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cvs commit: httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache

stas        2004/08/06 11:20:42

  Modified:    perl-framework/Apache-Test Changes Makefile.PL
  move the custom config code into Apache::TestConfig, split the config
  object creation in 2 parts - first not requiring the knowledge of
  httpd location, the second requiring one, refactor the custom config
  interactive prompting into the second phase, if failed to find
  httpd. Reshuffle the code to run first bits not requiring the
  knowledge of httpd location.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.156     +7 -0      httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/Changes
  Index: Changes
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/Changes,v
  retrieving revision 1.155
  retrieving revision 1.156
  diff -u -u -r1.155 -r1.156
  --- Changes	5 Aug 2004 07:00:10 -0000	1.155
  +++ Changes	6 Aug 2004 18:20:41 -0000	1.156
  @@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
   =item 1.13-dev
  +move the custom config code into Apache::TestConfig, split the config
  +object creation in 2 parts - first not requiring the knowledge of
  +httpd location, the second requiring one, refactor the custom config
  +interactive prompting into the second phase, if failed to find
  +httpd. Reshuffle the code to run first bits not requiring the
  +knowledge of httpd location. [Stas]
   fix Apache::TestCommonPost::lwp_do to work with LWP 5.800
   ($res->content() doesn't allow CODE refs anymore, instead used
   content_ref to avoid huge strings copy) [Stas]
  1.20      +1 -1      httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/Makefile.PL
  Index: Makefile.PL
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/Makefile.PL,v
  retrieving revision 1.19
  retrieving revision 1.20
  diff -u -u -r1.19 -r1.20
  --- Makefile.PL	18 Feb 2004 20:24:44 -0000	1.19
  +++ Makefile.PL	6 Aug 2004 18:20:41 -0000	1.20
  @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       NAME      => 'Apache::Test',
  1.231     +512 -10   httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.230
  retrieving revision 1.231
  diff -u -u -r1.230 -r1.231
  ---	4 Aug 2004 15:29:53 -0000	1.230
  +++	6 Aug 2004 18:20:41 -0000	1.231
  @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
   use constant IS_APACHE_TEST_BUILD =>
       grep { -e "$_/lib/Apache/" } qw(Apache-Test . ..);
  -use Symbol ();
  +use constant CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE => 'Apache/';
   use File::Copy ();
   use File::Find qw(finddepth);
   use File::Basename qw(dirname);
  @@ -44,16 +45,29 @@
   use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile abs2rel splitdir canonpath
                                catdir file_name_is_absolute devnull);
   use Cwd qw(fastcwd);
  +use Socket ();
  +use Symbol ();
   use Apache::TestConfigPerl ();
   use Apache::TestConfigParse ();
   use Apache::TestTrace;
   use Apache::TestServer ();
   use Apache::TestRun ();
  -use Socket ();
   use vars qw(%Usage);
  +# variables stored in $Apache::TestConfigData::vars
  +my @data_vars_must = qw(httpd apxs);
  +my @data_vars_opt  = qw(user group port);
  +# mapping from $Apache::TestConfigData::vars to $ENV settings
  +my %vars_to_env = (
  +    httpd => 'APACHE_TEST_HTTPD',
  +    apxs  => 'APACHE_TEST_APXS',
  +    user  => 'APACHE_TEST_USER',
  +    group => 'APACHE_TEST_GROUP',
  +    port  => 'APACHE_TEST_PORT',
   %Usage = (
      top_dir         => 'top-level directory (default is $PWD)',
      t_dir           => 'the t/ test directory (default is $top_dir/t)',
  @@ -220,7 +234,7 @@
       # custom config options from Apache::TestConfigData
       # again, this should force reconfiguration
  -    Apache::TestRun::custom_config_add_conf_opts($args);
  +    custom_config_add_conf_opts($args);
       my $self = bless {
           clean => {},
  @@ -296,11 +310,6 @@
       $vars->{proxyssl_url} ||= '';
       $vars->{defines}      ||= '';
  -    $self->configure_apxs;
  -    $self->configure_httpd;
  -    $self->inherit_config; #see
  -    $self->configure_httpd_eapi; #must come after inherit_config
       $self->default_module(cgi    => [qw(mod_cgi mod_cgid)]);
       $self->default_module(thread => [qw(worker threaded)]);
       $self->default_module(ssl    => [qw(mod_ssl)]);
  @@ -309,9 +318,48 @@
       $self->default_module(php    => [qw(mod_php4 mod_php5)]);
       $self->{hostport} = $self->hostport;
       $self->{server} = $self->new_test_server;
  +    return $self;
  +# figure out where httpd is and run extra config hooks which require
  +# knowledge of where httpd is
  +sub complete_config {
  +    my $self = shift;
  +    my $vars = $self->{vars};
  +    $self->configure_apxs;
  +    $self->configure_httpd;
  +    unless ($vars->{httpd} or $vars->{apxs}) {
  +            error "You specified APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 " .
  +                "in which case you must explicitly specify -httpd " .
