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[11/53] airavata git commit: Removed the bin directory which contained Thrift generated class files
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/aurora-api.thrift b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/aurora-api.thrift
deleted file mode 100644
index d721f64..0000000
--- a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/aurora-api.thrift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1238 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace java
-namespace py
-// Thrift interface definition for the aurora scheduler.
- * TODO(wfarner): It would be nice if we could put some HTML tags here, regex doesn't handle it though.
- * The result of an API operation.  A result may only be specified when this is OK.
- */
-enum ResponseCode {
-  OK              = 1,
-  ERROR           = 2,
-  WARNING         = 3,
-  AUTH_FAILED     = 4,
-  /** Raised when a Lock-protected operation failed due to lock validation. */
-  LOCK_ERROR      = 5,
-  /** Raised when a scheduler is transiently unavailable and later retry is recommended. */
-// Aurora executor framework name.
-const string AURORA_EXECUTOR_NAME = 'AuroraExecutor'
-// TODO(maxim): Remove in 0.7.0. (AURORA-749)
-struct Identity {
-  2: string user
-/** A single host attribute. */
-struct Attribute {
-  1: string name
-  2: set<string> values
-enum MaintenanceMode {
-  NONE      = 1,
-  DRAINING  = 3,
-  DRAINED   = 4
-/** The attributes assigned to a host. */
-struct HostAttributes {
-  1: string          host
-  2: set<Attribute>  attributes
-  3: optional MaintenanceMode mode
-  4: optional string slaveId
- * A constraint that specifies an explicit set of values, at least one of which must be present
- * on a host for a task to be scheduled there.
- */
-struct ValueConstraint {
-  /** If true, treat this as a 'not' - to avoid specific values. */
-  1: bool negated
-  2: set<string> values
- * A constraint the specifies the maximum number of active tasks on a host with a matching
- * attribute that may be scheduled simultaneously.
- */
-struct LimitConstraint {
-  1: i32 limit
-/** Types of constraints that may be applied to a task. */
-union TaskConstraint {
-  1: ValueConstraint value
-  2: LimitConstraint limit
-/** A constraint that defines whether a task may be scheduled on a host. */
-struct Constraint {
-  /** Mesos slave attribute that the constraint is matched against. */
-  1: string name
-  2: TaskConstraint constraint
-struct Package {
-  1: string role
-  2: string name
-  3: i32 version
-/** Arbitrary key-value metadata to be included into TaskConfig. */
-struct Metadata {
-  1: string key
-  2: string value
-/** A unique identifier for a Job. */
-struct JobKey {
-  /** User role (Unix service account), for example "mesos" */
-  1: string role
-  /** Environment, for example "devel" */
-  2: string environment
-  /** Name, for example "labrat" */
-  3: string name
-/** A unique lock key. */
-union LockKey {
-  1: JobKey job
-/** A generic lock struct to facilitate context specific resource/operation serialization. */
-struct Lock {
-  /** ID of the lock - unique per storage */
-  1: LockKey key
-  /** UUID - facilitating soft lock authorization */
-  2: string token
-  /** Lock creator */
-  3: string user
-  /** Lock creation timestamp in milliseconds */
-  4: i64 timestampMs
-  /** Optional message to record with the lock */
-  5: optional string message
-/** A unique identifier for the active task within a job. */
-struct InstanceKey {
-  /** Key identifying the job. */
-  1: JobKey jobKey
-  /** Unique instance ID for the active task in a job. */
-  2: i32 instanceId
-/** URI which mirrors CommandInfo.URI in the Mesos Protobuf */
-struct MesosFetcherURI {
-  /** Where to get the resource from */
-  1: string value
-  /** Extract compressed archive after downloading */
-  2: optional bool extract
-  /** Cache value using Mesos Fetcher caching mechanism **/
-  3: optional bool cache
-struct ExecutorConfig {
-  /** Name identifying the Executor. */
-  1: string name
-  /** Executor configuration data. */
-  2: string data
-/** The mode for a volume mount */
-enum Mode {
-  /** Read Write */
-  RW = 1
-  /** Read Only */
-  RO = 2
-/** A volume mount point within a container */
-struct Volume {
-  /** The path inside the container where the mount will be created. */
-  1: string containerPath
-  /** The path on the host that will serve as the source for the mount. */
-  2: string hostPath
-  /** The access mode */
-  3: Mode mode
-/** Describes an image for use with the Mesos unified containerizer in the Docker format */
-struct DockerImage {
-  /** The name of the image to run */
-  1: string name
-  /** The Docker tag identifying the image */
-  2: string tag
-/** Describes an image for use with the Mesos unified containerizer in the AppC format */
-struct AppcImage {
-  /** The name of the image to run */
-  1: string name
-  /** The appc image id identifying the image */
-  2: string imageId
-/** Describes an image to be used with the Mesos unified containerizer */
-union Image {
-  1: DockerImage docker
-  2: AppcImage appc
-/** Describes a mesos container, this is the default */
-struct MesosContainer {
-  /** the optional filesystem image to use when launching this task. */
-  1: optional Image image
-/** Describes a parameter passed to docker cli */
-struct DockerParameter {
-  /** a parameter to pass to docker. (e.g. volume) */
-  1: string name
-  /** the value to pass to a parameter (e.g. /src/webapp:/opt/webapp) */
-  2: string value
-/** Describes a docker container */
-struct DockerContainer {
-  /** The container image to be run */
-  1: string image
-  /** The arbitrary parameters to pass to container */
-  2: optional list<DockerParameter> parameters
-/** Describes a container to be used in a task */
-union Container {
-  1: MesosContainer mesos
-  2: DockerContainer docker
-/** Describes resource value required to run a task. */
-union Resource {
-  1: double numCpus
-  2: i64 ramMb
-  3: i64 diskMb
-  4: string namedPort
-  5: i64 numGpus
-/** Description of the tasks contained within a job. */
-struct TaskConfig {
- /** Job task belongs to. */
- 28: JobKey job
- // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-749.
