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incubator-quickstep git commit: Removed unused constructor in FastSeparateChainingHashTable.

Repository: incubator-quickstep
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/fix-fasthash-destructor [created] 29fda90cf

Removed unused constructor in FastSeparateChainingHashTable.


Branch: refs/heads/fix-fasthash-destructor
Commit: 29fda90cf947d9f76530362996224975a141dcf4
Parents: ac3512c
Author: Harshad Deshmukh <>
Authored: Fri Sep 23 16:35:48 2016 -0500
Committer: Harshad Deshmukh <>
Committed: Fri Sep 23 16:35:48 2016 -0500

 storage/FastSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp | 174 -------------------------
 1 file changed, 174 deletions(-)
diff --git a/storage/FastSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp b/storage/FastSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp
index 886a8ca..26caea3 100644
--- a/storage/FastSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp
+++ b/storage/FastSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp
@@ -67,31 +67,6 @@ class FastSeparateChainingHashTable
                                 const std::vector<AggregationHandle *> &handles,
                                 StorageManager *storage_manager);
-  FastSeparateChainingHashTable(const std::vector<const Type *> &key_types,
-                                void *hash_table_memory,
-                                const std::size_t hash_table_memory_size,
-                                const bool new_hash_table,
-                                const bool hash_table_memory_zeroed);
-  // Delegating constructors for single scalar keys.
-  FastSeparateChainingHashTable(const Type &key_type,
-                                const std::size_t num_entries,
-                                StorageManager *storage_manager)
-      : FastSeparateChainingHashTable(std::vector<const Type *>(1, &key_type),
-                                      num_entries,
-                                      storage_manager) {}
-  FastSeparateChainingHashTable(const Type &key_type,
-                                void *hash_table_memory,
-                                const std::size_t hash_table_memory_size,
-                                const bool new_hash_table,
-                                const bool hash_table_memory_zeroed)
-      : FastSeparateChainingHashTable(std::vector<const Type *>(1, &key_type),
-                                      hash_table_memory,
-                                      hash_table_memory_size,
-                                      new_hash_table,
-                                      hash_table_memory_zeroed) {}
   ~FastSeparateChainingHashTable() override {
@@ -433,155 +408,6 @@ template <bool resizable,
           bool serializable,
           bool force_key_copy,
           bool allow_duplicate_keys>
-                              serializable,
-                              force_key_copy,
-                              allow_duplicate_keys>::
-    FastSeparateChainingHashTable(const std::vector<const Type *> &key_types,
-                                  void *hash_table_memory,
-                                  const std::size_t hash_table_memory_size,
-                                  const bool new_hash_table,
-                                  const bool hash_table_memory_zeroed)
-    : FastHashTable<resizable,
-                    serializable,
-                    force_key_copy,
-                    allow_duplicate_keys>(key_types,
-                                          hash_table_memory,
-                                          hash_table_memory_size,
-                                          new_hash_table,
-                                          hash_table_memory_zeroed,
-                                          false,
-                                          false,
-                                          true),
-      kBucketAlignment(alignof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) < alignof(std::uint8_t)
-                           ? alignof(std::uint8_t)
-                           : alignof(std::atomic<std::size_t>)),
-      kValueOffset(sizeof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) + sizeof(std::size_t)),
-      key_manager_(this->key_types_, kValueOffset + sizeof(std::uint8_t)),
-      bucket_size_(ComputeBucketSize(key_manager_.getFixedKeySize())) {
-  // Bucket size always rounds up to the alignment requirement of the atomic
-  // size_t "next" pointer at the front or a ValueT, whichever is larger.
-  //
-  // Make sure that the larger of the two alignment requirements also satisfies
-  // the smaller.
-  static_assert(
-      alignof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) < alignof(std::uint8_t)
-          ? alignof(std::uint8_t) % alignof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) == 0
-          : alignof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) % alignof(std::uint8_t) == 0,
-      "Alignment requirement of std::atomic<std::size_t> does not "
-      "evenly divide with alignment requirement of ValueT.");
