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Bug report for Apache httpd-2 [2009/11/29]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor   NOR=Normal    ENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
| 7483|Ass|Enh|2002-03-26|Add FileAction directive to assign a cgi interpret|
| 7741|New|Min|2002-04-04|some directives may be placed outside of proper co|
| 8713|Inf|Min|2002-05-01|No Errorlog on PROPFIND/Depth:Infinity            |
| 9945|New|Enh|2002-06-18|[PATCH] new funtionality for apache bench         |
|11294|New|Enh|2002-07-30|desired vhost_alias option                        |
|11580|Opn|Enh|2002-08-09|generate Content-Location headers                 |
|12033|Opn|Nor|2002-08-26|Graceful restart immidiately result in [warn] long|
|12680|New|Enh|2002-09-16|Digest authentication with integrity protection   |
|13029|New|Nor|2002-09-26|Win32 mod_cgi failure with non-ASCII characters in|
|13599|Inf|Nor|2002-10-14|autoindex formating broken for multibyte sequences|
|13661|Ass|Enh|2002-10-15|Apache cannot not handle dynamic IP reallocation  |
|14104|Opn|Enh|2002-10-30|not documented: must restart server to load new CR|
|14496|New|Enh|2002-11-13|Cannot upgrade 2.0.39 -> 2.0.43. Must uninstall fi|
|14922|Inf|Enh|2002-11-28|<target> is currently hardcoded to 'apache2'      |
|15719|Inf|Nor|2002-12-30|WebDAV MOVE to destination URI which is content-ne|
|15866|New|Nor|2003-01-07|cache MUST treat incomplete cached response as par|
|15868|Inf|Nor|2003-01-07|some HTTP methods MUST cause a cache to invalidate|
|16057|Ass|Maj|2003-01-14|module fails to init client_rmm and applies too ma|
|16126|Opn|Nor|2003-01-15|cache mishandles If-None-Match                    |
|16133|Opn|Nor|2003-01-15|validation of no-cache responses with Expires head|
|16142|Opn|Maj|2003-01-15|MUST use strong comparison for Range requests     |
|16402|Ass|Enh|2003-01-24|%{REQUEST_FILENAME} needs lookahead in order to co|
|16521|New|Nor|2003-01-29|caches MUST treat invalid Expires values as in the|
|16761|Inf|Nor|2003-02-04|CustomLog with pipe spawns process during config  |
|16801|New|Enh|2003-02-05|htaccess: Require "nobody"/none                   |
|16802|New|Enh|2003-02-05|Additional AllowOverride directive "Restrict"     |
|16811|Ass|Maj|2003-02-05|mod_autoindex always return webpages in UTF-8.    |
|17107|New|Min|2003-02-16|Windows should not install printenv               |
|17114|New|Enh|2003-02-17|Please add strip and install-strip targets to Make|
|17210|Inf|Nor|2003-02-19|File Description taken fron wrong file            |
|17239|Opn|Enh|2003-02-20|mention the logical relation of multiple "Require"|
|17244|Ass|Nor|2003-02-20|./configure --help gives false information regardi|
|17497|Opn|Nor|2003-02-27|mod_mime_magic generates incorrect response header|
|17629|New|Nor|2003-03-04|filter handling issues with subrequests and intern|
|17792|New|Min|2003-03-07|MaxClients directive invalid prior to ServerLimit |
|18325|New|Enh|2003-03-25|PAM support for suEXEC                            |
|18334|Inf|Cri|2003-03-25|Server crashes when authenticating users against L|
|18497|New|Min|2003-03-30|configure --help gives wrong default for sysconfdi|
|19043|New|Min|2003-04-15|Interesting interaction between cern_meta module a|
|19188|Ass|Enh|2003-04-21|ProxyPass'ing to HTTPS server via proxy does not w|
|19670|New|Enh|2003-05-05|content type header supplied upon PUT is thrown aw|
|19938|New|Enh|2003-05-15|[PATCH] local access wildcard word: "Allow from He|
|20036|Ass|Nor|2003-05-19|Trailing Dots stripped from PATH_INFO environment |
|20414|Ass|Enh|2003-06-02|DirectoryIndex accumulation                       |
|21253|New|Nor|2003-07-01|Mime magic doesn't continue if type is specifed fo|
|21260|New|Nor|2003-07-02|CacheMaxExpire directive not enforced !           |
|21272|New|Enh|2003-07-02|Support for full fixed reverse mappings           |
|21335|Ass|Cri|2003-07-04|if apache doesn't start cleanly - SSL fails to sta|
|21533|Ass|Cri|2003-07-11|Multiple levels of htacces files can cause mod_aut|
|21718|Inf|Maj|2003-07-18|exports.c errors with undeclared functions        |
|22005|Ver|Nor|2003-07-30|Win32: "Help I'm Stuck!" menu item leads to dead e|
|22138|Inf|Cri|2003-08-05|Webdav is not preccessing special chars right.    |
|22237|New|Enh|2003-08-08|option to disable ServerSignature on index pages  |
|22484|Opn|Maj|2003-08-16|semaphore problem takes httpd down                |
|22686|Opn|Nor|2003-08-25|ab: apr_poll: The timeout specified has expired (7|
|22870|New|Nor|2003-09-02|Apache 2.0 logging bogus transfer info            |
|22898|Opn|Nor|2003-09-02|nph scripts with two HTTP header                  |
|23167|Inf|Cri|2003-09-14|--enable-layout never goes to apr apr-util        |
|23181|Inf|Nor|2003-09-15|status 304 (Not modified) and chuncking leads to a|
|23238|New|Cri|2003-09-18|non-async-signal-safe operations from signal handl|
|23330|New|Enh|2003-09-22|Enhance ApacheMonitor to view and control Tomcat s|
|23444|New|Enh|2003-09-26|problem with mapped network drives                |
|23567|Inf|Cri|2003-10-02|splitting brigades eats memory proportional to num|
|23673|Ass|Enh|2003-10-08|AllowCONNECT cannot be configured to allow connect|
|23911|Inf|Cri|2003-10-18|CGI processes left defunct/zombie under 2.0.54    |
|24031|New|Enh|2003-10-23|Passphrase protected private key in SSLProxyMachin|
|24095|Opn|Cri|2003-10-24|ERROR "Parent: child process exited with status 32|
|24243|New|Enh|2003-10-30|mod_autoindex enhancement ('IndexIgnoreRemove' opt|
|24890|Opn|Nor|2003-11-21|Apache config parser should not be local aware ( g|
|25014|New|Enh|2003-11-26|A flexible interface for mod_log_config           |
|25201|New|Enh|2003-12-04|Provide Cache Purge operation                     |
|25240|Inf|Enh|2003-12-05|SSL Library Error: 336105671 logged as information|
|25435|New|Enh|2003-12-11|sethandler and directoryindex not playing nice    |
|25469|Opn|Enh|2003-12-12|create AuthRoot for defining paths to auth files  |
|25471|New|Enh|2003-12-12|Allow --enable-mods-shared=max                    |
|25484|Ass|Enh|2003-12-12|Non-service Apache cannot be stopped in WinXP     |
|25543|Inf|Nor|2003-12-15|mod_proxy_ajp overwrites existing response headers|
|25656|New|Min|2003-12-19|server-status reports wrong value of "Total Traffi|
|25667|New|Nor|2003-12-19|Memory leak in function ssl_scache_dbm_retrieve().|
|25785|New|Enh|2003-12-28|Howto does not mention SSLEngine On               |
|25863|New|Enh|2004-01-02|new per-host initialization hooks                 |
|25969|Opn|Nor|2004-01-07|smartquotes when sent from IE break CGI           |
|26005|Inf|Nor|2004-01-08|SERVER_NAME incorrect when using IPv6 address in U|
|26052|Opn|Enh|2004-01-12|DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable set incorrectly|
|26142|New|Maj|2004-01-14|EnableSendFile Off for Windows XP Home            |
|26153|Opn|Cri|2004-01-15|Apache cygwin directory traversal vulnerability   |
|26368|New|Min|2004-01-23|File extensions in AddDescription treated as part |
|26446|New|Nor|2004-01-26|flush buckets followed by eos bucket emit multiple|
|26478|New|Enh|2004-01-28|mod_dav does not expose a method for setting the D|
|26538|Opn|Enh|2004-01-29|windows 2003 active directory - [ldap_search_ext_s|
|26686|Inf|Cri|2004-02-05|ldap cache processing loop                        |
|26781|Inf|Maj|2004-02-08|ab (apache benchmark) does not work               |
|26835|New|Enh|2004-02-10|[PATCH] Mod_status Readability & Browser Side Tabl|
|27257|Ass|Enh|2004-02-26|rotatelogs with getopt and setuid                 |
|27578|New|Enh|2004-03-10|made getlastmodified a writable property          |
|27715|Ass|Enh|2004-03-16|Client sending misformed Range "bytes = 0-100" ins|
|27791|Inf|Nor|2004-03-18|mod_cache doesn't re-cache expired content        |
|27835|New|Enh|2004-03-22|When proxying FTP, all errors turns into 404      |
|27869|New|Enh|2004-03-23|stopping and starting httpd again immediately caus|
|28037|New|Nor|2004-03-30|logging: ${cookie}C matches first substring       |
|28391|New|Enh|2004-04-14|CO (cookie) flag does not support session-based ex|
|28854|Inf|Nor|2004-05-09|Build fails with missing library call on Solaris i|
|28903|New|Enh|2004-05-11|Hooks to add environment variables to CGI and othe|
|29090|Ass|Enh|2004-05-19|MultiviewsMatch NegotiatedOnly extensions not resp|
|29165|New|Nor|2004-05-24|Parent directory icon not correct                 |
|29190|New|Enh|2004-05-24|Error logging per vhost consuming all available fi|
|29404|Ass|Enh|2004-06-05|Allow definition of source address of outgoing con|
|29446|New|Enh|2004-06-08|want directive for setting content negotiation qua|
|29449|New|Enh|2004-06-09|Limit length of specified fields in LogFormat     |
|29450|New|Enh|2004-06-09|Improved logging for mod_access                   |
|29510|Ass|Enh|2004-06-10|ab does not support multiple cookies              |
|29644|Ver|Nor|2004-06-17|mod_proxy keeps downloading even after the client |
|29647|Inf|Nor|2004-06-17|Strange interaction between "ErrorDocument" direct|
|29744|Ass|Enh|2004-06-22|CONNECT does not work over existing SSL connection|
|29822|New|Enh|2004-06-26|implement FTP 'PUT' support in proxy_ftp.c        |
|29901|New|Blk|2004-07-03|mod_ext_filter hangs is data returned by filter is|
|29941|Ass|Enh|2004-07-06|log files are not tested for availability on confi|
|30195|New|Enh|2004-07-19|add proxy backend src port to r->notes for logging|
|30259|Ass|Enh|2004-07-22|When proxy connects to backend, a DNS lookup is do|
|30505|Ass|Enh|2004-08-05|Apache uses 'Error', and not lower level event typ|
|30586|New|Nor|2004-08-11|Apache htdbm utility buffer overflows/format strin|
