        break;
-      }
-      case TYPE_DOUBLE: {
-        // Don't care about the value, just the bit pattern
-        double fnv_seed_double = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&fnv_seed);
-        null_value = ConstantFP::get(codegen->context(), APFloat(fnv_seed_double));
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        DCHECK(false);
-    }
-    builder->CreateStore(null_value, dst);
-  }
-// Codegen for evaluating a tuple row over either build_exprs_ or probe_exprs_.
-// For the case where we are joining on a single int, the IR looks like
-// define i1 @EvaBuildRow(%"class.impala::OldHashTable"* %this_ptr,
-//                        %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) {
-// entry:
-//   %null_ptr = alloca i1
-//   %0 = bitcast %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row to i8**
-//   %eval = call i32 @SlotRef(i8** %0, i8* null, i1* %null_ptr)
-//   %1 = load i1* %null_ptr
-//   br i1 %1, label %null, label %not_null
-// null:                                             ; preds = %entry
-//   ret i1 true
-// not_null:                                         ; preds = %entry
-//   store i32 %eval, i32* inttoptr (i64 46146336 to i32*)
-//   br label %continue
-// continue:                                         ; preds = %not_null
-//   %2 = zext i1 %1 to i8
-//   store i8 %2, i8* inttoptr (i64 46146248 to i8*)
-//   ret i1 false
-// }
-// For each expr, we create 3 code blocks.  The null, not null and continue blocks.
-// Both the null and not null branch into the continue block.  The continue block
-// becomes the start of the next block for codegen (either the next expr or just the
-// end of the function).
-Function* OldHashTable::CodegenEvalTupleRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, bool build) {
-  DCHECK_EQ(build_exprs_.size(), probe_exprs_.size());
-  const vector<ScalarExpr*>& exprs = build ? build_exprs_ : probe_exprs_;
-  for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
-    PrimitiveType type = exprs[i]->type().type;
-    if (type == TYPE_CHAR) return NULL;
-  }
-  // Get types to generate function prototype
-  Type* tuple_row_type = codegen->GetType(TupleRow::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(tuple_row_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = PointerType::get(tuple_row_type, 0);
-  Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(OldHashTable::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
-  LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, build ? "EvalBuildRow" : "EvalProbeRow",
-      codegen->GetType(TYPE_BOOLEAN));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("row", tuple_row_ptr_type));
-  LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
-  LlvmBuilder builder(context);
-  Value* args[2];
-  Function* fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, args);
-  Value* this_ptr = args[0];
-  Value* row = args[1];
-  Value* has_null = codegen->false_value();
-  IRFunction::Type fn_name = build ?
-  Function* get_expr_eval_fn = codegen->GetFunction(fn_name, false);
-  DCHECK(get_expr_eval_fn != NULL);
-  // Aggregation with no grouping exprs also use the hash table interface for
-  // code simplicity. In that case, there are no build exprs.
-  if (!exprs.empty()) {
-    // Load /
-    Value* eval_vector = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder, build ?
-        this_ptr, "eval_vector");
-    // Load expr_values_buffer_
-    Value* expr_values_buffer = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-        this_ptr, "expr_values_buffer");
-    // Load expr_values_null_bits_
-    Value* expr_value_null_bits = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-        this_ptr, "expr_value_null_bits");
-    for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
-      BasicBlock* null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "null", fn);
-      BasicBlock* not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "not_null", fn);
-      BasicBlock* continue_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "continue", fn);
-      // loc_addr = expr_values_buffer_ + expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i]
-      Value* llvm_loc = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(NULL, expr_values_buffer,
-          codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i]), "loc_addr");
-      llvm_loc = builder.CreatePointerCast(llvm_loc,
-          codegen->GetPtrType(exprs[i]->type()), "loc");
-      // Codegen GetValue() for exprs[i]
-      Function* expr_fn;
-      Status status = exprs[i]->GetCodegendComputeFn(codegen, &expr_fn);
-      if (!status.ok()) {
-        fn->eraseFromParent(); // deletes function
-        VLOG_QUERY << "Failed to codegen EvalTupleRow(): " << status.GetDetail();
-        return NULL;
-      }
-      // Load evals[i] and call GetValue()
-      Value* eval_arg =
-          codegen->CodegenArrayAt(&builder, eval_vector, i, "eval");
-      DCHECK(eval_arg->getType()->isPointerTy());
-      CodegenAnyVal result = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCallWrapped(codegen, &builder,
-          exprs[i]->type(), expr_fn, {eval_arg, row}, "result");
-      Value* is_null = result.GetIsNull();
-      // Set null-byte result
-      Value* null_bits = builder.CreateZExt(is_null, codegen->GetType(TYPE_TINYINT));
-      Value* llvm_null_bits_loc = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(NULL, expr_value_null_bits,
-          codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i), "null_bits_loc");
-      builder.CreateStore(null_bits, llvm_null_bits_loc);
-      builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, null_block, not_null_block);
-      // Null block
-      builder.SetInsertPoint(null_block);
-      if (!stores_nulls_) {
-        // hash table doesn't store nulls, no reason to keep evaluating exprs
-        builder.CreateRet(codegen->true_value());
-      } else {
-        CodegenAssignNullValue(codegen, &builder, llvm_loc, exprs[i]->type());
-        has_null = codegen->true_value();
-        builder.CreateBr(continue_block);
-      }
-      // Not null block
-      builder.SetInsertPoint(not_null_block);
-      result.ToNativePtr(llvm_loc);
-      builder.CreateBr(continue_block);
-      builder.SetInsertPoint(continue_block);
-    }
-  }
-  builder.CreateRet(has_null);
-  return codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn);
-uint32_t OldHashTable::HashVariableLenRow() {
-  uint32_t hash = initial_seed_;
-  // Hash the non-var length portions (if there are any)
-  if (var_result_begin_ != 0) {
-    hash = HashUtil::Hash(expr_values_buffer_, var_result_begin_, hash);
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < build_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
-    // non-string and null slots are already part of expr_values_buffer
-    if (build_exprs_[i]->type().type != TYPE_STRING &&
-        build_exprs_[i]->type().type != TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    void* loc = expr_values_buffer_ + expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i];
-    if (expr_value_null_bits_[i]) {
-      // Hash the null random seed values at 'loc'
-      hash = HashUtil::Hash(loc, sizeof(StringValue), hash);
-    } else {
-      // Hash the string
-      StringValue* str = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(loc);
-      hash = HashUtil::Hash(str->ptr, str->len, hash);
-    }
-  }
-  return hash;
-// Codegen for hashing the current row.  In the case with both string and non-string data
-// (group by int_col, string_col), the IR looks like:
-// define i32 @HashCurrentRow(%"class.impala::OldHashTable"* %this_ptr) {
-// entry:
-//   %0 = call i32 @IrCrcHash(i8* inttoptr (i64 51107808 to i8*), i32 16, i32 0)
-//   %1 = load i8* inttoptr (i64 29500112 to i8*)
-//   %2 = icmp ne i8 %1, 0
-//   br i1 %2, label %null, label %not_null
-// null:                                             ; preds = %entry
-//   %3 = call i32 @IrCrcHash(i8* inttoptr (i64 51107824 to i8*), i32 16, i32 %0)
-//   br label %continue
-// not_null:                                         ; preds = %entry
-//   %4 = load i8** getelementptr inbounds (
-//        %"struct.impala::StringValue"* inttoptr
-//          (i64 51107824 to %"struct.impala::StringValue"*), i32 0, i32 0)
-//   %5 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds (
-//        %"struct.impala::StringValue"* inttoptr
-//          (i64 51107824 to %"struct.impala::StringValue"*), i32 0, i32 1)
-//   %6 = call i32 @IrCrcHash(i8* %4, i32 %5, i32 %0)
-//   br label %continue
-// continue:                                         ; preds = %not_null, %null
-//   %7 = phi i32 [ %6, %not_null ], [ %3, %null ]
-//   ret i32 %7
-// }
-// TODO: can this be cross-compiled?
-Function* OldHashTable::CodegenHashCurrentRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < build_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
-    // Disable codegen for CHAR
-    if (build_exprs_[i]->type().type == TYPE_CHAR) return NULL;
-  }
-  // Get types to generate function prototype
-  Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(OldHashTable::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
-  LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "HashCurrentRow",
-      codegen->GetType(TYPE_INT));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
-  LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
-  LlvmBuilder builder(context);
-  Value* this_ptr;
-  Function* fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, &this_ptr);
-  // Load expr_values_buffer_
-  Value* expr_values_buffer = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-      IRFunction::OLD_HASH_TABLE_GET_EXPR_VALUES_BUFFER, this_ptr, "expr_values_buffer");
-  Value* hash_result = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, initial_seed_);
-  if (var_result_begin_ == -1) {
-    // No variable length slots, just hash what is in 'expr_values_buffer_'
-    if (results_buffer_size_ > 0) {
-      Function* hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction(results_buffer_size_);
-      Value* len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, results_buffer_size_);
-      hash_result = builder.CreateCall(hash_fn, {expr_values_buffer, len, hash_result});
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (var_result_begin_ > 0) {
-      Function* hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction(var_result_begin_);
-      Value* len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, var_result_begin_);
-      hash_result = builder.CreateCall(hash_fn, {expr_values_buffer, len, hash_result});
-    }
-    // Load expr_value_null_bits_
-    Value* expr_value_null_bits = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-        this_ptr, "expr_value_null_bits");
-    // Hash string slots
-    for (int i = 0; i < build_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
-      if (build_exprs_[i]->type().type != TYPE_STRING
-          && build_exprs_[i]->type().type != TYPE_VARCHAR) continue;
-      BasicBlock* null_block = NULL;
-      BasicBlock* not_null_block = NULL;
-      BasicBlock* continue_block = NULL;
-      Value* str_null_result = NULL;
-      Value* llvm_buffer_loc = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(NULL, expr_values_buffer,
-          codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i]), "buffer_loc");
-      // If the hash table stores nulls, we need to check if the stringval
-      // evaluated to NULL
-      if (stores_nulls_) {
-        null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "null", fn);
-        not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "not_null", fn);
-        continue_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "continue", fn);
-        // Load expr_values_null_bits_[i] and check if it's set.
-        Value* llvm_null_bits_loc = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(NULL, expr_value_null_bits,
-            codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i), "null_bits_loc");
-        Value* null_bits = builder.CreateLoad(llvm_null_bits_loc);
-        Value* is_null = builder.CreateICmpNE(null_bits,
-            codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_TINYINT, 0));
-        builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, null_block, not_null_block);
-        // For null, we just want to call the hash function on a portion of the data.
-        builder.SetInsertPoint(null_block);
-        Function* null_hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction(sizeof(StringValue));
-        Value* len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, sizeof(StringValue));
-        str_null_result = builder.CreateCall(null_hash_fn,
-            ArrayRef<Value*>({llvm_buffer_loc, len, hash_result}));
-        builder.CreateBr(continue_block);
-        builder.SetInsertPoint(not_null_block);
-      }
-      // Convert expr_values_buffer_ loc to llvm value
-      Value* str_val = builder.CreatePointerCast(llvm_buffer_loc,
-          codegen->GetPtrType(TYPE_STRING), "str_val");
-      Value* ptr = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, str_val, 0, "ptr");
-      Value* len = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, str_val, 1, "len");
-      ptr = builder.CreateLoad(ptr);
-      len = builder.CreateLoad(len);
-      // Call hash(ptr, len, hash_result);
-      Function* general_hash_fn = codegen->GetHashFunction();
-      Value* string_hash_result =
-          builder.CreateCall(general_hash_fn, ArrayRef<Value*>({ptr, len, hash_result}));
-      if (stores_nulls_) {
-        builder.CreateBr(continue_block);
-        builder.SetInsertPoint(continue_block);
-        // Use phi node to reconcile that we could have come from the string-null
-        // path and string not null paths.
-        PHINode* phi_node = builder.CreatePHI(codegen->GetType(TYPE_INT), 2);
-        phi_node->addIncoming(string_hash_result, not_null_block);
-        phi_node->addIncoming(str_null_result, null_block);
-        hash_result = phi_node;
-      } else {
-        hash_result = string_hash_result;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  builder.CreateRet(hash_result);
-  return codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn);
-bool OldHashTable::Equals(TupleRow* build_row) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < build_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
-    void* val = build_expr_evals_[i]->GetValue(build_row);
-    if (val == NULL) {
