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Posted to by on 2015/03/27 18:09:47 UTC

svn commit: r1669622 - in /steve/trunk/pysteve: lib/ lib/ www/cgi-bin/

Author: humbedooh
Date: Fri Mar 27 17:09:47 2015
New Revision: 1669622

Add ElasticSearch as a possible backend for data.
NOTE: Yes, there are "except: pass" clauses in it, THAT IS INTENDED.
ES will throw an exception if a specific doc type hasn't been seeded yet, it will stop once it has been so. 
That in itself is not an error in STeVe, it just means "no elections/voter/issues yet"


Modified: steve/trunk/pysteve/lib/
--- steve/trunk/pysteve/lib/ (original)
+++ steve/trunk/pysteve/lib/ Fri Mar 27 17:09:47 2015
@@ -19,27 +19,62 @@ import json
 import os
 import random
 import time
+from itertools import izip
 from __main__ import homedir, config
+es = None
+if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "elasticsearch":
+    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
+    es = Elasticsearch([
+                    {
+                        'host': config.get("elasticsearch", "host"),
+                        'port': int(config.get("elasticsearch", "port")),
+                        'url_prefix': config.get("elasticsearch", "uri"),
+                        'use_ssl': False if config.get("elasticsearch", "secure") == "false" else True
+                    },
+                ])
+    if not es.indices.exists("steve"):
+        es.indices.create(index = "steve", body = {
+                "settings": {
+                    "number_of_shards" : 3,
+                    "number_of_replicas" : 1
+                }
+            }
+        )
 import constants, voter
 from plugins import *
 def exists(election, *issue):
     "Returns True if an election/issue exists, False otherwise"
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
         if issue:
             elpath += "/" + issue[0] + ".json"
             return os.path.isfile(elpath)
             return os.path.isdir(elpath)
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        s = "id:%s" % election
+        doc = "elections"
+        if issue and issue[0]:
+            doc = "issues"
+            s = "id:%s" % issue[0]
+        res ="steve", doc_type=doc, q = s, size = 1)
+        if len(res['hits']['hits']) > 0:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
 def getBasedata(election, hideHash=False):
     "Get base data from an election"
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
         if os.path.isdir(elpath):
             with open(elpath + "/basedata.json", "r") as f:
@@ -50,18 +85,20 @@ def getBasedata(election, hideHash=False
                     del basedata['hash']
                 basedata['id'] = election
                 return basedata
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        res ="steve", doc_type="elections", sort = "id", q = "id:%s" % election, size = 1)
+        results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+        if results > 0:
+            return res['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']
     return None
 def close(election, reopen = False):
     "Mark an election as closed"
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
-        elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
-        if os.path.isdir(elpath):
-            basedata = {}
-            with open(elpath + "/basedata.json", "r") as f:
-                data =
-                f.close()
-                basedata = json.loads(data)
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if exists(election):
+        if dbtype == "file":
+            elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
+            basedata = getBasedata(election)
             if reopen:
                 basedata['closed'] = False
@@ -69,36 +106,54 @@ def close(election, reopen = False):
             with open(elpath + "/basedata.json", "w") as f:
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        basedata = getBasedata(election)
+        if reopen:
+            basedata['closed'] = False
+        else:
+            basedata['closed'] = True
+        es.index(index="steve", doc_type="elections", id=election, body = basedata )
 def getIssue(electionID, issueID):
     "Get JSON data from an issue"
     issuedata = None
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    ihash = ""
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json"
         if os.path.isfile(issuepath):
-            ihash = ""
             with open(issuepath, "r") as f:
                 data =
                 ihash = hashlib.sha224(data).hexdigest()
                 issuedata = json.loads(data)
-            issuedata['hash'] = ihash
-            issuedata['id'] = issueID
-            issuedata['APIURL'] = "https://%s/steve/voter/view/%s/%s" % (config.get("general", "rooturl"), electionID, issueID)
-            issuedata['prettyURL'] = "https://%s/steve/ballot?%s/%s" % (config.get("general", "rooturl"), electionID, issueID)
-            # Add vote category for JS magic
-            for vtype in constants.VOTE_TYPES:
-                if vtype['key'] == issuedata['type']:
-                    issuedata['category'] = vtype['category']
-                    break
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        res ="steve", doc_type="issues", q = "id:%s" % issueID, size = 1)
+        results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+        if results > 0:
+            issuedata = res['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']