|30730|Inf|Nor|2004-08-18|[PatchAvailable] mod_actions and Server-Status    |
|30865|New|Maj|2004-08-26|mod_disk_cache leaves many temporary files slowing|
|31302|Opn|Cri|2004-09-19|suexec doesn't execute commands if they're not in |
|31311|New|Enh|2004-09-20|Remote user not logged in reverse proxy scenario  |
|31332|Ass|Enh|2004-09-21|enable environment variables in LDAP require group|
|31352|Ass|Enh|2004-09-21|RFE, Bind to LDAP server with browser supplier use|
|31366|Inf|Cri|2004-09-22|Stopping Apache2 service causes libapr.dll to cras|
|31418|Opn|Nor|2004-09-25|SSLUserName is not usable by other modules        |
|31484|New|Maj|2004-09-30|Custom environment variables not passed to content|
|31490|New|Nor|2004-09-30|mod_proxy_ftp renders filenames with spaces badly |
|31565|New|Enh|2004-10-06|Won't start correctly if parent closed stdin, stdo|
|31679|New|Enh|2004-10-12|If the argument of a CGI has two or more consecuti|
|31709|Inf|Nor|2004-10-13|Raises an error on SSL name based virtualhosts (wi|
|31712|New|Enh|2004-10-14|config_file is NULL at ap_walk_config etc         |
|31822|New|Nor|2004-10-21|mod_proxy as reverse proxy brokes  images (seems t|
|31952|New|Enh|2004-10-29|mod_proxy and RealPlayer: audio content streaming |
|31956|New|Enh|2004-10-29|dump configuration data for apache                |
|32136|Inf|Blk|2004-11-09|mod_auth_ldap crashes apache server               |
|32147|New|Enh|2004-11-10|provide finer grained control over enabling/disabl|
|32328|Opn|Enh|2004-11-19|Make mod_rewrite escaping optional / expose intern|
|32346|New|Enh|2004-11-22|mod_include/include virtual checks content-type is|
|32524|New|Enh|2004-12-03|ab: add an option to specify a source address     |
|32652|New|Enh|2004-12-12|mod_ssl: match hostnames against subjectAltName DN|
|32703|Inf|Enh|2004-12-14|Cannot determine that Apache is frozen if /var fil|
|32750|Ass|Maj|2004-12-17|mod_proxy + Win32DisableAcceptEx = memory leak    |
|32877|New|Enh|2004-12-29|wrong utf-8 encoding/escaping in a href for umlaut|
|32950|Inf|Nor|2005-01-05|mod_cache storing corrupted files.                |
|33078|New|Min|2005-01-13|Mixing "+" and non-"+" options in <Directory> resu|
|33084|New|Enh|2005-01-13|Optional certificate validity period check on SSLV|
|33089|Inf|Nor|2005-01-13|mod_include: Options +Includes (or IncludesNoExec)|
|33112|Opn|Nor|2005-01-15|Query_string not preserved after content negotiati|
|33207|New|Nor|2005-01-23|Results of my suexec.c code audit                 |
|33215|New|Nor|2005-01-24|Cygwin build/ fix (OSTYPE => ext=.exe)  |
|33499|New|Min|2005-02-10|AddOutputFilterByType won't work reliably with PHP|
|33512|Inf|Maj|2005-02-11|mod_mem_cache and possibly mod_deflate            |
|33527|New|Enh|2005-02-11|If AuthAuthoritative is off for mod_auth, a 500 is|
|33627|New|Nor|2005-02-18|Bite-sized changes making progress towards compila|
|33685|New|Maj|2005-02-22|Unable to install in the path containing non engli|
|33802|Ass|Min|2005-03-02|ldap cache doesn't work inside VirtualHost        |
|34014|New|Enh|2005-03-14|mod_autoindex style patch                         |
|34270|Inf|Nor|2005-04-01|Large POSTs over SSL from Internet Explorer do not|
|34288|Inf|Nor|2005-04-04|thread spinning on apr_thread_mutex_lock in apache|
|34375|New|Enh|2005-04-08|enhancements for mod_include                      |
|34377|New|Enh|2005-04-08|Allow the overriding of 401 Unauthorized returns f|
|34405|New|Enh|2005-04-11|adds DOCUMENT_NAME_WITHOUT_SUFFIX to mod_include  |
|34508|Inf|Nor|2005-04-19|Randomly slow graceful restart, not accepting new |
|34519|Opn|Enh|2005-04-19|Directory index should emit valid XHTML           |
|34538|Opn|Enh|2005-04-20|Support for stylesheets and relative links        |
|35049|New|Nor|2005-05-24|let AddDefaultCharset apply to text/css and applic|
|35077|Inf|Nor|2005-05-26|mod_dav passes incorrect paths with LocationMatch |
|35083|New|Enh|2005-05-26|Certificate validation problems trapping          |
|35122|Inf|Nor|2005-05-30|Apache does not accept IPv6 addresses with a scope|
|35154|New|Nor|2005-06-01|Support for NID_serialNumber, etc. in SSLUserName |
|35245|New|Nor|2005-06-06|cache ignores max-age cache-directive in requests |
|35247|Inf|Nor|2005-06-06|cache ignores s-maxage (in responses with max-age)|
|35250|New|Enh|2005-06-07|[PatchAvailable] add logging to mod_proxy_connect |
|35256|New|Nor|2005-06-07|%2F will be decoded in PATH_INFO (Documentation to|
|35280|New|Nor|2005-06-09|FTP proxy breaks RFC 2428 when trying to fall back|
|35327|New|Min|2005-06-11|mod_auth_ldap: white space in user name ignored   |
|35350|Opn|Enh|2005-06-14|No directive "Define" and "Undefine"              |
|35556|Inf|Nor|2005-06-30|CRL files not re-read by HUP                      |
|35652|Opn|Min|2005-07-07|Improve error message: "pcfg_openfile: unable to c|
|35702|New|Nor|2005-07-12|Using with https URL, ab freezes or gets SIGSEGV o|
|35768|Opn|Nor|2005-07-17|Missing file logs at far too high of log level    |
|35781|New|Nor|2005-07-18|ap_sub_req_method_uri() bypasses Limit security co|
|35892|New|Nor|2005-07-27|Schitzoid handling of name-based virtual server po|
|35981|New|Maj|2005-08-02|mod_dav overrides dav_fs response on PUT failure  |
|35999|New|Nor|2005-08-03|Port lost after call to "internal_internal_redirec|
|36027|Ass|Reg|2005-08-04|Apache 2.0.54 Sevear Performance Degrade          |
|36269|Ass|Nor|2005-08-19|UNIQUE_ID documented as 19 characters; actually 24|
|36286|New|Enh|2005-08-20|configtest doesn't check SSL certificates         |
|36468|Inf|Nor|2005-09-02|proxy_http doesn't set the hostname when doing rev|
|36492|New|Nor|2005-09-04|split-logfile script dies when splitting log of ma|
|36495|Inf|Nor|2005-09-05|mod_proxy_ajp: ajp_check_msg_header() got bad sign|
|36564|New|Enh|2005-09-08|make mod_ldap really universal                    |
|36590|Opn|Nor|2005-09-10|mod_rewrite type|T force mime type option doesn't |
|36636|New|Maj|2005-09-13|database write lock taken for PROPFIND operations |
|36676|New|Nor|2005-09-15|time() bug in httpd-2.0/os/win32/util_win32.c:wait|
|36710|Opn|Blk|2005-09-19|CGI output not captured                           |
|36724|New|Nor|2005-09-20|Don't install Apache Monitor by default           |
|36783|New|Nor|2005-09-23|request.c not correctly checking link owner uid fo|
|36920|Inf|Nor|2005-10-04|Serving large pdfs fails using internet explorer w|
|37016|Inf|Nor|2005-10-11|Problem with mod_ssl + apache + IE                |
|37031|New|Nor|2005-10-11|mod_ssl SSLEnable - document common configuration |
|37036|Inf|Nor|2005-10-12|ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .sqrt       |
|37110|New|Nor|2005-10-17|Build fails when source tree is read-only         |
|37194|Opn|Nor|2005-10-21|X-Forwarded-For input header modified for proxied |
|37196|New|Min|2005-10-21|Wrong "Parent directory" link                     |
|37201|New|Enh|2005-10-21|Add <IfInterface IP> syntax to apache configuratio|
|37217|Opn|Reg|2005-10-24|[Dependancy] mod_cgi build broken against APR <0.9|
|37287|New|Enh|2005-10-28|Optionally make mod_auth return HTTP_FORBIDEEN for|
|37290|Opn|Min|2005-10-28|DirectoryIndex don't work in scriptaliased directo|
|37307|New|Enh|2005-10-31|Can't suppress error messages                     |
|37355|New|Nor|2005-11-04|https through http-proxy to backend faild         |
|37360|New|Maj|2005-11-04|Install fails on Windows XP x64 when program files|
|37402|New|Nor|2005-11-08|mod_proxy has stopped allowing POST sub-requests  |
|37438|New|Nor|2005-11-10|RewriteRule is ignored on a proxied subrequest via|
|37514|Inf|Nor|2005-11-15|mod_proxy buffers chunked data.                   |
|37564|New|Enh|2005-11-19|Suggestion: mod_suexec SuexecUserGroup directive i|
|37587|Inf|Min|2005-11-22|mod_status Total Traffic value goes up then down? |
|37619|New|Enh|2005-11-24|Please consider LocationMatchExcept               |
|37802|Inf|Cri|2005-12-05|File descriptor leak ?                            |
|37823|Inf|Nor|2005-12-07|The openssl library linked is different between ht|
|37863|Ass|Nor|2005-12-11|kill -1 httpd_id -> Failed to enable the 'httpread|
|37912|New|Enh|2005-12-14|[PATCH] Have ssl_engine_pphrase.c report what vhos|
|37920|Ass|Maj|2005-12-15|mod_proxy does not flush data on POST requests fro|
|38019|New|Nor|2005-12-22|SetEnv can't be used before SetEnvIf              |
|38116|New|Enh|2006-01-04|Chroot-Patch for SuExec                           |
|38148|New|Nor|2006-01-06|One Failed Request Can Possibly Overwrite Another |
|38149|New|Enh|2006-01-06|Add Filename To A Few Errors In dav_method_put    |
|38164|New|Nor|2006-01-06|wrong status code for failed COPY/MOVE            |
|38182|New|Nor|2006-01-08|COPY ignores authority in Destination header      |
|38218|New|Enh|2006-01-10|Multiline Comments for *.conf files               |
|38240|Inf|Nor|2006-01-12|apache restart segfault with mutliple Include dire|
|38322|Opn|Maj|2006-01-19|Misleading error message on authz failure         |
|38325|Opn|Nor|2006-01-20|impossible to determine AUTH_TYPE of interpreted r|
|38330|New|Nor|2006-01-20|Cannot RemoveType which comes from mime.types     |
|38355|Unc|Enh|2006-01-23|DSO support for mod_rewrite                       |
|38369|New|Enh|2006-01-24|mod_proxy keeps alive connections that should be b|
|38408|New|Nor|2006-01-27|SSI environment vars not set in spawned processes |
|38419|New|Nor|2006-01-27|Problems with large WebDAV properties             |
|38478|New|Maj|2006-02-01|A client starting a SSL renegotiation can crash th|
|38515|Inf|Cri|2006-02-05|Dynamic LDAP Group Support                        |
|38550|New|Enh|2006-02-07|Setting headers based on proxied data             |
|38552|Inf|Maj|2006-02-07|server shutdowns thinking that it got SIGTERM     |
