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cvs commit: xml-soap/java/samples/mime

wcloeten    01/03/11 10:01:22

  Added:       java/samples/mime
  shell script variants of test scripts
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-soap/java/samples/mime/
  export URL=http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter
  #export URL=http://localhost:8081/soap/servlet/rpcrouter
  export BASEDIR=$HOME/projects/soap/build/samples/mime
  echo This test assumes a server URL of:
  echo  $URL
  echo This test assumes that the server has access to a directory containing
  echo the sample files foo.txt, infile.txt and fields.gif:
  echo  $BASEDIR
  echo Edit this file if the above parameters are incorrect.
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Deploying the sample MIME service...
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient $URL deploy DeploymentDescriptor.xml
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo "Verifying that it's there..."
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient $URL list
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Sending a small text file \(foo.txt\) as an attachment parameter.
  echo This should return details about the file.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL sendFile foo.txt
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Looping a binary file \(fields.gif\) as an attachment parameter.
  echo This should return the exact same file as the response.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL loopFile fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Retrieving a text file with international characters \(infile.txt\) and
  echo a binary file \(fields.gif\) from the server as a vector of parameters.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL getFileVector $BASEDIR/infile.txt $BASEDIR/fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Passing a text file with international characters \(infile.txt\) and
  echo a binary file \(fields.gif\) as a Vector of attachment parameters. The
  echo result should be the same as above.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL loopFileVector infile.txt fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Retrieving a text file with international characters \(infile.txt\) and
  echo a binary file \(fields.gif\) from the server as an array of attachment
  echo parameters.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL getFileArray $BASEDIR/infile.txt $BASEDIR/fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Passing a text file with international characters \(infile.txt\) and
  echo a binary file \(fields.gif\) as an array of attachment parameters. The
  echo result should be the same as above.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL loopFileArray infile.txt fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Passing a text file \(foo.txt\) and a binary file \(fields.gif\) as
  echo attachments not referred to in the SOAP envelope.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient $URL listAttachments foo.txt fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Undeploying...
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient $URL undeploy urn:mimetest
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo "Verifying that it's gone..."
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient $URL list
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo "That's all folks!"
  1.1                  xml-soap/java/samples/mime/
  export URL=http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/
  #export URL=http://localhost:8081/soap/servlet/
  export RPCURL=${URL}rpcrouter
  export MSGURL=${URL}messagerouter
  echo This test assumes a server RPC router URL of:
  echo  ${RPCURL}
  echo and a message router URL of:
  echo  ${MSGURL}
  echo Edit this file if the above parameters are incorrect.
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Deploying the sample messaging MIME service...
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient ${RPCURL} deploy MessagingDeploymentDescriptor.xml
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo "Verifying that it's there..."
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient ${RPCURL} list
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Passing a manually generated SOAP envelope, and a text file \(foo.txt\)
  echo and a binary file \(fields.gif\) as attachments not referred to in the SOAP
  echo envelope to the message router. The result should be the last attachment
  echo returned as a single part response.
  echo .
  java samples.mime.MimeTestClient ${MSGURL} loopProcessor foo.txt fields.gif
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo Undeploying message service...
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient ${RPCURL} undeploy urn:mimetestprocessor
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo "Verifying that it's gone..."
  echo .
  java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient ${RPCURL} list
  echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  echo "That's all folks!"