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Posted to by Steve Crossan <> on 2003/04/03 19:25:06 UTC

html2xdoc problems


Attempting to use html2xdoc, I checked it out from CVS and built it into
my maven plugins directory (1.0-beta-8).

I created an html2xdoc goal from an example found in the CVS checkout

However nothing I do will run the target successfully. Any pointers
would be gratefully received, as I can't find documentation to help and 
my guesswork has run out, TIA. The error message is


maven html2xdoc
 __  __
|  \/  |__ Jakarta _ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|   v. 1.0-beta-8

Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-html-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Total time:  15 seconds


maven.xml file:


<project default="plugin:install"

  <preGoal name="xdoc:jelly-transform">
    <attainGoal name="html2xdoc"/>

  <goal name="html2xdoc" prereqs="xdoc:init"
    description="Generates XDoc documentation from normal HTML files">

    <property name="maven.html2xdoc.dir"
      value="" />

    <j:set var="destdir" value="${}"/>
    <j:if test="${empty(destdir)}">
      <j:set var="destdir" value="${}/generated-xdocs"/>
    <j:set var="srcdir" value="${maven.html2xdoc.dir}"/>    
    <j:if test="${empty(srcdir)}">
      <j:set var="srcdir" value="${basedir}/xdocs"/>
    <j:set var="outputencoding" value="${}"/>

    <!-- tool for converting HTML into XDoc -->
class="org.apache.maven.html2xdoc.Html2XdocBean" var="htmlTool"/>

    <!-- mapper for determining output file name -->
var="mapper" className="org.apache.maven.util.CaseInsensitiveGlobPatternMapper"/>

    <util:file var="srcdirFile" name="${srcdir}"/>
    <j:set var="srcdir" value="${srcdirFile.getCanonicalPath()}"/>
    <util:file var="destdirFile" name="${destdir}"/>
    <j:set var="destdir" value="${destdirFile.getCanonicalPath()}"/>

var="fromPattern" oldChar="\" newChar="/" value="${srcdir}/*.html"/>
var="toPattern" oldChar="\" newChar="/" value="${destdir}/*.xml"/>
object="${mapper}" from="${fromPattern}" to="${toPattern}"/>

var="fromDirPattern" oldChar="\" newChar="/" value="${srcdir}*"/>
var="toDirPattern" oldChar="\" newChar="/" value="${destdir}*"/>
var="dirMapper" className="org.apache.maven.util.CaseInsensitiveGlobPatternMapper"/>
object="${dirMapper}" from="${fromDirPattern}" to="${toDirPattern}"/>

    <ant:fileScanner var="docFiles">
      <ant:fileset dir="${srcdir}">
          <ant:include name="**/*.html"/>

    <j:forEach var="file" items="${docFiles.iterator()}">

var="inDirForward" oldChar="\" newChar="/" value="${file.parent}"/>
var="outDir" value="${dirMapper.mapFileName(inDirForward).0}"/>
      <ant:mkdir dir="${outDir}"/>

      <!-- generate output file name -->
var="outFileForward" oldChar="\" newChar="/" value="${file.toString()}"/>
var="outFiles" value="${mapper.mapFileName(outFileForward)}"/>
      <j:set var="outFile" value="${outFiles[0]}"/>

      <ant:echo>Generating ${outFile} from ${file}</ant:echo>
      <!-- parse the HTML doc and pass it to the stylesheet -->
var="htmlDoc" html="${file}" element="lower" attribute="lower"/>
      <!-- now lets convert the document into XML -->
      <j:set var="xmlDoc" value="${htmlTool.convert(htmlDoc)}"/>

name="${outFile}" encoding="${outputencoding}" outputMode="xml">
        <x:copyOf select="$xmlDoc"/>

  <!-- copies unit testing stuff: don't know why we need this! -->
  <postGoal name="test:compile">
    <copy todir="target/test-classes">
      <fileset dir="src/test">
        <include name="**/*.html"/>
        <include name="**/*.xml"/>



Steve Crossan

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