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Posted to by Leonardo Uribe <> on 2010/09/27 06:10:21 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] MyFaces Core v2.0.2 Release

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core 2.0.2.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.0 implementation as specified by JSR-314. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-314 TCK and is 100% compliant with the JSR-314 specification. 

MyFaces Core 2.0.2 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.0.2 


    * [MYFACES-2458] - Miscellaneous AJAX bugs
    * [MYFACES-2753] - Trivial multi-level templating does not work if ui:include is used
    * [MYFACES-2826] - NPE when using the new UEL inside a composite component in Glassfish 3.0.1
    * [MYFACES-2827] - CCE if component values are not of type String
    * [MYFACES-2830] - ourEL wrappers doesn't honour the new EL-2.2 'invoke' method
    * [MYFACES-2832] - fix for potential classloader leaks from commons components
    * [MYFACES-2836] - HtmlResponseWriterImpl does not check if a CDATA section is already opened when writing the content of a script
    * [MYFACES-2845] - jsf.js: inheritance code only worked with callSuper on 2 levels
    * [MYFACES-2847] - ajax form parameter collection erroneously submits nameless inputs by their id
    * [MYFACES-2849] - jusf.js new auto eval detection code fails on some pages
    * [MYFACES-2851] - Simple ajax event is sended twice.
    * [MYFACES-2855] - jsf.js: execute id difference between myfaces and mojarra
    * [MYFACES-2859] - Replacing elements for ajax response changes element order
    * [MYFACES-2865] - ErrorPageWriter fails with NotSerializableException
    * [MYFACES-2868] - jsf.js:@form parameter handling broken
    * [MYFACES-2870] - StartupServletContextListener could be called twice on init and destroy
    * [MYFACES-2872] - jsf.js: various small issue fixes
    * [MYFACES-2875] - FaceletVLD.retargetMethodExpressions should preserve EL VariableMapper and FunctionMapper
    * [MYFACES-2876] - Ajax Support in Mobile Browsers
    * [MYFACES-2878] - jsf.js: ie leak detector sIEve shows a load of nodes which are not garbage collected mem leaks in IE also are high
    * [MYFACES-2886] - UIData: push and pop row component to and from EL during broadcast()
    * [MYFACES-2887] - IllegalAccessException restoring custom behavior state
    * [MYFACES-2888] - Wrapping ComponentHandler in TagHandlerDelegateFactory conflicts with implementation
    * [MYFACES-2890] - Button renderer doesn't decode f:params properly
    * [MYFACES-2891] - Empty url mapping prefix causes infinite loop in DefaultViewHandlerSupport.handlePrefixMapping
    * [MYFACES-2894] - Eager bean is not created at application startup
    * [MYFACES-2895] - Messages component cannot be updated by ajax without wrapping it
    * [MYFACES-2896] - PartialViewContextImpl ignores executeIds/renderIds/renderAll of wrapping PartialViewContext
    * [MYFACES-2903] - ErrorPageWriter may try to write a null to the partialWriter if the exception message is null
    * [MYFACES-2904] - javascript _Dom._outerHtml does not handle table items (<tr>, <tbody>. ...)
    * [MYFACES-2905] - [JSF2] absolute-ordering warning
    * [MYFACES-2906] - NullPointerException in ResolverBuilderBase.sortELResolvers()
    * [MYFACES-2907] - AjaxBehavior does not save ValueExpression instances in the state
    * [MYFACES-2908] - UIViewRoot.addComponentResource() adding multiple components with same ID instead of replacing
    * [MYFACES-2912] - Wrong JNDI Name for Method Resource Injections
    * [MYFACES-2913] - Params inside command sent by ajax are not handled correctly
    * [MYFACES-2914] - jsf.js spec broken by adding mojarra behavior
    * [MYFACES-2917] - misspelt in
    * [MYFACES-2918] - Resource implementations cannot be cached
    * [MYFACES-2919] - LifecycleProvider Based Problems and Tomcat7 LifeCycleProvider Support
    * [MYFACES-2921] - FlashImpl should set a correct path for the Cookies
    * [MYFACES-2926] - Some nodes not removed on ajax request when IE6 is used


    * [MYFACES-2774] - Remove MARK_DELETED attribute from the component
    * [MYFACES-2824] - Improve invokeOnComponent and visitTree methods in UILeaf
    * [MYFACES-2831] - Avoid neested CDATA section for PPR e.g. with Primefaces
    * [MYFACES-2834] - Add myfaces-impl test jar to maven repo
    * [MYFACES-2839] - cleanup of UIInput
    * [MYFACES-2841] - jsf.js: Ajax fileupload
    * [MYFACES-2846] - jsf.js: performance improvement by eval call and exists call reduction
    * [MYFACES-2850] - Clean saved state of UIInput
    * [MYFACES-2852] - jsf.js: preparations for the integration of xhr level2 fileuploads
    * [MYFACES-2853] - jsf.js: compression optimum not reached
    * [MYFACES-2854] - Processing @ResourceDependency on each component instance takes too long
    * [MYFACES-2856] - Unnecesary calls to checkResourceExists found on DefaultViewHandlerSupport and DefaultRestoreViewSupport
    * [MYFACES-2858] - pointless oamsubmit inline rendering (patch available)
    * [MYFACES-2860] - Provide AnnotationScanner interface
    * [MYFACES-2863] - Create a new package org.apache.myfaces.spi and implement Providers for integration points with application containers
    * [MYFACES-2864] - Allow caching of resources by the default external context impl
    * [MYFACES-2873] - Provide a way to change the order of ELResolvers
    * [MYFACES-2879] - Cache introspection information about converters
    * [MYFACES-2885] - Update maven site plugin to 2.1.1
    * [MYFACES-2897] - Render a message if there was no match for outcome
    * [MYFACES-2898] - use shared FacesServletMapping when possible
    * [MYFACES-2899] - Move Resource Handler selected code to shared
    * [MYFACES-2901] - Bundle oamSubmit.js into jsf.js
    * [MYFACES-2902] - Removal of YUI code due to project participants internal demand
    * [MYFACES-2923] - jsf.js finalize the testing and fix last minute bugs from the tests for 2.0.2


    * [MYFACES-2825] - composite:interface, attribute and facet should handle unspecified attributes and should expose certain values only in Development stage (spec rev A)
    * [MYFACES-2828] - Indicate a better error message if a composite component MethodExpression includes parameters
    * [MYFACES-2840] - Use a copied Iterator instead of the real Enumeration in AbstractAttributeMap.AbstractAttributeIterator
    * [MYFACES-2842] - Refactor FlashImpl
    * [MYFACES-2893] - Update qdox to 1.12 on myfaces-builder-plugin


    * [MYFACES-2844] - Create tests for clientEvent properties


Leonardo Uribe