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Posted to by on 2007/07/24 23:22:19 UTC

svn commit: r559220 - in /incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca: antscripts/system.xml runtime/core/src/build.xml runtime/extensions/build.xml runtime/extensions/python/build.xml runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml

Author: robbinspg
Date: Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
New Revision: 559220

TUSCANY-1438 Apply Brady's patch update 4

    incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/python/build.xml   (with props)
    incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml   (with props)
    incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml   (with props)

Modified: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/antscripts/system.xml
--- incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/antscripts/system.xml (original)
+++ incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/antscripts/system.xml Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
       <property name="enable_python" value="true"/>
       <property name="python.lib.dir"     location="${platform.python.lib.dir}"/>
       <property name="python.include.dir" location="${platform.python.include.dir}"/>
-      <property name="python.version.dir" value="${platform.python.version}"/>
+      <property name="python.version"     value="${platform.python.version}"/>
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
         <property name="enable_python" value="true"/>
         <property name="python.lib.dir"     location="${env.PYTHON_LIB}"/>
         <property name="python.include.dir" location="${env.PYTHON_INCLUDE}"/>
-        <property name="python.version.dir" value="${env.PYTHON_VERSION}"/>
+        <property name="python.version"     value="${env.PYTHON_VERSION}"/>
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
      Base compiler definition
   <compiler id="Tuscany-BaseCompiler" multithreaded="true" exceptions="true" rtti="true">
-    <defineset if="windows" define="WIN32,_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE,SCA_EXPORTS"/>
+    <defineset if="windows" define="WIN32,_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE"/>
     <defineset if="mac" define="IS_DARWIN"/>
     <includepath path="${sdo.include.dir}"/>
     <includepath path="${tuscanySCA.root.src.dir}"/>

Modified: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/core/src/build.xml
--- incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/core/src/build.xml (original)
+++ incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/core/src/build.xml Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
@@ -225,28 +225,44 @@
-        infiles="${core.cpp.files}"/>
+        infiles="${core.cpp.files}">
+      <custom-cc-elements>
+        <defineset if="windows" define="SCA_EXPORTS"/>
+      </custom-cc-elements>
+    </cpp-compile>
   <target name="compile.extension">
-        infiles="${extension.cpp.files}"/>
+        infiles="${extension.cpp.files}">
+      <custom-cc-elements>
+        <defineset if="windows" define="SCA_EXPORTS"/>
+      </custom-cc-elements>
+    </cpp-compile>
   <target name="compile.model">
-        infiles="${model.cpp.files}"/>
+        infiles="${model.cpp.files}">
+      <custom-cc-elements>
+        <defineset if="windows" define="SCA_EXPORTS"/>
+      </custom-cc-elements>
+    </cpp-compile>
   <target name="compile.util">
-        infiles="${util.cpp.files}"/>
+        infiles="${util.cpp.files}">
+      <custom-cc-elements>
+        <defineset if="windows" define="SCA_EXPORTS"/>
+      </custom-cc-elements>
+    </cpp-compile>
     <!-- install -->

Modified: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/build.xml
--- incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/build.xml (original)
+++ incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/build.xml Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
@@ -84,27 +84,21 @@
   <target name="build.extension.php">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
+    <!-- TODO PHP build.xml not ready yet
     <ant target="build" antfile="${php.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
   <target name="build.extension.python">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="build" antfile="${python.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="build" antfile="${rest.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="build.extension.ruby">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="build" antfile="${ruby.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="">
@@ -122,27 +116,21 @@
   <target name="install.extension.php">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
+    <!-- TODO PHP build.xml not ready yet
     <ant target="install" antfile="${php.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
   <target name="install.extension.python">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="install" antfile="${python.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="install" antfile="${rest.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="install.extension.ruby">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="install" antfile="${ruby.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="">
@@ -160,27 +148,21 @@
   <target name="clean.extension.php">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
+    <!-- TODO PHP build.xml not ready yet
     <ant target="clean" antfile="${php.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
   <target name="clean.extension.python">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="clean" antfile="${python.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="clean" antfile="${rest.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="clean.extension.ruby">
-    <!-- TODO finish this
     <ant target="clean" antfile="${ruby.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
-    -->
   <target name="">