  +                "and/or -apxs options";
  +            Apache::TestRun::exit_perl(0);
  +        }
  +        $self->clean(1);
  +        # this method restarts the whole program via exec
  +        # so it never returns
  +        $self->custom_config_first_time($self->{vars});
  +    }
  +    # if we have gotten that far we know at least about the location
  +    # of httpd and or apxs, so let's save it if we haven't saved any
  +    # custom configs yet
  +    unless (custom_config_exists()) {
  +        $self->custom_config_save($self->{vars});
  +    }
  +    $self->inherit_config; #see
  +    $self->configure_httpd_eapi; #must come after inherit_config
  +    $self->{server}->post_config;
  @@ -357,6 +405,8 @@
       my $self = shift;
       my $vars = $self->{vars};
  +    debug "configuring httpd";
       $vars->{target} ||= (WIN32 ? 'Apache.EXE' : 'httpd');
       unless ($vars->{httpd}) {
  @@ -707,7 +757,8 @@
   sub find_apache_module {
       my($self, $module) = @_;
  -    die "find_apache_module: module name argument is required" unless $module;
  +    die "find_apache_module: module name argument is required"
  +        unless $module;
       my $vars = $self->{vars};
       my $sroot = $vars->{serverroot};
  @@ -1696,6 +1747,457 @@
       my $arg = shift;
       $arg =~ s/"/\"/g;
       return qq["$arg"];
  +### Permanent custom configuration functions ###
  +# determine which configuration file Apache/ to use
  +# (as there could be several). The order searched is:
  +# 1) $ENV{HOME}/.apache-test/
  +# 2) in @INC
  +my $custom_config_path;
  +sub custom_config_path {
  +    return $custom_config_path if $custom_config_path;
  +    my @inc  = ();
  +    # XXX $ENV{HOME} isn't propagated in mod_perl
  +    push @inc, catdir $ENV{HOME}, '.apache-test' if $ENV{HOME};
  +    push @inc, @INC;
  +    for (@inc) {
  +        my $candidate = File::Spec->rel2abs(catfile $_, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE);
  +        next unless -e $candidate;
  +        return $custom_config_path = $candidate;
  +    }
  +    return '';
  +sub custom_config_exists {
  +    # try to load custom config if it wasn't loaded yet (there are
  +    # many entry points to this API)
  +    custom_config_load();
  +    # it's enough to check whether we have a custom
  +    # config for 'httpd' or 'apxs'.
  +    my $httpd = $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{httpd} || '';
  +    return 1 if $httpd && -e $httpd && -x _;
  +    my $apxs = $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{apxs} || '';
  +    return 1 if $apxs && -e $apxs && -x _;
  +    return 0;
  +# to be used only from Apache-Test/Makefile.PL to write the custom
  +# configuration module so it'll be copied to blib during 'make' and
  +# updated to use custom config data during 'make test' and then
  +# installed system-wide via 'make install'
  +# it gets written only if the custom configuration didn't exist
  +# already
  +sub custom_config_file_stub_write {
  +    return if custom_config_exists();
  +    # It doesn't matter whether it gets written under modperl-2.0/lib
  +    # or Apache-Test/lib root, since Apache::TestRun uses the same
  +    # logic and will update that file with real config data, which
  +    # 'make install' will then pick and install system-wide. but
  +    # remember that $FindBin::Bin is the location of top-level
  +    # 'Makefile.PL'
  +    require FindBin; # load it only for this particular use
  +    my $path = catfile $FindBin::Bin, "lib",
  +        Apache::TestConfig::CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  +    # write an empty stub
  +    Apache::TestConfig::custom_config_write($path, '');
  +sub custom_config_save {
  +    my $self = shift;
  +    my $conf_opts = shift;
  +        debug "APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 => " .
  +            "skipping save of custom config data";
  +        return;
  +    }
  +    my $vars = $self->{vars};
  +    my $config_dump = '';
  +    # minimum httpd and/or apxs needs to be set
  +    return 0 unless $vars->{httpd} or $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{httpd}
  +        or          $vars->{apxs}  or $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{apxs};
  +    # it doesn't matter how these vars were set (httpd may or may not
  +    # get set using the path to apxs, w/o an explicit -httpd value)
  +    for (@data_vars_must) {
  +        next unless my $var = $vars->{$_} || $conf_opts->{$_};
  +        $config_dump .= qq{    '$_' => '$var',\n};
  +    }
  +    # save these vars only if they were explicitly set via command line
  +    # options. For example if someone builds A-T as user 'foo', then
  +    # installs it as root and we save it, all users will now try to
  +    # configure under that user 'foo' which won't quite work.
  +    for (@data_vars_opt) {
  +        next unless my $var = $conf_opts->{$_};
  +        $config_dump .= qq{    '$_' => '$var',\n};
  +    }
  +    if (IS_APACHE_TEST_BUILD) {
  +        my $path = catfile $vars->{top_dir}, 'lib', CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  +        # if it doesn't exist, then we already have a global config file
  +        # if it does, then we have need to update it and its blib/ copy
  +        if (-e $path and custom_config_path_is_writable($path)) {
  +            custom_config_write($path, $config_dump);
  +            # also update blib/lib, since usually that's the one that
  +            # appears in @INC when t/TEST is run. and it won't be
  +            # synced with blib/ unless 'make' was run
  +            my $blib_path = catfile $vars->{top_dir},
  +                'blib', 'lib', CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  +            if (-e $blib_path and custom_config_path_is_writable($blib_path)) {
  +                custom_config_write($blib_path, $config_dump);
  +            }
  +            return 1;
  +        }
  +    }
  +    my $path;
  +    if ($path = custom_config_path() ) {
  +        # do nothing, the config file already exists (global)
  +        debug "Found custom config '$path'";
  +    }
  +    elsif (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(__FILE__)) {
  +        # next try a global location, as if it was configured before
  +        # Apache::Test's 'make install' (install in the same dir as
  +        # Apache/
  +        # if the filename is not absolute that means that we are still
  +        # in Apache-Test build (could just test for IS_APACHE_TEST_BUILD)
  +        my $base = dirname dirname __FILE__;
  +        $path = catdir $base, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  +    }
  +    # check whether we can write to the directory of the chosen path
  +    # (e.g. root-owned directory)
  +    if ($path and custom_config_path_is_writable($path)) {
  +        custom_config_write($path, $config_dump);
  +        return 1;
  +    }
  +    # if we have no writable path yet, try to use ~
  +    elsif ($ENV{HOME}) {
  +        $path = catfile $ENV{HOME}, '.apache-test', CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  +        if ($path and custom_config_path_is_writable($path)) {
  +            custom_config_write($path, $config_dump);
  +            return 1;
  +        }
  +    }
  +    # XXX: should we croak since we failed to write config
  +    error "Failed to find a config file to save the custom " .