+            ihash = hashlib.sha224(json.dumps(issuedata)).hexdigest()
+    if issuedata:
+        issuedata['hash'] = ihash
+        issuedata['id'] = issueID
+        issuedata['APIURL'] = "https://%s/steve/voter/view/%s/%s" % (config.get("general", "rooturl"), electionID, issueID)
+        issuedata['prettyURL'] = "https://%s/steve/ballot?%s/%s" % (config.get("general", "rooturl"), electionID, issueID)
+        # Add vote category for JS magic
+        for vtype in constants.VOTE_TYPES:
+            if vtype['key'] == issuedata['type']:
+                issuedata['category'] = vtype['category']
+                break
     return issuedata
 def getVotes(electionID, issueID):
     "Read votes from the vote file"
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json.votes"
         issuedata = {}
         if os.path.isfile(issuepath):
@@ -107,10 +162,41 @@ def getVotes(electionID, issueID):
                 issuedata = json.loads(data)
         return issuedata
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        res ="steve", doc_type="votes", q = "election:%s AND issue:%s" % (electionID, issueID), size = 9999999)
+        results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+        if results > 0:
+            votes = {}
+            for entry in res['hits']['hits']:
+                votes[entry['_source']['key']] = entry['_source']['data']['vote']
+            return votes
     return {}
+def getVotesRaw(electionID, issueID):
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
+        issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json.votes"
+        if os.path.isfile(issuepath):
+            with open(issuepath, "r") as f:
+                votes = json.loads(
+                f.close()
+                return votes
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        res ="steve", doc_type="votes", q = "election:%s AND issue:%s" % (electionID, issueID), size = 9999999)
+        results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+        if results > 0:
+            votes = {}
+            for entry in res['hits']['hits']:
+                votes[entry['key']] = entry['_source']['data']
+            return votes
+    return {}
 def createElection(eid, title, owner, monitors, starts, ends, isopen):
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", eid)
         with open(elpath  + "/basedata.json", "w") as f:
@@ -127,25 +213,58 @@ def createElection(eid, title, owner, mo
         with open(elpath  + "/voters.json", "w") as f:
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        es.index(index="steve", doc_type="elections", id=eid, body =
+            {
+                'id': eid,
+                'title': title,
+                'owner': owner,
+                'monitors': monitors,
+                'starts': starts,
+                'ends': ends,
+                'hash': hashlib.sha512("%f-stv-%s" % (time.time(), os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] if 'REMOTE_ADDR' in os.environ else random.randint(1,99999999999))).hexdigest(),
+                'open': isopen
+            }
+        );
 def listIssues(election):
     "List all issues in an election"
     issues = []
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
         if os.path.isdir(elpath):
             issues = [f.strip(".json") for f in os.listdir(elpath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(elpath, f)) and f != "basedata.json" and f != "voters.json" and f.endswith(".json")]
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        try:
+            res ="steve", doc_type="issues", sort = "id", q = "election:%s" % election, size = 999)
+            results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+            if results > 0:
+                for entry in res['hits']['hits']:
+                    issues.append(entry['_source']['id'])
+        except:
     return issues
 def listElections():
     "List all elections"
     elections = []
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         path = os.path.join(homedir, "issues")
         if os.path.isdir(path):
             elections = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f))]
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        try:
+            res ="steve", doc_type="elections", sort = "id", q = "*", size = 99999)
+            results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+            if results > 0:
+                for entry in res['hits']['hits']:
+                    source  = entry['_source']
+                    elections.append(source['id'])
+        except Exception as err:
+            pass # THIS IS OKAY! On initial setup, this WILL fail until an election has been created
     return elections
 def getVoteType(issue):
@@ -168,7 +287,8 @@ def vote(electionID, issueID, voterID, v
             # This will/should raise an exception if the vote is invalid
             voteType['vote_func'](basedata, issueID, voterID, vote)
-        if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+        dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+        if dbtype == "file":
             issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json"
             if os.path.isfile(issuepath + ".votes"):
                 with open(issuepath + ".votes", "r") as f:
@@ -195,38 +315,22 @@ def vote(electionID, issueID, voterID, v
                 with open(lurkpath, "w") as f:
+        elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+            es.index(index="steve", doc_type="votes", id=votehash, body =
+                {
+                    'issue': issueID,
+                    'election': electionID,
+                    'key': votehash,
+                    'data': {
+                        'timestamp': time.time(),
+                        'vote': vote
+                    }
+                }
+            );
         return votehash
         raise Exception("No such election")
-def getVotes(electionID, issueID):
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
-        issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json.votes"
-        if os.path.isfile(issuepath):
-            votes = {}
-            rvotes = {}
-            with open(issuepath, "r") as f:
-                rvotes = json.loads(
-                f.close()
-            for key in rvotes:
-                if isinstance(rvotes[key], dict):
-                    votes[key] = rvotes[key]['vote']
-                elif isinstance(rvotes[key], str) or isinstance(rvotes[key], unicode):
-                    votes[key] =rvotes[key]
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("Invalid vote data found: %s" % type(rvotes[key]))
-            return votes
-    return {}
-def getVotesRaw(electionID, issueID):
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
-        issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json.votes"
-        if os.path.isfile(issuepath):
-            with open(issuepath, "r") as f:
-                votes = json.loads(
-                f.close()
-                return votes
-    return {}
 def validType(issueType):
     for voteType in constants.VOTE_TYPES:
@@ -250,12 +354,15 @@ def deleteIssue(electionID, issueID):
     "Deletes an issue if it exists"
     if exists(electionID):
-        if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+        dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+        if dbtype == "file":
             issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json"
             if os.path.isfile(issuepath):
             if os.path.isfile(issuepath + ".votes"):
                 os.unlink(issuepath + ".votes")
+        elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+            es.delete(index="steve", doc_type="votes", id=votehash);
         return True
         raise Exception("No such election")
@@ -275,3 +382,18 @@ def getHash(electionID):
     output.insert(0, ("You are receiving this data because you are listed as a monitor for this election.\nThe following data shows the state of the election data on disk. If any of these checksums change, especially the main checksum, then the election has been edited (rigged?) after invites were sent out.\n\nMain Election Checksum : %s\n\n" % tothash))
     output.append("\nYou can monitor votes and recasts online at: %s/monitor.html?%s" % (config.get("general", "rooturl"), electionID))
     return tothash, "\n".join(output)
+def createIssue(electionID, issueID, data):
+    if not exists(electionID, issueID):
+        dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+        if dbtype == "file":
+            issuepath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", electionID, issueID) + ".json"
+            with open(issuepath, "w") as f:
+                f.write(json.dumps(data))
+                f.close()
+        elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+            data['election'] = electionID
+            data['id'] = issueID
+            es.index(index="steve", doc_type="issues", id=hashlib.sha224(electionID + "/" + issueID).hexdigest(), body = data);
+    else:
+        raise Exception("Issue already exists!")
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: steve/trunk/pysteve/lib/
--- steve/trunk/pysteve/lib/ (original)
+++ steve/trunk/pysteve/lib/ Fri Mar 27 17:09:47 2015
@@ -23,49 +23,96 @@ from email.mime.text import MIMEText
 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
 from smtplib import SMTPException
+es = None
+if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "elasticsearch":
+    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
+    es = Elasticsearch([
+                    {
+                        'host': config.get("elasticsearch", "host"),
+                        'port': int(config.get("elasticsearch", "port")),
+                        'url_prefix': config.get("elasticsearch", "uri"),
+                        'use_ssl': False if config.get("elasticsearch", "secure") == "false" else True
+                    },
+                ])
+    if not es.indices.exists("steve"):
+        es.indices.create(index = "steve", body = {
+                "settings": {
+                    "number_of_shards" : 3,
+                    "number_of_replicas" : 1
+                }
+            }
+        )
 def get(election, basedata, uid):
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    xhash = hashlib.sha512(basedata['hash'] + uid).hexdigest()
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
         with open(elpath + "/voters.json", "r") as f:
             voters = json.loads(
-            xhash = hashlib.sha512(basedata['hash'] + uid).hexdigest()
             for voter in voters:
                 if voters[voter] == xhash:
                     return voter
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        try:
+            res ="steve", doc_type="voters", q = "election:%s" % election, size = 999999)
+            results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+            if results > 0:
+                for entry in res['hits']['hits']:
+                    voter = entry['_source']
+                    if voter['hash'] == xhash:
+                        return voter['uid']
+        except:
+            return False # ES Error, probably not seeded the voters doc yet
     return None
-def add(election, basedata, email):
-    uid = hashlib.sha224("%s%s%s%s" % (email, basedata['hash'], time.time(), random.randint(1,99999999))).hexdigest()
+def add(election, basedata, PID):
+    uid = hashlib.sha224("%s%s%s%s" % (PID, basedata['hash'], time.time(), random.randint(1,99999999))).hexdigest()
     xhash = hashlib.sha512(basedata['hash'] + uid).hexdigest()
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
         with open(elpath + "/voters.json", "r") as f:
             voters = json.loads(
-        voters[email] = xhash
+        voters[PID] = xhash
         with open(elpath + "/voters.json", "w") as f:
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        eid = hashlib.sha224(election + ":" + PID).hexdigest()
+        es.index(index="steve", doc_type="voters", id=eid, body = {
+            'election': election,
+            'hash': xhash,
+            'uid': PID
+            }
+        )
     return uid, xhash
-def remove(election, basedata, email):
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+def remove(election, basedata, UID):
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         elpath = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election)
         with open(elpath + "/voters.json", "r") as f:
             voters = json.loads(
-        if email in voters:
-            del voters[email]
+        if UID in voters:
+            del voters[UID]
         with open(elpath + "/voters.json", "w") as f:
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        eid = hashlib.sha224(election + ":" + UID).hexdigest()
+        es.delete(index="steve", doc_type="voters", id=votehash);
 def hasVoted(election, issue, uid):
     issue = issue.strip(".json")
-    if config.get("database", "dbsys") == "file":
+    dbtype = config.get("database", "dbsys")
+    if dbtype == "file":
         path = os.path.join(homedir, "issues", election, issue)
         votes = {}
         if os.path.isfile(path + ".json.votes"):
@@ -73,6 +120,15 @@ def hasVoted(election, issue, uid):
                 votes = json.loads(
         return True if uid in votes else False
+    elif dbtype == "elasticsearch":
+        eid = hashlib.sha224(election + ":" + uid).hexdigest()
+        try:
+            res ="steve", doc_type="voters", sort = "id", q = "_id:%s" % eid, size = 1)
+            results = len(res['hits']['hits'])
+            if results > 0:
+                return True
+        except:
+            return False
     return False
 def email(rcpt, subject, message):

Modified: steve/trunk/pysteve/www/cgi-bin/
--- steve/trunk/pysteve/www/cgi-bin/ (original)
+++ steve/trunk/pysteve/www/cgi-bin/ Fri Mar 27 17:09:47 2015
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ else:
                                 if not election.validType(form.getvalue('type')):
                                     raise Exception('Invalid vote type: %s' % form.getvalue('type'))
-                                with open(issuepath + ".json", "w") as f:
+                                else:
                                     candidates = []
                                     c = []
                                     s = []
@@ -161,15 +161,14 @@ else:
                                     if 'parsers' in voteType and 'candidates' in voteType['parsers']:
                                         candidates = voteType['parsers']['candidates'](form.getvalue('candidates'))
-                                    f.write(json.dumps({
+                                    election.createIssue(electionID, issue, {
                                         'title': form.getvalue('title'),
                                         'description': form.getvalue('description'),
                                         'type': form.getvalue('type'),
                                         'candidates': candidates,
                                         'seconds': [x.strip() for x in form.getvalue('seconds').split("\n")] if form.getvalue('seconds') else [],
                                         'nominatedby': form.getvalue('nominatedby')
-                                    }))
-                                    f.close()
+                                    })
                                 response.respond(201, {'message': 'Created!', 'id': issue})
                             except Exception as err:
                                 response.respond(500, {'message': "Could not create issue: %s" % err})
@@ -403,9 +402,9 @@ else:
                         del basedata['hash']
                     response.respond(200, {'base_data': basedata, 'issues': js, 'baseurl': "https://%s/steve/election.html?%s" % (config.get("general", "rooturl"), electionID)})
-                    response.respond(404, {'message': 'No such election'})
+                    response.respond(404, {'message': 'No such election: %s' % electionID})
-                    response.respond(404, {'message': 'No such election'})
+                    response.respond(404, {'message': 'Invalid election ID'})
         # Delete an issue
         elif action == "delete" and electionID and issue:
             if electionID and issue: