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[1/5] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updated the documentation for migrating from 1.0 to 2.0 for Traffic Ops

Repository: incubator-trafficcontrol
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master a3e12b972 -> caf56036b
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_using.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_using.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c62704c..0000000
--- a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_using.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. |graph| image:: ../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/graph.png
-.. |info| image:: ../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/info.png
-.. |checkmark| image:: ../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/good.png
-.. |X| image:: ../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/bad.png
-.. |clock| image:: ../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/clock-black.png
-Using Traffic Ops
-The Traffic Ops Menu
-.. image:: 12m.png
-The following tabs are available in the menu at the top of the Traffic Ops user interface.
-.. index::
-  Health Tab
-* **Health**
-  Information on the health of the system. Hover over this tab to get to the following options:
-  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |     Option    |                                                            Description                                                             |
-  +===============+====================================================================================================================================+
-  | Table View    | A real time view into the main performance indicators of the CDNs managed by Traffic Control.                                      |
-  |               | This view is sourced directly by the Traffic Monitor data and is updated every 10 seconds.                                         |
-  |               | This is the default screen of Traffic Ops.                                                                                         |
-  |               | See :ref:`rl-health-table` for details.                                                                                            |
-  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Graph View    | A real graphical time view into the main performance indicators of the CDNs managed by Traffic Control.                            |
-  |               | This view is sourced by the Traffic Monitor data and is updated every 10 seconds.                                                  |
-  |               | On loading, this screen will show a history of 24 hours of data from Traffic Stats                                                 |
-  |               | See :ref:`rl-health-graph` for details.                                                                                            |
-  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Server Checks | A table showing the results of the periodic check extension scripts that are run. See :ref:`rl-server-checks`                      |
-  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Daily Summary | A graph displaying the daily peaks of bandwidth, overall bytes served per day, and overall bytes served since initial installation |
-  |               | per CDN.                                                                                                                           |
-  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-* **Delivery Services**
-  The main Delivery Service table. This is where you Create/Read/Update/Delete Delivery Services of all types. Hover over to get the following sub option:
-  +-------------+--------------------------------------+
-  |    Option   |             Description              |
-  +=============+======================================+
-  | Federations | Add/Edit/Delete Federation Mappings. |
-  +-------------+--------------------------------------+
-* **Servers**
-  The main Servers table. This is where you Create/Read/Update/Delete servers of all types.  Click the main tab to get to the main table, and hover over to get these sub options:
-  +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |       Option      |                                       Description                                        |
-  +===================+==========================================================================================+
-  | Upload Server CSV | Bulk add of servers from a csv file. See :ref:`rl-bulkserver`                            |
-  +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-* **Parameters**
-  Parameters and Profiles can be edited here. Hover over the tab to get the following options:
-  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |        Option       |                                                                             Description                                                                             |
-  +=====================+=====================================================================================================================================================================+
-  | Global Profile      | The table of global parameters. See :ref:`rl-param-prof`. This is where you Create/Read/Update/Delete parameters in the Global profile                              |
-  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | All Cache Groups    | The table of all parameters *that are assgined to a cachegroup* - this may be slow to pull up, as there can be thousands of parameters.                             |
-  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | All Profiles        | The table of all parameters *that are assgined to a profile* - this may be slow to pull up, as there can be thousands of parameters.                                |
-  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Select Profile      | Select the parameter list by profile first, then get a table of just the parameters for that profile.                                                               |
-  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Orphaned Parameters | A table of parameters that are not associated to any profile of cache group. These parameters either should be deleted or associated with a profile of cache group. |
-  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-* **Tools**
-  Tools for working with Traffic Ops and it's servers. Hover over this tab to get the following options:
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |       Option       |                                                            Description                                                            |
-  +====================+===================================================================================================================================+
-  | Generate ISO       | Generate a bootable image for any of the servers in the Servers table (or any server for that matter). See :ref:`rl-generate-iso` |
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Queue Updates      | Send Updates to the caches. See :ref:`rl-queue-updates`                                                                           |
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | DB Dump            | Backup the Database to a .sql file.                                                                                               |
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Snapshot CRConfig  | Send updates to the Traffic Monitor / Traffic Router servers.  See :ref:`rl-queue-updates`                                        |
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Invalidate Content | Invalidate or purge content from all caches in the CDN. See :ref:`rl-purge`                                                       |
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Manage DNSSEC keys | Manage DNSSEC Keys for a chosen CDN.                                                                                              |
-  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-* **Misc**
-  Miscellaneous editing options. Hover over this tab to get the following options:
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |       Option       |                                        Description                                        |
-  +====================+===========================================================================================+
-  | CDNs               | Create/Read/Update/Delete CDNs                                                            |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Cache Groups       | Create/Read/Update/Delete cache groups                                                    |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Users              | Create/Read/Update/Delete users                                                           |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Profiles           | Create/Read/Update/Delete profiles. See :ref:`rl-working-with-profiles`                   |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Networks(ASNs)     | Create/Read/Update/Delete Autonomous System Numbers See :ref:`rl-asn-czf`                 |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Hardware           | Get detailed hardware information (note: this should be moved to a Traffic Ops Extension) |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Data Types         | Create/Read/Update/Delete data types                                                      |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Divisions          | Create/Read/Update/Delete divisions                                                       |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Regions            | Create/Read/Update/Delete regions                                                         |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Physical Locations | Create/Read/Update/Delete locations                                                       |
-  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-.. index::
-  Change Log
-* **ChangeLog**
-  The Changelog table displays the changes that are being made to the Traffic Ops database through the Traffic Ops user interface. This tab will show the number of changes since you last visited this tab in (brackets) since the last time you visited this tab. There are currently no sub menus for this tab.
-* **Help**
-  Help for Traffic Ops and Traffic Control. Hover over this tab to get the following options:
-  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |     Option    |                             Description                             |
-  +===============+=====================================================================+
-  | About         | Traffic Ops information, such as version, database information, etc |
-  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Release Notes | Release notes for the most recent releases of Traffic Ops           |
-  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Logout        | Logout from Traffic Ops                                             |
-  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-.. index::
-  Edge Health
-  Health
-.. _rl-health-table:
-The Health Table
-The Health table is the default landing screen for Traffic Ops, it displays the status of the EDGE caches in a table form directly from Traffic Monitor (bypassing Traffic Stats), sorted by Mbps Out. The columns in this table are:
-* **Profile**: the Profile of this server or ALL, meaning this row shows data for multiple servers, and the row shows the sum of all values.
-* **Host Name**: the host name of the server or ALL, meaning this row shows data for multiple servers, and the row shows the sum of all values.
-* **Edge Cache Group**: the edge cache group short name or ALL, meaning this row shows data for multiple servers, and the row shows the sum of all values.
-* **Healthy**: indicates if this cache is healthy according to the Health Protocol. A row with ALL in any of the columns will always show a |checkmark|, this column is valid only for individual EDGE caches.
-* **Admin**: shows the administrative status of the server.
-* **Connections**: the number of connections this cache (or group of caches) has open (``ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections`` from ATS).
-* **Mbps Out**: the bandwidth being served out if this cache (or group of caches)
-Since the top line has ALL, ALL, ALL, it shows the total connections and bandwidth for all caches managed by this instance of Traffic Ops.
-.. _rl-health-graph:
-Graph View
-The Graph View shows a live view of the last 24 hours of bits per seconds served and open connections at the edge in a graph. This data is sourced from Traffic Stats. If there are 2 CDNs configured, this view will show the statistis for both, and the graphs are stacked. On the left-hand side, the totals and immediate values as well as the percentage of total possible capacity are displayed. This view is update every 10 seconds.
-.. _rl-server-checks:
-Server Checks
-The server checks page is inteded to give an overview of the Servers managed by Traffic Control as well as their status. This data comes from `Traffic Ops extensions <traffic_ops_extensions.html>`_.
-| Name |                 Description                                           |
-| ILO  | Ping the iLO interface for EDGE or MID servers                        |
-| 10G  | Ping the IPv4 address of the EDGE or MID servers                      |
-| 10G6 | Ping the IPv6 address of the EDGE or MID servers                      |
-| MTU  | Ping the EDGE or MID using the configured MTU from Traffic Ops        |
-| FQDN | DNS check that matches what the DNS servers responds with compared to |
-|      | what Traffic Ops has.                                                 |
-| DSCP | Checks the DSCP value of packets from the edge server to the Traffic  |
-|      | Ops server.                                                           |
-| RTR  | Content Router checks. Checks the health of the Content Routers.      |
-|      | Checks the health of the caches using the Content Routers.            |
-| CHR  | Cache Hit Ratio in percent.                                           |
-| CDU  | Total Cache Disk Usage in percent.                                    |
-| ORT  | Operational Readiness Test. Uses the ORT script on the edge and mid   |
-|      | servers to determine if the configuration in Traffic Ops matches the  |
-|      | configuration on the edge or mid. The user that this script runs as   |
-|      | must have an ssh key on the edge servers.                             |
-Daily Summary
-Displays daily max gbps and bytes served for all CDNs.  In order for the graphs to appear, the 'daily_bw_url' and 'daily_served_url' parameters need to be be created, assigned to the global profile, and have a value of a grafana graph.  For more information on configuring grafana, see the `Traffic Stats <traffic_stats.html>`_  section.
-.. _rl-server:
-This view shows a table of all the servers in Traffic Ops. The table columns show the most important details of the server. The **IPAddrr** column is clickable to launch an ``ssh://`` link to this server. The |graph| icon will link to a Traffic Stats graph of this server for caches, and the |info| will link to the server status pages for other server types.
-Server Types
-These are the types of servers that can be managed in Traffic Ops:
-|      Name     |                 Description                 |
-| EDGE          | Edge Cache                                  |
-| MID           | Mid Tier Cache                              |
-| ORG           | Origin                                      |
-| CCR           | Traffic Router                              |
-| RASCAL        | Rascal health polling & reporting           |
-| TOOLS_SERVER  | Ops hosts for managment                     |
-| RIAK          | Riak keystore                               |
-| SPLUNK        | SPLUNK indexer search head etc              |
-| TRAFFIC_STATS | traffic_stats server                        |
-| INFLUXDB      | influxDb server                             |
-.. index::
-  Bulk Upload Server
-.. _rl-bulkserver:
-Bulk Upload Server
-Delivery Service
-The fields in the Delivery Service view are:
-.. Sorry for the width of this table, don't know how to make the bullet lists work otherwise. Just set your monitor to 2560*1600, and put on your glasses.
-|                       Name                       |                                                                                                     Description                                                                                                     |
-| XML ID                                           | A unique string that identifies this delivery service.                                                                                                                                                              |
-| Content Routing Type                             | The type of content routing this delivery service will use. See :ref:`rl-ds-types`.                                                                                                                                 |
-| Protocol                                         | The protocol to serve this delivery service to the clients with:                                                                                                                                                    |
-|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | -  0 http                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
-|                                                  | -  1 https                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
-|                                                  | -  2 both http and https                                                                                                                                                                                            |
-| DSCP Tag                                         | The DSCP value to mark IP packets to the client with.                                                                                                                                                               |
-| Signed URLs                                      | Use Signed URLs? See :ref:`rl-signed-urls`.                                                                                                                                                                         |
-| Query String Handling                            | How to treat query strings:                                                                                                                                                                                         |
-|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | - 0 use in cache key and hand up to origin -this means each unique query string Is treated as a unique URL.                                                                                                         |
-|                                                  | - 1 Do not use in cache key, but pass up to origin - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for the query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin still sees original query string in the request. |
-|                                                  | - 2 Drop at edge - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for  the query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin will not see original query string in the request.                                |
-|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | **Note:** Choosing to drop query strings at the edge will preclude the use of a Regex Remap Expression. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                                                                  |
-| Geo Limit?                                       | Some services are intended to be limited by geography. The possible settings are are:                                                                                                                               |
-|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | - None - Do not limit by geography.                                                                                                                                                                                 |
-|                                                  | - CZF only - If the requesting IP is not in the Coverage Zone File, do not serve the request.                                                                                                                       |
-|                                                  | - CZF + US - If the requesting IP is not in the Coverage Zone File or not in the United States, do not serve the request.                                                                                           |
-| Geo Limit Redirect URL                           | (for HTTP routed delivery services only) This is the URL Traffic Router will redirect to when Geo Limit Failure. See :ref:`rl-tr-ngb`                                                                               |
-| Bypass FQDN                                      | (for HTTP routed delivery services only) This is the FQDN Traffic Router will redirect to (with the same path) when the max Bps or Max Tps for this deliveryservice are exceeded.                                   |
-| Bypass Ipv4                                      | (For DNS routed delivery services only) This is the address to respond to A requests with when the the max Bps or Max Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                                                   |
-| Bypass IPv6                                      | (For DNS routed delivery services only) This is the address to respond to AAAA requests with when the the max Bps or Max Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                                                |
-| IPv6 Routing Enabled?                            | When set to yes, the Traffic Router will respond to AAAA DNS requests for the tr. and edge. names of this delivery service. Otherwise, only A records will be served.                                               |
-| Range Request Handling                           | (experimental)  How to treat range requests:                                                                                                                                                                        |
-|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | - 1 Use the `background_fetch <>`_ plugin.                                                                              |
-|                                                  | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests plugin.                                                                                                                                                                            |
-| Delivery Service DNS TTL                         | The Time To Live on the DNS record for the Traffic Router A and AAAA records (``tr.<deliveryservice>.<cdn-domain>``) for a HTTP delivery service *or* for the A and                                                 |
-|                                                  | AAAA records of the edge name (``edge.<deliveryservice>.<cdn-domain>``).                                                                                                                                            |
-| Origin Server Base URL                           | The Origin Server's base URL. This includes the protocol (http or https). Example: ````                                                                                                     |
-| Use Multi Site Origin Feature                    | Enable the Multi Site Origin feature for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                                                                                                                     |
-| Profile                                          | The profile for this delivery service.                                                                                                                                                                              |
-| Maximum Bits per Second allowed globally         | The maximum bits per second this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used     |
-|                                                  | (depending on whether this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN will be used.                                                                                                   |
-| Maximum Transactions per Second allowed globally | The maximum transactions per se this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used |
-|                                                  | (depending on whether this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN will be used.                                                                                                   |
-| Geo Miss Default Latitude                        | Default Latitude for this delivery service. When client localization fails for both Coverage Zone and Geo Lookup, this the client will be routed as if it was at this lat.                                          |
-| Geo Miss Default Longitude                       | Default Longitude for this delivery service. When client localization fails for bot Coverage Zone and Geo Lookup, this the client will be routed as if it was at this long.                                         |
-| Edge Header Rewrite Rules                        | Header Rewrite rules to apply for this delivery service at the EDGE tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. [1]_                                                                                                        |
-| Mid Header Rewrite Rules                         | Header Rewrite rules to apply for this delivery service at the MID tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. [1]_                                                                                                         |
-| Regex Remap Expression                           | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier. See `ATS documentation on regex_remap <>`_. [1]_        |
-|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                                                  | **Note:** you will not be able to save a Regex Remap Expression if you have Query String Handling set to drop query strings at the edge. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                                 |
-| Cache URL expression                             | Cache URL rule to apply to this delivery service. See `ATS documentation on cacheurl <>`_. [1]_                                 |
-| Raw remap text                                   | For HTTP and DNS deliveryservices, this will get added to the end of the remap line on the cache verbatim. For ANY_MAP deliveryservices this is the remap line. [1]_                                                |
-| Long Description                                 | Long description for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                              |
-| Customer                                         | Customer description for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                          |
-| Service                                          | Service description for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                           |
-| Info URL                                         | Info URL  for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                                     |
-| Check Path                                       | A path (ex: /crossdomain.xml) to verify the connection to the origin server with. This can be used by Check Extension scripts to do periodic health checks against the delivery service.                            |
-| Origin Shield (Pipe Delimited String)            | Experimental. Origin Shield string.                                                                                                                                                                                 |
-| Active                                           | When this is set to no Traffic Router will not serve DNS or HTTP responses for this delivery service.                                                                                                               |
-| Last Updated                                     | (Read Only) The last time this delivery service was updated.                                                                                                                                                        |
-| Number of edges assigned                         | (Read Only - change by clicking the **Server Assignments** button at the bottom) The number of EDGE caches assigned to this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-assign-edges`.                                           |
-| Number of static DNS entries                     | (Read Only - change by clicking the **Static DNS** button at the bottom) The number of static DNS entries for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-static-dns`.                                                      |
-| Example delivery URL                             | (Read Only) An example of how the delivery URL may start. This could be multiple rows if multiple HOST_REGEXP entries have been entered.                                                                            |
-| Regular expressions for this delivery service    | A subtable of the regular expressions to use when routing traffic for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-ds-regexp`.                                                                                               |
-.. [1] These fields are not validated by Traffic Ops to be correct syntactically, and can cause Traffic Server to not start if invalid. Please use with caution.
-.. index::
-  Delivery Service Type
-.. _rl-ds-types:
-Delivery Service Types
-One of the most important settings when creating the delivery service is the selection of the delivery service *type*. This type determines the routing method and the primary storage for the delivery service.
-|       Name      |                                                                                                                                                         Description                                                                                                                                                          |
-| HTTP            | HTTP Content Routing  - The Traffic Router DNS auth server returns its own IP address on DNS queries, and the client gets redirected to a specific cache                                                                                                                                                                     |
-|                 | in the nearest cache group using HTTP 302.  Use this for long sessions like HLS/HDS/Smooth live streaming, where a longer setup time is not a.                                                                                                                                                                               |
-|                 | problem.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
-| DNS             | DNS Content Routing - The Traffic Router DNS auth server returns an edge cache IP address to the client right away. The client will find the cache quickly                                                                                                                                                                   |
-|                 | but the Traffic Router can not route to a cache that already has this content in the cache group. Use this for smaller objects like web page images / objects.                                                                                                                                                               |
-| HTTP_NO_CACHE   | HTTP Content Routing, but the caches will not actually cache the content, they act as just proxies. The MID tier is bypassed.                                                                                                                                                                                                |
-| HTTP_LIVE       | HTTP Content routing, but where for "standard" HTTP content routing the objects are stored on disk, for this delivery service type the objects are stored                                                                                                                                                                    |
-|                 | on the RAM disks. Use this for linear TV. The MID tier is bypassed for this type.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
-| HTTP_LIVE_NATNL | HTTP Content routing, same as HTTP_LIVE, but the MID tier is NOT bypassed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| DNS_LIVE_NATNL  | DNS Content routing, but where for "standard" DNS content routing the objects are stored on disk, for this delivery service type the objects are stored                                                                                                                                                                      |
-|                 | on the RAM disks. Use this for linear TV. The MID tier is NOT bypassed for this type.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| DNS_LIVE        | DNS Content routing, same as DNS_LIVE_NATNL, but the MID tier is bypassed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| ANY_MAP         | ANY_MAP is not known to Traffic Router. For this deliveryservice, the "Raw remap text" field in the input form will be used as the remap line on the cache.                                                                                                                                                                  |
-| STEERING        | The Delivery Service will be used to route to other delivery services.  The target delivery services Traffic Router and the routing weights for those delivery services will be defined by an admin or steering user.  For more information see the `steering feature <traffic_router.html#steering-feature>`_ documentation |
-.. Note:: Once created, the Traffic Ops user interface does not allow you to change the delivery service type; the drop down is greyed out. There are many things that can go wrong when changing the type, and it is safer to delete the delivery service, and recreate it.
-  Federations allow for other (federated) CDNs (at a different ISP, MSO, etc) to add a list of resolvers and a CNAME to a delivery service Traffic Ops.  When a request is made from one of federated CDN's clients, Traffic Router will return the CNAME configured in the federation mapping.  This allows the federated CDN to serve the content without the content provider changing the URL, or having to manage multiple URLs.
-  Before adding a federation in the Traffic Ops UI, a user with the federations role needs to be created.  This user will be assigned to the federation and will be able to add resolvers to the federation via the Traffic Ops `Federation API <../development/traffic_ops_api/v12/federation.html>`_.
-.. index::
-  Header Rewrite
-.. _rl-header-rewrite:
-Header Rewrite Options and DSCP
-Most header manipulation and per-delivery service configuration overrides are done using the `ATS Header Rewrite Plugin <>`_. Traffic Control allows you to enter header rewrite rules to be applied at the edge and at the mid level. The syntax used in Traffic Ops is the same as the one described in the ATS documentation, except for some special strings that will get replaced:
-| Traffic Ops Entry |    Gets Replaced with    |
-| __RETURN__        | A newline                |
-| __CACHE_IPV4__    | The cache's IPv4 address |
-The deliveryservice screen also allows you to set the DSCP value of traffic sent to the client. This setting also results in a header_rewrite rule to be generated and applied to at the edge.
-.. Note:: The DSCP setting in the UI is *only* for setting traffic towards the client, and gets applied *after* the initial TCP handshake is complete, and the HTTP request is received (before that the cache can't determine what deliveryservice this request is for, and what DSCP to apply), so the DSCP feature can not be used for security settings - the TCP SYN-ACK is not going to be DSCP marked.
-.. index::
-  Token Based Authentication
-  Signed URLs
-.. _rl-signed-urls:
-Token Based Authentication
-Token based authentication or *signed URLs* is implemented using the Traffic Server ``url_sig`` plugin. To sign a URL at the signing portal take the full URL, without any query string, and add on a query string with the following parameters:
-Client IP address
-        The client IP address that this signature is valid for.
-        ``C=<client IP address>``
-        The Expiration time (seconds since epoch) of this signature.
-        ``E=<expiration time in secs since unix epoch>``
-        The Algorithm used to create the signature. Only 1 (HMAC_SHA1)
-        and 2 (HMAC_MD5) are supported at this time
-        ``A=<algorithm number>``
-Key index
-        Index of the key used. This is the index of the key in the
-        configuration file on the cache. The set of keys is a shared
-        secret between the signing portal and the edge caches. There
-        is one set of keys per reverse proxy domain (fqdn).
-        ``K=<key index used>``
-        Parts to use for the signature, always excluding the scheme
-        (http://).  parts0 = fqdn, parts1..x is the directory parts
-        of the path, if there are more parts to the path than letters
-        in the parts param, the last one is repeated for those.
-        Examples:
-                1: use fqdn and all of URl path
-                0110: use part1 and part 2 of path only
-                01: use everything except the fqdn
-        ``P=<parts string (0's and 1's)>``
-        The signature over the parts + the query string up to and
-        including "S=".
-        ``S=<signature>``
-.. seealso:: The url_sig `README <>`_.
-Generate URL Sig Keys
-To generate a set of random signed url keys for this delivery service and store them in Traffic Vault, click the **Generate URL Sig Keys** button at the bottom of the delivery service details screen.
-.. rl-parent-selection:
-Parent Selection
-Parameters in the Edge (child) profile that influence this feature:
-|                      Name                     |    Filename    |    Default    |                      Description                      |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         | enable parent selection.  This is a required setting. |
-| http.parent_proxy_routing_enable              |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         | required for parent selection.                        |
-| url_remap.remap_required                      |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 0         | See                                                   |
-| http.no_dns_just_forward_to_parent            |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         |                                                       |
-| http.uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent       |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy_routing_enable              |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 300       |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.retry_time                  |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 10        |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.fail_threshold              |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 4         |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts      |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 2         |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 30        |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout    |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 0         |                                                       |
-| http.forward.proxy_auth_to_parent             |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 0         |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy_routing_enable              |                |               |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | STRING        |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.file                        |                | parent.config |                                                       |
-| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 3         |                                                       |
-| http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout    |                |               |                                                       |
-| algorithm                                     | parent.config  | urlhash       | The algorithm to use.                                 |
-Parameters in the Mid (parent) profile that influence this feature:
-|      Name      |    Filename   | Default |                                                                                    Description                                                                                    |
-| domain_name    | CRConfig.json | -       | Only parents with the same value as the edge are going to be used as parents (to keep separation between CDNs)                                                                    |
-| weight         | parent.config | 1.0     | The weight of this parent, translates to the number of replicas in the consistent hash ring. This parameter only has effect with algorithm at the client set to "consistent_hash" |
-| port           | parent.config | 80      | The port this parent is listening on as a forward proxy.                                                                                                                          |
-| use_ip_address | parent.config | 0       | 1 means use IP(v4) address of this parent in the parent.config, 0 means use the host_name.domain_name concatenation.                                                              |
-.. _rl-multi-site-origin:
-Multi Site Origin
-.. Note:: The configuration of this feature changed significantly between ATS version 5 and >= 6. Some configuration in Traffic Control is different as well. This documentation assumes ATS 6 or higher. See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin-qht-ats5` for the ATS version 5.x configuration details.
-Normally, the mid servers are not aware of any redundancy at the origin layer. With Multi Site Origin enabled this changes - Traffic Server (and Traffic Ops) are now made aware of the fact there are multiple origins, and can be configured to do more advanced failover and loadbalancing actions. A prerequisite for MSO to work is that the multiple origin sites serve identical content with identical paths, and both are configured to serve the same origin hostname as is configured in the deliveryservice `Origin Server Base URL` field. See the `Apache Traffic Server docs <>`_ for more information on that cache's implementation.
-With This feature enabled, origin servers (or origin server VIP names for a site) are going to be entered as servers in to the Traiffic Ops UI. Server type is "ORG".
-Parameters in the mid profile that influence this feature:
-|                                   Name                                   |    Filename    |  Default   |                                            Description                                             |
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_proxy_routing_enable                    | records.config | INT 1      | enable parent selection.  This is a required setting.                                              |
-| CONFIG proxy.config. url_remap.remap_required                            | records.config | INT 1      | required for parent selection.                                                                     |
-Parameters in the deliveryservice profile that influence this feature:
-|                                   Name      |    Filename    |  Default        |                                                                         Description                                             |
-| mso.parent_retry                            | parent.config  | \-              | Either ``simple_retry``, ``dead_server_retry`` or ``both``.                                                                     |
-| mso.algorithm                               | parent.config  | consistent_hash | The algorithm to use. ``consisten_hash``, ``strict``, ``true``, ``false``, or ``latched``.                                      |
-|                                             |                |                 |                                                                                                                                 |
-|                                             |                |                 | - ``consisten_hash`` - spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on hash of content URL.                    |
-|                                             |                |                 | - ``strict`` - strict Round Robin spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on order of requests.           |
-|                                             |                |                 | - ``true`` - same as strict, but ensures that requests from the same IP always go to the same parent if available.              |
-|                                             |                |                 | - ``false`` - uses only a single parent at any given time and switches to a new parent only if the current parent fails.        |
-|                                             |                |                 | - ``latched`` - same as false, but now, a failed parent will not be retried.                                                    |
-| mso.unavailable_server_retry_response_codes | parent.config  | "503"           | Quoted, comma separated list of HTTP status codes that count as a unavailable_server_retry_response_code.                       |
-| mso.max_unavailable_server_retries          | parent.config  | 1               | How many times an unavailable server will be retried.                                                                           |
-| mso.simple_retry_response_codes             | parent.config  | "404"           | Quoted, comma separated list of HTTP status codes that count as a simple retry response code.                                   |
-| mso.max_simple_retries                      | parent.config  | 1               | How many times a simple retry will be done.                                                                                     |
-see :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin-qht` for a *quick how to* on this feature.