Added: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/python/build.xml
--- incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/python/build.xml (added)
+++ incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/python/build.xml Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+   distributed with this work for additional information
+   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+   specific language governing permissions and limitations
+   under the License.
+<project name="TuscanyScaNative_extension_python" default="all" basedir="../../..">
+  <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/system.xml"/>
+  <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/compile-targets.xml"/>
+  <!--
+    Notice that the basedir for this project is set to the TuscanySCA root dir
+    This makes path setting in system.xml much simpler, but we'll just have to
+    set a property here to this directory.
+  -->
+  <property name="this.dir"              location="${basedir}/runtime/extensions/python"/>
+  <property name="this.src.dir"          location="${basedir}/runtime/extensions/python/src"/>
+  <property name="python.xsd.dir"        location="${this.dir}/xsd"/>
+  <property name="python.core.dir"       location="${this.src.dir}/tuscany/sca/python"/>
+  <property name="python.model.dir"      location="${this.src.dir}/tuscany/sca/python/model"/>
+  <property name="lib.dir"               location="${this.src.dir}/.libs"/>
+  <property name="python.extension.lib"  value="tuscany_sca_python"/>
+  <property name="python.extension.install.dir"
+            location="${tuscanySCA.install.dir}/extensions/python"/>
+  <!--
+    All the cpp files per subdirectory
+    New classes should be added to these properties
+  -->
+  <property
+    name="python.core.cpp.files"
+    value="PythonExtension.cpp
+           PythonImplementationExtension.cpp
+           PythonInterfaceExtension.cpp
+           PythonServiceProxy.cpp
+           PythonServiceWrapper.cpp
+           sca_module.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="python.model.cpp.files"
+    value="PythonImplementation.cpp
+           PythonInterface.cpp
+           PythonReferenceBinding.cpp
+           PythonServiceBinding.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="python.xsd.files"
+    value="sca-implementation-python.xsd
+           sca-interface-python.xsd"/>
+  <!--
+    Public targets
+  -->
+  <target name="all"
+      description="Compile, link, and install all TuscanyScaNative python extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile"/>
+    <antcall target="link"/>
+    <antcall target="install"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="build" description="Compile and link all TuscanyScaNative python extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile"/>
+    <antcall target="link"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile" description="Compile all TuscanyScaNative python extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile.python.core"/>
+    <antcall target="compile.python.model"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="link" description="Link all TuscanyScaNative python extension source code">
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${python.extension.lib}"
+        outdir="${lib.dir}"
+        indir="${lib.dir}"
+        infiles="*${object.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="install" description="Install TuscanyScaNative python extension libraries and headers">
+    <antcall target="install.python.core"/>
+    <antcall target="install.python.xsd"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean" description="Clean all TuscanyScaNative python extension compiled source code">
+    <antcall target="clean.python.core"/>
+    <antcall target="clean.python.xsd"/>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+    Internal targets
+    They can still be called, they're just not described, so wont show up in "ant -p"
+  -->
+    <!-- compile -->
+  <target name="compile.python.core">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_python}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${python.core.dir}"
+            objdir="${lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${python.core.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
+            <includepath path="${python.include.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA python extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile.python.model">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_python}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${python.model.dir}"
+            objdir="${lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${python.model.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
+            <includepath path="${python.include.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA python extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+    <!-- install -->
+  <target name="install.python.core">
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${python.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${lib.prefix}${python.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"
+        srcdir="${lib.dir}"
+        destdir="${python.extension.install.dir}/lib"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${python.extension.install.dir}/lib"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${python.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${python.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${python.extension.install.dir}/module"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${python.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resourcedir="${python.extension.install.dir}/lib"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${python.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="install.python.xsd">
+    <cpp-install-files
+        files="${python.xsd.files}"
+        srcdir="${python.xsd.dir}"
+        destdir="${python.extension.install.dir}/xsd"/>
+  </target>
+    <!-- clean -->
+  <target name="clean.python.core">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${python.extension.install.dir}/lib"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${python.extension.install.dir}/module"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <delete dir="${lib.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean.python.xsd">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${python.extension.install.dir}/xsd"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+  </target>

Propchange: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/python/build.xml
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/python/build.xml
    svn:keywords = Rev Date