- /** contains the role component of JobKey */
- 17: Identity owner
-  7: bool isService
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-1707.
-  8: double numCpus
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-1707.
-  9: i64 ramMb
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-1707.
- 10: i64 diskMb
- 11: i32 priority
- 13: i32 maxTaskFailures
- // TODO(mnurolahzade): Deprecated. See AURORA-1708.
- /** Whether this is a production task, which can preempt. */
- 18: optional bool production
- /** Task tier type. */
- 30: optional string tier
- /** All resources required to run a task. */
- 32: set<Resource> resources
- 20: set<Constraint> constraints
- /** a list of named ports this task requests */
- 21: set<string> requestedPorts
- /** Resources to retrieve with Mesos Fetcher */
- 33: optional set<MesosFetcherURI> mesosFetcherUris
- /**
-  * Custom links to include when displaying this task on the scheduler dashboard. Keys are anchor
-  * text, values are URLs. Wildcards are supported for dynamic link crafting based on host, ports,
-  * instance, etc.
-  */
- 22: optional map<string, string> taskLinks
- 23: optional string contactEmail
- /** Executor configuration */
- 25: optional ExecutorConfig executorConfig
- /** Used to display additional details in the UI. */
- 27: optional set<Metadata> metadata
- // This field is deliberately placed at the end to work around a bug in the immutable wrapper
- // code generator.  See AURORA-1185 for details.
- /** the container the task should use to execute */
- 29: Container container = { "mesos": {} }
-struct ResourceAggregate {
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-1707.
-  /** Number of CPU cores allotted. */
-  1: double numCpus
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-1707.
-  /** Megabytes of RAM allotted. */
-  2: i64 ramMb
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-1707.
-  /** Megabytes of disk space allotted. */
-  3: i64 diskMb
-  /** Aggregated resource values. */
-  4: set<Resource> resources
-/** Defines the policy for launching a new cron job when one is already running. */
-enum CronCollisionPolicy {
-  /** Kills the existing job with the colliding name, and runs the new cron job. */
-  /** Cancels execution of the new job, leaving the running job in tact. */
-  CANCEL_NEW    = 1,
-  /**
-   * DEPRECATED. For existing jobs, treated the same as CANCEL_NEW.
-   * createJob will reject jobs with this policy.
-   */
-  RUN_OVERLAP   = 2
- * Description of an Aurora job. One task will be scheduled for each instance within the job.
- */
-struct JobConfiguration {
-  /**
-   * Key for this job. If not specified name, owner.role, and a reasonable default environment are
-   * used to construct it server-side.
-   */
-  9: JobKey key
-  // TODO(maxim): Deprecated. See AURORA-749.
-  /** Owner of this job. */
-  7: Identity owner
-  /**
-   * If present, the job will be handled as a cron job with this crontab-syntax schedule.
-   */
-  4: optional string cronSchedule
-  /** Collision policy to use when handling overlapping cron runs.  Default is KILL_EXISTING. */
-  5: CronCollisionPolicy cronCollisionPolicy
-  /** Task configuration for this job. */
-  6: TaskConfig taskConfig
-  /**
-   * The number of instances in the job. Generated instance IDs for tasks will be in the range
-   * [0, instances).
-   */
-  8: i32 instanceCount
-struct JobStats {
-  /** Number of tasks in active state for this job. */
-  1: i32 activeTaskCount
-  /** Number of tasks in finished state for this job. */
-  2: i32 finishedTaskCount
-  /** Number of failed tasks for this job. */
-  3: i32 failedTaskCount
-  /** Number of tasks in pending state for this job. */
-  4: i32 pendingTaskCount
-struct JobSummary {
-  1: JobConfiguration job
-  2: JobStats stats
-  /** Timestamp of next cron run in ms since epoch, for a cron job */
-  3: optional i64 nextCronRunMs
-/** Closed range of integers. */
-struct Range {
-  1: i32 first
-  2: i32 last
-struct ConfigGroup {
-  1: TaskConfig config
-  3: set<Range> instances
-struct ConfigSummary {
-  1: JobKey key
-  2: set<ConfigGroup> groups
-struct PopulateJobResult {
-  2: TaskConfig taskConfig
-struct GetQuotaResult {
-  /** Total allocated resource quota. */
-  1: ResourceAggregate quota
-  /** Resources consumed by production jobs from a shared resource pool. */
-  2: optional ResourceAggregate prodSharedConsumption
-  /** Resources consumed by non-production jobs from a shared resource pool. */
-  3: optional ResourceAggregate nonProdSharedConsumption
-  /** Resources consumed by production jobs from a dedicated resource pool. */
-  4: optional ResourceAggregate prodDedicatedConsumption
-  /** Resources consumed by non-production jobs from a dedicated resource pool. */
-  5: optional ResourceAggregate nonProdDedicatedConsumption
-/** States that a task may be in. */
-enum ScheduleStatus {
-  // TODO(maxim): This state does not add much value. Consider dropping it completely.
-  /* Initial state for a task.  A task will remain in this state until it has been persisted. */
-  INIT             = 11,
-  /** The task will be rescheduled, but is being throttled for restarting too frequently. */
-  THROTTLED        = 16,
-  /** Task is awaiting assignment to a slave. */
-  PENDING          = 0,
-  /** Task has been assigned to a slave. */
-  ASSIGNED         = 9,
-  /** Slave has acknowledged receipt of task and is bootstrapping the task. */
-  STARTING         = 1,
-  /** The task is running on the slave. */
-  RUNNING          = 2,
-  /** The task terminated with an exit code of zero. */
-  FINISHED         = 3,
-  /** The task is being preempted by another task. */
-  PREEMPTING       = 13,
-  /** The task is being restarted in response to a user request. */
-  RESTARTING       = 12,
-  /** The task is being restarted in response to a host maintenance request. */
-  DRAINING         = 17,
-  /** The task terminated with a non-zero exit code. */
-  FAILED           = 4,
-  /** Execution of the task was terminated by the system. */
-  KILLED           = 5,
-  /** The task is being forcibly killed. */
-  KILLING          = 6,
-  /** A fault in the task environment has caused the system to believe the task no longer exists.
-   * This can happen, for example, when a slave process disappears.
-   */
-  LOST             = 7
-// States that a task may be in while still considered active.
-const set<ScheduleStatus> ACTIVE_STATES = [ScheduleStatus.ASSIGNED,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.DRAINING,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.KILLING,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.PENDING,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.PREEMPTING,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.RESTARTING
-                                           ScheduleStatus.RUNNING,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.STARTING,
-                                           ScheduleStatus.THROTTLED]
-// States that a task may be in while associated with a slave machine and non-terminal.
-const set<ScheduleStatus> SLAVE_ASSIGNED_STATES = [ScheduleStatus.ASSIGNED,
-                                                   ScheduleStatus.DRAINING,
-                                                   ScheduleStatus.KILLING,
-                                                   ScheduleStatus.PREEMPTING,
-                                                   ScheduleStatus.RESTARTING,
-                                                   ScheduleStatus.RUNNING,
-                                                   ScheduleStatus.STARTING]
-// States that a task may be in while in an active sandbox.
-const set<ScheduleStatus> LIVE_STATES = [ScheduleStatus.KILLING,
-                                         ScheduleStatus.PREEMPTING,
-                                         ScheduleStatus.RESTARTING,
-                                         ScheduleStatus.DRAINING,
-                                         ScheduleStatus.RUNNING]
-// States a completed task may be in.
-const set<ScheduleStatus> TERMINAL_STATES = [ScheduleStatus.FAILED,
-                                             ScheduleStatus.FINISHED,
-                                             ScheduleStatus.KILLED,
-                                             ScheduleStatus.LOST]
-// Regular expressions for matching valid identifiers for job path components. All expressions
-// below should accept and reject the same set of inputs.
-const string GOOD_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = "^[\\w\\-\\.]+$"
-// JVM: Use with java.util.regex.Pattern#compile
-// Python: Use with re.compile
-/** Event marking a state transition within a task's lifecycle. */
-struct TaskEvent {
-  /** Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. */
-  1: i64 timestamp
-  /** New status of the task. */
-  2: ScheduleStatus status
-  /** Audit message that explains why a transition occurred. */
-  3: optional string message
-  /** Hostname of the scheduler machine that performed the event. */
-  4: optional string scheduler
-/** A task assignment that is provided to an executor. */
-struct AssignedTask {
-  /** The mesos task ID for this task.  Guaranteed to be globally unique */
-  1: string taskId
-  /**
-   * The mesos slave ID that this task has been assigned to.
-   * This will not be populated for a PENDING task.
-   */
-  2: string slaveId
-  /**
-   * The name of the machine that this task has been assigned to.
-   * This will not be populated for a PENDING task.
-   */
-  3: string slaveHost
-  /** Information about how to run this task. */
-  4: TaskConfig task
-  /** Ports reserved on the machine while this task is running. */
-  5: map<string, i32> assignedPorts
-  /**
-   * The instance ID assigned to this task. Instance IDs must be unique and contiguous within a
-   * job, and will be in the range [0, N-1] (inclusive) for a job that has N instances.
-   */
-  6: i32 instanceId
-/** A task that has been scheduled. */
-struct ScheduledTask {
-  /** The task that was scheduled. */
-  1: AssignedTask assignedTask
-  /** The current status of this task. */
-  2: ScheduleStatus status
-  /**
-   * The number of failures that this task has accumulated over the multi-generational history of
-   * this task.
-   */
-  3: i32 failureCount
-  /** State change history for this task. */
-  4: list<TaskEvent> taskEvents
-  /**
-   * The task ID of the previous generation of this task.  When a task is automatically rescheduled,
-   * a copy of the task is created and ancestor ID of the previous task's task ID.
-   */
-  5: string ancestorId
-struct ScheduleStatusResult {
-  1: list<ScheduledTask> tasks
-struct GetJobsResult {
-  1: set<JobConfiguration> configs
- * Contains a set of restrictions on matching tasks where all restrictions must be met
- * (terms are AND'ed together).
- */
-struct TaskQuery {
-  14: string role
-  9: string environment
-  2: string jobName
-  4: set<string> taskIds
-  5: set<ScheduleStatus> statuses
-  7: set<i32> instanceIds
-  10: set<string> slaveHosts
-  11: set<JobKey> jobKeys
-  12: i32 offset
-  13: i32 limit
-struct HostStatus {
-  1: string host
-  2: MaintenanceMode mode
-struct RoleSummary {
-  1: string role
-  2: i32 jobCount
-  3: i32 cronJobCount
-struct Hosts {
-  1: set<string> hostNames
-struct PendingReason {
-  1: string taskId
-  2: string reason
-/** States that a job update may be in. */
-enum JobUpdateStatus {
-  /** Update is in progress. */
-  /** Update has failed and is being rolled back. */
-  /** Update has been paused while in progress. */
-  /** Update has been paused during rollback. */
-  /** Update has completed successfully. */
-  /** Update has failed and rolled back. */
-  /** Update was aborted. */
-  ABORTED = 6,
-  /** Unknown error during update. */
-  ERROR = 7,
-  /**
-   * Update failed to complete.
-   * This can happen if failure thresholds are met while rolling forward, but rollback is disabled,
-   * or if failure thresholds are met when rolling back.
-   */
-  FAILED = 8,
-  /** Update has been blocked while in progress due to missing/expired pulse. */
-  /** Update has been blocked during rollback due to missing/expired pulse. */
-/** States the job update can be in while still considered active. */
-const set<JobUpdateStatus> ACTIVE_JOB_UPDATE_STATES = [JobUpdateStatus.ROLLING_FORWARD,
-                                                       JobUpdateStatus.ROLLING_BACK,
-                                                       JobUpdateStatus.ROLL_FORWARD_PAUSED,
-                                                       JobUpdateStatus.ROLL_BACK_PAUSED,
-                                                       JobUpdateStatus.ROLL_FORWARD_AWAITING_PULSE,
-                                                       JobUpdateStatus.ROLL_BACK_AWAITING_PULSE]
-/** Job update actions that can be applied to job instances. */
-enum JobUpdateAction {
-  /**
-   * An instance was moved to the target state successfully, and declared healthy if the desired
-   * state did not involve deleting the instance.
-   */
-  /**
-   * An instance was rolled back because the job update did not succeed.  The instance was reverted
-   * to the original state prior to the job update, which means that the instance was removed if
-   * the update added instances to the job.
-   */
-  /**
-   * An instance is being moved from the original state to the desired state.
-   */
-  /**
-   * An instance is being moved from the desired state back to the original state, because the job
-   * update failed.
-   */
-  /** An instance update was attempted but failed and was not rolled back. */
-  /** An instance rollback was attempted but failed. */
-/** Status of the coordinated update. Intended as a response to pulseJobUpdate RPC. */
-enum JobUpdatePulseStatus {
-  /**
-   *  Update is active. See ACTIVE_JOB_UPDATE_STATES for statuses considered active.
-   */
-  OK = 1,
-  /**
-   * Update has reached terminal state. See TERMINAL_JOB_UPDATE_STATES for statuses
-   * considered terminal.
-   */
-/** Job update key. */
-struct JobUpdateKey {
-  /** Job being updated */
-  1: JobKey job
-  /** Update ID. */
-  2: string id
-/** Job update thresholds and limits. */
-struct JobUpdateSettings {
-  /** Max number of instances being updated at any given moment. */
-  1: i32 updateGroupSize
-  /** Max number of instance failures to tolerate before marking instance as FAILED. */
-  2: i32 maxPerInstanceFailures
-  /** Max number of FAILED instances to tolerate before terminating the update. */
-  3: i32 maxFailedInstances
-  /** Min time to watch a RUNNING instance. */
-  5: i32 minWaitInInstanceRunningMs
-  /** If true, enables failed update rollback. */
-  6: bool rollbackOnFailure
-  /** Instance IDs to act on. All instances will be affected if this is not set. */
-  7: set<Range> updateOnlyTheseInstances
-  /**
-   * If true, use updateGroupSize as strict batching boundaries, and avoid proceeding to another
-   * batch until the preceding batch finishes updating.
-   */
-  8: bool waitForBatchCompletion
- /**
-  * If set, requires external calls to pulseJobUpdate RPC within the specified rate for the
-  * update to make progress. If no pulses received within specified interval the update will
-  * block. A blocked update is unable to continue but retains its current status. It may only get
-  * unblocked by a fresh pulseJobUpdate call.
-  */
-  9: optional i32 blockIfNoPulsesAfterMs
-/** Event marking a state transition in job update lifecycle. */
-struct JobUpdateEvent {
-  /** Update status. */
-  1: JobUpdateStatus status
-  /** Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. */
-  2: i64 timestampMs
-  /** User who performed this event (if user-initiated). */
-  3: optional string user
-  /**
-   * Message from the user (for user-initiated transitions) or the scheduler about why the state was
-   * changed.
-   */
-  4: optional string message
-/** Event marking a state transition in job instance update lifecycle. */
-struct JobInstanceUpdateEvent {
-  /** Job instance ID. */
-  1: i32 instanceId
-  /** Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. */
-  2: i64 timestampMs
-  /** Job update action taken on the instance. */
-  3: JobUpdateAction action
-/** Maps instance IDs to TaskConfigs it. */
-struct InstanceTaskConfig {
-  /** A TaskConfig associated with instances. */
-  1: TaskConfig task
-  /** Instances associated with the TaskConfig. */
-  2: set<Range> instances
-/** Current job update state including status and created/modified timestamps. */
-struct JobUpdateState {
-  /** Current status of the update. */
-  1: JobUpdateStatus status
-  /** Created timestamp in milliseconds. */
-  2: i64 createdTimestampMs
-  /** Last modified timestamp in milliseconds. */
-  3: i64 lastModifiedTimestampMs
-/** Summary of the job update including job key, user and current state. */
-struct JobUpdateSummary {
-  /** Unique identifier for the update. */
-  5: JobUpdateKey key
-  /** User initiated an update. */
-  3: string user
-  /** Current job update state. */
-  4: JobUpdateState state
-  /** Update metadata supplied by the client. */
-  6: optional set<Metadata> metadata
-/** Update configuration and setting details. */
-struct JobUpdateInstructions {
-  /** Actual InstanceId -> TaskConfig mapping when the update was requested. */
-  1: set<InstanceTaskConfig> initialState
-  /** Desired configuration when the update completes. */
-  2: InstanceTaskConfig desiredState
-  /** Update specific settings. */
-  3: JobUpdateSettings settings
-/** Full definition of the job update. */
-struct JobUpdate {
-  /** Update summary. */
-  1: JobUpdateSummary summary
-  /** Update configuration. */
-  2: JobUpdateInstructions instructions
-struct JobUpdateDetails {
-  /** Update definition. */
-  1: JobUpdate update
-  /** History for this update. */
-  2: list<JobUpdateEvent> updateEvents
-  /** History for the individual instances updated. */
-  3: list<JobInstanceUpdateEvent> instanceEvents
-/** A request to update the following instances of an existing job. Used by startUpdate. */
-struct JobUpdateRequest {
-  /** Desired TaskConfig to apply. */
-  1: TaskConfig taskConfig
-  /** Desired number of instances of the task config. */
-  2: i32 instanceCount
-  /** Update settings and limits. */
-  3: JobUpdateSettings settings
-  /** Update metadata supplied by the client issuing the JobUpdateRequest. */
-  4: optional set<Metadata> metadata
- * Contains a set of restrictions on matching job updates where all restrictions must be met
- * (terms are AND'ed together).
- */
-struct JobUpdateQuery {
-  /** Job role. */
-  2: string role
-  /** Unique identifier for a job update. */
-  8: JobUpdateKey key
-  /** Job key. */
-  3: JobKey jobKey
-  /** User who created the update. */
-  4: string user
-  /** Set of update statuses. */
-  5: set<JobUpdateStatus> updateStatuses
-  /** Offset to serve data from. Used by pagination. */
-  6: i32 offset
-  /** Number or records to serve. Used by pagination. */
-  7: i32 limit
-struct ListBackupsResult {
-  1: set<string> backups
-struct StartMaintenanceResult {
-  1: set<HostStatus> statuses
-struct DrainHostsResult {
-  1: set<HostStatus> statuses
-struct QueryRecoveryResult {
-  1: set<ScheduledTask> tasks
-struct MaintenanceStatusResult {
-  1: set<HostStatus> statuses
-struct EndMaintenanceResult {
-  1: set<HostStatus> statuses
-struct RoleSummaryResult {
-  1: set<RoleSummary> summaries
-struct JobSummaryResult {
-  1: set<JobSummary> summaries
-struct ConfigSummaryResult {
-  1: ConfigSummary summary
-struct GetPendingReasonResult {
-  1: set<PendingReason> reasons
-/** Result of the startUpdate call. */
-struct StartJobUpdateResult {
-  /** Unique identifier for the job update. */
-  1: JobUpdateKey key
-  /** Summary of the update that is in progress for the given JobKey. */
-  2: optional JobUpdateSummary updateSummary
-/** Result of the getJobUpdateSummaries call. */
-struct GetJobUpdateSummariesResult {
-  1: list<JobUpdateSummary> updateSummaries
-/** Result of the getJobUpdateDetails call. */
-struct GetJobUpdateDetailsResult {
-  // TODO(zmanji): Remove this once we complete AURORA-1765
-  1: JobUpdateDetails details
-  2: list<JobUpdateDetails> detailsList
-/** Result of the pulseJobUpdate call. */
-struct PulseJobUpdateResult {
-  1: JobUpdatePulseStatus status
-struct GetJobUpdateDiffResult {
-  /** Instance addition diff details. */
-  1: set<ConfigGroup> add
-  /** Instance removal diff details. */
-  2: set<ConfigGroup> remove
-  /** Instance update diff details. */
-  3: set<ConfigGroup> update
-  /** Instances unchanged by the update. */
-  4: set<ConfigGroup> unchanged
-/** Tier information. */
-struct TierConfig {
-  /** Name of tier. */
-  1: string name
-  /** Tier attributes. */
-  2: map<string, string> settings
-/** Result of the getTierConfigResult call. */
-struct GetTierConfigResult {
-  /** Name of the default tier. */
-  1: string defaultTierName
-  /** Set of tier configurations. */
-  2: set<TierConfig> tiers
-/** Information about the scheduler. */
-struct ServerInfo {
-  1: string clusterName
-  /** A url prefix for job container stats. */
-  3: string statsUrlPrefix
-union Result {
-  1: PopulateJobResult populateJobResult
-  3: ScheduleStatusResult scheduleStatusResult
-  4: GetJobsResult getJobsResult
-  5: GetQuotaResult getQuotaResult
-  6: ListBackupsResult listBackupsResult
-  7: StartMaintenanceResult startMaintenanceResult
-  8: DrainHostsResult drainHostsResult
-  9: QueryRecoveryResult queryRecoveryResult
-  10: MaintenanceStatusResult maintenanceStatusResult
-  11: EndMaintenanceResult endMaintenanceResult
-  17: RoleSummaryResult roleSummaryResult
-  18: JobSummaryResult jobSummaryResult
-  20: ConfigSummaryResult configSummaryResult
-  21: GetPendingReasonResult getPendingReasonResult
-  22: StartJobUpdateResult startJobUpdateResult
-  23: GetJobUpdateSummariesResult getJobUpdateSummariesResult
-  24: GetJobUpdateDetailsResult getJobUpdateDetailsResult
-  25: PulseJobUpdateResult pulseJobUpdateResult
-  26: GetJobUpdateDiffResult getJobUpdateDiffResult
-  27: GetTierConfigResult getTierConfigResult
-struct ResponseDetail {
-  1: string message
-struct Response {
-  1: ResponseCode responseCode
-  5: ServerInfo serverInfo
-  /** Payload from the invoked RPC. */
-  3: optional Result result
-  /**
-   * Messages from the server relevant to the request, such as warnings or use of deprecated
-   * features.