-.. _rl-ccr-profile:
-Traffic Router Profile
-|                   Name                  |      Config_file       |                                                                                                Description                                                                                                |
-| location                                |               | Location to store the DNS zone files in the local file system of Traffic Router.                                                                                                                          |
-| location                                |  | Location to find the file for Traffic Router.                                                                                                                                            |
-| location                                |   | Location to find the file for Traffic Router.                                                                                                                                        |
-| location                                | | Location to find the file for Traffic Router.                                                                                                                                            |
-| CDN_name                                | rascal-config.txt      | The human readable name of the CDN for this profile.                                                                                                                                                      |
-| CoverageZoneJsonURL                     | CRConfig.xml           | The location (URL) to retrieve the coverage zone map file in JSON format from.                                                                                                                            |
-| geolocation.polling.url                 | CRConfig.json          | The location (URL) to retrieve the geo database file from.                                                                                                                                                |
-| geolocation.polling.interval            | CRConfig.json          | How often to refresh the coverage geo location database  in ms                                                                                                                                            |
-| coveragezone.polling.interval           | CRConfig.json          | How often to refresh the coverage zone map in ms                                                                                                                                                          |
-| coveragezone.polling.url                | CRConfig.json          | The location (URL) to retrieve the coverage zone map file in XML format from.                                                                                                                             |
-| tld.soa.expire                          | CRConfig.json          | The value for the expire field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on Start of Authority (SOA) records.                                                                                       |
-| tld.soa.minimum                         | CRConfig.json          | The value for the minimum field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on SOA records.                                                                                                           |
-| tld.soa.admin                           | CRConfig.json          | The DNS Start of Authority admin.  Should be a valid support email address for support if DNS is not working correctly.                                                                                   |
-| tld.soa.retry                           | CRConfig.json          | The value for the retry field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on SOA records.                                                                                                             |
-| tld.soa.refresh                         | CRConfig.json          | The TTL the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on A records.                                                                                                                                     |
-| tld.ttls.NS                      


[4/5] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updated the documentation for migrating from 1.0 to 2.0 for Traffic Ops

Posted by
updated the documentation for migrating from 1.0 to 2.0 for Traffic Ops


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 643796409da4f9918213e5f9d199c6b587ad4879
Parents: a3e12b9
Author: Dewayne Richardson <>
Authored: Wed Jun 14 09:49:45 2017 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Wed Jun 14 09:54:58 2017 -0600

 docs/source/admin/index.rst                     |   10 +-
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/configuration.rst |  297 +++++
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/extensions.rst    |   88 ++
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/installation.rst  |  235 ++++
 .../traffic_ops/migration_from_10_to_20.rst     |   88 ++
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst         | 1087 ++++++++++++++++++
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_config.rst        |  297 -----
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_extensions.rst    |   88 --
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_install.rst       |  235 ----
 docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_using.rst         | 1087 ------------------
 10 files changed, 1800 insertions(+), 1712 deletions(-)
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index da7feb5..5e11b45 100644
--- a/docs/source/admin/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/admin/index.rst
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ Once everything is installed, you will need to configure the servers to talk to
 .. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 3
-  traffic_ops_install.rst
-  traffic_ops_config.rst
-  traffic_ops_using.rst
-  traffic_ops_extensions.rst
+  traffic_ops/installation.rst
+  traffic_ops/migration_from_10_to_20.rst
+  traffic_ops/configuration.rst
+  traffic_ops/using.rst
+  traffic_ops/extensions.rst
@@ -46,4 +47,3 @@ Once everything is installed, you will need to configure the servers to talk to
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Traffic Ops - Configuring
+Follow the steps below to configure the newly installed Traffic Ops Instance.
+Installing the SSL Cert
+By default, Traffic Ops runs as an SSL web server, and a certificate needs to be installed.  
+Self-signed Certificate (Development)
+    Example Procedure::
+      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out localhost.pass.key 2048
+      Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
+      ...
+      $ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in localhost.pass.key -out localhost.key
+      writing RSA key
+      $ rm localhost.pass.key
+      $ openssl req -new -key localhost.key -out localhost.csr
+      You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+      into your certificate request.
+      What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+      There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+      For some fields there will be a default value,
+      If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+      -----
+      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US<enter>
+      State or Province Name (full name) []:CO<enter>
+      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Denver<enter>
+      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: <enter>
+      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <enter>
+      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: <enter>
+      Email Address []: <enter>
+      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+      to be sent with your certificate request
+      A challenge password []: pass<enter>
+      An optional company name []: <enter>
+      $ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey localhost.key -out localhost.crt
+      Signature ok
+      subject=/C=US/ST=CO/L=Denver/O=Default Company Ltd
+      Getting Private key
+      $ sudo cp localhost.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
+      $ sudo cp localhost.key /etc/pki/tls/private
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
+Certificate from Certificate Authority (Production)
+.. Note:: You will need to know the appropriate answers when generating the certificate request file `trafficopss.csr` below.
+Example Procedure::
+      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out trafficops.pass.key 2048
+      Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
+      ...
+      $ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in trafficops.pass.key -out trafficops.key
+      writing RSA key
+      $ rm localhost.pass.key
+      Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file needed for Certificate Authority (CA) request.
+      $ openssl req -new -key trafficops.key -out trafficops.csr
+      You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+      into your certificate request.
+      What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+      There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+      For some fields there will be a default value,
+      If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+      -----
+      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]: <enter country code>
+      State or Province Name (full name) []: <enter state or province>
+      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]: <enter locality name>
+      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: <enter organization name>
+      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <enter organizational unit name>
+      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: <enter server's hostname name>
+      Email Address []: <enter e-mail address>
+      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+      to be sent with your certificate request
+      A challenge password []: <enter challenge password>
+      An optional company name []: <enter>
+      $ sudo cp trafficops.key /etc/pki/tls/private
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/private/trafficops.key
+      You must then take the output file trafficops.csr and submit a request to your Certificate Authority (CA).
+      Once you get approved and receive your trafficops.crt file:
+      $ sudo cp trafficops.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/certs/trafficops.crt
+      If necessary, install the CA certificates .pem and .crt in /etc/pki/tls/certs.
+      You will need to update the file /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf with the following changes:
+            ...
+            e.g. given trafficops.crt and trafficops.key
+            'hypnotoad' => ...
+                'listen' => 'https://[::]:443?cert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/trafficops.crt&key=/etc/pki/tls/private/trafficops.key&ca=/etc/pki/tls/certs/!RC4:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH:!ED'
+             ...
+Content Delivery Networks
+.. _rl-param-prof:
+Profile Parameters
+Many of the settings for the different servers in a Traffic Control CDN are controlled by parameters in the parameter view of Traffic Ops. Parameters are grouped in profiles and profiles are assigned to a server or a deliveryservice. For a typical cache there are hundreds of configuration settings to apply. The Traffic Ops parameter view contains the defined settings. To make life easier, Traffic Ops allows for duplication, comparison, import and export of Profiles. Traffic Ops also has a "Global profile" - the parameters in this profile are going to be applied to all servers in the Traffic Ops instance, or apply to Traffic Ops themselves. These parameters are:
+.. index::
+  Global Profile
+|           Name           |  Config file  |                                                                 Value                                                                 |
+| tm.url                   | global        | The URL where this Traffic Ops instance is being served from.                                                                         |
+| tm.cache.url             | global        | Not required. The URL where the Traffic Ops Config file cache instance is being served from.  Requires Traffic Ops 2.1 and above.     |
+| tm.toolname              | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops tool. Usually "Traffic Ops". Used in the About screen and in the comments headers of the files generated. |
+| tm.infourl               | global        | This is the "for more information go here" URL, which is visible in the About page.                                                   |
+| tm.logourl               | global        | This is the URL of the logo for Traffic Ops and can be relative if the logo is under traffic_ops/app/public.                          |
+| tm.instance_name         | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops instance. Can be used when multiple instances are active. Visible in the About page.                      |
+| tm.traffic_mon_fwd_proxy | global        | When collecting stats from Traffic Monitor, Traffic Ops uses this forward proxy to pull the stats through.                            |
+|                          |               | This can be any of the MID tier caches, or a forward cache specifically deployed for this purpose. Setting                            |
+|                          |               | this variable can significantly lighten the load on the Traffic Monitor system and it is recommended to                               |
+|                          |               | set this parameter on a production system.                                                                                            |
+| geolocation.polling.url  | CRConfig.json | The location to get the GeoLiteCity database from.                                                                                    |
+| geolocation6.polling.url | CRConfig.json | The location to get the IPv6 GeoLiteCity database from.                                                                               |
+These parameters should be set to reflect the local environment.
+After running the postinstall script, Traffic Ops has the following profiles pre-loaded:
+|   Name   |                                           Description                                           |
+| EDGE1    | The profile to be applied to the latest supported version of ATS, when running as an EDGE cache |
+| TR1      | The profile to be applied to the latest version of Traffic Router                               |
+| TM1      | The profile to be applied to the latest version of Traffic Monitor                              |
+| MID1     | The profile to be applied to the latest supported version of ATS, when running as an MID cache  |
+| RIAK_ALL | Riak profile for all CDNs to be applied to the Traffic Vault servers                            |
+.. Note:: The Traffic Server profiles contain some information that is specific to the hardware being used (most notably the disk configuration), so some parameters will have to be changed to reflect your configuration. Future releases of Traffic Control will separate the hardware and software profiles so it is easier to "mix-and-match" different hardware configurations.
+Below is a list of cache parameters that are likely to need changes from the default profiles shipped with Traffic Ops:
+|           Name           |    Config file    |                                                       Description                                                       |
+| allow_ip                 | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  list of IPv4 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the caches.       |
+|                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv4 to monitor the caches.             |
+| allow_ip6                | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  list of IPv6 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the caches.       |
+|                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv6 to monitor the caches.             |
+| Drive_Prefix             | storage.config    | The device path start of the disks. For example, if you have ``/dev/sda`` through ``/dev/sdf`` set this to ``/dev/sd``  |
+| Drive_Letters            | storage.config    | The letter part of the disks, in the same example as above set this to ``a,b,c,d,e,f``                                  |
+| purge_allow_ip           | ip_allow.config   | The IP address range that is allowed to execute the PURGE method on the caches (not related to :ref:`rl-purge`)         |
+| coalesce_masklen_v4	   | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when coalescing v4 networks into one line using |
+| coalesce_number_v4 	   | ip_allow.config   | The number to use when coalescing v4 networks into one line using  |
+| coalesce_masklen_v6	   | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when coalescing v6 networks into one line using |
+| coalesce_masklen_v6	   | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when coalescing v6 networks into one line using |
+| health.threshold.loadavg | | The Unix load average at which Traffic Router will stop sending traffic to this cache                                   |
+| health.threshold.\\      | | The amount of bandwidth that Traffic Router will try to keep available on the cache.                                    |
+| availableBandwidthInKbps |                   | For example: "">1500000" means stop sending new traffic to this cache when traffic is at 8.5Gbps on a 10Gbps interface. |
+Below is a list of Traffic Server plugins that need to be configured in the parameter table:
+|       Name       |  Config file  |                     Description                      |                                                  Details                                                   |
+| astats_over_http | package       | The package version for the astats_over_http plugin. | `astats_over_http <>`_                                |
+| trafficserver    | package       | The package version for the trafficserver plugin.    | `trafficserver <>`_                                   |
+| regex_revalidate | plugin.config | The config to be used for regex_revalidate.          | `regex_revalidate <>`_ |
+|                  |               | For example: --config regex_revalidate.config        |                                                                                                            |
+| remap_stats      | plugin.config | The config to be used for remap_stats.               | `remap_stats <>`_      |
+|                  |               | Value is left blank.                                 |                                                                                                            |
+Regions, Locations and Cache Groups
+All servers have to have a `location`, which is their physical location. Each location is part of a `region`, and each region is part of a `division`. For Example, ``Denver`` could be a location in the ``Mile High`` region and that region could be part of the ``West`` division. Enter your divisions first in  `Misc->Divisions`, then enter the regions in `Misc->Regions`, referencing the divisions entered, and finally, enter the physical locations in `Misc->Locations`, referencing the regions entered. 
+All servers also have to be part of a `cache group`. A cache group is a logical grouping of caches, that don't have to be in the same physical location (in fact, usually a cache group is spread across minimally 2 physical Locations for redundancy purposes), but share geo coordinates for content routing purposes. JvD to add more.
+Configuring Content Purge
+Content purge using ATS is not simple; there is no file system to delete files/directories from, and in large caches it can be hard to delete a simple regular expression from the cache. This is why Traffic Control uses the `Regex Revalidate Plugin <>`_ to purge content from the system. We don't actually remove the content, we have a check that gets run before each request on each cache to see if this request matches a list of regular expressions, and if it does, we force a revalidation to the origin, making the original content inaccessible. The regex_revalidate plugin will monitor it's config file, and will pick up changes to it without a `traffic_line -x` signal to ATS. Changes to this file need to be distributed to the highest tier (MID) caches in the CDN before they are distributed to the lower tiers, to prevent filling the lower tiers with the content that should be purged from the highe
 r tiers without hitting the origin. This is why the ort script (see :ref:`reference-traffic-ops-ort`) will by default push out config changes to MID first, confirm that they have all been updated, and then push out the changes to the lower tiers. In large CDNs, this can make the distribution and time to activation of the purge too long, and because of that there is the option to not distribute the `regex_revalidate.config` file using the ort script, but to do this using other means. By default, Traffic Ops will use ort to distribute the `regex_revalidate.config` file. 
