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Posted to by Vivek Mishra <> on 2012/07/25 13:13:07 UTC

FW: {kundera-discuss} Kundera 2.0.7 Released

From: [] on behalf of Amry []
Sent: 25 July 2012 16:41
Subject: {kundera-discuss} Kundera 2.0.7 Released

Hi All,

We are happy to announce release of Kundera 2.0.7.

Kundera is a JPA 2.0 based, object-datastore papping library for NoSQL datastores. The idea behind Kundera is to make working with NoSQL Databases
drop-dead simple and fun. It currently supports Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB and relational databases.

Major Changes in this release:
* HBase 0.92.1 migration
* Hadoop 1.0.2 migration
* Cassandra 1.1.2 migration
* MongoDB 2.0.4 migration
* JPA EntityTransaction commit and rollback
* JTA Transactions integration over web server
* Kundera-REST API
* Support for Counter column in cassandra
* Inverted wide-row indexing support for Cassandra
* Login Authentication support for Cassandra and MongoDB
* Filters and filters list for HBase
* Deprecated Lucene based indexing for HBase.
* Datastore specific configuration files for specifying:
- Replication factor
- Placement strategy
- Consistency level per operation.
- Counter column family configuration
- Inverted indexing switch
- Zookeeper host and port
- Hbase column family configurations
- MongoDB servers list, read preference and socket timeout. ...etc.

To download, use or contribute to Kundera, visit:
Latest released tag version is kundera-2.0.7. Kundera maven libraries are now available at:

Sample codes and examples for using Kundera can be found here:

Thank you all for your contributions!

Kundera Team.


Impetus webinar: Designing a Test Automation Framework for Interoperable Systems; July 25 (10:00am PT).

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