-   */
-  6: list<ResponseDetail> details
-// A service that provides all the read only calls to the Aurora scheduler.
-service ReadOnlyScheduler {
-  /** Returns a summary of the jobs grouped by role. */
-  Response getRoleSummary()
-  /** Returns a summary of jobs, optionally only those owned by a specific role. */
-  Response getJobSummary(1: string role)
-  /** Fetches the status of tasks. */
-  Response getTasksStatus(1: TaskQuery query)
-  /**
-   * Same as getTaskStatus but without the TaskConfig.ExecutorConfig data set.
-   * This is an interim solution until we have a better way to query TaskConfigs (AURORA-541).
-   */
-  Response getTasksWithoutConfigs(1: TaskQuery query)
-  /** Returns user-friendly reasons (if available) for tasks retained in PENDING state. */
-  Response getPendingReason(1: TaskQuery query)
-  /** Fetches the configuration summary of active tasks for the specified job. */
-  Response getConfigSummary(1: JobKey job)
-  /**
-   * Fetches the status of jobs.
-   * ownerRole is optional, in which case all jobs are returned.
-   */
-  Response getJobs(1: string ownerRole)
-  /** Fetches the quota allocated for a user. */
-  Response getQuota(1: string ownerRole)
-  /**
-   * Populates fields in a job configuration as though it were about to be run.
-   * This can be used to diff a configuration running tasks.
-   */
-  Response populateJobConfig(1: JobConfiguration description)
-  /** Gets job update summaries. */
-  Response getJobUpdateSummaries(1: JobUpdateQuery jobUpdateQuery)
-  /** Gets job update details. */
-  // TODO(zmanji): `key` is deprecated, remove this with AURORA-1765
-  Response getJobUpdateDetails(1: JobUpdateKey key, 2: JobUpdateQuery query)
-  /** Gets the diff between client (desired) and server (current) job states. */
-  Response getJobUpdateDiff(1: JobUpdateRequest request)
-  /** Gets tier configurations. */
-  Response getTierConfigs()
-service AuroraSchedulerManager extends ReadOnlyScheduler {
-  /**
-   * Creates a new job.  The request will be denied if a job with the provided name already exists
-   * in the cluster.
-   */
-  Response createJob(1: JobConfiguration description)
-  /**
-   * Enters a job into the cron schedule, without actually starting the job.
-   * If the job is already present in the schedule, this will update the schedule entry with the new
-   * configuration.
-   */
-  Response scheduleCronJob(1: JobConfiguration description)
-  /**
-   * Removes a job from the cron schedule. The request will be denied if the job was not previously
-   * scheduled with scheduleCronJob.
-   */
-  Response descheduleCronJob(4: JobKey job)
-  /**
-   * Starts a cron job immediately.  The request will be denied if the specified job does not
-   * exist for the role account, or the job is not a cron job.
-   */
-  Response startCronJob(4: JobKey job)
-  /** Restarts a batch of shards. */
-  Response restartShards(5: JobKey job, 3: set<i32> shardIds)
-  /** Initiates a kill on tasks. */
-  Response killTasks(4: JobKey job, 5: set<i32> instances)
-  /**
-   * Adds new instances with the TaskConfig of the existing instance pointed by the key.
-   */
-  Response addInstances(3: InstanceKey key, 4: i32 count)
-  // TODO(maxim): reevaluate if it's still needed when client updater is gone (AURORA-785).
-  /**
-   * Replaces the template (configuration) for the existing cron job.
-   * The cron job template (configuration) must exist for the call to succeed.
-   */
-  Response replaceCronTemplate(1: JobConfiguration config)
-  /** Starts update of the existing service job. */
-  Response startJobUpdate(
-      /** A description of how to change the job. */
-      1: JobUpdateRequest request,
-      /** A user-specified message to include with the induced job update state change. */
-      3: string message)
-  /**
-   * Pauses the specified job update. Can be resumed by resumeUpdate call.
-   */
-  Response pauseJobUpdate(
-      /** The update to pause. */
-      1: JobUpdateKey key,
-      /** A user-specified message to include with the induced job update state change. */
-      3: string message)
-  /** Resumes progress of a previously paused job update. */
-  Response resumeJobUpdate(
-      /** The update to resume. */
-      1: JobUpdateKey key,
-      /** A user-specified message to include with the induced job update state change. */
-      3: string message)
-  /** Permanently aborts the job update. Does not remove the update history. */
-  Response abortJobUpdate(
-      /** The update to abort. */
-      1: JobUpdateKey key,
-      /** A user-specified message to include with the induced job update state change. */
-      3: string message)
-  /**
-   * Rollbacks the specified active job update to the initial state.
-   */
-  Response rollbackJobUpdate(
-      /** The update to rollback. */
-      1: JobUpdateKey key,
-      /** A user-specified message to include with the induced job update state change. */
-      2: string message)
-  /**
-   * Allows progress of the job update in case blockIfNoPulsesAfterMs is specified in
-   * JobUpdateSettings. Unblocks progress if the update was previously blocked.
-   * Responds with ResponseCode.INVALID_REQUEST in case an unknown update key is specified.
-   */
-  Response pulseJobUpdate(1: JobUpdateKey key)
-struct InstanceConfigRewrite {
-  /** Key for the task to rewrite. */
-  1: InstanceKey instanceKey
-  /** The original configuration. */
-  2: TaskConfig oldTask
-  /** The rewritten configuration. */
-  3: TaskConfig rewrittenTask
-struct JobConfigRewrite {
-  /** The original job configuration. */
-  1: JobConfiguration oldJob
-  /** The rewritten job configuration. */
-  2: JobConfiguration rewrittenJob
-union ConfigRewrite {
-  1: JobConfigRewrite jobRewrite
-  2: InstanceConfigRewrite instanceRewrite
-struct RewriteConfigsRequest {
-  1: list<ConfigRewrite> rewriteCommands
-struct ExplicitReconciliationSettings {
-  1: optional i32 batchSize
-// It would be great to compose these services rather than extend, but that won't be possible until
-// is resolved.