|38571|New|Enh|2006-02-08|CustomLog directive checked by apachectl configtes|
|38595|Inf|Cri|2006-02-09|httpd dumps core after successive kill -1 signals |
|38651|Ass|Blk|2006-02-15|make failed with libapr link error                |
|38728|New|Enh|2006-02-21|piped logs require shell - unwanted in chroot jail|
|38756|Inf|Nor|2006-02-22|errors with running make                          |
|38786|New|Nor|2006-02-26|"IndexOption VersionSort" has problems with traili|
|38790|New|Cri|2006-02-27|No installed service named "Apache2",when I start |
|38812|New|Reg|2006-03-01|<Limit> broken with refactored provider-based auth|
|38827|New|Reg|2006-03-02|mod_disk_cache trying to rename locked tempfile on|
|38864|Opn|Nor|2006-03-06|LocationMatch not working                         |
|38903|New|Maj|2006-03-09|r->allowed does not affect Allow response header  |
|38923|New|Min|2006-03-10|mod_speling incorrectly escapes linked URLs       |
|38928|New|Min|2006-03-11|propose removing "VARIANTS" feature               |
|38994|New|Nor|2006-03-16|ap_graceful_stop_signalled() always returns "0" fr|
|38995|New|Nor|2006-03-16|httpd tries to communicate with the CGI daemon eve|
|39045|Ass|Maj|2006-03-21|mod_python makes Apache crash when used with mod_a|
|39079|New|Maj|2006-03-23|thread eats 100% CPU, presumably spinning in futex|
|39111|New|Nor|2006-03-27|Potential bug brought by mmapfile (mod_file_cache)|
|39128|Inf|Maj|2006-03-28|Apache 2.2 will not compile mod_ssl library's corr|
|39185|Inf|Nor|2006-04-03|Approximately in 1-2 weeks of work the server hang|
|39216|New|Maj|2006-04-05|mod_disk_cache trying to rename locked file, decre|
|39238|New|Nor|2006-04-07|mod_auth_dbm requires mod_auth or "no groups file?|
|39275|Opn|Nor|2006-04-11|slow child_init causes MaxClients warning         |
|39299|New|Nor|2006-04-13|Internal Server Error (500) on COPY               |
|39311|New|Cri|2006-04-14|Apache Crashes On several Graceful Restart request|
|39313|Inf|Enh|2006-04-14|RewriteOption Inherit adds global rules AFTER loca|
|39329|Inf|Nor|2006-04-17|mod_dbd reconnection and prepared statements      |
|39351|New|Trv|2006-04-19|Continue early if bucket length is zero           |
|39370|New|Nor|2006-04-20|SSL session will be removed if the client is sendi|
|39380|Inf|Nor|2006-04-21|mod_disk_cache eats memory, has no LFS support, et|
|39418|New|Nor|2006-04-26|CacheMaxExpire directive not enforced             |
|39448|New|Min|2006-04-29|old-style <directory proxy:*> doesn't give any war|
|39498|New|Nor|2006-05-06|accept_filter in apr assumes if found in sys/socke|
|39517|New|Nor|2006-05-08|Corrupt chunked transfer-encoding with Content Neg|
|39518|Opn|Trv|2006-05-08|Change some "apr_palloc / memcpy" to apr_pmemdup  |
|39587|Opn|Nor|2006-05-15|mod_auth still mentioned in configure documentatio|
|39658|Opn|Nor|2006-05-25|mod_proxy_ajp SSL Key Size Bug                    |
|39670|New|Nor|2006-05-27|ab -n 1 -c 2 does too many requests               |
|39673|New|Nor|2006-05-29|mod_proxy opens connections that disturb NTLM     |
|39692|New|Nor|2006-05-31|mod_proxy_balancer doesn't retry a failed request |
|39723|Inf|Enh|2006-06-05|Forward proxy does not work in tranparent mode    |
|39727|Ass|Nor|2006-06-05|Incorrect ETag on gzip:ed content                 |
|39730|New|Nor|2006-06-06|LanguagePriority and DefaultLanguage are Case Sens|
|39737|New|Nor|2006-06-06|LogFormat "%{tid}P" reports wrong thread id on Win|
|39744|Inf|Nor|2006-06-07|SIGBUS on FreeBSD 4.x (semi-reproducable)         |
|39748|New|Enh|2006-06-07|Header and POST support for mod_include           |
|39753|New|Nor|2006-06-07|incorrect source for LOCALE Decimal Symbol in Win2|
|39754|New|Enh|2006-06-08|rpm init script enhancement                       |
|39785|New|Nor|2006-06-12|Status code 408 (Request Timeout) is not logged   |
|39807|Opn|Enh|2006-06-13|large files / filesystem corruption can cause apac|
|39811|Opn|Cri|2006-06-14|Routes "table" corruption                         |
|39815|New|Nor|2006-06-15|Atomic Creation of uploaded files in mod_dav      |
|39837|Inf|Maj|2006-06-19|Microsoft update sends error 0x80072EE2           |
|39863|New|Nor|2006-06-22|ServerName directive accepts glob style names     |
|39902|New|Nor|2006-06-27|HeaderName directive breaks mod_filter somehow    |
|39904|New|Nor|2006-06-27|graceful restart error and cpu load               |
|39913|Ass|Blk|2006-06-27|detection of static OpenSSL libraries requiring li|
|39916|New|Nor|2006-06-28|Core Filters & non-blocking Sendfile              |
|39923|New|Nor|2006-06-28|AddDescription doesn't work in server config with |
|39928|New|Nor|2006-06-28|port no detected when file name not in URL        |
|39935|New|Nor|2006-06-29|AddDescription does not do literal comparisons on |
|39940|Inf|Nor|2006-06-30|server-info page doesn't show all virtual hosts in|
|39944|New|Nor|2006-07-02|Wrong/Bad filename in ErrorLog when trying to acce|
|39973|Ass|Enh|2006-07-06|apache software folder should be movable          |
|40026|Opn|Min|2006-07-12|Impossibility to unset Server Header              |
|40029|Opn|Nor|2006-07-12|mod_proxy should interoperate with RPC over HTTP  |
|40035|New|Cri|2006-07-13|Windows Server 2003 "("R2")" 64-Bit Edition no cgi|
|40047|New|Nor|2006-07-14|mod_proxy_ajp documentation omits Env Var behaviou|
|40055|New|Nor|2006-07-17|ignore EINTR in poll loop                         |
|40060|New|Nor|2006-07-17|AuthGroupFile should accept /etc/group syntax     |
|40075|New|Enh|2006-07-19|unable to use ldap groups that contain DNs and use|
|40097|New|Nor|2006-07-23|The --with-module directive for configure doesn't |
|40102|Opn|Nor|2006-07-24|SCRIPT_NAME set incorrectly with mod_rewrite      |
|40132|Ass|Enh|2006-07-27|Expose ECC cipher suites (IETF RFC 4492) in OpenSS|
|40142|Inf|Maj|2006-07-31|Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped) in ssh withou|
|40146|New|Nor|2006-07-31|mod_ssl info in server_info is blank              |
|40174|New|Min|2006-08-03|Unable to get IndexOptionis ScanHTMLTitles to work|
|40180|Inf|Maj|2006-08-03|Mod_dav and remove folder doesn't work with Micros|
|40190|New|Nor|2006-08-05|translate file                                    |
|40196|New|Nor|2006-08-06|EILSEQ handling, NoImplicitAdd should work, and so|
|40217|Opn|Nor|2006-08-08|mod_dav PROPFIND ignores access restrictions on it|
|40243|New|Nor|2006-08-13|Patch for htpasswd to optionally read passwords fr|
|40266|Inf|Blk|2006-08-16|berkeley db support in httpd is screwed           |
|40287|New|Maj|2006-08-18| undefined symbol: apr_procattr_addrspa|
|40312|New|Nor|2006-08-24|ssl_engine_init.c, ssl_init_ctx_verify contains a |
|40340|Inf|Maj|2006-08-29|httpd as reverse proxy with SSL and IBM Lotus Domi|
|40373|New|Nor|2006-08-31|mod_dir adds trailing slash after internal redirec|
|40408|New|Blk|2006-09-04|Apache 2.2.3 is not starting                      |
|40416|New|Maj|2006-09-05|mod_proxy_ftp cannot connect under http load in fo|
|40441|New|Enh|2006-09-08|intelligently handling dynamic subdomains         |
|40453|New|Nor|2006-09-09|lexicographic compare in RewriteCond isn't lexicog|
|40463|New|Nor|2006-09-11|piped logging causes some weird kill()ing         |
|40492|Opn|Cri|2006-09-13|Set-Cookie by origin server gets lost when an Apac|
|40506|New|Cri|2006-09-14|errorlog in virtual hosts causes an 'memory cannot|
|40513|Inf|Nor|2006-09-14|Seeding PRNG with 0 bytes of entropy              |
|40514|New|Nor|2006-09-14|would like GracefulShutdownTimeout to work for gra|
|40540|Inf|Nor|2006-09-19|Bad interaction between MultiViews and SetOutputFi|
|40541|New|Nor|2006-09-19|SetHandler rewrites URI used by Location?         |
|40571|New|Nor|2006-09-21|mod_proxy_ajp don't works with mod_usertrack      |
|40586|New|Enh|2006-09-22|Add option to supress default '-' output          |
|40607|New|Nor|2006-09-26|mod_log_config dumps garbage in memory when Reques|
|40647|Opn|Maj|2006-09-30|Apache don't handle authentification with python h|
|40688|Inf|Nor|2006-10-05|Apache httpd >2.0.53 doesn't compile on redhat 7.3|
|40746|New|Enh|2006-10-12|Feature request: ProxyAllow directive             |
|40749|New|Min|2006-10-12|magic file with string and "%n" causes Apache chil|
|40781|New|Nor|2006-10-17|PATH_TRANSLATED: 'redirect:/~jablko/gallery2/main.|
|40787|Inf|Nor|2006-10-18|excessive usage of file "/dev/random", error messa|
|40790|New|Nor|2006-10-18|missing Listen 443 should give error when using Na|
|40808|New|Enh|2006-10-23|ProxyRemote with optional proxy authentication    |
|40827|New|Trv|2006-10-27|Typos in polish error messages                    |
|40831|New|Min|2006-10-27|RewriteMap empty value behaves differently from do|
|40841|New|Nor|2006-10-29|mod_proxy_ftp segfaults on IPv4 requests to hosts |
|40859|New|Enh|2006-11-01|[PATCH] Support -F force option to 'ab' support to|
|40878|Ver|Enh|2006-11-02|For LDAP authentication against Windows Active Dir|
|40899|New|Enh|2006-11-05|additional mod_headers enhancements - regex & fmt |
|40917|New|Nor|2006-11-07|configure does not detect OpenSSL shared lib on HP|
|40941|New|Maj|2006-11-10|problem with memory allocation                    |
|40953|New|Min|2006-11-12|Should not send any data in 1xx/204/304 reply from|
|40970|New|Nor|2006-11-14|very slow start of server when having big number o|
|40984|Inf|Enh|2006-11-16|AddIcon, AddIconByType for OpenDocument format    |
|40987|Opn|Enh|2006-11-16|ProxyVia Block doesn't remove Via: header for reve|
|41000|New|Nor|2006-11-19|mod_authn_dbd have an error, in function 'authn_db|
|41025|New|Nor|2006-11-23|ROBOTS META-Tag directive needed in mod_autoindex |
|41030|Inf|Nor|2006-11-23|Worker segmentation fault under load              |
