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cvs commit: xml-xerces/c/tests/XSerializerTest XSerializerTest.cpp

peiyongz    2004/03/06 13:57:54

  Modified:    c/tests/XSerializerTest XSerializerTest.cpp
  Make each test case run with distinct (de)serialization context, memMgr/gramPool/Parser
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +241 -246  xml-xerces/c/tests/XSerializerTest/XSerializerTest.cpp
  Index: XSerializerTest.cpp
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xerces/c/tests/XSerializerTest/XSerializerTest.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- XSerializerTest.cpp	14 Jan 2004 18:58:57 -0000	1.7
  +++ XSerializerTest.cpp	6 Mar 2004 21:57:54 -0000	1.8
  @@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
   * $Id$
   * $Log$
  +* Revision 1.8  2004/03/06 21:57:54  peiyongz
  +* Make each test case run with distinct (de)serialization context, memMgr/gramPool/Parser
   * Revision 1.7  2004/01/14 18:58:57  peiyongz
   * XSerializerTest documentation updated
  @@ -114,19 +117,11 @@
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   //  parsing components
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -static SAX2XMLReader*           parser      = 0;
  -static MemoryManager*           myMemMgr    = 0;
  -static XMLGrammarPool*          myGramPool  = 0;
   static XSerializerHandlers*     handler     = 0;
  -static BinInputStream*          myIn        = 0;
  -static BinOutputStream*         myOut       = 0;
  -static bool                     serializeGrammarOK = true;
  -static const int                BufSize     = 1024;
  -*   This program is a variation of SAXCount.
  +*   This program is a variation of SAX2Count.
   *   Whenever a file is served, it does the following:
  @@ -139,6 +134,27 @@
  +#include <stdio.h>
  +void parseCase(const char* const xmlFile);
  +bool parseOne(BinOutputStream*    outStream
  +            , const char* const  xmlFile);
  +void parseTwo(BinInputStream*     inStream
  +            , const char* const  xmlFile);
  +void parseFile(SAX2XMLReader* const parser
  +             , const char* const xmlFile);
  +SAX2XMLReader* getParser(XMLGrammarPool* const theGramPool
  +                       , bool                  setHandler);
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   //  Local helper methods
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  @@ -165,239 +181,6 @@
            << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  -static void init()
  -    //
  -    //  Create our SAX handler object and install it on the parser, as the
  -    //  document and error handler.
  -    //
  -    if (!handler)
  -        handler = new XSerializerHandlers();
  -static void cleanUp()
  -    if (handler)
  -        delete handler;
  -    if (myIn)
  -        delete myIn;
  -    if (myOut)
  -        delete myOut;
  -static BinOutputStream* getOutputStream()
  -    if (!myOut)
  -    {
  -        myOut = new BinMemOutputStream(BufSize);
  -    }
  -    ((BinMemOutputStream*)myOut)->reset();
  -    return myOut;
  -static BinInputStream* getInputStream()
  -    if (!myOut)
  -    {
  -        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "DEserialization has to be done after serialization\n";
  -        exit(-1);
  -    }
  -    //BinMemInputStream can not refer to a different data once
  -    //it is instantiated, so we delete it and have a new one.
  -    if (myIn)
  -    {
  -        delete myIn;
  -        myIn = 0;
  -    }
  -    //make it to refer to the binary data saved in the myOut
  -    //but the data still belong to myOut
  -    myIn = new BinMemInputStream( ((BinMemOutputStream*)myOut)->getRawBuffer()
  -                                , ((BinMemOutputStream*)myOut)->getSize()
  -                                , BinMemInputStream::BufOpt_Reference
  -                                );
  -    return myIn;
  -static void getParser(bool setHandler)
  -    myMemMgr       = new MemoryManagerImpl();
  -    myGramPool     = new XMLGrammarPoolImpl(myMemMgr);
  -    parser = XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader(myMemMgr, myGramPool);
  -    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces, doNamespaces);
  -    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, doSchema);
  -    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, schemaFullChecking);
  -    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpacePrefixes, namespacePrefixes);
  -    if (valScheme == SAX2XMLReader::Val_Auto)
  -    {
  -        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, true);
  -        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesDynamic, true);
  -    }
  -    if (valScheme == SAX2XMLReader::Val_Never)
  -    {
  -        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, false);
  -    }
  -    if (valScheme == SAX2XMLReader::Val_Always)
  -    {
  -        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, true);
  -        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesDynamic, false);
  -    }
  -    if (setHandler)
  -    {
  -        parser->setContentHandler(handler);
  -        parser->setErrorHandler(handler);
  -    }
  -    else
  -    {
  -        parser->setContentHandler(0);
  -        parser->setErrorHandler(0);
  -    }
  -static void destroyParser()
  -    //the order is important
  -    delete parser;
  -    delete myGramPool;
  -    delete myMemMgr;
  -// parse the instance document and
  -// build a grammar from parsing
  -//return false if no grammar built
  -static bool getAndSaveGrammar(const char* const xmlFile)
  -    bool    retVal = true;
  -    getParser(false);  //don't emit error
  -    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesCacheGrammarFromParse, true);
  -    try
  -    {
  -        parser->parse(xmlFile);
  -    }
  -    catch (...)