Added: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml
--- incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml (added)
+++ incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+   distributed with this work for additional information
+   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+   specific language governing permissions and limitations
+   under the License.
+<project name="TuscanyScaNative_extension_rest" default="all" basedir="../../..">
+  <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/system.xml"/>
+  <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/compile-targets.xml"/>
+  <!--
+    Notice that the basedir for this project is set to the TuscanySCA root dir
+    This makes path setting in system.xml much simpler, but we'll just have to
+    set a property here to this directory.
+  -->
+  <property name="this.dir"              location="${basedir}/runtime/extensions/rest"/>
+  <property name="interface.dir"         value="interface/src"/>
+  <property name="reference.dir"         value="reference/curl/src"/>
+  <property name="service.dir"           value="service/httpd/src"/>
+  <property name="rest.dir"              value="tuscany/sca/rest"/>
+  <property name="xsd.dir"               location="${this.dir}/xsd"/>
+  <property name="interface.core.dir"    location="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}/${rest.dir}"/>
+  <property name="interface.model.dir"   location="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}/${rest.dir}/model"/>
+  <property name="reference.core.dir"    location="${this.dir}/${reference.dir}/${rest.dir}"/>
+  <property name="reference.model.dir"   location="${this.dir}/${reference.dir}/${rest.dir}/model"/>
+  <property name="service.core.dir"      location="${this.dir}/${service.dir}/${rest.dir}"/>
+  <property name="service.model.dir"     location="${this.dir}/${service.dir}/${rest.dir}/model"/>
+  <property name="interface.lib.dir"     location="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}/.libs"/>
+  <property name="reference.lib.dir"     location="${this.dir}/${reference.dir}/.libs"/>
+  <property name="service.lib.dir"       location="${this.dir}/${service.dir}/.libs"/>
+  <property name="interface.extension.lib"    value="tuscany_sca_rest_interface"/>
+  <property name="reference.extension.lib"    value="tuscany_sca_rest_reference"/>
+  <property name="service.extension.lib"      value="tuscany_sca_rest_service"/>
+  <property name="service.mod.lib"            value="tuscany_sca_mod_rest"/>
+  <property name="rest.extension.install.dir" location="${tuscanySCA.install.dir}/extensions/rest"/>
+  <!--
+    All the cpp files per subdirectory
+    New classes should be added to these properties
+  -->
+  <property
+    name="interface.core.cpp.files"
+    value="RESTInterfaceExtension.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="interface.model.cpp.files"
+    value="RESTInterface.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="reference.core.cpp.files"
+    value="RESTServiceBindingExtension.cpp
+           RESTServiceWrapper.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="reference.model.cpp.files"
+    value="RESTServiceBinding.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="service.core.cpp.files"
+    value="ModREST.cpp
+           RESTReferenceBindingExtension.cpp
+           RESTServiceProxy.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="service.model.cpp.files"
+    value="RESTReferenceBinding.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="service.core.object.files"
+    value="RESTReferenceBindingExtension${object.ext}
+           RESTReferenceBinding${object.ext}
+           RESTServiceProxy${object.ext}"/>
+  <property
+    name="service.mod.object.files"
+    value="ModREST${object.ext}"/>
+  <property
+    name="xsd.files"
+    value="sca-binding-rest.xsd
+           sca-interface-rest.xsd"/>
+  <!--
+    Public targets
+  -->
+  <target name="all" description="Compile, link, and install all TuscanyScaNative rest extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile"/>
+    <antcall target="link"/>
+    <antcall target="install"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="build" description="Compile and link all TuscanyScaNative rest extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile"/>
+    <antcall target="link"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile" description="Compile all TuscanyScaNative rest extension source code">
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="link" description="Link all TuscanyScaNative rest extension source code">
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="install" description="Install TuscanyScaNative rest extension libraries and headers">
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean" description="Clean all TuscanyScaNative rest extension compiled source code">
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+    <antcall target=""/>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+    Internal targets
+    They can still be called, they're just not described, so wont show up in "ant -p"
+  -->
+    <!-- compile -->
+  <target name="">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_rest}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${interface.core.dir}"
+            objdir="${interface.lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${interface.core.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA rest extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_rest}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${interface.model.dir}"
+            objdir="${interface.lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${interface.model.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA rest extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_rest}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${reference.core.dir}"
+            objdir="${reference.lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${reference.core.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA rest extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_rest}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${reference.model.dir}"