-  // Give base HashTable information about what key components are stored
-  // inline from 'key_manager_'.
-  this->setKeyInline(key_manager_.getKeyInline());
-  // FIXME(chasseur): If we are reconstituting a HashTable using a block of
-  // memory whose start was aligned differently than the memory block that was
-  // originally used (modulo alignof(Header)), we could wind up with all of our
-  // data structures misaligned. If memory is inside a
-  // StorageBlock/StorageBlob, this will never occur, since the StorageManager
-  // always allocates slots aligned to kCacheLineBytes. Similarly, this isn't
-  // a problem for memory inside any other allocation aligned to at least
-  // alignof(Header) == kCacheLineBytes.
-  void *aligned_memory_start = this->hash_table_memory_;
-  std::size_t available_memory = this->hash_table_memory_size_;
-  if (align(alignof(Header),
-            sizeof(Header),
-            aligned_memory_start,
-            available_memory) == nullptr) {
-    FATAL_ERROR("Attempted to create a non-resizable "
-                << "SeparateChainingHashTable with "
-                << available_memory
-                << " bytes of memory at "
-                << aligned_memory_start
-                << " which either can not fit a "
-                << "SeparateChainingHashTable::Header or meet its alignement "
-                << "requirement.");
-  } else if (aligned_memory_start != this->hash_table_memory_) {
-    // In general, we could get memory of any alignment, although at least
-    // cache-line aligned would be nice.
-    DEV_WARNING("StorageBlob memory adjusted by "
-                << (this->hash_table_memory_size_ - available_memory)
-                << " bytes to meet alignment requirement for "
-                << "SeparateChainingHashTable::Header.");
-  }
-  header_ = static_cast<Header *>(aligned_memory_start);
-  aligned_memory_start =
-      static_cast<char *>(aligned_memory_start) + sizeof(Header);
-  available_memory -= sizeof(Header);
-  if (new_hash_table) {
-    std::size_t estimated_bucket_capacity =
-        available_memory /
-        (kHashTableLoadFactor * sizeof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) +
-         bucket_size_ + key_manager_.getEstimatedVariableKeySize());
-    std::size_t num_slots = get_previous_prime_number(
-        estimated_bucket_capacity * kHashTableLoadFactor);
-    // Fill in the header.
-    header_->num_slots = num_slots;
-    header_->num_buckets = num_slots / kHashTableLoadFactor;
-    header_->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-    header_->,
-                                                   std::memory_order_relaxed);
-  }
-  // Locate the slot array.
-  slots_ = static_cast<std::atomic<std::size_t> *>(aligned_memory_start);
-  aligned_memory_start = static_cast<char *>(aligned_memory_start) +
-                         sizeof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) * header_->num_slots;
-  available_memory -= sizeof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) * header_->num_slots;
-  if (new_hash_table && !hash_table_memory_zeroed) {
-    std::memset(
-        slots_, 0x0, sizeof(std::atomic<std::size_t>) * header_->num_slots);
-  }
-  // Locate the buckets.
-  buckets_ = aligned_memory_start;
-  // Extra-paranoid: sizeof(Header) should almost certainly be a multiple of
-  // kBucketAlignment, unless ValueT has some members with seriously big
-  // (> kCacheLineBytes) alignment requirements specified using alignas().
-  if (align(kBucketAlignment, bucket_size_, buckets_, available_memory) ==
-      nullptr) {
-    FATAL_ERROR("Attempted to create a non-resizable "
-                << "SeparateChainingHashTable with "
-                << this->hash_table_memory_size_
-                << " bytes of memory at "
-                << this->hash_table_memory_
-                << ", which can hold an aligned "
-                << "SeparateChainingHashTable::Header but does not have "
-                << "enough remaining space for even a single hash bucket.");
-  } else if (buckets_ != aligned_memory_start) {
-        "Bucket array start position adjusted to meet alignment "
-        "requirement for SeparateChainingHashTable's value type.");
-    if (header_->num_buckets * bucket_size_ > available_memory) {
-      DEBUG_ASSERT(new_hash_table);
-      --(header_->num_buckets);
-    }
-  }
-  available_memory -= bucket_size_ * header_->num_buckets;
-  // Make sure "next" pointers in buckets are zeroed-out.
-  if (new_hash_table && !hash_table_memory_zeroed) {
-    std::memset(buckets_, 0x0, header_->num_buckets * bucket_size_);
-  }
-  // Locate variable-length key storage region.
-  key_manager_.setVariableLengthStorageInfo(
-      static_cast<char *>(buckets_) + header_->num_buckets * bucket_size_,
-      available_memory,
-      &(header_->variable_length_bytes_allocated));
-template <bool resizable,
-          bool serializable,
-          bool force_key_copy,
-          bool allow_duplicate_keys>
 void FastSeparateChainingHashTable<resizable,