+Content Purge is controlled by the following parameters in the profile of the cache:
+|         Name         |       Config file       |                   Description                    |                                                                         Details                                                                         |
+| location             | regex_revalidate.config | What location the file should be in on the cache | The presence of this parameter tells ort to distribute this file; delete this parameter from the profile if this file is distributed using other means. |
+| maxRevalDurationDays | regex_revalidate.config | The maximum time a purge can be active           | To prevent a build up of many checks before each request, this is longest time the system will allow                                                    |
+| regex_revalidate     | plugin.config           | The config to be used for regex_revalidate.      | `regex_revalidate <>`_                                              |
+|                      |                         | For example: --config regex_revalidate.config    |                                                                                                                                                         |
+| use_reval_pending    | global                  | Configures Traffic Ops to use separate           | When this flag is in use ORT will check for a new regex_revalidate.config every 60 seconds in syncds mode during the dispersal timer. This will         |
+|                      |                         | reval_pending flag for each cache.               | also allow ORT to be run in revalidate mode, which will check for and clear the reval_pending flag.  This can be set to run via cron task.              |
+|                      |                         |                                                  | This value is set to 0 by default.  Enable with a value of 1.  Use of this feature requires Traffic Ops 2.1 and above.                                  |
+Note that the TTL the adminstrator enters in the purge request should be longer than the TTL of the content to ensure the bad content will not be used. If the CDN is serving content of unknown, or unlimited TTL, the administrator should consider using `proxy-config-http-cache-guaranteed-min-lifetime <>`_ to limit the maximum time an object can be in the cache before it is considered stale, and set that to the same value as `maxRevalDurationDays` (Note that the former is in seconds and the latter is in days, so convert appropriately).
+.. _Creating-CentOS-Kickstart:
+Creating the CentOS Kickstart File
+The kickstart file is a text file, containing a list of items, each identified by a keyword. You can create it by using the Kickstart Configurator application, or writing it from scratch. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation program also creates a sample kickstart file based on the options that you selected during installation. It is written to the file ``/root/anaconda-ks.cfg``. This file is editable using most text editors that can save files as ASCII text.
+To generate ISO, the CentOS Kickstart is necessary:
+1. Create a kickstart file.
+2. Create a boot media with the kickstart file or make the kickstart file available on the network.
+3. Make the installation tree available.
+4. Start the kickstart installation.
+Create a ks.src file in the root of the selection location. See the example below: 
+ mkdir newdir
+ cd newdir/
+ cp -r ../centos65/* .
+ vim ks.src
+ vim isolinux/isolinux.cfg
+ cd vim osversions.cfg
+ vim osversions.cfg
+This is a standard kickstart formatted file that the generate ISO process uses to create the kickstart (ks.cfg) file for the install. The generate ISO process uses the ks.src, overwriting any information set in the Generate ISO tab in Traffic Ops, creating ks.cfg.
+.. Note:: Streamline your install folder for under 1GB, which assists in creating a CD.   
+.. seealso:: For in-depth instructions, please see `Kickstart Installation <>`_
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/extensions.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/extensions.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _admin-to-ext-script:
+Managing Traffic Ops Extensions
+Each script is a separate bash script located in ``$TO_HOME/bin/checks/``. 
+The extensions must be registered with Traffic Ops in order to display a column on the Server Check page. The list of currently registered extensions can be listed by running ``/opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/extensions -a``.
+The below extensions are automatically registered with the Traffic Ops database (``to_extension`` table) at install time (see ``traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql``). However, cron must still be configured to run these checks periodically. 
+The scripts are called as follows: ::
+  $TO_HOME/bin/checks/To<name>  -c "{\"base_url\": \",https://\"<traffic_ops_ip>\", \"check_name\": \"<check_name>\"}" -l <log level>
+  where:
+  <name> is the type of check script
+  <traffic_ops_ip> is the IP address of the Traffic Ops Server
+  <check_name> is the name of the check. For example: CDU, CHR, DSCP, MTU, etc...
+  <log_level> is between 1 and 4, with 4 being the most verbose. This field is optional
+Example Cron File
+Edit with ``crontab -e``. You may need to adjust the path to your $TO_HOME to match your system.
+ PERL5LIB=/opt/traffic_ops/app/local/lib/perl5:/opt/traffic_ops/app/lib
+ # IPv4 ping examples - The 'select: ["hostName","domainName"]' works but, if you want to check DNS resolution use FQDN.
+ */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"select\": [\"hostName\",\"domainName\"]}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"name\": \"IPv4 Ping\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # IPv6 ping examples
+ */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G6\", \"name\": \"IPv6 Ping\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G6\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ # iLO ping
+ 18 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ILO\", \"select\": \"iloIpAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 18 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ILO\", \"name\": \"ILO ping\", \"select\": \"iloIpAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # MTU ping
+ 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"name\": \"Max Trans Unit\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"name\": \"Max Trans Unit\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # FQDN
+ 27 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"FQDN\""  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 27 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"FQDN\", \"name\": \"DNS Lookup\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # DSCP 
+ 36 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"DSCP\", \"cms_interface\": \"eth0\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 36 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"DSCP\", \"name\": \"Delivery Service\", \"cms_interface\": \"eth0\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # RTR
+ 10 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"RTR\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 10 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"RTR\", \"name\": \"Content Router Check\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # CHR
+ */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"CHR\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ # CDU
+ 20 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"CDU\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ # ORT
+ 40 * * * * ssh_key_edge_user /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ORT\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
+ 40 * * * * ssh_key_edge_user /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ORT\", \"name\": \"Operational Readiness Test\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/installation.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/installation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e8598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/installation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. index::
+  Traffic Ops - Installing 
+.. _rl-to-install:
+Traffic Ops - Installing
+System Requirements
+The user must have the following for a successful minimal install:
+* CentOS 7
+* 2 VMs with at least 2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 20 GB disk space each
+* Access to Centos Base and epel repositories
+* Access to `The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) <>`_
+As of version 2.0 only Postgres is supported as the database. This documentation assumes CentOS 7.2 and Postgresql 9.6.3. For a production install
+.. highlight:: none
+Navigating the Install
+To begin the install:
+1. Install Postgres
+  For a production install it is best to install postgres on it's own server/VM. To install postgres, on the postgres host (pg) ::
+    pg-$ sudo su -
+    pg-# yum -y update
+    pg-# yum -y install
+    pg-# yum -y install postgresql96-server
+    pg-$ su - postgres
+    pg-$ /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/initdb -A md5 -W #-W forces the user to provide a superuser (postgres) password
+  Edit ``/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf`` to allow your traffic ops app server access. For example if you are going to install traffic ops on ```` add::
+    host  all   all md5
+  to the appropriate section of this file. Edit the ``/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf`` file to add the approriate listen_addresses or ``listen_addresses = '*'``,  and start the database: ::
+    pg-$ exit
+    pg-# systemctl enable postgresql-9.6
+    pg-# systemctl start postgresql-9.6
+    pg-# systemctl status postgresql-9.6
+2. Install Traffic Ops
+  Install the postgres1l 9.6 dev libraries, and then download the traffic_ops rpm package from or from our jenkins builds, and install it (update URL as approriate), on the traffic ops host (to): :: 
+    to-$ sudo su -
+    to-# yum update
+    to-# yum -y install
+    to-# yum install  postgresql96-devel
+    to-# wget -q
+    to-# yum -y install traffic_ops-2.0.0-5608.afd8fd30.el7.x86_64.rpm 
+  Install some additional packages that it depends on that were not installed as dependecies in the previous step (these are for the 2.1 dev install, this may change, but the pre-installs won't hurt): ::
+    to-# yum -y install git
+    to-# wget -q
+    to-# tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz 
+    to-# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin             # go bins are needed in the path for postinstall 
+    to-# go get
+  At this point you should be able to login to the database from the ``to`` host to the ``pg`` host like: :: 
+    to-# psql -h -U postgres
+    Password for user postgres: 
+    psql (9.2.18, server 9.6.3)
+    WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 9.6.
+            Some psql features might not work.
+    Type "help" for help.
+    postgres=# 
+  Use this connectivity to create the user and database. In  this example, we use user: ``traffic_ops``, password: ``tcr0cks``, database: ``traffic_ops``: :: 
+    to-# psql -U postgres -h -c "CREATE USER traffic_ops  WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'tcr0cks';"
+    Password for user postgres:
+    to-# createdb traffic_ops --owner traffic_ops -U postgres -h
+    Password:
+    to-#
+  Now, run the following command as root: ``/opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/postinstall``
+  The postinstall will first get all packages needed from CPAN. This may take a while, expect up to 30 minutes on the first install.
+  If there are any prompts in this phase, please just answer with the defaults (some CPAN installs can prompt for install questions). 
+  When this phase is complete, you will see:: 
+      Complete! Modules were installed into /opt/traffic_ops/app/local
+  Some additional files will be installed, and then it will proceed with the next phase of the install, where it will ask you about the local environment for your CDN. Please make sure you remember all your answers and the database answers match the database information previously used to create the database.
+  Example output::
+      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf===========
+      Database type [Pg]:
+      Database type: Pg
+      Database name [traffic_ops]:
+      Database name: traffic_ops
+      Database server hostname IP or FQDN [localhost]:
+      Database server hostname IP or FQDN:
+      Database port number [5432]:
+      Database port number: 5432
+      Traffic Ops database user [traffic_ops]:
+      Traffic Ops database user: traffic_ops
+      Password for Traffic Ops database user:
+      Re-Enter Password for Traffic Ops database user:
+      Writing json to /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf
+      Database configuration has been saved
+      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml===========
+      Database server root (admin) user [postgres]:
+      Database server root (admin) user: postgres
+      Password for database server admin:
+      Re-Enter Password for database server admin:
+      Download Maxmind Database? [yes]:
+      Download Maxmind Database?: yes
+      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf===========
+      Generate a new secret? [yes]:
+      Generate a new secret?: yes
+      Number of secrets to keep? [10]:
+      Number of secrets to keep?: 10
+      Not setting up ldap
+      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/users.json===========
+      Administration username for Traffic Ops [admin]:
+      Administration username for Traffic Ops: admin
+      Password for the admin user:
+      Re-Enter Password for the admin user:
+      Writing json to /opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/users.json
+      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/openssl_configuration.json===========
+      Do you want to generate a certificate? [yes]:
+      Country Name (2 letter code): US
+      State or Province Name (full name): CO
+      Locality Name (eg, city): Denver
+      Organization Name (eg, company): Super CDN, Inc
+      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section):
+      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname):
+      RSA Passphrase:
+      Re-Enter RSA Passphrase:
+      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/profiles.json===========
+      Traffic Ops url [https://localhost]:
+      Traffic Ops url: https://localhost
+      Human-readable CDN Name.  (No whitespace, please) [kabletown_cdn]: blue cdn
+      Human-readable CDN Name.  (No whitespace, please): blue cdn
+      DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative []:
+      DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative:
+      Writing json to /opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/profiles.json
+      Downloading Maxmind data
+      --2017-06-11 15:32:41--
+      Resolving ( 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:262f, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:252f,, ...
+      Connecting to (|2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:262f|:80... connected.
+      ... much SQL output skipped 
+      Starting Traffic Ops
+      Restarting traffic_ops (via systemctl):                    [  OK  ]
+      Waiting for Traffic Ops to restart
+      Success! Postinstall complete.
+      to-# ifconfig
+  Explanation of the information that needs to be provided:
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Field                                              | Description                                                                                  |
+    +====================================================+==============================================================================================+
+    | Database type                                      | Pg                                                                                           |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Database name                                      | The name of the database Traffic Ops uses to store the configuration information             |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Database server hostname IP or FQDN                | The hostname of the database server                                                          |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Database port number                               | The database port number                                                                     |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Traffic Ops database user                          | The username Traffic Ops will use to read/write from the database                            |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Password for traffic ops                           | The password for the above database user                                                     |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Database server root (admin) user name             | Privileged database user that has permission to create the database and user for Traffic Ops |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Database server root (admin) user password         | The password for the above privileged database user                                          |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Traffic Ops url                                    | The URL to connect to this instance of Traffic Ops, usually https://<traffic ops host FQDN>/ |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Human-readable CDN Name                            | The name of the first CDN traffic Ops will be managing                                       |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative | The DNS domain that will be delegated to this Traffic Control CDN                            |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Administration username for Traffic Ops            | The Administration (highest privilege) Traffic Ops user to create;                           |
+    |                                                    | use this user to login for the first time and create other users                             |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Password for the admin user                        | The password for the above user                                                              |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Traffic Ops is now installed!
+Upgrading Traffic Ops
+To upgrade:
+.. Note:: TODO : review for > 2.0
+1. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops stop``
+2. Enter the following command:``yum upgrade traffic_ops``
+3. See :ref:`rl-ps` to run postinstall.