+            objdir="${reference.lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${reference.model.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.dir}/${reference.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA rest extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_rest}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${service.core.dir}"
+            objdir="${service.lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${service.core.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${rest.httpd.include.dir}"/>
+            <includepath path="${this.dir}/${interface.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA rest extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_rest}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${service.model.dir}"
+            objdir="${service.lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${service.model.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.dir}/${service.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA rest extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+    <!-- link -->
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${interface.extension.lib}"
+        outdir="${interface.lib.dir}"
+        indir="${interface.lib.dir}"
+        infiles="*${object.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${reference.extension.lib}"
+        outdir="${reference.lib.dir}"
+        indir="${reference.lib.dir}"
+        infiles="*${object.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${service.extension.lib}"
+        outdir="${service.lib.dir}"
+        indir="${service.lib.dir}"
+        infiles="${service.core.object.files}"/>
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${service.mod.lib}"
+        outdir="${service.lib.dir}"
+        indir="${service.lib.dir}"
+        infiles="${service.mod.object.files}"/>
+  </target>
+    <!-- install -->
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${interface.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${lib.prefix}${interface.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"
+        srcdir="${interface.lib.dir}"
+        destdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface/lib"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface/lib"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${interface.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${interface.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface/module"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${interface.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resourcedir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface/lib"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${interface.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${reference.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${lib.prefix}${reference.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"
+        srcdir="${reference.lib.dir}"
+        destdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference/lib"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference/lib"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${reference.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${reference.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference/module"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${reference.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resourcedir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference/lib"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${reference.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+      <!-- install and link tuscany_sca_rest_service library -->
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${service.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${lib.prefix}${service.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"
+        srcdir="${service.lib.dir}"
+        destdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/lib"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/lib"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${service.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${service.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/module"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${service.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resourcedir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/lib"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${service.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"/>
+      <!-- install and link tuscany_sca_mod_rest library -->
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${service.mod.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${lib.prefix}${service.mod.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"
+        srcdir="${service.lib.dir}"
+        destdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/lib"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/lib"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${service.mod.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${service.mod.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-install-files
+        files="${xsd.files}"
+        srcdir="${xsd.dir}"
+        destdir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/xsd"/>
+  </target>
+    <!-- clean -->
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface/lib"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface/module"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/interface"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <delete dir="${interface.lib.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference/lib"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference/module"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/reference"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <delete dir="${reference.lib.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/lib"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service/module"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/service"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <delete dir="${service.lib.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${rest.extension.install.dir}/xsd"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+  </target>

Propchange: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/rest/build.xml
    svn:keywords = Rev Date

Added: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml
--- incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml (added)
+++ incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml Tue Jul 24 14:22:18 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+   distributed with this work for additional information
+   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+   specific language governing permissions and limitations
+   under the License.
+<project name="TuscanyScaNative_extension_ruby" default="all" basedir="../../..">
+  <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/system.xml"/>
+  <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/compile-targets.xml"/>
+  <!--
+    Notice that the basedir for this project is set to the TuscanySCA root dir
+    This makes path setting in system.xml much simpler, but we'll just have to
+    set a property here to this directory.
+  -->
+  <property name="this.dir"            location="${basedir}/runtime/extensions/ruby"/>
+  <property name="this.src.dir"        location="${basedir}/runtime/extensions/ruby/src"/>
+  <property name="ruby.xsd.dir"        location="${this.dir}/xsd"/>
+  <property name="ruby.core.dir"       location="${this.src.dir}/tuscany/sca/ruby"/>
+  <property name="ruby.model.dir"      location="${this.src.dir}/tuscany/sca/ruby/model"/>
+  <property name="ruby.extension.dir"  location="${this.dir}/extension/src"/>
+  <property name="lib.extension.dir"   location="${this.dir}/extension/.libs"/>
+  <property name="lib.dir"             location="${this.src.dir}/.libs"/>
+  <property name="ruby.core.lib"       value="tuscany_sca_ruby_lang"/>
+  <property name="ruby.extension.lib"  value="tuscany_sca_ruby"/>
+  <property name="ruby.install.dir"    location="${tuscanySCA.install.dir}/extensions/ruby"/>
+  <!--
+    All the cpp files per subdirectory
+    New classes should be added to these properties
+  -->
+  <property
+    name="ruby.core.cpp.files"
+    value="RubyCompositeContext.cpp
+           RubyExtension.cpp
+           RubyImplementationExtension.cpp
+           RubyServiceProxy.cpp
+           RubyServiceWrapper.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="ruby.model.cpp.files"
+    value="RubyImplementation.cpp
+           RubyReferenceBinding.cpp
+           RubyServiceBinding.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="ruby.extension.cpp.files"
+    value="Extension.cpp"/>
+  <property
+    name="ruby.xsd.files"
+    value="sca-implementation-ruby.xsd"/>
+  <!--
+    Public targets
+  -->
+  <target name="all"
+      description="Compile, link, and install all TuscanyScaNative ruby extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile"/>
+    <antcall target="link"/>
+    <antcall target="install"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="build" description="Compile and link all TuscanyScaNative ruby extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile"/>
+    <antcall target="link"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile" description="Compile all TuscanyScaNative ruby extension source code">
+    <antcall target="compile.ruby.core"/>
+    <antcall target="compile.ruby.model"/>
+    <antcall target="compile.ruby.extension"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="link" description="Link all TuscanyScaNative ruby extension source code">
+    <antcall target="link.ruby.core"/>
+    <antcall target="link.ruby.extension"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="install" description="Install TuscanyScaNative ruby extension libraries and headers">
+    <antcall target="install.ruby.core"/>
+    <antcall target="install.ruby.extension"/>
+    <antcall target="install.ruby.xsd"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean" description="Clean all TuscanyScaNative ruby extension compiled source code">
+    <antcall target="clean.ruby.core"/>
+    <antcall target="clean.ruby.extension"/>
+    <antcall target="clean.ruby.xsd"/>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+    Internal targets
+    They can still be called, they're just not described, so wont show up in "ant -p"
+  -->
+    <!-- compile -->
+  <target name="compile.ruby.core">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_ruby}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${ruby.core.dir}"
+            objdir="${lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${ruby.core.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
+            <includepath path="${ruby.include.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA ruby extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile.ruby.model">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_ruby}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${ruby.model.dir}"
+            objdir="${lib.dir}"
+            infiles="${ruby.model.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
+            <includepath path="${ruby.include.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA ruby extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile.ruby.extension">
+    <if>
+      <equals arg1="${enable_ruby}" arg2="true"/>
+      <then>
+        <cpp-compile
+            srcdir="${ruby.extension.dir}"
+            objdir="${lib.extension.dir}"
+            infiles="${ruby.extension.cpp.files}">
+          <custom-cc-elements>
+            <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
+            <includepath path="${ruby.include.dir}"/>
+          </custom-cc-elements>
+        </cpp-compile>
+      </then>
+      <else>
+        <echo
+            message="TuscanySCA ruby extension is not enabled"
+            level="warning"/>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+    <!-- link -->
+  <target name="link.ruby.core">
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${ruby.core.lib}"
+        outdir="${lib.dir}"
+        indir="${lib.dir}"
+        infiles="*${object.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="link.ruby.extension">
+    <cpp-link
+        outfile="${ruby.extension.lib}"
+        outdir="${lib.extension.dir}"
+        indir="${lib.extension.dir}"
+        infiles="*${object.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+    <!-- install -->
+  <target name="install.ruby.core">
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"
+        srcdir="${lib.dir}"
+        destdir="${ruby.install.dir}/lib"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${ruby.install.dir}/lib"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
+    <cpp-symlink
+        linkdir="${ruby.install.dir}/module"
+        link="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        resourcedir="${ruby.install.dir}/lib"
+        resource="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="install.ruby.extension">
+    <cpp-install-file
+        srcfile="${lib.prefix}${ruby.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        destfile="${ruby.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        srcdir="${lib.extension.dir}"
+        destdir="${ruby.install.dir}/lib"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="install.ruby.xsd">
+    <cpp-install-files
+        files="${ruby.xsd.files}"
+        srcdir="${ruby.xsd.dir}"
+        destdir="${ruby.install.dir}/xsd"/>
+  </target>
+    <!-- clean -->
+  <target name="clean.ruby.core">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${ruby.install.dir}/lib"
+        files="${lib.prefix}${ruby.core.lib}${lib.ext}*"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${ruby.install.dir}/module"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <delete dir="${lib.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean.ruby.extension">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${ruby.install.dir}/lib"
+        files="${ruby.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+    <delete dir="${lib.extension.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean.ruby.xsd">
+    <cpp-clean-files
+        dir="${ruby.install.dir}/xsd"
+        rmdir="true"/>
+  </target>

Propchange: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/ruby/build.xml
    svn:keywords = Rev Date

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