  +        "configuration in";
  +    return 0;
  +sub custom_config_path_is_writable {
  +    my $path = shift;
  +    return 0 unless $path;
  +    my $file_created    = '';
  +    my $top_dir_created = '';
  +    # first make sure that the file is writable if it exists
  +    # already (it might be non-writable if installed via EU::MM or in
  +    # blib/)
  +    if (-e $path) {
  +        my $mode = (stat _)[2];
  +        $mode |= 0200;
  +        chmod $mode, $path; # it's ok if we fail
  +        # keep it writable if we have changed it from not being one
  +        # so that custom_config_save will be able to just overwrite it
  +    }
  +    else {
  +        my $dir = dirname $path;
  +        if ($dir and !-e $dir) {
  +            my @dirs = File::Path::mkpath($dir, 0, 0755);
  +            # the top level dir to nuke on cleanup if it was created
  +            $top_dir_created = shift @dirs if @dirs;
  +        }
  +        # not really create yet, but will be in the moment
  +        $file_created = 1;
  +    }
  +    # try to open for append (even though it may not exist
  +    my $fh = Symbol::gensym;
  +    if (open $fh, ">>$path") {
  +        close $fh;
  +        # cleanup if we just created the file
  +        unlink $path if $file_created;
  +        File::Path::rmtree([$top_dir_created], 0, 0) if $top_dir_created;
  +        return 1;
  +    }
  +    return 0;
  +sub custom_config_write {
  +    my($path, $config_dump) = @_;
  +    my $pkg = << "EOC";
  +package Apache::TestConfigData;
  +use strict;
  +use warnings;
  +\$Apache::TestConfigData::vars = {
  +=head1 NAME
  +Apache::TestConfigData - Configuration file for Apache::Test
  +    debug "Writing custom config $path";
  +    my $dir = dirname $path;
  +    File::Path::mkpath($dir, 0, 0755) unless -e $dir;
  +    my $fh = Symbol::gensym;
  +    open $fh, ">$path" or die "Cannot open $path: $!";
  +    print $fh $pkg;
  +    close $fh;
  +sub custom_config_add_conf_opts {
  +    my $args = shift;
  +    return unless $Apache::TestConfigData::vars and 
  +        keys %$Apache::TestConfigData::vars;
  +    debug "overlaying custom config data";
  +    # the logic is quite complicated with 'httpd' and 'apxs', since
  +    # one is enough to run the test suite, and we need to avoid the
  +    # situation where both are saved in custom config but only one
  +    # (let's say httpd) is overriden by the command line /env var and
  +    # a hell may break loose if we take that overriden httpd value and
  +    # also use apxs from custom config which could point to a different
  +    # server. So if there is an override of apxs or httpd, do not use
  +    # the custom config for apxs or httpd.
  +    my $vars_must_overriden = grep {
  +        $ENV{ $vars_to_env{$_} } || $args->{$_}
  +    } @data_vars_must;
  +    # mod_perl 2.0 build always knows the right httpd location (and
  +    # optionally apxs)
  +    $vars_must_overriden++ if IS_MOD_PERL_2_BUILD();
  +    unless ($vars_must_overriden) {
  +        for (@data_vars_must) {
  +            next unless $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  +            $args->{$_} = $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  +        }
  +    }
  +    for (@data_vars_opt) {
  +        next unless $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  +        # env vars override custom config
  +        my $env_value = $ENV{ $vars_to_env{$_} };
  +        next unless defined $env_value and length $env_value;
  +        $args->{$_} ||= $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  +    }
  +my $custom_config_loaded = 0;
  +sub custom_config_load {
  +        debug "APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 => " .
  +            "skipping load of custom config data";
  +        return;
  +    }
  +    return if $custom_config_loaded;
  +    if (my $custom_config_path = custom_config_path()) {
  +        debug "loading custom config data from: '$custom_config_path'";
  +        $custom_config_loaded++;
  +        require $custom_config_path;
  +    }
  +    else {
  +        debug "no custom config data was loaded";
  +    }
  +sub custom_config_first_time {
  +    my $self = shift;
  +    my $conf_opts = shift;
  +    my $vars = $self->{vars};
  +    print qq[
  +We are now going to configure the Apache-Test framework.
  +This configuration process needs to be done only once.
  +    print qq[
  +First we need to know where the 'httpd' executable is located.
  +If you have more than one Apache server is installed, make sure
  +you supply the path to the one you are going to use for testing.