-      if (!(stores_nulls_ && finds_nulls_[i])) return false;
-      if (!expr_value_null_bits_[i]) return false;
-      continue;
-    } else {
-      if (expr_value_null_bits_[i]) return false;
-    }
-    void* loc = expr_values_buffer_ + expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i];
-    if (!RawValue::Eq(loc, val, build_exprs_[i]->type())) {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-// Codegen for OldHashTable::Equals.  For a hash table with two exprs (string,int), the
-// IR looks like:
-// define i1 @Equals(%"class.impala::OldHashTable"* %this_ptr,
-//                   %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) {
-// entry:
-//   %result = call i64 @GetSlotRef(%"class.impala::ScalarExpr"* inttoptr
-//                                  (i64 146381856 to %"class.impala::ScalarExpr"*),
-//                                  %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
-//   %0 = trunc i64 %result to i1
-//   br i1 %0, label %null, label %not_null
-// false_block:                            ; preds = %not_null2, %null1, %not_null, %null
-//   ret i1 false
-// null:                                             ; preds = %entry
-//   br i1 false, label %continue, label %false_block
-// not_null:                                         ; preds = %entry
-//   %1 = load i32* inttoptr (i64 104774368 to i32*)
-//   %2 = ashr i64 %result, 32
-//   %3 = trunc i64 %2 to i32
-//   %cmp_raw = icmp eq i32 %3, %1
-//   br i1 %cmp_raw, label %continue, label %false_block
-// continue:                                         ; preds = %not_null, %null
-//   %result4 = call { i64, i8* } @GetSlotRef1(
-//       %"class.impala::ScalarExpr"* inttoptr
-//       (i64 146381696 to %"class.impala::ScalarExpr"*),
-//       %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
-//   %4 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result4, 0
-//   %5 = trunc i64 %4 to i1
-//   br i1 %5, label %null1, label %not_null2
-// null1:                                            ; preds = %continue
-//   br i1 false, label %continue3, label %false_block
-// not_null2:                                        ; preds = %continue
-//   %6 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result4, 0
-//   %7 = ashr i64 %6, 32
-//   %8 = trunc i64 %7 to i32
-//   %result5 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result4, 1
-//   %cmp_raw6 = call i1 @_Z11StringValEQPciPKN6impala11StringValueE(
-//       i8* %result5, i32 %8, %"struct.impala::StringValue"* inttoptr
-//       (i64 104774384 to %"struct.impala::StringValue"*))
-//   br i1 %cmp_raw6, label %continue3, label %false_block
-// continue3:                                        ; preds = %not_null2, %null1
-//   ret i1 true
-// }
-Function* OldHashTable::CodegenEquals(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < build_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
-    // Disable codegen for CHAR
-    if (build_exprs_[i]->type().type == TYPE_CHAR) return NULL;
-  }
-  // Get types to generate function prototype
-  Type* tuple_row_type = codegen->GetType(TupleRow::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(tuple_row_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = PointerType::get(tuple_row_type, 0);
-  Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(OldHashTable::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
-  DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
-  PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
-  LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "Equals", codegen->GetType(TYPE_BOOLEAN));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
-  prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("row", tuple_row_ptr_type));
-  LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
-  LlvmBuilder builder(context);
-  Value* args[2];
-  Function* fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, args);
-  Value* this_ptr = args[0];
-  Value* row = args[1];
-  if (!build_exprs_.empty()) {
-    BasicBlock* false_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "false_block", fn);
-    // Load
-    Value* eval_vector = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-        this_ptr, "eval_vector");
-    // Load expr_values_buffer_
-    Value* expr_values_buffer = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-        this_ptr, "expr_values_buffer");
-    // Load expr_value_null_bits_
-    Value* expr_value_null_bits = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
-        this_ptr, "expr_value_null_bits");
-    for (int i = 0; i < build_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
-      BasicBlock* null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "null", fn);
-      BasicBlock* not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "not_null", fn);
-      BasicBlock* continue_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "continue", fn);
-      // Generate GetValue() of build_expr_evals_[i]
-      Function* expr_fn;
-      Status status = build_exprs_[i]->GetCodegendComputeFn(codegen, &expr_fn);
-      if (!status.ok()) {
-        fn->eraseFromParent(); // deletes function
-        VLOG_QUERY << "Failed to codegen Equals(): " << status.GetDetail();
-        return NULL;
-      }
-      // Call GetValue() on build_expr_evals_[i]
-      Value* eval_arg =
-          codegen->CodegenArrayAt(&builder, eval_vector, i, "eval");
-      CodegenAnyVal result = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCallWrapped(codegen, &builder,
-          build_exprs_[i]->type(), expr_fn, {eval_arg, row}, "result");
-      Value* is_null = result.GetIsNull();
-      // Determine if probe is null (i.e. expr_value_null_bits_[i] == true). In
-      // the case where the hash table does not store nulls, this is always false.