+4. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops start``
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/migration_from_10_to_20.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/migration_from_10_to_20.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4133fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/migration_from_10_to_20.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. index::
+  Traffic Ops - Migrating from Traffic Ops 1.x to Traffic Ops 2.x
+.. _rl-ps:
+Traffic Ops - Migrating from 1.x to 2.x
+In Traffic Ops 2.x MySQL was removed and Postgres was replaced as the database of choice for the unforeseen future.  A Docker-based migration tool was developed to
+help with that conversion using an open source Postgres tool called `pgloader <>`_.  The following instructions will help configuring the Migration tool
+System Requirements
+The user must have the following for a successful minimal install:
+* CentOS 7.2+
+* Docker installed (this migration was tested against version **docker-engine-selinux-17.05.0.ce-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm**)
+* Postgres has been installed according to :ref:`rl-to-install`
+Setup the traffic_ops_db directory
+   Modify /opt dir permission to make it writable and owned by postgres:postgres
+   ::
+   $ sudo chmod 755 /opt 
+   Download the Traffic Control tarball for 2.0.0
+   :: 
+     $ cd /opt
+     $ wget<tarball_version>
+   Extract the **traffic_ops_db** dir to **/opt/traffic_ops_db**
+   :: 
+   $ tar -zxvf trafficcontrol-incubating-<version>.tar.gz --strip=1 trafficcontrol-incubating-<version>/traffic_ops_db
+   $ sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /opt/traffic_ops_db
+.. highlight:: none
+Migration Preparation
+Be sure there is connectivity between your MySQL server's IP address/port and your Postgres server's IP address/port.
+Navigating the Database Migration
+Begin the database migration after settings up the **/opt/traffic_ops_db** directory
+   Switch to the postgres user so permissions stay intact.
+   :: 
+   $ su - postgres
+   $ cd /opt/traffic_ops_db/
+1. Configure the **/opt/traffic_ops_db/pg-migration/mysql-to-postgres.env** migration for your source MySQL and target Postgres settings
+2. Run the migration, watch the console output for any errors (it may take some time)
+   :: 
+   $ ./
+  Your MySQL data should now be ported into your new instance of Postgres!

[2/5] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updated the documentation for migrating from 1.0 to 2.0 for Traffic Ops

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_config.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_config.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 5028cdb..0000000
--- a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_config.rst
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-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-Configuring Traffic Ops
-Follow the steps below to configure the newly installed Traffic Ops Instance.
-Installing the SSL Cert
-By default, Traffic Ops runs as an SSL web server, and a certificate needs to be installed.  
-Self-signed Certificate (Development)
-    Example Procedure::
-      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out localhost.pass.key 2048
-      Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
-      ...
-      $ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in localhost.pass.key -out localhost.key
-      writing RSA key
-      $ rm localhost.pass.key
-      $ openssl req -new -key localhost.key -out localhost.csr
-      You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
-      into your certificate request.
-      What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
-      There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
-      For some fields there will be a default value,
-      If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
-      -----
-      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US<enter>
-      State or Province Name (full name) []:CO<enter>
-      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Denver<enter>
-      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: <enter>
-      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <enter>
-      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: <enter>
-      Email Address []: <enter>
-      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
-      to be sent with your certificate request
-      A challenge password []: pass<enter>
-      An optional company name []: <enter>
-      $ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey localhost.key -out localhost.crt
-      Signature ok
-      subject=/C=US/ST=CO/L=Denver/O=Default Company Ltd
-      Getting Private key
-      $ sudo cp localhost.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
-      $ sudo cp localhost.key /etc/pki/tls/private
-      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
-      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
-Certificate from Certificate Authority (Production)
-.. Note:: You will need to know the appropriate answers when generating the certificate request file `trafficopss.csr` below.
-Example Procedure::
-      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out trafficops.pass.key 2048
-      Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
-      ...
-      $ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in trafficops.pass.key -out trafficops.key
-      writing RSA key
-      $ rm localhost.pass.key
-      Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file needed for Certificate Authority (CA) request.
-      $ openssl req -new -key trafficops.key -out trafficops.csr
-      You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
-      into your certificate request.
-      What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
-      There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
-      For some fields there will be a default value,
-      If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
-      -----
-      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]: <enter country code>
-      State or Province Name (full name) []: <enter state or province>
-      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]: <enter locality name>
-      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: <enter organization name>
-      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <enter organizational unit name>
-      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: <enter server's hostname name>
-      Email Address []: <enter e-mail address>
-      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
-      to be sent with your certificate request
-      A challenge password []: <enter challenge password>
-      An optional company name []: <enter>
-      $ sudo cp trafficops.key /etc/pki/tls/private
-      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/private/trafficops.key
-      You must then take the output file trafficops.csr and submit a request to your Certificate Authority (CA).
-      Once you get approved and receive your trafficops.crt file:
-      $ sudo cp trafficops.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
-      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/certs/trafficops.crt
-      If necessary, install the CA certificates .pem and .crt in /etc/pki/tls/certs.
-      You will need to update the file /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf with the following changes:
-            ...
-            e.g. given trafficops.crt and trafficops.key
-            'hypnotoad' => ...
-                'listen' => 'https://[::]:443?cert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/trafficops.crt&key=/etc/pki/tls/private/trafficops.key&ca=/etc/pki/tls/certs/!RC4:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH:!ED'
-             ...
-Content Delivery Networks
-.. _rl-param-prof:
-Profile Parameters
-Many of the settings for the different servers in a Traffic Control CDN are controlled by parameters in the parameter view of Traffic Ops. Parameters are grouped in profiles and profiles are assigned to a server or a deliveryservice. For a typical cache there are hundreds of configuration settings to apply. The Traffic Ops parameter view contains the defined settings. To make life easier, Traffic Ops allows for duplication, comparison, import and export of Profiles. Traffic Ops also has a "Global profile" - the parameters in this profile are going to be applied to all servers in the Traffic Ops instance, or apply to Traffic Ops themselves. These parameters are:
-.. index::
-  Global Profile
-|           Name           |  Config file  |                                                                 Value                                                                 |
-| tm.url                   | global        | The URL where this Traffic Ops instance is being served from.                                                                         |
-| tm.cache.url             | global        | Not required. The URL where the Traffic Ops Config file cache instance is being served from.  Requires Traffic Ops 2.1 and above.     |
-| tm.toolname              | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops tool. Usually "Traffic Ops". Used in the About screen and in the comments headers of the files generated. |
-| tm.infourl               | global        | This is the "for more information go here" URL, which is visible in the About page.                                                   |
-| tm.logourl               | global        | This is the URL of the logo for Traffic Ops and can be relative if the logo is under traffic_ops/app/public.                          |
-| tm.instance_name         | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops instance. Can be used when multiple instances are active. Visible in the About page.                      |
-| tm.traffic_mon_fwd_proxy | global        | When collecting stats from Traffic Monitor, Traffic Ops uses this forward proxy to pull the stats through.                            |
-|                          |               | This can be any of the MID tier caches, or a forward cache specifically deployed for this purpose. Setting                            |
-|                          |               | this variable can significantly lighten the load on the Traffic Monitor system and it is recommended to                               |
-|                          |               | set this parameter on a production system.                                                                                            |
-| geolocation.polling.url  | CRConfig.json | The location to get the GeoLiteCity database from.                                                                                    |
-| geolocation6.polling.url | CRConfig.json | The location to get the IPv6 GeoLiteCity database from.                                                                               |
-These parameters should be set to reflect the local environment.
-After running the postinstall script, Traffic Ops has the following profiles pre-loaded:
-|   Name   |                                           Description                                           |
-| EDGE1    | The profile to be applied to the latest supported version of ATS, when running as an EDGE cache |
-| TR1      | The profile to be applied to the latest version of Traffic Router                               |
-| TM1      | The profile to be applied to the latest version of Traffic Monitor                              |
-| MID1     | The profile to be applied to the latest supported version of ATS, when running as an MID cache  |
-| RIAK_ALL | Riak profile for all CDNs to be applied to the Traffic Vault servers                            |
-.. Note:: The Traffic Server profiles contain some information that is specific to the hardware being used (most notably the disk configuration), so some parameters will have to be changed to reflect your configuration. Future releases of Traffic Control will separate the hardware and software profiles so it is easier to "mix-and-match" different hardware configurations.
-Below is a list of cache parameters that are likely to need changes from the default profiles shipped with Traffic Ops:
-|           Name           |    Config file    |                                                       Description                                                       |
-| allow_ip                 | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  list of IPv4 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the caches.       |
-|                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv4 to monitor the caches.             |
-| allow_ip6                | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  list of IPv6 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the caches.       |
-|                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv6 to monitor the caches.             |
-| Drive_Prefix             | storage.config    | The device path start of the disks. For example, if you have ``/dev/sda`` through ``/dev/sdf`` set this to ``/dev/sd``  |
-| Drive_Letters            | storage.config    | The letter part of the disks, in the same example as above set this to ``a,b,c,d,e,f``                                  |
-| purge_allow_ip           | ip_allow.config   | The IP address range that is allowed to execute the PURGE method on the caches (not related to :ref:`rl-purge`)         |
-| coalesce_masklen_v4	   | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when coalescing v4 networks into one line using |
-| coalesce_number_v4 	   | ip_allow.config   | The number to use when coalescing v4 networks into one line using  |
-| coalesce_masklen_v6	   | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when coalescing v6 networks into one line using |
-| coalesce_masklen_v6	   | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when coalescing v6 networks into one line using |
-| health.threshold.loadavg | | The Unix load average at which Traffic Router will stop sending traffic to this cache                                   |
-| health.threshold.\\      | | The amount of bandwidth that Traffic Router will try to keep available on the cache.                                    |
-| availableBandwidthInKbps |                   | For example: "">1500000" means stop sending new traffic to this cache when traffic is at 8.5Gbps on a 10Gbps interface. |
-Below is a list of Traffic Server plugins that need to be configured in the parameter table:
-|       Name       |  Config file  |                     Description                      |                                                  Details                                                   |
-| astats_over_http | package       | The package version for the astats_over_http plugin. | `astats_over_http <>`_                                |
-| trafficserver    | package       | The package version for the trafficserver plugin.    | `trafficserver <>`_                                   |
-| regex_revalidate | plugin.config | The config to be used for regex_revalidate.          | `regex_revalidate <>`_ |
-|                  |               | For example: --config regex_revalidate.config        |                                                                                                            |
-| remap_stats      | plugin.config | The config to be used for remap_stats.               | `remap_stats <>`_      |
-|                  |               | Value is left blank.                                 |                                                                                                            |
-Regions, Locations and Cache Groups
-All servers have to have a `location`, which is their physical location. Each location is part of a `region`, and each region is part of a `division`. For Example, ``Denver`` could be a location in the ``Mile High`` region and that region could be part of the ``West`` division. Enter your divisions first in  `Misc->Divisions`, then enter the regions in `Misc->Regions`, referencing the divisions entered, and finally, enter the physical locations in `Misc->Locations`, referencing the regions entered. 
-All servers also have to be part of a `cache group`. A cache group is a logical grouping of caches, that don't have to be in the same physical location (in fact, usually a cache group is spread across minimally 2 physical Locations for redundancy purposes), but share geo coordinates for content routing purposes. JvD to add more.
-Configuring Content Purge
-Content purge using ATS is not simple; there is no file system to delete files/directories from, and in large caches it can be hard to delete a simple regular expression from the cache. This is why Traffic Control uses the `Regex Revalidate Plugin <>`_ to purge content from the system. We don't actually remove the content, we have a check that gets run before each request on each cache to see if this request matches a list of regular expressions, and if it does, we force a revalidation to the origin, making the original content inaccessible. The regex_revalidate plugin will monitor it's config file, and will pick up changes to it without a `traffic_line -x` signal to ATS. Changes to this file need to be distributed to the highest tier (MID) caches in the CDN before they are distributed to the lower tiers, to prevent filling the lower tiers with the content that should be purged from the highe
 r tiers without hitting the origin. This is why the ort script (see :ref:`reference-traffic-ops-ort`) will by default push out config changes to MID first, confirm that they have all been updated, and then push out the changes to the lower tiers. In large CDNs, this can make the distribution and time to activation of the purge too long, and because of that there is the option to not distribute the `regex_revalidate.config` file using the ort script, but to do this using other means. By default, Traffic Ops will use ort to distribute the `regex_revalidate.config` file. 
-Content Purge is controlled by the following parameters in the profile of the cache:
-|         Name         |       Config file       |                   Description                    |                                                                         Details                                                                         |
-| location             | regex_revalidate.config | What location the file should be in on the cache | The presence of this parameter tells ort to distribute this file; delete this parameter from the profile if this file is distributed using other means. |
-| maxRevalDurationDays | regex_revalidate.config | The maximum time a purge can be active           | To prevent a build up of many checks before each request, this is longest time the system will allow                                                    |
-| regex_revalidate     | plugin.config           | The config to be used for regex_revalidate.      | `regex_revalidate <>`_                                              |
-|                      |                         | For example: --config regex_revalidate.config    |                                                                                                                                                         |
-| use_reval_pending    | global                  | Configures Traffic Ops to use separate           | When this flag is in use ORT will check for a new regex_revalidate.config every 60 seconds in syncds mode during the dispersal timer. This will         |
-|                      |                         | reval_pending flag for each cache.               | also allow ORT to be run in revalidate mode, which will check for and clear the reval_pending flag.  This can be set to run via cron task.              |
-|                      |                         |                                                  | This value is set to 0 by default.  Enable with a value of 1.  Use of this feature requires Traffic Ops 2.1 and above.                                  |
-Note that the TTL the adminstrator enters in the purge request should be longer than the TTL of the content to ensure the bad content will not be used. If the CDN is serving content of unknown, or unlimited TTL, the administrator should consider using `proxy-config-http-cache-guaranteed-min-lifetime <>`_ to limit the maximum time an object can be in the cache before it is considered stale, and set that to the same value as `maxRevalDurationDays` (Note that the former is in seconds and the latter is in days, so convert appropriately).
-.. _Creating-CentOS-Kickstart:
-Creating the CentOS Kickstart File
-The kickstart file is a text file, containing a list of items, each identified by a keyword. You can create it by using the Kickstart Configurator application, or writing it from scratch. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation program also creates a sample kickstart file based on the options that you selected during installation. It is written to the file ``/root/anaconda-ks.cfg``. This file is editable using most text editors that can save files as ASCII text.