  -    {
  -        //do nothing
  -        // it could be instance document is invalid
  -        // but the grammar is fine
  -    }
  -    try
  -    {
  -        myGramPool->serializeGrammars(getOutputStream());
  -    }
  -    catch(const XSerializationException& e)
  -    {
  -        //do emit error here so that we know serialization failure
  -        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "An error occurred during serialization\n   Message: "
  -            << StrX(e.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  -        retVal = false;
  -    }
  -    destroyParser();
  -    return retVal;
  -static bool restoreGrammar()
  -    bool    retVal = true;
  -    getParser(true);  //emit error
  -    try
  -    {
  -        myGramPool->deserializeGrammars(getInputStream());
  -    }
  -    catch(const XSerializationException& e)
  -    {
  -        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "An error occurred during de-serialization\n   Message: "
  -                << StrX(e.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  -        destroyParser();
  -        retVal = false;
  -    }
  -    //parser to be used by parseing file
  -    return retVal;
  -static void parseFile(const char* const xmlFile)
  -    //
  -    //  Get the starting time and kick off the parse of the indicated
  -    //  file. Catch any exceptions that might propogate out of it.
  -    //
  -    unsigned long duration;
  -    //reset error count first
  -    handler->resetErrors();
  -    try
  -    {
  -        const unsigned long startMillis = XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis();
  -        parser->parse(xmlFile);
  -        const unsigned long endMillis = XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis();
  -        duration = endMillis - startMillis;
  -    }
  -    catch (const XMLException& e)
  -    {
  -        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nError during parsing: '" << xmlFile << "'\n"
  -            << "Exception message is:  \n"
  -            << StrX(e.getMessage()) << "\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  -        errorOccurred = true;
  -    }
  -    catch (...)
  -    {
  -        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nUnexpected exception during parsing: '" << xmlFile << "'\n";
  -        errorOccurred = true;
  -    }
  -    // Print out the stats that we collected and time taken
  -    if (!handler->getSawErrors())
  -    {
  -        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << xmlFile << ": " << duration << " ms ("
  -            << handler->getElementCount() << " elems, "
  -            << handler->getAttrCount() << " attrs, "
  -            << handler->getSpaceCount() << " spaces, "
  -            << handler->getCharacterCount() << " chars)" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  -    }
  -    else
  -        errorOccurred = true;
  -static void parseCase(const char* const xmlFile)
  -    //if we can successfully getAndSaveGrammar and
  -    // restoreGrammar, then parse using the cached Grammar
  -    if (getAndSaveGrammar(xmlFile) && restoreGrammar())
  -    {
  -        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse, true);
  -    }
  -    else //otherwise, do a normal parsing
  -    {
  -        getParser(true);
  -    }
  -    parseFile(xmlFile);
  -    destroyParser();
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   //  Program entry point
   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  @@ -515,7 +298,6 @@
  -        init();
       catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
  @@ -571,8 +353,6 @@
       if (doList)
  -    cleanUp();
       // And call the termination method
  @@ -580,6 +360,221 @@
           return 4;
           return 0;
  +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  +//  Serialization/Deserialization
  +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  +static const int BufSize = 1024;
  +static void parseCase(const char* const xmlFile)
  +    //
  +    //  Create our SAX handler object and install it on the parser, as the
  +    //  document and error handler.
  +    //
  +    if (!handler)
  +        handler = new XSerializerHandlers();
  +    BinOutputStream* myOut = new BinMemOutputStream(BufSize);
  +    Janitor<BinOutputStream> janOut(myOut);
  +    if (!parseOne(myOut, xmlFile))
  +        return;
  +    BinInputStream*  myIn  = new BinMemInputStream(
  +                                                   ((BinMemOutputStream*)myOut)->getRawBuffer()
  +                                                 , ((BinMemOutputStream*)myOut)->getSize()
  +                                                 , BinMemInputStream::BufOpt_Reference
  +                                                  );
  +    Janitor<BinInputStream> janIn(myIn);
  +    parseTwo(myIn, xmlFile);
  +bool parseOne(BinOutputStream*    outStream
  +            , const char* const   xmlFile)
  +    //we don't use janitor here
  +    MemoryManager*  theMemMgr   = new MemoryManagerImpl();
  +    XMLGrammarPool* theGramPool = new XMLGrammarPoolImpl(theMemMgr);
  +    SAX2XMLReader*  theParser   = getParser(theGramPool, false);  //don't emit error
  +    bool            retVal      = true;
  +    theParser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesCacheGrammarFromParse, true);
  +    //scan instance document and cache grammar
  +    try
  +    {
  +        theParser->parse(xmlFile);
  +    }
  +    catch (...)