|41033|New|Nor|2006-11-24|customlog/transferlog under virtualhost -directive|
|41052|Unc|Nor|2006-11-28|ErrorDocument destroy tomcat's session value.     |
|41088|New|Nor|2006-11-30|installation backcolor is wrong (white)           |
|41109|Ass|Maj|2006-12-05|connection broken when keepalive=on & maxrequestpe|
|41111|New|Enh|2006-12-05|New option for filters: run only if there are spar|
|41114|New|Blk|2006-12-06|ACL HTTP method is rejected by mod_proxy_ajp      |
|41130|New|Nor|2006-12-07|mod_mime and mod_negotiation type-map both clobber|
|41143|Opn|Nor|2006-12-10|Incorrect ap_getline assumption in mod_proxy_http |
|41190|Ass|Nor|2006-12-17|mod_rewrite stats the wrong file when using sdbm m|
|41194|New|Min|2006-12-17|Check the return value from ap_run_create_connecti|
|41195|New|Nor|2006-12-17|properly set the parent pid on shutdown           |
|41196|New|Nor|2006-12-17|worker mpm usage of apr's memory pools is not thre|
|41200|Inf|Maj|2006-12-18|SSI include, prevent client from receiving full ou|
|41240|Inf|Enh|2006-12-25|BRF files support                                 |
|41262|Inf|Nor|2006-12-29|Embedded pcre causes runtime segfault             |
|41270|New|Nor|2006-12-30|TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT timeout set way too low          |
|41278|New|Nor|2007-01-02|mod_proxy_ajp doesn't obey ProxyErrorOverride     |
|41310|Inf|Cri|2007-01-06|HPPTD -X _k start -- fails without errors and stop|
|41362|Inf|Maj|2007-01-14|mod_disk_cache and mod_include conflict generating|
|41375|Inf|Min|2007-01-15|Using same SSL Certificate with different ServerNa|
|41391|New|Min|2007-01-17|too long period setting makes max-age overflow    |
|41408|New|Nor|2007-01-18|AddCharset rule on .html disables SSI enabled via |
|41412|New|Enh|2007-01-19|RewriteRule Skip should take negative arguments   |
|41433|New|Enh|2007-01-22|Portuguese(Portugal) language Custom Error Message|
|41435|New|Nor|2007-01-22|Authentication fails with 500 Server Error        |
|41441|Ass|Nor|2007-01-23|Error 20024 on all pages request containing a ":" |
|41449|New|Nor|2007-01-24|DAVGenericLockDB not allowed in main server config|
|41450|Inf|Cri|2007-01-24|Empty page (200 OK) while max-age is empty        |
|41485|New|Nor|2007-01-28|LDAP client certificates not usable in 2.2.x/trunk|
|41529|New|Enh|2007-02-02|Accept BOM in .htaccess                           |
|41537|New|Min|2007-02-04|name-based virtual hosts using SSL                |
|41556|New|Enh|2007-02-07|Feature Request: format string for masking ip addr|
|41589|Inf|Cri|2007-02-10|Installer unable to find NT Services & displays er|
|41621|New|Maj|2007-02-15|Apache 2.2.4 backend problem with Apache 2.0.59 Re|
|41646|New|Nor|2007-02-16|wrong headers are sent for HEAD requests when Prox|
|41668|New|Trv|2007-02-21|Inconsistent language links in documentation      |
|41676|Opn|Enh|2007-02-22|Refactor mod_proxy_ftp                            |
|41685|New|Enh|2007-02-22|Implement optional HTTP Authentication in a standa|
|41712|Inf|Nor|2007-02-26|threads locked at logging state                   |
|41729|New|Maj|2007-02-28|error in error_log when using proxypass and proxyp|
|41732|Inf|Nor|2007-02-28|error log - No client logged for error            |
|41736|Inf|Nor|2007-02-28|byterange requests in large PDF files             |
|41743|New|Nor|2007-03-01|Graceful restarts don't effect children in keepali|
|41744|Inf|Maj|2007-03-01|SSI resolves includes but removes original HTML   |
|41763|Opn|Nor|2007-03-05|mod_disk_cache ignores CacheDirLevels and CacheDir|
|41764|New|Nor|2007-03-05|error state and conf                              |
|41771|Inf|Nor|2007-03-06|Erro with mod_proxy_ajp or mod_prox_balancer      |
|41857|New|Nor|2007-03-16|[PATCH]mod_setenvif patch                         |
|41867|Ass|Nor|2007-03-16|<DirectoryMatch> Matches Files                    |
|41885|Opn|Nor|2007-03-19|Can't use type-map handler with MultiViews        |
|41887|New|Nor|2007-03-19|-T option unavailable for Apache 2.0.x/2.3.0 -> av|
|41925|New|Nor|2007-03-21|trivial patch to add automatic crypting to 'dbmman|
|41929|New|Nor|2007-03-22|ISAPI ssl variables                               |
|41953|New|Nor|2007-03-26|pidfile remains when 2nd pass of post-config retur|
|41962|New|Min|2007-03-27|Need mod_auth_ldap to authenticate with Active Dir|
|42000|New|Nor|2007-03-30|debugging.html is badly outdated                  |
|42001|New|Cri|2007-03-30|LINUX : Could not set LDAP_OPT_X_TLS to LDAP_OPT_X|
|42027|Inf|Nor|2007-04-02|FileETag directive appears to be ignored          |
|42040|New|Nor|2007-04-03|ab doesn't consider varying length documents      |
|42054|New|Nor|2007-04-04|service name and parameter issues                 |
|42065|New|Nor|2007-04-06|EnableSendFile can slow file transfers on Windows |
|42079|New|Nor|2007-04-10|SSLRequire: Additional access in sub-directoies   |
|42082|New|Nor|2007-04-10|filter_init is called multiple times after an INCL|
|42135|New|Nor|2007-04-16|RLimit... directives do not work with mod_cgid    |
|42174|New|Nor|2007-04-19|SuppressDescription + HTMLTable gives extra empty |
|42175|New|Nor|2007-04-19|suexec_enabled set incorrectly when httpd is run b|
|42182|Inf|Nor|2007-04-22|Mime types for cached proxied content             |
|42203|New|Min|2007-04-23|Content-Length in type maps doesn't work          |
|42216|New|Enh|2007-04-24|RFE -- external overload procedure                |
|42262|Inf|Nor|2007-04-26|mod_dav /  worker fails to allocate memory and seg|
|42287|Inf|Nor|2007-04-28|chunked encoded response to POST request to cgi sc|
|42368|Inf|Nor|2007-05-09|httpd is crashing if conf/extra/httpd-manual.conf |
|42373|Inf|Maj|2007-05-09|REPORT request fails over mod_proxy               |
|42404|New|Enh|2007-05-13|Filename/info for disk-cached proxied remote URLs |
|42425|Inf|Nor|2007-05-15|Additional freshness checks in mod_cache.c cause m|
|42430|New|Nor|2007-05-15|ap_custom_response() mishandles initial double quo|
|42471|Inf|Nor|2007-05-21|clients with IE7 take 3megs per page load. httpd.e|
|42492|Inf|Nor|2007-05-22|mod_proxy_ajp with SSL front end: data corruption |
|42499|New|Nor|2007-05-23|Backslash produces a 404 error instead of going to|
|42513|New|Enh|2007-05-24|Add possibility to choose the session id / route s|
|42548|New|Nor|2007-05-30|INCLUDE negotiating language aborts with APR_POOL_|
|42561|Inf|Enh|2007-05-31|[PATCH] AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute only applies i|
|42586|New|Nor|2007-06-05|POST Data lost sometimes sporadically             |
|42633|New|Min|2007-06-11|mod_info gives wrong information about actual conf|
|42665|New|Nor|2007-06-14|spurious attempt to open ".../file.html/.htaccess"|
|42666|New|Nor|2007-06-14|code & docs corrections for FollowSymLinks and Sym|
|42667|New|Nor|2007-06-14|mod_proxy_balancer not reporting when workers are |
|42668|New|Nor|2007-06-14|balancer_manager shows Ok status for the workers t|
|42687|New|Nor|2007-06-18|Fully delegate certificate & key semantics to the |
|42688|New|Nor|2007-06-18|engine managed keys: per process openssl context  |
|42690|New|Nor|2007-06-18|realm is not set for each configured directory whe|
|42695|Opn|Cri|2007-06-18|mod_proxy balancer problem                        |
|42699|New|Enh|2007-06-20|share mod_logio data with other modules           |
|42711|New|Enh|2007-06-20|format string for whole log entries not just id   |
|42732|Opn|Maj|2007-06-25|Authentication against database issue.            |
|42763|New|Nor|2007-06-28|graceful-stop/restart loops go loop too far       |
|42896|New|Maj|2007-07-14|dav_method_put deletes entire file when PUT with c|
|42912|New|Nor|2007-07-16|Undocumented core directive: Protocol             |
|42923|New|Maj|2007-07-17|vhost certificate NOT overriding cert from the _de|
|42972|Inf|Nor|2007-07-25|Certificate list in mod_ssl module context are not|
|42977|New|Nor|2007-07-25|DAV locking is busted when apr-util is built with |
|42978|New|Maj|2007-07-26|Content-* headers ignored upon PUT                |
|42987|New|Nor|2007-07-27|Weak Etags in Apache are useless and violate RFC 2|
|42995|Inf|Nor|2007-07-29|mod_authz_groupfile.c causes a segfault when r->us|
|43012|New|Nor|2007-08-02|AIX                         |
|43027|Inf|Enh|2007-08-03|Header in default language                        |
|43031|New|Min|2007-08-04|BrowserMatch for WebDAVFS is also needed for versi|
|43033|New|Nor|2007-08-04|apxs does not correctly detect module name (w/o -n|
|43039|New|Nor|2007-08-04|NUL character is valid in header lines            |
|43084|New|Nor|2007-08-10|Group line in AuthGroupFile cannot contain more th|
|43095|Opn|Blk|2007-08-11|undefined symbol: ap_get_server_description       |
|43176|New|Enh|2007-08-21|Allow conditions to use HTTP status codes         |
|43177|New|Nor|2007-08-21|child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault    |
|43218|New|Nor|2007-08-27|Wrong cert used for vhost if ServerName is same   |
|43220|Opn|Cri|2007-08-27|mod_proxy truncating ajp output                   |
|43249|Inf|Maj|2007-08-30|ldap_simple_bind_s failed when using SUN LDAP Libs|
|43250|New|Nor|2007-08-30|mod_negotiation can't match file when filename has|