-service AuroraAdmin extends AuroraSchedulerManager {
-  /** Assign quota to a user.  This will overwrite any pre-existing quota for the user. */
-  Response setQuota(1: string ownerRole, 2: ResourceAggregate quota)
-  /**
-   * Forces a task into a specific state.  This does not guarantee the task will enter the given
-   * state, as the task must still transition within the bounds of the state machine.  However,
-   * it attempts to enter that state via the state machine.
-   */
-  Response forceTaskState(
-      1: string taskId,
-      2: ScheduleStatus status)
-  /** Immediately writes a storage snapshot to disk. */
-  Response performBackup()
-  /** Lists backups that are available for recovery. */
-  Response listBackups()
-  /** Loads a backup to an in-memory storage.  This must precede all other recovery operations. */
-  Response stageRecovery(1: string backupId)
-  /** Queries for tasks in a staged recovery. */
-  Response queryRecovery(1: TaskQuery query)
-  /** Deletes tasks from a staged recovery. */
-  Response deleteRecoveryTasks(1: TaskQuery query)
-  /** Commits a staged recovery, completely replacing the previous storage state. */
-  Response commitRecovery()
-  /** Unloads (aborts) a staged recovery. */
-  Response unloadRecovery()
-  /** Put the given hosts into maintenance mode. */
-  Response startMaintenance(1: Hosts hosts)
-  /** Ask scheduler to begin moving tasks scheduled on given hosts. */
-  Response drainHosts(1: Hosts hosts)
-  /** Retrieve the current maintenance states for a group of hosts. */
-  Response maintenanceStatus(1: Hosts hosts)
-  /** Set the given hosts back into serving mode. */
-  Response endMaintenance(1: Hosts hosts)
-  /** Start a storage snapshot and block until it completes. */
-  Response snapshot()
-  /**
-   * Forcibly rewrites the stored definition of user configurations.  This is intended to be used
-   * in a controlled setting, primarily to migrate pieces of configurations that are opaque to the
-   * scheduler (e.g. executorConfig).
-   * The scheduler may do some validation of the rewritten configurations, but it is important
-   * that the caller take care to provide valid input and alter only necessary fields.
-   */
-  Response rewriteConfigs(1: RewriteConfigsRequest request)
-  /** Tell scheduler to trigger an explicit task reconciliation with the given settings. */
-  Response triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation(1: ExplicitReconciliationSettings settings)
-  /** Tell scheduler to trigger an implicit task reconciliation. */
-  Response triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation()
-// The name of the header that should be sent to bypass leader redirection in the Scheduler.
-const string BYPASS_LEADER_REDIRECT_HEADER_NAME = 'Bypass-Leader-Redirect'
-// The path under which a task's filesystem should be mounted when using images and the Mesos
-// unified containerizer.
-const string TASK_FILESYSTEM_MOUNT_POINT = 'taskfs'$AppcImageStandardScheme.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageStandardScheme.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageStandardScheme.class
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index f210f5c..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageStandardScheme.class and /dev/null differ$AppcImageStandardSchemeFactory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageStandardSchemeFactory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageStandardSchemeFactory.class
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index 1b9d77d..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageStandardSchemeFactory.class and /dev/null differ$AppcImageTupleScheme.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageTupleScheme.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageTupleScheme.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ca3e6..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageTupleScheme.class and /dev/null differ$AppcImageTupleSchemeFactory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageTupleSchemeFactory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageTupleSchemeFactory.class
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index 82bb4a5..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$AppcImageTupleSchemeFactory.class and /dev/null differ$_Fields.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$_Fields.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$_Fields.class
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index c76926f..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage$_Fields.class and /dev/null differ
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index 9de6836..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AppcImage.class and /dev/null differ$AssignedTaskStandardScheme.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskStandardScheme.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskStandardScheme.class
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index 3c83b4b..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskStandardScheme.class and /dev/null differ$AssignedTaskStandardSchemeFactory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskStandardSchemeFactory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskStandardSchemeFactory.class
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index 9053a18..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskStandardSchemeFactory.class and /dev/null differ$AssignedTaskTupleScheme.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskTupleScheme.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskTupleScheme.class
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index f0965bf..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskTupleScheme.class and /dev/null differ$AssignedTaskTupleSchemeFactory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskTupleSchemeFactory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskTupleSchemeFactory.class
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index a506cf8..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$AssignedTaskTupleSchemeFactory.class and /dev/null differ$_Fields.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$_Fields.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask$_Fields.class
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index 66f13fe..0000000
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index 1756d7b..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AssignedTask.class and /dev/null differ$AttributeStandardScheme.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeStandardScheme.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeStandardScheme.class
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index 467b35a..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeStandardScheme.class and /dev/null differ$AttributeStandardSchemeFactory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeStandardSchemeFactory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeStandardSchemeFactory.class
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index 25e09ba..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeStandardSchemeFactory.class and /dev/null differ$AttributeTupleScheme.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeTupleScheme.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeTupleScheme.class
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index da359d7..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeTupleScheme.class and /dev/null differ$AttributeTupleSchemeFactory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeTupleSchemeFactory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeTupleSchemeFactory.class
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index ac657b1..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$AttributeTupleSchemeFactory.class and /dev/null differ$_Fields.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$_Fields.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute$_Fields.class
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index 0ec4e9a..0000000
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index 74af7cd..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/Attribute.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$Factory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$Factory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$Factory.class
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index 704b595..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$Factory.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$commitRecovery_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$commitRecovery_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$commitRecovery_call.class
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index 3e19f62..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$commitRecovery_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$deleteRecoveryTasks_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$deleteRecoveryTasks_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$deleteRecoveryTasks_call.class
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index c09e0e4..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$deleteRecoveryTasks_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$drainHosts_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$drainHosts_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$drainHosts_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index fd41fcb..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$drainHosts_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$endMaintenance_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$endMaintenance_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$endMaintenance_call.class
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index e0f1ca8..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$endMaintenance_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$forceTaskState_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$forceTaskState_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$forceTaskState_call.class
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index 1dcc63b..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$forceTaskState_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$listBackups_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$listBackups_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$listBackups_call.class
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index d254841..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$listBackups_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$maintenanceStatus_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$maintenanceStatus_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$maintenanceStatus_call.class
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index 47e6b57..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$maintenanceStatus_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$performBackup_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$performBackup_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$performBackup_call.class
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index 0e193df..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$performBackup_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$queryRecovery_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$queryRecovery_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$queryRecovery_call.class