  +You can always override this setting at run time via the '-httpd'
  +option. For example:
  +  % t/TEST -httpd /path/to/alternative/httpd
  +or via the environment variable APACHE_TEST_HTTPD. For example:
  +  % APACHE_TEST_HTTPD=/path/to/alternative/httpd t/TEST
  +If for some reason you want to skip the test suite, type: skip
  +    {
  +        my %choices = ();
  +        my @tries = qw(httpd httpd2);
  +        # Win32 uses Apache or perhaps Apache2, not apache/apache2
  +        push @tries, WIN32 ? qw(Apache Apache2) : qw(apache apache2);
  +        for (grep defined $_,
  +             map({ catfile $vars->{$_}, $vars->{target} } qw(sbindir bindir)),
  +             $self->default_httpd, which($vars->{target}),
  +             $ENV{APACHE}, $ENV{APACHE2},
  +             map {which($_)} @tries) {
  +            $choices{$_}++ if -e $_ && -x _;
  +        }
  +        my $optional = 0;
  +        my $wanted = 'httpd';
  +        $vars->{$wanted} = 
  +            _custom_config_prompt_path($wanted, \%choices, $optional);
  +    }
  +    print qq[
  +Next we need to know where the 'apxs' script is located. This script
  +provides a lot of information about the apache installation, and makes
  +it easier to find things. However it's not available on all platforms,
  +therefore it's optional.
  +If you don't have it installed it's not a problem. Just press Enter.
  +Notice that if you have Apache 2.x installed that script could be
  +called as 'apxs2'.
  +If you have more than one Apache server is installed, make sure you
  +supply the path to the apxs script you are going to use for testing.
  +You can always override this setting at run time via the '-apxs'
  +option. For example:
  +  % t/TEST -apxs /path/to/alternative/apxs
  +or via the environment variable APACHE_TEST_APXS. For example:
  +  % APACHE_TEST_APXS=/path/to/alternative/apxs t/TEST
  +    {
  +        my %choices = ();
  +        for (grep defined $_,
  +             map({ catfile $vars->{$_}, 'apxs' } qw(sbindir bindir)),
  +             $self->default_apxs,
  +             $ENV{APXS},  $ENV{APACHE_TEST_APXS},  which('apxs'),
  +             $ENV{APXS2}, $ENV{APACHE_TEST_APXS2}, which('apxs2')) {
  +            $choices{$_}++ if -e $_ && -x _;
  +        }
  +        my $optional = 1;
  +        my $wanted = 'apxs';
  +        $vars->{$wanted} = 
  +            _custom_config_prompt_path($wanted, \%choices, $optional);
  +    }
  +    $self->custom_config_save($conf_opts);
  +    # we probably could reconfigure on the fly ($self->configure), but
  +    # the problem is various cached data which won't be refreshed. so
  +    # the simplest is just to restart the run from scratch
  +    Apache::TestRun::rerun();
  +sub _custom_config_prompt_path {
  +    my($wanted, $rh_choices, $optional) = @_;
  +    my $ans;
  +    my $default = '';
  +    my $optional_str = $optional ? " (optional)" : '';
  +    my $prompt =
  +        "\nPlease provide a full path to$optional_str '$wanted' executable";
  +    my @choices = ();
  +    if (%$rh_choices) {
  +        $prompt .= " or choose from the following options:\n\n";
  +        my $c = 0;
  +        for (sort keys %$rh_choices) {
  +            $c++;
  +            $prompt .= "    [$c] $_\n";
  +            push @choices, $_;
  +        }
  +        $prompt .= " \n";
  +        $default = 1; # a wild guess
  +    }
  +    else {
  +        $prompt .= ":\n\n";
  +    }
  +    while (1) {
  +        $ans = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt($prompt, $default);
  +        # strip leading/closing spaces
  +        $ans =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
  +        # convert the item number to the path
  +        if ($ans =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
  +            if ($1 > 0 and $choices[$1-1]) {
  +                $ans = $choices[$1-1];
  +            }
  +            else {
  +                warn "The choice '$ans' doesn't exist\n";
  +                next;
  +            }
  +        }
  +        if ($optional) {
  +            return '' unless $ans;
  +        }
  +        # stop the test suite without an error (so automatic tools
  +        # like will be able to continue)
  +        if (lc($ans) eq 'skip' && !$optional) {
  +            skip_test_suite();
  +            next; # in case they change their mind
  +        }
  +        unless (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($ans)) {
  +            my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
  +            warn "The path '$ans' is not an absolute path. " .