|43252|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43253|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43254|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43255|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43256|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43257|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43258|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43259|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43260|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43261|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43262|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43263|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43264|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43265|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43266|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43267|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43268|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43269|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43270|New|Trv|2007-08-30|Translation errors for spanish (es) error/*.html.v|
|43275|New|Enh|2007-08-31|Remove avoidable network transactions in mod_proxy|
|43289|New|Nor|2007-09-02|XBitHack full g+x returns zero sized response on I|
|43308|New|Nor|2007-09-04|Persistent backend connections not supported for R|
|43317|Opn|Cri|2007-09-05|Crash/Segfault when enabling SSL + LogLevel Debug |
|43336|Inf|Nor|2007-09-10|mod_perl / expat / errors                    |
|43352|New|Nor|2007-09-11|Apache2: out of memory during heavy webdav files c|
|43359|New|Maj|2007-09-12|trunk EventMPM's graceful restart/stop are not gra|
|43386|Opn|Nor|2007-09-13|Default handler produces wrong content length when|
|43415|New|Enh|2007-09-18|Logging remote port                               |
|43419|Inf|Nor|2007-09-18|PHP 5.2.4 buit against Apache 2.2.6 => 302 rather |
|43432|New|Trv|2007-09-19|code clean up (strncpy)                           |
|43441|New|Nor|2007-09-20|Incorrect HTTP status for pre-commit-blocked autov|
|43465|New|Nor|2007-09-24|LOCK with missing intermediate collection returns |
|43471|New|Min|2007-09-25|no need to create a global pool on open_scoreboard|
|43481|New|Cri|2007-09-26|AuthLDAPURL must contain a final path of branch?(l|
|43494|New|Nor|2007-09-26|mod_cgid does not kill never ending scripts       |
|43502|New|Enh|2007-09-28|httpd fails to start if log directory does not exi|
|43513|New|Nor|2007-09-29|Persistent backend connections for ProxyPassMatch |
|43532|Inf|Cri|2007-10-02|Error while compiling Apache 2.2.3 on HPUX        |
|43533|Opn|Nor|2007-10-02|Frequent crashes in mod_include's bndm()          |
|43540|New|Enh|2007-10-03|[PATCH] mod_setenvif multiple conditions conjuncti|
|43550|New|Reg|2007-10-04|mod_negotiation is not passing query strings and p|
|43560|New|Min|2007-10-05|"[error] server reached MaxClients"  though actual|
|43561|New|Nor|2007-10-05|apxs -q anomaly                                   |
|43577|Inf|Blk|2007-10-09|mod_authnz_ldap not working under WLDAP32 (novell/|
|43589|New|Nor|2007-10-10|mod_disk_cache may store invalid body of entity   |
|43598|New|Nor|2007-10-11|The ProxyTimeout setting does not affect ReversePr|
|43607|New|Nor|2007-10-11|mod_proxy sends data on closed connections without|
|43652|New|Enh|2007-10-18|Suggest small change for big fix with SuExec & Vir|
|43664|New|Nor|2007-10-19|Rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed                |
|43666|New|Nor|2007-10-20|CGI works, but client denied error messages in err|
|43679|New|Enh|2007-10-23|Contributed tests for checking that subrequests ta|
|43696|New|Nor|2007-10-24|race condition when trying to shutdown httpd immed|
|43697|Opn|Reg|2007-10-25|relaying proxy gets DNS error                     |
|43698|New|Min|2007-10-25|Apache AllowOverride Groups Reorganize Proposal   |
|43703|New|Nor|2007-10-26|degradation of httpd - Segmentation fault         |
|43710|New|Nor|2007-10-26|mod_ssl documentation does not describe what happe|
|43723|Inf|Cri|2007-10-29|Apache 2.2.6 segfault when using mod_dbd          |
|43724|Inf|Cri|2007-10-29|Apache 2.2.6 segfault on url wich not in cache    |
|43755|New|Enh|2007-10-31|Add a SSLOptions to don't fill SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY  |
|43762|New|Enh|2007-10-31|Misleading tips in an error message about internal|
|43763|New|Nor|2007-10-31|failed to start httpd                             |
|43777|New|Nor|2007-11-01|Wrong encoding of <href> element in response      |
|43778|New|Nor|2007-11-01|Wrong responses if httpd has not access to some el|
|43785|New|Enh|2007-11-02|Tracking the per-hit impact of mod_include        |
|43792|New|Enh|2007-11-04|Feature proposal - bind phase                     |
|43818|New|Nor|2007-11-08|PROPFIND on -w- collections returns 207 MULTI-STAT|
|43826|Opn|Nor|2007-11-09|Standards violation: POST does not invalidate the |
|43838|New|Enh|2007-11-11|If-Modified-Since request and htcacheclean conflic|
|43845|New|Enh|2007-11-12|Enable RewriteCond file size comparisons          |
|43857|New|Nor|2007-11-14|exiting prefork child doesn't clear request pool  |
|43881|New|Nor|2007-11-16|--with-module does not compile                    |
|43895|New|Nor|2007-11-18|mod_mbox improvements                             |
|43897|Inf|Cri|2007-11-18|Huge memory consumption httpd 2.2.6, mod_proxy - m|
|43906|New|Reg|2007-11-19|SetEnv does not allow PATH override               |
|43931|New|Enh|2007-11-21|OpenSSL autoconfig support for mod_ssl            |
|43939|New|Nor|2007-11-22|mod_deflate is causing SSI's which include "defaul|
|43943|New|Nor|2007-11-22|SHMCB crash due to misalignment and GCC 4 optimiza|
|43958|Inf|Maj|2007-11-26|mod_proxy_balancer not balancing correct in combin|
|43976|New|Nor|2007-11-27|mod_cache LoadModule must precede mod_*_cache Load|
|43997|Opn|Min|2007-11-29|Only issue "Init: SSL server IP/Port conflict" if |
|44025|Inf|Nor|2007-12-05|Apache 2.2.6 fails to configure on OpenBSD 4.1    |
|44027|Ass|Enh|2007-12-05|Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) support       |
|44031|Opn|Maj|2007-12-06|RemoveHandler inside subdir location              |
|44034|Ass|Enh|2007-12-06|mpm_winnt doesn't call monitor hook               |
|44051|New|Enh|2007-12-10|Add source to "The timeout specified has expired" |
|44072|New|Blk|2007-12-13|SSL_SESSION_ID change and "SSLSessionCacheTimeout"|
|44076|New|Nor|2007-12-13|UserDir breaks in vhosts                          |
|44080|Inf|Nor|2007-12-14|Authentication checks fail when using multiple Aut|
|44105|New|Nor|2007-12-19|Core dumps when using Proxy Keepalive             |
|44123|New|Maj|2007-12-21|Apache slowly consumes all system memory while run|
|44155|New|Enh|2007-12-31|smarter retry for LDAP_UNAVAILABLE, LDAP_BUSY, etc|
|44163|Inf|Nor|2008-01-03|PUT request failure with Konqueror User-Agent head|
|44188|Inf|Cri|2008-01-08|Empty response for certain requests (mod_proxy as |
|44195|New|Nor|2008-01-09|[patch] typo: existance                           |
|44218|New|Min|2008-01-13|mod_autoindex shows the default icon for files wit|
|44221|New|Maj|2008-01-14|CheckCaseOnly On does not stop Multiple Choises ba|
|44250|New|Nor|2008-01-16|OSX 10.5: __THE_PROCESS_HAS_FORKED_AND_YOU_CANNOT_|
|44272|Inf|Nor|2008-01-20|Wrong error message for missing directory         |
|44279|New|Enh|2008-01-22|Add "iterate" flag to apply rule in a loop while p|
|44302|New|Nor|2008-01-27|AuthLDAPURL does not accept ldapi:// urls         |
|44305|New|Nor|2008-01-28|Inconsistent configuration for suexec path        |
|44316|New|Nor|2008-01-28|httpd 2.0 does not follow ScriptAliases when invok|
|44322|New|Enh|2008-01-29|mod_proxy ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain with no dom|
|44333|New|Nor|2008-01-31|OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. There is something wrong|
|44350|Opn|Nor|2008-02-04|worker xyz already used by another worker         |
|44351|New|Nor|2008-02-04|File descriptor leak when using prg RewriteMap    |
|44363|Opn|Maj|2008-02-05|Slow file transfers                               |
|44377|New|Nor|2008-02-07|mod_status does not contain connection information|
|44384|Ass|Nor|2008-02-09|mod_ssl on MacOS X 10.5.1 does not work because of|
|44440|New|Enh|2008-02-16|Error message discloses the URI redirect target   |
|44453|New|Nor|2008-02-19| doesn't parse declarations that span|
|44476|New|Maj|2008-02-23|Apache service fails to start due to missing depen|
|44478|New|Enh|2008-02-24|Add SetEnvIfIP to set env vars depneding on ip sub|
|44503|Inf|Blk|2008-02-27|Errors during SSL handshake                       |
|44518|New|Enh|2008-03-02|Don't set expires header on HTTP redirect.        |
|44574|New|Nor|2008-03-11|Wrong behavior of the ProxyIOBufferSize directive |
|44578|New|Enh|2008-03-11|mod_authn_dbd option to let database validate pass|
|44601|New|Trv|2008-03-13|Add a lowercase value to Vary header for consisten|
|44602|New|Enh|2008-03-13|Options for modfying Content-Location (relative OR|
|44622|Inf|Nor|2008-03-17|POST fails to SSL vhost with proxy to HTTP backend|
|44631|New|Nor|2008-03-18|with-included-apr fails to work when using a separ|
|44638|New|Nor|2008-03-19|sed error in                        |
|44656|New|Nor|2008-03-22|Tries to retrive error document 404 instead of 406|
|44657|New|Enh|2008-03-22|prefer-type, -encoding, and -charset cookie? (as p|
|44670|New|Min|2008-03-25|Apache httpd 2.2.8 : Cannot ./configure when curre|
|44696|Inf|Nor|2008-03-27|mod_cache sometimes serves old content despite hav|
|44730|New|Nor|2008-04-01|duplicate query string in remote server url when u|
|44736|New|Cri|2008-04-01|mod_proxy_balancer looses it's mind on reloads.   |
|44752|New|Nor|2008-04-03|Suexec does not correctly check that scripts are i|
|44757|New|Enh|2008-04-04|adding stderr buckets to mod_cgi                  |
|44758|New|Enh|2008-04-04|LimitRequestBody undocumented behaviour with proxi|
|44776|New|Min|2008-04-08|External rewriting at RewriteMap documentation is |
|44779|New|Enh|2008-04-08|Using commas and semicolons for content negotiatio|
|44783|Ass|Cri|2008-04-08|Very High memory utilization by Apache rotatelogs |