-To generate ISO, the CentOS Kickstart is necessary:
-1. Create a kickstart file.
-2. Create a boot media with the kickstart file or make the kickstart file available on the network.
-3. Make the installation tree available.
-4. Start the kickstart installation.
-Create a ks.src file in the root of the selection location. See the example below: 
- mkdir newdir
- cd newdir/
- cp -r ../centos65/* .
- vim ks.src
- vim isolinux/isolinux.cfg
- cd vim osversions.cfg
- vim osversions.cfg
-This is a standard kickstart formatted file that the generate ISO process uses to create the kickstart (ks.cfg) file for the install. The generate ISO process uses the ks.src, overwriting any information set in the Generate ISO tab in Traffic Ops, creating ks.cfg.
-.. Note:: Streamline your install folder for under 1GB, which assists in creating a CD.   
-.. seealso:: For in-depth instructions, please see `Kickstart Installation <>`_
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_extensions.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_extensions.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aceebb..0000000
--- a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_extensions.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _admin-to-ext-script:
-Managing Traffic Ops Extensions
-Each script is a separate bash script located in ``$TO_HOME/bin/checks/``. 
-The extensions must be registered with Traffic Ops in order to display a column on the Server Check page. The list of currently registered extensions can be listed by running ``/opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/extensions -a``.
-The below extensions are automatically registered with the Traffic Ops database (``to_extension`` table) at install time (see ``traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql``). However, cron must still be configured to run these checks periodically. 
-The scripts are called as follows: ::
-  $TO_HOME/bin/checks/To<name>  -c "{\"base_url\": \",https://\"<traffic_ops_ip>\", \"check_name\": \"<check_name>\"}" -l <log level>
-  where:
-  <name> is the type of check script
-  <traffic_ops_ip> is the IP address of the Traffic Ops Server
-  <check_name> is the name of the check. For example: CDU, CHR, DSCP, MTU, etc...
-  <log_level> is between 1 and 4, with 4 being the most verbose. This field is optional
-Example Cron File
-Edit with ``crontab -e``. You may need to adjust the path to your $TO_HOME to match your system.
- PERL5LIB=/opt/traffic_ops/app/local/lib/perl5:/opt/traffic_ops/app/lib
- # IPv4 ping examples - The 'select: ["hostName","domainName"]' works but, if you want to check DNS resolution use FQDN.
- */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"select\": [\"hostName\",\"domainName\"]}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"name\": \"IPv4 Ping\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- # IPv6 ping examples
- */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G6\", \"name\": \"IPv6 Ping\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G6\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- # iLO ping
- 18 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ILO\", \"select\": \"iloIpAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 18 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ILO\", \"name\": \"ILO ping\", \"select\": \"iloIpAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- # MTU ping
- 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"name\": \"Max Trans Unit\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- 45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"name\": \"Max Trans Unit\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- # FQDN
- 27 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"FQDN\""  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 27 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"FQDN\", \"name\": \"DNS Lookup\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- # DSCP 
- 36 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"DSCP\", \"cms_interface\": \"eth0\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 36 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"DSCP\", \"name\": \"Delivery Service\", \"cms_interface\": \"eth0\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- # RTR
- 10 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"RTR\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 10 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"RTR\", \"name\": \"Content Router Check\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- # CHR
- */15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"CHR\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- # CDU
- 20 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"CDU\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- # ORT
- 40 * * * * ssh_key_edge_user /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ORT\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
- 40 * * * * ssh_key_edge_user /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ORT\", \"name\": \"Operational Readiness Test\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_install.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_install.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d8a49..0000000
--- a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops_install.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. index::
-  Traffic Ops - Installing 
-.. _rl-ps:
-Installing Traffic Ops
-System Requirements
-The user must have the following for a successful minimal install:
-* CentOS 7
-* 2 VMs with at least 2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 20 GB disk space each
-* Access to Centos Base and epel repositories
-* Access to `The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) <>`_
-As of version 2.0 only Postgres is supported as the database. This documentation assumes CentOS 7.2 and Postgresql 9.6.3. For a production install
-.. highlight:: none
-Navigating the Install
-To begin the install:
-1. Install Postgres
-  For a production install it is best to install postgres on it's own server/VM. To install postgres, on the postgres host (pg) ::
-    pg-$ sudo su -
-    pg-# yum -y update
-    pg-# yum -y install
-    pg-# yum -y install postgresql96-server
-    pg-$ su - postgres
-    pg-$ /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/initdb -A md5 -W #-W forces the user to provide a superuser (postgres) password
-  Edit ``/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf`` to allow your traffic ops app server access. For example if you are going to install traffic ops on ```` add::
-    host  all   all md5
-  to the appropriate section of this file. Edit the ``/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf`` file to add the approriate listen_addresses or ``listen_addresses = '*'``,  and start the database: ::
-    pg-$ exit
-    pg-# systemctl enable postgresql-9.6
-    pg-# systemctl start postgresql-9.6
-    pg-# systemctl status postgresql-9.6
-2. Install Traffic Ops
-  Install the postgres1l 9.6 dev libraries, and then download the traffic_ops rpm package from or from our jenkins builds, and install it (update URL as approriate), on the traffic ops host (to): :: 
-    to-$ sudo su -
-    to-# yum update
-    to-# yum -y install
-    to-# yum install  postgresql96-devel
-    to-# wget -q
-    to-# yum -y install traffic_ops-2.0.0-5608.afd8fd30.el7.x86_64.rpm 
-  Install some additional packages that it depends on that were not installed as dependecies in the previous step (these are for the 2.1 dev install, this may change, but the pre-installs won't hurt): ::
-    to-# yum -y install git
-    to-# wget -q
-    to-# tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz 
-    to-# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin             # go bins are needed in the path for postinstall 
-    to-# go get
-  At this point you should be able to login to the database from the ``to`` host to the ``pg`` host like: :: 
-    to-# psql -h -U postgres
-    Password for user postgres: 
-    psql (9.2.18, server 9.6.3)
-    WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 9.6.
-            Some psql features might not work.
-    Type "help" for help.
-    postgres=# 
-  Use this connectivity to create the user and database. In  this example, we use user: ``traffic_ops``, password: ``tcr0cks``, database: ``traffic_ops``: :: 
-    to-# psql -U postgres -h -c "CREATE USER traffic_ops  WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'tcr0cks';"
-    Password for user postgres:
-    to-# createdb traffic_ops --owner traffic_ops -U postgres -h
-    Password:
-    to-#
-  Now, run the following command as root: ``/opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/postinstall``
-  The postinstall will first get all packages needed from CPAN. This may take a while, expect up to 30 minutes on the first install.
-  If there are any prompts in this phase, please just answer with the defaults (some CPAN installs can prompt for install questions). 
-  When this phase is complete, you will see:: 
-      Complete! Modules were installed into /opt/traffic_ops/app/local
-  Some additional files will be installed, and then it will proceed with the next phase of the install, where it will ask you about the local environment for your CDN. Please make sure you remember all your answers and the database answers match the database information previously used to create the database.
-  Example output::
-      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf===========
-      Database type [Pg]:
-      Database type: Pg
-      Database name [traffic_ops]:
-      Database name: traffic_ops
-      Database server hostname IP or FQDN [localhost]:
-      Database server hostname IP or FQDN:
-      Database port number [5432]:
-      Database port number: 5432
-      Traffic Ops database user [traffic_ops]:
-      Traffic Ops database user: traffic_ops
-      Password for Traffic Ops database user:
-      Re-Enter Password for Traffic Ops database user:
-      Writing json to /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf
-      Database configuration has been saved
-      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/app/db/dbconf.yml===========
-      Database server root (admin) user [postgres]:
-      Database server root (admin) user: postgres
-      Password for database server admin:
-      Re-Enter Password for database server admin:
-      Download Maxmind Database? [yes]:
-      Download Maxmind Database?: yes
-      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf===========
-      Generate a new secret? [yes]:
-      Generate a new secret?: yes
-      Number of secrets to keep? [10]:
-      Number of secrets to keep?: 10
-      Not setting up ldap
-      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/users.json===========
-      Administration username for Traffic Ops [admin]:
-      Administration username for Traffic Ops: admin
-      Password for the admin user:
-      Re-Enter Password for the admin user:
-      Writing json to /opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/users.json
-      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/openssl_configuration.json===========
-      Do you want to generate a certificate? [yes]:
-      Country Name (2 letter code): US
-      State or Province Name (full name): CO
-      Locality Name (eg, city): Denver
-      Organization Name (eg, company): Super CDN, Inc
-      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section):
-      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname):
-      RSA Passphrase:
-      Re-Enter RSA Passphrase:
-      ===========/opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/profiles.json===========
-      Traffic Ops url [https://localhost]:
-      Traffic Ops url: https://localhost
-      Human-readable CDN Name.  (No whitespace, please) [kabletown_cdn]: blue cdn
-      Human-readable CDN Name.  (No whitespace, please): blue cdn
-      DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative []:
-      DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative:
-      Writing json to /opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/profiles.json
-      Downloading Maxmind data
-      --2017-06-11 15:32:41--
-      Resolving ( 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:262f, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:252f,, ...
-      Connecting to (|2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:262f|:80... connected.
-      ... much SQL output skipped 
-      Starting Traffic Ops
-      Restarting traffic_ops (via systemctl):                    [  OK  ]
-      Waiting for Traffic Ops to restart
-      Success! Postinstall complete.
-      to-# ifconfig
-  Explanation of the information that needs to be provided:
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Field                                              | Description                                                                                  |
-    +====================================================+==============================================================================================+
-    | Database type                                      | Pg                                                                                           |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database name                                      | The name of the database Traffic Ops uses to store the configuration information             |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database server hostname IP or FQDN                | The hostname of the database server                                                          |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database port number                               | The database port number                                                                     |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Traffic Ops database user                          | The username Traffic Ops will use to read/write from the database                            |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Password for traffic ops                           | The password for the above database user                                                     |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database server root (admin) user name             | Privileged database user that has permission to create the database and user for Traffic Ops |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database server root (admin) user password         | The password for the above privileged database user                                          |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Traffic Ops url                                    | The URL to connect to this instance of Traffic Ops, usually https://<traffic ops host FQDN>/ |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Human-readable CDN Name                            | The name of the first CDN traffic Ops will be managing                                       |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative | The DNS domain that will be delegated to this Traffic Control CDN                            |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Administration username for Traffic Ops            | The Administration (highest privilege) Traffic Ops user to create;                           |
-    |                                                    | use this user to login for the first time and create other users                             |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Password for the admin user                        | The password for the above user                                                              |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Traffic Ops is now installed!
-Upgrading Traffic Ops
-To upgrade:
-.. Note:: TODO : review for > 2.0
-1. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops stop``
-2. Enter the following command:``yum upgrade traffic_ops``
-3. See :ref:`rl-ps` to run postinstall.
-4. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops start``

[5/5] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: This closes #676.

Posted by
This closes #676.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: caf56036b170fb231664d45958a873900c112eca
Parents: 6437964
Author: Dan Kirkwood <>
Authored: Wed Jun 14 10:10:59 2017 -0600
Committer: Dan Kirkwood <>
Committed: Wed Jun 14 10:10:59 2017 -0600



[3/5] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updated the documentation for migrating from 1.0 to 2.0 for Traffic Ops

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84f13eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/admin/traffic_ops/using.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. |graph| image:: ../../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/graph.png
+.. |info| image:: ../../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/info.png
+.. |checkmark| image:: ../../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/good.png
+.. |X| image:: ../../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/bad.png
+.. |clock| image:: ../../../../traffic_ops/app/public/images/clock-black.png
+Traffic Ops - Using
+The Traffic Ops Menu
+.. image:: ../12m.png
+The following tabs are available in the menu at the top of the Traffic Ops user interface.