  +                "Please specify an absolute path\n";
  +            next;
  +        }
  +        warn("'$ans' doesn't exist\n"),     next unless -e $ans;
  +        warn("'$ans' is not executable\n"), next unless -x $ans;
  +        return $ans;
  +    }
  1.91      +1 -1      httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.90
  retrieving revision 1.91
  diff -u -u -r1.90 -r1.91
  ---	15 Jul 2004 00:01:46 -0000	1.90
  +++	6 Aug 2004 18:20:41 -0000	1.91
  @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   sub configure_libmodperl {
       my $self = shift;
  -    my $server = $self->{server};
  +    my $server  = $self->{server};
       my $libname = $server->version_of(\%libmodperl);
       my $vars = $self->{vars};
  1.174     +24 -507   httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.173
  retrieving revision 1.174
  diff -u -u -r1.173 -r1.174
  ---	6 Aug 2004 00:21:22 -0000	1.173
  +++	6 Aug 2004 18:20:42 -0000	1.174
  @@ -38,11 +38,9 @@
   use constant STARTUP_TIMEOUT => 300; # secs (good for extreme debug cases)
  -use constant CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE => 'Apache/';
   use subs qw(exit_shell exit_perl);
  -my $original_command;
  +my $orig_command;
   my $orig_cwd;
   my %core_files  = ();
  @@ -92,18 +90,6 @@
      (map { $_, "\U$_\E url" } @request_opts),
  -# variables stored in $Apache::TestConfigData::vars
  -my @data_vars_must = qw(httpd apxs);
  -my @data_vars_opt  = qw(user group port);
  -# mapping from $Apache::TestConfigData::vars to $ENV settings
  -my %vars_to_env = (
  -    httpd => 'APACHE_TEST_HTTPD',
  -    apxs  => 'APACHE_TEST_APXS',
  -    user  => 'APACHE_TEST_USER',
  -    group => 'APACHE_TEST_GROUP',
  -    port  => 'APACHE_TEST_PORT',
   sub fixup {
       #make sure we use an absolute path to perl
       #else Test::Harness uses the perl in our PATH
  @@ -409,7 +395,7 @@
       my $self = shift;
       $self->{conf_opts}->{save} = delete $self->{conf_opts}->{thaw} || 1;
  -    $self->{test_config} = $self->new_test_config();
  +    $self->{test_config} = $self->new_test_config()->complete_config;
       $self->{server} = $self->{test_config}->server;
  @@ -514,8 +500,9 @@
       # custom config save if
       # 1) requested to save
       # 2) no saved config yet
  -    if ($self->{opts}->{save} or !custom_config_exists()) {
  -        $self->custom_config_save();
  +    if ($self->{opts}->{save} or
  +        !Apache::TestConfig::custom_config_exists()) {
  +        $test_config->custom_config_save($self->{conf_opts});
  @@ -549,29 +536,6 @@
   sub start {
       my $self = shift;
  -    my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
  -    unless ($test_config->{vars}->{httpd} or $test_config->{vars}->{apxs}) {
  -            error "You specified APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 " .
  -                "in which case you must explicitly specify -httpd" .
  -                "and/or -apxs options";
  -            exit_perl 0;
  -        }
  -        $self->opt_clean(1);
  -        # this method restarts the whole program via exec
  -        # so it never returns
  -        $self->custom_config_first_time;
  -    }
  -    # if we have gotten that far we know at least about the location
  -    # of httpd and or apxs, so let's save it if we haven't saved any
  -    # custom configs yet
  -    unless (custom_config_exists()) {
  -        $self->custom_config_save();
  -    }
       my $opts = $self->{opts};
       my $server = $self->{server};
  @@ -670,10 +634,10 @@
       close $sh;
  -    $original_command = "ulimit -c unlimited; $original_command";
  -    warning "setting ulimit to allow core files\n$original_command";
  -    exec $original_command;
  -    die "exec $original_command has failed"; # shouldn't be reached
  +    $orig_command = "ulimit -c unlimited; $orig_command";
  +    warning "setting ulimit to allow core files\n$orig_command";
  +    exec $orig_command;
  +    die "exec $orig_command has failed"; # shouldn't be reached
   sub set_ulimit {
  @@ -703,7 +667,7 @@
       # reconstruct argv, preserve multiwords args, eg 'PerlTrace all'
       my $argv = join " ", map { /^-/ ? $_ : qq['$_'] } @ARGV;
  -    $original_command = "$^X $0 $argv";
  +    $orig_command = "$^X $0 $argv";
       $orig_cwd = Cwd::cwd();
       $self->set_env; #make sure these are always set
  @@ -715,7 +679,7 @@
       # must be called after getopts so the tracing will be set right
  -    custom_config_load();
  +    Apache::TestConfig::custom_config_load();
  @@ -728,6 +692,11 @@
       local($SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{INT});
  +    $self->try_exit_opts;
  +    # httpd is found here (unless it was already configured before)
  +    $self->{test_config}->complete_config;
       if ($self->{opts}->{configure}) {
           warning "cleaning out current configuration";
  @@ -751,8 +720,6 @@
           exit_perl 1;
  -    $self->try_exit_opts;
  @@ -766,6 +733,14 @@
       $self->stop unless $self->{opts}->{'no-httpd'};
  +sub rerun {
  +    chdir $orig_cwd;
  +    warning "rerunning '$orig_command' with new config opts";
  +    exec $orig_command;
  +    die "exec $orig_command has failed"; # shouldn't be reached
   # make it easy to move the whole distro w/o running
   # 't/TEST -clean' before moving. when moving the whole package,
   # the old cached config will stay, so we want to nuke it only if
  @@ -1313,464 +1288,6 @@
       error "Skipping the test suite execution, while returning success status";
       exit_perl 1;
  -# called from Apache::TestConfig::new()
  -sub custom_config_add_conf_opts {
  -    my $args = shift;
  -    return unless $Apache::TestConfigData::vars and 
  -        keys %$Apache::TestConfigData::vars;
  -    # the logic is quite complicated with 'httpd' and 'apxs', since
  -    # one is enough to run the test suite, and we need to avoid the
  -    # situation where both are saved in custom config but only one
  -    # (let's say httpd) is overriden by the command line /env var and
  -    # a hell may break loose if we take that overriden httpd value and
  -    # also use apxs from custom config which could point to a different
  -    # server. So if there is an override of apxs or httpd, do not use
  -    # the custom config for apxs or httpd.
  -    my $vars_must_overriden = grep {
  -        $ENV{ $vars_to_env{$_} } || $args->{$_}
  -    } @data_vars_must;
  -    # mod_perl 2.0 build always knows the right httpd location (and
  -    # optionally apxs)
  -    $vars_must_overriden++ if Apache::TestConfig::IS_MOD_PERL_2_BUILD();
  -    unless ($vars_must_overriden) {
  -        for (@data_vars_must) {
  -            next unless $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  -            $args->{$_} = $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  -        }
  -    }
  -    for (@data_vars_opt) {
  -        next unless $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  -        # env vars override custom config
  -        my $env_value = $ENV{ $vars_to_env{$_} };
  -        next unless defined $env_value and length $env_value;
  -        $args->{$_} ||= $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{$_};
  -    }
  -### Permanent custom configuration functions ###
  -# determine which configuration file Apache/ to use
  -# (as there could be several). The order searched is:
  -# 1) $ENV{HOME}/.apache-test/
  -# 2) in @INC
  -my $custom_config_path;
  -sub custom_config_path {
  -    return $custom_config_path if $custom_config_path;
  -    my @inc  = ();
  -    # XXX $ENV{HOME} isn't propagated in mod_perl
  -    push @inc, catdir $ENV{HOME}, '.apache-test' if $ENV{HOME};
  -    push @inc, @INC;
  -    for (@inc) {
  -        my $candidate = File::Spec->rel2abs(catfile $_, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE);
  -        next unless -e $candidate;
  -        return $custom_config_path = $candidate;
  -    }
  -    return '';
  -sub custom_config_exists {
  -    # try to load custom config if it wasn't loaded yet (there are
  -    # many entry points to this API)
  -    custom_config_load();
  -    # it's enough to check whether we have a custom
  -    # config for 'httpd' or 'apxs'.
  -    my $httpd = $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{httpd} || '';
  -    return 1 if $httpd && -e $httpd && -x _;
  -    my $apxs = $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{apxs} || '';
  -    return 1 if $apxs && -e $apxs && -x _;
  -    return 0;
  -# to be used only from Apache-Test/Makefile.PL to write the custom
  -# configuration module so it'll be copied to blib during 'make' and
  -# updated to use custom config data during 'make test' and then
  -# installed system-wide via 'make install'
  -# it gets written only if the custom configuration didn't exist
  -# already
  -sub custom_config_file_stub_write {
  -    return if custom_config_exists();
  -    # It doesn't matter whether it gets written under modperl-2.0/lib
  -    # or Apache-Test/lib root, since Apache::TestRun uses the same
  -    # logic and will update that file with real config data, which
  -    # 'make install' will then pick and install system-wide. but
  -    # remember that $FindBin::Bin is the location of top-level
  -    # 'Makefile.PL'
  -    require FindBin; # load it only for this particular use
  -    my $path = catfile $FindBin::Bin, "lib",
  -        Apache::TestRun::CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  -    # write an empty stub
  -    Apache::TestRun::custom_config_write($path, '');
  -sub custom_config_save {
  -    my $self = shift;
  -        debug "APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 => " .
  -            "skipping save of custom config data";
  -        return;
  -    }
  -    my $vars = $self->{test_config}->{vars};
  -    my $conf_opts = $self->{conf_opts};
  -    my $config_dump = '';
  -    # minimum httpd and/or apxs needs to be set
  -    return 0 unless $vars->{httpd} or $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{httpd}
  -        or          $vars->{apxs}  or $Apache::TestConfigData::vars->{apxs};
  -    # it doesn't matter how these vars were set (httpd may or may not
  -    # get set using the path to apxs, w/o an explicit -httpd value)
  -    for (@data_vars_must) {
  -        next unless my $var = $vars->{$_} || $conf_opts->{$_};
  -        $config_dump .= qq{    '$_' => '$var',\n};
  -    }
  -    # save these vars only if they were explicitly set via command line
  -    # options. For example if someone builds A-T as user 'foo', then
  -    # installs it as root and we save it, all users will now try to
  -    # configure under that user 'foo' which won't quite work.
  -    for (@data_vars_opt) {
  -        next unless my $var = $conf_opts->{$_};
  -        $config_dump .= qq{    '$_' => '$var',\n};
  -    }
  -    if (IS_APACHE_TEST_BUILD) {
  -        my $path = catfile $vars->{top_dir}, 'lib', CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  -        # if it doesn't exist, then we already have a global config file
  -        # if it does, then we have need to update it and its blib/ copy
  -        if (-e $path and custom_config_path_is_writable($path)) {
  -            custom_config_write($path, $config_dump);
  -            # also update blib/lib, since usually that's the one that
  -            # appears in @INC when t/TEST is run. and it won't be
  -            # synced with blib/ unless 'make' was run
  -            my $blib_path = catfile $vars->{top_dir},
  -                'blib', 'lib', CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  -            if (-e $blib_path and custom_config_path_is_writable($blib_path)) {
  -                custom_config_write($blib_path, $config_dump);
  -            }
  -            return 1;
  -        }
  -    }
  -    my $path;
  -    if ($path = custom_config_path() ) {
  -        # do nothing, the config file already exists (global)
  -        debug "Found custom config '$path'";
  -    }
  -    elsif (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(__FILE__)) {
  -        # next try a global location, as if it was configured before
  -        # Apache::Test's 'make install' (install in the same dir as
  -        # Apache/
  -        # if the filename is not absolute that means that we are still
  -        # in Apache-Test build (could just test for IS_APACHE_TEST_BUILD)
  -        my $base = dirname dirname __FILE__;
  -        $path = catdir $base, CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  -    }
  -    # check whether we can write to the directory of the chosen path
  -    # (e.g. root-owned directory)
  -    if ($path and custom_config_path_is_writable($path)) {
  -        custom_config_write($path, $config_dump);
  -        return 1;
  -    }
  -    # if we have no writable path yet, try to use ~
  -    elsif ($ENV{HOME}) {
  -        $path = catfile $ENV{HOME}, '.apache-test', CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE;
  -        if ($path and custom_config_path_is_writable($path)) {
  -            custom_config_write($path, $config_dump);
  -            return 1;
  -        }
  -    }
  -    # XXX: should we croak since we failed to write config
  -    error "Failed to find a config file to save the custom " .