|44786|New|Nor|2008-04-09|translated quickreference.html and directives.html|
|44789|New|Maj|2008-04-09|SSLCertificateChainFile doesn't send intermediate |
|44798|New|Nor|2008-04-10|Mismatch beetween online documentation and configu|
|44813|New|Min|2008-04-11|trunk docs should not use mod_access_compat       |
|44838|New|Nor|2008-04-17|mod_rewrite documentation is not explicit about re|
|44851|New|Enh|2008-04-21|ApacheBench: Rudamentary PUT and DELETE support   |
|44855|New|Nor|2008-04-22|irregular balancing with sticky-session after re-e|
|44865|Ass|Nor|2008-04-23|mod_dav's lock database becomes consistently corru|
|44870|Inf|Nor|2008-04-24|process spinning on 100% cpu                      |
|44917|New|Min|2008-05-01|rotatelogs documentation outdated for "-l" option |
|44923|New|Min|2008-05-02|consequences of multiple LDAPTrustedGlobalCert    |
|44924|New|Enh|2008-05-02|allow 'CACERTDIR' in mod_ldap                     |
|44940|Inf|Maj|2008-05-06|Httpd randomly breaks when verifying client certif|
|44961|New|Nor|2008-05-09|SSL session resumption does not properly work with|
|44979|New|Min|2008-05-12|Host header field integer inconsistency           |
|44981|New|Enh|2008-05-12|Digital Certificates (CN Based) for Authorization |
|44995|Opn|Cri|2008-05-14|Custom HTTP-Error codes get remapped to 500er code|
|45017|New|Nor|2008-05-16|Undocumented core directive: GprofDir             |
|45022|New|Nor|2008-05-16|Processing of escaped glob patterns in "Include" d|
|45049|New|Nor|2008-05-20|mod_mem_cache caches partial content when client c|
|45054|New|Nor|2008-05-21|SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca is broken          |
|45058|New|Enh|2008-05-21|Mod_SSL does not set AUTH_TYPE with client certifi|
|45076|New|Nor|2008-05-26|pre_config hooks not called in order              |
|45078|New|Nor|2008-05-27|mod_proxy stalls when uploading files             |
|45084|New|Min|2008-05-27|failure to check return value of apr_file_trunc   |
|45103|Ass|Min|2008-05-30|apachectl should do config test before reload/rest|
|45110|New|Enh|2008-06-01|make mod_unique_id use a random generator         |
|45111|New|Enh|2008-06-01|make mod_usertrack use mod_unique_id if available |
|45116|New|Nor|2008-06-02|fail to check return value of apr_file_dup2() in /|
|45148|New|Enh|2008-06-06|The actual host of the request will be more helpfu|
|45149|New|Nor|2008-06-06|Provide cache purge as a normal handler usable thr|
|45160|New|Enh|2008-06-07|Directory Wildcards for Include Directive         |
|45184|New|Enh|2008-06-11|Regular Expression in directive ServerAlias       |
|45187|New|Maj|2008-06-11|Long File name requests gives FORBIDDEN response  |
|45192|New|Nor|2008-06-12|Logformats with %{???}e can cause Segfaults       |
|45225|New|Nor|2008-06-17|XBitHack breaks DirectoryIndex + MultiViews conten|
|45253|New|Nor|2008-06-23|Unable to build httpd 2.2.9 on Solaris/SPARC      |
|45257|New|Enh|2008-06-23|add (en)force option for UseCanonicalName         |
|45259|New|Enh|2008-06-23|Add /home/[a-z]/* scheme to UserDir conf          |
|45273|New|Nor|2008-06-24|mod_dir bypasses mod_cache                        |
|45275|New|Maj|2008-06-25|Locked files during expired page renew in disk cac|
|45281|New|Enh|2008-06-25|SITE CHMOD/SEARCH                                 |
|45286|New|Nor|2008-06-26|Listen / AcceptFilter interaction                 |
|45287|Inf|Min|2008-06-26|build failure because of difference between BSD an|
|45288|Inf|Nor|2008-06-26|libapr memory leak issue                          |
|45292|New|Maj|2008-06-26|Static files served from "Snap" SMB server are tru|
|45297|New|Min|2008-06-27|mod_dir does not manage correctly the user (r->use|
|45302|New|Enh|2008-06-28|ServerRoot directive                              |
|45318|New|Min|2008-07-01|mod_authnz_ldap does not convert passwords to UTF-|
|45325|New|Nor|2008-07-02|sslusername not usable by other modules           |
|45331|New|Trv|2008-07-03|Unbalanced quote for ab's -C (cookie) option in us|
|45341|New|Nor|2008-07-04|Apache reverse-proxy returns 304 on non-conditiona|
|45343|New|Nor|2008-07-04|apxs filters out ':' chars from environment variab|
|45355|New|Nor|2008-07-07|ab text and html output jumbo unification         |
|45356|New|Nor|2008-07-07|ab: optionally reduce resource usage (qsort and me|
|45359|New|Cri|2008-07-07|Apache Spawns Unnecessary Processes (forward proxy|
|45362|Ass|Nor|2008-07-08|Reverse Proxy Threads or Children spinning on CPU |
|45371|New|Nor|2008-07-10|MSI installer requires uninstall of previous versi|
|45374|New|Blk|2008-07-10|Shared memory error on starting httpd with mod_lda|
|45379|Inf|Nor|2008-07-11|[Bug] svn merge, apache and trailing slashes      |
|45385|Inf|Nor|2008-07-11|unable to compile/make 2.2.9 with --enable-ldap   |
|45387|New|Min|2008-07-12|X-Forwarded-foo headers being added to initial req|
|45393|New|Nor|2008-07-14|Apache returns 500 Error when no LDAP credentials |
|45402|New|Nor|2008-07-15|mod_autoindex incorrectly fails to list files     |
|45405|New|Enh|2008-07-16|Allow binding port to be set for individual worker|
|45424|New|Min|2008-07-17|log_server_status for current server-status format|
|45438|New|Nor|2008-07-19|mod_rewrite.h inaccessible by apxs                |
|45449|New|Nor|2008-07-21|[PATCH] Add support to WebDav to MOVE/COPY to remo|
|45450|New|Nor|2008-07-22|mod_dbd: new option "reconnect" for MySQL DBD driv|
|45456|New|Nor|2008-07-22|mod_dbd don't allow more then one database pool   |
|45483|Inf|Cri|2008-07-25|Orphan thread consume 100% cpu                    |
|45487|Inf|Trv|2008-07-27|broken log messages on startup in win32 version   |
|45497|New|Nor|2008-07-29|Scoreboard slot leaked using MaxRequestsPerChild a|
|45512|Ass|Maj|2008-07-31|Bad Performance of mod_proxy with SSL on Solaris 1|
|45515|New|Nor|2008-07-31|mod_session_* won't compile under current apr-util|
|45524|New|Enh|2008-08-01|Specifying multiple vhost aliases                 |
|45525|New|Enh|2008-08-01|Switch mod_autoindex to Tango icons               |
|45526|New|Enh|2008-08-02|PDF documentation is not properly searchable due t|
|45579|New|Nor|2008-08-06|unknown URI scheme in request-URI ignored         |
|45584|New|Enh|2008-08-06|No AUTHENTICATE_* environment variables from mod_a|
|45674|New|Enh|2008-08-22|Allow to change error code returned by "Require ld|
|45681|Ass|Cri|2008-08-24|Segfault and Internal Server Error on loading modu|
|45708|New|Cri|2008-08-28|CRL verification fails if CA have distinct AKID fo|
|45722|New|Enh|2008-09-01|mod_userdir doc should hint about making sure /hom|
|45726|New|Enh|2008-09-02|Build in a maintenance functionallity             |
|45736|New|Nor|2008-09-03|mod_dav needs a directory for its locks and one sh|
|45754|New|Enh|2008-09-06|autoconf macros                                   |
|45763|New|Nor|2008-09-08|No openssl.cnf defined by default causes OpenSSL c|
|45773|New|Nor|2008-09-09|pcre build generates sources to srcdir rather than|
|45787|New|Nor|2008-09-11|mod_auth_basic denies access with AuthBasicAuthori|
|45788|New|Nor|2008-09-11|mod_log_forensic output shouldn't be buffered when|
|45801|Opn|Nor|2008-09-13|SSLRequireSSL with strictrequire and satisfy any d|
|45826|Inf|Nor|2008-09-17|Apache Dies  When HItting the Per User Process Lim|
|45834|Ass|Maj|2008-09-18|Stale LDAP connections take 15+ minutes to finish |
|45838|New|Nor|2008-09-18|mod_authz_owner & directories                     |
|45856|New|Nor|2008-09-21|suexec hangs when suexec_log > 2147483647 bytes   |
|45864|New|Nor|2008-09-23|Documentation incorrect "disable-auth" does not ex|
|45868|New|Nor|2008-09-23|mod_mem_cache update of headers in cache object is|
|45875|Opn|Maj|2008-09-24|X509 DN components with multiple occurence not ava|
|45900|New|Nor|2008-09-26|"make install" fails from read-only filesystem    |
|45905|New|Enh|2008-09-26|ErrorDocument and default URL                     |
|45911|Ver|Nor|2008-09-29|mod_proxy_ajp file upload failure                 |
|45922|New|Enh|2008-09-30|Expand the conditions under which "SSLVerifyClient|
|45923|New|Nor|2008-09-30|htpasswd tries to open(file, O_RDONLY | O_APPEND) |
|45926|New|Nor|2008-10-01|Unable to start apache 2.2.9                      |
|45946|New|Nor|2008-10-03|AuthLDAPUrl invokes mod_authnz_ldap although AuthB|
|45950|New|Nor|2008-10-04|Workers parameter is invalid after graceful restar|
|45986|New|Nor|2008-10-10|[info]...Invalid argument: core_output_filter: wri|
|46024|Opn|Nor|2008-10-16|--enable-static is not available in apache's confi|
|46026|Opn|Nor|2008-10-16|--with-pic is not available in apache's configure |
|46036|New|Nor|2008-10-18|Fix memory leak in ssl_read_pkcs7                 |
|46037|New|Nor|2008-10-18|Configuration of trusted OCSP responder certificat|
|46040|New|Enh|2008-10-20|Check for existing version of Apache while install|
|46054|New|Nor|2008-10-21|Running httpd returns the error "bad user name nob|
|46070|New|Nor|2008-10-22|MSI installer does not validate custom installatio|
|46071|New|Enh|2008-10-22|Allowing space in between comma and last option in|
|46074|New|Enh|2008-10-23|Need of friendly and easy to use configuration gra|
|46076|New|Nor|2008-10-23|Return code of apr_ldap_init not checked causing s|
|46083|Opn|Nor|2008-10-24|ENV Not Transitioned                              |
|46098|New|Nor|2008-10-27|DirectoryIndex + mod_jk + limit POST              |
|46110|New|Nor|2008-10-28|maybe creates bogus rewritelog                    |
|46113|New|Nor|2008-10-28|ThreadLimit is ignored                            |
|46139|New|Nor|2008-11-02|Apache Restart option is not working              |
|46140|New|Enh|2008-11-03|Change error state in balancer manager            |
