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Posted to by Shane Curcuru <> on 2001/10/09 18:54:46 UTC

Cross-post: BCEL's first Jakarta version

Sorry for the cross-post but this is a very notable development for the
Xalan project since the current xsltc code uses the BCEL library to
construct it's translets.
Once they actually incorporate BCEL into Jakarta we should update our
build script to actually use the BCEL version that comes from there
instead of our checked-in .jar file.

- Shane

---- you Markus Dahm <> wrote ----
Subject:  BCEL's first Jakarta version
Hi, this is my first "Jakarta" version of BCEL, please take a look at
it. I'm
using Jakarta's Regex now (I wanted something lightweight). I also took
the chance to reorganize and clean up some things (see README). You can
download it at
Any help would be appreciated Cheers
Email:markus.dahm@berlin.dePhone: +49 30 838 75141

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