  -        "configuration in";
  -    return 0;
  -sub custom_config_path_is_writable {
  -    my $path = shift;
  -    return 0 unless $path;
  -    my $file_created    = '';
  -    my $top_dir_created = '';
  -    # first make sure that the file is writable if it exists
  -    # already (it might be non-writable if installed via EU::MM or in
  -    # blib/)
  -    if (-e $path) {
  -        my $mode = (stat _)[2];
  -        $mode |= 0200;
  -        chmod $mode, $path; # it's ok if we fail
  -        # keep it writable if we have changed it from not being one
  -        # so that custom_config_save will be able to just overwrite it
  -    }
  -    else {
  -        my $dir = dirname $path;
  -        if ($dir and !-e $dir) {
  -            my @dirs = File::Path::mkpath($dir, 0, 0755);
  -            # the top level dir to nuke on cleanup if it was created
  -            $top_dir_created = shift @dirs if @dirs;
  -        }
  -        # not really create yet, but will be in the moment
  -        $file_created = 1;
  -    }
  -    # try to open for append (even though it may not exist
  -    my $fh = Symbol::gensym;
  -    if (open $fh, ">>$path") {
  -        close $fh;
  -        # cleanup if we just created the file
  -        unlink $path if $file_created;
  -        File::Path::rmtree([$top_dir_created], 0, 0) if $top_dir_created;
  -        return 1;
  -    }
  -    return 0;
  -sub custom_config_write {
  -    my($path, $config_dump) = @_;
  -    my $pkg = << "EOC";
  -package Apache::TestConfigData;
  -use strict;
  -use warnings;
  -\$Apache::TestConfigData::vars = {
  -=head1 NAME
  -Apache::TestConfigData - Configuration file for Apache::Test
  -    debug "Writing custom config $path";
  -    my $dir = dirname $path;
  -    File::Path::mkpath($dir, 0, 0755) unless -e $dir;
  -    my $fh = Symbol::gensym;
  -    open $fh, ">$path" or die "Cannot open $path: $!";
  -    print $fh $pkg;
  -    close $fh;
  -my $custom_config_loaded = 0;
  -sub custom_config_load {
  -        debug "APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 => " .
  -            "skipping load of custom config data";
  -        return;
  -    }
  -    return if $custom_config_loaded;
  -    if (my $custom_config_path = custom_config_path()) {
  -        debug "loading custom config data from: '$custom_config_path'";
  -        $custom_config_loaded++;
  -        require $custom_config_path;
  -    }
  -    else {
  -        debug "no custom config data was loaded";
  -    }
  -sub custom_config_first_time {
  -    my $self = shift;
  -    my $test_config = $self->{test_config};
  -    my $vars = $test_config->{vars};
  -    require File::Spec;
  -    local *which = \&Apache::TestConfig::which;
  -    print qq[
  -We are now going to configure the Apache-Test framework.
  -This configuration process needs to be done only once.
  -    print qq[
  -First we need to know where the 'httpd' executable is located.
  -If you have more than one Apache server is installed, make sure
  -you supply the path to the one you are going to use for testing.
  -You can always override this setting at run time via the '-httpd'
  -option. For example:
  -  % t/TEST -httpd /path/to/alternative/httpd
  -or via the environment variable APACHE_TEST_HTTPD. For example:
  -  % APACHE_TEST_HTTPD=/path/to/alternative/httpd t/TEST
  -If for some reason you want to skip the test suite, type: skip
  -    {
  -        my %choices = ();
  -        my @tries = qw(httpd httpd2);
  -        # Win32 uses Apache or perhaps Apache2, not apache/apache2
  -        push @tries, Apache::TestConfig::WIN32 ?
  -            qw(Apache Apache2) : qw(apache apache2);
  -        for (grep defined $_,
  -             map({ catfile $vars->{$_}, $vars->{target} } qw(sbindir bindir)),
  -             $test_config->default_httpd, which($vars->{target}),
  -             $ENV{APACHE}, $ENV{APACHE2},
  -             map {which($_)} @tries) {
  -            $choices{$_}++ if -e $_ && -x _;
  -        }
  -        my $optional = 0;
  -        my $wanted = 'httpd';
  -        $vars->{$wanted} = 
  -            _custom_config_prompt_path($wanted, \%choices, $optional);
  -    }
  -    print qq[
  -Next we need to know where the 'apxs' script is located. This script
  -provides a lot of information about the apache installation, and makes
  -it easier to find things. However it's not available on all platforms,
  -therefore it's optional.
  -If you don't have it installed it's not a problem. Just press Enter.
  -Notice that if you have Apache 2.x installed that script could be
  -called as 'apxs2'.
  -If you have more than one Apache server is installed, make sure you
  -supply the path to the apxs script you are going to use for testing.