|46146|New|Nor|2008-11-04|deflate_in_filter fails to inflate if CRC/length b|
|46152|Inf|Nor|2008-11-05|access allowed if password matches first seven cha|
|46188|Inf|Nor|2008-11-11|Core dumps in apache 2.0.59                       |
|46195|New|Nor|2008-11-12|ProxyPass fails with literal IPv6 address         |
|46198|New|Nor|2008-11-13|mod_userdir is not giving the correct DOCUMENT_ROO|
|46208|New|Trv|2008-11-13|Apache Service Monitor for 2.2.10 breaks Windows X|
|46214|New|Nor|2008-11-14|mod_authz_host (trunk) writes noisy and strange er|
|46215|New|Nor|2008-11-14|Race condition in bybusyness algorithm            |
|46219|New|Maj|2008-11-16|Httpd.conf saving error                           |
|46231|New|Maj|2008-11-18|Connection Pooling with ajp depends on syntax ?   |
|46239|New|Min|2008-11-18|SHARED_CORE dead code                             |
|46241|New|Enh|2008-11-19|mod_expires - ExpiresByPattern or ExpiresIf       |
|46256|New|Enh|2008-11-21|Improvement Suggestion                            |
|46267|New|Nor|2008-11-22|No shared modules build if use --with-apr and --wi|
|46270|New|Enh|2008-11-23|Add FIPS 140-2 mode for mod_ssl for FIPS 1.2 modul|
|46282|New|Nor|2008-11-24|apache2.2 reverse proxy causing full memory and sw|
|46316|New|Maj|2008-12-01|Proxied SSI ProxyTimeout render failure           |
|46317|Inf|Nor|2008-12-01|mod_authnz_ldap.c(373)  seg fault                 |
|46318|Ass|Nor|2008-12-01|rotatelogs does respect file size limit           |
|46333|Opn|Nor|2008-12-03|Variable interpolation should be documented       |
|46393|New|Nor|2008-12-14|ab segfaults in verbose mode on https sites       |
|46395|Inf|Nor|2008-12-14|apache 2.2.11 install on centos 5.2 64bit         |
|46399|New|Enh|2008-12-15|RewriteOptions doc should state that "inherit" pla|
|46412|New|Nor|2008-12-17|make_child return value not checked               |
|46415|New|Nor|2008-12-18|Error "proxy: error processing end, referer..." sh|
|46417|New|Cri|2008-12-19|[notice] Parent: child process exited with status |
|46420|New|Nor|2008-12-19|mod_ssl SSLSessionCache: Parentheses in path name |
|46421|New|Maj|2008-12-19|module mod_authz_dbd - doesn't work when multiple |
|46442|New|Nor|2008-12-29|Semicolon in allow/deny all rules cause reverse lo|
|46449|New|Maj|2008-12-30|Output out of order from SSI include virtual      |
|46454|New|Min|2008-12-30|escaping wildcards in AddIcon filename matching   |
|46458|Opn|Enh|2008-12-31|Allow dynamic generation of certificates.         |
|46467|Opn|Cri|2009-01-02|Apache-childs segfault when number of childs reach|
|46475|New|Nor|2009-01-04|build warnings.                                   |
|46490|New|Blk|2009-01-07|httpd server is not running after installation    |
|46494|New|Min|2009-01-08|Reference to a removed directive                  |
|46499|New|Maj|2009-01-09|httpd accept() return EAGAIN error                |
|46521|New|Nor|2009-01-13|mod_dav doesn't show symlinks                     |
|46529|Ass|Nor|2009-01-14|Child httpd processes crash with Segmentation faul|
|46531|Opn|Nor|2009-01-14|Erroneously repots Server Certificate as Revoked i|
|46534|New|Nor|2009-01-14|mod_proxy_ajp scheme and port do not follow UseCan|
|46541|Ass|Nor|2009-01-15|Doc for LDAPTrustedClientCert doesn't match code  |
|46578|New|Nor|2009-01-21|Flawed header                                     |
|46582|New|Min|2009-01-22|RewriteMap internal functions are not well documen|
|46594|New|Enh|2009-01-24|Global search-and-replace in RequestHeader edit   |
|46604|New|Nor|2009-01-26|Error thrown when trying to rpmbuild -tb httpd sou|
|46608|New|Nor|2009-01-26|document AuthBasicProvider behavior re: password m|
|46629|New|Maj|2009-01-29|Apache hanging on system calls for php and perl   |
|46634|Ass|Nor|2009-01-30|Requests sometimes take too long, wrong time taken|
|46644|New|Enh|2009-01-31|Clean way to pass custom environment variables to |
|46646|Ass|Nor|2009-02-01|check group membership is sometimes case sensitive|
|46648|Inf|Nor|2009-02-02|Apache 2.2.11 source code compilation for 64 bit o|
|46650|Opn|Nor|2009-02-02|CustomLog enviroment condition SCRIPT_FILENAME    |
|46656|New|Enh|2009-02-03|ProxyErrorOverride inside location                |
|46669|New|Enh|2009-02-06|rotatelogs doesn't autocreate directories         |
|46671|Opn|Cri|2009-02-07|Apache periodicaly crashes .                      |
|46672|New|Nor|2009-02-08|Insufficient documentation for mod_authn_dbd: pass|
|46678|New|Nor|2009-02-09|Fixed Content-Length using mod_ext_filter with mod|
|46679|New|Nor|2009-02-09|mod_rewrite.h not exported in        |
|46680|New|Trv|2009-02-09|Missing linebreaks in env.xml                     |
|46682|New|Nor|2009-02-09|mod_proxy EAI_AGAIN DNS failure                   |
|46709|Inf|Reg|2009-02-12|Expect: 100-continue to an HTTP/1.0 server change |
|46716|Inf|Nor|2009-02-16|TMPDIR not seen by processes under suexec         |
|46724|Inf|Cri|2009-02-17|WinXP SP3 - Apache crashes on startup in libapr-1.|
|46743|New|Nor|2009-02-19|Inconsistent behavior of "RewriteOptions inherit" |
|46745|New|Maj|2009-02-20|ab.c error :  undefined reference to `BIO_set_call|
|46749|New|Nor|2009-02-21|Ldap cache cleaning is broken when LDAPSharedCache|
|46751|New|Nor|2009-02-21|Can passenv variables who's name contain '(' or ')|
|46762|New|Nor|2009-02-24|Error, SSL/TLS libraries were missing or unusable |
|46765|Opn|Nor|2009-02-25|doubled HTTP header leads to error (Redmine)      |
|46777|New|Nor|2009-02-27|no warnings if socket already in use              |
|46785|Inf|Nor|2009-03-02|Child process increases to 100% (CPU)             |
|46788|New|Nor|2009-03-02|Set resource limits to avoid denial of service att|
|46795|Opn|Min|2009-03-03|original error 500 pages don't get displayed      |
|46810|New|Nor|2009-03-05|apxs / apu-1-config outputting erroneous include p|
|46824|New|Nor|2009-03-09|RemoveOutputFilter will not work for Filters added|
|46830|New|Nor|2009-03-10|Directive AllowEncodedSlashes seems not to be docu|
|46845|New|Cri|2009-03-12|Apache crashes in Windows when using subversion(pr|
|46847|New|Nor|2009-03-13|WebDAV methods with encoding other than "identity"|
|46860|New|Nor|2009-03-16|Error during build of source code of apache 2.2.11|
|46873|New|Nor|2009-03-18|feature request: connection count on balancer-mana|
|46884|New|Min|2009-03-20|Call to apu_dso_load Fails In apr_ldap_stub.c On O|
|46897|New|Nor|2009-03-23|SSL Client Verification Errors                    |
|46916|New|Nor|2009-03-26|The documentation of MinSpareServers directive was|
|46922|New|Nor|2009-03-26|Win32 source links wrong for most mirrors         |
|46928|Unc|Nor|2009-03-27|Infrequent issue restarting apache                |
|46942|New|Min|2009-03-31|error log messages: apr_global_mutex_lock(rewrite_|
|46946|Inf|Nor|2009-03-31|mod_mbox shows email addresses in plain text      |
|46959|Inf|Nor|2009-04-03|Apache server by default sends content-type for 7z|
|46963|New|Nor|2009-04-03|KeepAliveTimout prevents child process from exitin|
|46969|Inf|Nor|2009-04-05|CustomLog format %m always GET on errors with loca|
|46970|New|Nor|2009-04-05|CustomLog %X does not record aborted connections w|
|46971|New|Nor|2009-04-05|mod_proxy inconsistent response on connection fail|
|46978|New|Nor|2009-04-06|mod_authz_LDAP displays page not found when used w|
|46996|New|Trv|2009-04-08|"MaxClients reached" message can occur with many t|
|47011|New|Reg|2009-04-09|mod_proxy/mod_proxy_balancer hot-standby BalancerM|
|47022|New|Enh|2009-04-14|mod_status: serverlimit vs maxclients             |
|47051|New|Trv|2009-04-19|"Subject Alternative Name" not used while checking|
|47055|New|Blk|2009-04-20|SSLVerifyClient + Directory doesn't use cache sess|
|47063|New|Nor|2009-04-21|mod_proxy doesn't call post_request handler when t|
|47066|New|Enh|2009-04-21|Header edit replacement string is not a format str|
|47087|New|Nor|2009-04-23|Incorrect request body handling with Expect: 100-c|
|47106|New|Nor|2009-04-27|Proxying of ErrorDocument path overwrites HTTP Sta|
|47134|New|Enh|2009-05-01|Last resolve handling when sending client certific|
|47138|New|Nor|2009-05-01|Reverse Proxy & Balancer generate error fault when|
|47152|New|Maj|2009-05-04|Apache is only serving the first character in the |
|47159|New|Nor|2009-05-06|2.2.x logresolve doesn't support ipv6             |
|47167|New|Nor|2009-05-07|Authenticated sessions being switched by reverse p|
|47170|New|Enh|2009-05-08|rotatelogs ring buffer option                     |
|47177|New|Nor|2009-05-09|mod_proxy rewrites incorrectly IPv6 literal addres|
|47180|New|Nor|2009-05-11|DBM ssl_scache setting can cause extreme performan|
|47194|New|Maj|2009-05-13|RETR fail if client request with relative path nam|
|47204|New|Nor|2009-05-16|Unsuccesful MOVE can lead to data loss            |
|47207|New|Nor|2009-05-17|mod_proxy_balancer + mod_proxy_http does not consi|
|47215|New|Blk|2009-05-18|mod_substitute doesn't work if more than one subst|
|47219|New|Nor|2009-05-19|Apachectl configtest doesn't check if log director|
|47220|New|Enh|2009-05-19|Access to environment variables                   |
|47236|New|Min|2009-05-21|RewriteRule using :SSL or :NOSSL doesn't compute f|
|47241|New|Min|2009-05-22|Error in rewriting with character ':'             |
|47256|New|Enh|2009-05-23|Enable SSL on a per-port basis                    |
|47259|Opn|Enh|2009-05-24|Perl scripts created using Notepad do not work    |
|47289|New|Nor|2009-05-30|Can't build with dynamic libraries on Mac OS 10.4 |
|47295|New|Nor|2009-06-01|AuthDBDUserPWQueryFmt/AuthDBDUserRealmQueryFmt in |
|47325|New|Nor|2009-06-06|Stopping a httpd that was run from console        |