+.. index::
+  Health Tab
+* **Health**
+  Information on the health of the system. Hover over this tab to get to the following options:
+  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |     Option    |                                                            Description                                                             |
+  +===============+====================================================================================================================================+
+  | Table View    | A real time view into the main performance indicators of the CDNs managed by Traffic Control.                                      |
+  |               | This view is sourced directly by the Traffic Monitor data and is updated every 10 seconds.                                         |
+  |               | This is the default screen of Traffic Ops.                                                                                         |
+  |               | See :ref:`rl-health-table` for details.                                                                                            |
+  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Graph View    | A real graphical time view into the main performance indicators of the CDNs managed by Traffic Control.                            |
+  |               | This view is sourced by the Traffic Monitor data and is updated every 10 seconds.                                                  |
+  |               | On loading, this screen will show a history of 24 hours of data from Traffic Stats                                                 |
+  |               | See :ref:`rl-health-graph` for details.                                                                                            |
+  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Server Checks | A table showing the results of the periodic check extension scripts that are run. See :ref:`rl-server-checks`                      |
+  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Daily Summary | A graph displaying the daily peaks of bandwidth, overall bytes served per day, and overall bytes served since initial installation |
+  |               | per CDN.                                                                                                                           |
+  +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+* **Delivery Services**
+  The main Delivery Service table. This is where you Create/Read/Update/Delete Delivery Services of all types. Hover over to get the following sub option:
+  +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+  |    Option   |             Description              |
+  +=============+======================================+
+  | Federations | Add/Edit/Delete Federation Mappings. |
+  +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+* **Servers**
+  The main Servers table. This is where you Create/Read/Update/Delete servers of all types.  Click the main tab to get to the main table, and hover over to get these sub options:
+  +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |       Option      |                                       Description                                        |
+  +===================+==========================================================================================+
+  | Upload Server CSV | Bulk add of servers from a csv file. See :ref:`rl-bulkserver`                            |
+  +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+* **Parameters**
+  Parameters and Profiles can be edited here. Hover over the tab to get the following options:
+  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |        Option       |                                                                             Description                                                                             |
+  +=====================+=====================================================================================================================================================================+
+  | Global Profile      | The table of global parameters. See :ref:`rl-param-prof`. This is where you Create/Read/Update/Delete parameters in the Global profile                              |
+  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | All Cache Groups    | The table of all parameters *that are assgined to a cachegroup* - this may be slow to pull up, as there can be thousands of parameters.                             |
+  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | All Profiles        | The table of all parameters *that are assgined to a profile* - this may be slow to pull up, as there can be thousands of parameters.                                |
+  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Select Profile      | Select the parameter list by profile first, then get a table of just the parameters for that profile.                                                               |
+  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Orphaned Parameters | A table of parameters that are not associated to any profile of cache group. These parameters either should be deleted or associated with a profile of cache group. |
+  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+* **Tools**
+  Tools for working with Traffic Ops and it's servers. Hover over this tab to get the following options:
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |       Option       |                                                            Description                                                            |
+  +====================+===================================================================================================================================+
+  | Generate ISO       | Generate a bootable image for any of the servers in the Servers table (or any server for that matter). See :ref:`rl-generate-iso` |
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Queue Updates      | Send Updates to the caches. See :ref:`rl-queue-updates`                                                                           |
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | DB Dump            | Backup the Database to a .sql file.                                                                                               |
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Snapshot CRConfig  | Send updates to the Traffic Monitor / Traffic Router servers.  See :ref:`rl-queue-updates`                                        |
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Invalidate Content | Invalidate or purge content from all caches in the CDN. See :ref:`rl-purge`                                                       |
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Manage DNSSEC keys | Manage DNSSEC Keys for a chosen CDN.                                                                                              |
+  +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+* **Misc**
+  Miscellaneous editing options. Hover over this tab to get the following options:
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |       Option       |                                        Description                                        |
+  +====================+===========================================================================================+
+  | CDNs               | Create/Read/Update/Delete CDNs                                                            |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Cache Groups       | Create/Read/Update/Delete cache groups                                                    |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Users              | Create/Read/Update/Delete users                                                           |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Profiles           | Create/Read/Update/Delete profiles. See :ref:`rl-working-with-profiles`                   |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Networks(ASNs)     | Create/Read/Update/Delete Autonomous System Numbers See :ref:`rl-asn-czf`                 |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Hardware           | Get detailed hardware information (note: this should be moved to a Traffic Ops Extension) |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Data Types         | Create/Read/Update/Delete data types                                                      |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Divisions          | Create/Read/Update/Delete divisions                                                       |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Regions            | Create/Read/Update/Delete regions                                                         |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Physical Locations | Create/Read/Update/Delete locations                                                       |
+  +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+.. index::
+  Change Log
+* **ChangeLog**
+  The Changelog table displays the changes that are being made to the Traffic Ops database through the Traffic Ops user interface. This tab will show the number of changes since you last visited this tab in (brackets) since the last time you visited this tab. There are currently no sub menus for this tab.
+* **Help**
+  Help for Traffic Ops and Traffic Control. Hover over this tab to get the following options:
+  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |     Option    |                             Description                             |
+  +===============+=====================================================================+
+  | About         | Traffic Ops information, such as version, database information, etc |
+  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Release Notes | Release notes for the most recent releases of Traffic Ops           |
+  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Logout        | Logout from Traffic Ops                                             |
+  +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+.. index::
+  Edge Health
+  Health
+.. _rl-health-table:
+The Health Table
+The Health table is the default landing screen for Traffic Ops, it displays the status of the EDGE caches in a table form directly from Traffic Monitor (bypassing Traffic Stats), sorted by Mbps Out. The columns in this table are:
+* **Profile**: the Profile of this server or ALL, meaning this row shows data for multiple servers, and the row shows the sum of all values.
+* **Host Name**: the host name of the server or ALL, meaning this row shows data for multiple servers, and the row shows the sum of all values.
+* **Edge Cache Group**: the edge cache group short name or ALL, meaning this row shows data for multiple servers, and the row shows the sum of all values.
+* **Healthy**: indicates if this cache is healthy according to the Health Protocol. A row with ALL in any of the columns will always show a |checkmark|, this column is valid only for individual EDGE caches.
+* **Admin**: shows the administrative status of the server.
+* **Connections**: the number of connections this cache (or group of caches) has open (``ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections`` from ATS).
+* **Mbps Out**: the bandwidth being served out if this cache (or group of caches)
+Since the top line has ALL, ALL, ALL, it shows the total connections and bandwidth for all caches managed by this instance of Traffic Ops.
+.. _rl-health-graph:
+Graph View
+The Graph View shows a live view of the last 24 hours of bits per seconds served and open connections at the edge in a graph. This data is sourced from Traffic Stats. If there are 2 CDNs configured, this view will show the statistis for both, and the graphs are stacked. On the left-hand side, the totals and immediate values as well as the percentage of total possible capacity are displayed. This view is update every 10 seconds.
+.. _rl-server-checks:
+Server Checks
+The server checks page is inteded to give an overview of the Servers managed by Traffic Control as well as their status. This data comes from `Traffic Ops extensions <traffic_ops_extensions.html>`_.
+| Name |                 Description                                           |
+| ILO  | Ping the iLO interface for EDGE or MID servers                        |
+| 10G  | Ping the IPv4 address of the EDGE or MID servers                      |
+| 10G6 | Ping the IPv6 address of the EDGE or MID servers                      |
+| MTU  | Ping the EDGE or MID using the configured MTU from Traffic Ops        |
+| FQDN | DNS check that matches what the DNS servers responds with compared to |
+|      | what Traffic Ops has.                                                 |
+| DSCP | Checks the DSCP value of packets from the edge server to the Traffic  |
+|      | Ops server.                                                           |
+| RTR  | Content Router checks. Checks the health of the Content Routers.      |
+|      | Checks the health of the caches using the Content Routers.            |
+| CHR  | Cache Hit Ratio in percent.                                           |
+| CDU  | Total Cache Disk Usage in percent.                                    |
+| ORT  | Operational Readiness Test. Uses the ORT script on the edge and mid   |
+|      | servers to determine if the configuration in Traffic Ops matches the  |
+|      | configuration on the edge or mid. The user that this script runs as   |
+|      | must have an ssh key on the edge servers.                             |
+Daily Summary
+Displays daily max gbps and bytes served for all CDNs.  In order for the graphs to appear, the 'daily_bw_url' and 'daily_served_url' parameters need to be be created, assigned to the global profile, and have a value of a grafana graph.  For more information on configuring grafana, see the `Traffic Stats <traffic_stats.html>`_  section.
+.. _rl-server:
+This view shows a table of all the servers in Traffic Ops. The table columns show the most important details of the server. The **IPAddrr** column is clickable to launch an ``ssh://`` link to this server. The |graph| icon will link to a Traffic Stats graph of this server for caches, and the |info| will link to the server status pages for other server types.
+Server Types
+These are the types of servers that can be managed in Traffic Ops:
+|      Name     |                 Description                 |
+| EDGE          | Edge Cache                                  |
+| MID           | Mid Tier Cache                              |
+| ORG           | Origin                                      |
+| CCR           | Traffic Router                              |
+| RASCAL        | Rascal health polling & reporting           |
+| TOOLS_SERVER  | Ops hosts for managment                     |
+| RIAK          | Riak keystore                               |
+| SPLUNK        | SPLUNK indexer search head etc              |
+| TRAFFIC_STATS | traffic_stats server                        |
+| INFLUXDB      | influxDb server                             |
+.. index::
+  Bulk Upload Server
+.. _rl-bulkserver:
+Bulk Upload Server
+Delivery Service
+The fields in the Delivery Service view are:
+.. Sorry for the width of this table, don't know how to make the bullet lists work otherwise. Just set your monitor to 2560*1600, and put on your glasses.
+|                       Name                       |                                                                                                     Description                                                                                                     |
+| XML ID                                           | A unique string that identifies this delivery service.                                                                                                                                                              |
+| Content Routing Type                             | The type of content routing this delivery service will use. See :ref:`rl-ds-types`.                                                                                                                                 |
+| Protocol                                         | The protocol to serve this delivery service to the clients with:                                                                                                                                                    |
+|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | -  0 http                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
+|                                                  | -  1 https                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+|                                                  | -  2 both http and https                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| DSCP Tag                                         | The DSCP value to mark IP packets to the client with.                                                                                                                                                               |
+| Signed URLs                                      | Use Signed URLs? See :ref:`rl-signed-urls`.                                                                                                                                                                         |
+| Query String Handling                            | How to treat query strings:                                                                                                                                                                                         |
+|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | - 0 use in cache key and hand up to origin -this means each unique query string Is treated as a unique URL.                                                                                                         |
+|                                                  | - 1 Do not use in cache key, but pass up to origin - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for the query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin still sees original query string in the request. |
+|                                                  | - 2 Drop at edge - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for  the query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin will not see original query string in the request.                                |
+|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | **Note:** Choosing to drop query strings at the edge will preclude the use of a Regex Remap Expression. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                                                                  |
+| Geo Limit?                                       | Some services are intended to be limited by geography. The possible settings are are:                                                                                                                               |
+|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | - None - Do not limit by geography.                                                                                                                                                                                 |
+|                                                  | - CZF only - If the requesting IP is not in the Coverage Zone File, do not serve the request.                                                                                                                       |
+|                                                  | - CZF + US - If the requesting IP is not in the Coverage Zone File or not in the United States, do not serve the request.                                                                                           |
+| Geo Limit Redirect URL                           | (for HTTP routed delivery services only) This is the URL Traffic Router will redirect to when Geo Limit Failure. See :ref:`rl-tr-ngb`                                                                               |
+| Bypass FQDN                                      | (for HTTP routed delivery services only) This is the FQDN Traffic Router will redirect to (with the same path) when the max Bps or Max Tps for this deliveryservice are exceeded.                                   |
+| Bypass Ipv4                                      | (For DNS routed delivery services only) This is the address to respond to A requests with when the the max Bps or Max Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                                                   |
+| Bypass IPv6                                      | (For DNS routed delivery services only) This is the address to respond to AAAA requests with when the the max Bps or Max Tps for this delivery service are exceeded.                                                |
+| IPv6 Routing Enabled?                            | When set to yes, the Traffic Router will respond to AAAA DNS requests for the tr. and edge. names of this delivery service. Otherwise, only A records will be served.                                               |
+| Range Request Handling                           | (experimental)  How to treat range requests:                                                                                                                                                                        |
+|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | - 1 Use the `background_fetch <>`_ plugin.                                                                              |
+|                                                  | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests plugin.                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| Delivery Service DNS TTL                         | The Time To Live on the DNS record for the Traffic Router A and AAAA records (``tr.<deliveryservice>.<cdn-domain>``) for a HTTP delivery service *or* for the A and                                                 |
+|                                                  | AAAA records of the edge name (``edge.<deliveryservice>.<cdn-domain>``).                                                                                                                                            |
+| Origin Server Base URL                           | The Origin Server's base URL. This includes the protocol (http or https). Example: ````                                                                                                     |
+| Use Multi Site Origin Feature                    | Enable the Multi Site Origin feature for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                                                                                                                     |
+| Profile                                          | The profile for this delivery service.                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| Maximum Bits per Second allowed globally         | The maximum bits per second this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used     |
+|                                                  | (depending on whether this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN will be used.                                                                                                   |
+| Maximum Transactions per Second allowed globally | The maximum transactions per se this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used |
+|                                                  | (depending on whether this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN will be used.                                                                                                   |
+| Geo Miss Default Latitude                        | Default Latitude for this delivery service. When client localization fails for both Coverage Zone and Geo Lookup, this the client will be routed as if it was at this lat.                                          |
+| Geo Miss Default Longitude                       | Default Longitude for this delivery service. When client localization fails for bot Coverage Zone and Geo Lookup, this the client will be routed as if it was at this long.                                         |
+| Edge Header Rewrite Rules                        | Header Rewrite rules to apply for this delivery service at the EDGE tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. [1]_                                                                                                        |
+| Mid Header Rewrite Rules                         | Header Rewrite rules to apply for this delivery service at the MID tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. [1]_                                                                                                         |
+| Regex Remap Expression                           | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier. See `ATS documentation on regex_remap <>`_. [1]_        |
+|                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                                                  | **Note:** you will not be able to save a Regex Remap Expression if you have Query String Handling set to drop query strings at the edge. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                                 |
+| Cache URL expression                             | Cache URL rule to apply to this delivery service. See `ATS documentation on cacheurl <>`_. [1]_                                 |
+| Raw remap text                                   | For HTTP and DNS deliveryservices, this will get added to the end of the remap line on the cache verbatim. For ANY_MAP deliveryservices this is the remap line. [1]_                                                |
+| Long Description                                 | Long description for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                              |
+| Customer                                         | Customer description for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                          |
+| Service                                          | Service description for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                           |
+| Info URL                                         | Info URL  for this delivery service. To be consumed from the APIs by downstream tools (Portal).                                                                                                                     |
+| Check Path                                       | A path (ex: /crossdomain.xml) to verify the connection to the origin server with. This can be used by Check Extension scripts to do periodic health checks against the delivery service.                            |
+| Origin Shield (Pipe Delimited String)            | Experimental. Origin Shield string.                                                                                                                                                                                 |
+| Active                                           | When this is set to no Traffic Router will not serve DNS or HTTP responses for this delivery service.                                                                                                               |
+| Last Updated                                     | (Read Only) The last time this delivery service was updated.                                                                                                                                                        |
+| Number of edges assigned                         | (Read Only - change by clicking the **Server Assignments** button at the bottom) The number of EDGE caches assigned to this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-assign-edges`.                                           |
+| Number of static DNS entries                     | (Read Only - change by clicking the **Static DNS** button at the bottom) The number of static DNS entries for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-static-dns`.                                                      |
+| Example delivery URL                             | (Read Only) An example of how the delivery URL may start. This could be multiple rows if multiple HOST_REGEXP entries have been entered.                                                                            |
+| Regular expressions for this delivery service    | A subtable of the regular expressions to use when routing traffic for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-ds-regexp`.                                                                                               |
+.. [1] These fields are not validated by Traffic Ops to be correct syntactically, and can cause Traffic Server to not start if invalid. Please use with caution.