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index e03e998..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$queryRecovery_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$rewriteConfigs_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$rewriteConfigs_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$rewriteConfigs_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba6909..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$rewriteConfigs_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$setQuota_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$setQuota_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$setQuota_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index a7921cb..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$setQuota_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$snapshot_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$snapshot_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$snapshot_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index daf01a3..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$snapshot_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$stageRecovery_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$stageRecovery_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$stageRecovery_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index a392824..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$stageRecovery_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$startMaintenance_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$startMaintenance_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$startMaintenance_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0a70c..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$startMaintenance_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index cd969b8..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 0410adc..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient$unloadRecovery_call.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$unloadRecovery_call.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$unloadRecovery_call.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f2479..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient$unloadRecovery_call.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncClient.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 3814dee..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncClient.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncIface.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncIface.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncIface.class
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7efd3..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncIface.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$commitRecovery.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$commitRecovery.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$commitRecovery.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 2560d8b..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$commitRecovery.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 206a242..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$drainHosts.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$drainHosts.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$drainHosts.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 26ff9b0..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$drainHosts.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$endMaintenance.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$endMaintenance.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$endMaintenance.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db891c..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$endMaintenance.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$forceTaskState.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$forceTaskState.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$forceTaskState.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c182a1..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$forceTaskState.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$listBackups.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$listBackups.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$listBackups.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 813ecf5..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$listBackups.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$maintenanceStatus.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$maintenanceStatus.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$maintenanceStatus.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 2118387..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$maintenanceStatus.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$performBackup.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$performBackup.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$performBackup.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c8c01..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$performBackup.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$queryRecovery.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$queryRecovery.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$queryRecovery.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e5d3c..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$queryRecovery.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$rewriteConfigs.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$rewriteConfigs.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$rewriteConfigs.class
deleted file mode 100644
index f69eb1a..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$rewriteConfigs.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$setQuota.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$setQuota.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$setQuota.class
deleted file mode 100644
index cf73db2..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$setQuota.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$snapshot.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$snapshot.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$snapshot.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 408f267..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$snapshot.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$stageRecovery.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$stageRecovery.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$stageRecovery.class
deleted file mode 100644
index dc08b81..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$stageRecovery.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$startMaintenance.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$startMaintenance.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$startMaintenance.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d889e1..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$startMaintenance.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f8b49..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$triggerExplicitTaskReconciliation.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ce967..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$triggerImplicitTaskReconciliation.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor$unloadRecovery.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$unloadRecovery.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$unloadRecovery.class
deleted file mode 100644
index db825a0..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor$unloadRecovery.class and /dev/null differ$AsyncProcessor.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6f8a3..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$AsyncProcessor.class and /dev/null differ$Client$Factory.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Client$Factory.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Client$Factory.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 0106cd1..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Client$Factory.class and /dev/null differ$Client.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Client.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Client.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf9eac..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Client.class and /dev/null differ$Iface.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Iface.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Iface.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 8efd178..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Iface.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$commitRecovery.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$commitRecovery.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$commitRecovery.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 1003b9c..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$commitRecovery.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa7800..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$deleteRecoveryTasks.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$drainHosts.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$drainHosts.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$drainHosts.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d5c7f..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$drainHosts.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$endMaintenance.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$endMaintenance.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$endMaintenance.class
deleted file mode 100644
index c5dae6c..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$endMaintenance.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$forceTaskState.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$forceTaskState.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$forceTaskState.class
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9ba66..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$forceTaskState.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$listBackups.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$listBackups.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$listBackups.class
deleted file mode 100644
index cb82025..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$listBackups.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$maintenanceStatus.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$maintenanceStatus.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$maintenanceStatus.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b46d61..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$maintenanceStatus.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$performBackup.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$performBackup.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$performBackup.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2354e..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$performBackup.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$queryRecovery.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$queryRecovery.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$queryRecovery.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af57d0..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$queryRecovery.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$rewriteConfigs.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$rewriteConfigs.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$rewriteConfigs.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 804e153..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$rewriteConfigs.class and /dev/null differ$Processor$setQuota.class
diff --git a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$setQuota.class b/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$setQuota.class
deleted file mode 100644
index 0724133..0000000
Binary files a/modules/cloud/aurora-client/bin/org/apache/airavata/cloud/aurora/client/sdk/AuroraAdmin$Processor$setQuota.class and /dev/null differ