|47329|New|Nor|2009-06-07|SSLCADNRequest* & SSLCACertificate* silently do no|
|47332|New|Enh|2009-06-08|[mod_rewrite] SERVER_NAME env var should be the vh|
|47335|New|Nor|2009-06-09|An extra stderr file descriptor is leaked to forke|
|47340|New|Nor|2009-06-09|uldap_cache_comparedn() called without a lock     |
|47344|New|Enh|2009-06-10|[FEATURE REQUEST] RedirectCanonicalName           |
|47345|New|Enh|2009-06-10|rotatelogs timeout patch                          |
|47346|New|Maj|2009-06-10|mod_cache doesn't re-cache expired content when La|
|47348|New|Enh|2009-06-10|Change Log on should include rele|
|47361|New|Maj|2009-06-12|apache is logging the wrong client IP address in t|
|47376|New|Maj|2009-06-16|Crashed on mod_ssl by throwing /usr/sbin/httpd.wor|
|47383|New|Nor|2009-06-17|Please check Transfer-Encoding is "chunked" with n|
|47387|Inf|Nor|2009-06-18|SSL_CLIENT_I_DN and SSL_CLIENT_S_DN use Email inst|
|47390|New|Enh|2009-06-18|Clean up grammar error                            |
|47392|Opn|Nor|2009-06-18|<FilesMatch> is using the wrong directory         |
|47397|New|Nor|2009-06-21|apxs does not handle enable/disable module correct|
|47408|Inf|Nor|2009-06-23|segfault potential in modssl ssl_log_cxerror      |
|47418|New|Trv|2009-06-24|Server signature show win32 as platform and not wi|
|47435|New|Nor|2009-06-26|mod_authz_host does reading of /etc/hosts on each |
|47447|New|Enh|2009-06-29|Add possibility to use client IP as a value in Req|
|47449|New|Nor|2009-06-29|mod_mem_cache 2.0 memory leak                     |
|47450|New|Blk|2009-06-29|httpd service doesn't start when run from failover|
|47463|New|Trv|2009-07-01|IndexOptons +NameWidth doc is misleading          |
|47476|New|Nor|2009-07-06|[mod_session] Cannot renew stored session         |
|47477|New|Enh|2009-07-06|[mod_auth_form] Add session auto-renew flag       |
|47484|New|Nor|2009-07-06|Spurious RewriteLock warning when using external m|
|47485|New|Enh|2009-07-06|HTML5 Websocket implementation                    |
|47489|New|Nor|2009-07-07|enhance mod_rewrite and RewriteLog directive to su|
|47492|New|Nor|2009-07-07|SSLVerifyClient require_no_ca                     |
|47514|New|Enh|2009-07-12|Personal data and restrictions based on subject di|
|47521|New|Nor|2009-07-13|mod_auth fails to continue when mod_authnz_ldap fa|
|47528|New|Maj|2009-07-14|Worker process won't restart more than once using |
|47542|New|Nor|2009-07-16|Piped logging processes killed before other proces|
|47562|Inf|Nor|2009-07-23|Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) mod_perl/2.0.3-rc1           |
|47573|New|Nor|2009-07-24|htpasswd vulnerable after 8 characters            |
|47578|New|Nor|2009-07-24|compile ERROR with ssl                            |
|47586|New|Nor|2009-07-27|httpd -k start doesn't start service when rotatelo|
|47591|New|Min|2009-07-27|show current HTTP_HOST in mod_status scoreboard   |
|47597|New|Nor|2009-07-28|Header set is not applied on Redirect             |
|47601|New|Enh|2009-07-29|Support X-Forwarded-For in forward proxy requests |
|47625|New|Nor|2009-08-02|2.2.12 win32 msi installer missing                |
|47634|New|Nor|2009-08-04|mod_ldap connection pool session keepalive not imp|
|47635|New|Nor|2009-08-04|Connections in Keep-Alive state keep accepting new|
|47643|New|Enh|2009-08-04|added meta tags to xhtml output for ease of search|
|47650|New|Trv|2009-08-05|httxt2dbm calculates value size incorrectly       |
|47657|New|Nor|2009-08-06|Make WebDAV MOVE atomic when replacing files on sa|
|47659|New|Nor|2009-08-07| needs check for DBM_LIST, dies on bui|
|47664|New|Nor|2009-08-07|ap_proxy_canonenc: does not recode all high-byte c|
|47665|New|Blk|2009-08-09|Apache service well launched but blank Screen     |
|47673|New|Nor|2009-08-10|Apache 2.2.13 mod_ssl fails to compile with OpenSS|
|47676|New|Nor|2009-08-11|mod_authnz_ldap successful authorization passed th|
|47682|New|Min|2009-08-11|small bug in mod_autoindex.c with IndexOptions HTM|
|47686|New|Reg|2009-08-12|Setting SSI variables appear to assume ISO-8859-1 |
|47691|New|Enh|2009-08-12|libtool invocations should use --tag              |
|47693|Opn|Nor|2009-08-13|GET request has race condition w.r.t. replacement |
|47706|Inf|Nor|2009-08-19|(20014)Internal error: proxy: error reading status|
|47716|New|Min|2009-08-20|LimitRequestFieldSize and friends not merged well |
|47719|New|Nor|2009-08-20|Broken symbolic link (symlink) causes wrong ErrorD|
|47722|New|Min|2009-08-22|Small error in the urlmapping example             |
|47723|New|Nor|2009-08-22|suEXEC and low RLimitMem gives "crit: invalid uid"|
|47743|Inf|Nor|2009-08-26|mod_so segfaults at server startup in ap_find_load|
|47748|New|Cri|2009-08-27|Faulting application httpd.exe                    |
|47753|New|Nor|2009-08-27|output and error channels not explicitly passed fo|
|47754|Opn|Min|2009-08-27|MultiViewsMatch does not apply in a <Location> sec|
|47765|New|Enh|2009-08-28|Documentation Enhancement for ProxyPass & ProxyPas|
|47766|New|Nor|2009-08-29|mod_autoindex: incremental options not working as |
|47778|Opn|Enh|2009-09-03|wrong exit value on graceful restart              |
|47780|New|Nor|2009-09-03|Critical errors should be marked by time and level|
|47782|New|Trv|2009-09-03|Documentation prefork MaxRequestsPerChild Directiv|
|47788|New|Enh|2009-09-04|ab does not support PUT requests                  |
|47807|Inf|Nor|2009-09-09|Proxy dialog error with Apache 2.2.13             |
|47808|New|Maj|2009-09-09|Child process core dumps when enabling CRL        |
|47810|New|Nor|2009-09-09|mod_proxy_http violates RFC and common sense      |
|47812|New|Nor|2009-09-09|error_log hook often does not have access to the r|
|47814|Inf|Maj|2009-09-10|openssl_pkcs7_sign error                          |
|47838|New|Enh|2009-09-14|Ability to Dynamically Inject Current Time Into a |
|47873|New|Nor|2009-09-18|unreliable coordination between daemon and request|
|47874|New|Nor|2009-09-18|mod_fcgid crashes if added during restart         |
|47895|Inf|Maj|2009-09-24|Incorrect 413 error handling                      |
|47908|New|Min|2009-09-27|'invalid result code' in error_log                |
|47925|Inf|Nor|2009-10-01|apache redirection not working                    |
|47935|Opn|Min|2009-10-02|Documentation > Rewrite > Rewrite Conditions: cont|
|47937|Inf|Cri|2009-10-03|Segmentation fault while starting apache          |
|47945|New|Cri|2009-10-06|SSLSessionCache directive mis-parses parens() in p|
|47951|New|Nor|2009-10-07|use libtool --mode=install install instead of cp c|
|47971|New|Nor|2009-10-09|Translation mistake in SetEnvIf directive with ja.|
|47981|New|Nor|2009-10-12|allow language specific html-versions (index.html.|
|47982|New|Nor|2009-10-12|correctly interprete non-standard HTTP_ACCEPT_LANG|
|47985|Inf|Nor|2009-10-12|The module does not manipulate non-200 response he|
|47986|New|Nor|2009-10-12|ProxyBadHeader documentation unclear about context|
|47988|New|Nor|2009-10-12|Segmentation fault                                |
|47989|New|Nor|2009-10-13|Junk string appended to compressed dynamic content|
|47994|New|Enh|2009-10-14|ScriptInterpreterSource apparently broken in Windo|
|48017|Inf|Nor|2009-10-17|LDAP-Authentication fails with section sign inside|
|48020|New|Nor|2009-10-17|KCP+ Opera support for mod_auth_digest            |
|48024|New|Nor|2009-10-19|mod_sed consumes too much memory when used inside |
|48031|New|Blk|2009-10-21|AuthDigestDomain seems to no work                 |
|48037|New|Nor|2009-10-21|mod_proxy_http does not handle asynchronous keepal|
|48045|New|Nor|2009-10-23|Apache 2 initgroups alert, Max OS X, abnormal exit|
|48052|New|Nor|2009-10-25|mime.types clean                                  |
|48054|New|Nor|2009-10-25|FilterProvider matches always if the "dispatch" st|
|48057|New|Nor|2009-10-26|mod_fcgid creates 1 more process then allowed     |
|48064|Inf|Nor|2009-10-27|mime.types correction                             |
|48094|New|Nor|2009-11-01|Avoid a race condition in close_worker_sockets()  |
|48107|New|Maj|2009-11-02|Mutual Authentication: Order in ca-bundle influenc|
|48110|New|Nor|2009-11-03|Doc of mod_fcgid: "PHP child process management" a|
|48115|New|Enh|2009-11-03|Duration to receive the request, generate response|
|48130|New|Maj|2009-11-04|DAV operations on large filesets consume all the O|
|48154|New|Nor|2009-11-06|Requests through mod_isapi are not parsed by HTTP_|
|48164|New|Nor|2009-11-09|add new parameters to rotatelogs                  |
|48215|New|Nor|2009-11-17|Renegotiation with SSLVerifyDepth 0 requires multi|
|48219|New|Nor|2009-11-17|Retrying the worker for seems to omit POST variabl|
|48228|New|Nor|2009-11-18|Renegocation requires multiple client authenticati|
|48241|New|Enh|2009-11-19|mod_cache is missing hit/miss indication to the er|
|48246|New|Enh|2009-11-19|Check permissions on file/directory specified for |
|48254|New|Trv|2009-11-20|Bogus "DocumentRoot does not exist" warning when s|
|48260|Inf|Nor|2009-11-22|Firefox 3.6 causes SIGSEGV in ssl3_finish_mac()   |
|48265|New|Trv|2009-11-23|[PATCH] incomplete docstring for ap_pregsub() in h|
|48272|New|Cri|2009-11-24|mod_proxy_fcgi crashes Apache on invalid headers  |
|48273|New|Nor|2009-11-24|mod_proxy_fcgi sends broken SCRIPT_FILENAME / PATH|
|48281|New|Nor|2009-11-25|Compilation issue with shared modules on AIX 6.1  |
|48283|New|Nor|2009-11-25|Proxy errors since httpd 2.2.12 with Tomcat 6.0.20|
|48291|New|Maj|2009-11-26|mod_substitute loops                              |
|48295|Opn|Nor|2009-11-27|ProxyPassReverseCookiePath: Not changing path corr|
| Total  992 bugs                                                           |

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