+.. index::
+  Delivery Service Type
+.. _rl-ds-types:
+Delivery Service Types
+One of the most important settings when creating the delivery service is the selection of the delivery service *type*. This type determines the routing method and the primary storage for the delivery service.
+|       Name      |                                                                                                                                                         Description                                                                                                                                                          |
+| HTTP            | HTTP Content Routing  - The Traffic Router DNS auth server returns its own IP address on DNS queries, and the client gets redirected to a specific cache                                                                                                                                                                     |
+|                 | in the nearest cache group using HTTP 302.  Use this for long sessions like HLS/HDS/Smooth live streaming, where a longer setup time is not a.                                                                                                                                                                               |
+|                 | problem.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
+| DNS             | DNS Content Routing - The Traffic Router DNS auth server returns an edge cache IP address to the client right away. The client will find the cache quickly                                                                                                                                                                   |
+|                 | but the Traffic Router can not route to a cache that already has this content in the cache group. Use this for smaller objects like web page images / objects.                                                                                                                                                               |
+| HTTP_NO_CACHE   | HTTP Content Routing, but the caches will not actually cache the content, they act as just proxies. The MID tier is bypassed.                                                                                                                                                                                                |
+| HTTP_LIVE       | HTTP Content routing, but where for "standard" HTTP content routing the objects are stored on disk, for this delivery service type the objects are stored                                                                                                                                                                    |
+|                 | on the RAM disks. Use this for linear TV. The MID tier is bypassed for this type.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| HTTP_LIVE_NATNL | HTTP Content routing, same as HTTP_LIVE, but the MID tier is NOT bypassed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| DNS_LIVE_NATNL  | DNS Content routing, but where for "standard" DNS content routing the objects are stored on disk, for this delivery service type the objects are stored                                                                                                                                                                      |
+|                 | on the RAM disks. Use this for linear TV. The MID tier is NOT bypassed for this type.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
+| DNS_LIVE        | DNS Content routing, same as DNS_LIVE_NATNL, but the MID tier is bypassed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| ANY_MAP         | ANY_MAP is not known to Traffic Router. For this deliveryservice, the "Raw remap text" field in the input form will be used as the remap line on the cache.                                                                                                                                                                  |
+| STEERING        | The Delivery Service will be used to route to other delivery services.  The target delivery services Traffic Router and the routing weights for those delivery services will be defined by an admin or steering user.  For more information see the `steering feature <traffic_router.html#steering-feature>`_ documentation |
+.. Note:: Once created, the Traffic Ops user interface does not allow you to change the delivery service type; the drop down is greyed out. There are many things that can go wrong when changing the type, and it is safer to delete the delivery service, and recreate it.
+  Federations allow for other (federated) CDNs (at a different ISP, MSO, etc) to add a list of resolvers and a CNAME to a delivery service Traffic Ops.  When a request is made from one of federated CDN's clients, Traffic Router will return the CNAME configured in the federation mapping.  This allows the federated CDN to serve the content without the content provider changing the URL, or having to manage multiple URLs.
+  Before adding a federation in the Traffic Ops UI, a user with the federations role needs to be created.  This user will be assigned to the federation and will be able to add resolvers to the federation via the Traffic Ops `Federation API <../development/traffic_ops_api/v12/federation.html>`_.
+.. index::
+  Header Rewrite
+.. _rl-header-rewrite:
+Header Rewrite Options and DSCP
+Most header manipulation and per-delivery service configuration overrides are done using the `ATS Header Rewrite Plugin <>`_. Traffic Control allows you to enter header rewrite rules to be applied at the edge and at the mid level. The syntax used in Traffic Ops is the same as the one described in the ATS documentation, except for some special strings that will get replaced:
+| Traffic Ops Entry |    Gets Replaced with    |
+| __RETURN__        | A newline                |
+| __CACHE_IPV4__    | The cache's IPv4 address |
+The deliveryservice screen also allows you to set the DSCP value of traffic sent to the client. This setting also results in a header_rewrite rule to be generated and applied to at the edge.
+.. Note:: The DSCP setting in the UI is *only* for setting traffic towards the client, and gets applied *after* the initial TCP handshake is complete, and the HTTP request is received (before that the cache can't determine what deliveryservice this request is for, and what DSCP to apply), so the DSCP feature can not be used for security settings - the TCP SYN-ACK is not going to be DSCP marked.
+.. index::
+  Token Based Authentication
+  Signed URLs
+.. _rl-signed-urls:
+Token Based Authentication
+Token based authentication or *signed URLs* is implemented using the Traffic Server ``url_sig`` plugin. To sign a URL at the signing portal take the full URL, without any query string, and add on a query string with the following parameters:
+Client IP address
+        The client IP address that this signature is valid for.
+        ``C=<client IP address>``
+        The Expiration time (seconds since epoch) of this signature.
+        ``E=<expiration time in secs since unix epoch>``
+        The Algorithm used to create the signature. Only 1 (HMAC_SHA1)
+        and 2 (HMAC_MD5) are supported at this time
+        ``A=<algorithm number>``
+Key index
+        Index of the key used. This is the index of the key in the
+        configuration file on the cache. The set of keys is a shared
+        secret between the signing portal and the edge caches. There
+        is one set of keys per reverse proxy domain (fqdn).
+        ``K=<key index used>``
+        Parts to use for the signature, always excluding the scheme
+        (http://).  parts0 = fqdn, parts1..x is the directory parts
+        of the path, if there are more parts to the path than letters
+        in the parts param, the last one is repeated for those.
+        Examples:
+                1: use fqdn and all of URl path
+                0110: use part1 and part 2 of path only
+                01: use everything except the fqdn
+        ``P=<parts string (0's and 1's)>``
+        The signature over the parts + the query string up to and
+        including "S=".
+        ``S=<signature>``
+.. seealso:: The url_sig `README <>`_.
+Generate URL Sig Keys
+To generate a set of random signed url keys for this delivery service and store them in Traffic Vault, click the **Generate URL Sig Keys** button at the bottom of the delivery service details screen.
+.. rl-parent-selection:
+Parent Selection
+Parameters in the Edge (child) profile that influence this feature:
+|                      Name                     |    Filename    |    Default    |                      Description                      |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         | enable parent selection.  This is a required setting. |
+| http.parent_proxy_routing_enable              |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         | required for parent selection.                        |
+| url_remap.remap_required                      |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 0         | See                                                   |
+| http.no_dns_just_forward_to_parent            |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         |                                                       |
+| http.uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent       |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 1         |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy_routing_enable              |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 300       |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.retry_time                  |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 10        |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.fail_threshold              |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 4         |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts      |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 2         |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 30        |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout    |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 0         |                                                       |
+| http.forward.proxy_auth_to_parent             |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 0         |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy_routing_enable              |                |               |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | STRING        |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.file                        |                | parent.config |                                                       |
+| CONFIG proxy.config.                          | records.config | INT 3         |                                                       |
+| http.parent_proxy.connect_attempts_timeout    |                |               |                                                       |
+| algorithm                                     | parent.config  | urlhash       | The algorithm to use.                                 |
+Parameters in the Mid (parent) profile that influence this feature:
+|      Name      |    Filename   | Default |                                                                                    Description                                                                                    |
+| domain_name    | CRConfig.json | -       | Only parents with the same value as the edge are going to be used as parents (to keep separation between CDNs)                                                                    |
+| weight         | parent.config | 1.0     | The weight of this parent, translates to the number of replicas in the consistent hash ring. This parameter only has effect with algorithm at the client set to "consistent_hash" |
+| port           | parent.config | 80      | The port this parent is listening on as a forward proxy.                                                                                                                          |
+| use_ip_address | parent.config | 0       | 1 means use IP(v4) address of this parent in the parent.config, 0 means use the host_name.domain_name concatenation.                                                              |
+.. _rl-multi-site-origin:
+Multi Site Origin
+.. Note:: The configuration of this feature changed significantly between ATS version 5 and >= 6. Some configuration in Traffic Control is different as well. This documentation assumes ATS 6 or higher. See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin-qht-ats5` for the ATS version 5.x configuration details.
+Normally, the mid servers are not aware of any redundancy at the origin layer. With Multi Site Origin enabled this changes - Traffic Server (and Traffic Ops) are now made aware of the fact there are multiple origins, and can be configured to do more advanced failover and loadbalancing actions. A prerequisite for MSO to work is that the multiple origin sites serve identical content with identical paths, and both are configured to serve the same origin hostname as is configured in the deliveryservice `Origin Server Base URL` field. See the `Apache Traffic Server docs <>`_ for more information on that cache's implementation.
+With This feature enabled, origin servers (or origin server VIP names for a site) are going to be entered as servers in to the Traiffic Ops UI. Server type is "ORG".
+Parameters in the mid profile that influence this feature:
+|                                   Name                                   |    Filename    |  Default   |                                            Description                                             |
+| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_proxy_routing_enable                    | records.config | INT 1      | enable parent selection.  This is a required setting.                                              |
+| CONFIG proxy.config. url_remap.remap_required                            | records.config | INT 1      | required for parent selection.                                                                     |
+Parameters in the deliveryservice profile that influence this feature:
+|                                   Name      |    Filename    |  Default        |                                                                         Description                                             |
+| mso.parent_retry                            | parent.config  | \-              | Either ``simple_retry``, ``dead_server_retry`` or ``both``.                                                                     |
+| mso.algorithm                               | parent.config  | consistent_hash | The algorithm to use. ``consisten_hash``, ``strict``, ``true``, ``false``, or ``latched``.                                      |
+|                                             |                |                 |                                                                                                                                 |
+|                                             |                |                 | - ``consisten_hash`` - spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on hash of content URL.                    |
+|                                             |                |                 | - ``strict`` - strict Round Robin spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on order of requests.           |
+|                                             |                |                 | - ``true`` - same as strict, but ensures that requests from the same IP always go to the same parent if available.              |
+|                                             |                |                 | - ``false`` - uses only a single parent at any given time and switches to a new parent only if the current parent fails.        |
+|                                             |                |                 | - ``latched`` - same as false, but now, a failed parent will not be retried.                                                    |
+| mso.unavailable_server_retry_response_codes | parent.config  | "503"           | Quoted, comma separated list of HTTP status codes that count as a unavailable_server_retry_response_code.                       |
+| mso.max_unavailable_server_retries          | parent.config  | 1               | How many times an unavailable server will be retried.                                                                           |
+| mso.simple_retry_response_codes             | parent.config  | "404"           | Quoted, comma separated list of HTTP status codes that count as a simple retry response code.                                   |
+| mso.max_simple_retries                      | parent.config  | 1               | How many times a simple retry will be done.                                                                                     |
+see :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin-qht` for a *quick how to* on this feature.
+.. _rl-ccr-profile:
+Traffic Router Profile
+|                   Name                  |      Config_file       |                                                                                                Description                                                                                                |
+| location                                |               | Location to store the DNS zone files in the local file system of Traffic Router.                                                                                                                          |
+| location                                |  | Location to find the file for Traffic Router.                                                                                                                                            |
+| location                                |   | Location to find the file for Traffic Router.                                                                                                                                        |
+| location                                | | Location to find the file for Traffic Router.                                                                                                                                            |
+| CDN_name                                | rascal-config.txt      | The human readable name of the CDN for this profile.                                                                                                                                                      |
+| CoverageZoneJsonURL                     | CRConfig.xml           | The location (URL) to retrieve the coverage zone map file in JSON format from.                                                                                                                            |
+| geolocation.polling.url                 | CRConfig.json          | The location (URL) to retrieve the geo database file from.                                                                                                                                                |
+| geolocation.polling.interval            | CRConfig.json          | How often to refresh the coverage geo location database  in ms                                                                                                                                            |
+| coveragezone.polling.interval           | CRConfig.json          | How often to refresh the coverage zone map in ms                                                                                                                                                          |
+| coveragezone.polling.url                | CRConfig.json          | The location (URL) to retrieve the coverage zone map file in XML format from.                                                                                                                             |
+| tld.soa.expire                          | CRConfig.json          | The value for the expire field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on Start of Authority (SOA) records.                                                                                       |
+| tld.soa.minimum                         | CRConfig.json          | The value for the minimum field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on SOA records.                                                                                                           |
+| tld.soa.admin                           | CRConfig.json          | The DNS Start of Authority admin.  Should be a valid support email address for support if DNS is not working correctly.                                                                                   |
+| tld.soa.retry                           | CRConfig.json          | The value for the retry field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on SOA records.                                                                                                             |
+| tld.soa.refresh                         | CRConfig.json          | The TTL the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on A records.                                                                                                                                     |
+| tld.ttls.NS