  -You can always override this setting at run time via the '-apxs'
  -option. For example:
  -  % t/TEST -apxs /path/to/alternative/apxs
  -or via the environment variable APACHE_TEST_APXS. For example:
  -  % APACHE_TEST_APXS=/path/to/alternative/apxs t/TEST
  -    {
  -        my %choices = ();
  -        for (grep defined $_,
  -             map({ catfile $vars->{$_}, 'apxs' } qw(sbindir bindir)),
  -             $test_config->default_apxs,
  -             $ENV{APXS},  $ENV{APACHE_TEST_APXS},  which('apxs'),
  -             $ENV{APXS2}, $ENV{APACHE_TEST_APXS2}, which('apxs2')) {
  -            $choices{$_}++ if -e $_ && -x _;
  -        }
  -        my $optional = 1;
  -        my $wanted = 'apxs';
  -        $vars->{$wanted} = 
  -            _custom_config_prompt_path($wanted, \%choices, $optional);
  -    }
  -    $self->custom_config_save();
  -    # we probably could reconfigure on the fly ($self->configure), but
  -    # the problem is various cached data which won't be refreshed. so
  -    # the simplest is just to restart the run from scratch
  -    chdir $orig_cwd;
  -    warning "rerunning '$original_command' with new config opts";
  -    exec $original_command;
  -    die "exec $original_command has failed"; # shouldn't be reached
  -sub _custom_config_prompt_path {
  -    my($wanted, $rh_choices, $optional) = @_;
  -    my $ans;
  -    my $default = '';
  -    my $optional_str = $optional ? " (optional)" : '';
  -    my $prompt =
  -        "\nPlease provide a full path to$optional_str '$wanted' executable";
  -    my @choices = ();
  -    if (%$rh_choices) {
  -        $prompt .= " or choose from the following options:\n\n";
  -        my $c = 0;
  -        for (sort keys %$rh_choices) {
  -            $c++;
  -            $prompt .= "    [$c] $_\n";
  -            push @choices, $_;
  -        }
  -        $prompt .= " \n";
  -        $default = 1; # a wild guess
  -    }
  -    else {
  -        $prompt .= ":\n\n";
  -    }
  -    while (1) {
  -        $ans = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt($prompt, $default);
  -        # strip leading/closing spaces
  -        $ans =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
  -        # convert the item number to the path
  -        if ($ans =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
  -            if ($1 > 0 and $choices[$1-1]) {
  -                $ans = $choices[$1-1];
  -            }
  -            else {
  -                warn "The choice '$ans' doesn't exist\n";
  -                next;
  -            }
  -        }
  -        if ($optional) {
  -            return '' unless $ans;
  -        }
  -        # stop the test suite without an error (so automatic tools
  -        # like will be able to continue)
  -        if (lc($ans) eq 'skip' && !$optional) {
  -            skip_test_suite();
  -            next; # in case they change their mind
  -        }
  -        unless (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($ans)) {
  -            my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
  -            warn "The path '$ans' is not an absolute path. " .
  -                "Please specify an absolute path\n";
  -            next;
  -        }
  -        warn("'$ans' doesn't exist\n"),     next unless -e $ans;
  -        warn("'$ans' is not executable\n"), next unless -x $ans;
  -        return $ans;
  -    }
  1.85      +10 -0     httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.84
  retrieving revision 1.85
  diff -u -u -r1.84 -r1.85
  ---	13 May 2004 07:21:25 -0000	1.84
  +++	6 Aug 2004 18:20:42 -0000	1.85
  @@ -53,6 +53,13 @@
       $self->{port_counter} = $self->{config}->{vars}->{port};
  +    $self;
  +# call this when you already know where httpd is
  +sub post_config {
  +    my($self) = @_;
       $self->{version} = $self->{config}->httpd_version || '';
       $self->{mpm}     = $self->{config}->httpd_mpm     || '';
  @@ -88,6 +95,9 @@
   sub version_of {
       my($self, $thing) = @_;
  +    die "Can't figure out what Apache server generation we are running"
  +        unless $self->{rev};

Re: cvs commit: httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache

Posted by Stas Bekman <>.
Geoffrey Young wrote:
>>(I wish there was a test suite for Apache-Test itself, not the internal
>>tests, but the configuration tests)
> yeah, I've thought about ways to do this but wasn't able to come up with
> anything decent.  it's one thing to test that t_cmp() works, quite another
> to test whether the proper httpd is picked up from an end-user environment.

Probably we can do that we some sequence of configure+run of various 
setups. Unfortunatly since each one of us has a different naming/layout 
of httpd/mod_perl, it can't be re-used. Unless we come up with a common 
approach and then we can re-use each other's stuff.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

Re: cvs commit: httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache

Posted by Geoffrey Young <>.
> (I wish there was a test suite for Apache-Test itself, not the internal
> tests, but the configuration tests)

yeah, I've thought about ways to do this but wasn't able to come up with
anything decent.  it's one thing to test that t_cmp() works, quite another
to test whether the proper httpd is picked up from an end-user environment.


Re: cvs commit: httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache

Posted by Stas Bekman <>. wrote:
> stas        2004/08/06 11:20:42
>   Modified:    perl-framework/Apache-Test Changes Makefile.PL
>                perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache
>   Log:
>   move the custom config code into Apache::TestConfig, split the config
>   object creation in 2 parts - first not requiring the knowledge of
>   httpd location, the second requiring one, refactor the custom config
>   interactive prompting into the second phase, if failed to find
>   httpd. Reshuffle the code to run first bits not requiring the
>   knowledge of httpd location.

I had to do some re-shuffling to change the timing of the httpd 
detection, as a few things were broken. I hope I didn't break anything. 
Please do extensive testing. Thanks.

(I wish there was a test suite for Apache-Test itself, not the internal 
tests, but the configuration tests)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->