  +    {
  +        //do nothing, it could be an invalid instance document, but the grammar is fine
  +    }
  +    //serialize the grammar pool
  +    try
  +    {
  +        theGramPool->serializeGrammars(outStream);
  +    }
  +    catch (const XSerializationException& e)
  +    {
  +        //do emit error here so that we know serialization failure
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "An error occurred during serialization\n   Message: "
  +            << StrX(e.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  +        retVal = false;
  +    }
  +    catch (...)
  +    {
  +        //do emit error here so that we know serialization failure
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "An error occurred during serialization\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  +        retVal = false;
  +    }
  +    //the order is important
  +    delete theParser;
  +    delete theGramPool;
  +    delete theMemMgr;
  +    return retVal;
  +void parseTwo(BinInputStream*     inStream
  +            , const char* const   xmlFile)
  +    //we don't use janitor here
  +    MemoryManager*  theMemMgr   = new MemoryManagerImpl();
  +    XMLGrammarPool* theGramPool = new XMLGrammarPoolImpl(theMemMgr);
  +    bool            errorSeen   = false;
  +    //de-serialize grammar pool
  +    try
  +    {
  +        theGramPool->deserializeGrammars(inStream);
  +    }
  +    catch(const XSerializationException& e)
  +    {
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "An error occurred during de-serialization\n   Message: "
  +            << StrX(e.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  +        errorSeen = true;
  +    }
  +    catch (...)
  +    {
  +        //do emit error here so that we know serialization failure
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "An error occurred during de-serialization\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  +        errorSeen = true;
  +    }
  +    if (!errorSeen)
  +    {
  +        SAX2XMLReader*  theParser   = getParser(theGramPool, true); //set the handler
  +        theParser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse, true);
  +        parseFile(theParser, xmlFile);
  +        delete theParser;
  +    }
  +    //the order is important
  +    delete theGramPool;
  +    delete theMemMgr;
  +    return;
  +static SAX2XMLReader* getParser(XMLGrammarPool* const theGramPool
  +                              , bool                  setHandler)
  +    SAX2XMLReader* parser = XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader(theGramPool->getMemoryManager(), theGramPool);
  +    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces, doNamespaces);
  +    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, doSchema);
  +    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, schemaFullChecking);
  +    parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpacePrefixes, namespacePrefixes);
  +    if (valScheme == SAX2XMLReader::Val_Auto)
  +    {
  +        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, true);
  +        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesDynamic, true);
  +    }
  +    if (valScheme == SAX2XMLReader::Val_Never)
  +    {
  +        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, false);
  +    }
  +    if (valScheme == SAX2XMLReader::Val_Always)
  +    {
  +        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, true);
  +        parser->setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesDynamic, false);
  +    }
  +    if (setHandler)
  +    {
  +        parser->setContentHandler(handler);
  +        parser->setErrorHandler(handler);
  +    }
  +    else
  +    {
  +        parser->setContentHandler(0);
  +        parser->setErrorHandler(0);
  +    }
  +    return parser;
  +static void parseFile(SAX2XMLReader* const parser
  +                    , const char* const xmlFile)
  +    //
  +    //  Get the starting time and kick off the parse of the indicated
  +    //  file. Catch any exceptions that might propogate out of it.
  +    //
  +    unsigned long duration;
  +    //reset error count first
  +    handler->resetErrors();
  +    try
  +    {
  +        const unsigned long startMillis = XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis();
  +        parser->parse(xmlFile);
  +        const unsigned long endMillis = XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis();
  +        duration = endMillis - startMillis;
  +    }
  +    catch (const XMLException& e)
  +    {
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nError during parsing: '" << xmlFile << "'\n"
  +            << "Exception message is:  \n"
  +            << StrX(e.getMessage()) << "\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  +        errorOccurred = true;
  +    }
  +    catch (...)
  +    {
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nUnexpected exception during parsing: '" << xmlFile << "'\n";
  +        errorOccurred = true;
  +    }
  +    // Print out the stats that we collected and time taken
  +    if (!handler->getSawErrors())
  +    {
  +        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << xmlFile << ": " << duration << " ms ("
  +            << handler->getElementCount() << " elems, "
  +            << handler->getAttrCount() << " attrs, "
  +            << handler->getSpaceCount() << " spaces, "
  +            << handler->getCharacterCount() << " chars)" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
  +    }
  +    else
  +        errorOccurred = true;

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