-      Value* probe_is_null = codegen->false_value();
-      if (stores_nulls_ && finds_nulls_[i]) {
-        Value* llvm_null_bits_loc = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(NULL, expr_value_null_bits,
-            codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i), "null_bits_loc");
-        Value* null_bits = builder.CreateLoad(llvm_null_bits_loc, "null_bits");
-        probe_is_null = builder.CreateICmpNE(null_bits,
-            codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_TINYINT, 0));
-      }
-      // Get llvm value for probe_val from 'expr_values_buffer_'
-      Value* probe_val = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(NULL, expr_values_buffer,
-          codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, expr_values_buffer_offsets_[i]), "probe_val");
-      probe_val = builder.CreatePointerCast(
-          probe_val, codegen->GetPtrType(build_exprs_[i]->type()));
-      // Branch for GetValue() returning NULL
-      builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, null_block, not_null_block);
-      // Null block
-      builder.SetInsertPoint(null_block);
-      builder.CreateCondBr(probe_is_null, continue_block, false_block);
-      // Not-null block
-      builder.SetInsertPoint(not_null_block);
-      if (stores_nulls_) {
-        BasicBlock* cmp_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "cmp", fn);
-        // First need to compare that probe_expr[i] is not null
-        builder.CreateCondBr(probe_is_null, false_block, cmp_block);
-        builder.SetInsertPoint(cmp_block);
-      }
-      // Check result == probe_val
-      Value* is_equal = result.EqToNativePtr(probe_val);
-      builder.CreateCondBr(is_equal, continue_block, false_block);
-      builder.SetInsertPoint(continue_block);
-    }
-    builder.CreateRet(codegen->true_value());
-    builder.SetInsertPoint(false_block);
-    builder.CreateRet(codegen->false_value());
-  } else {
-    builder.CreateRet(codegen->true_value());
-  }
-  return codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn);
-void OldHashTable::ResizeBuckets(int64_t num_buckets) {
-  DCHECK_EQ((num_buckets & (num_buckets-1)), 0)
-      << "num_buckets=" << num_buckets << " must be a power of 2";
-  int64_t old_num_buckets = num_buckets_;
-  // This can be a rather large allocation so check the limit before (to prevent
-  // us from going over the limits too much).
-  int64_t delta_size = (num_buckets - old_num_buckets) * sizeof(Bucket);
-  if (!mem_tracker_->TryConsume(delta_size)) {
-    MemLimitExceeded(delta_size);
-    return;
-  }
-  buckets_.resize(num_buckets);
-  // If we're doubling the number of buckets, all nodes in a particular bucket
-  // either remain there, or move down to an analogous bucket in the other half.
-  // In order to efficiently check which of the two buckets a node belongs in, the number
-  // of buckets must be a power of 2.
-  bool doubled_buckets = (num_buckets == old_num_buckets * 2);
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_buckets_; ++i) {
-    Bucket* bucket = &buckets_[i];
-    Bucket* sister_bucket = &buckets_[i + old_num_buckets];
-    Node* last_node = NULL;
-    Node* node = bucket->node;
-    while (node != NULL) {
-      Node* next = node->next;
-      uint32_t hash = node->hash;
-      bool node_must_move;
-      Bucket* move_to;
-      if (doubled_buckets) {
-        node_must_move = ((hash & old_num_buckets) != 0);
-        move_to = sister_bucket;
-      } else {
-        int64_t bucket_idx = hash & (num_buckets - 1);
-        node_must_move = (bucket_idx != i);
-        move_to = &buckets_[bucket_idx];
-      }
-      if (node_must_move) {
-        MoveNode(bucket, move_to, node, last_node);
-      } else {
-        last_node = node;
-      }
-      node = next;
-    }
-  }
-  num_buckets_ = num_buckets;
-  num_buckets_till_resize_ = MAX_BUCKET_OCCUPANCY_FRACTION * num_buckets_;
-void OldHashTable::GrowNodeArray() {
-  node_remaining_current_page_ = HT_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(Node);
-  next_node_ = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(mem_pool_->Allocate(HT_PAGE_SIZE));
-  ++num_data_pages_;
-  if (ImpaladMetrics::HASH_TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES != NULL) {
-    ImpaladMetrics::HASH_TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES->Increment(HT_PAGE_SIZE);
-  }
-  if (mem_tracker_->LimitExceeded()) MemLimitExceeded(HT_PAGE_SIZE);
-void OldHashTable::MemLimitExceeded(int64_t allocation_size) {
-  mem_limit_exceeded_ = true;
-  if (state_ != NULL) state_->SetMemLimitExceeded(mem_tracker_, allocation_size);
-string OldHashTable::DebugString(bool skip_empty, bool show_match,
-    const RowDescriptor* desc) {
-  stringstream ss;
-  ss << endl;
-  for (int i = 0; i < buckets_.size(); ++i) {
-    Node* node = buckets_[i].node;
-    bool first = true;
-    if (skip_empty && node == NULL) continue;
-    ss << i << ": ";
-    while (node != NULL) {
-      if (!first) ss << ",";
-      ss << node << "(" << node->data << ")";
-      if (desc != NULL) ss << " " << PrintRow(GetRow(node), *desc);
-      if (show_match) {
-        if (node->matched) {
-          ss << " [M]";
-        } else {
-          ss << " [U]";
-        }
-      }
-      node = node->next;
-      first = false;
-    }
-    ss << endl;
-  }
-  return ss.str();